The World Ends With You/Characters
This is a dossier for the characters from Square Enix's The World Ends With You. Welcome to their game!
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This page contains one or more of the major spoilers known as Tomato Surprises. Knowing these in advance may negate the intended effect of the work. |
The Players (Protagonists)
Neku Sakuraba
Voiced by Kouki Uchiyama (JP) and Jesse David Corti (ENG)
The main character of the game. He suddenly finds himself in Shibuya's Underground (UG) with little in the way of direction. He loves graffiti and street art, but doesn't like to interact with people.
- Blue Eyes
- Blue Oni: Neku is the Blue to Kitaniji's Red. Take a look at the headphones.
- Chick Magnet: A disproportionate number of shopkeepers seem to develop crushes on Neku as their FSG rises.
- Collared by Fashion
- Deadpan Snarker
- Defrosting Ice King
- The Dragon: To Joshua, albeit without knowing it.
- Easily Forgiven: Shiki seems quite easy to forgive Neku for nearly killing her on Day 2. Granted, he was being an idiot, getting himself in a bad sitaution as well but even so.
- This happens again on Day 4, after Rhyme's death when Neku basically lashes out on the idea of friendship and Shiki calls him out on this, saying he was no different from the Reapers. She later admits that it was kinda harsh.
- Justified as their situation required cooperation and left no room for bad blood between Partners. Surviving the week took priority on personal feelings.
- Emo Teen: Lampshaded in Another Day. "Must... fight... emo urges..."
- Even the Guys Want Him: Ignoring the Ho Yay vibes he gets from Joshua for a moment, there's one point in Week 2 where Minamimoto starts following him and Joshua around, and Joshua wonders aloud whether it's because he's taken a fancy to Neku.
- Also, the various male clerks met throughout the game start getting a little friendly to Neku after their FSG meter rises.
- Fan Boy: Of artist CAT.
- Freudian Excuse: In Another Day, it's suggested that his issues stem from waiting to meet a friend, only to find that his friend had died in a car accident. This may or may not apply in the main game, since after Rhyme gets erased, he thinks it is vaguely familiar, but is unable to remember the exact incident.
- Headphones Equal Isolation: Neku keeps his 'phones on to block people out. The ending shows a shot of him leaving them behind.
- The Hero: Starts out as a Designated Hero who's only out to survive, but gradually evolves into a true hero over the course of the game.
- Hero with an F In Good: At the start, although he matures into a genuine one as the story progresses.
- Improbable Weapon User: Pins! Most Players are limited to a couple, but Neku can use all of them, including Pins that burn, throw things around, cut, shoot mind bullets, and conjure cans of soda that, uh, heal you. And that's just the starter set.
- Ineffectual Loner: Enforced example. If Neku doesn't team up with a partner and learn to cooperate with them, he'll get erased.
- In-Series Nickname: He has several, but "Phones" is used most often.
- Jerkass -> Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Starts out as incredibly cold toward other people and only concerned with himself, but grows into a more caring individual, albeit one with limited patience for Joshua and Beat.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: His memories were his entry fee for the first week.
- Magic Knight
- Mistaken for Gay: Poor, poor Makoto.
- Mysterious Past: Besides Joshua, his past is the only one out of all the main Players that is never fully explored. Justified considering his loss of memories from the outset of the game.
- Odd Couple: With every single partner he's ever teamed up with.
- One Hero, Hold the Weaksauce: He can every use every dang pin the UG throws at him, whereas everybody else is lucky if they can use two.
- Psychic Powers: He uses a varied collection of pins to combat the Noise.
- Real Men Wear Pink: The Lace Bonnet is a lolita headdress, and the Dragon Lady is a Qipao. They both give bonuses to Neku only. That has some interesting implications, considering character-specific bonuses are normally from items the characters themselves like.
- Red Oni: To Joshua.
- Shonen Hair
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Straight Man: To several characters, but mostly for Beat.
- Surrounded by Idiots: Not as an evil character, but he tends to think of everyone around him as such and treat them accordingly. He gets better, fortunately.
- Tomato in the Mirror: He's been working as the Composer's proxy all along.
- Troubled but Cute
- Unwitting Pawn: To Joshua.
- You Gotta Have Orange Hair
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: An inversion of this trope. The Composer kills Neku in order to make him useful to him.
Shiki Misaki
Voiced by Anna Hachimine (JP) and Heather Hogan (ENG)
Neku's first partner in the Reaper's game. Shiki is a cheerful aspiring fashion designer with a stuffed pig cat named Mr. Mew.
