Tic-tac-toe with only crosses as quick as possible


As per Luke's request and Peter Taylor's addition to this challenge.


Everyone knows the game tic-tac-toe, but in this challenge, we are going to introduce a little twist. We are only going to use crosses. The first person who places three crosses in a row loses. An interesting fact is that the maximum amount of crosses before someone loses, is equal to 6:

X X -
X - X
- X X

That means that for a 3 x 3 board, the maximum amount is 6. So for N = 3, we need to output 6.

Another example, for N = 4, or a 4 x 4 board:

X X - X
X X - X
- - - -
X X - X

This is an optimal solution, you can see that the maximum amount of crosses is equal to 9. An optimal solution for a 12 x 12 board is:

X - X - X - X X - X X -
X X - X X - - - X X - X
- X - X - X X - - - X X
X - - - X X - X X - X -
- X X - - - X - - - - X
X X - X X - X - X X - -
- - X X - X - X X - X X
X - - - - X - - - X X -
- X - X X - X X - - - X
X X - - - X X - X - X -
X - X X - - - X X - X X
- X X - X X - X - X - X

This results in 74.

The task

Your task is to compute the results as fast as possible. I will run your code on the test case 13. This will be done 5 times and then the average is taken of the run times. That is your final score. The lower, the better.

Test cases

N     Output
1       1
2       4
3       6
4       9
5       16
6       20
7       26
8       36
9       42
10      52
11      64
12      74
13      86
14      100
15      114

More information can be found at https://oeis.org/A181018.


  • This is , so the fastest submission wins!
  • You must provide a full program.
  • Please also provide how I have to run the program. I am not familiar with all programming languages and how they work, so I need a little bit of help here.
  • Of course, your code needs to compute the correct result for each test case.


  • feersum (C++11): 28s
  • Peter Taylor (Java): 14m 31s


Posted 2016-03-30T17:54:16.337

Reputation: 41 965

Related and related. – Adnan – 2016-03-30T17:56:28.253

Isn't this just a dupe of the second question as as far as I can tell, you've just changed the winning condition?

– Blue – 2016-03-30T18:54:01.067

1@muddyfish Altough the challenge itself look the same, I can ensure you that the approach for this challenge is very different from my other challenge. – Adnan – 2016-03-30T19:05:43.830


@muddyfish Relevant meta discussion. "Just changing the winning condition" can be a substantial change for a challenge. While it doesn't make sense to post a [tag:code-golf], [tag:fastest-algorithm] and [tag:fastest-code] for every possible challenge, there are some cases, where exploring a problem from two angles can add a lot of value to the site. I think this is such a case.

– Martin Ender – 2016-03-30T19:11:19.660

Related Math.SE post by our Nathan Merrill. – Martin Ender – 2016-03-30T19:12:07.867

Can you give the specs of the testing machine? Also, do you plan to allow multithreading? (I would usually prefer not as it just adds tedium). – feersum – 2016-03-30T22:06:13.897

@feersum The testing machine has a I7 core processor and 8GB ram. I have Windows 8 as OS. Multithreading is not allowed. – Adnan – 2016-03-31T12:25:59.053

1Wonderful challenge! (+1) – None – 2016-04-06T15:50:29.243

@Lembik Thank you very much :) – Adnan – 2016-04-06T16:15:34.947



C++11, 28s

This also uses a dynamic programming approach based on rows. It took 28 seconds to run with argument 13 for me. My favorite trick is the next function which uses some bit bashing for finding the lexicographically next row arrangement satisfying a mask and the no-3-in-a-row rule.


