< Supernatural (TV series)

Supernatural (TV series)/Funny

Season 1

  • The way Dean states "That Constance chick...what a bitch!" in the pilot episode.
  • "Bugs": "Let me just say, we accept homeowners of any race, religion, background, or...sexual orientation."
    • Twice in 5 minutes.
      • This troper finds Dean's reaction to the second time this is said priceless. "Well...I'm going to go talk to Larry. See ya, honey." *slaps Sam's ass*
    • Really, any of the series' shoutouts to the Incest Subtext.
    • Presenting: Supernatural Mistaken for Gay scenes from Seasons 1 through 4
      • Special points to the one around 3:14, though you'd only catch it the second time through. The girl? That's Ruby, who knows full well what's going on, though Dean (and the viewers) don't yet. She was doing it just to mess with Sam.
  • Dean's utterly unimpressed reaction to the creepy-ass titular villain of "Scarecrow", while the unsettling music plays: "Dude, you fugly."
  • While Dean is posing as an officer in "The Benders", the lady-cop who's helping him calls him out on it. By telling him the badge he showed her was reported stolen. She then shows him a picture of the real "Officer Washington", who's a fat black guy. And Dean still tries to play it off. "I lost some weight. And I got that Michael Jackson skin disease..."
  • The prank war of "Hell House" definitely counts. Oh, and the debut of the Ghost-Facers.
  • In "Provenance", Dean has to break into a mausoleum to destroy a little girl's doll. He drives his car through the cemetery's gates, rams himself through the mausoleum's door, and tries to break the thick glass barrier the doll is in. Hitting it doesn't work, so he searches himself for a clubbing object. That doesn't work either. He heads back out to try to find something to get it, realizes the club in his hand is a gun (which was obvious the whole time), says "Come on, Dean!", and shoots the glass.
    • From the same episode, we have Dean tricking Sam into going back to the art exhibit so Sam can get together with Girl of the Week Sarah. Cue Sam suddenly noticing the haunted painting that he and Dean already destroyed, magically back again, and epically fumbling to recover from freaking out about it.

Sarah: [startled] What?
Sam: The, that painting... [beat] ...looks so good!

  • Meg's bitching and moaning over her demon brother shooting her with the fake Colt in "Salvation". "You shot me! I can't believe you just shot me!!" and "I'm so not in the mood for this. I've just been shot!"
  • Missouri scolding Dean pre-emptively in "Home." "Boy, you put your foot on my coffee table and I'm gonna whack you with a spoon!" Bonus points for Dean's Reaction Shots - he sounds like such a huffy kid.

Season 2

  • Dean's line right before he and Sam break into a guy's house to find the zombie he's stashed there in "Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things": "Neil? It's your grief counselors. We've come to hug!"
  • Gallows humor at its finest, but the laugh's definitely needed as "Croatoan" is a pretty dark episode - the son of a woman infected by the Croatoan virus and killed asks where his mother is. Dean, the one who killed her, turns to Sam and mutters "Awkward..."
  • "Crossroad Blues" has Dean thinking Myspace is a porn site.
  • "Playthings" presents the rare and hilarious Drunk!Sam.

Sam: (petulantly) You're bossy.
Dean: What?
Sam: (throws his hands out) You're bossy! (laughs) And short.
Dean: Are you drunk?
Sam: Yeah. (beat) So? (beat) Stupid.

    • Dean: I never get to work jobs like this! Old school haunted houses; fog, secret passageways, sissy British accents... Might even run into Fred and Daphne... Mmmmmm, Daphne, love her.
    • Also, Dean lampshading the astounding amount of Angst in the show.
  • This conversation between Sam and Dean about angels in ‘’Houses of the Holy’’

Sam: Dean, there's ten times as much lore about angels as there is about anything else we've ever hunted.
Dean: You know what, there's a ton of lore on unicorns too. In fact, I hear that they ride on silver moonbeams, and that they shoot rainbows out of their ass!
Sam: (looking heartbroken) Wait, there's no such thing as unicorns?

      • While the point of that exchange is the unicorn bit the mention of angels becomes funnier in hindsight, as of Season 4.
      • And then Season 7 has a unicorn that does, in fact, shoot rainbows out of its ass.
  • Evil!Sam sing-songing "My daddy shot your daddy in the head~" in "Born Under a Bad Sign". Why must evil characters always be so damned funny in this show? It makes me feel bad for laughing.
  • “Tall Tales” when the brothers are filling Bobby in, seeing them through the other's eyes. Sam. Is. Priceless.
    • And later that episode, Dean's reaction to some guy's fairly...traumatic alien abduction story is, 'So some alien made you his bitch?'
    • The victim then goes on to tell them the alien made him do something worse. When Dean asks what's worse, the show cuts to a shot of the tiny Roswell alien forcing the victim to slow-dance to "Lady In Red".
  • Sam watching soap operas in "Heart".
  • All of the lampshading in "Hollywood Babylon":

Actress: I don't get it. Why would ghosts be afraid of salt?
Director: Yeah, I'm not sure about salt either. What else wards off ghosts, guys? Are we sticking with condiments?
Writer: How about shotguns?
Director:...That makes even less sense then salt.

  • In "What Is And What Should Never Be" Dean being ecstatic about mowing a lawn.
  • In "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1", Andy Gallagher, the funniest of the other Special Children makes a return. He mentioned that he got back at a jerk by beaming visions of gay porn into the guy's head.
  • Azazel coerces Jake into helping him fulfill his Evil Plan by unlocking the devil's gate. What unlocks it? The Colt. How does Azazel describe it to Jake, who is already pissed off and looking to kill him?

Azazel: Oh, this isn't just any gun, Jake. This is the only gun in the whole universe that can shoot me dead. (points Colt to his head)

Jake: Is that so?

Azazel: Yep. Here, take it. (gives Colt to Jake)

(Jake points it at Azazel)

Azazel: (smirking with his hands up in mock surrender) Oh, my. I'm shocked at this unforeseen turn of events.

