Tales of Innocence/Characters
Tales of Innocence's cast:
Main Characters
- Luca Milda

Luca is a shy, studious, cowardly nerd from a rich family in the Kingdom of Regnum. He is being raised to inherit his father's lucrative merchant business, but after his own Avatar powers awaken and he is forced to flee from the military, he embarks on a quest to discover the truth behind the events surrounding the Manifest thousands of years ago. His personal ideal is to become a doctor.
Luca's weapon is a BFS, and his magical element is fire, both of which are largely at odds with his personality.
- Adaptational Badass: Not that he isn't in the original game, but the manga adaptation amps it up to the point that in the first chapter he blocks a sword barehanded by letting it through the palm of his hand.
- Adorkable / Moe
- Apologizes a Lot
- BFS - It's bigger than he is.
- Blood Knight: After overcoming his initial fear, he develops this personality in the hope that it will transform him into the badass he wants to be, but fortunately his friends stop him from going too far.
- Bookworm - He comments that tests are fun during a skit with Iria.
- Cute Shotaro Boy - A bit old for this, but in terms of appearance, he qualifies.
- Dogged Nice Guy: Has this tendency towards romance, as shown when he tried to ask Iria on a date.
- Evil Laugh: Just once but it was still far more creepy than anyone else's, especially because it was triggered by him enjoying killing reincarnated soldiers...
- Expecting Someone Taller - somewhat subverted when you consider that he's about 5' 6", which is quite normal for someone his age (and ironically, taller than the much older looking Jude Mathis), but the trope still applies.
- Expy: He got one in Emil. Also noted for looking similar to Trunks.
- Green Eyes
- The Hero of the Five-Man Band
- Heroic BSOD: The most notable of which ended up wiping out Sky Castle, AKA the remains of Devalorka (from a certain point of view, heaven) so quickly that his friends where forced to flee without him towards the airship.
- Ho Yay - The Relationship Values allow this. Story-wise, with Spada.
- He's also shipped with Emil, thanks to a scene in the opening sequence of Radiant Mythology 3 where they HUG each other. Seen here at 1:15
- It started before that, in a promotional DVD for Tales of Hearts. It basically comes about from the fact that both Luca and Emil are timid, quiet and sensitive souls with Super Not-Evil sides than derive from ancient divine beings.
- Idiot Ball - Seriously, Luca, when an Ax Crazy tells you to come closer, regardless of weather or not he wants to tell you his final words, it's when you MUST run away.
- Implausible Fencing Powers - Yes, he's Asura's reincarnation. Yes, he can kick your butt.
- Kid Hero: He's fifteen - and looks even younger.
- Lonely Rich Kid
- Made of Iron: Besides being the mighty glacier of the group, story wise he survived things most people wouldn't like getting impaled by Hasta, as well as Sky Castle's crash on the ground.
- Magic Knight: The class he was inserted into in Tales of the World. His abilities are actually even more varied than the trope would suggest.
- Mighty Glacier: Very strong defence and (relatively) slow attacks that nevertheless deal the 2nd highest amount of damage per time among the playable characters.
- Names to Know in Anime - Akiko Kimura
- Nice Guy
- Older Than They Look: He looks like he's twelve. And he certainly sounds the part!
- Playing with Fire
- Reincarnation
- Shrinking Violet
- Spell My Name with an "S" - Ruca/Luca
- Sleepyhead: Spaces out a lot in the beginning due to the awakening of his former life's memories, but overcomes this in the end.
- The Chew Toy - Picked on by everyone in the party except Ange at least once.
- The Illegible - Spada notes that Luca is this. Apparently a sensitive subject, and funny since he wants to become a doctor.
- The Red Mage: Alongside the wide variety of physical attacks, he is also able to heal and form a magical barrier[1] around himself, increase his own attack stats as well as his allies, cast long range magical attacks to one enemy as well as deal massive damage to multiple enemies despite only using one element type.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy - Subverted personality-wise.
- Asura