  1. Install the latest MinGW-w64 with SEH and Posix threads
  2. Compile the program with g++ -std=c++11 -march=native -O3 <filename>.cpp -o <executable name>
  3. Run with <executable name> <n>
#include <vector>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <intrin.h>
#define popcount32 _mm_popcnt_u32
#define popcount32 __builtin_popcount

using std::vector;

using row = uint32_t;
using xcount = uint8_t;

uint16_t rev16(uint16_t x) { // slow
    static const uint8_t revbyte[] {0,128,64,192,32,160,96,224,16,144,80,208,48,176,112,240,8,136,72,200,40,168,104,232,24,152,88,216,56,184,120,248,4,132,68,196,36,164,100,228,20,148,84,212,52,180,116,244,12,140,76,204,44,172,108,236,28,156,92,220,60,188,124,252,2,130,66,194,34,162,98,226,18,146,82,210,50,178,114,242,10,138,74,202,42,170,106,234,26,154,90,218,58,186,122,250,6,134,70,198,38,166,102,230,22,150,86,214,54,182,118,246,14,142,78,206,46,174,110,238,30,158,94,222,62,190,126,254,1,129,65,193,33,161,97,225,17,145,81,209,49,177,113,241,9,137,73,201,41,169,105,233,25,153,89,217,57,185,121,249,5,133,69,197,37,165,101,229,21,149,85,213,53,181,117,245,13,141,77,205,45,173,109,237,29,157,93,221,61,189,125,253,3,131,67,195,35,163,99,227,19,147,83,211,51,179,115,243,11,139,75,203,43,171,107,235,27,155,91,219,59,187,123,251,7,135,71,199,39,167,103,231,23,151,87,215,55,183,119,247,15,143,79,207,47,175,111,239,31,159,95,223,63,191,127,255};
    return uint16_t(revbyte[x >> 8]) | uint16_t(revbyte[x & 0xFF]) << 8;

// returns the next number after r that does not overlap the mask or have three 1's in a row
row next(row r, uint32_t m) {
    m |= r >> 1 & r >> 2;
    uint32_t x = (r | m) + 1;
    uint32_t carry = x & -x;
    return (r | carry) & -carry;

template<typename T, typename U> void maxequals(T& m, U v) {
    if (v > m)
        m = v;

struct tictac {
    const int n;
    vector<row> rows;
    size_t nonpal, nrows_c;
    vector<int> irow;
    vector<row> revrows;

    tictac(int n) : n(n) { }

    row reverse(row r) {
        return rev16(r) >> (16 - n);

    vector<int> sols_1row() {
        vector<int> v(1 << n);
        for (uint32_t m = 0; !(m >> n); m++) {
            auto m2 = m;
            int n0 = 0;
            int score = 0;
            for (int i = n; i--; m2 >>= 1) {
                if (m2 & 1) {
                    n0 = 0;
                } else {
                    if (++n0 % 3)
            v[m] = score;
        return v;

    void gen_rows() {
        vector<row> pals;
        for (row r = 0; !(r >> n); r = next(r, 0)) {
            row rrev = reverse(r);
            if (r < rrev) {
            } else if (r == rrev) {
        nonpal = rows.size();
        for (row r : pals) {
        nrows_c = rows.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < nonpal; i++) {
        irow.resize(1 << n);
        for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) {
            irow[rows[i]] = i;
        revrows.resize(1 << n);
        for (row r = 0; !(r >> n); r++) {
            revrows[r] = reverse(r);

    // find banned locations for 1's given 2 above rows
    uint32_t mask(row a, row b) {
        return ((a & b) | (a >> 1 & b) >> 1 | (a << 1 & b) << 1) /*& ((1 << n) - 1)*/;

    int calc() {
        if (n < 3) {
            return n * n;
        int tdim = n < 5 ? n : (n + 3) / 2;
        size_t nrows = rows.size();
        xcount* t = new xcount[2 * nrows * nrows_c]{};
#define tb(nr, i, j) t[nrows * (nrows_c * ((nr) & 1) + (i)) + (j)]

        // find optimal solutions given 2 rows for n x k grids where 3 <= k <= ceil(n/2) + 1