Season 3

  • In "The Magnificent Seven" Dean's "Hello, bleeding here!" line.
    • Not to mention Dean guilt-tripping Sam into letting him do all sorts of stuff. Like whatever caused Sam's weirded-out face when he opens Dean's motel room.
  • ‘’The Kids are Alright’’ Dean talking to Ben at the birthday party, and obviously doing the math. The pure 'oh shit' look on his face alone, not to mention Ben being an exaggerated mini Dean.
  • There's alot of moments in "Bad Day at the Black Rock":
    • When the boys are looking at their kid stuff that their dad kept. Sam picks up his soccer trophy. Dean's reaction is, 'Yeah, closest you ever came to being a boy.' Then he picks up a gun. Which he made himself. In sixth grade.
    • For some reason Dean's line to Bela after she shoots Sam in the shoulder always slays me.

Dean: What the hell is wrong with you?! You don't just go around shooting people like that!

    • Or how about Sam's pouty "I lost my shoe." Aww... and HEE!
    • Aw, hell. Everyone knows that it's not healthy to laugh at others' misfortunes, but anything that happens to Sam after the rabbit's foot is lost is freakin' hilarious.

[Sam is sitting in a chair in the middle of the motel room, bored out of his skull. The air conditioner starts to rattle and then smoke. Sam watches in horror and disbelief.]
Sam: Aw, come on.... I didn't... I wasn't....

      • The air-conditioner promptly sets fire to itself. Sam puts it out with a sheet. The fire starts up again. He puts it out again. And again. And his sleeve somehow catches fire. He flails around, tangles himself up with the sheet and knocks himself out.
    • This troper's favorite moment of Sam's misfortune was when he crashed to the ground trying to catch a stereo, taking a floor lamp with him. Dean's look of longsuffering is priceless.

Dean: Sam? Are you alright?
Sam: *from the floor* ...Yeah, I'm good...

    • Especially because he somehow manages to look like he's five years old at that moment, and it's freaking adorable.

Dean: I'm Batman!
Sam: Yeah, you're Batman.

    • Sam slipping on a floor, one of his first sign of bad luck. Dean's reaction: "Dude, you suck!"
  • Sam awkwardly backing away and stuttering at the two men he just held at gun point and soaked in holy water, only for them to not be demons in "Sin City".
    • Dean not remembering how to do the exorcism.
    • "Do you think I'll give you a co-worker's address so you can go and get your freaky, peeping tom rocks off *sees money* Corner of Piermont and Clinton."
  • "Bedtime Stories" just about kills me laughing.

Sam: Remember Cinderella? The pumpkin that turns into a coach and the mice that turn into footmen?
(long, ominous pause)
Dean: Dude, could you be more gay? ... Don't answer that.

Dean: Can I shoot her?
Sam: ...Not in public.

Ruby: It’s called witchcraft, shortbus.
Dean: (clearly struggling for a good comeback) You’re the shortbus... shortbus.

    • Ruby tells her old demon mistress that she wants to serve her. That she wants her. Dean reaction is brilliant.
  • Dean tweaking out on too much caffeine and too little sleep in "Dream a Little Dream of Me" had me rolling. "Thanks for the news flash, Edison!"
  • "Mystery Spot" starts being funny after Dean's second death, right up until the Mood Whiplash. Failing that, there's always "You're bossy...and short."
    • The funniest death in "Mystery Spot" was Dean's third death when the big, wooden desk falls on him and his feet stick out in a manner reminiscent of the Wicked Witch of the East.
    • I find the funniest deaths were the ones that happened in 10 seconds flat; the electrocution, the tacos, etc.
    • My personal favorite is the one with the dog

(Dog barking. dean looks over)
Dean: Hey buddy somebody need a friend? (walks over toward the dog)

    • And of course this particular exchange between Sam and Dean:

Dean (on getting hit by a car): Did it look cool, like in the movies?
Sam: You peed yourself.
Dean: Of course I peed myself! Man gets hit by a car, you think he has full control over his bladder? Come on!

    • The Trickster's utter exasperation with Sam near the end, made even funnier if you watch Mystery Spot after you've seen Changing Channels.

Trickster: It's like talking to a brick wall.

    • One scene where Sam tries to explain the Groundhog Day Loop to Dean has the two say every complex insult Dean could think of in unison:

Dean & Sam: Right, you're a mind reader.

Dean & Sam: Cut it out, Sam!

Dean & Sam: Sam!

Dean & Sam: You think you're being funny, but you're being really, really childish!

Dean & Sam: Sam Winchester wears makeup!

Dean & Sam: Sam Winchester cries his way through sex!

Dean & Sam: Sam Winchester keeps a ruler by the bed and every morning when he wakes up...-

Dean: Okay, Enough!

  • Nancy (the virgin)'s line in "Just In Bello": "When this is over I'm gonna have so much sex. *looks at man next to her* But... not with you." Not so funny when at the end there is no 'when this is over'.
  • Basically all of "Ghostfacers", except for the terrifying parts.

Season 4

  • The introductory sequence of "Monster Movie," done as a black-and-white horror movie, complete with an ominous, Gothic sign reading, less than threateningly, "WELCOME TO PENTRANSYLVANIA."
    • That entire episode is a perfect parody of the old Universal monster movies, from the way it's shot to the music to the kissing scene to the monster himself (he's such a wonderful Large Ham). It's pretty much this troper's favorite Season 4 episode.
    • The moment where Dean decides that the process of being returned from Hell has re-virgin-ized him.

Dean: Look at me, I came back from the furnace without any of my old scars, right? No bullet wounds, no knife cuts, none of the off-angle fingers from all the breaks. I mean, my hide is as smooth as a baby's bottom. Which leads me to conclude, sadly, that my virginity is intact.
Sam: What?
Dean: I have been re-hymenated.

    • No one's gonna mention the lederhosen Dean wakes up wearing?!?! Even Sam laughs at him!
    • Or the moment right after Sam rescues Dean when he tries to kick down what appears to be a thick, heavy door with iron hinges. Like everything else in the monster's home, though, it's really just a cheap prop. Sam gets his boot stuck in the panel he kicked and has to hop forward awkwardly on one foot as the door then slowly collapses away from him.
      • They decide to just open the next door they come to.
    • What about: "PUT ON THE GOWN!"
    • Or the bit with the pizza delivery guy? This troper had to hold back loud guffaws for fear of waking the rest of her family while watching that scene.