The general of the Sensus Army, who wants to get the Manifest to reunite Devaloka and Naraka into one world. This is cut short when Inanna murders him to prevent this. When he reincarnated, his anger and pain at being betrayed by Inanna and Durandal became Overlord/Mathias, and the rest became Luca.
- Chick Magnet
- Friendly Enemy - With Orifiel. And after they all reincarnate, Hypnos.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl - The "huge guy".
- Merged Reality
- Names to Know in Anime - Rikiya Koyama
- Large Ham
- Iria Animi

Iria is a loudmouthed girl from a small town which was attacked by the Arca cult. As a result, she has sworn revenge on the cult and on its leader, Mathias. A small critter named Coda follows her around, but is never explained in the plot. Iria probably has the most conflict of memories out of all the characters.
Iria wields two guns. Her element is water, and she also gains a handful of healing spells.
- Amnesiac Dissonance - Inanna was the one who caused Asura's death and the fall of Devaloka. Iria, of course, knows nothing about this.
- Bottomless Magazines
- Chewing the Scenery - Iria's voice actress really plays up the tsun tsun side of Iria's personalitly, possibly even to Large Ham levels.
- Combat Medic
- Crash Into Hello - with Luca
- Curtains Match the Window
- Doomed Hometown
- Dual-Wielding
- Evil Laugh - Every time she and Spada plan to pick on Luca.
- Guns Akimbo
- The Gunslinger
- Heroes Want Redheads
- Hidden Depths: Wants to be a School Principal, and is shown to be fairly studious.
- Hot-Blooded
- The Lancer of the Five-Man Band: Sometimes.
- Making a Splash
- Meaningful Name - Her Mystic Arte, "Ruined Vain Wish". Though it relates more to Inanna than herself.
- Official Couple - As the heroine and half of the Reincarnation Romance, she's the one who's "supposed to" end up with Luca. (Though because of the Relationship Values, you can pair him off with whoever you want.)
- Reincarnation
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Tsundere
- Inanna

Asura's lover. By all appearances, the two are completely devoted to each other. However, Inanna opposes the plan to seize the Manifest and merge Devaloka with Naraka, and pleads repeatedly with Asura to give up his war. She was actually sent with Durandal by the Ratio to get close to Asura and assassinate him. When it's clear that he's not going to give up his plan, she stabs him with Durandal.
- Dead Mother - Why she hates Naraka so much, as her mother was killed by people of Naraka.
- Et Tu, Brute?
- Even The Girls Want Her - It's implied that this is the case.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl - She barely reaches Asura's waist.
- Lady of War
- Names to Know in Anime - Atsuko Tanaka
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Spada Belforma

A hotblooded boy from Regnum. For some reason, he's cut himself off from his rich, noble family, except his butler.
Spada has two swords, which he wields mostly like Lloyd, in a two-sword adaptation of Cless' classic fighting style. His element is wind and lightning.
- Amnesiac Dissonance - Durandal, Asura's trusted blade... And co-conspirator and murder weapon when Inanna killed Asura.
- The Atoner - The reason why he's so protective of Luca is because he subconsciously feels guilty for betraying Asura and allowing himself to be used to kill him.
- Blow You Away
- The Chick - A bit more than one would expect; especially with Luca. He helps keep things together with a lot verbal support, always willing to back his friends up; especially at the beginning of their journey, in which Luca was often depressed.
- Chivalrous Pervert - He is really obsessed with Ange's... assets.
- Dogged Nice Guy - Ange doesn't seem to realize his feeling for her.
- Dual-Wielding
- Evil Laugh - Every time he and Iria plan to pick on Luca.
- Fragile Speedster: Deals the highest damage in the shortest time, but has trouble surviving direct hits.
- Gray Eyes
- Hot-Blooded
- Ho Yay - Thank the Relationship Values. Story-wise, when Luca recovers after he was stabbed by Hasta, he hugs him twice (and attempted the third).
- I Will Definitely Protect You: To Luca.
- The Lancer of the Five-Man Band: Sometimes. Flip-flops with Iria on this role.
- Meaningful Name: "Spada" means "sword" in Italian. Belforma is a combination of "Nice" (Bel) and "Form" (Forma).
- Names to Know in Anime - Yuji Ueda
- Nice Hat
- Reincarnation
- Shock and Awe - Like in Tales of the Abyss, wind and lightning are combined into a single element.
- The Unfavorite - The reason why he doesn't seem to care so much about his family.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
- Durandal

