How many partitions do I have?



The partition number of a positive integer is defined as the number of ways it can be expressed as a sum of positive integers. In other words, the number of integer partitions it has. For example, the number 4 has the following partitons:

[[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 2], [4]]

Hence, it has 5 partitions. This is OEIS A000041.


Given a positive integer N determine its partition number.

  • All standard rules apply.

  • The input and output may be handled through any reasonable mean.

  • This is , so the shortest code in bytes wins.

Test Cases

Input | Output

1  |  1
2  |  2
3  |  3
4  |  5
5  |  7
6  |  11
7  |  15
8  |  22
9  |  30
10 |  42


Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590


1I'm almost positive this is a duplicate... – James – 2017-08-31T15:36:35.783

@DJMcMayhem Umm, ok. Let me know if you find a duplicate. Sorry, I'm new to all this! – None – 2017-08-31T15:37:44.893


@DJMcMayhem maybe this question you asked since it's a short step from "generating" to "counting" but you don't necessarily have to generate all the partitions to count them...

– Giuseppe – 2017-08-31T15:51:16.737

1this one is a dupe, EXCEPT that is a popcon(?) and closed as too broad. IMHO this is WAY better written and should be keep open, while the old one should be (reopened and) closed as dupe – Rod – 2017-08-31T15:51:33.027

2@Rod, it's a bad pop-con, but switching the close reason to dupe wouldn't be an improvement. The performance requirement there would be an obstacle to porting some answers (no-one's going to generate the 24061467864032622473692149727991 partitions of 1000 in a couple of minutes); and the Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher implementation is not exactly golfed... However, it may be worth opening a discussion in meta about what to do with this question and that one. – Peter Taylor – 2017-08-31T16:04:34.357

There's also this in the sandbox.

– Peter Taylor – 2017-08-31T16:06:25.403



Pyth, 3 bytes


Try it here! or Try a test Suite.

The answer took much longer to format than writing the code itself :P.


Pyth is the right tool for the job.

l./   Full program with implicit input.

 ./   Integer partitions. Return all sorted lists of positive integers that add to the input.
l     Length.
      Implicitly output the result.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590

Reputation: 39 774


Mathematica, 11 bytes





Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590

Reputation: 4 600


Python 2, 85 83 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to @notjagan

lambda n:n<1or sum(sum(i*((n-k)%i<1)for i in range(1,n+1))*p(k)for k in range(n))/n

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Using recursive formula from OEIS A000041.


Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590

Reputation: 5 032

83 bytes. – notjagan – 2017-08-31T17:12:43.953

84 bytes. ==0 is equivalent to <1 in this case. EDIT: Use notjagan's approach – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-31T17:13:04.547

@Mr.Xcoder The original code actually had <1 instead of ==0, but the TIO code didn't. – notjagan – 2017-08-31T17:13:56.547

Also 83 bytes.

– Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-31T17:17:05.610


Emojicode 0.5, 204 201 bytes

️➡⬅11s 0k⏩0t➖kr ti⏩1 tt i 0➕r i➕s✖r️k➗s

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-3 bytes by using "less than or equal to 1" instead of "less than 2" because the "less than" emoji has a quite long UTF-8 encoding. Also made t a frozen to silence a warning without affecting the byte count.

Extends the (integer) class with a method named ️. You can write a simple program that takes a number from the input, calls ️ on the number and prints the result like this:

 strPlease enter a number
 numstr 10
  ️num 10
  Learn what a number is, you moron!

This part could be golfed a lot by omitting the messages and error handling, but it's not included in the score, so I prefer to show more features of Emojicode instead, while improving readability along the way.


  sum 0
   sig nmk
   i⏩1 nmk
    nmk i 0
     ➕sig i


Note: a lot of emoji choice doesn't make much sense in emojicode 0.5. It's 0.x, after all. 0.6 will fix this.

Emojicode is an object-oriented programming language featuring generics, protocols, optionals and closures, but this program uses no closures and all generics and protocols can be considered implicit, while the only optional appears in the I/O stub.

The program operates on only a few types: is the integer type, is the string type and ⏩ is the range type. A few booleans () appear too, but they are only used in conditions. Booleans can take a value of or , which correspond to true and false, respectively.

There are currently no operators in Emojicode, so addition, comparsions and other operations that are normally operators are implemented as functions, effectively making the expressions use prefix notation. Operators are also planned in 0.6.

Let's tackle the test program first.

This is the block, which can be compared to main from other languages.


