The biggest square



This question is similar to Biggest Square in a grid.


Given a matrix of 1 and 0 in a string format "xxxx,xxxxx,xxxx,xx.." or array format ["xxxx","xxxx","xxxx",...], You will create a function that determines the area of the largest square submatrix that contains all 1.

A square submatrix is one of equal width and height, and your function should return the area of the largest submatrix that contains only 1.

For Example:

Given "10100,10111,11111,10010", this looks like the following matrix:

1 0 1 0 0

1 0 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

1 0 0 1 0

You can see the bolded 1 create the largest square submatrix of size 2x2, so your program should return the area which is 4.


  • Submatrix must be one of equal width and height
  • Submatrix must contains only values 1
  • Your function must return the area of the largest submatrix
  • In case no submatrix is found, return 1
  • You can calculate the area of the submatrix by counting the number of 1 in the submatrix

Test cases

Input: "10100,10111,11111,10010" Output: 4

Input: "0111,1111,1111,1111" Output: 9

Input "0111,1101,0111" Output: 1

This is , so the shortest answer in bytes win.

Luis felipe De jesus Munoz

Posted 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

Reputation: 9 639

3Why string format? – Stewie Griffin – 2018-04-25T18:23:55.427

Done, Thanks for your suggestions @StewieGriffin – Luis felipe De jesus Munoz – 2018-04-25T18:28:15.203

Isn't this an exact duplicate of the question you linked to? The only thing different is the IO format and the delimiters. – Nit – 2018-04-25T18:28:36.397

3Can we take the input as a binary (numeric) matrix? – Stewie Griffin – 2018-04-25T18:28:50.793

This looks very similar to the (now deleted) challenge Squares, so many squares.

– Jonathan Frech – 2018-04-25T18:29:46.573

@Nit Not exactly. First the other one is a closed, out of topic question. also is not code-golf, it is fastest-code. That's why i came with this one. Hope it is no problem with it – Luis felipe De jesus Munoz – 2018-04-25T18:31:01.293

@StewieGriffin No sorry. Just array or string input – Luis felipe De jesus Munoz – 2018-04-25T18:32:34.733

@JonathanFrech Sorry, never saw that question. Hope there is no problem – Luis felipe De jesus Munoz – 2018-04-25T18:33:50.160

1Is ["xxxx";"xxxx";"xxxx";...] ok a input? – Stewie Griffin – 2018-04-25T18:34:21.647

@StewieGriffin Yes – Luis felipe De jesus Munoz – 2018-04-25T18:35:12.827

5For [0] still required to output 1? – l4m2 – 2018-04-25T20:37:55.460

@l4m2 Yes. Remember, In case no submatrix is found, return 1 – Luis felipe De jesus Munoz – 2018-04-25T20:38:39.510

6Hang about, why return 1 when no all-1 sub-matrix is found, wouldn't 0 make much more sense? (Otherwise it is simply a special case to handle) – Jonathan Allan – 2018-04-25T21:01:02.007

2As it stands I think both answerers would not mind if you changed the specs and I strongly recommend doing so because there's no point for returning 1 and it doesn't make the submissions more interesting. – ბიმო – 2018-04-25T23:15:56.470


This question appears to be taken from here.

– Laikoni – 2018-04-27T22:18:38.003



Jelly, 18 bytes

+2 to handle no-all-1 sublist present output


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ẆZṡ¥"L€$ẎȦÐfL€Ṁ²»1 - Link: list of lists of 1s and 0s
Ẇ                  - all slices (lists of "rows") call these S = [s1,s2,...]
       $           - last two links as a monad:
     L€            -   length of each (number of rows in each slice) call these X = [x1, x2, ...]
    "              -   zip with (i.e. [f(s1,x1),f(s2,x2),...]):
   ¥               -     last two links as a dyad:
 Z                 -       transpose (get the columns of the current slice)
  ṡ                -       all slices of length xi (i.e. squares of he slice)
        Ẏ          - tighten (to get a list of the square sub-matrices)
          Ðf       - filter keep if:
         Ȧ         -   any & all (all non-zero when flattened?)
            L€     - length of €ach (the side length)
              Ṁ    - maximum
               ²   - square (the maximal area)
                »1 - maximum of that and 1 (to coerce a 0 found area to 1)

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

Reputation: 67 804

Awesome. Can you add some explanation? – Luis felipe De jesus Munoz – 2018-04-25T20:32:26.990

I will, I'm trying to think of shorter first... – Jonathan Allan – 2018-04-25T20:33:06.127

@Mr.Xcoder I have updated to handle the requirement for now – Jonathan Allan – 2018-04-25T21:10:53.843


Haskell, 113 121 118 117 bytes

x!s=[0..length x-s]
t#d=take t.drop d
f x=last$1:[s*s|s<-min(x!0)$x!!0!0,i<-x!!0!s,j<-x!s,all(>'0')$s#i=<<(s#j)x,s>0]

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-3 bytes thanks to Laikoni!

-1 byte thanks to Lynn!

+8 bytes for the ridiculous requirement of returning 1 for no all-1s sub-matrix..


