Permutation group operation



There is a well-known bijection between the permutations of n elements and the numbers 0 to n!-1 such that the lexicographic ordering of the permutations and the corresponding numbers is the same. For example, with n=3:

0 <-> (0, 1, 2)
1 <-> (0, 2, 1)
2 <-> (1, 0, 2)
3 <-> (1, 2, 0)
4 <-> (2, 0, 1)
5 <-> (2, 1, 0)

It is also well-known that the permutations of n elements form a group (the symmetric group of order n!) - so, in particular, that one permutation of n elements applied to a second permutation of n elements yields a permutation of n elements.

For example, (1, 0, 2) applied to (a, b, c) yields (b, a, c), so (1, 0, 2) applied to (2, 1, 0) yields (1, 2, 0).

Write a program which takes three integer arguments: n, p1, and p2; interprets p1 and p2 as permutations of n elements; applies the first to the second; and outputs the corresponding integer. For example:

$ ./ 3 2 5

Peter Taylor

Posted 2011-03-10T23:16:59.450

Reputation: 41 901



J, 30

I like the elegance of this:


or this:

13 :'A.{/(i.x)(A.)~/y'

but they work like this:

3 f 2 5
12 f 8 9

So this is the valid entry:


Some explanations:

  • 3 A. 0 1 2: gives the 3rd permutation of 0 1 2 (= 1 2 0)
  • 0 1 2 (A.)~ 3: is the same but with arguments reversed
  • 0 1 2 (A.)~/ 3 4 5 ... "applies" (A.)~ to 3 4 5 ..., so it gives the 3rd, 4th, 5th, ... permutation of 0 1 2.
  • A. 1 2 0: gives the order of the permutation of 1 2 0 (= 3)
  • i. n: gives the sequence 0 1 2 ... n-1
  • 1 2 0 { 0 2 1 arranges 0 2 1 by 1 2 0 (= 2 1 0)


Posted 2011-03-10T23:16:59.450

Reputation: 5 204

Good job. I took a peek at the documentation for A. yesterday, but was too tired to try and assemble in the correct order for the question O:-) – J B – 2011-03-11T08:21:17.263

@JB: I was wondering why there was no JB+J here ... :) – Eelvex – 2011-03-11T08:31:26.317


Ruby - 77 chars

n,a,b=$*.map &:to_i
p l.index(l[b].values_at *l[a])


Posted 2011-03-10T23:16:59.450

Reputation: 665

Replace the last 3 lines by p l.index(l[b].values_at(*l[a])) – steenslag – 2011-03-11T00:27:52.030

Sorry for sounding rough. I meant to give advice, but I got lost in formatting problems, and apparently my editing time ran out. – steenslag – 2011-03-11T00:40:32.363{|x|x.to_i} -> $*.map &:to_i saves another few characters. And you can replace the second line with l=[*[*0...n].permutation]. – Ventero – 2011-03-11T00:48:44.700

No problem, thanks for the advice. – david4dev – 2011-03-11T00:49:46.820

@Ventero: I like these. [[0...n].permutation] made me smile. – steenslag – 2011-03-11T01:04:25.260


Python 2.6, 144 chars

import sys
from itertools import*
print P.index(tuple(P[q][P[p][i]] for i in R))

Keith Randall

Posted 2011-03-10T23:16:59.450

Reputation: 19 865