< The Scrappy
The Scrappy/Anime
Characters - general
- Anime-only villains tend to be this for major anime, taking more screen time from the canon and tending to be weaker and less intelligent, yet having a trait that detains the protagonists for several episodes on end. While most suffer from bad writing and Recycled Script, there are exceptions to this rule.
- Female leads in anime and manga containing a harem or love triangle have about a 50-to-75% chance of being the resident scrappy for a large portion of the show's fanbase, the most common reasons being that she's hogging the spotlight despite not being the most interesting girl and the protagonist being an idiot for favoring her over the allegedly superior competition.
- While the Tsundere archetype isn't exactly well loved, Anime takes it Up to Eleven for Disproportionate Retribution.
Characters - specific
- Ai Yori Aoshi: Mayu Miyuki is widely regarded as the biggest Scrappy of the series, due largely in part to her clinginess to Kaoru and general cattiness with Cat Smiler Tina Foster. Behind her, Taeko Minazuki's young cousin Chika is a real hyper character with slight Mary Sue hints added for good measure. The fact her deeply tanned skin gives slight images of Ethnic Scrappydom doesn't help (undeserved, since there are dark-skinned Japanese).
- Aria: The fanbase is divided over how to view Aria Pokoteng, the intelligent "Mars cat" who functions as "president" of Aria Company. Some find his antics hilarious, while others wish he would sink to the bottom of the canals of Neo-Venezia, together with his battery-powered mini-gondola.
- Axis Powers Hetalia:
- Japan, at least in the West. In early Western fandom, it wasn't an uncommon sight to see someone attacking him as "the creator's pet who hogs the spotlight and is ruining the anime" or claiming that Himaruya was exhibiting criminal Misplaced Nationalism by not detailing Imperial Japan's atrocities in a series based on the light-hearted side of history that takes great care not to mention Dude, Not Funny events like the Holocaust.
- At times, it really seemed like these haters were leaping on any and every excuse to bash him, even using the way some Japanese fans Sueified him in fanworks (which is pretty much what happens to America and Canada too in Western fandom) to deride his canon character as a Sue or claiming that he was a "harem lead" who had half of the entire cast in love with him (even though there's a grand total of one character who's made romantic/sexual overtures to him [maybe two, depending on your interpretation], and this is brought up in only a couple of strips). Fortunately, this doesn't seem to be as prominent now as it's become clear that Japan is just one character of an ensemble series and there are a lot of episodes/strips focused on England, America, Germany, etc. instead.
- Korea and Sealand are two other early fandom scrappies and eventually got Rescued from the Scrappy Heap over time too. For Korea, it was simply a case of fans' memories of the ugly incident with Korean Moral Guardians getting the Hetalia anime pulled from TV fading with the passage of time; for Sealand, it was the Hetalia Bloodbath 2010 that endeared him to many fans who had previously seen him as only a Bratty Half-Pint.
- Chibitalia and Holy Roman Empire, being an epitome of Tastes Like Diabetes and having gotten quite the screentime in the anime, have garnered their fair share of haters throughout the run of Hetalia. Some of it is plain boredom and annoyance at two "stupid babies" being a Spotlight-Stealing Squad, but some of their detractors can get quite nasty. Especially with the idea that Holy Roman Empire just might be a younger version of Germany, which somehow makes Germany less of a "real man" (or just goes against their idea of history). The other younger versions of the characters have gotten hate and ridicule in spots, but nothing as extreme as some of the vitriol that a baby Italy and the one crushing on him can generate.
- The Principalities of Wy and Seborga instantly generated fan backlash due to not being based off bonafide countries, coupled with them being portrayed as young children/adolescents and buddies of the Bratty Half-Pint Sealand. Wy's mouthy personality also hasn't helped her status.
- Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Baron is the show's scrappy. He's an idolizing twit who looks like a strong man but has a voice that is higher pitched than his three year old sister. He's generally incompetent, and mocked as the worst character even on the show. Still, he's done nothing to earn himself any pity.
- Well, at least Haos players will get a reprieve when Fabia is introduced. However, Subterra players are already dreading the approach of Jake.
- Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu:
- Minami Shimada. When your only defining character trait is to physically assault the main protagonist for the stupidest reasons, you're not exactly going to be a fan favorite. She even openly admits beating up Yoshii is her hobby. By the time her Character Development happens late in the series, it's too late for her to be Rescued from the Scrappy Heap. The damage has been done, especially when she gets Flanderized in Season 2.
- She has nothing on Miharu, not only being absolutely insane when it comes to Minami, and almost always showing up to reaffirm her One-Sided Affection. She is also the pseudo-antagonist of the Second Season Arc where she sets Yoshii and Yuugi up by scapegoating them for peeping into the Girl's Baths and making Minami and Himeji rather unlikable by pretty much turning them into Bitch in Sheep's Clothing Material
- Bakuman。:
- Takuro Nakai. Initially well-received by the fanbase because of his continuing determination to get serialized despite consistent failure in the past, Nakai lost any love from the majority of the readers when a little success went to his head and he began behaving like a complete Jerkass towards his former friend Aoki Ko, trying to pressure her into being his girlfriend when she needed his help. After leaving for a while, he's come back in an even harder to like position, as an assistant to the Smug Snake Nanamine who is extremely rude to the other assistants unless they're cute girls and doesn't seem to care about much except for the free space and pizza Nanamine is providing him with. There are still little glimmers of the nicer guy he used to be underneath the self-pitying Jerkass, especially when he gets back on the road to working toward his dream as Hiramaru's assistant, so some of his former fans still hold out hope he might turn things around, but most of the fandom has given up on him and hate him for what he's become.
- Another series scrappy is Miura, Takagi and Mashiro's second editor; unlike the wise and talented Hattori, an Ensemble Darkhorse, Miura is new, inexperienced, and not very good at what he does while Takagi and Mashiro are working with him. While he's worked to improve himself, his first impression as an incompetent Replacement Scrappy to such a popular character earned him a lot of hate, presumably influencing Hattori returning to being Ashirogi Muto's editor for PCP.
- Battle of the Planets: 7-Zark-7 is hated violently by even die-hard fans.
- Ben-To: Class Representative Shiraume. Her only character traits include slapping Sato and being a Psycho Lesbian to (mostly) Oshiroi.
- Bleach examples:
- Orihime Inoue, though not originally in this field, became hated by a huge percentage of the fanbase after the series entered the Hueco Mundo arc. This has to do with several factors.
- Her character turning from Genki Girl into a depressed mope though for a good reason.
- Her being the necessitation of another Rescue Arc, a long, long rescue arc.
- Her confessing her feelings for Ichigo, invoking ire from hardcore Ichigo x Rukia shippers and Rukia fans who accuse Orihime of stealing her spotlight as the series' main heroine.
- Not having any offensive powers after Tsubaki ate it when Orihime tried protecting her friends. He gets repaired, but so far has not been used in battle since then. Not helped at all by the fact that Tsubaki's power is directly proportional to Orihime's killing intent, which is non-existent thanks to her Actual Pacifism.
- The hate intensifies with every utterance of "Kurosaki-kun" after a chapter had her repeat it a dozen or so times.
- Before Orihime, there was Momo Hinamori, Aizen's sweet and cheerful but naive and obsessive Woobie of a lieutenant. She was brainwashed into unquestioned obedience by Aizen for decades, leading her to attack her best friend/adoptive brother Toshiro Hitsugaya[1] because of some very shaky information in a letter Aizen wrote her. It became even worse when after she came back after being stabbed to almost certain death as part of Aizen's plan, Momo was in such heavy denial and so damaged that she still thought he was partially innocent (and that Gin Ichimaru was the one actually responsible), begging for Aizen to be saved. This earned her even more hatred from fans.
- Despite all the hatred, Hinamori still places in the top 10 in Shonen Jump popularity polls (reaching as high as sixth place at one point), for the same reason Western fans dislike her. Orihime is in the top 10 as well, it's very much the Vocal Minority when it comes to these two.
- Toshiro Hitsugaya is a huge Base Breaker in the Bleach fandom, in the West at least. Many people like him because he's attractive and has an interesting dynamic with Matsumoto. A lot of people despise him because of how popular he is and how rabid his fanbase can be. Other than being perceived as a bland character, he is often accused as the main Spotlight-Stealing Squad, and most of the screentime he had, he usually had it with either unimpressive fights or jobbing.
- Aizen drifted into this trope after a while. While initially very popular for his looks and his suave villainy, he wore thin for a lot of fans as the Hueco Mundo/Fake Karakura Arcs went on. He receives virtually no backstory, his powers are vastly Story Breaking, and many of his tactical decisions and plans turned out to be very stupid. Behind the good looks and god complex, he just wasn't much of a character.
- Kaname Tousen during his time as a Gotei 13 captain and Aizen's right-hand man, he's easily disliked by nearly everyone of the fanbase due to being blind, being a black man, and joining the bad guys for a stupid and hypocritical reason (although it turns out that he isn't as noble as he claims, and only wants revenge). Not to mention when he gained his sight back, he calls Komamura (remember, Tousen was the first person not to treat Komamura as an outcast) ugly.
- Kon: He serves no purpose but comedy, his constant whining and every utterance of "Nee-san" gets annoying (even more annoying than "Kurosaki-kun"), and he tries to make Ichigo's life a living hell, despite giving him a mobile body and a roof over his head instead of getting killed like the rest of the recalled mod souls.
