Slightly Damned

"I've seen lots of weird stuff from traveling with my family. But an Angel and a Demon being friends is REALLY weird."
Slightly Damned is a Comedic Drama Fantasy webcomic based on the "life", death, and misadventures of Rhea Snaketail, as well as her "Demon supervisor", Buwaro, and later on, the socially awkward but Badass Angel Kieri "Snowy" Suizahn.
The humor and emotional drama is derived from a full cast of varied and compelling characters, and the complex but rewarding plot is sure to inspire many an Archive Binge well into the wee hours of the morning. It updates every Saturday with a large full color page, and can be read here.
Notable for having the proud honor of being perhaps the only webcomic in existence with Reverse Schedule Slip.
Characters include:
- Rhea - The Jerk with a Heart of Gold, recently deceased.
- Buwaro - The moron demon given charge of Rhea during her stay. Insufferably cute and naive.
- Kieri - An angel, currently lost in Medius. Socially awkward, with the Cute Bruiser mixed in.
- Thadius - Buwaro's beloved pet rock. Supposedly a girl.
- Death - A kindly fellow who just happens to deal with his namesake everyday. The third god of the world, and lord of judgement. Recently revealed that Death is, or was, much less kind. The Death we know is actually Darius.
- Sakido - Buwaro's older sister, and a former elite soldier of Hell.
- Iratu - Buwaro's eldest brother, a giant earth Demon and high-ranking soldier of Hell, perpetually drunk when off duty.
- Heathcliff "Cliff" Sinclair - A wandering peddler who travels Medius with his family. A bit sour and brusque but really a nice guy.
- Miranda Sinclair - Cliff's wife. Kindly, motherly, and currently expecting a baby.
- Samantha "Sammy" Kailum - Cliff and Miranda's niece. Sweet, bright, and headstrong.
- Duster - A fairy and an old family friend of the Sinclairs. Laid-back and has a thing for the ladies.
- Darius Elexion - An angel who raised Iratu, Sakido, and Buwaro as their adoptive father 15 years ago. Currently standing in for Death.
- Crunky - A Canon Immigrant Team Pet gold-colored wright wyvern who speaks entirely with two sounds: "Meep!" and "Mah!" Much rounder than your standard wyvern.
- Abusive Parents: Kieri's mother (at least) is implied to be quite physically abusive.
- A Friend in Need: Out of universe example - The Author regulary includes links to charities and causes in news updates, sometimes adding in something related to the comic (such as an extra page) as an incentive for fans to contribute to the cause in question.
- A Hell of a Time: The severity of this trope depends on how deep into hell you go. The Ring of the Slightly Damned is harmless, boredom and cliffs notwithstanding, whilst Hell itself ranges from a never ending rendition of The Song That Never Ends to being tortured to death every single day for the rest of eternity.
- Alcohol Hic: Iratu.
- Alien Sky: Medius has two moons, red and green. Hell has an utterly featureless sky that simply goes on and off. According to Word of God, a god did it.
- It is also offhandedly mentioned that it never really gets dark in Heaven.
- All Myths Are True: The Fairy Queen has been confirmed now.
- Retroactively done. Most Medians - Rhea included - don't really believe in the Guardians or heaven or hell. Of course, Death shows up in the first page of the comic, and Rhea is introduced to her first demon by page five, so she's had to discard her skepticism in a hurry.
- Exclusively Evil: This, and most related tropes, are Averted in the story. The author and the story itself indicate that demons and angels have evil and good tendencies, but there are exceptions in all cases.
- Berserk Demons are a straighter example, attacking and killing until they die or there's nothing left to kill. And then hurting the last one they have the option to. Themselves.
- And Call Him George: Death may be friendly, but when not watching his own strength, gave a pretty fierce hug to Buwaro and Rhea.
- Also, Buwaro gave one to Rhea when introducing her to Sakido.
- Annoying Arrows: Brutally subverted with the Holy Arrows.
- Apologises a Lot: Kieri, especially earlier on. At one point moves into Sorry I Fell on Your Fist territory when Kieri claims it is her fault that she was cursed by a spiteful demigod. Justified by how Kieri is strongly suggested to have had an abusive mother.