- Bare Your Midriff: Averted by the Real Shiki.
- The Beast Master: Variation 4 with a animated stuffed cat.
- Berserk Button: Loose buttons make her madder than anything, making them a literal Berserk Button.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Brainwashed: By Kitaniji in the first fight with him.
- Brown Eyes
- The Chick
- Combat Stilettos: Averted in her real form, yet again.
- Dangerously-Short Skirt: As you can see in her image.
- The Ditz: Shows tendencies of this at first. It's all a fabrication.
- The Faceless: When you finally see her real self, it's from the mouth down.
- Fan Girl: In Another Day, at least.
- Freaky Friday Flip: Shiki gave up her identity as her entry fee, playing the Reaper's Game in the guise of her best friend Eri.
- Girls Love Stuffed Animals
- Green-Eyed Monster: She was jealous of her friend Eri, but gets over her issues after hearing Eri talk about her in Day 6.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Shiki meant that much to Neku by the end of week one, that she was made his second entry-fee. Subverted twice over: she's not really a redhead, and Kitaniji made her the entry fee because he couldn't revive her. However, since Neku is a redhead...
- Hey, You -> First-Name Basis: Neku often calls her "you" or refers to her as "Stalker", but refers to her by her first name after they win against Higashizawa, much to her pleasure.
- Hipster: In Another Day
- Improbable Weapon User: She fights with an animated stuffed
piggycat named Mr. Mew that she made by herself when she was little. Shiki doesn't actually control him, however... but at least he's pretty nice.- All There in the Manual: The manual states that she has a pin called "Groove Pawn" that is what's animating Mr. Mew. The pins she use are finally visible for the player in the Final Mix edition of the game, giving a gameplay confirmation.
- Keep in mind that Mr. Mew may move on its own, but Shiki is the one keeping him up in the air.
- It's Personal: With Higashizawa, who uses mind games about her selfishness and jealousy of Eri to screw with her.
- Marionette Master: We did say something about her stuffed cat, right?
- Meganekko: Shiki's real self.
- Mega Neko: At her highest Fusion level, Shiki can make Mr. Mew grow into a giant Eye Beam-spewing cat.
- Nice Hat: The hat she (or Eri) wears was designed by Eri and sewn by Shiki, just like everything else in their wardrobe. Shiki uses the hat to wear her Pins.
- Psychic Gesture
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Happens to her in endgame, just like 90% of the cast who get brainwashed by the Red Player Pin.
- Shipper on Deck: Another Day has her as a Yaoi Fangirl, and she's happily excited about it.
- Shrinking Violet: Her true personality.
- Skirt Over Slacks
- Stepford Smiler: Shiki poses as her best friend Eri because she thinks the real her is inadequate.
- Stripperiffic: Set this skirt just an inch lower and you have a game rated 16 and above. Not so with her real self, though...
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Rhyme. And Tomboy to Eri.
- Yaoi Fangirl: She doesn't hide it very well in Another Day.
"I'm coming too. If anything happens, I wanna be there to see- I mean stop it."
Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu
Voiced by Ryohei Kimura (JP) and Aaron Spann (ENG)
A mysterious boy who showed up in the UG unexpectedly. Despite his air of arrogance and secrecy, his knowledge of the UG becomes helpful to Neku... when he feels like giving it. Has a long history with Hanekoma.
- Agent Peacock
- Ambiguously Gay
- Beam Spam: His aerial attack.
- Big Bad Friend: He killed Neku in order to bring him into the Reaper's Game, then partners with him to set up Kitaniji.
- Bishonen
- Chekhov's Gunman: If you look closely, you can see him standing near the Statue of Hachiko early in the first week. He's probably observing his proxy, Neku.
- Colony Drop: His Level 3 special drops the Moon onto Earth.
- Crucified Hero Shot
- Cutscene Power to the Max: His "Jesus Beam", when it's first introduced, kills a Taboo Rhino almost instantly. While it is quite powerful and borders on Game Breaker, it would normally take at least a full combo to do so (and, the opponent being a Taboo noise, Joshua would need the light puck).
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: His attacks can do this. They include anything from mailboxes to meteors.
- God Was My Co-Pilot
- Giggling Villain
- Improbable Weapon User: His cell phone, which he uses to drop objects on enemies.
- He also uses his cell phone to summon beams of holy light because he's the Composer.
- Insufferable Genius: Even more of one than Minamimoto, actually, because of his Jerkass tendencies.