The following helper function just creates offsets for x allowing to decrement them by s:

x!s=[0..length x-s]

x#y will drop y elements from a list and then take x:

t#d=take t.drop d

The function f loops over all possible sizes for sub-matrices in order, generates each sub-matrix of the corresponding size, tests whether it contains only '1's and stores the size. Thus the solution will be the last entry in the list:

--          v prepend a 1 for no all-1s submatrices
f x= last $ 1 : [ s*s
                -- all possible sizes are given by the minimum side-length
                | s <- min(x!0)$x!!0!0
                -- the horizontal offsets are [0..length(x!!0) - s]
                , i <- x!!0!s
                -- the vertical offsets are [0..length x - s]
                , j <- x!s
                -- test whether all are '1's
                , all(>'0') $
                -- from each row: drop first i elements and take s (concatenates them to a single string)
                              s#i =<<
                -- drop the first j rows and take s from the remaining
                                      (s#j) x
                -- exclude size 0...........................................
                , s>0


Posted 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

Reputation: 15 345


Haskell, 99 97 bytes

b s@((_:_):_)=maximum$sum[length s^2|s==('1'<$s<$s)]:map b[init s,tail s,init<$>s,tail<$>s]
b _=1

Checks if input is a square matrix of just ones with s==('1'<$s<$s), if it is, answer is length^2, else 0. Then recursively chops first/last column/row and takes the maximum value it finds anywhere.

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Posted 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

Reputation: 4 825


APL (Dyalog Unicode), 35 34 32 bytes

{⌈/{×⍨⍵×1∊{∧/∊⍵}⌺⍵ ⍵⊢X}¨⍳⌊/⍴X←⍵}

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Adám's SBCS has all of the characters in the code

Explanation coming eventually!


Posted 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

Reputation: 5 710


J, 33 27 bytes

-6 bytes thanks to FrownyFrog!


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I'll use the first test case in my explanation:

    ] a =. 3 5$1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1

I generate all the possible square submatrices with size from 1 to the number of rows of the input.

,~@#\ creates a list of pairs for the sizes of the submatrices by stitching ,. togehter the length of the successive prefixes #\ of the input:

   ,~@#\ a
1 1
2 2
3 3

Then I use them to cut x u ;. _3 y the input into submatrices. I already have x (the list of sizes); y is the right argument ] (the input).

 ((,~@#\)<;._3"$]) a
│1    │0    │1    │0  │0│
│     │     │     │   │ │
│     │     │     │   │ │
│1    │0    │1    │1  │1│
│     │     │     │   │ │
│1    │1    │1    │1  │1│

│1 0  │0 1  │1 0  │0 0│ │
│1 0  │0 1  │1 1  │1 1│ │
│     │     │     │   │ │
│1 0  │0 1  │1 1  │1 1│ │
│1 1  │1 1  │1 1  │1 1│ │
│     │     │     │   │ │

│1 0 1│0 1 0│1 0 0│   │ │
│1 0 1│0 1 1│1 1 1│   │ │
│1 1 1│1 1 1│1 1 1│   │ │
│     │     │     │   │ │
│     │     │     │   │ │
│     │     │     │   │ │

For each submatrix I check if it consist entirely of 1s: (#**/)@, - flatten the matrix, and mutiply the number of items by their product. If all items are 1s, the result will be their sum, otherwise - 0:

   (#**/)@, 3 3$1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
   (#**/)@, 2 2$1 1 1 1

   ((,~@#\)(+/**/)@,;._3"$]) a
1 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4 4 0
0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0

Finally I flatten the list of results for each submatrix and find the maximum:


   ([:>./@,,~@#\(+/**/)@,;._3"$]) a

Galen Ivanov

Posted 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

Reputation: 13 815

1,~@#\ and "1 2 -> "$ – FrownyFrog – 2018-04-26T11:56:25.303

@FrownyFrog Thank you! I didn't know about "$ – Galen Ivanov – 2018-04-26T12:02:12.843

1# is shorter than adding up the 1s. – FrownyFrog – 2018-04-26T13:15:06.497

@ FrownyFrog Hmm, it really is. Cool, thanks! – Galen Ivanov – 2018-04-26T13:19:53.527


K (ngn/k), 33 28 bytes


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Posted 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

Reputation: 11 449

I never knew you had a K version! – Zacharý – 2018-04-26T14:31:02.157


Retina, 143 bytes


Try it online! Link includes test cases. Takes input as comma-separated strings. Explanation:


Add a , to terminate the last string, a ; to separate the strings from the #s and a # as a counter.


Repeat the block until no more subsitutions happen (because each string is now only one digit long).


Triplicate the line, setting the counter to 1 on the first line and incrementing it on the last line.


On the first line, delete the first digit of each string, while on the second line, delete all the digits but the first.


On the third line, bitwise and the first two digits together.


At this point, each line consists of two values, a) a horizontal width counter and b) the bitwise and of that many bits taken from each string. Convert any remaining 1s to #s so that they can be compared against the counter.