- Arbitrary Skepticism: Despite all her adventures with Kieri and Buwaro, Rhea is stunned to find out that mermaids actually exist.
- Art Evolution: With beautiful results! Seriously, look at this early page, and this more recent page! And the really impressive thing? The second one, and all the ones after it, use a principle of light explained at Real Is Brown.
- Art Shift: Several times, during Dream Sequences.
- Also, Flash Backs, like when Kieri reads through Darius's diary, are done in the same style.
- Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: Played with in Angels, who dye their hair and uniforms based on their element. Demons' elements, however, totally change their physical appearance, with earth demons being upwards of 12 feet tall, wind demons tending to be very tall and thin, with wings, fire demons usually around human height, and water demons being fairly short (around 5 feet tall) and usually aquatic.
- As You Know: Used and lampshaded here. (Be warned of major spoilers)
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: Berserk Demons. This is why they'll fight until they are killed or die of exhaustion. They hurt themselves when alone.
- Audio Adaptation: Currently, there's a fan made Radio Play project which was started back in August 2008. All of the characters are voiced by fans and forum members with the exception of Rhea who is voiced by the Author herself. Unlike the comic however, it suffers from Schedule Slip partially due to the fact that there are a lot of people who need to be coordinated in order for the project to work. The first two episodes are currently out with the third currently in production. You can listen to them here.
- Currently entering Anachronic Order thanks to technical difficulties and Author Existence Failure from the VA for Sakido, barring outside help in the form of The Other Darrin.
- As of July 14, 2011, Episode 3 has finally been released.
- Avenging the Villain: Lazuli becomes hellbent on killing Kieri after she kills Talus.
- Awesome but Impractical: Buwaro never actually uses the wings he gets from Sakido's pendant because the group is of unanimous opinion they're too small to do any real good. Also, Kieri's Harmless Freezing powers seem to be like that, used only in one Random Encounter.
- For that matter, Buwaro's Unstoppable Rage is rendered thus by being much more literal than usual. There are precisely two ways to stop it, and one of those is death. It's also totally indiscriminate.
- Awesome McCoolname: Jakkai are given meaningful last names based on their appearance or personality, which leads to some pretty cool names such as Snaketail and Thunderheart. Rhea's friend Ramirez Bloodeyes might just be the winner, though. There's also a character named Darius Elexion, and later, of course, Buwaro Elexion.
- Ax Crazy: Azurai. Quoth Iratu, in response for throwing out Tsavaro's suggestion that they not vaporize a village to get one specific person: "What the hell is your problem?"
- Baleful Polymorph: Kieri, about half of the time.
- Cliff got a similar curse to Kieri as a prank. He couldn't control it at all, since it was done properly.
- Barefoot Cartoon Animals: Buwaro counts to an extent, as his bear-like feet are just about always bare, and Rhea may count as well if one doesn't count her paw-wrappings.
- Beast and Beauty: The Monster and the Maiden, an in-universe example.
- Arguably, Buwaro and Kieri.
- Berserk Button: Buwaro's pendant, inverted since it suppresses his Super-Powered Evil Side, instead of actually making him angry.
- Denevol reacts very poorly to Demons. Even when an Angel and one of his friends tell him to stop.
- Don't insult Sakido's poetry. No matter how bad it is.
- Bi the Way/Ambiguously Gay: Possibly, Eve.
- Big Brother Bully: Iratu and Sakido to Buwaro, the latter much more than the former. When they reunite after years of separation, the older siblings are a little better about it.
- The Big Guy: Iratu. Full Stop. Talus too. Let's be safe and say all Earth Demons.
- Though Iratu is especially huge (and strong) even for an earth demon, due to Darius's pendant.
- Big No: No reincarnation for Rhea
- Rhea's reaction to more of Sakido's poetry.
- Bigger Is Better: GIGA pudding
- Bishie Sparkle: Parodied with Buwaro + PimpDuds.
- Black Comedy: Denevol beating the crap out of bunny-Kieri was definitely not played for laughs. That strip's title, however, was a cheerful "Now with 100% more bunny stompin'!"
- Azurai's pretty cheerful about leaving the corpses of people he kills around to rot.
- Blah Blah Blah : Pulled by Buwaro of all people. It quickly goes from funny to sweet.