"Dracula": Is there garlic on this pizza?
Pizza Guy: I don't know. Did you order garlic?
"Dracula": *looking horrified* Noo...

    • What about "Dracula" billowing away down a dark alley, springing over a high wrought-iron fence in one leap, and... motoring away on a Vespa?
  • In “Yellow Fever’’, the book mocking Dean ("You're dying... again... loser." "Baby gonna cry?") or Dean's girl scream at a cat jumping out.
  • *Supernatural Presents: Jensen Ackles
  • The giant, depressed teddy bear in "Wishful Thinking." My mom and I almost died laughing every scene it was in.
    • Personal favorite: Teddy (hey, he signed his suicide note "T. Bear"), in the throes of an existential crisis:

Teddy: It is a terrible world. Why am I here?!
Audrey: For tea parties!

    • It's the tone that makes it clear she's already explained this repeatedly that kills me.
    • The diagnosis of his mental condition? Lollipop disease.
    • And, as mentioned, when he tries to kill himself: It doesn't work, cause he's a freakin' teddy bear, and he looks up to the heavens and yells WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??
  • "Dude, you're confusing reality and porn again." The look on Dean's face, as if that happens a lot, just makes it priceless.
    • Also:

Uriel: How dare you come in this room... you pussing sore?
Alastair: Name-calling. That hurt my feelings... you sanctimonious, fanatical prick.

Dean: There's been a misunderstanding. I, uh, think I've been had.
Chief: Oh, you ain't been had, till you been had by the Chief.

  • Mileage may vary, but Castiel's very serious "Uriel's the funniest angel in the garrison; ask anyone" in "On the Head of a Pin" always slays me.
    • Seconded.
    • An extremely Black Comedy moment in an extremely Angst-heavy episode, but Alastair's line while he's being tortured:

Alastair: There's something caught in my throat. (Beat) I think it's my throat.

  • The Ghostfacers' instructional videos in "It's a Terrible Life". "Winchesters still suck ass though." "Affirmative. Suckage: major."
  • In "The Monster At the End of This Book," after finding out that Chuck is a prophet of God, Dean turns to Castiel and asks, regarding Chuck, "Seriously? Him? A prophet?" Cas' response? "You should've seen Luke." Still makes this troper (kalel32688) laugh.
    • Sam tells Dean about slash in the most hilarious meta moment ever.

Dean: What’s a slash fan?
Sam: As in Sam slash Dean. .. Together.
Dean: …like…. together together?
Sam: Yeah.
Dean:…They do know we’re brothers, right?
Sam: Doesn’t seem to matter.
Dean: Aw, come on. That’s just sick.

    • When they're in the laundromat and Dean narrates Sam's actions. Hehehe...

Dean: "Sam turned his back on Dean, his face brooding and pensive." I mean, I don't know how he's doing it, but this guy is doing it. I can't see your face, but those are definitely your brooding and pensive shoulders.
Sam: *sighs*
Dean: (reading) You just thought I was a dick.
Sam: Guy's good.

    • Chuck and Dean bursting into the room to save Sam from Lilith:

Chuck: I am the Prophet ...Chuck!

  • In 4.20, while supposedly standing guard over Castiel's vessel Jimmy Novak, Sam slips out for a hit of demon blood, which Jimmy takes as his cue to sneak away. Dean seems to find the whole thing hilarious the next morning.

Sam: This is funny to you?
Dean: (around his toothbrush) Mr. Big Bad Prison Guard, Jimmy Mc Mook gives you the slip? Yeah, it's pretty funny. What were you doing anyway?
Sam: I was getting a Coke.
Dean: (pausing to remove the toothbrush, sarcastically) Was it a refreshing Coke?

  • In "Lucifer Rising," Dean sadly informs Bobby that he's so furious with Sam, he no longer considers him his brother; in response, Bobby launches into an unforgettable tirade:

Bobby: You stupid, stupid sonofabitch! Well, boo hoo! I'm so sorry your feelings are hurt, princess. Are you under the impression that family's supposed to make you feel good? Make you an apple pie, maybe? They're supposed to make you miserable! That's why they're family!

    • Castiel and Chuck's (temporary) Bolivian Army Ending versus a friggin' archangel. As their certain demise grows closer, Chuck reaches out and puts a hand on Cass' shoulder. Castiel responds by giving him a look and Chuck hastily removes it. Possibly made even funnier if you ascribe to the theory that Chuck is God in disguise, and was showing pride in his son for doing the right thing - and Cass doesn't know it and makes him stop.

Season 5

  • In "Good God, Y'all!": Castiel announces his intentions to find God and disappears. A crippled, wheelchair-bound Bobby shouts after him, "When you find God, tell him to send legs!" And before that, when Dean snarkiliciously tells Cas that he heard God was on a tortilla in New Mexico. Cas responds, in all seriousness, "God is not on any flatbread."
  • Castiel's adorably freaked-out expression when he goes with the prostitute in "Free To Be You And Me."
    • And also:

Prostitute [screaming]: Bastard! Screw you, jerk! I'll kill you! [to Dean] Screw you, too! Ugh!
Dean [to Castiel]: What did you do!?
Castiel: I don't know. I just looked at her in the eyes and told her that it wasn't her fault that her father, Gene, ran off. [pause] It was because he hated his job at the post office.

    • "This is a den of iniquity. I should not be here."
    • "Last time you zapped me someplace, I didn't poop for a week."
  • In "The End", talking to Dean on a mobile phone, he gets Dean's location and says he'll teleport right there. Dean points out he's in dire need of some sleep and says to come in four hours, and hangs up. Cut to Castiel standing on the side of the darkened highway, saying "I'll just...wait here then." And the shot stays on him, as he stands immobile, undoubtedly for the next four hours.
  • Who's jaw didn't drop when they actually brought in Paris Hilton as the Monster of the Week in "Fallen Idols"?
    • At the end of the episode, after they defeat the demon impersonating Hilton, they hear that the real Paris is now wanted by the police for the demon's actions.
      • And don't forget the look on Dean's face when they're told that the monster's taken Hilton's form.

Sam: ...What?
Girl 1: She looked really good though.
Dean: Wha... huh?

  • Cas in "I Believe the Children Are Our Future," by virtue of Mood Whiplash, where he appears to give a bit of advice.