- Anime-only characters especially get flak from fans:
- The Modsouls were reviled during their debut, but it softened a bit afterward. By the end of the Bount arc, once they were reduced to comic relief, they quickly got hated again.
- Hardly anyone likes the Bounts, the filler shinigami, and the filler arrancars.
- Lurichiyo Kasumioji is notorious amongst the fandom for her Spoiled Brat demeanor as a princess.
- Shu Kannogi's got a particularly grating voice in both English and Japanese, and he's such a wimp that it's hard to take him seriously.
- Nozomi Kujo, being a Creator's Pet and a Flat Character with Thirty-Sue Pileup.
- Blassreiter: Malek started as a whiny, cowardly child who was pissed at God for not handling his problems for him. Granted, he did suffer some serious discrimination and bullying due to being and Outsider, but that's going a tad overboard.
- Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan has the title character, Dokuro. For the people who hate the series for being a cruel Sadist Show, she's the general root of it, brutally murdering Sakura for the dumbest of reasons.
- Claymore: Raki had the misfortune of being the perpetual Dude in Distress and Non-Action Guy in a cast full of badass warrior women. The fact that he cries a lot and is very closely bonded to the main character, whom the fanbase loves to pair up with her female comrades, also doesn't help. His screen time decreases a lot as the series goes on, and he did Take a Level In Badass, which helps, though now the fans complain that he's too strong and fear he'll take pagetime away from the female characters.
- Code Geass:
- Nina. Her racism (caused by bad experiences in a Japanese ghetto), her affection for Euphemia, and her role in creating the Geass-world equivalent of a nuclear bomb resulting in the death of millions earned her the hatred of the fanbase. The Table-kun instance didn't help. Though unlike other cases, she actually learned her lesson and wised up... but tell that to the fanbase, which REFUSES to see her change.
- Rolo and Shirley have also been hated on and considered as Scrappies, though it seems to be mostly by fans of one that hate the other. Rolo's hated for killing Shirley and considered a Depraved Homosexual (with all the homophobia it brings), Shirley is hated and blamed for various problems in the series (whether she did cause them or not is something else) and her detractors feel she deserved that fate.
- Ironically, besides maybe Nina, the two most hated characters in the entire series are easily Lelouch and Suzaku... while also both being the most loved. Suzaku supporters tend to dislike Lelouch because they agree with Suzaku's methods of non-violent reform and see Lelouch as evil, whereas Lelouch supporters tend to dislike Suzaku mainly because of his Chronic Backstabbing Disorder and his perceived cowardice. This is bolstered by the fact that the show doesn't explicitly tell you how to feel about either characters' actions and allows the viewer to interpret them however they want, which is the main reason for the show's Broken Base.
- Typically, by the end of the series, all the fan hatred has, in an interesting meta-contrast to the ending, been shifted towards Kaname Ohgi. While he was initially a voice of reason in the Black Knights, his status as The Generic Guy in an otherwise vividly colorful cast and his increasingly stupid and hypocritical behavior in R2 (including backstabbing Lelouch based on Villains Never Lie and functionally surrendering the entire world to Britannia in an under-the-table deal to free Japan) quickly rocketed him to Scrappy status. Not only he does not suffer in any way, shape, or form for his mistakes and ends up both a Karma AND an Idiot Houdini, but at the end of the series, he gets one of the happiest endings out of all of the cast by being Happily Married and he even became Prime Minister of Japan while two of the main characters get the worst endings, which made him even more hated by fans of the show. This was amplified by the knowledge that Ohgi's betrayal basically led to the final arc and the characters' bad ends, which have been equally rejected by various fans, but for different reasons.
- Ougi's newlywed wife, Villetta, also shares in the hate for arguably leading him astray in the first place and screwing Lelouch over in the most inopportune moments, culminating in her being trusted over Lelouch leading to the betrayal when she has no right to be, as an agent against him on behalf of Britannia (re:the geass and him being AWOL following the Black Rebellion, even though she was the one watching over Lelouch for geass, meaning she may have very well misled them, and keeping him under surveillance during that year, making her partly responsible for the latter), and also that she was the one who incapacitated Ohgi in the first place partly due to the latter's carelessness, and Ohgi still completely blames Lelouch for being treated as an expendable during that moment). And yet, she too shares in Ohgi's happy ending for her convenient team switch, even though she undergoes no redemptive character development nor actually does anything for the peace. Meanwhile, each of the main leads had already lost a love interest they both cared about, one of which started falling deeper into despair after being used by Villetta. It's not too strange to find fans who wished they didn't survive the waterfall incident.
- Tianzi of the Chinese Federation, her entire role can be summed up as this: CRY CRY CRY, its not cute the first time and it's continually more annoying as she does it for most of her role.
- Gino Weinberg, and arguably the entire Knights of the Round, as they really don't get much screentime (except for Anya), and when they do get screentime, they don't really contribute anything (though Lucanio is a peculiar one in that the little screentime he has manages to be the biggest asshole in the entire series.) Gino's entire character is essentially "Hit on Girls and act buddy-buddy with Suzaku", and he doesn't do much else than that the entire series, all 20 or so times he shows up and wastes precious time just being there.
- The Knights (barring Anya & Luciano) are considered a perfect example of They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character - given their potential as a Quirky Miniboss Squad of Elite Mooks and what little characterisation some of them got, you'd expect them to be compelling player. Alas, the series may as well have not had them at all for the good they did (especially the ones who were reduced to Red Shirt). This may be a partial result of the Executive Meddling which afflicted Season 2, but it doesn't change what we got on-screen.
- Death Note:
- Although her case is the same as Americans Hate Tingle, Misa Amane is a scrappy for the fact that she sticks out like a sore thumb, either endlessly talks about how she loves Light or whines about circumstances keeping them apart, and otherwise just calls a ton of attention to herself without contributing much. (And her main contribution to the story only serves to cast her as an Unwitting Instigator of Doom.) Per Word of God, Misa's entire point was to stick out like a sore thumb and feel out of place, in order to make the series even more chaotic and the situation more interesting.
- Near has earned a Scrappy status from many fans who viewed him as a poor knock-off of L. Even the creator bashed him.
- Mello receives the same treatment from some fans, though to a much lesser degree (presumably due to his being a more original character.)
- Demegawa. A loudmouthed, obnoxious, unintelligent Fat Bastard Jerkass Expy of J. Jonah Jameson who's merely concerned with increasing his own profits. He even caused one of Light's plans to fail because of his Money Fetish!. Good thing Mikami kills him.
- Detective Conan:
- The Detective Boys. Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta are normal children who unknowingly befriend an undercover Teen Genius in a series filled with complex murder mysteries. Thus, they tend to ignore all his instructions of caution which puts their lives in danger or comes close to blowing his cover multiple times. They even view Conan as the lowest member of the group while trying to stop him taking all the credit for helping solve cases. They do get better in the manga, as they come to appreciate Conan's talent, start to develop their own abilities, and befriend another Teen Genius (Ai Haibara) who keeps them more in line, but this is generally not reflected in the anime fillers where they will remain in Scrappy status in the eyes of many fans.
- While not as universally reviled as the Detective Boys, Kogoro Mouri seems to have his share of haters. This stems from the fact that he's a Jerkass Small Name, Big Ego who's prone to many Kick the Dog moments with Conan. Two stood out: One was when Conan, with logical reasoning, tried convincing Kogoro not to automatically assume a woman he's attracted to is innocent (She was indeed the killer), only for him to punch Conan. In one of the rare occasions he's actually confronted for hitting Conan, he respondes with "He started it by being annoying!" Another was the episode where he broke his leg. In the hospital, he didn't want to miss a Yoko Okino TV event. While Conan was out solving the case, the Detective Boys were wheeling him to the nearest TV, but were slowing down due to lack of manpower. When Conan shows up, Kogoro threatens to put him on the streets if he missed the show.
- Dragon Ball:
- Chi Chi. Or more precisely, what she became in DBZ; a completely selfish Education Mama who chose her elder son's career without even thinking of what he might like, who brushes off her husband's death (and even blames him for Piccolo taking Gohan), and when he's nearly crippled by Vegeta, she doesn't have any sympathy for her husband's injuries. Finally? Way in the future, after her husband has died, she's training her second son Goten. When he goes Super Saiyan, she calls him a monster and refers to Goku and Gohan as monsters, and starts crying. Basically no one can get through to her, not even her own father (who was once the Ox King in his prime) who makes the most passionate speech about Gohan's growth during the Cell Games. As a result, he is no safer from her selfish rage than anyone else. Though some fans view her as, while obsessive and a tad crazy, a wife with a frequently absentee and somewhat selfish husband who constantly watches her young children being put in mortal peril.
- The anime turns her Education Mama tendencies Up to Eleven, and the dub takes it further. The part with Goten is twisted from the original: she calls him a "delinquent", referring to Japanese punks who dye their hair blond. This is corrected in video game bio menus where Chichi is the presenting character.
- Bulma during the Namek saga (in the anime, at least). All she ever does is whine about how bad her situation is. This being due to her repeatedly wandering off and getting into trouble because she thinks she can do better than the others.
- Chi Chi. Or more precisely, what she became in DBZ; a completely selfish Education Mama who chose her elder son's career without even thinking of what he might like, who brushes off her husband's death (and even blames him for Piccolo taking Gohan), and when he's nearly crippled by Vegeta, she doesn't have any sympathy for her husband's injuries. Finally? Way in the future, after her husband has died, she's training her second son Goten. When he goes Super Saiyan, she calls him a monster and refers to Goku and Gohan as monsters, and starts crying. Basically no one can get through to her, not even her own father (who was once the Ox King in his prime) who makes the most passionate speech about Gohan's growth during the Cell Games. As a result, he is no safer from her selfish rage than anyone else. Though some fans view her as, while obsessive and a tad crazy, a wife with a frequently absentee and somewhat selfish husband who constantly watches her young children being put in mortal peril.