- Blank White Eyes.
- Blue with Shock.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Duster popping the lovey-dovey hearts in the second panel here might just be the first (if minor) example of this. Not that a lack of fourth wall breakage hinders the story or humor at all, of course.
- Rock Joke: Especially here.
- Which doubles as an Incredibly Lame Pun.
- Broken Pedestal: Sakido gets one when the trio read her journal entry confessing how she tore Buwaro's ear and left him for dead.
- Brutal Honesty: Sakido in her exposition dialogue's end. Not too depressing...
- By the Lights of Their Eyes: Demons, justified as switching on the eye glow improves their already good night vision.
- Casanova Wannabe: Duster.
- Category Traitor: Kieri has been accused of this for her friendship with Buwaro.
- Cat Smile: Rhea, Kieri in bunny form. Justified by non-human anatomy.
- Cerebus Syndrome: While intended as a plot driven story from the beginning, the focus on Rhea and Buwaro in the first several strips makes the beginning much lighter in tone.
- It happens twice, in fact. First we have Rhea and Buwaro in the Ring of the Slightly Damned, and later their time in Medius with Kieiri, which was mostly lighthearted in itself. Still, a recent set of comics seem to indicate that the plot is getting ready to kick in again...
- In first example, Sakido fought Cerberus.
- It happens twice, in fact. First we have Rhea and Buwaro in the Ring of the Slightly Damned, and later their time in Medius with Kieiri, which was mostly lighthearted in itself. Still, a recent set of comics seem to indicate that the plot is getting ready to kick in again...
- Cessation of Existence: Sakido explains that demons do not have an afterlife. The same also applies to Angels. It seems ironically fitting that Sakido explains it since she dies about 15 pages later.
- Chain of Deals: Parodied in this strip.
- Character Development: Quite a bit. Over a year has passed in-story, and the characters have come a long way from where they started.
- Rhea is more tolerant and patient with Buwaro's antics, and she seems to be more comfortable acting as a surrogate older sister to him and Kieri. She's still a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, but with slightly more emphasis on the heart of gold-part.
- Buwaro has matured and is becoming more focused and serious. His commitment to Kieri drives him to try to and better himself by trying to learn to read and use his magic.
- Kieri is more outspoken and confident, and she's no longer bothered by her feelings for Buwaro.
- Cheated Angle: Thadius always looks the same -- crevasse, shape, everything -- because she is always drawn from the exact same angle.
- Chekhov's Gun: Death only has one eye. So does Darius.
- Cheshire Cat Grin: Buwaro after learning what a hickey is...
- Cloudcuckoolander: Buwaro.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Azurai is prone to this.
- Color Failure: Rhea caught with J's letter.
- The Comically Serious: Sakido.
- Coming of Age: As the story goes on, Buwaro seems to be trading his emotional connections with Thadius for Kieri. Indeed, his maturity seems to scale inversely with Thadius's screen time.
- The fact that Buwaro was willing to go this far for her says a lot.
- Companion Cube: Thadius, of course.
- Compliment Backfire: When Buwaro is worried about his appearance after his horn is damaged, Kieri tries to console him by saying he looks fine to her because she doesn't care how his horns look. But that's even more heinous for him...
- Cool Big Sis: In a more literal example, Rhea has taken on the responsibility of being a big sister to Buwaro since Sakido's death. Kieri also looks up to Rhea as a role model, since she envies Rhea's strong personality. Though she can be cynical and short tempered with them, Rhea's doing her best to look after them both and give them guidance.
- Sakido to Buwaro.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Buwaro.
- Cry for the Devil: The last page of an epic Tear Jerker. Even after it all, it hurts.
- Arguably inverted with Sakido, who in a flashback was shown leaving Buwaro to die, but earlier in the comic (later chronologically) died saving Buwaro and Rhea.
- Curb Stomp Battle: When Heathecliff Sinclair stands up to fight a Seraph who has been kicking the crap out of the comic's most accomplished fighter, we are led to expect a dramatic back and forth. Three pages later a smug Cliff dusts off from a flawless victory.
- Cursed with Awesome: Debatably, Kieri's transformations. While inconvenient, have saved her life at least once.
- Cute Bruiser: Kieri.
