Valkyrie Profile/Characters
A quick rundown of the gods, the mortals, and the formerly mortal caught up in a war beyond their understanding in the Valkyrie Profile series. Rather incomplete; feel free to add.
"It shall be engraved upon your soul!"—All of them, at some point or another.
Lenneth Valkyrie
The middle of the three Valkyrie sisters, and the main character of the first Valkyrie Profile (later appropriately called Valkyrie Profile Lenneth). A warrior-maiden tasked with finding and strengthening deceased warriors for the upcoming battle of Ragnarok, she takes the guise of a mortal girl named Platina to seek out worthy souls to join her. It turns out that she was previously sealed inside Platina, Lucian's Unlucky Childhood Friend, and that Platina's memories were sealed upon Lenneth's reawakening to keep her from straying from her mission. Odin is very unhappy should those reawaken. Her Finishing Move is Nibelung Valesti - after letting loose with a flurry of sword strikes/bow shots, she knocks her foe in the air and impales them on three spears (which can evolve to her throwing a larger fourth spear, which can further evolve to explode). Her version of Nibelung Valesti is blue.
- Action Girl
- The Archer: She is able to use bows, but only in the first game. For much of the game, she's a considerably better archer than most of the others you'll pick up.
- Battle Ballgown
- Bow and Sword in Accord: Again, only in the first game. She might be the only example that wears plate mail.
- Braids of Action
- Critical Existence Failure: If she is defeated, you have three turns to revive her before you automatically lose. Justified in that she is the power source of the main party in the first game.
- Cry Cute: as soon as she regains her memories as Platina.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Lenneth slowly shows more concern for humans as the game goes on, though it doesn't really appear readily until the Golden Ending has been triggered.
- The Ego: Specifically referred to as the Valkyries' primary ego in the bad ending.
- Eleventh-Hour Superpower: In the Golden Ending of the first game.
- Emotionless Girl: at first, though even she later showed the same attitude to Freya even after regaining her memories.
- Energy Bow: Her arrows seem to be composed of some sort of light energy.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Played with - mortals don't actually know the names of any of the Valkyries, and only address them by that title (or sometimes Lady Valkyrie). Only other gods refer to her as Lenneth. Used to great effect in the second game to foreshadow The Reveal about Rufus.
- Evolving Attack: Lenneth's finisher has three levels, although the third is only really seen in the endgame.
- Fan Service: Averted in the first game, but as time goes on, the artists of the series just keep blowing her skirt up more and more in illustrations until it finally resulted in this. Just scroll down until you reach I Accuse Everyone.
- A God Am I: In the Golden Ending, Lenneth assumes the prime position as the creator of a new world - one of the most benevolent examples of the trope. While stripped of much of this power when she time travels after Lezard in the sequel, she is still Lenneth the Creator in her sequel appearance.
- Good Bad Translation: Her finishing move Nibelung Valesti was apparently a corruption of Nibelung Velocity. Also, her pre-fight quote as mentioned above doesn't make sense in the first game, especially when she refers it to her warriors. This was fixed in the sequel game, where she now says "Come to me brave warriors, the battle awaits us!"
- The Grim Reaper
- Half-Human Hybrid: In the Golden Ending of the first game, again.
- Heroines Prefer Swords: Even if she is equipped with a bow, Lenneth uses a sword to slash things in dungeons. She's also the only sister to use swords as primary weapons in the second game; all three Valkyries still use a sword for Nibelung Valesti.
- Heroic BSOD: After having her memories and being reassembled, she briefly goes into this over Lucian's death.
- Karma Meter: Lenneth has two. One, more obvious, shows how well she is in the graces of Odin, the All-Father. The second shows how strong the seal is on her memories. If it's low enough at the appropriate time, the Golden Ending opens up on Medium or Hard difficulty.
- Lady of War
- Mama Bear: Toward her Einherjar and, in the A Ending, the whole world. Loki's last big mistake was blasting Midgard.
- Megan Hollingshead: She's the only voice actress to return for the second game.
- My Significance Sense Is Tingling
- Party in My Pocket: Probably one of the most literal examples.
- Rage Against the Heavens: After her memory is restored.
- Rapunzel Hair: Her braid reaches to about her lower back, and it's even longer on her in-game sprite.
- Restraining Bolt: Odin is extremely unhappy should this be released; he attempts to reseal Lenneth and awakens Hrist in her stead.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Against Loki in the final act of the Gold Ending.
- This Is Unforgivable!: Naturally, this is her proclamation.
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?: For most of the first game, she just doesn't "get" love in general, and calls into question some of her Einherjar's judgment when they do something apparently crazy out of love.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- World of Cardboard Speech: Gives one to Loki in the Golden Ending, just before recreating the world, resurrecting all the humans that died in Loki's attack, and kicking his ass.
- You Kill It, You Bought It: She kills no less than two of the souls who join her.
- Yumi Touma
Silmeria Valkyrie - The youngest Valkyrie, who is only vaguely mentioned by Lord of the Vampires, Brahms, briefly (and actually only named once in the Golden Ending) in the first game. She's one of the central characters of the second, which was named after her. Active centuries before the first game, Odin's attempt to put a Restraining Bolt on her was incomplete, and Silmeria was able to communicate with her host body, Princess Alicia of Dipan. It turns out that Silmeria was sealed because she found out about Odin's world-destroying gambit to win Ragnarok by potentially causing the world to fall apart. Silmeria's attempting to counter-plan against this in the meantime. Her Finishing Move is also Niebelung Valesti, colored yellow.
- The Archer: She's the only Valkyrie able to use bows in the second game.
- Ayako Kawasumi
- Cosmic Keystone: In the second game, it's revealed that Brahms held her frozen body in Midgard because Odin stole the Dragon Orb, which was supposed to keep Midgard stable, and Silmeria's power was used as a replacement.
- Damsel in Distress: Her default setting.
- Divergent Character Evolution
- Goddess Popsicle: She's trapped in crystal during the first game.
- Good Is Dumb: Many a time a situation may have been resolved in her favor had more forethought been put into her plans. Alas, she ends up Out-Gambitted by everyone and their dog.
- Grand Theft Me: Princess Alicia and Silmeria Valkyrie share the same body. Silmeria can take control anytime she wants.
- The Grim Reaper: Unlike her sisters, though, Silmeria's active recruitment days are behind her. She instead has to find her old Einherjar where they had been dropped.
- Hair of Gold
- Hot-Blooded: When compared to her sisters.
- The Id: With Lenneth and Hrist being respectively referred to as the primary ego and the secondary ego, this is the logical conclusion for Silmeria's role in the Valkyrie.
- Informed Attribute: Is said to be the kindest of the three Valkyries. In practice, Lenneth consistently is.
- Though, to be fair, Silmeria is the one actively trying to protect humanity from Odin's plans. Plus, she reincarnates her Einherjar instead of sending them to Valhalla. Silmeria's approach to kindness is more along the lines of a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
- Also, Lenneth only became kind after she learned the truth about herself and Platina. For most of the first game, she is pretty cold.
- Which in turn, is the consequence of her actions and the cause of her demise in Covenant of the Plume and that was the reason Odin and Freya decided to seal Valkyrie memories from then on.
- Lady of War: Not a particularly impressive one, but still...
- Out-Gambitted: constantly. Whether it's being outdone by Hrist, the three mages, Lezard, or Odin, Silmeria never once comes out ahead. She's either a freakin' Vizzini or just very, very unlucky.
- Rebellious Princess: Well, rebellious goddess, but the effect's the same. And she gets sealed into another rebellious princess.
- Spoiled Brat: Easily the most rebellious of the three Valkyries. It also appears in her invocation for Niebelung Valesti, which is a much more curt version of her sisters' invocation. Of course, as she's found out that Odin's willing to sacrifice the entire human realm for his ambitions to win Ragnarok, Silmeria's more than justified in acting like this.
- Stephanie Sheh
Hrist Valkyrie - The eldest Valkyrie, who finds herself fighting against her sisters an awful amount. Very cold and imperious, she very much believes in Odin and tries to follow directions the best she can. Or, alternatively, she's a vicious, cold-blooded killer who is all for Odin's potentially world-shattering plans. Her Finishing Move is, as with her sisters, Niebelung Valesti. Her version of Nibelung Valesti is red.
- Aloof Big Sister: The most emotionally distant of the three Valkyrie sisters, and the one who consequently has the most elaborate invocation for her finisher.
- Blade on a Stick: The lone Valkyrie who uses a spear instead of a sword outside of Nibelung Valesti.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Her truthade bio in the third game basically says "Be strong. They'll have to make a game about you someday".
- Conflicting Loyalty: She comes to question her more disturbing duties under Odin (like stealing the power source that holds Midgard together, destroying whole kingdoms, and such) after spending some time with the heroes, and eventually even confesses that she doesn't know what to believe anymore when asked at a certain point.
- Dark Action Girl: Whether you believe one Alternate Character Interpretation or the other: boy howdy!
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Posing as Leone gives her an opportunity to get to know Alicia and develop sympathy for her she hadn't had before.
- Demoted to Extra: Hrist has not been the central character of any Valkyrie Profile game yet; she only makes a brief appearance in the first game's Golden Ending (and a mention of her name in the worst ending), and she spends much of the second game hunting her sister's Soul Jar in the second. Her appearance in the third is restricted to complaining about not having a starring role in the Bonus Dungeon.
- Divergent Character Evolution: In Silmeria. In the first game, she's a Palette Swap of Lenneth; in the second, she's given a different weapon and moves.
- Her moves in Silmeria are based from Lawfer's attacks, primarily because there are no other spearmen in your team other than her.
- Enemy Mine: What those who tend to dislike her believe she does by the end of Silmeria. She has the first one of the series exacted on her.
- The Grim Reaper: The only one of the three Valkyries in the habit of personally killing people she wants as Einherjar.
- Heel Face Turn: What those who do like her believe she does by the end of Silmeria.
- Humans Are Average: How she views us the best of times.