- Dragon Ball GT: Pan and Giru. Most fans do not either of them and consider them whiny and annoying. Especially during the Shadow Dragon Saga, Pan always gets in trouble by the other Shadow Dragons, specifically Nuova, Haze, Naturon and Rage Shenron.
- Eureka Seven: Eureka's "children" that she adopted): Link, Mayter, and Maurice, or as most fans will say "the annoying brats". In their first centered episode (Ep. 6), they seemed to have learned their lesson and started to become changed characters. Only to go back to their usual selves by the next episode.Not only are their voices extremely grating whenever they open their mouths, but they serve no real purpose other than to provide "comedy" in the form of torturing Renton, and to get Holland, Eureka, and the others in trouble (see episode 40). Even worse, during The Great Wall Arc (from about episode 40 up until the end of the series) they become important semi-major characters.
- Fairy Tail: Raven Tail immediately become this after Flare vs Lucy. One her opponent threatens to hurt a child in order to take advantage. Two, right before the Lucy can hit her with Uranometria a member who wasn't involved sucks up her magic.
- Fate Stay Night:
- Shiro Emiya shares the same problem with Miaka of 'being a Scrappy even though he's the star of the show', since he's considered an 'idiotic Martyr Without a Cause', and the fact that he embodies No Guy Wants an Amazon. Even though Saber is clearly far more powerful than him and can protect him better, he still insists that 'he must protect everyone'. Worse yet, most Fate Stay Night fans come from those who've watched the anime, which focuses on the Fate route, where Shiro refused to change his naive ideals, making it worse for him in general (on the Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's Feel paths, he doesn't act this way). Of course, his often misinterpreted "People die if they are killed..." line didn't earn him any points, either.
- Shinji Matou. His crimes are numerous, and while Shiro who at least had an Awesome moment or two despite his Scrappyism, Shinji got none. He's a self-serving Smug Snake who treats his friends like garbage, and a weak magus but thinks himself too great and forces his way into the war... by forcing Sakura to yield Rider to him, and treats her like garbage anyway, calling her weak at times despite him actually holding back her true powers. He still scolds and abuses Sakura a lot for 'staying' with Shiro, even raping her (maybe Rider too) on a daily basis to vent his frustration. It doesn't help matters that the only route which sets out to redeem him (the UBW route), he arguably comes closer to Complete Monster territory than in any other story path, what with him cruelly ordering Gilgamesh to rip out Ilya's heart, laughing as he watched it happen. The only reason he even does a Heel Face Turn at the end of this route is due to a serious round of Break the Haughty, and considering his previous actions the fact that he doesn't need to actually do anything to redeem himself makes Shirou's - and the story's - claims that he's become a better person fall flat as a result.
- Shinji actually subverts this in the FSN manga adaption - while he does start off as a cowardly Jerkass, he's granted some more complexity and Hidden Depths in a series of both flashbacks and present-day scenes not in the visual novel or anime. This has the effect of subsequently making his friendship with Shirou - among other things - feel more genuine as a result. That, and the fact that after Sakura uses her last Command Seal to save his life, he actually starts acting like a fundamentally decent human being rather than an incorrigible Smug Snake Dirty Coward.
- Matou Zouken generally gets tons of hate as well - he's considered such a thoroughly despicable Complete Monster with such dreadful deeds to his name that his Freudian Excuse - abeit a pretty weak one to begin with - earns him next to zero sympathy from the audience despite being a legitimate one (there's only so far a reason for being a Jerkass can actually justify one's bad behaviour, after all). Sakura fans in particular despise him. His Servant, True Assasin is also widely disliked - being limited to a single story path (Heaven's Feel) and not getting much characterisation tends to do that to you. True Assasin is mostly regarded with apathy rather than outright hate, and does have his fans, but nonetheless doesn't win points for being, to some, a Replacement Scrappy for the first, 'Fake' Assasin, who is a fairly well-liked character in his own right and needs to be eaten to bring True Assasin (whose I'm a Humanitarian aspects are also frowned upon) into the picture.
- Fullmetal Alchemist:
- We are given two of the most horrific characters: Shou Tucker, for transmuting his daughter into a chimera.
- The gold-toothed doctor from the manga is also not well liked, often being referred to as a "bastard." This is due to the fact that he almost kills Riza by having his goons slit her throat to get Roy to open the Gate.
- It's to be pointed out that they both lack that Evil Is Cool aura around them, something most FMA Complete Monster Villains tend to have, which only serves to make them more unlikeable.
- Full Metal Panic!: Leonard Tessarossa. Sure, he was made out to be a (relatively) "honorable," Noble Demon whose intentions, extreme as they may be, could be considered grander and more for the greater good than anything Sousuke would care for. However, his cockiness and Insufferable Genius, along with his superiority complex have earned him great ire among fandom. He especially gets flak after manhandling Kaname and brainwashing her, causing her to become an angsting Damsel in Distress . And interestingly enough, being a White-Haired Pretty Boy seemed to actually work against him, as numerous people have taken to despising him for being a Sissy Villain, calling him "Leotard". The funniest part is that he's supposed to be the most sympathetic villain that the series has (seeing how Gauron and Gates are psychotic, insane pedophile Complete Monsters), yet he appears to be the most hated.
- Fushigi Yuugi: Miaka Yuuki. Some fans accused her of being a Mary Sue, although truth be told, she's hardly as bad as Mayo Sakaki from the Eikoden OVA.
- Futari wa Pretty Cure gave us Pollun, the new addition to the magical girl duo's Non Human Sidekicks whose immature and whiny personality had a number of fans out for his blood. However, he does stop being as bratty towards the end of the series, and his more mature and considerate depiction in the following season, MaX Heart was much better received. Unfortunately, that same season brought Lulun, who is just as whiny and bratty as first season Pollun, if not moreso, and just as unpopular.
- Girls Bravo: Kirie. In the first season her regular (and rather brutal) beatings of Accidental Pervert Yukinari (sometimes for no reason at all), who's supposed to be her best friend, tendency to assume the worst of him if she should find him around a half naked girl, and unwillingness to listen to him explain his actions, did not earn her any points in the fandom. Neither did her tendency to verbally berate him if she suspected he was being perverted (which he wasn't) by calling him a jerk. Not to mention Kirie knows Yukinari has a fear of women (as a result of being bullied by them all his life) and developed an allergy to them because of it. One would question why she still keeps beating the crap out of him in spite of that. In fact, some fans say it's because of Tsundere's like Kirie that they grew to hate Tsundere's in general. She becomes nicer in the second season and her number of moments beating Yukinari decrease heavily. For some fans, it worked, for many, it was too little too late.
- Shu Ouma from Guilty Crown takes this trope to heart too. Many people compare him unfavorably to Shinji Ikari for being a weak, spineless young man, surrounded by stronger and more interesting characters. Souta turns into this after his stupidity gets Hare killed.
- Gundam SEED and its sequel Gundam SEED Destiny:
- Flay Allster because she used sex to lure Kira Yamato to his death, as punishment for failing to save her father from an horrible death in space..., Yuna Roma Seiran for being the Romantic False Lead, Shinn Asuka for being the Replacement Scrappy, Meyrin Hawke for standing in between Athrun and Cagalli, and, to a lesser degree, Lunamaria Hawke for being a Faux Action Girl, Lacus Clyne for being a Purity Sue-like Yamato Nadeshiko (but like Momo from Bleach, Japan loves her for that exact reason), and Kira Yamato for being the ultimate one-man Spotlight-Stealing Squad in Destiny (but see Lacus's note). Basically, these two series are a perfect example of how completely different characters can be the Scrappy in the eyes of different segments of the fandom.
- The trio of DOM Trooper pilots, who do nothing other than act as attack dogs while berating people who dare disagree with Lacus-sama; even those on Kira's side of the fan-war find them irritating and one-dimensional.
- Gundam Wing:
- The most controversial character is probably Relena, who is often seen as a Too Dumb to Live Stalker with a Crush Pink Menace - and this is before you get into the Yaoi Fangirls screaming "Die for Our Ship!" - in some cases, quite literally. At least in America, and it's more of a fandom split than outright hatred. In Japan, Relena often appears in Gundam Ace's "Top 30 Females" list, and, as of 2010, is the only female Gundam Wing character to appear on said list.
- Wufei, an Arrogant Kung Fu Guy who is Flanderized in fanfiction as a misogynist bastard who only knows four words: "Justice", "Evil", "Nataku", and "ONNA!". The fact that he is a blatant Hypocrite by spouting off about honour and then killing soldiers in their sleep hardly helps his case, either.
- In an interview with the creators, Quatre was referred to as the "Space Heart Jerk" by the Japanese fans of the show, though he is popular overseas.
- Gundam X:
- Try to find a fan Olba, the younger of the Frost brothers. "Whiny, flamboyant male Yandere with a brother complex" doesn't even cover it.
- He had one instance of going batshit over his brother getting hit. One. And this is not just his brother we're talking about. This is pretty much the only person who shared his pain of being a Catagory F Newtype and therefor useless in the eyes of the whole freaking world.