- Cute Little Fangs: Buwaro, and to a lesser extent Rhea.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Kieri said she was unpopular, she didn't say her mother was abusive. Iron Woobie, much?
- Sakido and Iratu were abusive to Buwaro before he was old enough to talk. The former is responsible for the bite mark on his ear.
- Dark Is Not Evil / Light Is Not Good: Angels and demons are shown to suffer similar attitudes (including emotional instability and prejudice) to what you would expect of humans, given their respective cultural situations.
- Deadpan Snarker: Rhea.
- Dead to Begin With: Rhea, obviously.
- Don't Fear the Reaper: Subverted. At first, Death seems to be an amiable person who even made friends with the rather lonely denizens of the Ring of the Slightly Damned. But then it's revealed that he's actually the angel Darius, who acts as Death's replacement. The actual god is at least implied to be much more callous.
- Didn't Think This Through: Buwaro, a lot. Sometimes approaches Leeroy Jenkins territory.
- Ice Shards + Fire Breath = Getting hit in the face with water.
- Fact: A Trouble Center I.D. badge will not protect you against a Knight Templar Seraph.
- Dramatic Necklace Removal: Occurred when Rhea stole Buwaro's star pendant, which resulted in Buwaro reverting to his berserk state and brutally killing her.. The cast has spent the remainder of the comic trying to avert this.
- Dream Sequence: In the first few arcs, dream sequences for the characters are fairly common.
- Ear Ache: Buwaro got a very damaged ear from Sakido.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Darius, in Sakido's Nightmare Sequence.
- Elemental Powers: All characters are attuned to a classical element. Some generic elemental behavior stereotypes, and certain eye colors, tend to be slightly more common among users of the related element. Demons have additional abilities based on their element, with earth demons being huge in size, wind demons being able to fly, water demons being amphibious, and fire demons breathing fire (as well as being fire and cold resistant). (Interestingly, the comic does not use Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors.)
- Blow You Away, Shock and Awe: Sakido, Denevol.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Iratu, Talus, Darius, Rhea (though she's limited to only one spell).
- Making a Splash, An Ice Person: Lazuli, Kieri, any of Kieri's family.
- Playing with Fire: Buwaro, Azurai, Samantha, Cliff.
- Everythings Better With Bunnies: Kieri's curse.
- Averted with Toski, to the point rabbits are considered bad luck in-universe.
- Exposition Fairy: Rhea within the parody incentive is Navi, functionally.
- Expy: Look at Denevol and tell me he doesn't look like a Badass Grandpa Link.
- Face Heel Turn: Two of Medius's Guardian Spirits sided with Syndel during the Great War. Toski, the rabbit spirit, seems to be the most infamous of them, to the point that many people view rabbits as signs of bad luck or worse.
- The Fair Folk: While normal Fairies are of the tiny and playful variety, the Queen of Fairies gives off some bad vibrations.
- To be fair, that's just a story. But then again...
- Fairy Companion: Sammy has two, sisters named Willow and Eve, who she rescued from an unscrupulous merchant in Riverside. They're you're standard fairy companion affair: small, cute, glowing, and silent. Less conventionally, Cliff has Duster, who is fast-talking and lecherous. He also seems to amplify Cliff's magical abilities.
- Fantastic Racism: Demons are nearly universally reviled by Medians and Angels, and the feeling is definitely mutual; Demons generally see Medians as worthless and despise Angels with a fiery passion. It also seems to be traditional in certain Jakkai villages to not allow humans to visit.
- Finger-Snap Lighter: Cliff does this. Also Azurai if the quick fire-breath version counts.
- Five Races: Humans are Mundane, Fairies are Fae, Jakkai are Cute, Khamega are (probably) Stout, Angels are High Men, and demons are Evil.
- Flat Earth Atheist: Word of God is that most Medians are "skeptical" about the existence fairies, angels, demons, and other "myths," nearly all of which have already been featured in the comic proper or confirmed by Word of God.
- Flat What: Duster, after being told off in Median by one of Sammy's previously mute female fairy friends.
- I just want to harvest your bodies for ingredients!
- Nonverbal edition. (WARNING: offhand spoiler)
- Flipping the Bird: Rhea, here.
