The Black Sand Bar

"Rhoslyn's first instinct was generally a stupid one, and this idea was right up there. What do you do when you see a rampaging and terrified bear? Most people figure "run." Rhoslyn, on the other hand, figured "I'm going to go feed that bear some cocaine."
Rosa Vernal

A roleplay bar here on Gaia Online that has been liberally infested with tropes. There are upwards of 70 links to this site from the Wall of Text on the front first page. Located on a tropical beach with black sand, the story revolves around the adventures of the family of faeries who run the bar and their patrons. The main "plot" events take place every Friday, which vary from dealing with the Unseelie Court, aiding the local rebels in their struggle against the current government, looting local caves and temples, and the occasional attacks by powerful NPC's.

In between their antics, the patrons lounge around drinking G's Epic Moonshine, throwing pink beach balls at people who enter through the nonexistent front door, run a Black Market, fight each other, do drugs, play with the fourth wall and have sex...a lot.

On the OOC side of things, most of the people who post regularly are friends of the owner or friends of their friends. They're a generally friendly group, but heaven help you if you're deemed incompetent. Most of the players enjoy poking fun at cliches and making references to pop-culture in their posts.

Tropes used in The Black Sand Bar include:
  • Acquired Poison Immunity: One bar patron (see No Name Given below), has acquired an immunity to methanol, up to about 90 ml without any lasting effects, where 100 ml is the low end of a lethal dose, and 10 ml is enough to blind a normal person.
    • Techy attempted to start something similar with bromine after getting a severe tongue-lashing. Cass put a stop to it on round 1.
  • Action Mom: Daliah and Rachel. The former went along with Rhoslyn's raid on a military base to save Aña; and the latter has been known to maul strangers who try to use her kids as shields.
  • All There in the Manual: The first page lists all the menu items, the bar layout, the yacht design, tentcabin details, etc. The manual is so long that the Table of Contents has parts bolded as 'you only need to read these parts'
  • Altar the Speed: Rhoslyn and Daliah's wedding took less than thirty seconds.
    • Rhoslyn and Rachel's wedding took place one day before the triplets were born.
    • Lent and Charlie's wedding took place while Lent was in labor.
  • Amazon Brigade: Rhoslyn's bodyguards, the Raven Knights.
  • Ambiguous Gender: A lot of characters and even readers can't figure out what pronoun to use for Trog.
  • Anti-Magic: Two of Rhoslyn's knives cancel out all powers. One artifact cuts down powers by 50%.
  • Arm Cannon: Nic uses the Seraph's arm-cannon in his new prosthetic limb.
  • Artificial Limbs: See above.
    • Griff Morivan's right arm is mechanical, with a built-in battering ram referred to as DOOMTRAIN.
  • Armor-Piercing Slap: When Daliah returned to the bar, she slapped Rhoslyn to the ground for his affairs.
  • Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: Rhoslyn and Daliah have these moments.
  • Ax Crazy: Rhoslyn, Sokoya, Duc, KB, and Quin, although Luis and various others sometimes go Ax Crazy.
  • Bad Liar: Trog
  • Badass Abnormal: G, at this point.
  • Badass Crew: The patrons of the Black Sand Bar.
  • Badass Family: The entire Vernal family.
  • Badass Longcoat: Damon and G tend to wear flowing white trenchcoats while kicking ass.
  • Baleful Polymorph: One of Akasha's Hands of Power allows her to shapeshift others; she frequently does this to NPC's she dislikes and collects them in cages for her amusement.
  • Balloon Belly: Fadis isn't full until this trope happens.
  • Banana Republic:
  • Bar Slide: Every drink that Rhoslyn serves is slid down the bar. It doesn't taste the same otherwise.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Justified because of faerie "glamour" on Cal and Aña's part, and Averted by Fadis, who lost all her hair after a sonic attack.
  • Berserk Button: Rhoslyn's bar counter. If it gets damaged, he gets pissed.
  • Big Eater: Deitric, Rhoslyn, Nic, Allora, Fadis, Hans, Lian...
  • Big Fancy House: Nic, Akasha.
  • Bigger on the Inside: Almost every building in the bar area is overly large, sometimes containing three rooms.
  • Big Screwed-Up Family: The Vernal and Tynan families.
  • Birds of a Feather: Rhoslyn and Nic are disturbingly similar.
  • Bishie Sparkle: The faeries do this naturally.
