Felicia Day
She is your new god.
I don't discuss my process."
Kathryn Felicia Day is an actress, gamer, independent filmmaker, and oh yeah, total nerd. Incredibly adorable. Her best known television role was the Potential Slayer Vi on the final season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer; she appeared as Penny in Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog and stars as Cyd "Codex" Sherman in the popular web series The Guild (which she also created and writes).
Notable Felicia Day roles:
- Penny, fellow... laundry.. person, in Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.
- Vi, Potential Slayer in Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 7. Also featured in the season 8 comics.
- Creator and star of The Guild, as Codex.
- Guild co-star Sandeep Parikh's web series The Legend of Neil, as a hilariously nymphomaniacal fairy who forces Neil (Link) into a lot of sex to recharge his health meter.
- Dollhouse as Mag, a survivor of the post-apocalyptic future in "Epitaph One" and "Epitaph Two".
- Veronica in Fallout: New Vegas.
- "Ooh, got something good for me? gasp …Is it a dress?"
- Zojja in Guild Wars 2
- Dr. Holly Martin in Eureka
- Tallis, an elven rogue in the Dragon Age universe. She stars as Tallis in the Web Series Dragon Age Redemption, as well as in Dragon Age II DLC Mark of the Assassin (as an Ink Suit Actor).
- Executive producer of Geek & Sundry. A Youtube premium channel/variety show of nerdy goodness (and Wil Wheaton)
- Episode-stealing (in a good way) Playful Hacker Charlie Bradbury in Supernatural season 7, "The Girl with the Dungeons & Dragons Tattoo".
Felicia Day provides examples of the following tropes:
- Adorkable: So so much. The woman is in her late thirties[when?], and at times (particularly in The Flog) shows all the emotional restraint of a sugared-up four-year old.
- Evil Twin: Delicia Fay.
- Gamer Chick: Her two-year addiction to WoW was what inspired her to create The Guild.
- Genki Girl: In her promotion for Dragon Age: Redemption. And many other things, like lightsaber fighting, threatening people with guns, etc.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: A "New Day (is) Dawning", regarding her presence in Video Games, and their spin-off media.
- Ink Suit Actor: As Guest Star Party Member Tallis in Dragon Age II DLC.
- Nerds Are Sexy: Just look at her!
- One of Us: Admitted World of Warcraft addict, Star Wars fan, math major... Watching any episode of The Guild clearly shows that she knows what she's talking about.
- She also sings Portal
- Noted that after writing Dragon Age Redemption and starring in Mark of the Assassin, her only regret was that she couldn't romance Fenris.
- Full Frontal Nerdity presents: Felicia Day Singularity theory.
- Playing Against Type: Tallis is a ruthless assassin who enjoys killing people, even tossing in the odd Pre-Mortem One-Liner.
- Promoted Fangirl: She's a huge Dragon Age fan. She's also the writer and star of Dragon Age web series Dragon Age: Redemption. She is also starring as an Ink Suit Actor for the same character, a Guest Star Party Member (literally) in the Dragon Age II DLC Mark of the Assassin, both being released simultaneously (October 11th).
- In-universe, The Guild has her character Codex actually become employed by the creator of "The Game".
- Proud to Be a Geek
- Screw Yourself: While talking about the Ink Suit Actor character (Tallis) she helped create, and interacting with said character in Dragon Age II:
Of course I romance myself. I've always said, if I had to make out with my clone, I would.
- Southern-Fried Genius: Born in Huntsville, Alabama, raised in Alabama and Texas; National Merit Scholar and double-major valedictorian on a full scholarship at UT-Austin. And that was after she turned down an invitation to Julliard. She also enjoys a good home-cooked dish or two, as she tweeted in July 2011:
Thank you to Eureka craft service for having custard pie, because as a Southerner, I'm aware this is the superior pie
- That Came Out Wrong: In a Flog episode where she learned how to crochet, Felicia made an opening in the item she was crafting too small.
Whoa, I'm getting so narrow I can't even keep my finger in here. *realizes what she said and loses it* That was not meant to be dirty!
- The Cast Showoff : In her appearance in an episode of Lie to Me. She's also shown playing violin in a second-season episode of The Guild.
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