- This goes as far as his own voice actor hating him. Even gave him a word aversion to "Nii-san".
- Hajime no Ippo:
- Ichiro Miyata, mostly due to the accusation that he became a one-man Spotlight-Stealing Squad during his endlessly long fight with Randy Boy Jr.
- Surprisingly, Ippo's Yamato Nadeshiko love interest Kumi Mashiba has escaped Die for Our Ship and/or Real Women Never Wear Dresses based bashing, even from the yaoi corner...
- Ichigo One Hundred Percent: The author stated that many of the fanletters she got said "I hate Chinami!". Considering Chinami was an incredibly superficial Attention Whore during most of the series' run, the hatred is somewhat justified.
- Inuyasha has Koga, for being a massive Karma Houdini who constantly obsesses over Kagome. Others hate Shippo for being a smart-mouthed, whiney, useless Bratty Half-Pint.
- Kaleido Star: May Wong from the second season owed heavily to her initial snobbish attitude (until Leon decides to engage in a bit of painful "attitude adjustment"). Even after she does learn the lesson (and learns it quicker than Leon himself), fans simply will NOT stop raging against her.
- Kämpfer:
- Natsuru has scrappy status among fans for being incredibly dense.
- The love interests come off as incredibly shallow; try to think of something positive they have done that wasn't some ploy to get Natsuru to like them. And remember that prior to meeting Natsuru, each was a borderline Complete Monster who killed other Kampfer for fun.
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn: While it's unclear where he stands in the Japanese fandom, Naito Longchamp was near-universally despised by a large percentage of overseas fans due largely to his goofy appearance and rambunctious personality. This only applies to the manga, however; the anime wound up writing him out of the plot entirely. However, this may be undergoing a reverse process -- fans have claimed that Longchamp appearing may be the only thing that can save the show.
- Keroro Gunsou:
- The anime is known for Flanderization and Canon Sues, adding several new recurring characters or expanding their roles. One of the most despised anime-exclusive characters is Joriri, an unshaven bum who first appeared in the Chibi-Kero Flash Back episodes. Basically a Perma Stubbled Expy for Adult!Keroro, he serves as a bad role model for the young tadpoles and engages in lots of scene-stealing antics. His first appearance bore a striking resemblance to one manga chapter focused on Giroro's relationship with his brother, leading fans to label Joriri a Replacement Scrappy. (The chapter was later adapted faithfully, but by then it was too late, and they'd found other reasons to hate him.) His frequent reappearances have him verging on Creator's Pet, particularly after he abruptly showed up on Earth and shacked up with the Platoon.
- Kululu is deliberately written as a Jerkass, and it's obvious everyone else is supposed to hate him, but it doesn't help that he does little of interest. More specifically, he's less of a character and more of a plot device used to add machines or science-goes-awry scenarios to the plot.
- The anime's version of Dororo gets a lot of flak for seeming like a whiny, degenerate hermit compared to his more "speak softly but carry a big stick" portrayal in the manga. He's commonly demoted to being the Sixth Ranger (even though it's a Five-Man Band), not present in many plots involving the rest of the Keronians, and while he tries to be the Only Sane Man against their more wicked ideas, he's nowhere near as assertive as his manga counterpart and ends up the Butt Monkey a lot. What makes this all even worse is that his partner, Koyuki, is still shown as outgoing in the anime, and constantly interracting with her friends, which only draws attention to the fact that meanwhile, Dororo seems to be sulking in a corner somewhere.
- Kiddy Girl-AND: Ascoeur draws a lot of flak for her high-pitched yelling and general childish attitude throughout the series. She barely gets her act together as the show progresses, which many viewers regard as way too late.
- Black Butler:
- Elizabeth, mainly because some fans hate her for getting in between the Sebastian/Ciel pairing and find her annoying and sickeningly sweet. Not even her Character Development and the reveal that she's actually a Little Miss Badass has really helped: once that was revealed, the "Mary Sue!" cries were heard miles away.
- Arguably, this is somewhat justified in the anime, as she never gets that development, mostly due to the fact that it hadn't happened yet at the time the anime was made. She's still hated by a lot of people who read the manga, but most of this seems to come from angry Sebastian/Ciel fans rather than her actually being a bad character, since she's slowly but surely becoming deeper as the manga goes on.
- Some fans of the series consider Claude and Alois from the second season to be replacement scrappies for Sebastian and Ciel. But Claude really gained his share of haters when he ignored a bleeding Alois' pleads for help in favor of tasting Ciel's blood, and when he stabbed Alois to death in episode 8. Hannah is hated by some fans who consider her to be just a pointless character who constantly gets abused and provides fanservice (of the creepy sort).
- Elizabeth, mainly because some fans hate her for getting in between the Sebastian/Ciel pairing and find her annoying and sickeningly sweet. Not even her Character Development and the reveal that she's actually a Little Miss Badass has really helped: once that was revealed, the "Mary Sue!" cries were heard miles away.
- Love Hina:
- A lot of Love Hina fans dislike Naru for beating up Keitaro for trivial reasons, and for flip-flopping with her feelings all too often. Of course, most Naru-haters come from those who have watched the anime where Naru's Tsundere character has been grossly blown out of proportion to the point of making her look WAY worse than she actually was. (Which was plenty, but not THAT much).
- The hate also goes for Kanako Urashima: it generally stems from the feeling that she doesn't belong in the series, as she was introduced late and has a darker personality and back story that seems to contrast with the rest of the series. She also gets a lot more hate from fans of the anime, where she was portrayed as extremely flat, and didn't have time to develop like she did in the manga.
- Lucky Star:
- Patricia Martin, for several reasons: 1) some felt that the character is meant to be insulting to Americans in general, particularly the weeaboos. 2) the English dub VA sounds like a badly-pitched Minnie Mouse; 3) She doesn't seem to "fit in" with a group of Japanese schoolgirls and it is a series about Japanese schoolgirls.
- Ironically, she was intended to be an Affectionate Parody of American Otakus, not in any way mean spirited. Alas, said parody completely fell flat.
- Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha:
- Quattro, a Smug Snake who at her best, enjoys making fun of her younger sisters and at her worst, has absolutely no regard for human life and thinks those who do so are foolish.
- That she is such a rat bastard definitely makes her Villainous Breakdown all the sweeter when Nanoha blasts the crap out of her from across an entire space ship. Yes, even through the walls.
- The manga Force adds up the newcomer Cypha of Huckebein as one of the Scrappies for trashing fan favorite Signum through cheating and leaving her nearly dead. As she is the answer for Super Robot Wars' Wilhelm von Juergen, who committed similar crime to the character Signum is Expy-ing, Lamia Loveless, and he gets the same heat with her, it's like Cypha has resigned herself to this position from get-go.
- Reception for the other Huckebeins has been somewhat luke-warm, as well. Curren seems to get a fair amount of hate for stabbing Hayate to interrupt a spell that would have been a Crowning Moment of Awesome for her, then defeating Vita and Erio, both of whom had the AEC weapons that Signum lacked, almost instantly.
- Mahou Sensei Negima: Anya is markedly less popular than most of the other characters. The two main reasons for this are her Bratty Half-Pint / Tsundere behavior [2], and because she has very little actual plot importance, making her presence seem kind of pointless.
- My-HiME:
- A sizable contingent of fandom has it in for male lead character Yuuichi Tate, as the Non-Action Guy Love Interest of the Red Headed Heroine. His case isn't helped much by some of the questionable actions he took to finally getting around to showing his affections, most coming at the expense of his Unlucky Childhood Friend Shiho Munakata.
- Depending on whom you ask (though most fans general support the former), the manga either makes him a case of Rescued from the Scrappy Heap by removing his What an Idiot! moments, or makes him the Creator's Pet by increasing his panel time and making him the hero who resolves everything.
- Shiho gets quite a bit of this, as well, because of her clinginess and jealous attitude and several attempts on Mai's life, as well as killing Mai's brother Takumi..
- Mai-Otome:
- Tomoe Marguerite is widely considered the least likable, if not the most evil, character on the show by a pretty wide margin. Some fans suspect the only thing that kept her from being killed off is the director's and head writer's praise of Rie Tanaka's vocal performance.
- Major Sergey Wang gets a lot of hate in some circles, because his interactions with Arika and Nina make him come off as a Lolicon at times, even though it's Nina who takes the initiative, and also because he reminds some fans (visually) of Yuuichi (see above).
- Mega Man NT Warrior:
- Yai Ayano, the Rich Bitch trope taken to its most abhorrent extreme. Her role consists mainly of boasting, whining, deriding, screeching, and not developing many positive traits along the way. About the only thing useful about her is her money, which gives the other heroes some occasional firepower when they need it, but she didn't even earn it herself; her father did, so it's questionable whether Yai does anything good.
- The worst was episode 34, "Lost Money Panic". In the course of one episode, Yai derides people who believe in donating money to charity, screeches her head off at losing all of her money, poo-poos her friends' attempts to help her, and doesn't even learn a valuable lesson about the error of her ways at the end. It's enough to make you yearn for an Anvilicious And Knowing Is Half the Battle segment.
- Duo and Slur have a very firm claim to Scrappydom among many viewers, as the arguable mascots of Seasonal Rot in the "Stream" arc. Thanks to nearly-Godlike aliens coming and using the world as a big laboratory to pit good against evil, they forced the plot into a more formulaic status than it had ever been: Almost ceaselessly, the two overhear a person with a casual human flaw complaining about something and wishing absentmindedly it could be different, they give him a Navi to grant his wish but also threaten the world, Lan and Mega Man have to stop it; lather rinse repeat.