  • Blessed with Suck: The "dark elf" guy /Thurgood Singlance is immune to the effects of white magic, yet any magic that has negative effects work absolutely flawlessly.
  • Blood Knight: Damon and Duc are the day and night of this trope. Cannan and James are somewhere between the generally friendly Damon and Duc, and Ciar is closer to Duc.
  • Broken Bird: Aña was kidnapped, beaten, and gangraped by the government forces.
  • Bottle Fairy: Anita, who constantly wakes up in the middle of the bar with a hangover, and Sol.
  • Can Not Tell a Lie: The faeries are unable to lie at the risk of being banished or killed, although they can distort the truth as much as they please.
  • Catgirl: Kitty, one of the servers. There's also a catguy named... uh...
  • Chick Magnet: Guy. On his first day, no less than four women all tried to sleep with him.
  • Chunky Salsa Rule: Fadis, at the wrath of a drunken faerie orgy. See Out with a Bang below.
  • Clothing Damage: Though Trog's body is unharmed by its explosion powers, its clothing is not. Unfortunately, no one would want to willingly see Trog naked due to the Squick.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Darren. Just fucking Darren.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Rhoslyn, as shown by biting the tip of someone's dick off mid-fight.
  • Companion Cube: The babysitter for the bar is a talking plush Companion Cube, equipped with antigravity projectors.
  • Cool Boat: Rhoslyn's 80-foot yacht.
  • Cool Shades: Until recently, Sam was never seen without his shades. At one point he even got a pair of even cooler shades that, due to the after effects of a Mind Rape, turned him into Kamisam, a Kamina analogue.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Ciar, who provides 45% of the booze for the bar that isn't brewed there.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Fadis.
    • This has less to do with lack of control/awareness of power and moreso that BADASS is not required all the time.
  • The Culture: Duc is an agent of "Special Circumstances."
  • Curious as a Monkey: Terra.
  • Cursed with Awesome: Trog first assumes its exploding power is a curse.
  • Cute Bruiser: Cal casually melees with heavy tanks, one-handed.
  • Cute Monster Girl: Daliah. Before her transformation, she had bunny ears; afterwards, she became a demifey.
    • Trog as well, if you look past the slimy skin and rank smell...
  • Cuteness Proximity: Whenever babies are around, Rhoslyn goes into mommy mode.
  • Daddy's Little Villain: Cal, who's Rhoslyn's named heir and has his penchant for guns, knives, and violence.
  • Dark Action Girl: Cal and Rachel, although Cal tends to get grounded from fighting a lot. Sokoya, being a member of VS tends to be a violent antagonist.
  • Dark Magical Girl: Aña.
  • Dark-Skinned Redhead: Rhoslyn and Rachel.
  • Deadly Decadent Court: The Unseelie Court, especially with the current political situation.
  • Deadpan Snarker: G is the walking example of this trope.
  • Death by Childbirth: Daliah, although she died as a result of complications several months after the birth.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Acropolis, after Rhoslyn nearly killed him.
  • Depleted Phlebotinum Shells: Rhoslyn produces a variant of the ammo that "Gharlane of Eddore" designed.
  • Deus Sex Machina: Faeries do not manifest their powers until they're brought into it.
  • Devil in Plain Sight: Quin. Deconstructed in that the faeries know perfectly well how dangerous Quin is to their kind, and some are trying to manipulate his malice for their own benefit.
  • The Ditz: Kitty took several months of being pregnant to figure out where the baby came out of. Fadis is also pretty dim.
  • The Dragon: There are several listed Dragons, ranging from a cybernetic angel to a metal spider to a tactical mech.
  • The Drifter: Damon and G. Damon tends to wander around seeking fights, while G spends his time meditating in the wilderness and making moonshine.
  • Drunken Master: Sol, who practices martial arts based on being drunk.
  • Eating Lunch Alone: Trog at first, but someone joins it usually.
    • Thurgood, by choice.
  • Eats Babies: KB. Fetuses are preferred.
  • Eloquent in My Native Tongue: Seh.
  • Enemy Mine: Quin and Rhoslyn; the former is seeking to destroy all of Faerie, and Rhoslyn is more than willing to help as long as Quin starts with the Seelie Court.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Donovan.
  • Eternal Sexual Freedom: The faeries and Nic.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Lent, Akasha, Cal,'d think Everyone Is Bi.
  • Everything's Better with Princesses: Akasha is the heir to the Dark Throne.
