< True Capitalist

True Capitalist/Characters

Herein lies a list of tropes for True Capitalist and its most dominant personalities, from Ghost himself to the trolls who make him rage.

Ghost and Friends


It's John Conquest, King of Communism!

"I am your host, the man they call Ghost!"

The 'hero' of the True Capitalist Radio broadcast, Ghost is a short tempered Texan pundit who has little patience for socialism, communism, fruitbowls, bronies, trolls and, well, a lot of things.

  • The Alcoholic: He denies it, but he has a LOT of cans around, calls for a drink after some rages, and frequently voices a desire to end the show and retire to a bar on Sixth Street.
  • Angrish: Early on, he would rage SO hard he couldn't even form coherent English, nor say anything else.
  • Berserk Button: So, so many... just look at the main page!
  • Catch Phrase: He has a lot of things he says, so much that it's better to look at the main page.
  • The Chew Toy
  • Deep South: Even though he doesn't sound the most Texan ever.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": It's not yet known what his real name is. Apparently, it's Richard.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper
  • Hot-Blooded
  • I Need a Freaking Drink
  • Ineffectual Death Threats: He's made MANY threats on the trolls, usually about 'punitive damages'. He hasn't taken action.
  • Jerkass: He isn't a very nice person, at all. It's somewhat justified that the trolls troll him. However, he shows rare signs of goodness towards certain people.
  • One of the Kids: In spite of Ghost trying his best to sound like a responsible adult capitalist, he often comes across as just as immature as the teenagers who call into his show. Hell, sometimes he comes off as more immature than them due to his nonstop temper tantrums, childish name calling, and generalizations of whomever he doesn't like.
  • Rated "M" for Manly: Or so he believes....
  • The Social Darwinist
  • Unstoppable Rage: He can REALLY flip out like never before, and most of the time, when he gets going, he can't stop.
  • Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: The only reason many listen to his show is to laugh at his antics and rage.
  • Verbal Tic: Notably more than his other catchphrases, he utters "fer Christ's sake" every other sentence.
    • Also the same with "man".

The Engineer

Artist rendering of The Engineer

"Aaaahraaaahyaaaah yaaaaaah!"

Ghost's loyal engineer, he's not exactly good at his job, not screening obvious troll calls and otherwise just screaming out mumbling garbage. However, he is very popular with the trolls.

  • Angrish: His first language.
  • Breakout Character: His recent takeovers of True Capitalist Radio, along with his humorous personality, have made Engineer a star among the trolls, many who tell Ghost Engineer needs to have his own show.
  • Dumb Muscle: Most impressions on him, given how many obvious trolls Ghost had to deal with thanks to him.
  • Hidden Depths: Of an unpleasant variety. When Ghost told him to play a song to honor Herman Cain, whom Ghost had decided to support... Engineer broke out the theme from Boss Nigger for the first time.
  • Hostile Show Takeover: He's successfully taken over the show several times recently, playing songs that Ghost hates, such as Nyan Cat and First of Da Month.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: He's a much better host than Ghost is, at least. Fanon tends to slightly exaggerate this.
  • Sir Swearsalot: The only intelligble English he seems able to speak is "Fuck you!"
  • Springtime for Hitler
  • The Unintelligible
  • You No Take Candle: Engineer can actually put a few words of coherent English in between his garble.

Mmmyeawasaawwrrr gaawwrrrr fuck you!


Fuck fuck fuck.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck"
Goofy Bone, most of the time

One of Ghost's only loyal supporters, until he got sick of him, Goofy_Bone also has his fair share of trolls hounding him, since his rather idiotic outbursts and laughable gangsta rap videos are easy material.

  • Butt Monkey
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Curses all the time
  • Defector From Decadence: Ghost was an asshole to him too, so Goofy_Bone turned tail on him.
  • Jerkass: Moreso he's just an obnoxious prick, not a violent-tempered jerk like Ghost.
  • Put on a Bus: He hasn't called the show very often since people started trolling HIS radio show, and his flame war with Tzeki.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: He believes he's a great rapper, for one.
  • Smug Snake
  • Token Minority: He's Mexican, and as such is one of the two callers (the other being Asho) referred to as 'Bean and Cheese' by Ghost.


A tree with a great fondness for Ghost. May or may not be trolling him.

Ghost's Granny


A young fan of the show that Ghost has shown great affection for. Much to the dismay of the fans and trolls.