- I See Dead People: Joshua knew about the Games before dying himself. ...or so Hanekoma says.
- It's Personal: Not so much like the other examples, but he has it with Minamimoto, since he's trying to kill him and take his place as the Composer.
- Jerkass: Tends to insult Neku fairly often in a grating tone of voice, particularly when the player isn't doing particularly well in battle.
- The Lancer
- Lonely at the Top: Implied in the secret ending and by Hanekoma.
- Magikarp Power: When you first get him, he's... not quite as good as Shiki was. He doesn't deal damage until he completes a combo chain and his sidestep isn't anywhere near as useful as Shiki's block. When you get the camera upgrade for his phone, he's a bit better, as he gains the ability to stun enemies, but he's still not very powerful. Then, when he starts levitating, he easily becomes the best partner in the game.
- Manipulative Bastard
- The Man Behind the Man
- Meaningful Name: "Joshua" is a transliteration of the Hebrew name "יהושע." Transliterate that name to Greek and then to English, and you get Jesus.
- Older Than They Look
- Physical God: This fits what he can do as the Composer quite well.
- Purple Eyes
- Real Men Wear Pink: The Frilly Parasol is one of his better items.
- Restored My Faith in Humanity: Neku does this for him.
- Sidetracked by the Gold Saucer: Proof that Square-Enix is making too many addictive games: the last Secret Report reveals that the reason why he does not show up during the third week is because he was too busy playing Tin Pin in Another Day.
- Slasher Smile: When he shoots Neku.
- Smug Smiler
- Viewers Are Geniuses: The Fan Nickname for his attacks are thematically called "Jesus" attacks. The fact that his name can be transliterated to "Jesus" and he's the Composer makes the naming all the more incredible.
- Villain Protagonist
- Walking Spoiler: Basically if you read any of the spoilers of this section you will get one of the biggest twists of the third act of the game.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic: His attacks can call down rays of light, meteors, and angels. All of them are named by the fanbase as "Jesus" attacks.
- Willfully Weak: Averted and justified via Secret Reports. Since he's from a different plane, it causes him to look much younger, lose several of his abilities, and lowers his power output. However, this lets him look like he's a participant in the game, so the Reapers completely ignore him while he makes his own plots.
- Yaoi Guy: Quite possibly an Affectionate Parody to this. Shiki, in Another Day, is happily supporting it.
Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito
Voiced by Subaru Kimura (JP) and Crawford Wilson (ENG)
A hot-blooded young skater who'll go out of his way to protect his friends, no matter the cost to him. While Neku likes to keep his thoughts to himself, Beat will always say what's on his mind.
- All There in the Manual: The manual outright says Neku will eventually partner up with him no matter what. In fact, the order Neku partners up with his three allies are in order: Shiki, then Joshua, then Beat.
- Big Brother Instinct: To Rhyme.
- Big Eater: Probably, judging by his appetite in Another Day and his "I Live for Food" pin.
- Berserk Button: His Embarrassing First Name.
- The Big Guy
- Blue Eyes
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Develops one with Neku during their partnership. In the Another Day continuity, he's a stand-up comedian with Rhyme, as well.
- Book Dumb: Beat's not particularly intelligent, but his impliedly-horrible performance at school doesn't seem to have much to do with how smart he actually is.
- Brother-Sister Team: With Rhyme.
- Bruiser with a Soft Center
- Cannot Tell a Joke: In Another Day.
- Cool Board: Hell yeah.
- Determinator: On the 7th day of his week, he starts to fade out due to Not having erased any Players or scored any other points as a Reaper. His reaction? He just "pulls himself together" and keeps on fighting.
- Difficult but Awesome: You'll either hate or love his Fusion Star mechanic. If the cards are properly placed, you can potentially get enough stars for a Level 2 special move in a single combo, but it's often hard to find the cards you need, and you lose all of them if you take too long.
- Do Not Call Me Daisukenojo
- Dumb Blond
- Dumb Muscle: He's not a bright kid, but he's strong.
- Face Heel Turn: First week, after Rhyme gets erased.
- Heel Face Turn: Beginning of the third week.
- Embarrassing First Name
- Fire-Forged Friends: With Neku, until they teamed up.
- Fragile Speedster: He certainly knows how to skateboard, but doesn't do it in a way that could be called "safe." He's also incredibly fast on his board while he's a Reaper, but doesn't have a lot of defense.
- Glass Cannon: Same as the above; great at damage-dealing, not-so-great at damage-taking.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: He doesn't hold a very opinion of himself at all. This is after seeing how his actions ended up hurting his sister the most, which was something he never wanted.