  • Everything's Deader with Zombies: Bob the Mexican Zombie.
  • Everything Is Worse With Bears: Cokey, the resident magical cokehead bear. He's killed quite a few mooks in his time.
  • Everything's Even Worse with Sharks: It's on a tropical goddamn island, of course there's sharks... who happen to be on PCP.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: The Black Sand Bar, the Stone of Genderchange, G's Epic Moonshine, Wand Of Sex/Bartending/Parenting...
  • Express Delivery: Rachel's children were born within a week of her pregnancy; Kitty and Daliah's pregnancies have lasted for about four months.
    • Wesley's birth took ten minutes.
    • The triplets took about the same time.
    • Lent's pregnancy lasted two months.
  • The Fair Folk: The faeries of the bar are of the Unseelie court.
  • Fantastic Racism: Trog's first encounter with Humans was not pleasant, so it often assumes most creatures not of its species are going to be cruel to it.
  • Fantasy Kitchen Sink: This trope requires no explanation. It's fucking Gaia.
  • Fat Idiot: Fadis qualifies at this point.
  • Femme Fatale: Akasha, who manipulates just about everyone attracted to her, although her sense of honor redeems her.
    • It does?
  • Fertile Feet: Rhoslyn, when he's barefoot. The plants are appropriate to the environment.
  • Fiction 500: Rhoslyn, Akasha.
  • Fiery Redhead: Rhoslyn, in female form.
  • First Snow: Trog treats most new experiences like this.
  • Fish Out of Water: Terra and Fadis. The former is a reprogrammed Terminator with a penchant for singing; the latter is a blue rapier-wielding midget who barely speaks English.
  • Forum Pecking Order: Explicitly laid out on the front page. Rosa > OOC Mods > Half-Mods > Staff > Oldbies > Regs > Rising Newbies > Newbies > Lurkers.
  • Four Lines, All Waiting: Golden Torc quest, Anita's demonbaby pregnancy, Lent and Charlie's relationship hoop-jumping, and Fadis getting out of shape. This isn't including Plot Nights.
    • To be clear, this has more to do with the time zones and the fact that this is a text-base roleplay thread.
  • Functional Magic: Almost everyone in the bar has two or more different kinds of magic.
  • Funny Foreigner: Fadis, who barely comprehends English, hates four-beat music, and enjoys shiny objects and sandcastles.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Aña made an indestructible robot bartender, entertains herself by building small dueling robots, and has even made a plush Weighted Companion Cube.
  • Gargle Blaster: G's Epic Moonshine is pure ethanol made from palm wine, alchemically modified during certain phases of the moon to speed up absorption in the body and heighten the effects. There's also an Even more Epic version that induces synesthesia, and Epic+2 that slows the metabolism and nulls supernatural resistance.
  • Gender Bender: Rhoslyn alternates between a man and a woman depending on his/her mood in the morning; Seh changes back and forth between genders as well.
    • Trog, in a way.
  • Gentle Giant: Erich.
  • The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: Cal and Aña.
  • God Save Us From the Queen: Sindara Tynan, the queen of the Unseelie Court.
    • And now Akasha.
  • Godwin's Law: "Darwin is just the Second Coming of Jesus, who was secretly a time-travelling cyborg ninja out to kill his evil twin Hitler, the One Winged Zombie Angel. And especially buttered toast. It's not the milk-bar without chocolate."
  • Going Native: Seh, and arguably a lot of the regulars.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: Sam dislikes weapons of any kind. Then again, he doesn't exactly need them.
  • Goo-Goo Godlike: Wesley, who so far, has shown off perfect flight and super strength. The triples learned to teleport before walking. No, really.
  • Grey and Grey Morality: Although the bar is mostly "neutral", nobody is innocent. In fact, Cal tortures Seelie captives mostly for the hell of it, and sells their blood.
  • Guns Akimbo: Cal dual-wields AMT Automags.
  • Hand Wave: OOC, this is done all the time. This is jokingly the mechanism for activating wands.
  • Hair of Gold: Aña.
    • Nifar, for the hell of it.
  • Head-Tiltingly Kinky: Sol, Rhoslyn...the entire bar used to be like this.
  • Healing Hands: Aña's Hand of Healing.
  • Heinz Hybrid: The kids. 'All' of the kids.
  • Hellfire: Akasha and James can both call and control hellfire.
  • Heroic BSOD: The Vernal family after Daliah's death.