- Just Following Orders
- Kick the Dog: In Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria, she kills Arngrim to turn him into an Einherjar so that he's forced to obey her instead of siding with Silmeria. Those that don't like her find her killing and brainwashing an ally brings her over the Moral Event Horizon. Those that do forgive her in part because Death Is Cheap and in part because he rebels and goes back to joining the good guys anyhow.
- Knight Templar: There is nothing she won't to achieve what she thinks right. Nothing.
- Lady of War
- Leeroy Jenkins: Yes, believe it or not, Hrist pulls one of these in the first game. Without any forward planning whatsoever and while disobeying orders, thus derailing Odin's plans, Hrist rushes headfirst into Brahms' Castle without any Einherjar and while somewhat Nerfed from having been forcefully awakened before her time. It ends about as well as for her as the Trope Namer's own venture.
- Meaningful Name: In Old Norse, her name translates to "the shaker" or "the quaking one".
- Megan Hollingshead: Only in the first game, when she was mostly a Palette Swap of Lenneth.
- The Mole: I'm sure we can trust Leone completely.
- My God, What Have I Done?: She does end up questioning her actions.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Rather than attempt to recruit Einherjar when Odin awakens her in the first game, she attempts to rescue Silmeria.
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Shotoclone: In VP: Lenneth and VP: Covenant.
- Slasher Smile: A subtle example during the execution of King Barbarossa in the first game.
- The Super Ego: Is explicitly referred to as the Valkyries' secondary ego by Freya.
- However, in the first game, she goes after Brahms immediately after awakening without plans, without allies, and in a weakened state, just to try to liberate her sister Silmeria from Brahms. A pretty emotional course of action for a super ego character.
- Tara Platt: Her VO in the second game.
- This Cannot Be!: Her reaction to being defeated in the Golden Ending of the first game.
- You Kill It, You Bought It: You Kill Arngrim, You Bought Him
- She also takes it very seriously, as she will go out of her way to ensure her Einherjar's safety. Even if she killed him herself, she also believes it is her duty to keep them safe once they are under her command, and is even willing to fight Freya to protect them.
Other Immortals
All-father, the lord of the Aesir, who is hoping to win Ragnarok over the Vanir lead by Surt. He is the one who controls and has exclusive use of the Sovereign Rite, which can bind the divine or so he thinks. He wields Gungnir, a Cosmic Keystone that he can draw upon for devastating attacks. He's also a Half-Elf/Half-Aesir hybrid, which is how he's able to constantly increase his power.
- BFS: Well it's a spear, but Odin's huge two-sided spear Gungnir definitely counts.
- Blade on a Stick
- Give Me Your Inventory Item: After defeating a boss, he'll ask for the divine treasures in chests left by the bosses. He gives you one point of karma for giving them up, but dings you five points if you don't.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Ironically killed by Loki using the Dragon Orb, the artifact that he stole from Midgard.
- Jerkass: Literally the king of this trope.
- Jerkass Gods: Told you.
- Kick the Dog: Made all the worse that he used to be just like one of the dogs he kicks. Namely, Rufus.
- Omniscient Morality License: He claims one, anyhow. Too bad he's not actually omniscient.
- The Patriarch
- Slouch of Villainy: Just look at how he sits in his throne in the sequel. That's not the sign of a good guy.
- Smug Snake: This makes his respective owning at the hands of other villains all the more satisfying.
- Unwitting Pawn: Loki completely snows him in the Golden Ending of the original. Fitting, considering the original myths.
- The Worf Effect: He's the king of the gods, and yet still falls victim to less powerful villains, for crying out loud.
- Xanatos Gambit: If not for his divinity, his plans might edge into Xanatos Roulette territory.
Patroness of the Valkyries, she is the one who awakens them on Odin's orders, and she shows Lenneth the ropes in the original to help her get back up to speed. Her Finishing Move is Ether Strike - a bolt of intense divine energy.
- Berserk Button: Never make references to her age.
- Combat Stilettos: Well, at least she can hover.
- Composite Character: Of both Frigg, Odin's wife, and Freya, the Vanir goddess of love and fertility.
- Da Chief: She's the one who Lenneth has to answer to - handing out rewards if Lenneth has been in Odin's good graces, and admonishing her if not. If you cheese off Odin too much, she wipes the floor with Lenneth as part of the bad end, and is shown afterwards awakening Hrist.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: She's just as cold as any of the Aesir, but she shows a lot of emotion when her husband dies.
- Disneyfication: in the original myths and legends... let us just say that Freya really knew how to get around, with everyone from Odin to four dwarves... for a necklace.
- Guest Star Party Member
- Hair of Gold
- Holy Hand Grenade
- Energy Ball
- Kamehame Hadoken
- Sphere of Destruction: Several of her Ether-based attacks, but especially her finishing move.
- Humans Are Average: She seems to think this.
- Leotard of Power: Freya's outfit either consists of this or a...
- Magic Skirt: Though official art shows she's actually wearing a leotard, with the "skirt" just covering her hips.
- Male Gaze: There are quite a lot of cutscenes in the second game that focus on her posterior...
- Maria Kawamura
- Mighty Glacier: Her attacks are powerful, but incredibly slow. Combos have to be based around Freya's slow speed to pull off attacks in order to fill the Heat Gauge.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Mundane Utility: Most people would just walk - or at most hover - down the three steps to Odin's throne.
- Nice Hat
- Power Floats
- She Fu
- Shout-Out: Two of her attacks are trademarks of Chun-Li - the spinning bird kick attack and the lightning legs attack, both having the same description of being secret, forbidden attacks.
- Spam Attack: Her Divine Punishment attack looks a lot like Chun-Li's Hyakuretsukyaku/Lightning Leg attack...
- Stripperiffic: A hat, a swimsuit, and boots. Although her promiscuous side is left untold, she still looks the part.
- Teleport Spam
- Widow Woman: The first two games have her eventually dealing with the death of Odin, whom she deeply cares for.
God of mischief, and strategist for the Aesir. Given how often he gets relegated to the Satan role in adaptations of Norse myths, you just know he's up to something.
- Ax Crazy: Uses a Cosmic Keystone to reign fire and death upon all. All the while wearing a big, happy Slasher Smile.
- Big Bad
- The Chessmaster
- Deceptive Disciple
- Evil Laugh
- Final Boss: In the Golden Ending.
- Freudian Excuse: He's Half-Aesir-Half-Vanir, yet lives in Jerkass Gods Valhalla central. As apathetic to the needs of those they deem beneath them that the Aesir feel, it's left to little wonder how Loki ended up so frikkin' nuts.
- A God Am I: Well, going from mid-tier deity to the creator of new existence, anyhow.
- Kick the Dog: Starts with Lucian, then moves onto Kicking Every Dog in the Known Universe.
- Large Ham: The ending battle of the Gold Ending could be reinterpreted as Lenneth and him battling over the right to be the Patron God of Ham.
- Motive Rant: During the final showdown.
- Not So Different: Tries this on Lenneth, but she just delivers a Shut UP, Hannibal once she gathers her wits.
- One-Winged Angel: This IS an RPG. Goes with the territory.
- This actually does fall under one of Loki's actual powers according to mythology, shape-shifting, which he used very frequently. Changing shapes also does change his abilities; the only reason he probably isn't known in mythology for doing exactly this is because he just doesn't get into fair fights in the first place.
- Slasher Smile: Oh yes.
- The Starscream
The mistress of Nifleheim, she makes a brief appearance in the original game, and has a more prominent role in Covenant of the Plume, where she makes the titular covenant with Wylfred, offering him power in exchange for the lives of his allies.
- For the Evulz: She gave Wylfred power, and is revealed to have been behind the Succession Crisis in the first place, apparently for her own amusement.
An Elf living in the Forest of Spirits, she helps Alicia and Rufus escape Heimdall. An archer, she shows an almost maternal concern for the two, particularly Rufus, leading to speculation that she's his mother.
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much: Rufus notes that she's the only friendly elf he's ever known.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair: Standard for elves in the series.
"Now face a princess's true wrath!"
Rebellious Princess from the kingdom of Artolia, she tries to get back at Arngrim for insulting her father. Unfortunately, she doesn't realize just what kind of political machinations are going on behind the scenes. Her death comes from enemies of Artolia tricking her into consuming Ghoul Powder, and Lenneth is forced to put her down. As a mage, her Finishing Move is from the pool of twelve Great Magic attacks.
- Black Magician Girl: Your starting mage. A decent and reliable one, too. Commonly ends up being the Closing Mage, too.
- Body Horror: Changed into a demon by the Ghoul Powder. The transformation is offscreen in the original, but is shown in its full glory in the PSP remake. Her transformed and possessed body goes on a murderous rampage while she watches helplessly, a prisoner in her own vessel.
- Bratty Half-Pint: Lives and breathes this, initially. Throws her scepter during a temper tantrum soon after Arngrim has humiliated her father in front of his own knighthood by exposing him as a coward.
- So, she disguises herself to hire Arngrim for a job on which she intends to pay him back. While discussing the "job" with him, she makes a scene over what she deems inadequate food at a restaurant before accidentally downing alcohol and passing out on the floor.
- Break the Haughty: A particularly horrifying example.
- Clark Kenting: Glasses + babushka = her alias, Angela.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?
Jelanda: Arngrim, it hurts!
- A Fate Worse Than Death (Narrowly averted. See below.)
- Hair of Gold
- Kill It with Fire: Starts out like this
- Mercy Kill: By her eventual Big Brother Mentor Arngrim and Lenneth after being transmogrified into a terrible beast.
- Pimped-Out Dress: At least her royal regalia.
- Princess Curls
- Rebellious Princess
- Red Mage: Starts with fire spells, but can also heal your party.
- Treacherous Advisor: Is the victim of one of these. Her father's adviser is actually a double agent for the enemy nation and arranged for her to be delivered to them. If the plot is unveiled, she was drugged, and the soldiers sent to her rescue were ordered to give her some medicine in order to wake her up.
- Tsundere
"I grow tired of you!"