A talking holy sword forged by Vulcan, Durandal was made to fight Vulcan's previous creation, Gae Bolg, who turned out to be somewhat violent. Durandal, of course, defeated Gae Bolg with the help of Asura, his wielder. Durandal then helps Asura with the war against the Ratio, up until he willingly allowed Inanna to use him to assassinate Asura.
- BFS - Although apparently he can shrink his size, considering how Inanna hid him before she used him to stab Asura.
- Empathic Weapon
- Et Tu, Brute?
- Names to Know in Anime - Yuji Ueda
- Non-Human Sidekick - To Asura.
- Hermana Larmo

A young girl from the Kingdom of Regnum. Hermana runs an underground school for Avatar children who would be captured for study by the Imperial Capital. She has a heavy Kansai dialect, but is actually quite clever and savvy, and in every adaptation knows more about the war in Devaloka than the party. The manga adds a greedy streak: she won't stop charging and crediting the party for her tips.
Hermana fights with her fists and feet, oddly for someone of her size; the antagonist of her segment comments on this. Her main element is earth.
- Big Eater
- Cute Bruiser
- The Nicknamer - Most of the nicknames she gives are reasonable shortened versions of each character's name. Except Spada, who she calls Spud.
- Promotion to Parent - She runs an underground (literally) orphanage in Regnum.
- Reincarnation
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: She joke's around the idea of dating Luca but then again she doesn't even suggest attraction towards anyone else...
- The Idiot From Osaka - She speaks with a heavy Kansai dialect.
- Wise Beyond Their Years - Comes from taking care of other orphans. And from being the reincarnation of Vrtra.
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair
- Vrtra

Vrtra is a large white dragon who was Asura's steed as well as a caretaker of sorts. It's implied that she's the oldest and wisest thing in all of Devaloka, with legends stating that she was born around the same time as the world itself, and continued to live long after the Fall.
- Dying Alone - She continued to live for years even after Devaloka had been destroyed. Poor thing. Hermana laments Vrtra's pain and loneliness occasionally.
- Non-Human Sidekick - To Asura.
- Parental Substitute - To Asura.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter - She appears to be based off a fox or a Saluki.
- Ricardo Soldato