- Hot-Blooded: Although Beat claims that before he came to the UG, he was rather laid back and would only take things at his own pace.
- Idiot Hero
- Implausible Boarding Skills
- Improbable Weapon User: Beat fights using his skateboard.
- All There in the Manual: He uses a pin named Respect to control his board.
- It's Personal: With Konishi, for destroying Rhyme's Noise and reverting her to a pin right in front of him, then threatening to break the pin.
- Jive Turkey: Yo.
- Knight Templar Big Brother: He has a sister, Rhyme, who he feels responsible enough for to do a Face Heel Turn to save her.
- Large Ham: An in-universe example, too. His comical overreactions get lampshaded by other characters, one who even remarks it looks like something out of a comic book.
- Malaproper: Substituting "vegetant" for "vigilant" and "imprecious" for "impressive" is only the start.
- Mangst/Manly Tears: After what happened to Rhyme, he gets prone to doing this.
- Memento MacGuffin: Rhyme's pendant becomes one for him. It becomes quite important later on, when Neku finds it on the ground and returns it to Beat, who later returns the favor by saving his life.
- Minion with an F In Evil: As a Reaper.
- Name's the Same: Daisuke and Beat, who else has those names?
- Nice Hat: A black hat with a large skull design. It matches Rhyme's hat nicely.
- Off-Model: A very minor example. He is shown wearing a silver band on his right ring finger on the game's cover art, but it is absent from his sprites and the rest of the game's promotional art. In-game, the times he's shown wearing it can be counted on one hand.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Arguably, an alternate red to the cool-headed (blue) Neku, who describes him at one point as a "freakin' rhino".
- Senseless Sacrifice: See below.
- Shrine to the Fallen: Gets one where he died.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Again with Rhyme.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Spanner in the Works: His Heel Face Turn in Day 1 of the third week provided Neku with the partner he needed to survive.
- Taking the Bullet: Tragically tried doing this to save Rhyme from getting hit by a car, but managed to get them both killed instead. A more successful version of this happens later on when he saves Neku from an unexpected attack during the final moments of the game.
- Tough Love: His parents were constantly pressuring him to get better grades, be more like his sister, and berating him when he didn't give results. Eventually he just gave up trying all together.
- The Unfavorite: Compared to Rhyme.
- Unskilled but Strong
Raimu "Rhyme" Bito
Voiced by Hitomi Nabatame (JP) and Kate Higgins (ENG)
Beat's Game partner and younger sister, who puts on a cheerful face and provided emotional support to Neku and the other Players.
- Big Brother Worship: She's well aware of Beat's many flaws, but she accepts him for who he is anyway and still loves him all the same.
Beat: Yo, I could rob a bank and she'd still be there for me.
- Blue Eyes
- Bokukko/Shorttank
- Cheerful Child
- The Cutie
- Dead Little Sister: Twice.
- Dumb Blonde: Averted. She is very smart for her age and always has a proverb or three to say.
- Hair of Gold
- Heroic Sacrifice/Taking the Bullet: She does this to save Beat from getting erased by an ambush Noise.
- Killer Squirrel: She became a cute Squirrel Noise after being erased.
- Nice Girl
- Nice Hat: She wears a black hat with a tiny skull design on it, matching Beat's hat.
- Non-Player Character
- Only Mostly Dead
- Parental Favoritism: Unfortunately for her brother Beat, who received the brunt of their criticism as a result.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: As a Noise.
- Sacrificial Lamb: She gets erased in the first week by falling into a not-so-obvious trap set by Kariya and Uzuki.
- Satellite Character: An odd justified version of this for Beat. Her fee for entering the UG was unspecified (and according to the Secret Reports, gone forever, because she didn't make it to the end of the week), Beat's fee was her memories of him.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Beat.
- Sixth Ranger Traitor: In Another Day.
- The Smart Guy
- Straight Man: To Beat for a while.
- Summon Magic: Eventually, Neku can summon her Noise form to attack, via the Rhyme Pin, starting with the end of the fight with Tigris Cantus.
The Reapers (Antagonists)
Koki Kariya and Uzuki Yashiro
Kariya is voiced by Anri Katsu (JP) and Andrew Kishino (ENG)
Uzuki is voiced by Satomi Arai (JP) and Kate Higgins (ENG)
A Harrier Reaper duo who do a lot of the ground work during the Game. Kariya is always laid-back and relishes his job, making a game out of everything with Uzuki, who is almost constantly on edge.