Cas: Other cultures call this hybrid "Cambion" or "Katako." You know him as The Antichrist. [sits down... right onto Dean's whoopie cushion. Cue 10 seconds of "noise"]
Cas: [completely serious] That wasn't me.

    • Castiel: Action Figure.
    • Hairy palms! Oh my god the hairy palms! *tears streaming down tropester's face*
  • from "The Curious Case of Dean Winchester"

Bobby: (coming into the hotel room as Old!Dean makes a face) I see you met John McCain there.
Sam: Yeah. Either one of you want to tell me what happened?
Old!Dean: Bobby's an idiot! That's what happened!
Bobby: Hey, no one asked you to play.
Old!Dean: Right, I shoulda just let ya die!
Bobby: And for damn sure, no one asked you to lose!
Sam: (grinning) It's like Grumpy Old Men.
Old!Dean and Bobby: SHUT UP, SAM!

    • And don't forget:

Old!Dean: There's an archangel down there waiting for me to drop the soap!

    • Sam and Dean are going to check out the hotel room a missing old man frequently uses:

Sam: So what do you think is in there?
Dean: Wrinkly, gooey corpse.
(They break into the room to discover a man having a threesome)
Sam: Well it's gooey.

    • Dean's Happy Dance near the end, complete with heel click...and Bobby's one-word response:

Bobby: Idjit.

  • From "Changing Channels": Genital Herpes Commercial. That is all.
    • Jared Padalecki as Horatio Caine. That is all.
    • The Ear Worm-y opening credits.
    • Also, Sam as KITT, complete with the theme music playing in the background.
      • "You might say I pulled it out of Sam's ass."
    • "NUTTA-CRACKA" [1]
    • Heck, the entire freaking episode is gold.
  • The faux Cosplay!Winchesters in "The Real Ghostbusters," especially when they reveal that they're a gay couple.
    • The Victim of the Week asks Chuck why Sam and Dean don't put their weapons on a bungee to keep them in hand. At the end, Dean (who had the fireplace poker knocked from his hand) says: "Maybe we should put these things on a bungee."
  • The episode "Abandon All Hope" certainly lives up to its name, but the demon Crowley takes the cake. After calmly handing the Colt back to the boys, asking them to go shoot Lucifer, Sam tries shooting Crowley, which doesn't work, as Crowley never reloaded it, then Crowley casually mentions that he should probably give the boys more ammo. Not to mention Crowley's "HOW ABOUT YOU DON'T MISS, OKAY?! MORONS!"
  • The stand-out moment in "Sam, Interrupted" has to be when, caught in the morgue by the nurse, Dean drops his pants, wiggles his hips and gleefully shouts "Pudding!" to help him and Sam avoid suspicion or punishment.
    • Drugged!Sam ftw. "Boop!"
    • "No, I'm not okay. I... am... awesome."

Dean: Did they give you something?
Sam: Oh, they gave me everything.

  • Castiel gets some cute ones at the beginning and end of "The Song Remains the Same."

Dean: So [Anna]'s gone all Glenn Close, huh? That's awesome.
Castiel: Who's Glenn Close?
Dean: No one, just this psycho bitch who likes to boil rabbits.

Sam: So, the plan to kill me, would it actually stop Satan?

Dean: No! Sam, come on!

Sam: Cas?

Castiel: ... No. She's... Glenn Close.

    • Since Castiel no longer has the powers of Heaven at his disposal, Time Travel is very difficult for him to manage, as shown when he arrives back in 2010. Dean and Sam hurry to hold him up and we get this:

Dean: Son of a bitch, you made it!
Castiel: [looking at himself in surprise] I did... [looks around at Sam and Dean] I'm very surprised. [keels over]

  • The scene where Dean, Sam and Castiel meet a Cupid in "My Bloody Valentine." Particularly fascinating because that episode was quite hard to watch.

Sam: Dean, enough....
Dean: What?!
Sam: You just punched a cupid.
Dean: I punched a dick!

    • What about Castiel's clumsy attempt to apologize to the Cupid for hurting his feelings?

Castiel: Uh...look...we didn't mean to, um... (look to Sam and Dean for help; they wave for him to go on) ...hurt your feelings.
Cupid: (whirls and crushes Castiel in a tight hug, crying) Love is more than just a word to me, you know? I love love. I love it. And if that's wrong, I don't wanna be right!
Castiel: (awkwardly patting his back) Yes... yes... of course. I, uh... I have no idea what you're saying.

    • How can you not mention that the Cupid was completely bucknaked during this entire scene? Apparently they always are, cause, like Cas said:

Castiel: They're not incontinent.

    • Then, before that:

Dean: Is this a fight? Are we in a fight?
Castiel: This is... their handshake.
Dean: I don't like it.
Castiel: Nobody likes it.

      • It's right around that moment where you can almost see Misha Collins breaking. His face kind of twitches and he's clearly seconds away from laughter. It's precious.

"What are you, the hamburglar?"
"I'm an angel; I can stop anytime I want."
"These things make me very happy."

  • "Dark Side of the Moon": Zachariah to Dean and Sam: "Trying to outrun angels. On foot. In Heaven."
    • Zachariah had a few in this one, from calling Mary a MILF to retorting to Dean's calling him bald with "in heaven I have six wings and four faces, one of which is a LION".
  • From "99 Problems": "It's funnier in Enochian" and the matter-of-fact way that Cas says "Sam, of course, is an abomination."
    • Sam reaching Cas' voicemail:

Voicemail Woman: You've reached the voicemail of: [beep]
Cas: I don't understand. Why, why do you want me to say my name?

      • Even better, after that, you can hear the phone repeatedly beeping, like Cas is just mashing buttons trying to get it to work.
    • If we're talking "99 Problems!"

Cas: Got your message. It was long, your message. Y'know, I find the sound of your voice... grating.
Sam: What's wrong with you? Are you... drunk?
Cas: No! (stumbles) Yes.
Sam: ... what the hell happened to you?
Cas: (sighing) I found a liquor store.
Sam: And?
Cas: And I drank it. Why'd you call me?

    • And later when he (still very drunk) goes to get the priest.

Cas: (almost falling over) I am an angel of the Lord.
Priest: ...sure you are, buddy.