Grapes and watermelons declare code blocks in emojicode.

strPlease enter a number

This declares a "frozen" named str and sets it value to a new string created using the initializer (constructor) , which takes a prompt as a string and then inputs a line from the user. Why use a frozen instead of a variable? It won't change, so a variable would emit a warning.

numstr 10

Let's break it down. str 10 calls the method on the str frozen with the argument 10. By convention, methods named with the name of a type convert the object to that type. 10 is the base to use for integer conversion. This method returns an optional, . Optionals can contain a value of the base type or nothingness, ⚡. When the string doesn't contain a number, ⚡ is returned. To use the value, one has to unwrap the optional using , which raises a runtime error if the value is ⚡. Therefore, it is good practice to check for nothingness before unwrapping an optional. It is so common, in fact, that Emojicode has a shorthand for that. Normally, is an "if". variable expression means: evaluate the expression. If the optional contains nothingness, the condition evaluates to (false). Otherwise, a frozen named variable is created with the unwrapped value of the optional, and the condition evaluates to , (true). Therefore, in normal usage, the ... block following the conditional is entered.

️num 10

️ is the method the main code adds to using that calculates the number of partitions. This calls ️ on the num frozen we declared in the conditional and converts the result to a string using base 10 by the method. Then, prints the result.


means "else", so this block is entered when the user did not enter a number correctly.

Learn what a number is, you moron!

Prints the string literal.

Now, let's look at the main program. I'll explain the ungolfed version; the golfed version just had the whitespace removed and variables renamed to single letter names.


Extend the class. This is a feature that is not commonly found in programming languages. Instead of creating a new class with as the superclass, modifies directly.

️➡ ... 

Creates a new method named ️ that returns a . It returns the number of partitions calculated using the formula a(n) = (1/n) * Sum_{k=0..n-1} sigma(n-k)*a(k)


is similar to this or self from other languages and refers to the object the method was called on. This implementation is recursive, so this is the terminating condition: if the number the method was called on is less than or equal 1, return 1.

sum 0

Create a new variable sum and set it to 0. Implicitly assumes type .


iterates over anything that implements the ⚪️ protocol, while ⏩ is a range literal that happens to implement . A range has a start value, a stop value and a step value, which is assumed to be 1 if start < stop, or -1 otherwise. One can also specify the step value by using the ⏭ to create the range literal. The start value is inclusive, while the stop value is exclusive, so this is equivalent to for k in range(n) or the Sum_{k=0..n-1} in the formula.


We need to calculate sigma(n - k), or the sum of divisors of n - k in other words, and the argument is needed a few times, so this stores n - k in the variable nmk to save some bytes.

sig nmk
i⏩1 nmk

This sets the sig variable to the argument of sigma and iterates over all numbers from 1 to nmk - 1. I could initialize the variable to 0 and iterate over 1..nmk but doing it this way is shorter.

nmk i 0

calculates the remainder, or modulus and checks for equality, so the condition will be if i is a divider of nmk.

➕sig i

This is an assignment by call, similar to the += -= >>= operator family in some of the inferior, emoji-free languages. This line can be also written as sig ➕ sig i. Therefore, after the inner loop finishes, sig will contain the sum of divisors of n - k, or sigma(n - k)


Another assignment by call, so this adds sigma(n - k) * A(k) to the total, just as in the formula.


Finally, the sum is divided by n and the quotient is returned. This explanation probably took thrice as much time as writing the code itself...


Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590

Reputation: 4 630


Pari/GP, 8 bytes


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Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590

Reputation: 23 988


J, 37 35 bytes


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0{]1&((#.]*>:@#.~/.~&.q:@#\%#),])1:  Input: n
                                 1:  Constant 1
  ]                                  Get n
   1&(                          )    Repeat n times on x = [1]
                          \            For each prefix
                         #               Length
                      q:@                Prime factors
                 /.~&                    Group equal factors
              #.~                        Compute p+p^2+...+p^k for each group
           >:@                           Increment
                    &.q:                 Product
                           %           Divide
                            #          Length
         ]                             Get x
          *                            Times
   1   #.                              Sum
                              ,        Joim
                               ]       Get x
                                       Set this as next value of x
0{                                   Select value at index 0


Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590

Reputation: 15 654

I'm dumbstruck and dumbfounded, mind posting an explanation? – cole – 2017-09-01T05:13:54.117

1@cole This is an iterative approach that starts with the solution for p(0) = 1, and builds the next using the formula p(n) = sum(sigma(n-k) * p(k) for k = 0 to n-1) / n. I'll add an explanation of the code later when I believe it can't be significantly shortened. – miles – 2017-09-01T06:29:48.670


Octave, 18 bytes


Uses the built-in function partcnt.

Can't get it right by using an anonymous function using @, some help would be appreciated.


Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590

Reputation: 323


Retina, 34 bytes



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Convert the input to unary.


This computes all 2n-1 partitions of the unary digit list. We do this by repeatedly (+) matching the first (1) non-word boundary (\B, i.e. a position between two 1s) in each line (%) and replacing it with ;, everything after it ($'), a linefeed (), everything in front of it ($`) and ,. Example:




Where v marks the result of $' and ^ marks the result $`. This is a common idiom to get the result of two different replacements at once (we basically insert both the ; and the , replacement, as well as the missing "halves" of the string to complete two full substitutions).

We will treat ; as actual partitions and , just as placeholders that prevent subsequent \B from matching there. So next...