Mercenary who insults the king of Artolia, and thus becomes a good distraction for the powers behind the throne to use while trying to plunge the kingdom into further chaos. He first teams with Lenneth to take down the monster that Jelanda was changed to. His death is suicide; he would rather die by his own hand quickly than the drawn-out process of being executed by Artolia. His Finishing Move is Final Blast, an explosive dash with his absurdly large sword. He has an Expy in the second game, who is actually the same guy, thanks to reincarnation.
- Badass: In a setting where you play as gods and goddesses, he still manages to stick out as one.
- Badass Normal: He's 'just' a normal human.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Better to Die Than Be Killed
- BFS: The largest in the series.
- Big Brother Mentor: Becomes this to Jelanda.
- The Big Guy
- Blood Knight
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Captain Ersatz: There's no denying it. He's Guts from Berserk.
- Chainmail Bikini: A rare male example. Arngrim wears shoulder pads and gauntlets but no chestplate, and he's shirtless. Guess that just goes to show how much of a Badass he is.
- Death Seeker: Is implied to be this after the fall of Dipan
- Driven to Suicide: Played straight in the first game and narrowly averted in the ending of the second
- Enemy Mine: The first one against Hrist. The second one against Lezard.
- Expy: Is actually an Expy of Ancel in Covenant of the Plume, but only in combat. Played straight in the second game.
- Face Heel Turn: Forced into it by Hrist in the second game. Later reversed into a Heel Face Turn when he sides with Alicia and Rufus.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Lawfer.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Leeroy Jenkins: His standard operating procedure. Only he makes it work for him.
- MacGuffin Escort Mission: Ends up on a permanent one, protecting the Dragon Orb from all those who would abuse it as its official guardian.
- Maddie Blaustein: Arngrim's voice in the first game (and only the first game, unfortunately).
- Morality Pet: His crippled younger brother.
- One-Handed Zweihander: In Silmeria, he actually uses one hand for a lot of his attacks.
- Punch Clock Villain: How he tries to justify siding with Hrist after becoming her Einherjar. Emphasis on "tries."
- Rage Against the Heavens: Covenant Of The Plume says he was put through reincarnation after calling out Odin over his actions in the unaltered-timeline version of the events of the second game.
- Stripperiffic: Arngrim's missing a huge chunk of armor from his chest.
"You have paid the price for your evil!"
Noble from the kingdom of Gerabellum, Belenus is a widely respected man who treats his servant slaves well. He dies in the process of Soul Transfer, which he willingly undergoes to save his beloved, one of his servant slaves. His Finishing Move is Extreme Void, which holds an enemy in place as a BFS impales them from below.
- Blue Blood
- Cool Sword: Especially in his Purify Weird Soul
- Dull Surprise: Several of his quotes show him being somewhat bored in battle.
- Equivalent Exchange: His use of Soul Transfer to save his beloved's life.
- Happiness in Slavery: He's legitimately in love with his slave, and gives up his life for her.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Ted Lewis
- You Can't Fight Fate: In one scene, he spends several moments wondering if everything that happened to him was the result of fate. He then realizes this after his servant dies.
"With enemies like this, even I might have a chance!"
An reluctant young archer from the religious kingdom of Crell Monferaigne, who is drafted into the military, and leaves his beloved to fight in the wars enveloping the world. Although he promises to return to her, he's killed at sea before he even sees battle. His Finishing Move is Layer Storm, a Rain of Arrows all focused on a single foe.
- The Archer
- Bishonen
- Daisuke Sakaguchi
- Ensign Newbie
- Roboteching: One of his normal attacks and his Purify Weird Soul do this with arrows.
- War Is Hell
"I pledge my strength to the lady Valkyrie!"
A young soldier from Artolia following in the footsteps of his knightly father. From a noble lineage, Lawfer had to combat the expectations of others and struggle to compete with the more skilled Arngrim. His death is never shown, although it's generally assumed that he was executed for helping Arngrim's brother escape his own execution (which he was sentenced to due to Arngrim's suicide). His finishing move, Justice Stream, starts with him hitting the enemy several times and ends with catching the enemy in a violent whirlwind.
- Always Second Best: Compared to tactical genius Arngrim. Doesn't help that his father is captain of the knights, as well.
- Bishonen: Being beautiful is even a positive trait that Valhalla values.
- Blade on a Stick
- Heroic Sacrifice: When he released Arngrim's brother, Roland.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Arngrim.
- Maddie Blaustein
- What Happened to the Mouse?: How he died is never shown onscreen. The manga states that Lawfer was turned into a vampire and Arngrim killed him, but this conflicts with the order of events in the game by putting Lawfer's death before Arngrim's.
- It is implied that he tried rescuing Roland, but was killed during the jailbreak.
"I have drawn dai-kichi: excellent fortune!"
After both her parents died, she was adopted by a Shinto priest and chosen to inherit the shrine duties. Her upbringing has left her honest and self-sacrificing, but also fatalistic and resigned to the vicissitudes of fate. As a mage, she uses the pool of twelve Great Magics for her Finishing Move.
- Determinator: She set out to prove that familial bonds can transcend simply being of blood in order to obtain her family's power.
- Disc One Nuke: Her heirloom sword, Dragonbane, which can be obtained after recruiting her. It is the strongest mage weapon in the first disc (outside of Element Scepters and Ether Scepters, both of which have a high chance of breaking when used, and the Unicorn Horn, which is one of the several endgame-tier weapons potentially available via Transmutation) and can be equipped by any sorcerer.
- She also starts with Lightning Bolt, which can be used to one-shot many early-game enemy encounters.
- Equivalent Exchange: She sacrificed herself on a soul transfer to let Minayo, her adoptive parents' real daughter, live in her body.
- The Fatalist
- Fragile Flower
- Happily Adopted
- Hime Cut
- Miko
- Replacement Goldfish
- Shock and Awe: Starts with a lighting spell
- Wutai
- Yamato Nadeshiko
"No matter who the opponent, I shall not yield!"
A young man from the land of Yamato, Jun wields two swords with a style all his own. Jun's goal is to find a miracle drug that will cure his beloved sister, Ai, of blindness. His life is devoted solely to his sister, whom he cherishes. However, his greed gets the best of him; he's turned into an ogre by it, and Lenneth is forced to kill him. His finishing move, Senko-Jin, is a series of rapid slashes while he move around in lightning speed.
- Big Brother Instinct: According to his story, his own clouded eyes are what caused his sister to become blind.
- Bishonen
- Dual-Wielding
- Everything's Better with Samurai
- Grand Theft Me: For defeating the Ogre, the demon possessed his body afterwards.
- Half-Identical Twins: With his sister, Ai.
- Katanas Are Just Better: As with the other katana wielders, subverted - he does much better if equipped with the European-style swords used by standard light swordsmen. He still appears to wield katanas regardless, however.
- Masaya Onosaka
- Morality Pet: His sister, Ai.
- Wutai
- Your Mind Makes It Real
"Aw, over already? I still wanted to fight!"
Disdaining all profit and personal gain, he travels the land in search of adventure. He wields an enormous sword to prepare for his meeting with a certain person. He shows no disdain toward those who fight for their ideals. His death comes via Heroic Sacrifice, both to save his ally Celia's life and to defeat a Medusa preying on a town. His Finishing Move is Flashing Blade, where he leaps up and impales his foe on his zweihander.
- Blood Knight
- Curtains Match the Window
- Jimmy Zoppi
- Jumped At the Call: Unlike some of the others, he's adventuring because he wants to do good and can't wait to do it.
- Nice Guy
- Speak of the Devil: How he taunts the demon before it unexpectedly showed up right in front of him and impaling him.
- Tetsuya Iwanaga
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
"How long must we keep fighting the same battles?"
A disgraced former knight and sniper from Crell Monferaigne, Janus lost his social status and was disowned by his family due to the public fallout of an assassination mission he undertook on behalf of his liege. He desires to return to his rightful position, which is used to manipulate him to his death by those who don't want the truth of his actions to come to light. His Finishing Move is Guilty Break, a repeated stream of arrows pinning his target before finishing with an explosion.
- Acquitted Too Late
- The Archer
- Automatic Crossbow
- Cold Sniper: Played with, as he acts this way, but is wounded deeply by his past.
- Hitman with a Heart
- Norio Wakamoto
- The So-Called Coward
"I love a good battle!"
A beautiful spear wielding woman clad in green armor, Aelia is a powerful fighter. She is of the Dragonian race, and as such, she is able to transform into a dragon with the Dragon Gem. However, she is unaware that this form of necromancy is slowly robbing her of her human form. She is tortured to death by Gandar, trying to wring the secrets of the Dragon Gem from her. Her finishing move is Dreaded Dragon; she transforms into a dragon and attacks the enemy with a powerful energy beam in a similar fashion to Bahamut.
- Ai Orikasa
- Blade on a Stick
- Blood Knight
- Chest Blaster: Uses one in her dragon form in lieu of a Breath Weapon.
- Defiant to the End
- Does Not Like Men
- Informed Flaw: The only indication of this is on her Traits list; not only does she not show any misandrist tendencies in the game, but in life almost her entire circle of friends was male.
- Fiery Redhead
- Impossible Hourglass Figure: Not her character art so much, but her battle sprite has her head be almost twice the size of her abdomen.
- The Ladette: Has "drinker" as a positive trait that Valhalla favors.
- Lady of War
- Leotard of Power
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Scaled Up
- Sucking-In Lines
- Veronica Taylor
- Zettai Ryouiki: Type C.
"Father, Mother; watch over me!"
A young and feisty mermaid that lived off of the coast of Yamato, Yumei was born to a mermaid mother and a human father. Throughout her life, Yumei was ostracized by the mermaid community for her human blood, and felt she could never be accepted by either race and learned to suppress all of her emotions. After her mother died, Yumei attempted to locate her father by hitching a ride on a small fishing boat operated by a man and his son. Yumei struck up a friendship with the boy, Fuyuki, and revealed to him her desire to find the Cerulean Lapis, a rare jewel said to grant any desire. Her death comes after Fuyuki finds the Cerulean Lapis and wishes that the despondent Yumei could be reunited with her parents.[1] She is a mage, and her Finishing Move is one of the twelve Great Magic attacks.
- An Ice Person: Her default spells are Icicle Edge and Frigid Damsel.