- Mega Man Star Force: Luna Shirogane (Or Luna Platz). It didn't help that she was in a love triangle with the main character Subaru Hoshikawa/Geo Stelar and Misora Hibiki/Sonia Strumm, and some fans ship the other two only because Misora looks like Meiru/Mayl and Subaru looks like Netto/Lan from Mega Man Battle Network ignoring their personalities, which in some cases (like Subaru and Netto) are completly opposites. Things were also bad for her because of her Flanderization in the anime, which focused too much on her tsun-tsun side and eliminating nearly any dere-dere. It's still a case of Americans Hate Tingle, since she is more popular in the japanese fandom than her love rival Misora.
- Mariasama ga Miteru:
- Touko (Drill-chan) is disliked by a fairly large part of the fandom because of her bitchy attitude, despite all the efforts of the creator to present her in a more positive light. The fact that Yumi keeps relentlessly pursuing her as her petite soeur only adds to this, since a lot of fans think that there are more suitable candidates-- Kanako, for instance.
- Compounding this is the fact that Kanako is called out for her initial bad behavior while Touko is never told to stop either by Sachiko or Yumi herself.
- Metal Fight Beyblade: Masamune Kadoya.
- Mobile Suit Gundam 00:
- The Cute Psycho Nena Trinity gained instant Scrappy status right around episode 18 after she opened fire at the wedding ceremony of Louise's parents and killed lots of innocent people because she could. Fan hatred softened a bit when she watched her beloved brothers Johan and Michael die at the hands of Ali Al-Saachez, since it's partially because of them doting on her endlessly that she gets to do what she wants. And although she does get somewhat better, later on though.
- Wang Liu Mei who spent the first episode being Ms. Fanservice: for being too secretive and seems to be a Smug Snake in training, for her plan to "destroy the world she hates, through change", but she never gives out any reasons why she hated that current world, giving off the impression that she's just doing it For the Evulz.
- Saji Crossroad heads on his way back to scrappydom in season 2 for being selfish and practically ignorant of Celestial Being's efforts to pay for their sins, even after Tieria already told him that the world conflict cannot be resolved with simple pacifism, and to see the world through his own eyes. To be fair for the kid, though, he's gotten better.
- But the same cannot be said for Louise who went from being pitiful into despicable for some people when she joins A-Laws, an organization which turns out to be doing things worse than what Nena did to her, but she doesn't seem to mind as she now views Celestial Being as the Ultimate Evil, anything that opposes it (A-Laws) shall be deemed 'good', and ANYTHING remotely close to it (including her boyfriend Saji) will be deemed 'evil' by her. And even when Loise kills fellow scrappy, Nena, it didn't help. For some, it even made it worse.
- Events in episode 17 have added the name Andrei Smirnov to the list of 00 scrappies. Killing a fan-favorite character, his father Papa Bear, outside of battle when you are not a fan favorite character is a bad idea. It doesn't help that due to his emotional damage, Andrei distanced himself from his father immediately after his mother's death, not even thinking about how Sergei felt or how worse that operation may have come out had his father acted on his emotions. Not to mention the Saji and Louise fandom that sees him as a persistent hindrance for their favourite couple.
- The fact that killing his own father was completely unforgivable. His father treated him very well, and let him have his space after his mother died. It isn't like, for example, Tyrion killing Tywin, he killed his father after he helped save nearly everyone in Africa when it was a fucking cease fire, thus making it a WAR CRIME. Finally, he has the gall to say that he should be the one to finish off his father since blood should finish off treacherous blood, all the while saying he was defending his ideals. Any sympathy for his 'hard choice' dissolved then, leaving an massive amount of hatred in its place for his character.
- As if that isn't enough, he's a bit of an in-series Scrappy for what he did. Mr. Bushido spilled the beans in front of Louise that he had killed his own father, effectively driving a giant, unmovable wedge between them. Oops.
- Some fans seem to be now obsessed with the idea of searching for any excuses to throw Lyle Dylandy back into the Scrappy heap. It's not enough that he's not a carbon copy of his twin brother Neil and that he's supposedly a "man-slut" for hooking up with Wrench Wench Anew Returner during the 4-month Time Skip, now he isn't allowed to be upset when Setsuna kills his Manchurian Agent girlfriend in battle?
- There were already complaints about Billy Katagiri's reduced role, but after he apparently tried to shoot his ex-girlfriend Sumeragi Lee Noriega in episode 23, the fandom was screaming for his blood. The revelation that joining Ribbons was solely due to the fact that he can't say I love you didn't help
- Rebellious Princess Marina is hated due to the fact that she seems to have no use other than hanging out with the orphaned Azhadistan children. It was an attempt to show how the war effects people who have nothing to do with it, but way too much time was spent on it, and Marina comes off as basically an Expy of Relena, without Relena's Character Development.
- Naruto:
- Sasuke, although he's more of a Base Breaker because he takes up much screen time, as well as betraying most characters he's allied with and finally choosing to destroy all of Konoha because the Big Bad told him some of the higher ups (allegedly) planned the destruction of the Uchiha clan, which was plotting to start a civil war and take over the village..
- Sakura Haruno went through a similar process. First, some fans didn't like her because she wasn't powerful enough and often let her fangirling over Sasuke take away from her potential. When Shippuden starts, she trained with Tsunade in medical arts and has became a competent ninja in her own right. Some fans still hate her for her lack of fight scenes, claiming to love Naruto so he wouldn't pursue Sasuke anymore, knocking her teammates uncoscious so she could kill Sasuke, now a deranged rogue, by herself and failing. Worst of all, she still has feelings for him even AFTER he clearly tries to kill her twice, in the face of all her previous character development being about moving on from her girlhood crush. Her status as Naruto's possible love interest does not help matters.
- Neon Genesis Evangelion:
- Shinji Ikari is a very polarising figure, to say the least. Though meant to be a Deconstruction of ordinary Humongous Mecha heroes, fan reaction appears to be evenly split between feeling genuinely sorry for all the crap he had to go through and wanting to put the poor bastard out of his misery to get him to stop his bitchin'. The manga adaptation and the Rebuild of Evangelion films have removed much of his whining, making him more popular.
- Asuka Langley Soryuu, his fellow pilot and possible Love Interest, also has her fair share of haters who think Asuka's showy pay-attention-to-me overconfidence is not endearing but endlessly annoying. She's intended to be Rei's foil by being loud, aggressive, uncooperative, selfish, explosive, insulting Rei and Shinji, and is constantly flirting with a man thrice her age. Yes, she's doing it to cover up very deep insecurities about herself, but that doesn't make her any less of a boasting, brutish, bloodthirsty, banal, blatantly ballistic bitch. Again, there are many who find her better in the manga and/or Rebuild films.
- Pen-Pen as some consider such a purely implausible and "cartoon" character out of place in the middle of an otherwise serious, non-superficial series.
- Some fans think Maya Ibuki (one of the NERV Bridge Bunnies) pukes and cries too much when she sees violence, and question why she even works for NERV. Sometimes, however, her, ahem, "good working relationship" with Ritsuko Akagi saves her, though not always.
- Maya's entire purpose is to provide the most "human" reactions to everything that's happening, in contrast to her colleagues - the problem is that, to some people, she comes off as unsuited for duty to NERV as a result of it.
- Gendo Ikari. Yes, he does have sympathetic qualities, but he's generally disliked and seen as an asshole for his neglect of Shinji.
- In Rebuild of Evangelion, Mari Illustrious Makinami can be this due to how strange and seemingly pointless her presence is. The fact that her name reminds Americans of a trope doesn't help. Of course, this may change once more about her is revealed in future films.
- One Piece:
- Usopp tends to be less well-liked than the other Straw Hats, possibly because he's not as attractive and tends to be quite cowardly. In the Water 7 arc, when he, after learning the Going Merry was beyond repair and Luffy decided to get a new ship, left the crew and challenged Luffy to a duel over the ship, most fans agreed that he was in the wrong, and a fair portion believed that the incident was the final proof that he was more trouble than he was worth. However, said arc also resulted in him disguising as Sogeking and admitting that he was wrong in the end, which may have made up for it with some fans.
- There's also Spandam, but that's an intentional case. Surprisingly, he's somewhat more popular in Japan, once making it on a top 30 characters poll.
- The most hated character in the series is Admiral Akainu, for killing Luffy's brother Ace, who's quite a fan favorite.
- Ookamikakushi:
- Hiroshi. Some fans of the series have taken to calling him "Hiroshi the cowardly trap" and the main reason he's disliked is because he's not Badass like Keiichi.
- Issei too, as some fans thought his Ho Yay scenes with Hiroshi were far too creepy and numerous, given that he came off like a stalker.
- Isuzu too to an extent--she didn't get as much hatred as Hiroshi (and some of it lightened up when she was temporarily Put on a Bus), but not everyone found her clingy, stalker-ish habits amusing.
- Otogi Juushi Akazukin: Viewers almost unanimously hate Ringo. Her negative traits are even pointed out in the show, when her friends in her own world note how harsh she is toward her friends. When everyone else begins to trust Gretel, Ringo is, not surprisingly the only one against it, angrily at that. One episode even goes out of it's way to make her see that she's dead weight. Her aggressive personality isn't too surprising, considering she's voiced by Rie Kugimiya.
- Otogi Zoshi: Kintarou looks like an example of the Bratty Half-Pint variety. Most of the characters are fairly serious, and then you throw in an obnoxious, super-strong kid.