A mercenary-for-hire eventually employed as Ange's bodyguard. He is a sniper, and as such wields a rifle and bayonet. He is usually the most rational, logical, and level-headed of the group, and rarely goes back on his word. His spells are primarily darkness- and earth- based, darkness being his primary element. Also the wielder of Area of Effect healing magic.
- Amnesiac Dissonance - Hypnos and Asura are bitter rivals. Ricardo isn't on bad terms with Luca.
- Badass
- The Big Guy of the Five-Man Band.
- Blue Eyes: Very piercing ones. Probably an effect of his past life having blue Glowing Eyes of Doom.
- Cold Sniper - Though gradually goes from this to Friendly Sniper.
- Dark Is Not Evil - 2 counts.
- Count 1: Ricardo's element is darkness.
- Count 2: Ricardo is the reincarnation of Hypnos, the reaper.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Drill Sergeant Nasty - The skit in Northern Battlefield. Ange reprimands him when he makes Luca cry.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette - Noted by Iria and Ange in a skit. Hilarity Ensues.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars
- Gun Nut: Noted in skits to be very knowledgeable about guns and their maintenance needs, beyond what would be expected from someone whose life depended on them.
- Hitman with a Heart vs. Only in It For the Money - Played with. At first he's presented as the latter, insisting that he doesn't take a contract he doesn't intend to complete, but is quite willing to make a new contract with Ange that goes against his original one, as she was offering him more money as well as covering the breach-of-contract fee. As the game progresses and he gets to know the party, it shifts over to the former.
- He also states that forming a good relationship with his clients is more important to him than the payment.
- Parental Bonus: Let's just say that he often gives Luca the response "I'll tell you when you're older".
- Last-Name Basis - How he calls everyone in the party.This habit is gone in R version, though.
- The Mole - For Gardel. He has his own reason, though.
- Names to Know in Anime - Hiroaki Hirata
- Not So Stoic - Starts out as The Stoic, but gradually gets closer to the party and becomes a full-fledged Team Dad.
- Reincarnation
- Sinister Scythe - For his Mystic Arte "Endless Tragedy," his rifle turns into Hypnos's scythe.
- Team Dad
- Why Did It Have To Be Heights - Revealed after the party gets the Global Airship. Ironically, he was the very one chosen to pilot the thing.
- Hypnos

Ratio's general, a Reaper and Asura's sworn enemy, who promised to judge Asura's actions in their next lives. As Thanatos's younger brother, he had to pick up the slack after Thanatos was exiled from Devaloka.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Grim Reaper / Shinigami
- In the Hood - Half of his face was covered by his hood, although his eyes were still visible since they're glowing.
- Sinister Scythe
- Worthy Opponent - According to Ricardo, this is how Hypnos saw Asura.
- Ange Serena

A sister from the sanctuary in the holy city of Naos. She is a holy woman who is skilled in healing spells and self-defense, and she knows a lot about politics. She uses primarily light-based spells and healing magic, but is also good at close-range combat, as she fights with knives. Her element is light.
- Berserk Button - Her weight. Hermana pushes it in a skit. Ange is not happy.
- Big Eater - The kind who never manages to become overweight...
- Bunny Ears Lawyer - Some of her quirks are a bit off for someone like her.
- The Chick or The Smart Guy of the Five-Man Band
- Combat Medic - She learns the most useful healing spells, and plays like a rogue or thief -style character.
- Combat Stilettos - Which is odd, considering her specialty is her speed.
- Deadpan Snarker - Leave it to a priestess to find a way to make deadpan snarky comments that don't sound deadpan or snarky at all...
- Fragile Speedster - Even with Guardian Style, her defense is still not that good.
- Gender Bender - For their Limit Break moves, the characters temporarily take the form of their past life. Ange's past life, Orifiel, was a man. Noted hilariously in a skit.
- Good Shepherd
- Impractically Fancy Outfit - Her Combat Stilettos and poofy skirt look nice, but aren't very practical for fighting, especially for a fighting style that involves lots of darting around the battlefield.
- Informed Flaw - She's apparently overweight. Though her clothes are loose, making it difficult to tell.
- She's also supposed to be out of shape. Yeah, right.
- Not really.We get her swim suit DLC in TOIR, looks like she's load better than we have imagined.
- Acrofatic
- Knife Nut
- Lady of War
- Light'Em Up / Holy Hand Grenade
- The Medic
- Motor Mouth - Not as extreme as other examples, but still. Luca seems to be the only one who is willing to hear her when she starts talking about history of the Church and such.
- Names to Know in Anime - Kaori Nazuka
- Onee-Sama
- People Jars - How you meet her.
- Princess Curls
- Reincarnation
- Squishy Wizard
- Sticky Fingers - She (of all people) is the only one in the party who has Thievery skill. Iria and Hermana will call her out on this the first time you use her skill.
- Team Mom
- Why Did It Have To Be Dogs - Although not revealed until very late in the game during the skit with Chien. This goes way back to her past life, when it turns out that Orifiel also tried to face Cerberus, but failed the trial due to his fear of dogs.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Orifiel

