Web Comics/Heartwarming
Whatever I did to deserve you, it couldn't have been enough.—xkcd
No, they're not all about whatever the author finds attractive. No, not even THAT one[2]. Sometimes they're about making you feel really good inside. ...No, not in that way!
The following series were simply too Heartwarming for folders and have been moved to their own pages.
- 8-Bit Theater
- Associated Student Bodies
- Bittersweet Candy Bowl
- Black Adventures
- Boxer Hockey
- Brawl in The Family
- The Chosen Four
- Collar 6
- Cyanide and Happiness
- Dan and Mabs Furry Adventures
- Darths and Droids
- Digger
- Dominic Deegan
- The Dreamer
- Eerie Cuties
- El Goonish Shive
- Exterminatus Now
- Girl Genius
- Goblins
- Gunnerkrigg Court
- Hark a Vagrant
- Head Trip
- Homestuck
- Jack
- Kevin and Kell
- Knite
- Manly Guys Doing Manly Things
- Minus
- Misfile
- A Moment of Peace
- My Cardboard Life
- Nerf Now
- No Rest for The Wicked
- Nuzlocke Comics
- The Order of the Stick
- Our Little Adventure
- Ow My Sanity
- Ozy and Millie
- Penny Arcade
- Platypus Comix
- Heartwarming
- PS 238
- Questionable Content
- Romantically Apocalyptic
- Sabrina Online
- Sakana
- Sandra and Woo
- Schlock Mercenary
- Scandinavia and The World
- Sinfest
- Slightly Damned
- Something Positive
- Spinnerette
- Tweep
- Xkcd
- A Moment of Peace runs off of these.
- This Fans! strip is a good example.
- And the final panel of the final story of the first run, here.
- And of course nothing says CMoH like a Gondor Calls for Aid moment. "Richard...liege and lord... your army awaits.". Complete with Aragorn's speech;
Rikk: "I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me..."
Meighan: Oh my God...
Shanna: Shh!
- This episode of Secret of Mana Theater where Seth pays his respects to a fallen foe.
- The last few panels of this strip of Erfworld could definitely be considered. Jillian's reaction to Ansom's death is understandable, but seeing a normally stoic Vinny break into tears makes it that much more powerful. Certainly no one expected to see the two of them share a hug.
- After the Handsome Lech-Psychopathic Manchild protagonist of Least I Could Do has a vision of his own funeral during a Near-Death Experience, he tells his friends he's thought about some things and that there's a girl he needs to see. While they bet on which one of his many, many current or past girlfriends he would be going to see, he instead stops by to see his five year old niece and play with her.
- This too. Full stop, bold period. Nothing more.
- Rayne buys Mick a puppy to cheer him up. Jerk with a Heart of Gold indeed.
- The final chapter of A Miracle of Science. Two -- or is it three? -- likeable, slightly damaged characters who've had a budding romance throughout the story get to fly off into the sunset together. D'aw.
- Sluggy Freelance: Torg showing up to spend Christmas with Zoe after all her family and friends have been abandoning her because of her Jerkass radio show personality.
- Also the denouement of That Which Redeems, particularly where Alter-Gwynn shows Torg the redemption card and when he returns to Zoe (possibly the only sluggy strip with no dialog -- it doesn't need any).
- Yet another Torg/Zoe moment here when he comforts her after she gets fired.
- Roast Beef's marriage proposal. Proof that every woobie has his day.
- And a little over a year later, the wedding itself.
- Nana's death in Nana's Everyday Life. For some reason. Emotions are confusing.
- Because at that point that was the kindest thing the universe could do to her.
- Ctrl+Alt+Del. Yes, Ctrl+Alt+Del is capable of them, if you're willing to accept it:
- The It's a gamer's life series
- Ethan's marriage proposal.
- Billy Mays makes it to the pearly gates
- Ethan's marriage vows. Made me go "Aww!" when I saw it, which is something I rarely do.
- Gets even better with Lilah's side of their marriage vows. Dawwwwwww....
- Digger Manages these surprising frequently, especially when Ed get to speak.