- Pokémon. Being a Long Runner with a broad fandom, features many characters who receive hatred from some groups. Replacement Scrappies are frequent. Principal scrappies include:
- Ash Ketchum. Among reasons are that he was often upstaged and out-performed by characters with more personality than himself (i.e., Brock and Misty in the original series), and that he too often strayed from the point of the original RPG games in his inability to win many Pokémon battles, combined with a strange stroke of luck that caused opponents to forfeit to him anyway for one reason or the other; essentially he turned a series formerly about fighting into a mess of Anvilicious cliches. It doesn't help that Ash now has even less of personality. In the original series, he was a pretty generic Hot-Blooded Idiot Hero. Character Development had Ash cool down into a more level-headed protagonist over time, peaking around the end of the original series. That would've been fine... if the anime ended after Johto. Come Advance Generation, the writers seemed unable to decide whether Ash should be a mentor figure to newbie-trainer May (and later, Dawn in Diamond & Pearl) or the same old Idiot Hero he was supposed to have grown out of, resulting in a character with inconsistent, flanderized personality traits and thus no defining qualities.
- The writers' refusal to let him age a single year (according to canon, anyway) doesn't help matters at all - it's jarring when anime!Bianca, a newbie trainer who's a late-comer of two years, is evidently older than him despite that at least several years should have passed for the kid by now. The writers don't even have the games as an excuse anymore, since Black and White introduced Player Characters who are older than the originals!
- Out of the main cast, Max gets the most hate. Certainly being an insufferable know-it-all and his apparent pointlessness qualify him as prime Scrappy material. However, strangely enough, he didn't make it to the point of being the Creator's Pet even though he had all the potential to become one of these. Plus he did have some decently-done Moments Of Heartwarming. One of Max's problems is that he's a borderline Bratty Half-Pint and Tagalong Kid to levels near being The Load. Whenever an episode stars him, it gives you the indication that he's going to start catching Pokémon for himself, but he never does. He promises one Ralts that he would come back and train it one day. He never actually does anything truly important to the story aside from being a character that May can interact with.
- The classic Scrappy from the series is Ritchie, a clone of Ash who has no negative qualities and was introduced just to knock Ash out of his first tournament in the following episode. The writers proceeded to bring him back for a Johto mini-arc and then have two episodes in Chronicles focus on him.
- Butch and Cassidy get a lot of crap for their transformation into the Team Rocket of the spin-off series, since their usual popularity comes from being a more serious foil of Jessie and James.
- Togepi is blamed for Misty losing her personality in Johto. It didn't help that it just sat in her arms and did nothing of any interest for four years. When her character was restored on leaving the regular cast, Togepi was swiftly put on a more permanent bus.
- Piplup, on the other hand, has become one to much of the fanbase for the opposite reason. Its "forced mascot" status isn't helping matters, and Everything's Better with Penguins be damned.
- And lest any of May's Pokémon be left out of the pile, her Squirtle made a bad first impression with the entire cheapness surrounding its first contest victory and the hate hasn't stopped since.
- Not to mention that the show already had a beloved Squirtle, making May's a Replacement Scrappy that was possibly particularly disliked by people who prefer Ash's original team.
- Misty, May, Dawn, Iris, or Serena, depending on who you ask, as Ash's female travelling companions tend to be VERY divisive.
- Brock during Advanced Generation and Diamond & Pearl, before he was Put on a Bus for good.
- Tracey, though a large reason for hatred of this character is due to his unsatisfying replacement of Brock in the Orange Islands arc, he contributed so little to the group dynamic that he's seen as pointless. Example: Pokémon 2000. The only thing he did the entire movie was pull Misty and Ash back to dry land.
- Making matters worse, his role in the 2nd movie? It was decreased from the Japanese-USA transition, due to a deletion of several scenes, meaning even the guys in charge have it out for him (at least in the US).
- An example that's a bit more recent is the Spiky-Eared Pichu from the 12th movie, who due to appearing in HGSS in place of Celebi is looking down two smoking-hot hate barrels at once. Game-wise, its stats are pathetic, it cannot evolve into a more-useful form, its moveset is brutally limited, and it replaced Celebi. In the movie, all it does is act cute and grab a key in a dire situation - something that just about any other 'Mon could have accomplished in the same situation.
- The anime version of Bianca from Pokémon Black and White became this due to the four-part Don Battle arc. Aside from one battle, all she did throughout the episode was mindlessly chase after a Pokémon that she wanted (Zorua) even though it isn't even hers, even to the point of offering to trade away her own starter Pokemon so that she could have it. Her later trade of Shelmet for Juniper's Escavalier also struck many viewers as incredibly callous. However, the character development episode centered around her and her father was positively received, to the point where some consider her Rescued from the Scrappy Heap.
- Cilan's Dwebble was rather well-received at first, but he's been getting some flak for being far too strong for a recently caught Pokemon, especially after he evolved into Crustle. The only battle he's lost is the one against Skyla, and even then, he was able to curb stomp two of her best Pokemon before being defeated.
- Paul is hated for his bland "Stop Having Fun!" Guys personality and also being an extreme Jerkass who abuses his Pokemon and insults anyone who doesn't share his methods of training. The Misaimed Fandom for his character certainly didn't help. Nor did his blatant Invincible Villain, Creator's Pet and Karma Houdini status.
- Dawn's rivals (Zoey, Kenny, and Ursula) are usually going to be someone's Scrappy, it just depends who and to what extent.
- Trip, Ash's Rival from Black and White, isn't well received by alot of fans either. People either dislike him for being a weak replacement for Paul, or just find him and his interactions with Ash irritating, especially his insistance on dismissing Ash's home region.
- Pokémon Special:
- There was Emerald, the least popular Pokedex Holder ever. His backstory and the ending of his arc helped ease the hate of him a bit, but even excluding Black and White, who are fairly new, he still barely has fans.
- Gigi, White's star Tepig actress from the B/W arc, is quickly gaining universal hatred as she ditched White for N, allowing White to fall off of the Ferris Wheel and resulting in her becoming a barely conscious, sobbing wreck below.
- The Prince of Tennis:
- Main character Ryoma Echizen himself, for being a borderline Marty Stu and behaving like a jerk (especially toward rival and unexpected fan favorite Keigo Atobe who, according to his fangirls, can absolutely do NO wrong, ala Jerk Sue).
- Tomoka Osakada, for being a loud self-appointed Echizen fangirl who can sometimes be pushy, airheaded and bitchy.
- Sakuno Ryuzaki, for being a klutz and a bit of an Extreme Doormat in the anime, though her less klutzy manga self is better regarded.
- Satoshi Horio, for being a loudmouthed Non-Action Guy who brags and talks yet accomplishes nothing and is the local Chew Toy,
- Seiichi Yukimura, for being a girly-looking mixture of Ill Girl and Manipulative Bastard who will do almost anything to let his team win and gets in betwen Atobe and Sanada, and;
- Jackal Kuwahara, for being the only Rikkai guy who plays normal tennis and stealing what rabid fangirls perceived as Hiroshi Yagyuu's designated place in the finals.
- Puella Magi Madoka Magica:
- Kyubey. Fans' hate for it intensifies with each episode, to the point where there are numerous fanarts in which it's being beaten up/chewed/ripped into pieces/etc. The hate here is justified however because it's been manipulating the girls into death traps, Despair Event Horizon and being completely emotionless and unlikable with each passing episode. It was probably the point, as it's supposed to deconstruct the Mentor Mascot. Other characters in this series (like Hitomi and Madoka, mentioned below) receive similar treatment Kyubey gets, but not to this extent.
- The hate for Kyubey is so intense fans dedicated an entire webpage on Danbooru for fanart where it gets mutilated or killed. It's called Everyone Hates Kyubey and the link is here .
- Madoka herself too, for being whiny and weak...until in episode 10 when it's revealed she was a very headstrong and bold character until Homura's timeloops caused her to develop a dependency on Homura (fans seem to ignore the fact that every time she does try to become a magical girl and help another character stops her to highlight the weight of the role). In episode 11, she lampshades this, and in episode 12 Madoka got most of the fandom's respect back by becoming a goddess and wiping herself out of existence for the sake of all of the magical girls.
- Hitomi, an otherwise minor character, is also in the scrappy heap for one little move that set a chain reaction in motion. Despite not knowing what is really going on.
- Kyosuke, Sayaka's love interest, also gets this treatment for the same reasons as Hitomi. There's rather more justification for his Scrappy status, considering his treatment of Sayaka in the video game.
- Queen's Blade: All of the girls have decently-sized fanbases, but a few of them are base splitters.
- The main character, Leina, is widely despised for taking up the protagonist role despite being (according to her hate-base) less interesting and not as good looking as a large portion of the rest of the cast. She's also widely accused of being unbelievable with her fast power up from weak to one of the strongest and allegedly transparent plot armor. People found it hard to cheer her on when they thought that most or even all of her semi-major opponents were cuter/sexier, more sympathetic, had better reasons for fighting, and/or were more interesting.
- Elina's undeniably cruel and bitchy tendencies earn her hatred from a decent number of fans. She's one of the most popular as well, though.
- Cattleya has boobs three times the size of her head, and is not a good parent. The former quality succeeds in being the appeal to some people, but causes a Squick reaction to many others.
- Branwen is often accused of having an extremely generic and unappealing character design in a franchise that's known for having memorable and attractive character designs.