  • Heroic Sociopath: Rhoslyn had set up a minefield in the jungle, and frequently goes on random killing sprees mostly for the hell of it. That, and he started a riot just to loot and kill.
  • Hermetic Magic: Rhoslyn is a master ritual mage.
  • Hermaphrodite: Trog is a textbook example. Its entire species is hermaphroditic.
  • Hollywood Cyborg: Terra, who has quite a few biological parts.
  • Horny Devils: Cal, and occasionally Aña, actively pursue anything and everything that moves to develop their powers; and Lent, who's managed to sleep with both of them already. Also, Donovan.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: The Isle de Gambino Outreach Team, who kidnapped Trog to sell as a rare product. Don't worry, it escaped.
    • Thurgood Singlance, a.k.a. the "dark elf" guy, holds this view (though few people know it) about not just humans in general, but any sentient humanoid he doesn't know personally.
  • The Hunter: Quin is out to destroy all of Faerie because of his being betrayed by the Seelie Court; James is a demon hunter.
  • Hyperactive Metabolism: Everyone under Big Eater except Dietric and Fadis.
  • I Am What I Am: Lent, who is a half-succubus, half-faerie.
  • Ill Girl: During the late stage of her pregnancy, Daliah.
  • Immune to Drugs: Oh boy, where to start.
    • Lots of regulars do cocaine, frequently, and none of them are addicted. Aside from Valentina.
    • See Overshadowed by Awesome: June needs half a gallon of pure alcohol to get comfortably drunk, it's something like two gallons for Ross, and Acro's blood only lets him stay drunk for a few moments.
    • Ross is often high on marijuana, but hides it very well.
      • He does?
    • Cokey the bear snorts a full bag of cocaine every once in a while. That much can pretty much kill a bull elephant.
    • Trog's entire species is immune to alcohol, marijuana, and most other human drugs. Rather, Trog can only get drunk off of milk ("cow exilixir" as Trog calls it) and high off of certain kinds of cave mushrooms.
  • Implacable Man: No matter how many grenades go off, bullets hit, no matter how fast a thing hits him, Hans keeps standing and moving towards you.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Rhoslyn and Cal can see out of the barrels of their magelocks. Feronen can snap a nine-tailed whip and have each one hit exactly where he wants, and you can forget about him ever missing with a gun.
  • Informed Ability: Cal can call a dragon familiar, although she has yet to use this power.
    • Not anymore. It's just horribly painful to do, as it involves ripping all of the skin off her back.
  • Intelligence Equals Isolation: Techy. Thurgood to a point (mostly by choice)
  • Interspecies Romance: And how. There's been Faerie/human, Succbus!Faerie/human, Faerie/demon, half-Incubus/human, elf/human... really, it's hard to find a couple that's of the same race.
  • Jerkass: Duc's favorite hobby is beating people in the back of the head with empty bottles, Joel tries to fight everyone, KB loves attacking pregnant women, Ross is just a douche when he wants to be, Cal once attempted rape just because she wanted someone...the list goes on.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Nic. He wields the midget as a weapon and tends to sleep with anyone who'll have him, but he's a very protective parent.
  • Joke Item: The bright pink beach balls and hibiscus-print lampshades.
  • Killed Off for Real: Daliah, Jonathan and Alice, and Acro.
  • Kissing Cousins: Rhoslyn and Akky.
  • The Klutz: Trog tends to trip on steps semi-frequently, especially when its in a hurry.
  • Knife Nut: Anita, Cal, and Rhoslyn. The latter carries eleven knives on him at all times, and his daughter is close behind with six.
  • The Ladette: Cal. She knows the Internet as the "Pornotron", constantly drinks tequila, and is happy to have sex with anyone who shows even a passing interest.
  • Lamarck Was Right: The triplets, who somehow have the natural ability to teleport, even though Rhoslyn had to study teleportation for years before he could.
  • Ley Line: The bar sits on one.
  • Lethal Joke Item: Rhoslyn's Vorpal Guitar, the Mother Fucking Diamond Katanas
  • Let's Get Dangerous: Fadis. Just fucking Fadis.
  • Little People: Fadis, who is constantly referred to as "the midget."
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: Holy FUCK.
  • Lolicon: Terra was built to resemble a little girl with working parts by her maker, and Lola is targeted with this a lot.
  • Loveable Sex Maniac: Darren and Nic. Both of them are constantly making passes at everyone, although they're funny enough to get away with it.
