Tag: combinatorics

16 Draw a range of mountain ranges 2014-09-18T00:57:57.537

16 How many partitions contain only perfect squares? 2017-07-17T23:43:45.983

16 How many partitions do I have? 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590

16 Permutations such that no k+2 points fall on any polynomial of degree k 2018-03-27T00:06:23.173

16 The Unique Padlock PIN List! 2018-06-12T13:56:56.910

16 Number of \$n\$-carbon alkanes 2019-01-11T05:25:34.243

16 Generate basis elements of the Steenrod algebra 2019-06-05T13:54:08.403

16 Counting symmetric grid chains 2019-11-04T23:03:59.340

15 Permutation group operation 2011-03-10T23:16:59.450

15 Decompose a permutation into cycles 2011-03-17T17:14:08.887

15 Order 40 sticks 2015-05-12T07:11:53.077

15 Find the sets of sums 2015-12-09T20:47:15.503

15 Minimum number of numbers to sum to exactly n 2015-12-10T00:57:17.163

15 Same-color arithmetic progressions 2016-02-11T23:04:12.767

15 Dobble/SpotIt card generator 2016-11-27T09:57:17.320

15 BASKETBALL FRVR? 2017-07-05T13:44:51.447

15 Roman Numeral Counting 2019-11-01T19:40:08.793

14 Robot roadie needed to pack the truck 2015-01-04T14:45:21.333

14 Generate the set of prepend-append permutations in lexicographically sorted order 2015-03-06T04:16:50.800

14 Twelve-coin problem 2015-05-07T13:58:31.027

14 Verify Wolstenholme's theorem 2016-07-30T14:57:11.163

14 Find the Odd odds 2017-05-26T19:13:26.137

14 Find Subset Factors 2017-06-02T13:20:51.057

14 Finding approximate correlations 2017-06-03T19:19:07.807

14 Mod 2 Multinomial coefficients 2018-01-17T20:35:49.530

14 Deranged Rearrangements 2018-02-08T20:56:30.347

14 Decorate Pascal's Triangle 2019-11-22T23:25:19.073

14 Circular robot instructions 2019-11-27T01:18:55.077

14 Computing a specific coefficient in a product of polynomials 2020-02-02T00:03:15.853

14 Combinations of stepwise increasing integers 2020-02-11T14:04:15.180

14 Impress Donald Knuth by counting polyominoes on the hyperbolic plane 2020-02-25T21:31:12.000

13 Write all possible Braille characters 2012-09-26T05:22:31.657

13 Permutations of the Fifteen Puzzle 2015-05-26T20:46:32.077

13 Is case sensitivity important? 2016-07-11T04:23:32.917

13 Coin Change Problem Enumeration Using N Coins And Each Denomination 2016-07-29T09:58:13.500

13 Generate all combinations of given list of elements, sorted 2016-12-10T19:24:21.410

13 Number of string permutations that are palindromes 2017-02-22T19:36:02.220

13 Count how many distance sequences are far from all others 2017-03-13T09:16:13.153

13 How many ways can a road cross a river? 2017-07-20T21:07:47.683

13 Counting Fibonacci Orbits 2017-11-06T07:29:56.830

13 Integer triangles with perimeter less than n 2018-01-12T18:55:41.660

13 Fun with strings and numbers 2018-06-12T20:14:58.613

13 Unique Brick Tilings Within A Rectangle 2019-03-01T20:51:07.990

13 Counting the number of restricted forests on the Möbius ladder of length n 2019-03-26T01:23:48.297

13 Make a random drum loop 2020-01-07T00:31:14.857

13 Given a list of strings, find all elements which are still in the list when any character is deleted 2020-01-30T09:33:57.640

12 Code golf: Distributing the balls (I) 2011-03-28T13:54:49.617

12 building circuit for divisibility by 3 2014-03-25T00:02:01.407

12 How much time will I need to unlock my Android phone? 2014-07-27T20:05:45.350

12 Generate the Stöhr sequence 2015-01-26T05:11:44.650

12 How many ways to write N as a product of M integers? 2015-01-26T17:24:17.550

12 Count the number of Hankelable matrices 2015-04-11T11:47:11.580

12 Permutations with Indistinguishable Items 2016-04-24T20:40:10.643

12 Generalized Birthday Problem 2016-06-10T03:31:39.640

12 Verify a ballot triangle 2016-08-14T15:06:02.547

12 Convert a sample to an index 2016-12-06T11:44:48.467

12 Stable marriage problem 2017-02-13T21:51:26.283

12 How many ways to write numbers as sums of squares? 2017-06-16T10:19:21.150

12 Compute number of matrices with appropriate sums 2018-01-17T22:48:51.673

12 Counting generalized polyominoes 2019-07-06T17:05:24.203

11 Mathematical Combination 2011-03-22T06:27:13.563

11 Chess960 position generator 2013-06-20T04:11:55.437

11 Generate the fewest lottery tickets to play in order to have at least N good numbers 2013-12-11T10:32:11.680

11 Fibonacci domino tiling 2014-09-16T23:01:09.143

11 The number of reachable snake orientations 2015-01-27T15:25:03.983

11 Total number of topological sorts 2015-02-18T16:41:12.283

11 Generate a Davenport-Schinzel Sequence 2015-02-22T19:45:03.967

11 Matrix property X revisited (or the Joy of X) 2015-04-26T10:01:42.697

11 Maximum Concatenated Product 2015-05-10T21:26:43.357

11 Count the trees 2015-09-01T14:45:35.353

11 Sum digits till Square 2016-12-10T21:11:52.003

11 Generate all Sublist Partitions 2017-05-18T15:28:52.470

11 All non-ordered pairs between the elements of an array 2017-06-19T19:54:50.400

11 Lyndon word factorization 2017-06-19T20:45:06.433

11 Count arrays that make unique sets 2018-10-21T09:15:48.160

11 Can you calculate the average Levenshtein distance exactly? 2019-12-29T20:41:36.757

10 Enumerate all binary trees with n nodes 2011-08-13T04:12:14.880

10 Count balanced binary strings matching any of a set of masks 2015-05-13T19:05:09.653

10 Supersonic domino tilings 2015-05-31T13:31:41.570

10 Too many pawns on a chess board 2015-06-25T09:03:01.727

10 Rearrangement Inequality 2015-11-21T08:41:10.673

10 Output the Military Order 2016-02-24T18:08:07.807

10 Generate combinations with replacement 2016-03-02T08:05:03.187

10 Tic-tac-toe with only crosses as quick as possible 2016-03-30T17:54:16.337

10 Ways to get to the number 2016-06-21T21:10:44.150

10 Greedily partition the list of combinations with repetition 2017-04-16T10:03:58.733

10 Roll to see all sides! 2017-06-05T07:59:27.680

10 Compute OEIS A005434 2017-06-16T11:38:49.063

10 Cartesian product of a list with itself n times 2018-05-29T18:18:22.530

10 Arbitrary Randomness (Speed edition) 2018-11-20T18:23:10.783

9 N-Queens problem 2011-01-27T21:17:47.553

9 Generate ordered combinations with repetition 2013-03-21T11:41:22.500

9 Permutation Numbering 2014-07-20T04:09:11.543

9 Curator's Dilemma 2015-01-04T16:34:33.270

9 Count Maximal Fence Arrangements 2015-03-12T15:55:06.653

9 Number of unique outputs by substituting variables 2015-04-11T19:10:45.610

9 Calculate a probability exactly 2015-06-07T18:48:32.467

9 Number of domino tilings 2015-08-24T11:50:50.140

9 Number of prime knots with n crossings 2016-12-19T20:08:44.383