- Lunaluna catches a lot of flaks due to her... rather disturbing character gimmick[3], receiving a rather vague characterization, is trying to hog Annelotte for herself all the time, is being The Load for the most part, tend to nullify the group's effort when she tries to save the day, and generally being unable to read the situation. And the other characters are simply more interesting/badass than her.
- Ranma ½:
- A large number of fans have a serious dislike for Happosai, some even going so far as to avoid watching episodes/reading chapters in which he plays a prominent role. The reason generally stems from the fact he is the Miniature Senior Citizens equivalent of a Dirty Old Man and a Panty Thief, while also being a evil Fair Weather Mentor Old Master, notable as being childish, selfish and immature, even compared to everyone else in the series. Generally, if Happosai shows up, he's going to either be groping and harrassing every female (born or made) in sight, causing trouble because he's a Jerkass, trying to get revenge on Ranma for interfering with him being a nuisance, or some combination of the aforementioned.
- It should be noted, however, that Happosai is hated in universe as well by most of the main characters, making him a nearly invoked scrappy of some sorts.
- Not to mention that Happosai is one of, if not the definite cause of the series having a Bittersweet Ending. Mistaking the Jusenkyo water sent to the Saotome household for sake, and drinking it all up before any of the other characters can use it to cure their respective curses.
- Akane's legacy is not a positive one.
- Revolutionary Girl Utena: Nanami Kiryuu, Alpha Bitch, and especially Shiori Takatsuki, the Manipulative Bitch who spent most of her time acting cruelly to fan favorite Juri Arisugawa (who, incidentally, was in love with her) are both highly unpopular within the fanbase. It would seem that the writing staff shared the same sentiment for the latter, as she went from a side character in the series to a villain in The Movie and ending up crashing, blowing up, then getting run over by cars. However, Ikuhara has stated that Nanami and Shiori are acutally two of his favorite characters. In reference to Shiori: "I like girls who are mean but have sexual overtones.". Nanami, meanwhile, was modeled off a girl who Ikuhara liked when he was younger, but who never gave him the time of day. She wasn't integral to the movie plot, and Chiho Saitou was in charge of the manga, hence the discrepancy in her appearances between each adaptation.
- Robotech and Super Dimension Fortress Macross includes:
- Lin Minmei is widely despised, especially among haters of princess-like pop divas and rabid Misa/Hikaru fans. A lot of this actually comes from the "Robotech side of the fandom, where not only was Minmei's portrayal less moe and more annoying to Western sensibilities, but her voice actress... was perhaps not the best vocalist that could have been chosen for the role.
- One name: Lynn Kaifun. Whereas Minmay's actions can be seen as those of a confused, emotionally needy Naive Everygirl attempting to survive in a ruthless world of adults, Kaifun comes off as less sympathetic and much more of a straight-up, abusive Jerkass. Not to mention that he kept railing on the military for being warlike murderers. While giant aliens are actively trying to kill the lot of them. Also for a self-proclaimed pacifist, he sure does know how to do spinkicks, something lampshaded in the Robotech novel adaptations.
- Ronin Warriors: Depending on which segment of the fandom you ask, this role could be taken on by any combination of Natsuti/Mia, Jun/Yulie, Lady Kayura or Suzunagi from the OAV.
- Rozen Maiden: Hinaichigo and Kanaria are easily the two least popular of the dolls, especially because they're seen as "less mature" than the others. Still, it's kinda sad watching Hina slowly wind down to her inevitable death.
- Sailor Moon:
- Chibiusa, especially her English dub counterpart, Rini. While she was designed to have some intentionally annoying qualities, she was also shown to be a genuinely scared little girl away from home and caught in a convoluted plot of people trying to control or even kill her. The real trouble, however, started as she began to get much more screen time in the fourth season. Since that season was also associated with strange mood shifts and an extensive retooling of the original plot and a subsequent dip in the ratings, fans usually associate her with or even blame her for it.
- One of her English voice actresses, Stephanie Beard, made a song (parodying Eminem's The Real Slim Shady) that has an interesting parallel to Chibiusa. Although it was meant to describe her radio show persona, the lyrics contain similarities to Chibiusa's character, such as the mentioning of "copycats" (Usagi), and having an arrogant and semi-bratty personality.
- Saint Seiya:
- Seiya. Hot-Blooded, Determinator and Idiot Hero can only be tolerated to a certain point, and Seiya unfortunately goes well past that point. Depends on the locality the show is airing in, but a large part of the western fanbase hate him.
- Some parts of the fandom just can't stand Shun. Let's see, he's consideried the weakest of the team (let's ignore the whole "new body of Hades" thing), most of his attacks are defensive, and he always needs his big brother Ikki to save him. And while his little moment with Hyouga in the House of Libra created a legion of YaoiFangirls, it definitely didn't sit well with the straight male demographic. It's worth noting that, nevertheless, he's pretty popular in Japan.
- School Days:
- Makoto Itou, who was very likely intentionally intended to be a Scrappy by his creators, due to being utterly reprehensible in addition to being a gigantic idiot.
- This was reversed in the manga version: Makoto is still a big moron, but at least there he does care for the girls. Sekai, who is now a manipulative bitch, replaces Makoto in the Scrappy Heap.
- Shaman King:
- Pirika, Tamao and Chocolove. They do all have a good number of fans too though (Pirika and Tamao usually for shipping reasons, and Chocolove because he can be pretty cool despite the racial stereotypes.)
- Lyserg and the rest of the X-laws (mostly Marco though out of them, but they all are still generally not liked AT ALL) are not very popular with the Shaman King fans, because they come off as self-righteous and hypocrites... then there is the fact that they kill people they deem evil-rather viciously. Marco and Lyserg are the most hated out of all of them. Lyserg for whining all the time about how he's gonna get revenge for Hao killing his parents, then leaving Yoh and Co. for the X-laws, and continuing from there after acting like a preachy brainwashed, hypocritical idiot. Marco for being a bigoted, hypocritical ass who looked down on everyone not in the X-laws. Though this is mostly how it was in the anime, and where the hatred comes from. The X-laws and Lyserg show their character development much sooner in the manga than in the anime, therefore they grew better on the fandom, in the anime however, this character development only came near the last few episodes.
- Shakugan no Shana: Kazumi Yoshida. Aside of the Die for Our Ship and Real Women Never Wear Dresses factors, there's the fact that people think she's shallow, boring, clichéd schoolgirl-in-love-for-a-classmate, steals too much screentime for her little romantic-anime antiques, has a formidable amount of Common Mary Sue Traits and, for the final blow, her impact to the overall plot is almost null. A quick Google search turns up comments on her such as "The single greatest flaw with this series is that she isn't dead yet."
- Slayers:
- Amelia was definitely this for a while in the western fandom. In her first few episodes in the anime, she was a bratty little kid whose naivete, klutziness, and obsession with justice were flanderized to the point where it pushed her into Too Dumb to Live territory. Her first English voice actress made her seem even more annoying. Then the dub went on a year-and-a-half long hiatus, allowing that impression of Amelia to sink in with the fans. When the came back, Amelia was given a better voice actress (Veronica Taylor), and with time, she became more mature and better able to pull her weight in the group. However, the change was gradual and subtle enough that it couldn't overcome everyone's first impression of her, so some fans still hated her. The passage of time (several years), the shrinking of the fanbase (it's smaller, but also a good deal saner than it once was), and the translation of some of the original novels into English (Amelia's much more mature, has a good deal more awesome moments, and her idealism much less exaggerated) has softened fan opinion towards her considerably.
- Sylphiel the shrine maiden was also this, and still is to an extent, because of her status as a demure, gentle, shrine maiden with poor combat skills (being restricted to The Medic for the most part)in a show filled with outspoken, strong females. She is also in love with Gourry, who in turn starts falling for Lina.
- From the fourth/fifth anime seasons is Pokota, the Bratty Half-Pint prince who is almost as powerful as Lina yet remains rather bullheaded until the final few episodes. Even compared to the earlier secondary protagonists, even Sylphiel, he's either ignored or disliked.
- Osamu Tezuka's Reused Character Design: Ham Egg. Whether he's a nasty circus manager, a poacher who killed off the hero's parents, or an organ smuggler, he's found to be a total Smug Snake by fans.
- Sugar Sugar Rune: Waffle. The title of episode 30, "The Annoying Witch Waffle Makes her Appearance", is already a bad sign, and things just go downhill from there. She's a Bratty Half-Pint with a one-note personality (her obsession with Houx), and is always either getting into trouble herself or causing trouble for the main characters. Worse yet, she's an anime-original character. So fans know that any episode that features her prominently is guaranteed to be Filler that will not advance the main storyline.
- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann:
- Rossiu. It really says something about his vastly disliked nature that a rioting crowdgoer, only known for throwing a rock at Rossiu's head, actually has a minor fandom because of this very act. A guy who only has about five to ten seconds of screentime has fans for simply throwing a rock at the most disliked character in the anime. Also, almost getting Simon executed? Not cool. Sure there were serious circumstances behind the decision but at least *try* to save the guy who all but saved the human race. Plus, his actions betrayed everything the Gurren-dan stands for. Little wonder that in any allegory that Gurren Lagann is a Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory work, he is cast as Judas...
- In a way, he's also a Periphery Scrappy. His actions would be more understandable in a more serious anime, but he fails to realise he's in a reconstruction of the mecha genre.