  • Love Freak: Kitty.
  • Made of Explodium: The first generator that ghost!Fadis wrecked exploded. And then the trees behind it exploded.
    • The second generator that the brainwashed G destroyed was also made of explodium. So was the third one, and the fourth...
    • Trog's power is to make its body parts and products of its body explode with no harm to itself. I'd say that takes the cake for this trope in Black Sand Bar world.
  • Made of Shiny: All of the faeries have glowing skin and can SHINY. Also, mermaid scales, and several artifacts.
  • Magic A Is Magic A: There are specific kinds of supernatural powers, all with different origins.
  • Magic Wand: Rhoslyn uses and sells wands of power. See Mundane Utility below.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Allora, who constantly poofs in out of places and has too much energy for anyone's own good- except Marcus'.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Duc, who constantly bickers with Anita when they're not screwing or fighting. Quin, who is slowly manipulating the bar to destroy the Sidhe.
  • The Masochism Tango: Rhoslyn and Daliah.
  • Massive Multiplayer Crossover: Between Duc from the Cultureverse, Terra the Terminator, and Llewelyn from The World Of Darkness...
  • The Mean Brit: Sol.
  • Meaningful Name: Lola the Loli.
    • Trog has no name because of its species's culture. It gave itself the name "Trog" after what humans named its species: Troglodytes.
  • Medium Awareness: Nic and Rhoslyn both frequently argue with their writers.
    • As does Sam.
  • Mindlink Mates: Rhoslyn and Rachel, after a blood-oath ritual.
  • Mind Over Matter: G and Damon are both psions, although the Vernals all show a limited degree of telekinesis.
    • Even the newborns.
  • Mind Rape: Lent decided she wanted Sam. Sam was slightly resistant to glamours. Lent hit him with the strongest glamour she could muster, and broke him. Not all bad, because it created Kamisam, but Sam's still having problems because of it, and can't remember anything from that day.
  • Mister Seahorse: Though it hasn't happened, Trog can get pregnant due to having both gender's sex organs.
  • Monster Fun Facts: Erin sat down with Trog to ask it a bit about its species. This was the result.
  • Mooks: The neverending supply of nameless government soldiers.
  • Moral Dissonance: Torturing the Seelie captives and selling their blood from daily harvest. Nobody has said anything. The Seelie are supposed to be the bad guys, but torturing the mooks doesn't actually help the problem.
    • I'm not quite sure on this one. The Seelie are the vaguely good-ish, the Unseelie are evil. Frankly, it'd be more surprising if the faeries didn't do this.
    • Also, killing innocent NPCs for expediency's sake.
  • Morning Sickness: Daliah.
  • Mundane Utility: Ghost!Fadis wanted some pizza, so Ross used his portal to send it to the ethereal plane.
    • The Wands of Parenting and Bartending
  • Naked on Arrival: Lent, the bar's half-Succubus "escort."
  • Nice Guy: Guy. Just fucking Guy.
  • The Nicknamer: Rhoslyn.
  • Nigh Invulnerability: Rhoslyn, who's not only a faerie, but has powerful magical armor.
  • No Mouth: Trog's mouth is rarely seen. It's there, but its hard to notice unless it opens, which doesn't happen much. Trog only whispers and eats in a very reserved manner.
  • No Name Given: There is a patron of the bar that doesn't give his name: he says later he doesn't actually remember it. Later, he, then other characters, will find out that it's Thurgood Singlance.
  • No One Could Survive That: See Only Mostly Dead below.
  • Not Good with People: Trog is Type 1.
  • Nothing but Skulls: The bar has a pyramid of skulls from every species the patrons have killed.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Rhoslyn acts painfully oblivious to just about everything.
  • Officer and a Gentleman: James.
  • Omniglot: Rhoslyn speaks English, Abyssal, Infernal, Celestial, Elven, Drow, and even Feline.
  • Older Than They Look: Most of the faeries appear to be in their twenties; aside from Cal and Aña, they're all over three hundred years old.
    • Sam looks to be in his late twenties/early thirties, but is over one hundred years old, at the very least.
    • All the vampires. Hell, everyone who can't die of old age is like this.
    • In a subversion, Trog's race has a shorter lifespan than humans. Trog looks about 15, but is only 8 years old, equivalent to a 16-year-old human if you convert the development period.
      • This is likely a deconstruction of most races having longer lifespans than humans.