- And later Azurai, when Iratu smacks him for being a Jerkass Psycho for Hire.
- Foreshadowing: Done by Death. "An illness? No, that is not the cause of her death... Unless you count being related to someone as an illness".
- Not long after this happened, something similar started.
- For much of the comic's run, there have been subtle hints that Death is really Darius. This is the earliest of these hints.
- Those glasses weren't suspicious at all, were they?
- How about the puppet show?
- Forever War: The Angels and Demons are locked in an apparently divine-mandated war of annihilation, reinforced by numerous Remember the Alamo! incidents on both sides. The war is over, but now there are conspiracies instead.
- For the Evulz: Why Toski cursed Kieri, more or less.
- Four-Fingered Hands: Jakkai and fairies.
- Fractured Fairy Tale: The Median version of "Beauty and The Beast" apparently involves a Wave Motion Gun and a Zombie Apocalypse.
- There are apparently a ton of these, although some of them remain as a Noodle Incident with just their name being mentioned.
Rhea: What else is in here? "The Bloody Shovel of Regret," " Ms. Cow and the Ice Cream Shop Secret," "The Ice-Covered Doll," "Revenge of the Fairy Queen"...
- Gale Force Sound: Iratu shows Buwaro and Rhea just how roaring is done.
- The Glomp: Buwaro has a knack for this.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: Demons when angry - or they just want to improve their night vision.
- God Job: Darius taking the place of Death.
- God's Hands Are Tied: Death, the most active god around, is surprisingly limited. For example his own creation can disobey and mock him. Ouch.
- Justified, since Darius (the current Death) didn't create Cerberus and therefore Cerberus feels no obligation to obey him.
- The Gods Must Be Lazy: Despite being one of the divine crowd, Death gets rather lame territory compared to Gaia (heaven) and Syndel (hell), just getting himself purgatory and judgment. Not to mention that given the nastiness of divine politics, his hands are tied in regards to the other gods. There is also no information on the other gods doing anything at all recently.
- It eventually became known that Death has been missing for 15 years, having been replaced by Darius, and making him the same.
- Good Is Not Nice: He may be gruff, cynical, and less than friendly to most, but Heathcliff Sinclair only does what he thinks is right.
- For that matter, what we've seen of angel society suggests that it's hyper-conformist and at least borderline fascist, but they canonically tend toward good, and the society seems to be constructed in this manner specifically to keep the tending-toward-evil demons in check.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Angels have their usual deal, Demons get all varieties of feathery and batlike, Fairies - butterfly wings.
- Gratuitous English: Duster, but it's justified as Fairies generally speak their own language.
- Green-Eyed Monster: The reason for Sakido and Iratu's initial reactions to Buwaro joining their 'family', especially Sakido. So much so that it led to Sakido tearing off part of Buwaro's ear, and guilt from their behavior probably drives both demons' closeness with Buwaro earlier in the strip.
- Grey and Gray Morality: The war between heaven and hell. The angels are implied to be A Lighter Shade of Gray, as many of the demons have violent tendencies (and some are tasked with torturing souls in hell). However, not all demons are evil and most of them at least have redeeming qualities, while some of the Angels are merciless Knight Templars. Darius notes that both sides occasionally kill children of the other side.
- Half-Identical Twins: Kieri and her brother, Kazai.
- Have You Seen My God?: Mother Gaia and Father Syndel are missing, the real Death hasn't been seen either since he went looking for them 15 years ago.
- Heroic Bystander: Subverted not once, but twice with Kieri.
- Effectively Rhea's actions here though it almost becomes more of a Heroic Sacrifice
- Heroic Sacrifice: Buwaro. He got better, thanks to only almost dying.
- Sakido performs one earlier.
- He Was Right There All Along: Darius
Kieri: Wow. Darius sure wasn't fond of my aunt. "A fat hussy always moving in on my man"?
- Apparently, there are special fairy kisses that will inform the Fairy Queen to not kill you. Cliff's life was once saved by one, but he refused to say who it was.
- Info Dump: Lampshaded here by Rhea.
- Insult Backfire: "You're as ugly as you are stupid!" "Hey, I'm not that ugly!"
- Interspecies Romance: Kieri and Buwaro.