- Ed's story is not only a heartwarming moment but a great Tear Jerker too. Oh Ed...
- This comic warmed this editor's heart, and she didn't even know how much of a woobie Ed was yet. The next one also.
- He's also a good argument for the creation of a Crushing Moment of Heart Breaking page.
- Shadowchild spends most of its time warming this troper's heart; it's so cheerfully enthusiastic. Every new discovery and experience is like Christmas for it. Even being told that it can be cold if it feels like it results in a gleeful "Yay!". I just wanna hug it 90% of the time. The other 10, however...
- This and the two following Vinci & Arty strips - after a big fight, the titular characters forgive each other. What makes it touching beyond belief is that the only words used are the lyrics to Ben Folds' The Luckiest in a semi-narrative form.
- The end of Chapter 5 in Honeydew Syndrome. Tastes Like Diabetes.
- Of all things, Adventure Log, a sub-strip of VG Cats, managed to pull this off.
- Red caught his first Pokemon! From the other side comic, Super Effective.
- Both are touching, but this one takes the "aww" Up to Eleven. The comic came out two weeks after Christmas due to unexpected delays, but Scott didn't want to give up on it.
- The above-mentioned Christmas comic has touched the hearts of people who have given up on VG Cats after they had a Dethroning Moment of Suck episode with the comic. Well done, Scott.
- Red caught his first Pokemon! From the other side comic, Super Effective.
- Shortpacked pulled off an awesome one with this.
- This troper found this and the following strip in Sheldon to especially tug at her heart strings. After finding a to-do list that was written years ago by his dead wife, the grandpa is sitting down staring at it when he suddenly pauses, looks up and smiles. In the last panel, we see him in the yard fixing the back gate, as it was one of the things written on the list for him to do.
- PvP, this strip. Anyone not touched by this has no soul.
- The reunion of Zimmy and Gamma in Zimmy's nightmare world in Gunnerkrigg Court. Creator Tom Siddell's comments for the page are simply, "Here it is. The only thing Zimmy could ever give a damn about."
- This little moment, after Robot's return.
Antimony: Robot, I'm so sorry I caused you all this trouble. I should have told you to come back after you crossed the bridge.
Robot: Don't apologise. You see, you gave me something I'd never had before. You gave me a choice.
- Killroy And Tina: "Hey. You're not alone, Tina. Don't forget it."
- In The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob, Galatea finally learns what kindness is, here and here.
- Megatokyo: Start here and go to the end of the chapter.
- Especially You bother me and Erika's expression afterwards.
- Chapter 7 as a whole. Especially this and this.
- This strip from The 10 Doctors. Dozens of companions from different times, places, worlds... and every single one of them would give up their life for the Doctor. The Brigadier sums it up best:
The Brigadier: "All we have in common is you, Doctor. You are worth the risks. We need you. That's how you've touched the universe. We're not giving you up that easily."
- Damn it, he did it again. Best. Beach Party. Ever.
- Done incredibly nerdily by Brawl in the Family, in a personification of the news that Dragon Quest X would be on the Wii.
- This strip.
- The musical Strip 200, where Bowser sings about the tragedies that minions and their families befall on the behalf of guys like him.
- The ending of this strip.
- Shockingly, Waluigi and Eario gets one of these.
- This is going to sound crazy, but...the last strip of Terror Island made me go "awwwwww".
- Loserz: This is beautiful.
- Not as good to This Troper's mind as this one.
- The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, during the epilogue of Punch Dracula, especially Mitzi's speech to Gordito.
- Gordito's ripoff of The Wasteland. Touching, until a few comics later when Dark Smoke Puncher calls him out on it.
- Only Dan McNinja could make a moment both badass and heartwarming: "You didn't bring enough." and the following page.
- DMFA: The end of the Perfect Date mini-arc - 'Nuff said
- Even in Abel's angst-ridden backstory, there is hope.
- This page of Last Days Of FOXHOUND.
- This one, too. It defines Liquid's Character Development perfectly, in such a way that you feel guilty about killing him later.