  • One-Letter Name: G, short for Gautama.
  • One Steve Limit: Played straight...barely. Lian, Liam, Lia, Lin, and Li.
    • Jon, John, and Jonathan.
    • Averted by girl!Vanity and boy!Vanity, who are entirely different people.
    • Same with teleporty!Gabe, broke!Gabe, and pet!Gabe.
  • Only Mostly Dead: Feronen, after taking an explosion that blasted him hundreds of feet out into the ocean, unconscious. He washed up a few hours later; turns out he can breathe underwater.
  • Our Angels Are Different: The Seraph, who was a cybernetic angel of "kill everything that isn't Lawful Good."
  • Our Demons Are Different: Rachel, who's not actually ragingly evil... just very, very bitchy. Acro, however, is what you'd expect from a noble in hell--ungodly power, and he's only a half-breed.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: ghost!Fadis
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: There is a local tribe of native were-rats on the Black Sand Island. There's also the friendly blacksmith werewolf Erich.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: There are so many flavors of vampire at the bar that this narrator don't even know where to start.
    • This one will. Kay and Guy, who are nocturnal, dislike the sun, and need blood.
    • KB, who does not need blood but likes to eat babies. The rest of you lot, plzaddkthx.
    • Desi covers all of her skin in the sun, can shift into a bat, and can also feed from fear in addition to blood.
    • Emma doesn't do sunlight, is seriously terrifying looking, keeps pets, wears the skin of young children, controls a coven, and tortures for fun.
    • Llewellyn, wants to be good natured but is confused and easily manipulated.
    • Jonathan and Alice (Deceased) Members of Emma's coven, twins, not fond of sunlight, had a super-awesome-mental-twin connection.
    • Donovan Cameo is a vampire who feels pain from water (any pure water, not just holy water), gets tired out and dehydrated in the sunlight, will get sick if silver gets in his wounds, will become paralyzed from a stake to the heart, and can manipulate and solidify his own shadow (a power unrelated to his vampirism). He only drinks animal blood (usually pig, cow, or sheep blood), but only because he doesn't like the taste of human blood. He's actually surprisingly gentle and kind for a mask-wearing vampire...
  • Our Hero Is Dead: While not an overly frequent character in the BSB, Griff Morivan was killed near the waterfall by another character of the same author. Your Mileage May Vary, as Griff was a well liked, but not overly recognized figure.
  • Out with a Bang: Cal tends to accidentally kill her lovers thanks to her strength.
    • "Daddy, I broke my new toy..."
    • Lent can kill people by taking too much life from them.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: In an abstract way, there are multiple levels of this. June drinks enough to kill several people a day, but Ross is about seventeen tiers above her in tolerance, who in turn fails in comparison to Acropilis.
  • Papa Wolf: After the government forces kidnapped Aña, Rhoslyn went in with the patrons and killed every last person involved.
  • Parental Incest: Rhoslyn with Cal and Aña.
    • Tatiana with Rhoslyn. Pretty much all of the faeries.
    • And Nic with his son, once.
  • Parent with New Paramour: Rhoslyn and Daliah; Cal and Aña didn't accept her until Daliah went along to save Aña. Also, Rhoslyn and Rachel, after Daliah's death.
  • Peek-a-Bangs: James.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Trog is petite, but can make its body parts explode with no harm to its own body.
  • Playing with Fire: James and Aña.
  • Plot Armor: In one of the first event nights, blazing hails of gunfire didn't do much to the PCs. This is also in effect later when a 200-decibel, 7-second blast of sound effects no one. averted by Fadis, who takes a lot of crap from the world.
  • Polyamory: Lent and Charlie; the former is a half-succubus and one of the bar's "escorts".
  • Power Tattoo: Rhoslyn and Cal both have tattoos of power. KB acquired an arcane eye tattoo during a transformation.
    • Sam's tattoos give him elemental punches. Or they did, until he was depowered.
    • Fadis redeemed a favor by getting inked, with a small alteration on one of Ross's tattoos.
  • The Pornomancer: Rhoslyn. Just fucking Rhoslyn.
  • Power Nullifier: The OH SHIT button.
  • The Power of Blood: The faeries and vampires of the bar all drink blood and use it for oaths.
    • Even the baby, Wesley, lives on a diet of milk and blood.
    • As do the triplets.
  • The Power of Friendship: For the first round of fighting the Daemonspider, the collective power of the auras of the patrons of the Black Sand made it disturbingly weak.