- Intrepid Merchants: The Sinclairs.
- Involuntary Shapeshifting: Kieri's "bunny curse". It kicks in at unexpected intervals, and Kieri has difficulty changing back.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Rhea, Cliff.
- Kick the Dog: Lazuli and Talus.
- Denevol when Kieri's curse kicked in.
- Killed Off for Real: Sakido and Talus
- Knight of Cerebus: The hooded archer and Denevol.
- Knight Templar: Denevol. Semi-justified, considering Demons slaughtered his whole family, but still...
- Large Ham: Lazuli
- Last-Name Basis: Denevol
- Let's Get Dangerous: Who would've thought Cliff and Duster were capable of this?
- Losing Your Head: Cerberus' missing head seems to be perfectly fine with just being a skull/living headgear for Darius.
- Love Across Battlelines: Kieri the angel and Buwaro the demon.
- Luminescent Blush: Entire main cast at various points, with Kieri's blush being the most prominent and frequent.
- Doubles as an excellent example of Innocent Innuendo.
- Magic Music: Kieri's singing may be a minor example. Everyone who heard it took notice. Even the horses.
- Buwaro follows up with a good deal of untapped talent as well. While it's not magic per se, it's apparently insanely attractive to Angels, which means Kieri nearly falls on her butt just from hearing it.
- Magic Pants: Averted with Iratu.
- Lampshaded by Rhea after Buwaro is hit by Denevol's lightning spell. His shirt is totally destroyed, his coat needs refurbishing, but his pants are just fine.
- Marshmallow Dream: Buwaro has one that became the page image. See the whole page here.
- Meaningful Name: Jakkai last names are often based on physical attributes.
- Mismatched Eyes: The Jakkai Mr Moonshade has "boatlights" -- one red, one green.
- Moment Killer: Thank you, Rhea.
- Mood Whiplash: Protocol? "More like protoBALLS" says Azurai, while the blood of the man he just murdered is still drying on his bare hands.
- Somehow, I don't think that was meant to be funny.
- Bet Azurai found it hilarious!
- Azurai in general helps to lighten the mood whenever we're given a shot of the villains plotting.
- An example of Double Whiplash: After Darius's tearfilled farewell to Sakido, Buwaro, in her arms, "boops" her nose (just as Darius had done) and giggles. She does not take it well.
- Somehow, I don't think that was meant to be funny.
- Mundane Afterlife: The Ring of the Slightly Damned consists of a large open landscape, filled with rocks, a pet rock, mountains made of rock, and flat places made of rock.
- Mundane Utility: Azurai and Cliff have lit up cigarettes using their fire magic.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Buwaro keeps calling Kieri "Snowy", as Rhea named her when they thought she was just a bunny. Nobody seems to mind it, though.
- Word of God is that he does this to avoid mispronouncing Kieri's full name.
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much: Played with. For Demons, being evil is as much a choice as it is their instinct so long as the berserker thing is kept in check, but most of them are unsavory characters anyway, as their role in the greater scheme of things is to torture the souls of the damned.
- Mysterious Past: Sakido, Buwaro, Iratu, Darius, Death, as well as what Ramirez has been up to since Rhea died, although that's more of a Mysterious Present.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Lazuli demonstrates why having a short temper can be very dangerous on the battlefield. [1]
- Nightmare Sequence: Kieri's first "angel" appearance is here, during a nightmare. Her next Dream Sequence also begins like a nightmare, but ends happily.
- Also, Sakido's nightmare in this strip.
- Noodle Incident: The readers never learn what the explosion incident that occurred at J's previous job involved, only that it was truly spectacular.
- There's also the question of what happens when wind demons get drunk.
- Some damned souls are forced to wear REALLY, REALLY, REALLY uncomfortable footwear.
Rhea: Ouch.
Buwaro: Reminds me of the time I got Thadius stuck in my nose...
- Not So Different: It's beginning to look like the angels and the demons have more in common than they realize.
- Not So Stoic: I just have something in both my eyes, okay?
- Oblivious Guilt Slinging: Has its own visual effect, seen here.
- Obviously Evil: Moonshade
- Offscreen Teleportation: Death.
- Oh Crap: Buwaro, panel three at the wind Angel mother, which is understandable having had bad experiences with a certain other wind Angel. Enforced by immediate Color Failure.
