Kiddy Girl-AND

"Heeere's Ascoeur!"—Ascoeur
"W-what the hell was that all about? It was like a shitty sitcom."—Belle
Kiddy Girl-AND is a 2009 Spin-Off of the popular series Kiddy Grade. The series opens with the main characters of the first series make a brief cameo before being ambiguously vaporized trying to save the universe from a vaguely established threat. After this bit of extreme closure the show jumps leads to a new pairing and takes a sharp turn for the absurd. The new main characters are Ascoeur, a slightly unhinged waitress, and her unflappable partner, Q-feuille, who are training to become ES members. Thus begins a self-parodying romp that feels like a permanent day at the bizzaro in the Kiddy Grade universe full of Panty Shots, swapped voice actors, mecha-dragons armed with light sabers, and pudding. Grab your popcorn, recite the troper's prayer three times, and get ready for the Kiddy Girl experience.
- An Ice Person - Saphir
- Balloon Belly - Rubis in episode 11
- Brainwashed and Crazy - Q-Feuille.
- Catgirl - Rubis' power allows her to turn into a tiger version of this, her clothes even change into tiger stripes, and her nails grow out to sharp claws or even a blade.
- Charm Point: In one episode Asceour points out a small rose on her inner thigh claiming it's her charm point.
- Combining Mecha - SUMMON THE BEAST!
- Credits Running Sequence
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune
- Dropped a Bridge on Him - The original main characters of Kiddy Grade are consumed in a planet-sized explosion in the first five minutes.
- Sure, they'll stay dead.
- Eyelid-Pull Taunt - Typhon the robot makes this gesture repeatedly (despite not having eyelids), having learned it from Ascoeur in episode 7.
- Hair Decorations
- False Camera Effects - Episode 5, directed by Naoto Hosoda, featured this a lot; for example jerky pans and one shot where the "camera" is placed on the floor and shakes as the characters run past it.
- Gainaxing: Q-Feuille is prone to that.
- Genius Ditz - Ascoeur
- Genki Girl: Ascoeur.
- Girly Run - Q-Feuille and Ascoeur do this throughout the series.
- Heel Face Turn - Rubis.
- Impossibly Cool Clothes
- Konami Code - Albeit modified; in episode 5 Ascoeur says "Right Right Left Left Down Up Down Up A B" after being queried on their strategy.
- Lampshade Hanging - It's scarcely an exaggeration to say that the Kiddy Girl universe is made of lampshades.
- Macross Missile Massacre - Some of the starship battles include these.
- Mood Dissonance - The eye catches often form a shrill contrast with the contents, especially during the last half of she show.
- Mundane Utility - Ascoeur and Q-Feuille use Dia's amazing charging powers for rather silly things, like spying on the president.
- Non-Human Sidekick - Tama.
- Number Two: Sommer to Hiver.
- Princess Curls - Letuchaia.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship - The relationship between Asceour and Q-feuille becomes more and more like this as the series progresses.
- Rube Goldberg Device - Which leads to ruining Ascoeur's beloved pumpkin pudding in one episode.
- Say My Name: "Q-feuille!" "Ascoeur!" "Dia!"
- Secretly Wealthy - Sort of. Alisa, who in episode 13 is called the "princess of the Cole Finance Group" uses said wealth to pay for a vacation for her and Belle. To a planet-sized resort reserved for rich women only. She's a receptionist normally.
- Shout-Out
- Card Getter Sakura, who shares a seiyuu with Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle's Sakura and a catchphrase with Lucky Star's Akira Kogami (and was designed by the mangaka of Lucky Star to boot).
- Tweedledee's security systems
- "Musko" bots (she also hums Kimi o Nosete).
- Takakazu Abe (Kuso Miso Technique) bot ("Yaranaika?")
- Aburatani bot (one of the characters played by Japanese comedian Keiichi Yamamoto, who would oil himself up and rub himself all over some poor unsuspecting guy)
- Fist of the North Star voices (the actual voices of Raoh and Souther, who also did a special version of the commercial).
- Show Within a Show: Card Getter Sakura
- Subordinate Excuse - Hiver and Sommer put on a show of this after they're caught partially undressed making out. With all that talk of "leveling up" Sommer has clearly been putting all his points into his bluff skill.
- Technicolor Eyes - Various characters, but especially Letuchaia and Pauki; their irises are strikingly split in two parts horizontally.
- Technopath: Tweedledee. Q-Feuille has some of this as well.
- Tetsu Inada: A-ou
- Time Skip - The show begins 50 years after the events of Kiddy Grade.
- Token Mini-Moe - Dia. Letuchaia too, to some extent.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Trixie and Troisienne.
- Trademark Favorite Food - Pumpkin pudding for Ascoeur.
- Theme Naming:
- Tweedledee and Tweedledum: From Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass
- Un-oh and A-oh: Japanese names for the two Buddhist Deva Kings
- Hiver and Sommer are named for the French and German for Winter and Summer respectively.
- Saphir and Rubis are French for Sapphire and Ruby.
- Letuchaia and Pauki are Russian for bat and spider[1] and each wears a brooch appropriate to their name.
- Torch and Shade should be obvious.
- There's also the name of the organization that employs the ES Members. In the previous series, it was called "Galactic Organization of Trade and Tariffs", and in this series it's called "Galactic Trade Organization". Now look at this name and this other name…
- Yaoi Fangirl: Alisa
- Younger Than They Look: At one point Q-Feuille states she is as old as Dia, namely 7 years.
- ↑ While Pauki is the official spelling, it is actually the plural form; the singular "Pauk" makes more sense and fits the pronunciation better