  • The Power of Rock: Aña, Akasha, Rhoslyn, Nic, Fadis, Ares, and G have incited a riot with their jamming skills.
  • Power Perversion Potential: Nic uses his Bene Gesserit training to be a living sex toy while Rhoslyn uses tactile telekinesis and his glamour for sex.
    • Wand of Power Word: Orgasm. You're welcome.
    • June's upgraded Wand Of Sex.
    • Trog can escape from any restraint by compressing its bones, so no need for a safe word. And it can only speak at a whisper, so no worrying if your partner is a screamer. The slime that coats its body might make a good lubricant, too. Am I grossing anyone out yet?
  • Precision F-Strike: Fadis eventually picked up what the word meant after hearing Ross use it so many times. Hilarity Ensues, obviously.
  • Put on a Bus: Kay and Guy, after needless LOLdrama. Terra. June. Lent and Charlie. Nic. G. Damon. Joel. A lot of people. =/
  • Pyromaniac: Aña, although Rhoslyn's explicitly forbidden her from setting the bar or the patrons on fire.
  • The Quiet One: Luis has spoken a grand total of four sentences.
  • Razor Floss: Luis's weaponry.
  • Rebellious Princess: Akasha tends to wander away from the Unseelie Court and has earned her reputation of doing whatever the hell she wants.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Rhoslyn, and arguably everyone who adventures with him. When faced with the news that sixteen people were up against three thousand, his plan involved charging in the front gate surrounded by naked faerie women with shotguns.
    • Also, guerilla warfare when outnumbered 3000 to 1.
  • Rich Bitch: Akasha. She's a princess, grinds diamonds to cut her coke with, and casually flaunts her money and status.
    • She keeps gems in the freezer to use instead of ice.
  • Robot Butler: iZac, the bartender robot.
  • Running Gag: Many.
    • "Fuckin' Gaia, Fuckin' Gaia, Fuckin' Gaia." Followed by a shot of booze.
    • ALLCAPSNOSPACES for emphasis - RUNLIKEFUCK, for example.
    • Fourth wall raping.
    • quality!name, such as drunk!Rhoslyn, boy!Vanity, girl!Vanity, and ghost!Fadis
    • Throwing Idiot Ball s at anyone who enters through the door.
    • "PIME TARADOX" or "timefart" to lampshade time discontinuities.
    • POOF! as a short term for flashy teleportation.
  • The Ruri: Aña.
  • Scars Are Forever: Nic.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Connections: Aña and Cal often introduce themselves as Cal or Aña fucking Vernal.
    • Quin sends the bar opium, which apparently is his excuse to be an antisocial ass.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Rhoslyn. Just fucking Rhoslyn.
    • There's also Ciar, who flaunts his wealth by purchasing very expensive booze, bringing in his yacht, and other stuff.
    • Akasha.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: Erin is thinking of getting Trog some nice clothes, but the result has yet to be seen...
    • Anyone else wanna see Trog in a dress?
  • Shout-Out: There are constant references to Portal, World of Warcraft, The Matrix, Star Wars, Fight Club, The Codex Of Alchemical Engineering, Watchmen...
  • Shrinking Violet: Techy. There's a subplot with her trying and slowly succeeding to gain confidence.
  • Super-Powered Evil Side: Cannan can be controlled by Tygris, a dragon lord trapped in his mind; Rachel can go full demon; Rhoslyn can turn into a Sluagh. Acro can transform into a greater demon, provided he keeps his sanity.
  • Supernatural Martial Arts: James practices these.
  • Strange Girl: Flutter.
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: When Rhoslyn proposed to Daliah, Cal had a "strange feeling of impending doom." When Akasha got engaged, Rhoslyn also felt a "strange feeling of impending doom."
    • Several minutes before Rhoslyn got married to Daliah, he felt a "strange feeling of impending doom."
    • When Lent got pregnant, you'll never guess what the other Vernals said.
  • Succession Crisis: The war in the Unseelie Court is over Queen Sindara's choice of heir. Partially.
  • Technicolor Eyes: All of the faeries and part-faeries have tri-colored eyes.
  • Techno Babble: When the process that Thurgood/the "dark elf" uses to turn white silver into simple precious metallic compounds that can be sold is explained.
  • Those Wacky Nazis: Hitler, the One Winged Zombie Angel.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Cal and Aña.