- One-Hit Kill: The Holy Arrows are capable of this.
- Only One Name: Demons generally only have a first name. Buwaro recently broke the trend and is now Buwaro Elexion.
- Opposites Attract: Buwaro the fire Demon and
SnowyKieri the water Angel. - Our Angels Are Different: While Angels may appear very similar to Humans, they are powerful wielders of magic, proud warriors, and have no afterlife.
- Our Demons Are Different: Buwaro is the worst example of a demon ever.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: The pimp suit used to disguise Buwaro didn't really hide his purple fur, ear shape and horns, traits which none of Medius' known races have. It worked, though it led some people to believe Rhea and Kieri are hookers.
- Then there's the case mentioned under Weirdness Censor, which made Buwaro think no one would recognize him if he wore the Trouble Center badge he had at the time.
- Personality Powers: Based on elemental affiliation. An established tendency, but not a rule.
- Persona Non Grata: If Buwaro and Kieri ever go back to Weyville, Denevol will almost certainly kill them.
- Physical God: Death.
- The Guardians of Medius. They can assume human (or possibly other sapient species) form and engage in such mundane activities as attending festivals, or mugging mortals just to screw with them.
- Pillar of Light: They appear deep in Hell from time to time, which upsets Death for some reason. It turns out they're portals leading to Medius.
- Turns out Heaven has something similar.
- Pimp Duds: The pimp suit.
- Please Don't Leave Me: He didn't.
- Pollyanna: Buwaro, given his history.
- Prehensile Tail: Rhea Snaketail. She can (and often does) use it as an extra limb for grabbing and carrying things, like rocks and bunnies. She can even lift herself off the ground with it.
- Proud Warrior Race: Angels have a pretty militaristic culture for a race of good guys.
- Justified by the Forever War with the Demons.
- Psychotic Smirk/Slasher Smile: "The bloodline ends with me..."
- Puppy Dog Eyes: Buwaro, rarely happens to other characters. But even Kieri busts them out if the situation calls for it. Aw that's really not fair Kieri.
- Even Rhea breaks them out once in a while. Note Buwaro's reaction.
- Real Dreams Are Weirder: Rhea's "giant bunny" dream.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Heathcliff "Cliff" Sinclair really hammered Buwaro for his fighting ability, looks, and intelligence in this page. It reduced Buwaro to tears.
- Redemption Equals Death: Done in reverse, insofar as we only learn why Sakido was so willing to risk her life for Buwaro years after the strip where she died trying to make his life better.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: One of Moonshade's. Averted with Buwaro and Iratu, personality-wise. Taking Buwaro's pendant or bothering Iratu the day after he drinks changes this.
- Refuge in Audacity: Invoked; see Weirdness Censor for details.
- Relationship Upgrade: Buwaro and Kieri. Twice!
- Reluctant Monster: Buwaro gets this a lot for being a Demon.
- Retired Badass: Heathcliff Sinclair to a Tee.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: The Fairy Queen. You do not want to mess with her subjects. And a fairy showing fondness is one of the only ways to not be killed on sight by her.
- Running Gag: Buwaro loves to play catch with Thadius, which usually doesn't end well. The gag was later lampshaded here.
- Just how many people does Cliff Sinclair know?
- Angels' favourite colours were a short lived one.
- Sacrificial Lion: Sakido. Word of God even says this was her main purpose in the story.
- Sand in My Eyes: Cliff has some.
- Scenery Porn: The page where the characters arrive in St. Curtis.
- Schedule Slip: Inverted. There are actually more comics than weeks the comic has been running.
- Shapeshifter Hammerspace: Obviously, Kieri turning into a snow bunny (her clothes disappear too). Demons going berserk also gain mass.
- Shapeshifter Mode Lock: Kieri's "bunny curse" occasionally kicks in and is difficult to revert.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: More than likely a part of Denevol and Kieri's mother's Gotta Kill Them All reaction to Demons.
- Shipper on Deck: Rhea is clearly supportive of Buwaro and Kieri's relationship. Provided they aren't keeping her awake.
- Shirtless Scene: Buwaro has some, mostly justified by circumstances, but from page 501 on apparently just for the heck of it.
