Boss Nigger
Black man, in a white man's town! He's got troooouble!
Boss Nigger is a 1975 Blaxploitation film written by and starring former football star Fred "The Hammer" Williamson.
The plot concerns the bounty hunters "Boss" and his sidekick Amos coming to an entirely white town in the west, and taking up the vacant office of sheriff and deputy. They are ostensibly hunting for the large bounty on the head of the man who's been terrorizing the town, but not before laying down some laws of their own, reversing the double standards deeply ingrained in the racist white community.
Tropes used in Boss Nigger include:
- Anti-Hero
- Attempted Rape
- Badass
- Big Bad: Jed Clayton
- Bowdlerize: The DVD title is simply Boss.
- Cliff Hanger / Downer Ending: Boss is shot multiple times, and may be dying as Amos takes him from town
- Double Standard
- Expository Theme Tune
- Furo Scene
- Improbable Aiming Skills: Boss never misses a shot, despite always firing from the hip.
- Infant Immortality: Averted with Poncho, who is run over by a slow-motion horse.
- Ms. Fanservice: Clara Mae has little to do in the movie besides bathe, almost get raped, and distract a Mook with a provocative dance
- Nice Guy: The blacksmith.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: All in all, the town is predominantly worse off (and much less populated) after Boss and Amos leave. Borders on Anti-Villain at times.
- Non-Fatal Explosions: Amos is buried under rubble by several sticks of dynamite but emerges unharmed.
- N-Word Privileges: Boss and Amos use the word indiscriminately, but make it illegal for the "whiteys" to use it in public.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Boss.
- Refuge in Audacity: Look at the title of this movie. That actually happened.
- Sidekick: Amos to Boss.
- Ultimate Authority Mayor
- Where Da White Women At?: Boss kisses a white schoolteacher "Just to satisfy her curiosity".
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