  • Took a Level In Badass: G went from a Badass Normal to being a purple-fire-throwing bullet-dodging badass.
    • Fadis has taken several Level Ups.
    • Guy got turned into a vampire by Kay.
    • Lent, after sex with Rhoslyn, got brought into her Faerie powers.
    • Cal and Akky both developed new Hands of Power after Akky brought Cal into her power.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Cola is the most delicious beverage in the world to Trog's species. It's been described ooc as like catnip without the intoxication.
    • Fadis loves the huge MANRY sandwiches.
  • Tsundere: Daliah, type B.
  • Troll: KB. After being banned, he saw fit to return under several mules and troll the thread... poorly.
  • Twincest: Cal and Aña.
  • Ubermensch: See The Unfettered below.
  • Uke: Trog is shy and insecure to an extreme fault.
  • The Unfettered: Quin, who has set out the goal of detroying Faerie, starting with the Seelie Court.
  • Up to Eleven: Basically everything the Vernals do are an example of this.
    • The Molten Daemonspider uses Up to Eleven with transformations. Lava mode gives way to epic tank Carbon, and then to Diamond, which can only be hurt by its own material.
    • Acro (his power). Just fucking Acro.
  • Verbal Tic: Fadis's "eh" when fumbling with English.
    • Trog tends to pause in the middle of its sentences to wheeze. You'd think it has asthma...
  • Voluntary Shapeshifter: Akasha is a puka and is capable of changing her form. Seh also shapeshifts.
  • Wacky Cravings: Kitty.
  • Wall of Weapons: The bar has guns concealed in just about every single cabinet, duct-taped to the underside of counters, and even concealed in bottles of booze; Rhoslyn literally has a wall of weapons in his tentcabin; and Feronen has an armory attached to his tentcabin.
  • What Does This Button Do?: Karma and Katie, and the OH SHIT button. Fadis, with a Wand Of Sex.
  • What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: In the words of Rosa, "a bowl a day keeps the doctor away".
    • Oddly enough, the Gnome Panty Thieves were made canon by a person who's never done drugs.
  • Unfazed Everyman: Anneke, Erin, and Ever, normal humans thrust in the middle of things.
  • Viewers Are Geniuses: An anomalous spike in chemistry references, which probably alienated the non-nerds.
  • The Wild Hunt: The third of the Faerie Courts, allied with the Unseelie.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Rhoslyn, Acropolis, the Unseelie Queen...
  • Uncle Pennybags: Nic runs a large corporation and is a generally nice guy, jerkiness aside. Rhoslyn provides everyone free booze and alcohol - aside from the good stuff - and writes it off with a smile. Acro passes out cash when he feels like it.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: Trog. Though its not a girl... or a guy... both, technically.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Cal.
  • You Fail Biology Forever: The sheer amount Rhoslyn needs to drink to get inebriated should either make him throw up or explode. It doesn't happen. Justified by the fact that he's Immune to Drugs.
    • Acro does this too, but his explanation is his half-demonness.
    • June averts that by throwing up whenever she drinks much more than six bottles of anything.
      • Then again, her liver should have died before she acquired anywhere near her level of tolerance. No real person can take over a gallon of pure ethanol.
    • When Rhoslyn fell into lava and jumped out as burned meat, he was screaming in pain despite the fact that his nerves would have burned away. Handwaved.
    • Wesley, a bunnygirl/faerie hybrid baby, has telekinesis and can fly—at four days old, with fine motor control. He also has the strength of an adult male, despite that his skeleton should be cartilage. No, just no.
    • The "dark elf" guy's or rather, Thurgood Singlance's immunity to methanol comprises of his liver's adaptation to produce an enzyme that converts it into methane and oxygen. Though chemically possible, there probably isn't an enzyme that catalyzes that reaction (which would probably be called "methanase" if it existed), and methane in one's system can not be any good. Also, the methyl ion would probably react to something else before the hydrogen could be stripped off (not to mention that a hydroxide ion is very hard to break).
  • You Fail Physics Forever: 200-decibel, 7-second blast. SCIENCE was needed to point out that it wasn't a simple "loud noise".
    • Acro's one-ton demon armor, worn on wet sand, while moving too fast to be seen.
    • A tiny-sized nuke. It technically had critical mass, but, yeah.
    • A 25", five-ton granite golem trying to walk across wet sand. This was quickly retconned.
    • Acro's gunblade.
  • Yuri Fan: Trog.
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