- This page of Sins, when Pride receives mail from Jin, the youngest, sweetest, and most innocent host of the sins, to her demonic foster family.
- Cheer!: "I can't follow you this time...But I'll be in the crowd, cheering... Even if you can't hear me...I'll be cheering... Altogether now: Awwwwwwwwww!!!!!! (And Squee!)
- Exploding Dog, when it's not being ridiculously funny or gory (or both), has had a lot of these. Case in point: this one.
- The entire, long-running meta-arc romance between Helen and Dave in Narbonic occasionally shows signs of this.
- This episode of Darths and Droids. Weird though, considering Annie is playing both characters.
- More recently, this. Every geeky tabletop roleplayers completely understands how huge it is.
- Looking for Group: "Death?"
- This Dreamless page.
- Starslip Crisis has Mennon's secret sacrifice [dead link] . He sacrifices the only chance he has to see his love ever again by using it to save his crew and their families.
- The Duck's rescue of the protagonist of HERO and his friend Valentine never fails to make this troper awwww. Especially when it starts singing off-key.
- This Striptease comic. The main character Max has been seen wearing the same shirt since the very first strip, and it is easily overlooked. The author reveals its symbolism in a flashback to an ex-girlfriend he had back in college. The best part? He does it to give his Alli, his on-and-off girlfriend and main rival in the comic industry a chance to continue her comic at the cost of his entire career.
- Slightly Damned. Buwaro, a demon, deciding to use his adoptive angel father's last name even though he doesn't remember a thing about him.
- Said Buwaro confessing his love to Kieri, an angel. And her response.
- This page of Problem Sleuth. So touching it actually warmed the final boss's heart. This troper also finds this strangely heartwarming as well.
- Kevin and Kell's moment is when the human Danielle, now changed into her rabbit counterpart in that world, is having trouble fitting in considering that she is still an omnivore that freaks out nearly everyone when she forgets to hide it. Looking for a kindred spirit, she finds young Coney, a bunny kitten who is a carnivore herself. Cradling her when the kitten is sleeping peacefully on her lap, Danielle notes "Psst, You have a human soul in there too, don't you? In that case, I'll stay."
- Captain SNES has a moment. Hey stop snickering! It's true! When talking about the events in Nexus, Alex's Capator has problem saying the word died. Alex goes on to mock him about it not being a curse word even if it is a four letter word. The Capator admits that it scares him...Which leads to Alex aplogizing to him. D'aaaaaaaw.
- Wave of Hope. Even if it can't magically fix everything, it shows that Videoland's decay isn't irreversible, and things can be like they were again.
- Red String: Eiji and Reika's Relationship Upgrade, anyone? "So, does this mean we're not 'friends' anymore?" "Yeah. I think so." * handclasp, "I want to kiss you", the First Kiss, and a large collective Squee from the fanbase*
- Count Your Sheep has quite a few of them - as is to be expected from a comic about a little girl, her single-parent mother and an imaginary sheep - but this troper really loves these two in particular.
- This Minus strip.
- The very first strip of City of Reality gives you a pretty good idea of what kind of webcomic this is going to be.
- When Jane tells the story of her criminal past in Everyday Heroes, her daughter is speechless.
- "They tell me there are people who are Normal. But I don't know what they look like because I've never met one."
- This troper considers that a Crowning Moment of Awesome as well.
- From the same webcomic - probably the only example to double as Nightmare Fuel.
- "Monstrous Discrepancies" How alone you are. How alone you aren't.
- The title characters of Penny and Aggie putting aside their rivalry to stop the bullying by Karen and her clique. A particularly powerful moment, as it came at the end of the comic's most gut-wrenching chapter, with both characters at their lowest ebb.
Penny: Ready to save the world, you post-ironic post-yuppie?
- Also their moving from allies to genuine friends in these strips.
- Melody, in Aggie's dream: "The best part of me...is standing right beside me."