    • And related to the above:

Dean: Where the hell have you been?
Cas: On a bender.
Dean: (to Sam) ...Did he just say bender?

    • Drunk!Cas barely has an unfunny line in that episode. Witness:

Sam: Lia is not a real prophet.
Dean: Well, what is she exactly?
Cas: The Whore.
Dean: *shocked double take* Wow, Cas, tell us what you really think.

  • The otherwise extremely unfunny "Point of No Return" had these jaw-dropping gems, which were hilarious purely for their inappropriateness:

Castiel: Maybe [the angels] are desperate. Maybe they wrongly assumed Dean would be brave enough to withstand them.
Dean: [annoyed] All right, you know what? Blow me, Cas.

    • (and)

Dean: [as Castiel watches him fixedly] Well, Cas, not for nothing, but the last person who looked at me like that... I got laid. [winks]

  • At the end of "Hammer of the Gods," Gabriel leaves a message for Sam and Dean to watch after his death... in the form of a pornographic film. After informing the boys about a few things, Gaberiel tells Dean that he was right; Gabriel was afraid to stand up to Lucifer. Ultimately culminating in the wonderful line, "This is me standing up. And this...is me lying down." And the porno resumes. With Gabriel still in the shot. Sam and Dean are incredibly Squicked out.
    • Although Dean KEEPS WATCHING until Sam closes the laptop.
    • Earlier in the same episode, even before Gabriel gets his Crowning Moment of Awesome for breaking "Lucy"'s Smug Snake facade, he gets one of the best lines of a non-Castiel angel in saying "Lucifer, you're my brother, and I love you, but you are a great big bag of dicks."
    • This troper was in stitches the moment Gabriel walked into the room earlier in the episode, the other gods calling him Loki and saying in his usual devil-may-care manner, "We need to talk about the elephant in the room. *Ganesh starts to stand up angrily* Not you, big guy."
    • Just before that, who could forget Gabriel's entrance? "Can't we all just get along?"
    • On the topic of Gabriel's entrances: "Lucy! I'm home!"
  • "The Devil You Know," anyone? Crowley suddenly appearing in the back of the Impala. Sam trying to shiv Crowley repeatedly. Crowley complaining to Sam and Dean: "THEY ATE MY TAILOR!" and "Here I am standin' in the middle of the road, talkin' to Sam and Dean Winchester UNDER A FRIGGIN' SPOTLIGHT!" And proceeds to telekinetically shoot out a streetlight.

Crowley: Sic 'im, boy!

    • Crowley's innocent look at Dean like "What did I do?" after beating the demon's skull for awhile
  • In ‘’Two Minutes to Midnight’’ Crowley continues to entertain us when the boys learn that Bobby made a deal with him. He took a picture to prove than they kissed when they made the deal. Bobby is not pleased.

Bobby: Why'd you take a picture?
Crowley: Why'd you use tongue?

    • He pulls about a half-dozen vanishing acts on Dean in the course of a minute. It's Hilariawsome.
    • Before Crowley shows up there is this little exchange.

Dean:Please tell me you have good news.
Bobby Chicago's about to wiped off the map.
Castiel I don't understand your concept of good news...

    • And Castiel makes a Big Damn Heroes entrance to save Sam & Dean from Pestilence:

Pestilence: How did you get here?!
Castiel [panting]: I took a bus.

    • And:

Dean: Don't worry, Bobby's here, he'll wire you some cash.
Bobby: I will?

    • Or how about Cas's apology to Dean for his doubts:

Castiel: You are not the burnt and broken shell of the man that I believed you to be.
[Dean blinks.]
Dean [flatly]: Thank you. [pause] I appreciate that.
Castiel [sincerely]: You're welcome.

  • Castiel calling the Archangel Michael (/his older brother) "assbutt".
    • And Dean's reaction:

Dean [in dismayed disbelief]: "Assbutt"?
[Castiel shrugs helplessly.]

  • Castiel's last-episode discovery of Dean Winchester's favorite maneuver, the bald-faced lie.

Lucifer: (rhetorically) Did you just molotov my brother Michael with holy fire?
Castiel: (who knows perfectly well that Lucifer saw the whole thing) Um... no?

Season 6

  • Exile on Main St:

Sam: Golf? Really?
Dean: It's... it's a sport!

  • "The Third Man" had some great Castiel lines.
    • From his serious business, deadpanned, unfunny self:

Castiel: The weapon isn’t being used at full capacity. I think we can rule Moses out as a suspect.

    • Explaining why he answered Dean's prayers and not Sam's:

Sam: So, what, you like him better or something?
Castiel: Dean and I do share a more profound bond. [to Dean] I wasn't going to mention it....

    • On why Sam and Dean should help him, even though he's been ignoring them:

Castiel: (with air-quotes) Sam. Dean. My "people skills" are "rusty". Pardon me, but I have spent the last "year" as a multi-dimensional wavelength of Celestial intent.

    • Dean trying to slow Cas down long enough to explain what's going on:

Dean: There’s too many angels, Cas. I don’t know who’s on first, what’s on second?
Castiel: What is second?
Dean: Don't start that.

Castiel: Even I know that's a bad joke.

  • "Weekend At Bobby's." Bobby throws a monster through a wood chipper. The...results end up all over his neighbor.
    • What about Bobby's speech to the boys? Or Crowley's "short-hand" portrayal of his interaction with Bobby after the latter summons the former for the second time?

Crowley [as Bobby]: "I'm surly and I got a beard! Gimme!"

  • Most of "Live Free or TwiHard" was either funny or creepy, being as the whole thing was a huge parody of the Twilight franchise.
    • The opener with a Robert Pattinson-alike and Kristen Stewart-alike having marvelously bad dialog.

Robert: "Are you sure you want this?"
Kristen: "I can make my own decisions. I'm seventeen."

    • When Sam and Dean go to check out Kristen's room, they wonder if they're about to find drugs, then they walk in and discover the most extreme Twilight fangirl's room ever.

Dean: "Oh this is so much worse."

    • Also some Fridge Brilliance humor:

Dean: [Looking at a Twilight Expy book cover] "He's watching her sleep. How is that not rapey?

Dean: Oh God, I'm Pattinson!