Radio Trolls

The Ghetto Capitalist/213

"Ghost baby what's going on?"

Ghost on the Ghetto Capitalist

The closest thing to an arch-nemesis for Ghost, Ghetto Capitalist is a capitalist who lives off his welfare checks, making money 'the ghetto way'. This, coupled with Ghost's extreme views on the welfare system, means whenever Ghetto Capitalist calls the show to tell Ghost about his latest capitalist achievement... Hilarity Ensues, baby.

  • Abusive Parents: Ghost accuses him of leaving the baby with, "-four or five month's worth of diaper rash," for one.
  • Breakout Character: He's easily the most well known troll out of the roster, thanks to his hilarious personality and his ability to make Ghost REALLY rage with ease.
  • Evil Counterpart: Ghost is a racist Texan capitalist. 213 is a free-spirited ghetto capitalist. Who's the evil counterpart depends on who you side with.
  • Fun Personified
  • Get Rich Quick Scheme: Often partakes in these as part of the ghetto capitalist life, baby.
  • Happy Ending: "One less enemy of the Ghetto Capitalist Revolution, baby! Woo!"
  • Leitmotif: the crying baby in the background in most of his calls.
  • The Rival: At least, the closest thing to one for Ghost.
  • Sitcom Arch Nemesis, Baby!
  • Verbal Tic: "- baby!"

Spermy the Cat

Ghost on Spermy the Cat

A caller from the early days of TCR, he'd employ soundboards of Ghost on the show.

Tub Guy

Ghost, reacting to Tubguy

A frequent caller, lauded by Ghost for allegedly listening to his show in a tub, and persistently begging for Ghost to get in with him. Oh my.


  • Camp Gay
  • Catch Phrase: "Oh my."
    • "It will be totally legit"
  • Earthshattering Kaboom: According to his most recent call, he's hiding from this in his bunker with Alex Jones.
  • No Ending: Will he ever get out of the tub? We'll never know.
  • Tethercat Principle: See above.
  • Sitcom Arch Nemesis
  • Sophisticated As Hell: He uses an upper class accent and often speaks formally ( "A distinct possibility, my good sir."), but he also uses vulgar terms such as Hell and penis.
  • Sure Why Not: The troll behind Tub Guy revealed that he supposed to be George Takei (hence the "Oh my") but Ghost thought he was calling from the tub, so he went with that.

The Aborted Fetus

"Oh Ghost I love your big cock in my asshole!"

Ghost's reaction to the kid.



*groan* What do you want, Ash-hole?

Ghost, reacting to Asho

Equestrian Citizen




"Ghost": "Ah Jesus Christ, is this Nikolai?!"
FBI operator: "Um, no sir, this is the FBI in Mobile, Alabama."

  • Put on a Bus: Hasn't called in since January of this year.
  • Sure Why Not: He started to act Russian when Ghost kept misinterpreting his accent and getting pissed just because he was a "cockeyed vodka-drinking Russian"

Suck My Dick Guy

A popular troll with a one-track mind.

Vibrator/512 (sometimes 571 or 703) (Sounds played by KneeSlappington)

Occasionally called up, playing playing a clip of a repeating "Oooooooooooo~" (Which was taken from a redub of a G.I. Joe PSA.)

  • My God, What Have I Done?: KneeSlappington showed this reaction in the Youtube comments in the episode where he makes the Engineer cry.

The Internet Buttstalker/111

A former frequent caller who spoke in a very effeminate voice while making highly suggestive (or outright pornographic) requests.

The 'Ban All Bronies' Cult (AKA Btown)

Ban all bronies. Ban all bronies. Ban all bronies. Ban all bronies.


Ghost, reacting to Celtic Brony's "Ghost's Father is Dead" splice.

Celtic Brony is a recurring troll who has made many notable splices. Though he was previously quite popular with the TCR community, his Chronic Backstabbing Disorder and penchant for rather misguided moral crusades has recently made him into a rather divisive figure.

