< Wrestle Angels < Characters
Wrestle Angels/Characters/2
Megumi Mutou/Genius Mutou/Bushido
Voiced by: Megumi Hayashibara (Double Impact) Kyoko Hikami (1995 Fandisc), Yuko Miyamura (1996 Drama CD), Houko Kuwashima (Survivor 1 & 2)
- Deadpan Snarker: Mostly towards people who rub her the wrong way or mess with Chigusa.
- Expy: Keiji Mutoh & Megumi Kudo
- Finishing Move: Frankensteiner, Shining Wizard
- Hair Decorations: Her omnipresent hair ribbon
- In-Series Nickname: "Mutome"
- Intelligence Equals Isolation: Intelligent and talented, but something of a loner with few friends besides Chigusa before getting into wrestling.
- Lovely Angels: With Chigusa
- Masked Wrestler: If Chigusa is chosen as the protagonist in V2, Megumi follows her to Europe while "disguised" as the mysterious masked wrestler Bushido. Chigusa sees through the masquerade almost instantly.
- Mini-Dress of Power: Coupled with Too Many Belts in her Survivor redesign.
- The Natural: She wasn't even planning on becoming a wrestler and just followed Chigusa to the SNJ tryouts more or less on a whim after meeting her. She passed with flying colors.
- Nice Girl
- Odd Friendship: Quick to speak her mind, enjoys great natural talent, and is something of an aloof loner... Completely opposite of her best friend Chigusa.
- Red Baron: "Genius Princess of Solitude"
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Chigusa
- The Tease: Gives a fake love confession to the President in her second private event in Survivor 2 just to see how he'll react.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: It's heavily implied that she condiders Chigusa to be her romantic partner to the point of commenting a wedding dress wouldn't look good on Chigusa because she's furious that one day her best friend would marry and leave her.
Chigusa Yuuki/Valkyrie Chigusa/Yawara
Voiced by: Sakiko Tamagawa (Double Impact) Haruna Ikezawa (1995 Fandisc), Kae Araki (1996 Drama CD), Ayako Kawasumi (Survivor 1 & 2)
- Bridal Carry: Receives two from the President in her private events in Survivor 2 after hurting herself during training.
- The Ditz: A bit.
- Expy: Chigusa Nagayo[1] & Masahiro Chouno[2]
- Finishing Move: Capture Suplex, Back Drop
- Girlish Pigtails: In all of her appearances except Survivor. They were brought back in much shorter form for Survivor 2
- Hair Decorations: Her omnipresent hair bobbles.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: To Rei Tomizawa as SJW's sub dorm captain in V3.
- In-Series Nickname: "Chidane"[3]
- Lovely Angels: With Megumi.
- Masked Wrestler: If Megumi is chosen as the protagonist in V2, Chigusa follows her to Europe while "disguised" as the mysterious masked wrestler Yawara. Megumi sees through the masquerade almost instantly.
- Mini-Dress of Power: Gained one resembling a Sailor Fuku as part of her Survivor 2 redesign.
- Nice Girl
- Odd Friendship: Is obedient, an extremely hard worker, and gets along well with many different kinds of people... Almost totally opposite of her best friend Megumi.
- Plucky Girl: Will take whatever beatings and losses life may throw at her, but never breaks under pressure. This is reflected in her generally having a higher Guts stat than Megumi, resulting in more frequent Special category card draws.
- Red Baron: "The Artifice-less, Perfect Beauty"
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Megumi
- Spirited Competitor
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Hikaru Ogawa/Flora Ogawa
Voiced by: Masako Takagi (Double Impact,) Chieko Honda (Survivor), Ryoka Yuzuki (Survivor 2)
- Badass Bookworm
- Crazy Prepared: She's aware that the shelf life of a pro wrestler is rather short, so whenever she's not training or in the ring, she's studying for qualification exams. What kind of qualification exams? All of them.
- Expy: Yoshinari Ogawa. The fandom seems to think she's also got quite a bit of Ami Mizuno in her, to the point where some fans just out and out refer to her as Ami-san.
- Finishing Move: STF, Stretch Plum, Fisherman Suplex, Frankensteiner
- Lovable Nerd
- Meganekko: While studying.