  • In Family Matters, Castiel makes a Call Back to one of Zachariah's quotes about what they actually look like in heaven, when he says (regarding Jimmy's being scrawny): "This is... a vessel. My true form is approximately the size of your Chrysler Building."
  • "Clap Your Hands If You Believe..." had some gems:
    • When Dean is telling Sam over the phone he is currently being chased by aliens, a close encounter of the third kind, desouled!Sam replies "Better run, Dean. I think fourth kind's the butt thing."
    • When Dean actually gets abducted, Sam is relating the tale and mentions that he's gotten adjusted to it. Someone says that it must have happened when they were kids, to which Sam replies: "No, half an hour ago".
    • Dean's description of his abduction:

Dean: "There were these...beings, they were too bright to look at but I could feel them pulling me towards this sort of...table."
Sam: "Probing table?"
Dean: "GOD don't say that out loud!"

    • Dean, getting punched in the face by a Tinkerbell-sized fairy, to the tune of "A Space Oddity". He finally defeats it by getting it to fly into a microwave and nuking it.
    • Sam is getting his ass handed to him by a leprechaun, but is able to stop him by spilling salt, which leprechauns must count. He even lampshades that he waited before doing it by saying "Why didn't I try this earlier?" As he's finishing the spell to send every Monster of the Week back to whence it came, the leperchaun, still counting, goes "...three... (looks up) you ass."
    • Also, when the old lady is explaining fairies to the boys, she mentions her theory that the fairies are abducting people so they can "service Oberon, King of The Faerie". Which leads to the following funny line:

Sam: Dean... did you service Oberon, King of the Faerie?

      • Notice how Dean quickly changes the subject.
    • And then, the scene where Dean sees the fairies working in the watch shop. The look on Dean's face is priceless.
    • Dean is being shoved into a police car by an officer, and sees Sam. What does Dean say, in front of police, bystanders and people he attacked?


  • As he's being driven away*


  • In one season 6 episode, Dean is trying find Sam. When asking if someone had seen him, he says "he's about 'yea high'", and motions as high as he could possibly reach. It should be noted that the difference between Ginormo (Sam) and 'Lil Stumpy (Dean) is 3 inches: 6'4 and 6'1.
  • Castiel watching porn in "Caged Heat". "If the pizza man truly loves the babysitter, then why does he keep hitting her rear? Perhaps she's done something wrong?"
    • Also:

Samuel: Is this what you boys do, sit around watching pornos with angels?"
Castiel: We're not supposed to talk about it.

      • And after his Foe Yay moment with Meg, Cas says, "I learned that from the pizza man." Who says porn isn't educational?
        • Also funny is Meg's reaction; "A+ to you! ... I feel so clean..."
    • The middle-man demon handling the alpha-exchanges between Winchesters and Crowley: "I'm sorry, I know you're speaking, I see your lips moving, but I can't understand what you're saying 'cuz I don't speak little bitch."
  • "Apointment in Samarra": Dean has to be a reaper for a day. He harvests the soul of a heart attack victim. "Why?" "Probably the extra cheese"
    • And earlier, when a guy who got shot while trying to rob a convenience store asks the same question, Dean replies with, "Mostly because you're a dick."
    • In the same episode, Sam corners Bobby in a closet and takes down the door with an ax. Bobby's response?

"Don't say "Here's Johnny".

  • Any scene with Death is quite often this, as he is ironically something of a Deadpan Snarker. Special mention goes to ‘'Appointment in Samarra'’, where he runs rings around Dean when negotiating getting Sam's soul out of Hell. When he challenges Dean to wear his ring and be Death for a day, and asked if he's serious: 'No, I'm being incredibly sarcastic.'
  • Castiel and Sam's reunion in ‘’Like a Virgin’’, after Sam gets his soul back and loses his memory (the tone of Misha Collins' voice just sells it):

Sam: Um, look I would hug you but...
Cas: That would be awkward.

    • This conversation from earlier in the same episode:

Sam: So what kind of thing likes virgins and gold?
Dean: P Diddy?

  • In "The French Mistake", when Virgil is shooting up the set, one crewmember (Writer? Producer?) casually bends backwards to dodge a bullet with a look on his face that says neither "Everyone around me is dead" nor "I'm about to die." He then exits stage left.
    • Early in the episode, as Sam and Dean are getting their bearings, we have this exchange:

Sam: Well, I mean, here, wherever this is, this "Twilight Zone" Balthazar zapped us into, for whatever reason...our life is a TV show.
Dean: ...Why?
Sam: I don't know.
Dean: No, seriously, why? Why would anybody wanna watch our lives?

Sam: Uhh, well, according to the interview, not many people do.

Misha: (typing into his phone) Ever. Get. The. Feeling. That. There's. Someone. In. The. Back. Seat? Frowny-face.

Dean: *quickly slamming the laptop shut* "I do not like this universe. We've got to get out of this universe."

    • Sam and Dean go to Jared Padalecki's house...and meet his wife Genevieve, aka Ruby. Their reactions are hysterical, especially when she walks out of the room and both brothers blatantly check out her ass.
    • Following Sam and Dean being spotted laying the smackdown on a depowered Virgil, the crew are seen in a conference call to executive producer Sera Gamble.

Robert Singer: Well, Sera, it appears Jared and Jensen were seen...beating an extra to death.
Sera: ...Huh.

Balthazar: You two have seen The Godfather, right? You remember the end where Michael Corleone sends his men to kill his enemies in one bloody swoop?
Dean: I said "Hey."
Balthazar: You did -- twice. Good for you. (pats Dean on the shoulder)

    • I'm also fond of Dean's reaction to seeing that Raphael's new vessel is a woman:

"Dude looks like a lady."