  • Anti-Villain: Arguably. He was pretty justified in a lot of the things he did to Ghost, but he didn't stand a chance once he actually made Ghost leave and angered the collective Capitalist Army and Ghetto Capitalist Army by taking away their lulz.
  • Bullying a Dragon: He picked a fight with Ghost and lost.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: To the point where no one's really sure if he's even a brony anymore or not, or if he ever was.
    • The story is pretty hard to untangle, but it seems that Celtic Brony was originally just a run of the mill brony until he had his dox (private details) stolen and published by the "Niggest Crook Force", an anti-brony group that somehow manages to put themselves forward as the rightful owners of pony-related YouTube videos and have them taken down via copyright infringement claims and then steals the private information when the brony sends a counter claim (which must include their private details.) Celtic Brony explained all this later although claimed this was all a ruse on his part, presumably in the hope the people would believe the dox were fake and wouldn't send pizzas to his home. After the dox were first put up the NCF agreed to take the dox down in exchange for joining them and becoming an anti-brony himself although after receiving "brony of the year" from Ghost he apolgized to all bronies, switched back to being a brony and the NCF publicized his dox once again and so did Ghost even going so far as claiming he would harass CelticBrony's family on his show. Got all that?
    • And seeing how every brony has turned on him to make sure Ghost didn't leave (which nobody believed he would anyway) some might say Celtic Brony is a victim of this himself.
  • Face Heel Turn: Multiple times, as detailed above.
    • The people who damned Celtic Brony after the doxing incident seemed to have moved slowly back to supporting him after Ghost had them under his spell for a short period of time.
  • Heteronormative Crusader
  • Jerkass Woobie
  • Kick the Dog: He tried to dox the ever-likable Ghetto Capitalist.
  • Love It or Hate It: Take a look at the number of the YMMV tropes that relate to him.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Or so he claims....
  • Moral Event Horizon: Though rather tame in comparison to other event horizons listed on the trope's main page, he arguably went too far in trying to dox Ghost.
  • Pass the Popcorn: The fandom's reaction to his reveal.
  • Toilet Humor: Celtic was the creator of the "GroupPoop" meme. One splice claimed that Celtic was Ghost's "group poop buddy"
  • Wild Card

Basement Dweller/Fruity McFaggot Sounding Fruit/"Shut Up Mom" Guy

Basement Dweller


"*A-hack-hack-cough* HEY GHOST IT'S EDNA"
  • Squick: (In-Universe) Edna tells Ghost to suck smoke out of the hole in his neck. Ghost throws up.

Twitter & Youtube Trolls

Senator John C. Pooptickler

He will track you down.

A devoted member of the senate and longtime supporter of True Capitalist Radio, Senator Pooptickler barely survived an assassination attempt at the hands of the Niggest Crook Force. He's best described as Tub Guy meets John McCain.

Prankster Pinkie Pie

Celtic Brony's right-hand man. Serves basically the same role for him as the Senator does for Ghost.

One of the earliest TCR trolls and creator of many now-classic splices. One of the few trolls pretty widely liked by everybody, even Ghost.

  • Closer to Earth: He's the most normal person on True Capitalist Radio. This may seem odd until you consider the fact that this is a show featuring a perverted eight-year-old, a flamboyant man who spends his life in his bathtub, a foul-mouthed wannabe rapper, and whatever the hell Tri$ha is.
  • Friendly Enemy
  • Nice Guy


The most prominent of the video uploaders on YouTube. His original upload of the June 17th 2011 show exposed many people to trolling Ghost. He also started the Facebook fan page "Melting Pot of Friendship"

  • Promoted Fanboy: Originally just a fan of the show, now he's the reason Ghost is as popular as he is now. Ghost personally thanked him for this on his twitter before ending his show.


Ghost: Who the hell is Coodoo?!
Coodoo: I'm your worst nightmare.

Ghost: Who-in-the-hell-is-Coodoo? Who-in-the-hell-is-Coodoo? Who-in-the-hell-is-Coodoo? Ha-ha-haaaaa! I am a brony!
Coodoo's "Who the Hell is Coodoo?" Splice

Coodoo17 is an up-and-coming splicer. Along with Shut Up Mom and FatMarshall, he's one of the more successful new trolls.


Ghost's Alter Egos

"Mmmmbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, mmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, mmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhh."
"Goats," one of Ghost's fan-given alter egos

Nothing enrages Ghost more than hearing splices of himself saying things he never would. Naturally, his fans set about splicing together clips of his voice to create various characters with which to troll him.

  • Handsome Lech: "Hiiiii. They call me John Conquest. I got a 15 in a half inch John Holmes sausage sitting here, getting a little lonely, so why don't ya come over here and sit on it, huh?"
  • Quote Mine: Someone called the FBI using clips of Ghost's various alter egos and spliced personas.

FBI: Hello, who is this?
"Ghost:" John Conquest!


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