Permutations with Indistinguishable Items


Given a list of integers, output the number of permutations of the integers, with indistinguishable permutations counted once. If there are n integers, and each group of indistinguishable numbers has length n_i, this is n! / (n_1! * n_2! * ...)


  • Input will be some form of list as arguments to a function or the program with 1 to 12 non-negative integers.

  • Output will be printing or returning the number of permutations as described above.

  • No standard loopholes or built-in functions (generating permutations, combinations, etc.). Factorials are allowed.

Test Cases


1, 3000, 2, 2, 8
1, 1, 1
2, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1




Posted 2016-04-24T20:40:10.643

Reputation: 8 929

when you say no builtins, does this include what I did when I used a builtin for generating all the permutations? – Maltysen – 2016-04-24T20:45:58.260


This looks largely the same as Compute the multinomial coefficient. Does counting identical entries for the input make it sufficiently different not to be a dupe?

– xnor – 2016-04-24T20:47:26.167

@xnor well here you actually have to count the duplicates, so it's not as straightforward I suppose. The other is pretty much straight plugging in values. – qwr – 2016-04-24T20:50:03.867

@Maltysen sadly yes, I will have to update the question – qwr – 2016-04-24T20:50:26.833

Your test cases only include positive integers. Is that always the case? – Luis Mendo – 2016-04-24T21:09:42.670

1@LuisMendo Yes it is, though it should not make a difference as far as I can imagine – qwr – 2016-04-24T21:11:45.653

@qwr Well, it did in one of the approaches I was thinking of (I had to concatenate an element guaranteed to be different to any of the input numbers) – Luis Mendo – 2016-04-24T22:49:32.993



Python, 48 bytes

f=lambda l:l==[]or len(l)*f(l[1:])/l.count(l[0])

A recursive implementation.

In the formula, n! / (n_1! * n_2! * ...), if we remove the first element (say it's 1), the number of permutation for the remaining n-1 elements is

(n-1)! / ((n_1-1)! * n_2! * ...) ==
n! / n / (n_1! / n_1! * n_2! * ...) == 
n/n_1 * (n! / (n_1! * n_2! * ...)`)

So, we get the answer by multiplying by n/n1, the reciprocal-fraction of elements that equal the first one, by the recursive result for the rest of the list. The empty list gives the base case of 1.


Posted 2016-04-24T20:40:10.643

Reputation: 115 687

Why don't you put /l.count(l[0]) at the end? Then you don't need that icky floating point. – feersum – 2016-04-24T22:29:51.627


MATL, 14 13 12 bytes


Try it online!


The approach is very similar to that in @Adnan's answer.

f       % Take input implicitly. Push array of indices of nonzero entries.
        % This gives [1 2 ... n] where n is input length.
p       % Product (compute factorial)
Gu      % Push input. Array of its unique elements
"       % For each of those unique values
  @     %   Push unique value of current iteration
  G=s   %   Number of times (s) it's present (=) in the input (G)
  :p    %   Range, product (compute factorial)
  /     %   Divide
        % End for each implicitly. Display implicitly

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-04-24T20:40:10.643

Reputation: 87 464


05AB1E, 15 14 13 bytes




               # implicit input
D©             # duplicate and save a copy to register
  g!           # factorial of input length (total nr of permutations without duplicates)
    rÙv        # for each unique number in input
       ®yQO!   # factorial of number of occurances in input
            /  # divide total nr of permutations by this
               # implicit output

Uses CP-1252 encoding.

Try it online!.


Posted 2016-04-24T20:40:10.643

Reputation: 41 965


JavaScript (ES6), 64 61 bytes


Uses the formula given, except calculating each factorial incrementally (so for example the r=r*++i effectively calcluates n!).

Edit: Originally I accepted any finite numbers but I saved 3 bytes when @user81655 pointed out that I only needed to support positive integers (although I actually accept non-negative integers).


Posted 2016-04-24T20:40:10.643

Reputation: 95 035

r*=++i/(x-y?(y=x,c=1):++c),y=r=-1)|-r? – user81655 – 2016-04-25T04:39:53.360

@user81655 Ah, I hadn't read the question thoroughly enough and overlooked that I could rely on the values being positive integers. I don't like the *= though as that introduces rounding errors. – Neil – 2016-04-25T07:37:02.540


Pyth, 11 bytes


Test suite

Uses the standard formula, n! / (count1! * count2! * ...), except that the factorials of the counts are found by counting how many times each element occurs in the prefix leading up to that, then multiplying all such numbers together.


/.!lQ*F/V._QQ    Implicit variable introduction.
                 Q = eval(input())
         ._Q     Form all prefixes of the input.
       /V   Q    Count how many times each element occurs in the prefix
                 ending with that element.
     *F          Fold on multiplication - take the product.
 .!lQ            Take the factorial of the input length
/                Divide.


Posted 2016-04-24T20:40:10.643

Reputation: 39 268


Pyth - 14 12 bytes


Test Suite.


Posted 2016-04-24T20:40:10.643

Reputation: 25 023


Ruby, 75 74 bytes

Kinda wish that Ruby's Math module had a factorial function so I didn't have to build my own.

->l{f=->x{x<2?1:x*f[x-1]};{|e|f[l.count e]}.inject f[l.size],:/}

Value Ink

Posted 2016-04-24T20:40:10.643

Reputation: 10 608


CJam, 17 bytes


Test it here.


q~   e# Read input and evaluate.
_,   e# Duplicate and get length.
\$   e# Swap with other copy and sort it.
e`   e# Run-length encode. Since the list is sorted, this tallies the numbers.
0f=  e# Select the tally of each number.
+    e# Prepend the length of the input.
:m!  e# Compute the factorial of each number in the list.
:/   e# Fold division over it, which divides each factorial of a tally into
     e# the factorial of the length.

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-04-24T20:40:10.643

Reputation: 184 808


J, 13 bytes



   f =: #(%*/)&:!#/.~
   f 1 3000 2 2 8
   f 1 1 1
   f 2 4 3 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 1 1


#(%*/)&:!#/.~  Input: A
         #/.~  Partition A by equal values and get the size of each, these are the tallies
#              Get the size of A
      &:!      Take the factorial of both the size and the tallies
   */          Reduce using multiplication the factorial of the tallies
  %            Divide the factorial of the size by that product and return


Posted 2016-04-24T20:40:10.643

Reputation: 15 654


Jelly, 8 bytes


Try it online!

W;ĠL€!:/ example input:             [1, 3000, 2, 2, 8]
W        wrap:                      [[1, 3000, 2, 2, 8]]
  Ġ      group index by appearance: [[1], [3, 4], [5], [2]]
 ;       concatenate:               [[1, 3000, 2, 2, 8], [1], [3, 4], [5], [2]]
   L€    map by length:             [5, 1, 2, 1, 1]
     !   [map by] factorial:        [120, 1, 2, 1, 1]
      :/ reduce by division:        120÷1÷2÷1÷1 = 60

Leaky Nun

Posted 2016-04-24T20:40:10.643

Reputation: 45 011