- When Aggie gets in trouble with the principal for commandeering the P.A. system to announce her candidacy for student council president, she asks her father whether he's angry with her. Nick's affectionately ironic response: "Standing up to authority for principle, trying to reach the kids who think like you...Your mother and I are furious."
- A surprising number from Narbonic but in particular We're friends, aren't we?
- The existence of this special from the creator of the Doctor Who fancomic Search For the Truth. It makes this troper particularly happy just to know that there are plenty of active fans out there who took such a rational approach to Matt Smith replacing David Tennant. If only every Doctor turn-over could be like that...
- In the first VG Cats strip of 2010, Leo does something that makes the shippers Squee.
- This Super Stupor strip. Even anti-heroes need a little love.
- "Hey look! It's Dad!" * knock* * knock* D'awww.
- This strip of Cyanide & Happiness. Say what you will about the webcomic as a whole, but it has its moments.
- In Tales of the Questor, Quentyn is in the stables looking for a mount for his dragon fighting mission and has just been disillusioned almost to tears about unicorns. Suddenly a horse trader speaks up and says he has a mount that could be suitable for the famous Raccoonan knight. At that he leads them to Ember, a tiny horse that was part of a unsuccessful breeding project for mounts for Dwarves, but now was likely to be sold to some princess. However, the trader makes an offer of it to Quentyn, and the little horse affectionately nuzzles up to the Raccoonan to seal the deal.
- Just read through Housepets, and you'll probably feel more than a few tugs on the old heartstrings.
- Two of the last comics in the storyarc "It's a Wonderful Dog's Life".
- This troper suggests this page.
- This absolutely beautiful Drowtales strip. Don't miss Naal's little "Silly" on the right, or her smile. (Link may not work after edits--it's near the end of chapter 24).
- Shockingly, there is one in Ow, My Sanity, a fusion of Ah! My Goddess and the Cthulhu Mythos. In this scen from chapter five of book one, Nancy has her first incounter with "fear," This unusual for her. Observe what Keiichi-Expy David does. D'awwww!
- Left-Handed Toons: Just take a moment to read it. "...Son? Did you know...that I love you?" "Dad!" "Son!" * picture fluttering down*
- Sequential Art: They made Scarlett cry. They. Must. Pay.
- In Boxer Hockey, the entire flashback to Rittz and Skip meeting as kids is touching, but this moment in particular is just incredible.
- Ah, Ansem Retort, home to Dead Baby Comedy, extreme crassness, nonsensical plots, tap-dancing along lines, Villain Protagonists... and one scene of the main character and his wife walking along a peaceful street, arms around each other, at the end of another season. More proof that if anything runs long enough, eventually something sweet is going to sneak in around the corners, whether or not the author wants it to.
- Hug.
- Original Life: Last two panels. Guess who gets to put her ideas into practice?
- Ménage à 3: Yuki has recently stated, despite her phobia, she wants to try and work through it for Gary.
- Pretty much all of Selkie.
- Freefall concludes over nine years of Ship Tease.
- With the Big Damn Kiss, even!!
- Many pages of Bittersweet Candy Bowl, such as this one.
- For Humon's Scandinavia and The World, there's this. Full stop.
- This strip of Musta Hevonen (The Black Horse) invokes this trope. Literally.
- Impure Blood Elnor persuades Roan to help her -- looks like the beginning of friendship.
- Pauline's funeral service in Our Little Adventure was very nice. It was kept fairly light-hearted and tasteful and ended with Julie's cute little parody song of "When She Loved Me" by Sarah Mclachlan as she and the adventuring group saw Pauline's ashes fly away back toward her home island.
- This strip of Murphy's Law which shows not only Matt's but Radic's character development also manages to be one of these.
- In Dubious Company, Tiren changes allegiances to the Imperial Guard. Some later Navel Gazing ends in this strip. The moment carries on for the next 5 or 6 pages.
- In Erstwhile, when Maid Maleen admits to the prince that she's Maid Maleen.
- These comic strips about the seventh-gen video game consoles as friends.
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- ↑ Note that the context makes it even sweeter, but highly spoilerrific. That said... aw.
- ↑ though it does have a page on here