- Nerds Are Sexy
- Red Baron: "Battle Philosopher"
- The Rival: To Riyu Kikuchi
- Shy Blue-Haired Girl
Shinobu Echigo/Justice Echigo
Voiced by: Shiho Niiyama (Double Impact) Machiko Toyoshima (1995 Fandisc), Ai Maeda (Survivor), Shizuka Itou (Survivor 2)
- Badass Longcoat: Her entrance attire includes one.
- Berserk Button
- Determinator
- Expy: Shiro Koshinaka.
- Finishing Move: Enzuigeri
- Kid Samurai: A nearly religious kendo practicioner. She also tends to talk big without much experience to back it up.
- Hachimaki
- Lawful Stupid: Takes it upon herself to zealously "enforce morals" amongst the other girls and will lecture them for even the smallest perceived transgressions. This also tends to lead her to rebel if she feels that the organization she's with isn't up to her standards.
- Red Baron: "Steel Defense"
- Sarashi: Her preferred undergarment. The President walking in on her training with nothing on over it triggers Tsundere outbursts in her Survivor 2 private events.
- Stone Wall: Her starting defensive stats are always moderately high... At the cost of her offense and speed being much poorer than those of her contemporaries.
- Suicidal Overconfidence: Very, very prone to this.
- Super Drowning Skills: Discovered by the President during her vacation scene in Survivor when he playfully pushes Shinobu into the water, only for her to struggle and sink. After he manages to pull her back to shallow water, she calls him a murderer and asks if he was trying to get her killed.
- Tsundere
- Woman in White
- Wooden Katanas Are Even Better: She's always seen carrying her shinai around during her entrances.
Chizuru Nagahara/Jeanne Nagahara
Voiced by: Masako Takagi (Double Impact) Megumi Toyoguchi (Survivor 1 & 2)
- Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The "Brawn" amongst a close trio of friends with Cutey Kanai and Rei Tomizawa.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: Her Charm Point.
- Boobs of Steel
- Dojikko
- Expy Takayuki Iizuka
- Finishing Move: German Suplex
- Otaku: A very, VERY odd version. Possibly the only instance ever of a German Suplex otaku. Though she lacks the usual social ineptitude of the typical instance of this trope.
- Plucky Girl
- Red Baron: "German Suplex Girl"
- Took a Level in Badass: In V2, she was an unassuming early game opponent. Come V3, she's managed to capture the Asian Heavyweight Championship and become a "Wake-Up Call" Boss.
Rei Tomizawa (Real name: Reiko Tomizawa)
Voiced by: Hiromi Tsuru (Double Impact) Masumi Asano (Survivor 1 & 2)
- Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: Could be considered the "Brains" amongst her group of friends with Chizuru and Cutey Kanai.
- Cosplay Otaku Girl: To the point where her ring attire features visible Shout Outs to Sailor Mars in 2 (where her entrance attire is a Miko getup in reference to Mars' civillian identity as one), as well as 3 and Special (where her in-ring costume is almost an exact copy of Mars' combat Sailor Fuku).
- Dojikko
- Expy: Visually an Expy of the above mentioned Sailor Mars, whose voice actress she was named for.
- Finishing Move: Powerslam, Scorpion Lock
- Fiery Redhead: Until Survivor, where her hair was suddenly purple.
- Gray Eyes
- Lovable Nerd
- Nerds Are Sexy
- Red Baron: "Cosplay Fighter"
- The Rival: She wants to take the title "The Venus of Submission" from Toshimi even though she knows that she's got a long way to go before she can even hope to stand a chance.
- Scarf of Asskicking: Wore one as part of a very Kamen Rider-ish ring costume in V2 and V3.
- Took a Level in Badass: Though she hasn't managed to capture a championship like her friends, she's a much more difficult opponent in V3 than in V2.
Cutey Kanai (Real name: Mika Kanai)
Voiced by: Michie Tomizawa (Double Impact), Mariko Onodera (1995 Fandisc), Kumiko Nishihara (1996 Drama CD), Ai Nonaka (Survivor 1 & 2)
- A-Cup Angst: She hopes to get a bigger chest from drinking milk.