- Break the Cutie
- Fragile Flower
- Half-Human Hybrid: Because of this, she is a pariah among the merpeople.
- Hiroko Emori
- Literal Genie: Victim of: Yumei dies when Fuyuki wishes that she could be with her parents again.
- Our Mermaids Are Different
- The Unfavourite: At least among merpeople society.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
"Depart now, you grotesque thing!"
Lorenta was the intelligent and refined headmistress of the Flenceburg Sorcery Academy. She was very well-respected, though strict. She considers Mystina her favorite student, but is secretly hated by her. She was responsible for expelling Lezard Valeth from the Academy, and is later killed by him on her 36th birthday. Specifically, Lezard uses Ghoul Powder to transform her beloved husband into a demon, which crushed her spine. As her position indicates, she's a mage and uses Great Magic for her Finishing Move.
- Happily Married: Until Lezard decided to use her and her husband as a sacrifice to attract Lenneth's attention. Thanks a ton, jerk.
- Megan Hollingshead
- Pimped-Out Dress
- Power Floats: She's apparently so powerful, she can wield her staff by having it hover near her.
- Schoolmarm: Certainly in appearance.
- Stern Teacher: At least to Lezard and Mystina. Despite this, she's considered a favorite instructor at the Flenceburg university.
- Unwitting Pawn: To Lezard.
"You freaks have no reason to exist!"
Born and raised in Flenceburg, Mystina is a graduate and researcher of the Academy. While Lorenta sees Mystina as a favorite student, Mystina secretly loathes her for her strict personality and expresses a distinct lack of grief when she discovers that Lezard Valeth murdered her. It could be seen as Laser-Guided Karma that Lezard's next victim is her; he freezes her to death after explaining his plan to her. She has the array of Great Magic attacks as her Finishing Move, befitting a mage.
- Alpha Bitch
- Always Second Best: Well, when your peer is Lezard Valeth, what do you expect? The only reason she became top of her class was because Lezard was expelled from the magic university. This is also why Lezard killed her, since her power is a threat to him.
- Bat Out of Hell: Mystina's unique Familiar is a bat, representative of her personality.
- Black Magician Girl
- Chekhov's Gun: The elf homunculus that Mystina stole from Lezard's tower.
- Detached Sleeves
- For Science!: Stealing valuable homunculi from a dangerous, insane necromancer and considers being an Einherjar an improvement over being alive, since she can learn about Bifrost and Yggdrasil, among other things.
- Green Eyes
- Hoist By Her Own Petard: She astrally projects herself into Lezard's tower and steals some valuable data, and later, she's killed when Lezard freezes her astral projection machine.
- Hot Witch
- Karmic Death: She acts cold about her teacher's death at Lezard's hands, and then Lezard kills her by plunging her body to absolute zero.
- Narcissist
- Rachael Lillis: She's definitely channeling Jessie here.
- Red Oni: To Lezard.
- Tsundere
- Vain Sorceress: A rare heroic example. Well, sort of.
- Victoria's Secret Compartment
- Wakana Yamazaki
- Zettai Ryouiki
"Valkyrie, grant me power!"
A young man from a poor village in the Villnore Region. Haunted for years by the tragic death of his childhood girlfriend, Platina, he sees the vestiges of her in Valkyrie. Strong in battle, but lacking the true spirit of a hero. His death comes when overmatched as a mercenary. His Finishing Move is Round-Rip Saber, a Teleport Spam attack.
- Always Save the Girl: He attempts to do this... with varying degrees of success.
- Anchored Ship: With Claire. Type 2.
- The Atoner
- Back from the Dead: On the best ending.
- Big Brother Mentor: He's this to the orphans in Gerebellum.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Lucian may not be king of this trope, but he has a spot in the king's court.
- Sold Into Slavery Little Sister
- Dysfunction Junction: He came from a village that was selling most of their children into slavery, and after escaping, fell in with a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits in Gerabellum.
- Eric Stuart
- First Boy and Girl Win: Lucian and Platina were childhood friends, and they end up together at the end, as Lenneth the Creator and Lucian the Einherjar.
- Harmful to Minors: A big part of his backstory. You DO NOT want to be a child in Coriander Village at the time Lucian, his little sister, and Platina lives there. You DO NOT!
- Gerabellum also counts. Lucian ended up having to fight off hordes of royal soldiers in order to save Clare and the orphans when a complete genocide of the slums was commensing. Why did the royals order this? One guy from the slums stole from a noble.
- He Knows Too Much
- His Heart Will Go On: A rare male example. Reversed back into a straight Her Heart Will Go On later before he comes back from the dead.
- I Just Want My Beloved to Be Happy: When he begins to suspect that Lenneth is Platina after he finds out that valkyries live as humans when not active and that their human memories are sealed, he doesn't hesitate to try to bring them back. This unfortunately leads to ...
- Letting Her Hair Down: Convinces Lenneth to do this.
- Love Makes You Dumb: Dumb enough to trust Loki!
- My Greatest Failure: Not being able to save his sister or Platina.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Set off the events that lead to The End of the World as We Know It.
- Nozomu Sasaki
- Official Couple: Of the first game.
- Single-Target Sexuality: Even with Claire and her short, short skirt around, his heart still only belongs to Lenneth/Platina, a girl who for all intents and purposes to the mortal realm had been dead for years. The game even lists this as a weakness, yet he and Lenneth still end up together. Broken Aesop?
- Star-Crossed Lovers: A mere human and a goddess. It doesn't get anymore star-crossed than that. However, when Lenneth becomes Creator at the end, that problem is nullified. You wanna question her choice of romances? Have at her. Just don't do it near me.
- Unwitting Pawn: To Loki.
- Victorious Childhood Friend
- Violation of Common Sense: Just because Lucian is a top-tier character and plot-important doesn't mean that you shouldn't put him on a bus to Valhalla if you want to get the Golden Ending.
"There are plenty of foes left to fight, let's go!"
Jayle was born as a noblewoman of Gerabellum named Leticia. Eventually, she disguises herself as a man and takes on the name "Jayle" to join her country's legion of knights. She's killed by the vampire Genevieve after she avoided being hypnotized (as Genevieve's powers only work on men). Her Finishing Move is Eternal Raid, a Spam Attack with her rapier.
- Bifauxnen
- Jeanne D'Archetype
- Lady of War
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge
- Sweet Polly Oliver
- Sweet on Polly Oliver: Her CO, the only one who knows her secret.
"Goddess, I'd give my life for you... shyeah, right!"
A thief who works alone, having refused to enter the Thieves' Guild. His power is unquestionable, but his unique ability to make enemies makes him unpopular. He has a notorious weakness for women and drink. He also handles any mercenary work, so long as he gets paid; he accompanies Arngrim on the mission to escort Jelanda before they're killed. His death comes from an arranged hit, from elements that worry he knows too much. His Finishing Move is Sphere Strike, in which he sets explosives around his foe and sets them off (with a shot in the American version, with his cigarette in the original).
- Blood Knight
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Career Killer
- Jimmy Zoppi
- Jumped At the Call: When he saw Valkyrie, he was all too happy to be picked up to be brought to Valhalla, mainly because the alternative was to rot in Nifelheim instead with Hel.
- Mitsuaki Madono
- More Dakka: His attacks fire off more shots than anyone else in the game - more than ten more, at best, than anyone else. However, he generally will only connect with less than a quarter of this unless fighting a really large foe.
- No Smoking: He's a smoker in the original Japanese version; the removal of his cigarette takes away from the effect of his finisher.
- Schizo-Tech: Guns in early Norse Medieval times! But, to be fair, he equips bows like any other archer.
"Even in the face of defeat, I shall never surrender!"
Grey is a mysterious man who is only seen in black full plate armor. Upon dying, he was saved by his love, Lemia, who sacrificed herself for the the Ritual of Soul Transfer. He attempted to return the favor, but discovered too late that Soul Transfer cannot revive someone who sacrificed their life via Soul Transfer. However, his comrades Aelia, Kashell, Celia, and others mistakenly believed he had killed her, and he was forced to go into hiding. His finishing move is Icicle Disaster, which assaults the enemy and encases it in an ice block before scoring the final blow.
- An Ice Person
- Animated Armor
- The Atoner: He pretty much regretted that his wife did a soul transfer for him.
- Black Knight
- Creepy Monotone: Well, he doesn't have vocal chords anymore.
- Eric Stuart
- Stone Wall: Why most people don't like him; he has rather low attack, though most don't notice his increased defense.
"It's a blessing I cannot look upon you."
A song maiden, her goal was to use the enchanted nature of her song to empower her countrymen in battle against Yamato. However, she finally started to realize just what her power was being used for. In horror, she stopped singing, and was massacred on the field of battle. She's a mage, and uses the Great Magic spells for her Finishing Move.
- All of the Other Reindeer: She was feared for the power of her songs.
- Blessed with Suck: Although her powers made her nation's army unstoppable, she was treated like crap for her entire life.
- Blind Seer
- Broken Bird
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Which actually leads to her death - a battlefield is a bad place to have a My God, What Have I Done? moment.
- Disability Superpower: Shiho is blind, and this focuses her magical power.
- Green Eyes: Shown in some of her in-game portraits
- Handicapped Badass: Can become this if you choose to level her up
- Heroic BSOD
- Magic Music
- My God, What Have I Done?
- Ship Tease: With Suo.
- Together in Death: An optional scene near the end of the game shows her and Suo falling in love in Valhalla.
- White Magician Girl: The one mage that actually fits the archetype; she starts with all of the defensive spells, but is the only mage that does not start with an offensive spell.
- Yandere: She was more than a little imbalanced her whole life, and her in-battle quotes sound like someone more than a little on edge.
- Yuri Shiratori
"My path is strewn with corpses!"
A samurai from Yamato; his life was a constant series of battles that he began to question more and more as Ragnarok approached. He was part of what led to Shiho's Heroic BSOD, which later led to further doubts on his behalf. He died while trying to clear out a town supposedly filled with warriors by a man trying to cover the escape of women and children, not sure anymore if fighting further was actually worth it. His Finishing Move is Hyoso-hojin, a deep slash with his no-dachi.