            auto s1 = sols_1row();
            for (int i = 0; i < nrows_c; i++) {
                row a = rows[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < nrows; j++) {
                    row b = rows[j];
                    uint32_t m = mask(b, a) & ~(1 << n);
                    tb(3, i, j) = s1[m] + popcount32(a << 16 | b);
        for (int r = 4; r <= tdim; r++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < nrows_c; i++) {
                row a = rows[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < nrows; j++) {
                    row b = rows[j];
                    bool rev = j >= nrows_c;
                    auto cj = rev ? j - nrows_c : j;
                    uint32_t m = mask(a, b);
                    for (row c = 0; !(c >> n); c = next(c, m)) {
                        row cc = rev ? revrows[c] : c;
                        int count = tb(r - 1, i, j) + popcount32(c);
                        maxequals(tb(r, cj, irow[cc]), count);
        int ans = 0;
        if (tdim == n) { // small sizes
            for (int i = 0; i < nrows_c; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < nrows; j++) {
                    maxequals(ans, tb(n, i, j));
        } else {
            int tdim2 = n + 2 - tdim;
            // get final answer by joining two halves' solutions down the middle
            for (int i = 0; i < nrows_c; i++) {
                int apc = popcount32(rows[i]);
                for (int j = 0; j < nrows; j++) {
                    row b = rows[j];
                    int top = tb(tdim2, i, j);
                    int bottom = j < nrows_c ? tb(tdim, j, i) : tb(tdim, j - nrows_c, i < nonpal ? i + nrows_c : i);
                    maxequals(ans, top + bottom - apc - popcount32(b));
        delete[] t;
        return ans;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int n;
    if (argc < 2 || (n = std::stoi(argv[1])) < 0 || n > 16) {
        return 1;
    std::cout << tictac{ n }.calc() << '\n';
    return 0;


Posted 2016-03-30T17:54:16.337

Reputation: 29 566


Java, 14m 31s

This is essentially the program which I posted to OEIS after using it to extend the sequence, so it's a good reference for other people to beat. I've tweaked it to take the board size as the first command-line argument.

public class A181018 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

    private static int calc(int n) {
        if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("n");
        if (n < 3) return n * n;

        // Dynamic programming approach: given two rows, we can enumerate the possible third row.
        // sc[i + rows.length * j] is the greatest score achievable with a board ending in rows[i], rows[j].
        int[] rows = buildRows(n);
        byte[] sc = new byte[rows.length * rows.length];
        for (int j = 0, k = 0; j < rows.length; j++) {
            int qsc = Integer.bitCount(rows[j]);
            for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) sc[k++] = (byte)(qsc + Integer.bitCount(rows[i]));

        int max = 0;
        for (int h = 2; h < n; h++) {
            byte[] nsc = new byte[rows.length * rows.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
                int p = rows[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) {
                    int q = rows[j];
                    // The rows which follow p,q cannot intersect with a certain mask.
                    int mask = (p & q) | ((p << 2) & (q << 1)) | ((p >> 2) & (q >> 1));
                    for (int k = 0; k < rows.length; k++) {
                        int r = rows[k];
                        if ((r & mask) != 0) continue;

                        int pqrsc = (sc[i + rows.length * j] & 0xff) + Integer.bitCount(r);
                        int off = j + rows.length * k;
                        if (pqrsc > nsc[off]) nsc[off] = (byte)pqrsc;
                        if (pqrsc > max) max = pqrsc;

            sc = nsc;

        return max;

    private static int[] buildRows(int n) {
        // Array length is a tribonacci number.
        int c = 1;
        for (int a = 0, b = 1, i = 0; i < n; i++) c = a + (a = b) + (b = c);

        int[] rows = new int[c];
        int i = 0, j = 1, val;
        while ((val = rows[i]) < (1 << (n - 1))) {
            if (val > 0) rows[j++] = val * 2;
            if ((val & 3) != 3) rows[j++] = val * 2 + 1;

        return rows;

Save to A181018.java; compile as javac A181018.java; run as java A181018 13. On my computer it takes about 20 minutes to execute for this input. It would probably be worth parallelising it.

Peter Taylor

Posted 2016-03-30T17:54:16.337

Reputation: 41 901

How long have you been running it? You're still adding terms to the OEIS, I see. – mbomb007 – 2016-03-30T22:02:29.690


@mbomb007, I'm not still running it. As you can tell from the OEIS dates, it took several days to run for n=16; I extrapolated that it would take about a month for n=17, so I didn't try to run it for that. Memory usage was also becoming a major nuisance. (PS I'm currently using 2 of my 4 cores for a non-PPCG programming challenge: http://azspcs.com/Contest/Tetrahedra/Standings )

– Peter Taylor – 2016-03-30T22:09:08.920