- Berserk Button: Hates being called a crybaby.
- Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The "Beauty" amongst her trio of friends with Rei and Chizuru.
- Cry Cute: Can even be fatal to your ears.
- Expy: Cuty Suzuki
- Finishing Move: Northern Lights Suplex
- Gamer Chick
- Girlish Pigtails
- Idol Wrestler
- Inelegant Blubbering: Prone to this.
- Kawaiiko: It's right there in her ringname!
- Minor Injury Overreaction: Is stung by a jellyfish during her vacation event in Survivor 2 and proceeds to cry and beg the President to take her to a hospital as she thinks that she's in danger of dying.
- Red Baron: "Crybaby Fighter"
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Took a Level in Badass: One of the earliest and weakest opponents in V2, she's suddenly taken hold of the Asian Junior Championship in V3 and possesses enough ability (in terms of stats) to back such an accomplishment up.
Ledy Cody/Judy Cody
Voiced by: Aki Sasaki (Survivor 1 & 2)
- Amazonian Beauty
- Boobs of Steel
- Eagle Land: From New York City
- Expy: Terry Gordy
- Finishing Move: Cody Bomb (Powerbomb), Powerslam, Cody Crush (Splash)
- Mighty Glacier
- Red Baron: "Power Technician"
- Statuesque Stunner
- Stripperiffic: Her ring attire in V3. It's been described as "a bikini made of used chewing gum that appears to be falling apart".
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Jenny Samoan
Nastassja Han/Natasha Han
Voiced by: Masako Takagi (Double Impact), Kanako Tateno (Survivor 1 & 2)
- Expy: Volk Han
- Finishing Move: STF, Cross Heel Hold
- Gray Eyes
- Hair of Gold
- Ice Queen
- Let's Fight Like Proper Ladies: Absolutely loathes underhanded tricks and illegal maneuvers.
- Nerves of Steel
- Recurring Boss: Typically holds the EWA[4] championship when encountered in-game.
- Red Baron: "Queen of Submission"
- Russians With Rusting Rockets: Former member of the Spetsnaz special forces.
- Statuesque Stunner
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Calm, collected and merciless inside the ring, but a genuinely good and likable person outside it.
Alice Smirnov/Yuri Smirnov
Voiced by: Hiromi Yanase (Double Impact), Umeka Shouji (Survivor 1 & 2)
- Ax Crazy: Walks a fine line between this and general heel-dom. One of her still images in Survivor 2 makes it even more apparent.
- Expy: Alex Smirnoff & Bull Nakano
- Finishing Move: Uranage, Drill-A-Hole Piledriver
- Heel
- Husky Russkie / Mother Russia Makes You Strong
- Ladette
- Mighty Glacier
- Red Baron: "Emissary of Hell"
- Shonen Hair: Had hair that made her look like Vegeta's long-lost sister. It was changed as part of her Survivor 2 redesign to be shorter, but by no means less spiky.
- Sinister Scythe: Carries around a small sickle with her.
- Statuesque Stunner
- Trademark Favorite Food: Smoked salmon, preferably with some vodka.
Win Mirror/Wein Mirror
Voiced by: Yuka Koyama (Double Impact), Kumiko Izumi (Survivor 1 & 2)
- Expy: Wayne Bridge & Willie Peeters
- Finishing Move: Scorpion Lock, Uranage, Stretch Plum, Cross Arm Lock
- Germany: Straight out of Frankfurt
- Impossibly Low Neckline: In 2 and Bishoujo Wrestler Retsuden.
- Master of None: Aside from her great ability in submission moves, she routinely has little to work with aside from a general lack of weaknesses.
- Nice Girl: Most well demonstrated in V2, where she is one of the few foreign characters to make friends with the protagonist without an initial period of dislike.
- Red Baron: "Master of Submission"
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Vicious Combination
- Brought To You By The Letters "W" and "B": Each has her initial on the forehead of her mask.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Only appeared in 2, notably not even showing up in Double Impact's version of the game.
- Fragile Speedster
- Lovely Angels
- Masked Wrestlers
- Palette Swap: Averted, unlike the Pink Pirates or later foreign tag teams, White and Black each have their own unique mask designs, hairstyles, and portraits on top of having slightly differing stats and movesets.