- Everything's Better with Samurai
- Heroic BSOD
- Katanas Are Just Better - Actually a no-dachi, but most treat it like one. As with Jun, though, it's better to actually equip him with the swords any others use.
- Ted Lewis
- Together in Death: With Shiho, see above.
"Such abominations should not be allowed to exist!"
A descendant of the Jotun Mimir, her sorcerous power was so great that she feared it, deliberately sealing it by sealing her body and soul in ice. Odin orders Lenneth to set her free, which she accepts if Lenneth can prove that the valkyrie can contain her power. Her death is at Lenneth's hands, and her Finishing Move is from the list of Great Magic.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Lost Forever: If you send her to Asgard, you'll never get her back at the end of the game.
- Restraining Bolt: She's hoping Lenneth can be one.
- Sealed Good in a Can: She sealed herself, no less.
- The Woobie: Her entire life story is pretty pitiful.
"My sorcery makes even the gods tremble!"
A maniac mage behind most of the mortal chaos that others had to trudge through, his goal is to arise to the stature where he can become a god himself. Odin sends Lenneth after him on the theory that, no matter how insane and evil he is, his power would be a great last-minute addition to his Ragnarok forces. Lenneth kills him as well, and he uses one of the Great Magic spells as a Finishing Move.
- Complete Monster: For what he did to Aelia alone, he gets this title.
- Evil Laugh
- Evil Sorcerer
- A God Am I
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: Gandar's Familiar is a tiny adorable dragon, which is unique to male sorcerers.
- Obviously Evil
- Restraining Bolt: He's not too pleased to discover that Lenneth can be one.
"I will cut asunder your earthly bonds!"
- The Big Guy
- Bodyguard Crush
- The Comically Serious
- Magikarp Power: He starts off a little worse than your other heavy warriors, but he becomes a beast in the Seraphic Gate.
- Patrick Seitz
- The Reveal: Is really Brahms in disguise.
- Undying Loyalty
Other Mortals
Valkyrie Profile
A simple peasant girl that grew up with Lucian, her family was poor and abusive. Despite her best attempts to improve matters, the poverty continued until the point where her parents sold Platina into slavery, whereby her childhood friend Lucian tried to run away with her. Unfortunately, they ran into the Weeping Lily Valley, where the titular lilies released a poison that ultimately killed Platina. It turns out, though, that Platina is Lenneth Valkyrie's Soul Jar, and her death frees Lenneth to take a more active role, with Platina's form used for covert scouting and her memories gone. Except that they're not gone; they're only sealed. Odin is very unhappy should they unseal, which opens up the Golden Ending in the first game.
- Break the Cutie
- Girl Next Door
- The Ingenue
- The Pollyanna
- Soul Jar
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth
- Unlucky Childhood Friend Except in the Golden Ending, where Lenneth remembers her time as Platina and thus becomes the Victorious Childhood Friend.
- We Hardly Knew Ye
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- The Woobie
Lezard Valeth
A necromantic genius and one of the most powerful mortal sorcerers alive, Lezard interjects himself in the growing chaos in Midgard because he is fascinated by Lenneth. Really fascinated. He's a vile schemer and wild card that is willing to do anything to get Lenneth for himself. Including reincarnating himself and going back in time to recreate reality to kidnap her. As a mage, his Finishing Move is the appropriate Great Magic.
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: He sloughs his mortal form in the Golden Ending of the first game. He remakes it some time after the events of that to travel back in time to the second.
- Bishonen: The second game made him into one, further cementing his position as a Draco in Leather Pants.
- Blue Oni: To Mystina.
- Complete Monster
- He's actually worse in the manga about the first game; he's actually the one who made the Ghoul Powder that transformed Jelanda.
- Draco in Leather Pants: Sigh. Yes, I'm afraid so. There are way too many people who legitimately like him. And ship him with Lenneth, no less. Defiler of the natural laws, killer of countless innocents (sometimes just for lols), sold his soul to the devil, commands forces of darkness, and rids himself of everything that ever made him human... and is a huge hit with the female fanbase.
- In fact, there are entire communities of Dark Fics shipping nonconsensual relations between him and Lenneth. Search out, find, and read at your own risk.
- Enemy Mine: Present and accounted for at both the first and second games' examples of this. The first exacted on Hrist. The second on him.]
- Evil Genius
- Evil Laugh: And how, especially in the second game where he rips one everytime he teleports around.
- Evil Sorcerer
- A God Am I: After killing Odin and absorbing his very being! Thankfully happens off-screen.
- Gone Horribly Wrong: A prodigy Magic School Student who took the darkest path imaginable, far surpassing the likes of Voldemort... and Medea.
- Great Big Book of Everything: Current owner of the Philosopher's Stone, which is a tome that must be read in this setting.
- He was the owner until he sacrificed it to save himself during Ragnarok.
- Guest Star Party Member
- Heel Face Turn: I'm sure we can completely trust him.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: Lezard's Familiar is a tiny dragon, which is only available to male sorcerers.
- Karma Houdini: In the first game, at least. He actually is the only living mortal left at the end of the first game's events, according to the second game. He finally gets his just desserts in the second, unless you beat his final form without using your most powerful character, the combined Valkyrie, in which case he appears reincarnated in the ending cinematic.
- Lenneth mentions that she let him live in the first place because, bad though he was, he was the main reason she was able to survive and save the world in the first place.
- Large Ham: His voice actors know what kind of villain they're playing.
- Liam O'Brien: His VO in the second game. Possibly the only person able to fill Maddie Blaustein's shoes.
- Love Makes You Evil: You can probably guess just from having read this far that he was never exactly a nice person. Falling for Lenneth, however, pushed him into the darkest, deepest parts of the Moral Event Horizon when he started exacting all kinds of horrors on those around him in order to get her.
- Love to Hate: For those that refuse to give him leather pants, he's incredibly fun to dislike. In the Seraphic Gate in the first game, his Breaking the Fourth Wall dialogue reveals that the developers viewed him in this light.
- Lust Object: Lenneth.
- Maddie Blaustein: Lezard's voice in the first game, which was absolutely perfect for the mad sorcerer.
- Mad Scientist: Lezard even had a hunchbacked assistant... until he killed him with lightning.
- Magnificent Bastard/Smug Snake: In the first game, you can go back and forth on what side of the line he belongs in. The latter camp notes that he didn't succeed in his ultimate goal, and that he's not in control of the situation. The former camp notes that his preparations did get some positive result and his Karma Houdini status. There's no question as to the second game, where he's clearly the latter.
- Misaimed Fandom: See Draco in Leather Pants above. Something about Lezard and the female fanbase just clicks. Must be the glasses.
- Moral Event Horizon: Among the first things we see him do is use Ghoul Powder to turn his teacher's husband into a monster, which kills her. And remember that first cutscene with Jelanda? That's right, the husband is fully conscious of what he's doing, but unable to stop himself. All this just to get Lenneth's attention.
- Necromancer: Of the most terrifying variety.
- Necromantic: ...Yeah.
- Rage Against the Heavens: He really hates the gods, with the exception of a certain lovely valkyrie...
- Rape Is Love: He knows Lenneth wouldn't want to touch him with a ten-foot pole, and he likes that.
"Lenneth Valkyrie resists with all her power. Ooh, she struggles so bravely, but I wouldn't have it any other way!"
- Shout-Out: Debate rages concerning whether his resemblance to Harry Potter, and use of the Philosopher's Stone, is an intentional Shout-Out to that book series. His lab is also called The Chamber of Secrets, in the American version, at least; the book wasn't published in Japan until right before the game was released there, but as the American release for the game was well after that of the book, this might be something of a Woolseyism by someone who noticed the similarities. We could go on.
- Less controversially, he also breaks the fourth wall in reference to Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest.
- Alchemy and magic are usually tied together in the game, so the presence of the Philosopher's Stone really can't qualify as part of the trope. The Philosopher's Stone was rumored to be one of the items needed to make the Elixer of Life to grant immortality.
- Once you remove the Philosopher's Stone, the only real tie ins are brown hair, glasses, and magic, which can easily be coincidental, especially since, despite the anime style artwork, all mortal characters (and most immortal ones) have realistic hair colors.
- Squick: He's deliberately designed to gross people out.
- Stalker with a Crush: Sometime during the first game, he caught sight of Lenneth and has been obsessed ever since. The lengths he goes to in order to become ‘worthy’ of her affections? Help facilitate her ascent to the highest echelons of divinity, then travel back in time, kill Odin prematurely, and establish himself as a new Creator by eating the All Father! Things get even worse from there.
- Takehito Koyasu
- Villainous Breakdown: Leading into his One-Winged Angel form.
- Also, his invocation of Meteor Swarm.
Lezard: Bow to me! Worship me! Honor my name! Lezard Valeth!
- We get a couple of very early hints that it's coming from some of his Break Mode quotes...
- Xanatos Gambit: In the first game
- Xanatos Roulette: In the second.
- Yandere: A male example. He'll do anything for love. ANYTHING.
Celia - A mercenary that, at various points, works with Arngrim, Lawfer, Kashell, Aelia, and Grey. As noted above, they all died, leaving her increasingly alone in a world rapidly approaching its end. This does not bode well for her mental well-being.
- Demoted to Extra: So far, she's never been playable in any game, and it's heavily implied that her fate was to be destroyed in Ragnarok along with every other mortal.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: Maybe a bit young comparatively, but she's this by the end.
- Sole Survivor: In addition to all her former allies that ended up becoming einherjar, there's a throwaway mention of at least two other former allies who died.
- The Woobie
Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria
Barbarossa - King of Dipan and Alicia's father, who was executed by Hrist for defying Odin's will, and his ghost still haunts his ruined kingdom. His spirit is ultimately put to rest after Lenneth goes back in time and presents his wife's last words to him. Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria reveals more of his story: he rebelled against Odin due to his anger and resentment over his daughter being used as Silmeria's Soul Jar, and his court wizards manipulated him into seeking forbidden power and wisdom. He is capable of using the Great Magic Calamity Blast as a Finishing Move.
- Abusive Parents
- Animated Armor: his fighting form.