- Out of the villains, the Anti-Spiral seems to be under fire recently. For one thing, they lack the coolness factor of previous villains like Lordgenome and Viral. For another, they're an example of Knight Templar that's too far gone. Oh, and they also made the last few days of Nia's life a living hell by using her as their messenger, then taking her to their home planet when she snapped out of her mind control, and ended up being the ones responsible for her death by Mind Raping/torturing and (in LagannHen, straddling her naked body while holding her down with tentacles. Some fans find them completely repugnant, and their supposed well-intentioned extremism completely and totally unjustifiable.
- Tenchi Muyo!.
- Mihoshi is so ditzy that it comes off as annoying, you can tolerate in her first appearances as she is a Genius Ditz who is still capable of being somewhat Badass; however after Characterization Marches On, she becomes a whiny, hypocritically optimistic, and constantly accident prone Adult Child who drives her partner Kiyone over the brink of sanity with her incompetence for very understandable reasons, being that she's responsible for half of the stuff in the Universe series. And she ruined the possibility in one episode of a clone of Washu being either more evil or one trying to replace the original with having it have her personality.
- Possibly the most widely hated character is Noike, who is seen as a Replacement Scrappy for Kiyone from Universe.
- Tokyo Majin: Aoi Misato. It's bad enough she is totally useless, and doesn't really help the other main characters. However, she constantly runs into danger trying to fight despite having no offensive powers and her friends telling to stay away. It gets worse when the characters begin to claim Aoi as courageous, despite her not really showing this trait. Also, Aoi wants to save everyone, including the enemies who have committed mass murder. Even worse, Aoi wanted to save the main villain (a person who committed a lot of murders), claiming "he didn't hurt anyone."
- Tokyo Mew Mew:
- Masaya, Ichigo's love interest, is a victim of crazy shippers, but a generally nice guy all around. Berry, on the other hand, is a Mary Sue who completely stole the spotlight from all of the main characters in the A La Mode manga. (Unsurprisingly, a lot of fans want to forget that ever happened, which is easy because Reiko Yoshida, the author, was not involved with A La Mode anyway.)
- Some fans considered Ichigo, the heroine, to be this as well.
- The official manga of the Touhou series, Silent Sinner in Blue, introduced two Scrappy characters Watatsuki no Yorihime and Watatsuki no Toyohime. The fandom had been writing based on characterization that Lunarians, despite their antediluvian history and Magitek prowess, were generally some of the worst monsters in a series that makes other man-eating monsters affable; fans still didn't expect to find them so insufferably offensive. They didn't even win sympathy points when it was revealed they were the fools buried at the bottom of everyone else's schemes.
- Kicker from Transformers Energon, those three kids from Armada, due to being Puny Humans. The kids from Cybertron were a bit better, mostly because they replaced Kicker.
- Tsukihime: Ciel garners a lot of hatred, much to the frustration of her fanbase. Commonly listed reasons include her combative nature and simply not being as pretty or interesting as the other heroines. Some of this may be due to her being in direct competition with fan favorite Arcueid Brunestud throughout her route (some options require you to directly abandon Arcueid in favor of Ciel; Ciel also picks fights with her), though some Ciel haters make a point to mention that they just avoided her route entirely. Her lack of popularity has become a running joke in pseudo-sequels and doujinshi. It's shit, right?
- In Umineko no Naku Koro ni Maria Ushriomiya isn't generally liked by the fanbase solely because they find her or her catchphrase irritating.
- Wa ga na wa Umishi: Rintarou. Hated from day one, even within the manga, he has scarcely gotten any better.
- Wandering Son:
- Fumiya gets a lot of hate from fans. He likes Chiba, which is already a bad part since Chiba is popular with shippers. He has a manipulative streak, and he's a liar. Then he started dating Chiba, which hasn't sat well with a majority of the fandom since it seems like an Ass Pull
- Momoko is fairly disliked by a majority of the fandom. She only exists to be clingy toward Chizuru, and to get on characters bad sides. Unlike most other characters in the series, she has no Hidden Depths, despite having been in the manga for several years.
- Yoriko from You're Under Arrest. She comes off as a whiny, scaredy-cat load who does more trouble then good. What's bugs the fanbase more is that she gets one or two episodes a season all about her, compared to other characters like Aoi.
- Yu-Gi-Oh:
- Anzu/Tea for either her excessive friendship speeches or for getting in the way of Yugi/Yami.It should be noted that the friendship obsession was a dub-addition - in the original Japanese show, Anzu was still a preppy cheerleader, but was much less preachy than the dub made her and didn't go into friendship speeches every episode. Still Scrappy material, but to a lesser degree.
- There is also Mokuba, who is just a plot device to keep Kaiba involved in the plot, and constantly getting into trouble.
- Yu-Gi-Oh 5 Ds:
- Crow for initially being a huge screentime-sink despite having been introduced much later than all of the central characters. Solidified when he became a Signer at the end of the second season, despite not owning a dragon, one of the central qualifications for Signer-dom.. On the later episodes, he does get a dragon, but it looks nothing like the Fifth Dragon seen in flashbacks during the first season, which begs the question "WTF?"
- The 5D's fans are pretty divided over who they hate more; Yusei comes under fire for being an Invincible Hero while almost everyone else is Demoted to Extra, Aki through Chickification and Rua's seen as an annoying kid who has no point in being around the main group. Hinted through preferences when it comes to Shipping, it looks like Mikage, Carly, Divine and Sherry also fall into this by the first two threatening who fans believe Jack should be with, or with the latter pair, threatening the sacred Yusei/Aki pairing. The only one fans CAN agree on hating as a whole is Comic Relief One-Shot Character, Leo (who did try to flirt with Aki).
- Yu-Gi-Oh Ze Xal: Yuuma Tsukumo is essentially the most hated protagonist in the entire history of Yu-Gi-Oh! He is unrealistically stupid and highly stubborn. He is basically the Shonen Idiot Hero stereotype all the way to eleven. Head writer Shin Yoshida may have had a lot to do with this.
- There's also manga-exclusive oneshot villain Captain Corn, mostly due to The Reveal of his true nature. He's an amusement park employee, so one would expect him to simply be a man in a giant ear of corn suit, right? Nope. Turns out he's literally a giant ear of corn, resulting from an experiment to bring him back from the dead that got contaminated with corn a la The Fly.
- Yu Yu Hakusho: Keiko is disliked by many fans - curiously enough most of them are Yaoi Fangirls or believe that Real Women Never Wear Dresses, funny that.
- Zero no Tsukaima:
- The main female lead, Louise. Arguably one of the most short tempered tsunderes in existence, her constant abuse of Saito goes to truly ridiculous levels, even if he does have perverted moments at times that end up Flanderized in the anime. The Light Novels, while having similar comedic undertones at first, paint Louise in a much more negative light as opposed to the anime. This may actually be the point, since the series is noted to be a deconstruction of what a relationship with a tsundere is actually like. She does get called out on this by Saito later in the light novels, but many fans can't forgive her regardless.
- Saito gets a lot of hate from Louise fans as well due to his tendency to jump up and down on her Berserk Buttons and apparently being too stupid to learn that doing so will get him blown up. While most of Louise's Domestic Abuse can't be justified, most of the worst examples of such are triggered by extreme perversion on Saito's behalf, such as the time in book two of the Light Novels when he tried to undress her in her sleep.
- Zeta Gundam has some characters:
- Katz Kobayashi is hated for being gullible and stubborn as well as obsessed with enemy pilot Sarah Zaviaroff. It is no surprise that the fandom squealed with joy when he died by his own stupidity when he crashed into an asteroid.
- Reccoa Londe, for betraying the AEUG for "using her" despite the fact that they never thought of her as anything less then a great friend and ally, and that she defected over to Scirocco, a womanizer of the highest order. And also, she indirectly caused the death of fan-favorite Emma. Many fans snidely remark that if Char had just slept with her once, all this could have been avoided.
- Both Quess Paraya and Hathaway Noa from Chars Counterattack could also be considered Scrappies. Hathaway was partially Rescued from the Scrappy Heap because of how It Got Worse in the sequel novel Hathaway's Flash.
- Chan Agi from the same film also takes some heat, mostly due to the fact that fans felt her role should have been filled by the conspicuously absent Sayla Mass.
- Zoids: Chaotic Century:
- Thomas Shubaltz. He was kind of a jerk when he was first introduced, acting condecendingly towards Van and openly flirting with Fiona. Thomas later got a lot of character development that revealed him to be The Unfavourite living in his older brother's shadow, turning him into something of a woobie, and he reconciled with Van while getting over his crush on Fiona. Unfortunately his earlier behavior became a case of Never Live It Down, and he's often villified by Van/Fiona shippers.
- Harry Champ, from Zoids: New Century Zero. Often thought of as an expy for Thomas, he suffered a similar backlash. Though the character is a well-meaning albiet egotistical goofball in canon, many fans find him annoying, and he's often despised by Bit/Leena shipppers, who tend to subject him to Ron the Death Eater status in fanfic, taking him from "comically obsessed" to "evil stalker/rapist".
- Haruka from Uta no Prince-sama for being a Purity Sue and not being as interesting as her male co-stars.
- Yoshiko Tanaka from The Legend of Black Heaven is an obvious example of this category, compared to everything that goes on in the series. She is also the reason for her husband, Oji Tanaka's initial mid-life depression.
- ↑ She scored a lot of hate there too, Hitsugaya is so popular that he got his own movie.
- ↑ made worse by the fact that she appears extremely immature and petty compared to the rest of the cast
- ↑ It involves a prehensile appendage in that one place.
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