< The Black Sand Bar

The Black Sand Bar/YMMV

  • Broken Base: An unfortunate side effect of banning KB.
  • Demonic Spiders: Trog reflexively explodes when attacks hit it. So say goodbye to whatever weapon you attack it with.
    • Luckily the Wand of Healing can fix that cauterized wrist stub of yours.
  • Hard Core: Acropilis brews blood liquor. Using his own blood.
    • Sam fights bears, sharks and boars on a semi-regular basis. With his bare hands. He does this pretty much whenever he gets hungry
  • Magnificent Bastard: Rhoslyn. Too many examples to list.
    • To be (un)fair, sometimes he forget the first part.
  • Moe Moe: Kitty.
    • Trog, too. Though not cute, its shy and insecure.
  • Squick: Mostly centered around the faeries, as they have no sexual or touch taboos, although Nic tends to get included in this list.
    • Let's not forget the incestual jaibait lesbian 5-woman orgy during Cal's birthday, which involved the unconscious Fadis too, so go get some Brain Bleach.
    • Rhoslyn has a whole lot of fetishes, including pregnancy. Sidenote: At the time of writing, there are, like, three pregnant women on the island, coincidentally.
    • Fadis's revival scene was loaded with this kind of High Octane Nightmare Fuel.
    • Damon walking in on Nic having sex.
    • Nic. Just fucking Nic. I don't know whether to start with his family or him. Fucking hell.
    • Trog is covered in slime and smells like stagnant sewage water unless it bathes. Unfortunately, that doesn't stop it from having dark blue skin with white growths and solid yellow saucer eyes with second eyelids. Not to mention its constantly wheezing and can only speak at a whisper. And did I mention it can compress its bones to escape any restraint? It's rather squicky to see...
  • True Neutral: Rhoslyn, type 5.
  • Ugly Cute: Trog looks hideous, but can be a bit cute depending on mileage. A moe fetish helps, too.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: One member actually asked ooc what gender Trog was.
  • Wangst: KB's motivation for trolling, presumably.
    • Cyberweasel89 tends to get very dramatic and emotional OOC.
  • What an Idiot!: Acro, though to be fair he's OUR idiot and he's not actually that bad.
    • Rhoslyn tearing off his arm that let him handwave blood loss issues.
  • The Woobie: According to one reader, Trog qualifies.
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