- Chewing the Scenery: FAIYA STORM!
- I Did What I Had to Do
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Knight Templar Parent: He really does love Alicia, and treats her coldly to keep Odin's eye off of his attempts to stop him - it doesn't work, though.
- Losing Your Head: Killed by beheading from Hrist; his ghost is headless as a result.
- Rage Against the Heavens
- This Cannot Be!
- Unwitting Pawn
- "Wake-Up Call" Boss: In the first game, he's the first boss that manages to combine a huge boat of hit points, high attack power, and no easily-exploited weakness. He's also the first boss that can use the extremely powerful Great Magic attacks against you. Thus, he's the first boss encountered where the techniques mentioned under Game Breaker in the main article become less "make the game absurdly easy" and more "recommended for continued survival." He's also not that bad if you equip very heavily for fire elemental resistance, but he's also the first boss where this is recommended.
Three Wizards of Dipan - Walther, Dallas, and Gyne Wizards working for Barbarossa and helping with his rebellion. Though it was later revealed that Walther and Gyne were secretly working for Hrist, although for their own ends.
- A God Am I: The trio eventually are revealed to be attempting their own ascent into godhood, and are trying to play all sides against each other to get it.
- Emergency Transformation: All three take Ghoul Powder when it appears that Hrist is about to do them in. It's never explained why this apparently just turns them into lich-like beings instead of the monsters Jelanda and Lorenta's husband became under its effects.
- Et Tu, Brute?
- Face Heel Turn: By the end, Dallas is on board with the other two. It's heavily implied that Ghoul Powder is the cause.
- One-Winged Angel
- Out-Gambitted: They're essentially shooting for the same "become the ultimate divine being" goal that many of the other characters have, but their plans are much less complex and they have much less power compared to other plotters. They also completely waste the potential of Time Travel; Lezard eventually shows them how to really do it.
- Triple Boss
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Dallas.
- Yuri Lowenthal: Dallas.
Alicia - Alicia is the princess of Dipan, a powerful island nation, and is the current Soul Jar of Silmeria Valkyrie as of the beginning of the second game. She wasn't meant to be anything more than a mortal vessal for Silmeria, like Platina would later be for Lenneth, but something went wrong with the Sovereign Rite, causing Silmeria to remain conscious while Alicia recieved a soul of her own. Her condition as such caused her father to send her away to a castle in the middle of nowhere, which resulted in her developing a shy, timid personality. Dipan, meanwhile, led by Barbossa and his court mages, decided to mount a war against the Aesir. Eventually, Odin discovered that Silmeria had awakened while still inside Alicia and sent Hrist to kill the girl and retrieve Silmeria's soul. At the beginning of Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria, this is the cause of Alicia and Silmeria being forced to escape the castle and begin their own journey to save Midgard and humankind from the wrath of the Aesir. Alicia is The Heroine and Player Character of Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria, in spite of the series not being called Mortal Profile. Being the container for a Valkyrie, it should be no surprise that her Soul Crush is Nibelung Valesti. Eventually.
- Action Girl: Eventually.
- Abusive Parents: Even though he was doing it for her own good. Though... *Strike* "No one in this world has the right to call me father!"
- Apologetic Attacker: Does not like fighting. One of her victory quotes is even apologizing to her enemies. Later, when she takes a level in badass, she becomes much less sympathetic to them, with quotes proclaiming she will mow down all that get in her way.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She starts the game as possibly the most innocent, Woobie-ish character in the series. By the end, she is kicking the crap out of gods and thirsting for blood.
- Blood Knight: Takes on shades of this after she takes her level in badass.
- Blue Eyes
- Demonic Possession: What the citizens of Dipan think happened to her. She's actually just sharing a body with a Psychopomp goddess. That's all.
- The Determinator: Soldiers forth and battles her way into Valhalla to accomplish her objectives.
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Alicia would probably argue, but yeah.
- Grand Theft Me: Silmeria pulls this every so often on Alicia. You can tell who is in charge by the eyes, voice, and demeanor.
- Hair of Gold
- The Heroine
- Heroines Prefer Swords
- Hime Cut
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Prior to her levels of badass.
- Idiot Heroine: Not as overtly stupid as Lucian, but close.
- Knight Templar: Borders on this towards the end, but she is very justified with her harsh approach to dealing with her enemies, who very much deserve every ounce of her ire.
- Lady of War: Again, eventually.
- Michelle Ruff
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Undead Ghoul Valkyrie (And it's totally awesome!)
- Older Than They Look: She's 18, but without looking it up, you'd guess 14.
- Parental Abandonment: Her father, King Barbarossa, ordered her banished and never seen again, and even strikes her for approaching him later. He gets beheaded later, and her mom commits suicide.
- Pimped-Out Dress: Those are some fine threads Alicia has while traveling all across the world.
- Power Loss Makes You Strong: She only takes a level in badass after Lezard swipes Silmeria from her.
- Rebellious Princess
- Reincarnation: In the epilogue following the credits. So, in spite of Rufus not getting the girl because she, well, you know, died, he could always to wait for her instead.
- Ship Tease: With Rufus.
- Shrinking Violet: The result of being as cooped up as Rapunzel after being banished from her own homeland by her own father.
- Soul Jar: Silmeria's.
- Stupid Sacrifice: Insists on completing a Fusion Dance with the three Valkyrie souls to become Captain Valkyrie, even though Brahms offers to do so and is already dying. Did we mention the being is short lived and that she would eventually be reunited with Silmeria once the latter had reincarnated had she just let Brahms do it? Yeah.
- To be fair, Brahms regains his mortality at the end of the game, so he's not dying anymore. Also, she may not have wanted to go back to being a Soul Jar.
- Who said anything about becoming a Soul Jar again? Silmeria had her own vessel by this point. When it was said they would be reunited, it would be in separate bodies as friends.
- To be fair, Brahms regains his mortality at the end of the game, so he's not dying anymore. Also, she may not have wanted to go back to being a Soul Jar.
- Took a Level in Badass: Remember that poison that turned Jelanda into a monster? Alicia willingly downs some because only undead or gods can enter Valhalla. She does this and puts on a very special Ring that will keep her in control and human in appearance in order to rescue Silmeria and retrieve the Dragon Orb that held Midgard in balance.
- And she also develops full on Valkyrie powers.
- Zettai Ryouiki (Grade B)
Rufus - An archer that Silmeria urges Alicia to recruit early in the second game, while traveling. A charming fellow, Rufus joins them, and is later revealed to be a half-elf. Specifically, he's a spare body for Odin, should anything happen to him.
- A God Am I: At the end of Silmeria.
- The Archer
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: After losing his body at the top of Yggdrasil, Alicia materializes him as her first einherjar. By the end, he's become the boss of the Aesir.
- Bishonen: very, very pretty.
- Curtains Match the Window: Green Hair and Green Eyes.
- Deadpan Snarker: aside from Lezard, he's one of the only characters in this series to even possess a sense of humor; some of his snarking may have deeper meaning.
- Did Not Get the Girl
- First Guy Wins: Subverted. Just because his feelings with Alicia seem to be mutual does not mean he gets her in the end.
- Grand Theft Me: Intended to be Odin's spare vessel should the old one ever wear out. Well, the All-Father does eventually get to use it, though not in the way he intended...
- Half-Human Hybrid: Of the poor, unfortunate, and persecuted Half Elf variety.
- His Heart Will Go On: He and Lucian could start a club.
- Implied Love Interest: Of Alicia's. It's not directly stated, but hey, come on—the blushing, the ring, and especially the ending and epilogue after the credits gotta mean something. Heck, even the manga adaption of the sequel expands their UST to a degree.
- Oranyan
- Pointy Ears
- Rage Against the Heavens
- Ship Tease: With Alicia.
- Soul Jar: For Odin, should he need a host body.
- Sour Supporter: Is initially distrustful and suspicious of Alicia, but his opinion of her greatly changes as time goes on.
- Timed Mission: At one point, you have to rush him to Valhalla, or else you get a Game Over.
- Troubled but Cute
- The Woobie: Of the Don't You Dare Pity Me! variety, though.
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
Wylfred - The main character of Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume. When his father is claimed by the Valkyrie, he swears to kill Lenneth. To pursue this goal, he joins a mercenary company. When he falls in battle, Hel returns him to life and gives him the eponymous artifact, which he must fill with sin to turn it into a blade that can strike the Valkyrie down. His finishing strike is Grim Vengeance, a series of sword strikes, followed by throwing the enemy into the air with the Plume for one last, large slash.
- Byronic Hero/Anti-Hero/Villain Protagonist: Depending on how many allies you sacrifice, Wylfred will develop into one of these archetypes.
- Dramatic Irony: The only reason he survives the game's opening is because his father convinced Lenneth to spare him. Things might have gone a little differently if he'd known this.
- Game Breaker: Many of the skills inherited from sacrificed allies make the game trivially easy.
- Only Sane Man: In the Seraphic Gate.
- The Power of Friendship: Only people you've emotionally bonded with make appropriate sacrifices...
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: The entire plot of the game.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: A little grayish, but it fits.
Ancel - Wylfred's oldest friend joins him out of concern for his well-being, while harboring hopes that he might somehow dissuade Wylfred from the fruitless path of revenge against the Battle Maiden. Another childhood friend of Ancel's, Tilte, also draws his attention of late.
- Back from the Dead: for a short time in the A finale.
- Blood Knight
- Sacrificial Lion: Lampshaded by his truthade bio.
- Shotoclone: He is otherwise an almost exact copy of Arngrim.
- The Lancer: at first.
- Yuri Lowenthal: The second time that he's voiced a character that is killed off in the prologue.
Cheripha - Though an accomplished assassin serving the Artolian court, watching her fellow soldiers fall one by one into unmarked graves forced Cheripha to question the life she had led for as long as she could remember. Resolving to see all the world has to offer before succumbing to such a fate, she deserts the assassin's guild and sets forth for adventure.
- The Archer
- Career Killer
- Plucky Girl: Despite being trained as an assassin, being hunted by her own government, and knowing that in all likelihood she's going to be killed, she is by far the most cheerful of Wylfred's allies... or anyone you'll ever meet.
