< The Amazing Atheist

The Amazing Atheist/Awesome

  • His chewing out of a white supremacist Troll in this video.
  • His chewing out of the Straw Feminist in this video who made a list that makes every single man in existence out to be a rape supporter.
    • "And [sex]'s not really necessary for the survival of the species or anything. Except, oh wait, IT FUCKING IS!!!"
  • His reaction to the 'banana gate scandal'. Acknowledged it happened, didn't deny it, explained what happened calmly, and, to top it all off, said this: "And that's why I don't deserve any accolades whatsoever for the way I handled banana gate. I just told the truth. I was just honest, which is what everyone should be and what everyone should do. You don't deserve to be applauded for doing what you're supposed to do just because you live in a world where most people aren't willing to do it."
  • THE BEAUTIFUL DESTRUCTION OF STEVE SHIVES. In it, he points out Shives' well-known habit of blocking people en masse for the smallest of disagreements, his proclaimed stance against internet harassment yet openly supporting feminist doxxers and frauds, his insistence on always listening to women and rape victims' views on sexism and sexual assault yet condemning and blocking any woman or rape victim who disagrees with his pre-conceived views, openly talking shit about people for long periods of time in his own videos yet reporting videos that do the same to him as harassment (even when they are in response to the very shit-talking video he made about them), and putting petty YouTube feuds above actually helping women, such as when he refused to support saving Dina Ali's life simply because prominent anti-SJWs were also supporting it.

So what's the lesson here? Steve Shives will not assist people in need, even the ones he professes to care about. But he will assist anyone who accepts his narrative, even if they're vile, malicious people. It's not actually important for him to live up to what he preaches, just as long as other people preach it too, you're good. So are we beginning to detect a fucking pattern here? Steve Shives routinely holds agreement with himself as the paramount virtue, okay? All other virtues stem from that: Do you agree with Steve? In the Book of Steve, that's the fucking first and only commandment, "Agree with me." And he paradoxically holds agreement with his beliefs to be more important than his beliefs themselves. That's why you get this bullshit cognitive dissonance, like "Always listen to rape victims! Well unless they disagree with me.", "We need to help women! Unless TJ or Sargon are doing it." The hypocrisy is actually quite fucking astounding. Steve is a tribalistic, vengeful, black-listing, cyberbully, hypocrite, jerk-off who condemns others for failing to live up to standards that he himself cannot meet.

And despite all of that, despite all of that, I would never make even the slightest attempt to remove him from YouTube. I would never in a million years dream of depriving him of his right to his point of view. And that's the biggest difference between me and Steve, he wishes desperately for the power to silence me, meanwhile, even if I were given the power to silence him, I would not use it. Ironically, the only person that Steve had succeeded in silencing is himself. His channel is dying the death of a thousand cuts, it's hemorrhaging subscribers. In the same timespan that he lost seventy-nine subscribers, I gained thirty-eight thousand. My message has resonated with people for nearly a decade now. And while I'm never going to be the next fucking PewDiePie who gets thirty-eight thousand subscribers every time he fucking scratches his asshole, I'm very happy with my channel's growth. I don't bring this up just to brag though–although bragging is a fringe benefit–I bring it up to make one last fucking point about Steve Shives. Here's a guy who wants to censor me because, and this is another direct quote from Shives talking about me, "We cannot be a community that supports proud, toxic, incorrigible bigots." He does this all the time, he bemoans my popularity as if it's an inditement against all of atheism. Well guess what, Steve? You don't get to fucking decide what people listen to. You don't get to fucking decide what voices rise up above the fray. The people do. They make their own decisions. And the decision that they've made is pretty fucking clear, I gained thirty-eight thousand subscribers in the last thirty days, you lost seventy-nine. While I'm rocketing towards a million subs, you're slowly counting back down to fucking zero. You are in no position whatsoever to speak for this community, they've heard your voice and they found it a grating offense to their fucking ears. Even those who once saw fit to subscribe to you are slowly but surely wandering away, wandering away in search of someone more fucking interesting, someone less hypocritical, someone who has the courage to practice what he fucking preaches, someone who doesn't censor all dissent, someone who isn't afraid to change his mind when he's fucking wrong. And I know it hurts you to hear it Steve, and that's why I'm going to say it loud and proud, that someone, is ME.

I'm BETTER at this than you are, I'm BETTER at this than you were, I'm BETTER at this than you're ever going to fucking be. And I know that in your shitty little heart, that's what bothers you the most of all. And by the way, even though I have all of these fucking subscribers, and all these fans, and my fucking channel metrics are good, I STILL DON'T PRESUME TO SPEAK FOR THESE PEOPLE. I speak for myself. THEY decide what they agree with and what they don't. But I'll tell you what Steve, you were right about one thing. We cannot be a community that supports proud, toxic, incorrigible bigots. And THAT is exactly why no one watches YOU.

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