- Affably Evil: Define evil.
- Alliterative Name: Koki Kariya.
- Almighty Janitor: Kariya is actually one of the most powerful Reapers around.
- To the point even Beat is insecure about fighting him at first.
- Although he's only an Almighty Janitor because he wants to hang out with Uzuki.
- Anime Hair: Kariya.
- Ax Crazy: Uzuki gets this way whenever her Hair-Trigger Temper gets out of hand.
- Blue Eyes: Uzuki.
- Brilliant but Lazy: Kariya has refused several promotions because he prefers working on the field. Beat is rightfully afraid of fighting him.
- Cool Shades: Kariya wears a cool-looking pair of orange-tinted shades.
- Can't Catch Up: After Uzuki's defeat, she reveals that the reason she's so desperate to go up on the ranks is because she feels guilty for Kariya refusing his own promotion just so he could keep hanging out with her. In her own words:
Uzuki: I don't wanna be your freakin' ball and chain!!!
- The Dark Chick: They both qualify.
- Dual Boss
- Graceful Loser: More in regards to Kariya, but Uzuki will follow if she must. When Neku and Beat defeated them, they were willing to hand over what the Players wanted, before it turned out to be fake, which not even the Harriers knew.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Uzuki.
- Karma Houdinis / Easily Forgiven: Neku, and Beat, of all people (in fact, especially Beat, who insisted they be spared), were pretty quick to forget that these were the guys who erased Rhyme in the first place. Though they were Affably Evil Graceful Losers shortly before and willing to hand over the Rhyme pin.
- Last-Name Basis: Everyone calls Kariya by his last name.
- Laughably Evil: Their interactions together are often quite funny.
- Mirror Bosses: The pair have a fusion attack and a light puck and have attacks that mimic some of the ones you can get from pins.
- Of Corsets Sexy: An odd example with Uzuki, considering it's over a turtleneck.
- Oral Fixation Fixation: Kariya's
lollipopdango, to the point he is referred to as Lollipop by Beat. - Punch Clock Villains
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Kariya's the blue, Uzuki's the red.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps: Kariya.
- Those Two Bad Guys
- Tsundere: Uzuki.
- Ungrateful Bitch: Uzuki complains if Neku saves her from Taboo noise, while Kariya is relatively appreciative.
- Unholy Matrimony: They don't get married, but one of the later conversations reveals that the reason Kariya doesn't advance through the ranks isn't just laziness, it's also so he can be with Uzuki. Her reaction hints this isn't unwelcome.
- Although she still strives to advance herself so that then Kariya would up go with her, and she wouldn't feel like she's dragging him down.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 2.
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair: Uzuki.
Yodai Higashizawa
Voiced by Kenji Takahashi (JP) and Travis Willingham (ENG)
Acting as a proxy Game Master for Kitaniji on the first week (Shiki's chapter). He chooses to hide himself from the players until the 7th day and attempts to pound them to pieces with his immense strength.
- The Brute
- Determinator: The winning condition for the final day of the first week allows him to be able to give up without being erased, but he chooses to fight to the death instead.
- Disc One Final Boss: Sorry, bucko, game's not over yet.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Energy Absorption: Can regain health if players attack him at the wrong time.
- Evil Tastes Good: He loves making food-based puns.
- Graceful Loser
- Large and In Charge
- Large Ham: When fighting.
- Hannibal Lecture: To Shiki regarding her jealousy issues.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Colonel Mustang, what the heck are you doing?
- Monochromatic Eyes
- Mr. Exposition: Only in Another Day.
- Sinister Shades
- Wham! Line: "You're dead. Don't you know?"
- Younger Than They Look: He is apparently 20 years old.
Sho Minamimoto
Voiced by Takayuki Fujimoto (JP) and Andy Hirsch (ENG)
The Game Master on the second week (Joshua's chapter). Minamimoto is a considered a "loose cannon" by the other Officers because he prefers to work by his own rules, rather than those of the game. He's called that for good reason too, he's crazy and wants to replace Joshua as the Composer. He's also quite fond of math.
- Badass Bookworm: The dude trash talks people with math and kicks everyone's asses for lolz.
- Bishonen Line: Let's just say that Minamimoto is even more good looking as a Taboo.
- Black Right Hand: Both of them, once he goes Taboo.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Catch Phrase: "SOHCAHTOA", "So zetta slow!", "CRUNCH! I'll add it to the heap"... he's got a lot of these.