Lockswell - Once a high sorcerer in the king's army, Lockswell was cast into the dungeon while the crown executed his wife and those of her house for treason. Loath to lose an able man, the court offered clemency on the condition both he and his infant daughter cast off their worldly bonds and enlist in the assassins' guild. Confronted with the choice of life or death, Lockswell elected to save Cheripha and relinquish his heart to the shadows.
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: According to the truthade bio, becomes this once he joins due to him proclaiming his love for his daughter every waking moment.
- The Atoner
- Career Killer
- Defeat Means Friendship
Darius - Born to destitute nobles, Darius was surrendered for adoption to a merchant house as a boy. He would later rejoin his true house at fifteen years of age when his birth-brothers began to fall one after another to a vicious contagion.
Aristocratic circles spurned him for his less-than-noble upbringing, and only through military service has he been able to restore a modicum to his name. He has but a lone friend in Earnest, an elder student of the Officer's Academy who never spoke ill of Darius's birth nor looked down upon him.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Is the Straight Man to Earnest's antics while they were students.
- Death Seeker
- Driven to Suicide
- My Country, Right or Wrong: thanks to Gandar.
- The Captain
Gwendal - The soulless sellsword Gwendal scours the lands of Midgard, hoarding plunder at will and sparing nary a thought to those he wrongs. Thievery, extortion, murder - no deed is beneath this unsavory villian.
- Ax Crazy
- Big No: In Seraphic Gate during the 'middle-aged men talking about the problems of middle age' scene.
- Bait the Dog: Inverted! The game all-but goads you to plume him, guiltlessly. He even kills off a Red Shirt for the good of the group! Then, when you do... He dies howling about who will look after his family with him dead. Whoops.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Blood Knight
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Hired Guns
- Pet the Dog: Apparently, he sends all the money he made to his family.
- Shout-Out: Big Gwendal is watching...
- Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe
Heugoe - Once a commanding officer in Villnore's military, Heugoe suffered near-fatal wounds during a battle when the host he led was sabotaged from within. Miraculously, his body recovered, but his spirit was later broken when it was revealed the traitor was none other than his very own son.
Despair and depression drove Heugoe from the military to search for an early grave, and he soon took up work as a mercenary. Haunted by his past, he sees the face of his son in a boy of the same age.
- Blade on a Stick
- Death Seeker
- Razor Wind: his soul crush.
- The Captain
Mirielle and Mischka - Mireille and her brother Mischka are fraternal twins who were abandoned at birth by their unknown mother and raised in an orphanage. When the twins were to be sold as slaves separately, they ran away and survived by peddling to mercenaries, who in turn told them of tales upon the battlefield. Inspired by these tales, the twins took up weapons themselves.
- Ax Crazy: Kill first, ask any questions later.
- Child Soldiers
- Creepy Twins
- Enfant Terrible
- Half-Identical Twins
- Hired Guns
- Self-Made Orphan: on 2B, but they did not realize it. No one did on that path, really.
Natalia - After losing her lover to the Great Famine, Natalia decided to take up arms and lead the serfs in rebellion against the despotic regime that left them to starve. Aided by Villnore, she was able to turn an angry mob of untrained farmers into a formidable insurgency.
- Action Mom: Not many knew about this, apparently.
- Death by Irony: on 2B
- Femme Fatale
- Fiery Redhead
- Hot Mom
- Knife Nut
- Rebel Leader
- The Atoner
Earnest - A loyal knight of Villnore descending from a noble and distinguished line, idealistic and sincere, Earnest was dispatched to Artolian territory in order to gain the trust of downtrodden serfs waging a rebellion.
He and the rebel commander, Natalia, have come to share a bond of friendship that transcends affection. As dear to him is Darius, an underclassman from the Officers Academy with whom he holds a candid rapport.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: With Darius, apparently.
- Heterosexual Life Partner: With Natalia as a form of Ship Sinking in his truthade bio.
- Knight in Shining Armor
- One-Handed Zweihander
Ushio - A native to a distant land who washed ashore on Artolian soil as a child after his ship was lost to a storm at sea. There, he was rescued by the court archimagus Cennair, who had merely gone to survey the area. Relations did not at that time exist between Artolia and the Yamato, and so there was no way to return Ushio to his homeland. Sir Cennair successfully convinced all involved that the boy's welfare would best be served if he himself were to raise him, and so it came to pass.
On reaching his fifteenth year, per Yamato tradition, Ushio left Sir Cennair's ward to set forth on a swordwalk.
- Everything's Better with Samurai
- Flash Step: his Soul Crush.
- Katanas Are Just Better
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: though he did not know exactly who did it
- The Nicknamer: His truthade bio claims he forgets people's names in three steps and does this to compensate. Also called Arngrim Berserker Beefcake.
Lieselotte - The daughter of struggling street peddlers, Lieselotte learned to con and steal before she could read or write. Ironically, it was while attempting to defraud a man who happened to be a court chronicler that her life took a turn for the better. The chronicler, enamored instantly by the girl's charm, took her under his wing and brought her into the palace, where the court archimagus, Cennair, would later unearth her innate talents for spellcraft.
Liselotte ascended to the rank of court magus before a nefarious incident resulted in her banishment and left her to wander aimlessly, seeking whatever work that came her way.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Career Killer - Among her many jobs on the wrong side of the law.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me! - Explodes in indignant fury when Rosea does this to her on the B Path.
- Lovable Rogue
- Ms. Fanservice - Her battle dialogues are laden with innuendos.
- Playing with Fire
- Unwitting Pawn - Neither she nor Rosea murdered Cennair, but they were BOTH in fact framed for it.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Rosea - Raised in the church house on whose steps she was left as an infant, Rosea was blessed with the gift of mystical powers from an early age. Her gifts did not go unnoticed by the royal court, and once of age, she was promptly summoned to serve as court magus.
After controversy forced her from her post, Rosea chose to roam Artolia's lands, bringing vital relief to its impoverished peasantry. In gratitude and reverence, the people have dubbed her "the Saintess Rosea."
- Apologetic Attacker
- Beware the Nice Ones - Ends up stabbing former best friend Lieselotte on two paths out of sheer hate. Not that she doesn't regret it or anything...
- Beneath the Mask - Underneath Rosea's sweet and saintly façade, she's understandably bitter about being exiled from the royal court for a crime she never even committed. Although she tries to repress them and move on, her confrontation with Liese has those ugly feelings boiling back. How they resolve themselves depends on your path...
- Brainy Brunette
- Break the Cutie - Oh boy, fate really has it in for poor Rosea. Not only does she die painfully on two paths, the one where she lives has her go through a Despair Event Horizon for giving in to her suppressed wrath.
- Damsel in Distress - One particular mission in the A Path has her living this trope to the fullest. Fortunately, she returns the favor in the next battle.
- Light Feminine and Dark Feminine - Is pretty much the light feminine to Liese's dark feminine.
- Good Samaritan
- Hime Cut
- Holy Hand Grenade - This is her initial magical attack, and, by extension, her Soul Crush.
- In the Back - Does this to Lieselotte in the A and C Paths.
- Nice Hat
- The Fettered
- The Medic
- The Messiah - At least many people seem to think so based on her good deeds.
- The Woobie - Already suffering from being framed and branded a traitor, players can further torment her by sacrificing Duwain while she's still alive.
- This Is Unforgivable! - Says this to Liese before killing her on the C Path. Cue My God, What Have I Done? moment.
- Thou Shalt Not Kill - Subverted on two of the three story paths Rosea appears in as well as in later chapters when you can have her kill human opponents.
- Token Religious Teammate
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth - Aside from the whole drama with Lieselotte, Rosea's very much a candidate of this trope seeing as the game just loves to screw with her and some of the nicer characters in general.
- Unwitting Pawn - She and Lieselotte were framed by Fauxnel to cover up his role in Cennair's death.
- We Used to Be Friends - This is what Truthade has to say regarding her relationship with Lieselotte.
- White Mage - While Rosea can use any type of magic available, she initially starts with a variety of restorative spells.
- White Magician Girl - Manages to meet all of the requirements of this trope.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist - Ends up becoming a subversion on all three routes of Chapter 3.
- Woman in White
Duwain - Duwain was rescued from the clutches of certain death by Wylfred's father, yet failed to reciprocate the deed when the opportunity arose. As the enemy closed in around Thyodor, Duwain stood paralyzed by fear, his mind consumed with delivering the life-saving antidote his wife required.
In the end, the medicine came too late, and Duwain's cowardice has been for naught. For months on end, he sought to drown his sorrows in drink, until at last he encountered Rosea, a saintess bearing an uncanny resemblance to his late wife. In an act of penitence, he devoutly accompanies the saintess hither and thither as she heals Artolia's ill and wounded.
- Dishing Out Dirt: His Soul Crush, one of the only physical attackers in the game with an elemental one.
- Replacement Goldfish: He follows Rosea around because she resembles his late wife.
- The Atoner: He feels guilty about abandoning Thyodor to his fate because he was thinking too much about his sick wife, only to find that she had already died by the time he came back.
- The So-Called Coward
- Spin Attack: He likes to spin around his spear for some reason.
- Stalker with a Crush: His truthade bio claims this about him.
Fauxnel - Artolian court magus who has assumed the position of the court archimagus in absentia, granting him temporary rule over all palace sorcerers. A former colleague of both Rosea and Lieselotte, Fauxnel was said to be intimately involved in the mysterious death of Sir Cennair, for which the two were banished.
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Bishonen
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- The Dandy: Vain as a peacock, and has some hilarious battle quotes about his shoes.
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Heel Face Turn: According to the official walkthrough, after the war ended, he worked to restore Artolia in order to atone for his past sins.
- Karma Houdini
- Magnificent Bastard: It was actually him who was responsible for the death of Sir Cennair, and in A, he sent assassins to kill Valmur after his refusal to go to war.
- Something About a Rose: He carries a rose in place of a staff.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Whatever his other qualities, he genuinely believes that what he does is for the good of Artolia. He's right.