- Parts Unknown
Vicious White
- Blue Eyes
- Finishing Move: Enzuigeri
- Woman in White
Vicious Black
- Finishing Move: Dropkick
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Ricky Morton: Somewhat weaker statistically than White, and will usually wind up taking the brunt of damage in matches where they're paired together, waiting for a chance to swap out.
The USA/Miss USA Mask
Voiced by: Rica Matsumoto (Double Impact), Yui Kano (Survivor 1 & 2)
- All-American Face
- Amazonian Beauty
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Cavalier Competitor
- Finishing Move: Frankensteiner, Tomahawk Missile (Missile Dropkick), Chokeslam, Splash, Flying Shoulder Tackle, Tomahawk DDT
- Jack of All Stats: Though in terms of technique categories, she leans towards power and acrobatic moves, she can still handle most moves (aside from submission holds) more than adequately.
- Lovely Angels: Forms a tag team with the protagonist in 2/V2 in a show of cross-cultural friendship.
- Red Baron: "Tomahawk Missile"
- Statuesque Stunner
- Stripperiffic: Her redesign for Survivor 2 left her with a flag-patterned bikini that probably conceals less skin than her mask.
- Wearing a Flag on Your Head: More often than not, it's her ring attire which bears the iconic stars and stripes. In the V-series, it was taken to extremes with even her mask having the flag's pattern, along with a big yellow "USA" stamped on the forehead.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Lily Sniper
Voiced by: Machiko Toyoshima (Double Impact), Yukiko Hirotsu (Survivor 2)
- Eagle Land
- Expy: Rick Steiner
- Fiery Redhead
- Finishing Move: Capture Suplex, Dragon Suplex
- Hair Decorations: Wore amateur wrestling headgear (much like her inspiration was famous for) in her debut appearance in 2, but switched over to headbands starting in V2.
- Lovely Angels: With her younger sister Cory.
- Mighty Glacier
- Red Baron: "Sniper of the Combat World"
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: With Cory. Lily's the Red Oni.
- Statuesque Stunner
Cory Sniper
Voiced by: Sakura Tange (Double Impact), Tomoka Endou (Survivor 2)
- Eagle Land
- Expy Scott Steiner
- Fiery Redhead
- Finishing Move: Frankensteiner, S.S.D.
- Lightning Bruiser: Higher overall ability than her sister, at the cost of a very glaring weakness against submission moves.
- Lovely Angels: With her elder sister Lily.
- Red Baron: "Hitman Sisters"
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: With Lily. Cory's the Blue Oni.
Anny Beach/Jenny Beach
Voiced by: Miki Machii (Survivor), Mayu Yamaguchi (Survivor 2)
- Cavalier Competitor
- Eagle Land
- Expy: Johnny Ace
- Finishing Move: Flying Kneel Kick
- Hair of Gold
- Iconic Item: The beach ball she carries with her wherever she goes.
- Jack of All Stats: With a heavy lean into Fragile Speedster territory in later games.
- The Pollyanna
- Red Baron: "Sunshine Girl"
Jena Megalight/Jane Megalight
Voiced by: Yumi Touma (Double Impact), Michiko Kawana (Survivor 1 & 2)
- Amazonian Beauty
- Ambiguously Brown: Starting in Survivor.
- Expy: Gary Albright.
- Evil Foreigner: A type 2 Eagle Lander.
- Final Boss: Alongside Beauty Ichigaya in 2 and V2.
- Finishing Move: German Suplex, Belly to Back Suplex.
- Gratuitous English: So much of it...
- Heel
- Mighty Glacier
- Recurring Boss
- Red Baron: "Suplex Monster"
- Spikes of Villainy: Her entrance attire in 2 has a set of these resting upon Shoulders of Doom.
- Too Many Belts: Her Survivor 2 redesign.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Blue-haired in 2. It was switched to purple starting with Special and has remained consistent since.
- ↑ See Mighty Yukiko's entry
- ↑ See Toshimi Minami's entry
- ↑ With "tane/dane" being an Alternate Character Reading of "kusa/gusa", the second character in her given name.
- ↑ European Wrestling Association
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