- Evil Genius
- Eyes of Gold
- Face of a Thug: In Another Day, Neku is afraid that he might mug him if he gets too close. He turns out to be a pretty nice guy despite still being an Insufferable Genius, though.
- Facial Markings: His "whiskers".
- Flunky Boss: Sends out several Taboo Noise before attacking directly, and typically has a few out most of the time, usually attacking the partner on the other screen.
- Formulaic Magic
- Fun with Acronyms: "SOHCAHTOA"
- Good with Numbers: Taken Up to Eleven.
- Insufferable Genius: He puts the "pomp" in "psychopomp". And the "psycho", too, for that matter.
- Karmic Death: On the last day of the game, he gets "crunched" and chucked under a junk sculpture rather like the ones he was so fond of making.
- Loners Are Freaks
- Mad Mathematician
- Marked Change: Taboo Minamimoto.
- Mark of the Beast: Taboo Minamimoto.
- Mouthful Of Pi-Face: The incantation for a Level i Flare, at that!
- Never Found the Body: A bizarre inversion. Whenever somebody dies in the UG, their body fades away and vanishes. However, while Minamimoto is found lying under one of his own garbage mounds, his body is perfectly intact. So that means...
- Nice Hat: Also known as Pi-Face's Cap, its slick, calculated style can turn you into a zetta math whiz (probably). Funny enough, he loses it as a Taboo.
- Panthera Awesome: His Noise form Leo Cantus.
- Slogan Yelling Megaphone Guy: Sort of. He tends to yell his catchphrases through a megaphone. Until he swaps it for Def Märch's microphone.
- The Starscream: To Joshua, who actually says he enjoys having such a loose cannon around.
Mitsuki Konishi
Voiced by Hitomi Nabatame (JP) and Lara Cody (ENG)
The Game Master on the third and final week (Beat's chapter). She first appears to be utterly loyal to Conductor Kitaniji, but is much more interested in climbing the corporate ladder.
- The Baroness: Very cold and calculating. The other Reapers nickname her the "Iron Maiden" for a reason.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Blue Eyes
- The Dragon: To Kitaniji.
- Dragon with an Agenda: Some quips and lines, not to mention Konishi's own behavior hints that she's been planning on betraying Kitaniji since a long time.
- The Glasses Come Off: She takes them off right before getting into fighting mode. It's her eyes that glint menacingly instead.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul: A female form.
- Hitomi Nabatame
- Hot Teacher: In Another Day, she's one of Beat's teachers.
- Ice Queen
- Jerkass
- Karmic Death: The only method to expose her in the last phase of the fight with her is to use Rhyme's noise pin, which enables Beat to damage her.
- Kick the Dog: Repeatedly with regards to Beat and Rhyme. She even uses her dying words to imply that Beat may have valued Rhyme above all else, but she didn't hold him in the same regard.
- Manipulative Bitch
- Master of Illusion: She seems to have the power to bend light, and one of her battle backgrounds looks like the game crashed.
- Panthera Awesome: Her Noise form Tigris Cantus.
- Puzzle Boss
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- Sexy Secretary: Basically fulfilled this role until her true motives were revealed.
- The Starscream: To Kitaniji.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Megumi Kitaniji
Voiced by Shane Johnson (ENG)
The Conductor and direct superior of the Reapers. Because the Composer has long been absent, he has asserted control over the Game, and makes sure that everyone, Player and Reaper alike, play by the book. However, it hasn't stopped him from imposing his own "penalties" on Neku for violating the game's rules.
- Anti-Villain: Type III. His entire scheme was conceived as an alternative to having Joshua erase Shibuya.
- Assimilation Plot: Kitanji's ultimate plan.
- Big Bad: Though he had a little help from "above".
- Cool Shades/Sinister Shades
- Dual Boss: A brainwashed Shiki fights alongside him.
- Face Death with Dignity: After being defeated, he gracefully accepts his deletion and tells Neku that Shibuya is in his hands.
- Gender Blender Name: Megumi is a female name.
- Headphones Equal Isolation: As a foil to Neku's straight use, his are always around his neck. A subtle hint that his plan involves false unity.
- Jerkass
- Knight Templar: He does love Shibuya, but his method of improving it is a bit extreme, to say the least.
- Loophole Abuse: Particularly when he removes all the other players in an attempt to make Neku unable to win.
- Red Oni: To Neku's Blue.
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: His Noise form Anguis Cantus and Draco Cantus.
- Scaled Up: Anguis Cantus and Draco Cantus.