Find any runs of bits (vertically) that match the counter (horizontally), corresponding to squares of 1s in the original input, and square the length.


Sort numerically.


Take the largest.


Special-case the zero matrix.


Posted 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

Reputation: 95 035


JavaScript, 92 bytes




Posted 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

Reputation: 13 072


APL (Dyalog Classic), 21 20 bytes


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Posted 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

Reputation: 11 449

Recursion! Nice! – Zacharý – 2018-04-26T10:51:22.063

@Zacharý Thanks. Actually, instead of recursion I'd prefer something like k's f\x for a monadic f, which is (x; f x; f f x; ...) until convergence, but there's no equivalent in APL (yet). Doing it with ⍣≡ takes too many bytes. – ngn – 2018-04-26T12:40:28.960


Python 2, 117 109 bytes

Credit to @etene for pointing out an inefficiency that cost me an additional byte.

lambda s:max(i*i for i in range(len(s))if"."*(s.find(',')-i+1)).join(["1"*i]*i),s))or 1
import re

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Takes input as a comma-separated string. This is a regex-based approach that tries matching the input string against patterns of the form 111.....111.....111 for all possible sizes of the square.

In my calculations, doing this with an anonymous lambda is just a tad shorter than defined function or a full program. The or 1 part in the end is only necessary to handle the strange edge case, where we must output 1 if there are no ones in the input.

Kirill L.

Posted 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

Reputation: 6 693


Ruby -n, 63 bytes

p (1..l=$_=~/,|$/).map{|i|/#{[?1*i]*i*(?.*(l-i+1))}/?i*i:1}.max

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Ruby version of my Python answer. Golfier as a full program. Alternatively, an anonymous lambda:

Ruby, 70 68 bytes


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Kirill L.

Posted 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

Reputation: 6 693


Python 2, 116 115 117 109 bytes

Credits to @Kirill for helping me golf it even more and for his clever & early solution

Edit: Golfed 1 byte by using a lambda, I didn't know assigning it to a variable didn't count towards the byte count.

Edit 2: Kirill pointed out my solution didn't work for cases where the input only contains 1s, I had to fix it and lost two precious bytes...

Edit 3: more golfing thanks to Kirill

Takes a comma separated string, returns an integer.

lambda g:max(i*i for i in range(len(g))if"."*(g.find(",")+1-i)).join(["1"*i]*i),g))or 1
import re

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I independently found an answer that is close to Kiril's one, i.e regex based, except that I use and a def.

It uses a regex built during each loop to match an incrementally larger square and returns the largest one, or 1.


Posted 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

Reputation: 448

1Nice, I somehow automatically discarded the if approach as "too long for sure", but then had to make up some other way to make a bool value out of the match. Unfortunately, your solution misses one point - you cannot have just range(l) - it will miss the case when there are no zeroes at all. E.g., take 2nd test case and make it all 1s - it should become 16, not 9. – Kirill L. – 2018-04-26T13:44:32.733

Damn, I thought about testing with all zeroes but not with all ones (never mentioned in the challenge...). I'll try to make something up. – etene – 2018-04-26T13:48:00.013

@KirillL. by the way, you're fast ! I was still working on my answer when you posted yours and was a bit bummed (and proud!) when I saw our approaches were similar... the level around here is impressive. – etene – 2018-04-26T13:52:39.283

1Golfed a few more bytes by getting rid of duplicated find. Now that our codes are not identical anymore, I suggest we at least fix the obvious mistakes from each other - in your case the extra byte comes from using tuple ("1"*i,) instead of list. – Kirill L. – 2018-04-26T14:53:28.840

Thank you, yeah the useless tuple is pretty stupid on my part. And the extra find too, that was clever of you. – etene – 2018-04-26T14:59:27.620


Python 2, 138 128 bytes

def f(m):j=''.join;L=j(m);k=map(j,zip(*m));return len(L)and max(len(L)*(len(m)**2*'1'==L),f(k[1:]),f(k[:-1]),f(m[1:]),f(m[:-1]))

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  • -10 bytes thanks to ovs


Posted 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

Reputation: 19 246


Perl 6, 61 60 58 bytes

{(^$_ X.. ^$_).max({[~&](.[|$^r||*])~~/$(1 x$r)/&&+$r})²}

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Posted 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

Reputation: 10 037


Clojure, 193 bytes

#(apply max(for [f[(fn[a b](take-while seq(iterate a b)))]R(f next %)R(f butlast R)n[(count R)]c(for[i(range(-(count(first R))n -1)):when(apply = 1(for[r R c(subvec r i(+ i n))]c))](* n n))]c))

Wow, things escalated :o

Less golfed:

(def f #(for [rows (->> %    (iterate next)    (take-while seq)) ; row-postfixes
              rows (->> rows (iterate butlast) (take-while seq)) ; row-suffixes
              n    [(count rows)]
              c    (for[i(range(-(count(first rows))n -1)):when(every? pos?(for [row rows col(subvec row i(+ i n))]col))](* n n))] ; rectangular subsections


Posted 2018-04-25T18:21:24.920

Reputation: 2 361