    • This troper was cracking up when the homeless guy who witnessed Misha's murder described Misha as "the attractive crying man".
    • Let's face it, 'The French Mistake' is a Crowing Episode of Funny, from the casual acceptance of the crew to Sam and Dean playing Jared and Jensen as "*sigh* Season six..." to their reactions when they learn Sam married New Ruby to Sam and Dean reacting to Executive Producer Bob Singer having named Bobby after himself.
    • Agreed, but special mention has to go to Eric Kripke getting shot to death by Virgil, and Robert Singer screaming "NOOOOO!" in slow-mo. This troper thought she'd broken a rib laughing.
    • "The French Mistake", along with being what is probably the funniest episode in the series, was one Fandom Nod after another. It gets even funnier when you realize that the episode's title is a Shout-Out to Blazing Saddles. In particular, a really Meta scene where the fourth wall gets trampled. It's even better when you realize that the scene is a musical reference to gay sex. It's a massive blending of Fandom Nod and the Running Gag of Sam and Dean being Mistaken for Gay.
    • This troper still cannot think of Sam and Dean beating the crap out of a powerless Virgil without cackling out loud. It's the incredibly malicious grins on their faces when they realize that they finally have the upper-hand on an angel that really gets to her. When crew-members intervene:

Dean, while trying to break free and go kick his ass some more: YOU'RE A DEAD MAN, VIRGIL!
Sam, also struggling: DIE!!
[Virgil runs away]

  • In "And The There Were None", when Bobby asks Rufus how long he's had a pacemaker:

"Since Bush Junior term one. I'm also short three toes, FYI."

  • In "My Heart Will Go On", when Balthazar is explaining to Alternate!Sam and Dean why he changed history by stopping the Titanic from sinking:

Balthazar: Because I hated the movie.

Dean: What movie?

Balthazar: Exactly!

    • And shortly after that, when Balthazar's complaining about having "that god-awful Celine Dion song" stuck in his head:

Sam: Who's Celine Dion?
Balthazar: Oh, she's a destitute lounge singer somewhere in Quebec, and let's keep it that way, please!

    • Let's not forget they realized he was the one who saved it because when he went back in time, he adopted the name I.P. Freely.
    • Actually, Balthazar gets a lot of these in this episode. When Sam and Dean demand that he change history back, he refuses with a comment that's equal parts insult and Lampshade Hanging:

"I'm sorry, you have me confused with the other angel. You know, the one with the dirty trench coat who's in love with you?"

    • The scene where Dean and Sam are walking past one potential death after another, absolutely petrified.
    • And then there was this moment when Balthazar tried to stab Atropos, only for Cas to stop him in time. He grins sheepishly. "Awkward!"
    • Earlier in the episode, after one victim gets hit by a bus after turning down the boys' efforts to help him, Dean points out the irony of the bus having one of the guy's business ads.

(Sam gives Dean a look)
Dean: ...Too soon?
Sam: Yeah, dude, six seconds is too soon.

  • "Frontierland" has plenty, mostly from Dean's Wrong Genre Savvyness while in the past (to clarify, no one in the Old West acts the way Dean's seen them do in the movies, so they tend to look at him like he's crazy).
    • "I'm the posse magnet."..."I love posse."
  • "Mommy Dearest" has plenty, before the Mood Whiplash sets in. First, when Dean is complaining about how he's the one who always has to call Castiel for help - "It's not like he lives in my ass!" - the camera cuts to show Cas standing right behind him:

Dean: (startled) Cas!... Get out of my ass!
Castiel: (confused) I've never been in your... (trails off)

    • Later, when the group is in a cafe and trying to find information on any local weirdness, Bobby is having some trouble with an iPad:

Bobby: I said I needed a computer.
Sam: That is a computer.
Bobby: A computer has buttons.

    • Then, when Castiel finds that he can't teleport and tries to focus (think Hiro), Dean comments that he looks like he's "trying to poop". And a little while after that, when the two go the local doctor's office to try and get information from him:

Dean: Hey, is the doctor in? My friend's got a problem.
Castiel: I have a... painful burning sensation.
Assistant: Sorry, he's out. (to Cas) I suggest some ointment.

    • And later, when they discover Eve's hybrid monsters, Dean decides to name them "Jefferson Starships", because "They're horrible, and hard to kill."
  • "The Man Who Would Be King" opens with Castiel reminiscing on some things he's seen over the ages, including the Tower of Babel:

"Thirty-seven feet, which I suppose was impressive in those days. And when it fell, they screamed 'Divine Wrath!', but come on. Dried dung can only be stacked so high."

    • Cas also shows that he's finally grasped the concept of cursing, during a Flash Back that shows his first dealing with Crowley:

"I'm an angel, you ass."

    • And later on in the episode, another flashback shows what Crowley did to Hell after taking over—he turned it into an endless waiting line. And when you finally reach the end of the line, you just start over. Crowley justifies this by saying that this is a much better form of torture than what was there before.

"A lot of people who were coming here were masochists anyway, a lot of 'thank you sir, may I have another?'"

  • In "Let It Bleed", Dean explains to Sam and Bobby why he's never read H.P. Lovecraft:

"I was busy having sex with women."

    • And later in the episode, someone describes Castiel by saying he "looks like Columbo and talks like Rain Man."

Season 7

  • The Season 7 premiere "Meet the New Boss" had quite a few gems, specifically the whole scene with Death, from his exchange with Castiel to his calmly eating his meal while the Winchesters and Bobby just stand silently.
  • Dean Winchester watching Hentai. Enough said.
  • YMMV, but basically all of Lucifer's scenes in the first two episodes (especially "Hello Cruel World"), from him playing golf with a fireplace poker to appearing in Bobby's living room reading a trashy newspaper.

Lucifer: You know, I think Prince William has really found the right girl.

  • "Defending Your Life": This Jewish troper couldn't help but find it hilarious that Sam defeated Osiris by running him through with a shofar of all things.
  • The brothers "counseling" the Starks in "Shut Up, Dr Phil", which mostly consists of Don and Maggie shouting at each other while flinging the brothers (especially Dean) around the room every time they interrupt. It ends with the couple making out while Dean is pinned to the wall with a swarm of hornets in his face.
  • "Slash Fiction": The Leviathan clones of Sam and Dean comparing notes on the brothers, complaining about all their issues. It concludes with Leviathan!Sam offering to switch bodies with Leviathan!Dean, only for Leviathan!Dean to turn him down because "I like this one's hair better."

Leviathan!Sam: I had a brother with this many issues once. Know what I did?
Leviathan!Dean: What?
Leviathan!Sam: I ate him.