Ratio's tactician and Himmel's teacher, renown for his intellect, level head, and chivalry. Despite being a Ratio, Orifiel opposes the war and supports the unification of Devaloka and Naraka.
- Friendly Enemy: With Asura
- High-Class Glass
- Megane
- My Greatest Failure - Himmel's death following Devaloka's unification, after which he proceeded to side with Asura.
- Why Did It Have To Be Dogs - Why he failed when he tried to face Cerberus.
- Coda
Iria's pet muse, a mouse-like critter, who really likes food.
- Big Eater
- Small Annoying Creature - He doesn't really do anything besides talk about how hungry he is. His only real purpose is to be the game's mascot.
- Team Pet
- Verbal Tic: Coda, you know.
- QQ Selezneva

A new character introduced in Tales of Innocence R. QQ is a spirited archaeologist from another world. Though she seems slow at times, she is energetic and loves to hug people.
- Adventurer Archaeologist
- And Zoidberg: Refuses to hug Kongwai under any circumstances.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Blade on a Stick
- Cuddle Bug
- Eyepatch of Power
- Intercontinuity Crossover: She implies at one point that she is from the world of Tales of the Tempest.
- Saki Fujita
- Verbal Tic: "QQ!"
- You No Take Candle: Speaks like this because the language spoken in the world of Innocence is not her native language. Kongwai is also in the same position, but he is more intelligent and seems to have crossed the language barrier more easily.
- Kongwai Tao

A new character introduced in Tales of Innocence R. Kongwai is a quiet and mysterious spellcaster from another world who dislikes disputes and often takes the role of mediator. He claims that his mission is to "save the souls" of two unspecified people, later revealed to be Thitose Cxarma and Hasta Ekstermi.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Men who try to hit on him and won't hear the word "no" tend to vanish without a trace.
- Enemy Mine: With QQ.
- Kenji Nojima
- Intercontinuity Crossover: With either Tales of the Tempest or Tales of Hearts.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Power Copying: He can learn any offensive spell in the game simply by being hit by it at least once.
- Spell Book
- Squishy Wizard
- Mathias