- Xanatos Speed Chess: Cennair's death was actually a complete accident, but he was quick to turn it to his advantage.
Valmur - As the first son of the venerated House Haughn, Valmur was given an exhaustive education in the arts of wars no sooner than he could stand, expected to one day follow in the hallowed footsteps of his honored forebears. In his youth, however, Valmur took quickly to the book and slowly to the blade, and soon came to doubt his own heroism - a doubt which still lingers to this day.
Though he is Lord of House Haughn by title, more dear to Valmur's heart are his kin. That the name of his house would someday mean the deaths of those he loves torments him to no end.
- The Archer
- Break the Cutie: Goes mad at the loss of his remaining sibling on the C path, and mentally retreats into his childhood, the only time he was ever truly happy
- Chew Toy: To Phiona when he was younger.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: on the B path.
- The So-Called Coward: on the B path.
- Technical Pacifist
Phiona - Hot-tempered daughter of House Haughn, who alongside her brother Nicolas, persisted in spurring their sheepish elder brother, Valmur, to action. Nicolas's sudden death upset the balance, and now the once mighty house seems destined for ruin. Though she knows betrothal to another house awaits, Phiona's pride will not let her accept her true house's disgrace, and for this she lashes out against Valmur, lord of the house.
- Fiery Redhead: Though she is blonde in the game, she wears heavy red armor and fits the personality.
- Lady of War
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Something About a Rose
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Apparently, she had quite the crush on her brother Valmur too.
Auguste - Auguste met his first battle holding tight his sorcerer's rod, only to dispense with it forevermore on witnessing the beauty of unarmed combat. His imagination captured, Auguste thenceforth dedicated all of his energies to perfecting the way of the fist.
After a lifetime spent defending his clan's honor, Auguste was forced to bury his Nicolas, and no longer did the virtue of dying a warrior's death death appeal to him. He wishes solely that his remaining children outlive him, so that he need never suffer the agony of losing a child again.
- Badass Grandpa - If you plume him, he knows it was you, forgives you if it means getting revenge on the Valkyrie, and dies standing up, mocking the death that comes for him.
- Bare-Fisted Monk - Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs
- Cool Old Guy
- Eyepatch of Power
- Happily Married - To Reinhilde.
- Hey, It's That Voice! - Uther/Lich King or Warriv/The Necromancer
- Mundane Utility: His daily training regiment keeps the lands under his charge free of boulders!
Reinhilde - Devoted wife of Auguste, former Lord of House Haughn. Reinhilde has stood by her husband in all matters, trusting in his vision over that of the house's current lord, her son Valmur. The sudden death of her son Nicolas, however, has called her faith in names and nobility into question. All she wishes for now are the survival and well-being of her children.
- The Archer
- BFG: her giant crossbow
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!: The truthade claims she's actually sexier than Phiona, but covers it up so as not to draw even more of the latter's ire.
- Lady of War
- Never Mess with Granny
Kristoff - Crown Prince of Artolia, but not its eldest prince. By the laws and customs of old, the first son of the King and Queen Regnant, Kristoff, is entitled to the throne, yet some contend there are grounds that substantiate the claim of the elder Langrey, first son of the King who was born out of wedlock. Regardless, Kristoff cares deeply for his elder half-brother.
While trying to calm the political furor raised in the wake of his father's death, Kristoff's passive demeanor has been a great detriment, placing him at the mercy of insistent and insidious advisors.
- Bishonen
- Cloudcuckoolander: In the Seraphic Gate. His truthade bio also claims he loves to daydream about slaying monsters.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: His Seraphic Gate CMOF.
- Cain and Abel
- Extreme Doormat: He is frequently manipulated by the nobles.
- Not So Harmless: Is a good fighter in-game. You also see how truly eager he is to fight in the Seraphic Gate. He basically challanges you to a fight just because.
- Warrior Prince
Langrey - Eldest prince of Artolia, but not its crown prince. That honor belongs to the son of the queen regnant, Prince Kristoff, per the traditions of Artolian succession. Nevertheless, there are those who argue that since Langrey's mother was of a birth more noble than the queen's, the throne by right is his, and Artolia has been embroiled in conflict since the princes were mere babies.
Langrey's wishes for Artolian prosperity are genuine, and he laments that his kingdom does not enjoy the wealth its neighbors do. It is for that very reason, the future welfare of his homeland, that Langrey seeks to rule.
- Cain and Abel
- Driven to Suicide: on the A path.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Squishy Wizard: While he was trained to carry a sword like his brother, his poor athletics made him not a good fighter, so he trained in magic instead. His Truthade bio states that it takes a lot of effort on his part just standing up from his throne...
- That One Boss: Especially if you are aiming for the A ending.
Roienburg - Old friend to whom the king had entrusted the fosterage of his two sons. Weary of ceaseless political infighting at court and assigned the title of margrave, Roienebourg left the palace and the young princes to tend to his demesne in the southern borderlands. Following the king's death, he looked on from afar as the succession controversy unfolded, and recognizing that the infighting wouold ultimately spell Artolia's doom, took up the banner of Joshua, eldest son of Duke Valery, brother of the former king.
- Badass Grandpa
- Butt Monkey: His truthade bio reveals his Chew Toy status while serving the princes.
- Cloudcuckoolander: In Seraphic Gate. According to Wylfred, he's been getting senile.
- Blade on a Stick
- Spam Attack
- The Atoner
Beasts and Monsters
Lord of the vampires and the one holding Silmeria Valkyrie hostage in the first game, although he strongly suggests that he has a very good reason for doing so, and actively discourages Lenneth from attacking him. It's revealed in the second game that he did so because Odin took the Cosmic Keystone that would keep Midgard from collapsing while freezing Silmeria, with the intent on having her frozen forever. Brahms instead took Silmeria and used her power to the best of his ability to keep Midgard from falling apart, and he'd rather not have to do this. His Finishing Move is Bloody Curse, using his raw strength and Bloody Murder to rip his foes apart.
- Badass: Like Arngrim, in a setting of gods, goddesses, elves, vampires, and giants, he manages to stick out as one.
- Well, being the Lord of the Undead...
- Badass Boast: His Soul Crush invocation in the second game.
Brahms: My strength is the sword of the oppressed!
- Bloody Murder
- Dark Is Not Evil
- The Determinator: Can take over and force his way into Sovereign Rite spell circles, which is a spell designed to render supernatural beings in this setting powerless and/or kill them.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: One of the most liked characters of the entire series.
- Genius Bruiser: He possesses a quick, active, and intelligent mind.
- Good Old Fisticuffs: One of the few characters in the whole series to go with just fists.
- A Good Way to Die: He seems satisfied with his death at the end of the second game, at least.
- Guest Star Party Member: In the first game, that is. In the second, he permanently joins after Chapter 5.
- Lightning Bruiser: One of the toughest, strongest, and fastest characters of the series. It kind of goes hand in hand with being a vampire, though.
- Narm: His ending in the second game.
- Your Mileage May Vary
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Patrick Seitz: In the second game.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Smarter Than You Look: He looks like he should be just a dumb thug. Don't be fooled.
- Warrior Poet: Face of a thug, but actually very sophisticated, articulate, philosophical, and soft spoken.
- Worthy Opponent
- Xanatos Gambit: One of the more successful ones; hiding himself in Silmeria's einherjar Dylan to emerge when Odin enacts his plan that could destroy Midgard. While Brahms doesn't succeed in stopping Odin from taking a Cosmic Keystone, he at least prevents Midgard's destruction.
"Such ugly creatures."
A demoness/vampire seductress. She is first seen when Magnus summoned her during Jayle's recruitment. While she initially obeys Magnus by saving him from the assassination attempt, she said she is not willing to obey anyone. She later resides in Celestial Castle, where she can be fought again.
- Evil Is Sexy
- Horny Devil
- I Let You Win: she is easy during Jayle's scene, but becomes much harder later, though still not quite worthy of the title of That One Boss.
- Vain Sorceress
- The Vamp
- What Happened to the Mouse?: In Normal or Easy mode, since the final battle takes place in a Hard mode exclusive dungeon.
Surt Surt is the leader of the Vanir and rules from Jotunheim Palace. While Jotunheim is a land of ice, Surt's powers are primarily fire-based. Surt leads the Vanir against Odin and the Aesir during Ragnarok.
- Cutscene Boss: on the A path.
- Even Evil Has Standards: while he initially agreed to Loki's help, he rejects it immediately after Loki summoned Bloodbane and Fenrir.
- Final Boss: of the B ending.
- Knight Templar
- Playing with Fire
Bloodbane The dragon which swallowed the demon sword Levantine. He is later summoned by Loki as one of his minions.
"Fear me, worship me, I AM BLOODBANE!!"
- Boss Banter: What is worse than a boss that is already very hard? If he also endlessly taunts you all the time.
- Herd-Hitting Attack
- That One Boss: Easily the hardest boss outside the Seraphic Gate.
- The Dragon
- Voice of the Legion: His Magical Incantation of Gravity Blessing will pretty much make you cower under a table with a Big No.
Fenrir Another monster guardian summoned by Loki after he obtained the dragon orb.
- An Ice Wolf
- Big Badass Wolf
- Breath Weapon
- Canis Major
- The Dragon
- Weaksauce Weakness: Did you bring that sword that can One-Hit Kill monsters with a fire weakness? Good, use it now. It turns Fenrir from That One Boss to a Zero Effort Boss.
Gabriel Celeste and The Iseria Queen Bosses in Seraphic Gate who appear in all 3 games.
"How I yearn to feast upon your soul."
A 'guard dog' for the underworld and Hel's Dragon. As Ailyth, she manipulated Wylfred into doing Hel's bidding.
- Canis Major
- Dark Is Edgy
- Final Boss: For the A path.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Meido: In Seraphic gate, her weapons are a feather duster, a mop, and a tea set filled with hot beverages... seriously.
- One-Winged Angel
- Shiny Midnight Black
- The Dragon
- Yandere: in Seraphic Gate, we see her inching closer and closer to the cornered Wylfred as the screen fades black and a wolf's howl is heard.
- ↑ which makes the Cerulean Lapis something of a Literal Genie