
A webcomic about Anthropomorphic Personifications of the seven deadly sins, and the young humans who get their leash.

The story practically requires you to read the original Sins comic in order to be understandable. The original comic chapters are downloadable from the site.

It does not go in order, switching to a different time period each storyline. The seven virtues are also involved, as well as several tarots and a necromancer named Murdoch. Oh, and some golems. Humanoid, evil golems that the sins were previously inhabiting... it's very complicated.

Find it here.

Tropes used in Sins include:

Fortune: I've hunted bananas before...

  • Color Coded for Your Convenience: The Sins:
    • Sloth: Dark Blue
    • Lust: Pink or Purple
    • Anger: Black for original Anger, Blue for Pettiness
    • Pride: Yellow
    • Envy: Green for Desire, Black and Orange for Flattery, Black for Jealousy
    • Greed: Brown
    • Gluttony: Orange (bright pink or neon green early on) for Craving, Light Blue/Black for Gorging
  • Cooldown Hug: Balance's hugs are filled with magic, that instantly make anyone except Death feel relaxed. It even worked on Chasity, who because of her namesake, always felt stressed until then.
  • Cross-Cultural Handshake: Here.
  • Curse Cut Short: Here.
  • Cursed with Awesome: As the host for the Sins, you lose your soul...but you get to command around the personifications of the forces of humanity's sins.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Murdoch got one recently, in which he tried to figure out what Filo was 'up to'. It didn't go well, probably because he's The Chew Toy.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Lust, Murdoch, Joy.
  • Did Not Do the Research: There are, in fact, a set of seven virtues that are counterparts to the seven deadly sins, but they are called the seven heavenly virtues, not the holy virtues (Which are something else entirely). Also, the heavenly virtues are Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility... not Chastity, Fasting, Sharing, Labor, Joy, Contentment, and Modesty as listed in the comic.
    • Actually more of a combined case of Artistic License with They Just Didn't Care. The virtues here serve more as antagonists than to reflect religious doctrine accurately, and so their names were changed to suit better the characters: Temperance, Charity and Diligence are way too feminine to be guy's names, "Joy" is a straight opposite for Anger, (while we are at it Pip deliberately chose Anger over Wrath because it was a softer word), "Humility" doesn't suit Modesty at all (the guy is such a big jerk) and Envy is such a nice guy that "Kindness" just doesn't work as a proper opposite (in fact they are the most unrelated Sin-Virtue pair).
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: The Sins (and Chastity) fighting Death.
    • It's even lampshaded. Gotta love Flattery!Envy's expression.
    • Hoarding!Greed's Oh Crap expression is good too.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: Gorging!Gluttony tends to be... very hungry a lot of the time, but she has her moments of insight.

Gorging: This guy is an idiot.
Lust: I know! All the more fun this will be! Don't hog him, Breck!
Gorging: No. Bad idea.
Lust: Wha?! But I want to wail on him too!
Gorging: If he loses, The Tarot will replace him.
Lust: Good! He doesn't deserve to be a force!
Gorging: They might replace him with someone competent.
Lust: We have to lose this fight.

Sloth: Meh.

    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.