The mysterious masked leader of Arca, an influential cult of Avatars who seek to capture the Manifest. She is actually a Reincarnation of Asura, born from his pain and hatred upon being betrayed by Inanna; as a result, Mathias bears the appearance of Inanna herself. While the majority of Arca believe that Mathias wishes to use the Manifest to create a utopia for Avatars, her true intention is to destroy the world.
- Bishonen Line - But only in the Updated Rerelease, where she gains two additional forms as the Final Boss.
- Cleavage Window - In the Updated Rerelease.
- Doomed Hometown - Part of her backstory.
- Dramatic Unmask - She has Inanna's face.
- The Heartless - Formed from Asura's grief and anger upon Inanna's betrayal.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- One-Winged Angel - As the Final Boss.
- Shadow Archetype - To Luca/Asura.
- Thitose Cxarma
A young avatar from Ashihara who wants to join Arca. She has a crush on Luca.
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Driven to Suicide - After Mathias is defeated.
- Fatal Flaw: Unlike the heroes (particularly Iria, her Rival), she never gets past her former life and is ultimately consumed by it.
- Reincarnation
- Unrequited Tragic Maiden: still.
- Sakuya
Asura's attendant, who was deeply in love with him.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette - Her skin is almost white.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl - The other "tiny girl" for Asura.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy - Described as this almost word-for-word. Although... (see below)
- Murder the Hypotenuse - Doesn't happen, but this crosses her mind.
- Shrinking Violet
- Unrequited Tragic Maiden
- Yandere - Never really does anything, since she wants her beloved to be happy, but she does consider Murdering The Hypotenuse, so the tendencies are there...
- Sian Tenebro
A young boy working for Arca. His dogs, Cer and Ber, are always following him around. They're his biological brothers, the other two heads of Cerberus.
- All of the Other Reindeer - His backstory.
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- Heel Face Turn
- That One Boss
- Triple Boss
- The Woobie
- Cerberus
The three-headed dog that guards the Manifest.
- Fate Worse Than Death - His entire life can be described as living hell.
- Killer Rabbit - Look at how adorable it is!
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Verbal Tic - "~wan"
Other Antagonists
- Hasta Ekstermi
A mercenary. Slightly nuts.
- Axe Crazy
- Cloudcuckoolander - In a creepy variety.
- From Nobody to Nightmare - When he first appears, apparently he's nothing special, and Ricardo is able to beat him to near-death. When he awakens to the memories of his past life, he becomes That One Boss.
- Go Out with a Smile
- Meaningful Name - No points for guessing what weapon he uses in battle. And he is the reincarnation of Gae Bolg, by the way.
- Psycho for Hire
- Real Men Wear Pink - Literally.
- Reincarnation
- Shout-Out - His last words? "Hasta la vista".
- That One Boss
- V e r b a l T i c
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair
- Gae Bolg
Forged by Vulcan to give its wielder great power, Gae Bolg had a nasty habit of turning people evil. He was eventually destroyed by Durandal, and then reincarnated as Hasta.
- Evil Weapon
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity - Anyone who wields Gae Bolg will suffer from this.
- Oswald fan Kuruela
A man in a high position in the Regnum army. He is in charge of researching ways to put Avatars to use in the war, including developing the gigantesses, large mechanical war machines powered by their bodies.
- Fat Bastard
- Moral Event Horizon - Using Gardel/Thanatos's corpse to empower the Gigantess Omega.
- Smug Snake
- That One Boss - Gigantess Omega. Moves constantly and rarely stays on the ground? Check. Insane damage? Check. Can do One-Hit Kill to everyone in your party if you're not careful? Ooh, check.
Other Characters
- Gardel
The enigmatic leader of the Grigori, who deeply loves Naraka. He is actually Thanatos himself, who never reincarnated. The Grigori are the descendants of the children he had with his human wife.
- Reincarnation - Subverted, as it turns out that he is not Thanatos' reincarnation. Rather, he IS Thanatos.
- Sinister Scythe
- Stuffed Into the Fridge - Let's just say that Ricardo (and by extension, the entire party) is NOT happy upon discovering Pigwald uses his corpse to empower Gigantess Omega.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- The Woobie
- Thanatos
A reaper in service of Ratio, who was exiled to Naraka after he fell in love with a human woman. Hypnos is his younger brother.
- Albert Grandeioza
The leader of Tenos, who wants to use the Manifest for the benefit of his country. He planned to sacrifice Ange to invoke it, but she eventually talked him into helping the party instead.
- Dual Boss - With Ange
- Heel Face Turn
- Jade-Colored Glasses - Himmel and Asura used to hold the same belief, however, after seeing Naraka, his view of the world becomes more or less the same as the Ratios. Until Ange snapped him out of it.
- Last-Minute Hookup / Strangled by the Red String - With Ange, in the final cutscene, moments before the game ends.
- Megane
- That One Boss - As if Ange herself isn't enough to deal damage to your party, his gun will cause Standard Status Effects.
- Himmel
Orifiel's beloved student and one of the pillars of Devaloka. The Ratio leaders eventually executed him, as he shared Orifiel's favorable view on unifying Devaloka with Naraka, and they felt it would be easier to let him reincarnate and start from scratch than try to convince him otherwise.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady
- Ho Yay - With Orifiel. Albert wanted to kidnap Ange to invoke the Manifest. The obvious conclusion is left to the player.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Viewer Gender Confusion - His voice doesn't help.
- Wise Beyond Their Years - Although he is also a bit immature at times.
- ↑ down+guard