... we remove those commas. That gives us all the partitions. For example for input 4 we get:


We don't care about the order though:


This sorts the runs of 1s in each line so we get unordered partitions.


Finally, we count the unique (@) matches of .+, i.e. how many distinct lines/partitions we've obtained. I added this @ option ages ago, then completely forgot about it and only recently rediscovered it. In this case, it saves a byte over first deduplication the lines with D`.

Martin Ender

Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590

Reputation: 184 808


Python 2, 54 53 bytes

f=lambda n,k=1:1+sum(f(n-j,j)for j in range(k,n/2+1))

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How it works

Each partition of n can be represented as a list x = [x1, ⋯, xm] such that x1 + ⋯ + xm = n. This representation becomes unique if we require that x1 ≤ ⋯ ≤ xm.

We define an auxiliary function f(n, k) that counts the partitions with lower bound k, i. e., the lists x such that x1 + ⋯ + xm = n and k ≤ x1 ≤ ⋯ ≤ xm. For input n, the challenge thus asks for the output of f(n, 1).

For positive integers n and k such that k &leq; n, there is at least one partition with lower bound k: the singleton list [n]. If n = k (in particular, if n = 1), this is the only eligible partition. On the other hand, if k > n, there are no solutions at all.

If k < n, we can recursively count the remaining partitions by building them from left to right, as follows. For each j such that k &leq; j &leq; n/2, we can build partitions [x1, ⋯, xm] = [j, y1, ⋯, ym-1]. We have that x1 + ⋯ + xm = n if and only if y1 + ⋯ + ym-1 = n - j. Furthermore, x1 ≤ ⋯ ≤ xm if and only if j &leq; y1 ≤ ⋯ ≤ ym-1.

Therefore, the partitions x of n that begin with j can be calculated as f(n - j, j), which counts the valid partitions y. By requiring that j &leq; n/2, we assure that j &leq; n - j, so there is at least one y. We can thus count all partitions of n by summing 1 (for [n]) and f(n - j, j) for all valid values of j.

The code is a straightforward implementation of the mathematical function f. In addition, it makes k default to 1, so f(n) computes the value of f(n, 1) for input n.


Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590

Reputation: 196 637

Oh wow, this is incredible! Can you add an explanation on how this works? – None – 2017-09-05T16:12:07.693

I've edited my answer. If anything is unclear, please let me know. – Dennis – 2017-09-06T05:20:43.800


Python 2, 89 bytes

-9 bytes by Mr.Xcoder -1 byte by notjagan

lambda n:len(p(n))
p=lambda n,I=1:{(n,)}|{y+(x,)for x in range(I,n/2+1)for y in p(n-x,x)}

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Dead Possum

Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590

Reputation: 3 256

190 bytes – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-31T15:56:13.433

@Mr.Xcoder Don't even know, why I didn't use lambda D: – Dead Possum – 2017-08-31T15:57:23.603

Hehe, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - BTW, if you wanted to keep it a full function, you wouldn't need the variable, 94 bytes

– Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-31T15:58:51.750

@Mr.Xcoder Yeah.. I'm feeling rusty after some time being away from codegolf :c – Dead Possum – 2017-08-31T16:00:29.640

-1 byte. – notjagan – 2017-08-31T17:06:21.237


JavaScript, 125 121 bytes


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Warning: time and space complexity is exponential. Works very slow for large numbers.


Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590



Jelly, 13 bytes


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Takes 5 seconds to solve n = 1000 on TIO.


Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590

Reputation: 15 654


Java 8 (229 bytes)

import java.util.function.*;class A{static int j=0;static BiConsumer<Integer,Integer>f=(n,m)->{if(n==0)j++;else for(int i=Math.min(m,n);i>=1;i--)A.f.accept(n-i,i);};static Function<Integer,Integer>g=n->{f.accept(n,n);return j;};}


import java.util.function.*;

class A {
    static int j = 0;
    static BiConsumer<Integer, Integer> f = (n, m) -> {
        if (n == 0)
            for (int i = Math.min(m, n); i >= 1; i--)
                A.f.accept(n - i, i);
    static Function<Integer, Integer> g = n -> {
        f.accept(n, n);
        return j;

Roberto Graham

Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590

Reputation: 1 305


Jelly, 3 bytes

The Œṗ atom has recently been added, and it means "Integer partitions".


Try it online!

ŒṗL   - Full program.

Œṗ    - Integer partitions.
  L   - Length.
      - Output implicitly.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590

Reputation: 39 774


Pyt, 2 bytes



←          Get input
 ᵱ         Number of partitions


Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590

Reputation: 833


JavaScript ES7, 69 Bytes

n=>(f=(i,s)=>i?[for(c of Array(1+n))f(i-1,s,s-=i)]:c+=!s)(n,n,c=0)&&c

JavaScript ES6, 71 Bytes


Time complexity O(n^n), so be careful (an obvious delay appears on my computer for F(6))


Posted 2017-08-31T15:31:21.590

Reputation: 5 985