    • There's also the brothers' interactions with Frank, especially when he smashes Sam's laptop, then calmly hands him a new one and demands $5000 cash in payment for it. Also, Dean's reaction when told to ditch the Impala.
    • Dean silently singing along with Air Supply. And Sam's reaction to it.
    • The sheer audacity of Dick Roman telling off an obviously shocked Crowley for thinking thinking they could work together and calling demons "ugly, lazy, gold-digging whores" gets this troper every time. (She has a thing about flipping off Cthulu.) Crowley's reaction is to let Dick keep the baby uvula muffins and vamoose. 'Bout time that guy got an ass-kickin'.
  • "Season 7, Time For A Wedding": Dean's interactions with Garth, Becky's "conversations" with Sam when the latter was gagged, and Crowley meeting Becky.

Becky: (awed) You're Crowley.
Crowley: And you're...(Beat) Well, I'm sure you have a lovely personality.

"This isn't Wall Street, this is Hell. We have a little something called integrity!"

    • That said, any time Crowley is on screen ever the show becomes almost instantly better.
  • "How To Win Friends And Influence Monsters": Dean being stoned on the drugged burgers, especially when he sees one start melting and remarks:

"I think you pissed off my sandwich."

    • The boys watch a video called "The Rise of Dick," Dick being the head Leviathan's vessel and a very successful businessman who's been rapidly gaining political influence.
  • When they realise who the leader of the Leviathans is, Dean comments that when Crowley said he "hated Dick", he thought that was just Crowley making a statement in general.
  • "Plucky Pennywhistle's Magic Menagerie": Episode opens similarly to "Yellow Fever" with Sam fleeing in terror from a deadly clown, only to flashback 60 hours earlier. As the episode catches up to the "present", we return to Sam's fleeing with the timeline subtitle: RIGHT FRIGGIN' NOW
    • Say what you will, but there's something deeply hilarious in watching Sam get his ass handed to him by a pair of clowns.
    • Also, in a nice Call Back to "Houses of the Holy", after the second victim is killed by a unicorn, it runs off with a rainbow clearly coming out of its ass.
    • Is it too late to say that Howard summoned a couple of gay clowns?
  • "Repo Man": Schizo!Lucifer is back to pestering Sam like he had been at the beginning of the season. At one point, a library full of people start to slam their heads against their desks. Sam presses into his palm, revealing that it was all an illusion, and Lucifer pouts.

Lucifer: Pay attention to me!

Sam: A demon summoning ritual? What for?
Lucifer: To summon a demon, jackass.

    • And then there's the serial killer and the demon slow dancing, and Dean's reaction.
    • The demon's Roaring Rampage of Revenge against the brothers (for causing him to sell Lilith out and get black-listed in Hell for eternity) is cut abruptly, hilariously short when he accidentally walks right into a devil's trap that appeared out of nowhere. The demon himself can't believe his rotten luck. ("You've got to be kidding me!")
  • Mr. Fizzles from "Party On, Garth". Especially his "o" face when Dean threatens him. Especially since this is freakin' Supernatural and Dean's partner for interviewing a witness is a sock freakin' puppet.
    • At the end of the episode, Bobby's return as a ghost and his annoyed reaction to Dean not noticing him when he goes back to get his flask from his motel room. Also counts as both a Tearjerker and Crowning Moment of Heartwarming

Dean: There you are. (picks up flask from table)
Bobby: I'm right here, ya idjit!!!

  • The use of Walking on Sunshine from "The Girl with The Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo". Then again Charlie in general.
    • Dean instructing her step-by-step on how to flirt with a man and Sam's barely contained laughter at it.

Dean: (to Sam) This never happened.

    • And later

Charlie: I feel dirty.
Dean: You and me both, sister.

  • "Reading is Fundamental" has plenty of these, including Castiel's crazy new persona (though this is also extremely tragic all things considered).

Kevin: Are you one of the angels?
Castiel: (pokes Kevin's nose) Boop.

    • Plus his obvious attraction for Meg (including haven written her a poem) and of course, almost all of nerdy but adorable Kevin's lines and actions, and the reaction of the other characters to him, including:
      • His attempt to steal the Word of God tablet from Sam and Meg, with him desperately screaming and begging them to leave him alone as Sam runs after him.

Meg: (to Kevin after she tackles him) You're not a demon or a chomper, what the hell are you?
Kevin: Kevin Tran, I'm in advanced placement.

      • And when Dean sees him curled up and screaming over seeing three angels being banished:

Dean: What the hell is that?
Sam: Kevin Tran, he's in advanced placement.

      • And his reaction to the cellar at Rufus' cabin where he has been told to translate the tablet, and where Bobby had formerly been trying to find ways of killing Leviathans by keeping one imprisoned:

Kevin: This looks like a sex torture dungeon... is this a sex torture dungeon?!
Dean: No, this is not a sex torture du... just get over here and read.

  • "Survival of the Fittest" has more of crazy!Cas, especially Crowley's reaction to him. Made even better by the looks on Sam and Dean's faces, which basically scream "Just go with it."

"Are you off your rocker? Is he off his rocker, is that what this is?"

    • YMMV on this one, but there's something funny about seeing Crowley and Dick working out the details of the contract representing their deal.

Supernatural Anime

  • "The Spirit of Las Vegas" Sam gets rid of the cursed Japanese coin (and the God of Poverty that's been dogging Dean) by force-feeding it to Katty the casino robber. I blame the language barrier in the original Japanese production for them not making a "This too shall pass" joke.
  • "Moonlight," the adaptation of the episode "Heart," includes Dean uplifting the serious business of waiting for to see if Madison transforms by breaking into a dance and the tune of "When The Saints Go Marching In." It must be seen to be believed.

Ghost-Facers' web-series

  • Cas meets the Ghost-Facers. Youtube it and see if you can keep from laughing.

Real Life

  • Many, many of the DVD commentaries, but this troper's personal favorite is "The End". Particularly when Eric Kripke, Robert Singer, and Ben Edlund make fun of Samifer and his shiny white suit, their own habit of having monsters monologue to the Winchesters, and how they should end every episode with the boys scrubbing down the sites of monster attacks so they don't leave forensic evidence behind as they angst. "You were mean to me back there." "I know, I'm sorry!" "Pass me the bucket." "I won't, damn you!" "Why, something wrong?" (Complete with growly impersonations of the Winchesters.)
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