- Time Stands Still: "Time, be still!"
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He was actually playing his own game with Joshua, the Composer, to determine the fate of Shibuya. And if Joshua wins, Shibuya is destroyed. And guess what? Neku was playing on Joshua's side. Oops!
Other Denizens
Sanae Hanekoma
Voiced by Bart Flynn (ENG)
The humble owner of the WildKat coffee shop on the upper-east side of Shibuya. He's also the Producer of Shibuya and an Angel.
- Angel: Revealed in the Secret Reports to be an Angel.
- Bonus Boss
- Broken Pedestal: Neku initially sees him as a good source of advice, and is amazed to learn that he's CAT, but his faith in him is shaken as he believes that he is the Composer. It ultimately turns out that while he has had a hand in the backstory behind the game, his actions were ultimately for the goal of preventing Shibuya from being erased.
- Cool Shades
- Panthera Awesome: His Noise form Panthera Cantus.
- Perma-Stubble
- Reclusive Artist: He's CAT.
- Unreliable Narrator: His secret reports, particularly when he refers to the "Fallen Angel" in the third person as if it were someone besides him.
- Waistcoat of Style
- Walking Spoiler
Sota Honjo and Nao-Nao
A pair with uncertain circumstances surrounding their death. Both are genuinely nice people, who tell Neku not to give up hope after what happens to him during the second week. Hinted to be a couple but never explicitly mentioned what their relationship is.
- Battle Couple
- Chekhov's Gunman: They're seen in the RG briefly during the first week.
- Dark Horse Victory: While Neku considers his semifinal Tin Pin Slammer match against Shooter the lynchpin of whether or not the Players are erased that day, Sota ends up winning in the finals. With help.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Both of them are Ganguro.
- Kawaiiko: Nao-Nao looks a good bit older than the stereotype, but she's a cutesy kogal through and through.
- Non-Player Character
- Surfer Dude: Sota.
- Stuffed in The Fridge: Neku doesn't take their erasure by Minamimoto's Taboo Noise very well.
- Those Two Guys
- Valley Girl: Nao is, like, one of them?
Eri is Shiki's best friend. Shiki uses a picture of Eri and herself as the wallpaper for her cellphone. Turns out that Shiki is actually the black-haired girl in the picture and that Eri is the one who normally looks like Shiki looks right now. Eri is described as charismatic and popular and she thinks of Shiki as a great friend and seamstress with a keen eye for details.
- Bare Your Midriff: Dear god.
- Combat Stilettos: More like Nice Boots.
- Dangerously-Short Skirt: Dear god, again.
- Fan Service: Dear god, again!
- The Fashionista
- Fan Nickname: Underground Shiki (UG Shiki)
- Hartman Hips: Her hips are so out there.
- Heroes Want Redheads: The same reason why Shiki falls under this trope as well... technically.
- Never Got to Say Goodbye: The last time the two spoke, they were in an argument after she suggested that Shiki isn't suited to designing.
- Nice Hat: The hat she and Shiki wear was desinged by her and sewn by Shiki, just like everything else in her wardrobe. Shiki uses her "incarnation" of it to wear her Pins.
- OC Stand-In: Very little is known about her, since she only actually appears in one day, mentioning that she misses Shiki and that she regrets her taking her advice the wrong way.
- Plot Based Photograph Obfuscation: On Shiki's cellphone-wallpaper, a glare obscures her face or so we think. It's really hiding Shiki's face.
- Satellite Character: Her character is largely based around her relationship with Shiki. She is only ever seen talking with a minor character about Shiki.
- Stripperiffic: Set this skirt just an inch lower and you have a game rated 16 and above.
- Walking Spoiler: almost everything about her.
- You Gotta Have Magenta/Rose Hair: With a mix of Red in there she's good to go.
Shuto "Shooter" Dan
A young NPC who is a major fan of Tin Pin Slammer.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Can possibly occur during Tin Pin, if you're not prepared.
- The Ditz
- Fingerless Gloves
- The Hero: Only in Another Day. He becomes the "leader" of a TPS team called the Kindred Spirits and names his teammates after colors. He's "Red".
- Idiot Hero: Only in Another Day.
- No Indoor Voice
- The Rival: To Neku and only in Tin Pin Slammer.
- Shout-Out: To just about every shonen series there ever was.
- To Be a Master: Picture Ash Ketchum with a set of Tin Pin Slammer pins.
Ken Doi
The owner of the Ramen Don shop in Dogenzaka. He is a friendly businessman who is always looking for ideas on how to improve his ramen. He doesn't like to talk a lot about his past.