- Shout-Out: To The Legend of Zelda and Ace Attorney, in this comic. Minor shout-outs to Ace Attorney in the form of red, spiky "HOLD IT!" bubbles are also found.
- "Shut Up" Kiss: Good boy, Buwaro!
- Considering how bad things had gotten shortly beforehand, it was also a Smooch of Victory the second time.
- Shrinking Violet: Kieri, to the max. She eventually becomes just a little bit more confident, at least around Buwaro and Rhea.
- Sickeningly Sweethearts: Rhea is sick of Buwaro and Kieri.
- Sir Swearsalot: Azurai and Lazuli. Rhea is more-or-less the only other character that swears.
- Don´t forget Lazuli´s Cluster-F-Bombs shortly after we meet her.
- Slasher Smile: Moonshade's really happy about the upcoming Flower Festival
- Spell My Name with an "S": Invoked in universe for Kieri Suizhan.
- Invisible to Gaydar: If it had never been explicitly stated, the audience would never know that Darius was gay. After it comes up in his diary, it isn't made a big deal of because it has almost no bearing on the plot, and the characters who know don't see it as being very important.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Demons aren't exactly "good" to begin with, but they are able to enter a berserk form that is... Well, see for yourself. The downside is that once they enter this form, the easiest way out of it is death by overexertion.
- Buwaro is a Demon squarely on the Good side of things. Just don't remove that necklace.
- Talking Animal: Kieri can speak even in bunny form. Magic.
- Tastes Like Diabetes: Rhea's reaction to Snowy preparing to read from a book of fairy tales.
- Tear Jerker: The in-universe story "The Puppy Who Looked For a Family". Even Cliff of all people can't help but wipe his eyes.
- That Was the Last Entry: Darius' journal ends like this, as he goes to his certain death to distract Cerberus. The last entry is just "I love you, my children".
- Three Amigos: Rhea, Buwaro, and Kieri.
- Through a Face Full of Fur: Blushes on Buwaro and Kieri in bunny form. It's adorable! And usually is a precursor to a minor CMOH.
- Tragic Keepsake: Sakido's pendant. Buwaro even wears it the same way.
- The Unpronounceable: In mild form: nobody gets "Kieri Suizahn" right the first time. Justified, since the official pronunciation is "kee-AIR-ee soo-EE-zahn".
- Unstoppable Rage: Demons have the ability to go berserk, gaining great power. Unfortunately, they will Attack! Attack! Attack! everything within sight until they die. There is a temporary solution, thanks to the Not So Different nature of Angels and their pendants, but this is rife with potential for violent hilarity.
- Van Helsing Hate Crimes: Denevol's attack on "demons and traitors", aka Buwaro and Kieri.
- Villainous Breakdown: Denovol starts getting antsy.
- Visible Silence: A fairly common occurrence, especially on comedic bits.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Cliff and Duster. Also Rhea and Buwaro, at first.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Kieri can control her transformation some of the time, Death changes size at will.
- The guardians of Medius, who are all animals naturally and can change form as needed. The Kieri example above was a semi-botched curse done by one.
- Waif Fu: Both Kieri and Rhea have, can, and will dish out the pain when needed.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Many male demons. Moonshade also wears a cape, but no shirt beneath.
- Weirdness Censor: The sight of a Demon and an Angel walking around together instead of fighting each other is so unthinkable, everyone assumes Kieri and Buwaro are wearing costumes.
- Wham! Episode: 2010 was a big year for these. The most shocking [MAJOR SPOILER]: Who would've guessed that Darius has been Death this whole time?
- Iratu and co butchered an entire town.
- Who Dunnit to Me?: The events of the entire comic were all started by Rhea's death, and yet we don't have even the slightest idea why is it that she even died in the first place.
- The picture is starting to become clearer.
- Amazingly enough, hinted at in a throw away line SIX YEARS EARLIER.
- The picture is starting to become clearer.
- Winged Humanoid: Angels, of course. Though they get their wings from pendants.
- Wings Do Nothing: The wings Buwaro gets from Sakido's pendant are implied to be these.
- ↑ For added stupidity, Lazuli and Talus were the ones who put the power-restricting collar on Kieri in the first place.