< Dominic Deegan

Dominic Deegan/Heartwarming

  • Dominic and Luna tend to share one of these at the denouement of each major story arc. (See here for one of the best examples.)
    • Here's another good one.
    • This too. Though more humorous than the other two, this troper has always considered it touching that the normally calm, rational Dominic goes COMPLETELY BERSERK upon witnessing one of the most tragic moments of Luna's past.
  • Dominic proposing to Luna. Then this.
  • If this doesn't warm you up, nothing will.
  • Stunt, of all folks, gets one here.
  • Szark Sturtz' complete 180 at the end of the "Ecstasy and Evil" story arc, in which he shoulders the blame for all the wrongdoings he's committed in the past, and willingly seeks professional guidance. Sure, he could've blamed his behavior on being possessed, but no; he decided to take it like a man. Bravo.
    • And Szark gets another one after his duel with Scarlatti, which he was the key to saving an entire town from being bought out and turned into a sports stadium. And after almost relapsing into his old killing-because-it's-fun mentality...

Lars Sturtz: You used to fight for your own pleasure. Today you fought for something greater than yourself. You helped those in need and asked for nothing in return. Szark, you are not just my son...you are my hero.

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