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World Wrestling Entertainment/Characters/Inc

Lists the various WWE wrestlers active during the WWE, Inc. Era, from 2011 to present. Please limit associated tropes to that wrestler's time in the WWE.

Andy Leavine (Andrew Leavine) 2011

Antonio Cesaro (Claudio Castagnoli) 2012-

Damien Sandow (Aaron Haddad) 2006, 2012-

Hunico (Jorge Arias) 2011-

  • Badass Decay: Well, look at Beat Them At Their Own Game. Since being outed as Hunico, he's been pretty much Demoted to Extra, jobbing every so often.
  • Beat Them At Their Own Game: As Sin Cara Negro (well, technically not Negro), he PUT Daniel Bryan IN THE LEBELL LOCK AND MADE HIM TAP.
  • Color Coded for Your Convenience / Good Colors, Evil Colors: As Sin Cara Negro, he dressed in black and silver.
  • Costume Copycat
  • Darker and Edgier
  • Dark Reprise: His version of the Sin Cara theme song is far more somber.
  • Expy: As Hunico, his attire may reminds fans of WCW mainstay Konnan, or TNA wrestler Anarquia.
  • Evil Costume Switch: Negro eventually removes his Costume Copycat mask to reveal a darker version of it once Azul returned when their match at Hell In A Cell was announced.
  • Evil Counterpart
  • Evil Foreigner
  • Finishing Move: Briefly used the Falling Star (a high-angle Swanton Bomb) as well as a springboard moonsault - colloquially known as the 'Lionsault', Chris Jericho's old finisher. Now uses a variant of the Olympic Slam.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: When Arias started his career in Mexico, he wrestled as Mistico - a gimmick that CMLL ripped off and gave Urive at the same time. An infringement case went to court, and Arias lost the rights to the Mistico gimmick to CMLL and Urive. In WWE, the Sin Cara Negro gambit was Arias' attempt to get revenge on Urive in a similar manner.
    • Real Life Writes the Plot: Negro mentions the Mistico gimmick as his motivation for trying to steal the Sin Cara gimmick.
  • Lightning Bruiser: At least in style. He showcased his high-flying potential as Sin Cara Negro, but as the unmasked Hunico he can often switch between that and a more physical brawling style.
  • Lower Class Lout: As Hunico, his gimmick is a street thug from Juarez, Mexico.
  • Masked Luchador: As Sin Cara Negro.
  • Ominous Latin Chanting: Played straight
  • The Other Darrin: Originally played out as this. Until the big reveal, Sin Cara was "portrayed" by Arias during Urive's suspension for violating WWE's wellness program. The change is lampshaded in the commentary, commenting on his recent weight change, new moves and his mask improperly fitted.
  • Paint It Black
  • Satisfied Street Rat: As Hunico.
  • Villain Team-Up: With Epico, briefly.
  • The Voiceless: Averted as Sin Cara Negro, when the American-born wrestler gave a Suddenly Voiced moment both in Spanish and English. This makes the confrontations between the two a little strange.
  • What Could Have Been / Aborted Arc: Variation. Originally, after losing to Sin Cara and outing himself as Hunico, he was placed into a group with the recently promoted (from FCW and Superstars, respectively) tag team Epico and Primo. Rosa Mendes was expected to join soon after in order to make an Alternate Company Equivalent to TNA's Mexican America. The problem was that Primo and Epico were from (and billed from) Puerto Rico, which is considered a territory/protectorate of the United States. (Oh, and Rosa is part Costa Rican.) Perhaps with seeing the Unfortunate Implications of putting a group of Hispanics together and calling all of them Mexicans, WWE split the stable in half before it got off the ground. Primo and Epico got Rosa (and subsequently became the Tag Team Champions), while Hunico became a singles competitor and was paired with a huge bike-riding lackey named Camacho - also known as former FCW talent Donny Marlow, who is neither Mexican nor Puerto Rican nor Costa Rican. Although one must wonder whether, had gone through with it, Alberto Del Rio (who, yes, actually is Mexican) would have figured into the occasion somehow.

Jinder Mahal (Yuvraj Dhesi) 2011-

  • Culture Equals Costume: Wears the Sikh version of a turban to the ring.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Started a feud with Ted Dibiase Jr., explaining that he cannot understand why Ted has befriended the "peasants" and stopped being a Rich Bitch, claiming to be irritated by it.
  • Evil Foreigner
  • Green-Eyed Monster: According to Ranjin Singh, he is jealous towards the fact that Khali is a worldwide celebrity.
  • Man in White
  • Rich Bastard
  • The Kid with the Remote Control: A villainous variant. After turning Heel and siding with him, Khali doesn't really do anything until Mahal tells him to.
    • It turns out that Khali's only doing it to protect his sister from being divorced by him, which were they're from would be a major disgrace to the entire family.
  • Too Dumb to Live: See Bullying a Dragon. This guy really needs to learn how to pick his battles a little better.
  • Underwear of Power
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The Great Khali evidently got sick of Mahal's threats and bullying, broke away from him, and then kicked his ass. Between the sudden end to the feud as well as either Mahal's inability or his unwillingness to speak English when on camera, we never find out whether Mahal was bluffing or whether he did indeed divorce Khali's sister.
    • And we'll never find out, as he's now feuding with Ted Dibiase Jr.
    • Apparently not, as Great Khali is called Mahal's brother-in-law at the Royal Rumble.
  • Wrestling Family: Nephew of wrestler Gama Singh.

Ryback (Ryan Reeves) 2004, 2010, 2012-

  • Bald of Awesome
  • Canon Discontinuity: He was in no way shape or form part of The Nexus. What they acknowledge is that he was part of NXT season 1, before getting hurt.
    • Discontinuity Nod: A close look at his ring gear reveals a subtle (if not accidental) one, in that he wears arm bands on his biceps with a huge "R", right where the Nexus armband(s) would be.
  • Expy: His large, imposing figure and tendency to beat opponents in dominating fashion recall Goldberg, which the crowd invariably lampshades with the appropriate chant during his matches.
  • Game-Breaking Injury: The poor guy broke his leg right as the Nexus angle took off in 2010, and it kept him out of the ring for well over a year.
  • Hulk Speak/This Is Sparta: If you listen closely during his matches, he shouts very simple phrases, one word at a time.
    • And after his matches as well.


Sin Cara (Luis Ignascio Urive Alvirde) 2011-

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  1. He's listed at 6-foot-5, 270 pounds.
  2. He'd just had to endure one of Cole's self-gratifying interview sessions at a time where he really wasn't in the mood.
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