- Berserk Button: Mentioning his role in developing Tin Pin.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: See above.
- Hypocrite: He hates the Shadow Ramen store for deviating from traditional ramen recipes, only to realise that he's been doing the exact same thing himself.
Makoto "Mick" Miki
Originally a timid and unsuccessful businessman, he quits his job for Gatito (or, at least, a subsidiary of them) and opens up the Shadow Ramen store in the second week to rival the Ramen Don shop. He is also responsible for helping spread around the Red Skull pins, their purpose becoming much clearer by the end of the game.
- Acquired Situational Narcissism: After becoming a success in Week 2, he sports an entirely new appearance and becomes quite arrogant.
- Alliterative Name
- Chekhov's Gun: while technically still a minor character, his role in spreading the Red Pins cannot be understated.
- Mistaken for Gay: After opening up Shadow Ramen, where he takes up work, watch what he says (and his facial expressions!) when you increase his Friendship Gauge.
- Well... he mistakes Neku for a gay mistaking him for gay, anyway.
- Salaryman
- That Came Out Wrong: His use of pop-culture catch phrases leaves something to be desired.
777 (Triple 7)
Leader of the band Def Märch, which also includes fellow Reapers B.J. and Tenho.
- Anti-Villain: Type IV. 777 is pretty nice overall and seems more worried with his band and bandmates than actually being a Reaper. The only time he fights you, he's even honourable enough to give you a key after Neku spares him. His subsequent erasure by Konishi is used as a big Kick the Dog moment.
- Everything Is an Instrument: Tenho steals the band's microphone, which, in turn, is swapped by Minamimoto for his megaphone. The band ends up attempting to incorporate the megaphone into their act.
- Face of the Band: Invoked 777. BJ seems to resent this.
- Informed Ability: Apparently his music is great... but you never get to hear it.
- Mauve Shirt
- Steal The Hypotenuse: Tenho ends up stealing Def Märch's microphone in order to stop 777 and BJ from fighting and possibly breaking up the band.
- Nobody Loves the Bassist: BJ is resentful that 777 is always the singer. Until the Microphone gets stolen.
- Punch Clock Villain: Very much so, as noted above he seems to view reaping as a side job to his band.
- Sacrificial Lion
- Street Musician: Def Märch is an indie band, and all three members got their start by singing on the streets.
Eiji Oji
A big-time celebrity and "Prince of Ennui" in Shibuya's RG whose blog, "F Everything", gets 100,000 hits per day.
- Bandwagon Technique: Whenever he discovers something he likes, he "F's it", and that thing instantly becomes super-popular among his readers.
- Bishounen
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Subverted. He ends up being a down to earth guy who just wants some good ramen.
- Celebrity Blog: Runs one.
- Screw the Money, I Have Rules: He decides to stop promoting Shadow Ramen once
The backstage tech of the Def Märch. He is unusually forgetful.
- Ambiguously Gay: He doesn't react to Makoto's sales pitch, until he hears "Come get some hot stuff!" Then he starts grinning and gets really close to Makoto before taking a pin.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": In the main game, he's known only as the Tech. His real name can be discovered in a side chapter, though.
- Forgetful Jones: He forgets the fuse needed to light up the stage on Day 3 of Week 1.
- No Sense of Personal Space: To Makoto in a Crowning Moment of Funny.
- The Resenter: Implied to resent 777 a little for stealing the spotlight all the time.
- The Slacker
- Who Is This Guy Again?
Ai and Mina
A pair of schoolgirls who are good friends. Lately, their friendship has been put under some strain when Ai suspects Mina is trying to steal her crush, Makoto, away from her, although it all gets cleared up with Neku and Shiki's help.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Ai, to an extent. However, it turns out she does appreciate her friendship with Mina deeply.
- Fan Girl: Mina in Another Day.
- Friendship Moment: Mina buys some tickets to a Tin Pin Slammer event to give to Ai so she can go out with Makoto. Unfortunately, Ai misunderstands her intentions at first, but apologizes as soon as she finds out.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Ai gets suspicious of Mina the minute she sees her talking to Makoto alone.
- Joshikousei
- Nice Girl: Mina.
- Not What It Looks Like: Mina and Makoto really weren't doing anything together, apart from chatting, but Ai immediately starts to assume the worst when she catches them talking to each other.
- Recurring Extra: Mina, mostly.
- Those Two Girls: Played entirely straight.
- Back to The World Ends With You