< Suikoden


Cast of Characters

Suikoden I

Tir McDohl (The Hero)



  • Action Girl: She's a soldier, although she doesn't talk about it much.
  • Blade on a Stick: Her weapon is a throwing spear
  • The Chick: Most overtly in the game's initial Five-Man Band character set-up, including the hero, Gremio, Pahn, Ted and herself.
  • Cool Big Sis: To the Hero.
  • Nerves of Steel: She really keeps it together in times of crisis.
  • Not a Morning Person: She's not a fan of early rising and Pahn mentions the fact during the stay over to Sarady early on in the game.
  • Playing with Fire: Her magical element, a gift from Leknaat the Seer.
  • Team Mom: Is often the voice of reason and calm amongst the party members.


  • Anyone Can Die: He can die if he doesn't beat Teo in a one on one duel.
  • Badass
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Fight with his bare hands.
  • Big Eater: He often complains he's hungry in the early part of the game.
  • Bodyguard Betrayal: He informs the Imperials that Ted possess the Soul Eater rune, starting a chain of events that leads the hero to join the Liberation Army. However, he will get himself redeemed later on in the game.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: He was defeated by Teo McDohl in hand-to-hand combat and since then has served under him, almost as a live-in servant/bodyguard.
  • Gotta Catch Em All: He's pretty tough to recruit: he must be of a sufficiently high experience level to best Teo and therefore become available.
  • Grumpy Bear: He's a sour sort.
  • Spirited Competitor: He lives for fighting.

Mathiu Silverberg

Odessa Silverberg


  • And Now for Someone Completely Different: Shares this role with Mathiu, mainly when you want to switch party members without advancing the plot (which is almost always triggered by talking to Mathiu).
  • The Atoner: Following his betrayal, he is pardoned by Lepant and cloistered within Qlon Temple.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: It's pretty shocking when it is discovered that mild-mannered and seemingly loyal Sanchez is an Imperial spy who facilitated the deaths of Mathiu and Odessa...
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
  • Bob From Accounting: He acts as the Liberation Army's financial advisor.
  • The Mole: He secretly infiltrates the Liberation Army as an Imperial spy and cruelly betrays Odessa, and then the Hero.





  • Blow You Away: His speciality - he wields the most powerful wind rune, the Cyclone Rune.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: He's pretty rude to the party when you first encounter him...
  • Child Mage: In Suikoden I.
  • Future Badass: As seen in Suikoden III.....
  • Jerkass: How bad of a jerkass is he? For the entire first two games (from the very beginning), he has the True Wind Rune, whose overwhelming power can easily beat entire armies. Across those entire two games despite all the hardship and sacrifice and danger the heroes face, he uses it only a single time... because he knows it will piss Sasarai off.
  • Magic Wand: He wields the Gust Rod.


Humphrey Mintz





Tai Ho

Yam Koo



Leon Silverberg











  • Brainy Brunette: As one of Mathiu's two students (the other being Shu), she's well-versed in military strategy and tactics. She was effective enough to give the Orange Army a fighting chance, until Leon Silverberg sided with Highland.
  • Meganekko: She's never seen without her large, round glasses.
  • Nerds Are Sexy: Especially if you're Sheena.
  • Not Good with People: She's pretty grumpy when she finds out the hero has recruited Mathiu.
  • Precocious Crush: On her teacher Mathiu, it would seem.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Pretty straight-forward, she looks quite smart with her large glasses, and she is quite smart to be an effective strategist at such a young age.
  • The Strategist: She's Mathiu's pupil and assistant.
  • Teen Genius: She was 16 in the original Suikoden and 19 by Suikoden II.

Vincent De Boule


  • Curious as a Monkey: He dreams of visiting and mapping the whole world.
  • Danshigakusei: His look.
  • Fantasy World Map: His speciality: once recruited, it is possible to view the entire world map.
  • Free-Range Children: He's an extreme example: his parents are conspicuously absent.
  • Innocent Prodigy: He is a genius surveyor and map-maker and set out mapping the world from the age of just eleven, but can still get a little crabby if he needs to update his maps following wars.

Kwanda Rosman

Kun To

Kasim Hazil







Fu Su Lu

Milich Oppenheimer

Sonya Schulen

  • An Ice Person: Uses the only offensive Water magic in the game, which takes the form of a blast of ice, and only during her boss fight.
  • The Beast Master: She summoned the Zombie Dragon to protect Toran Lake castle, which must be defeated to house the Liberation Army HQ.
  • Blade on a Stick: She wields a halberd.
  • The Chick: Of the 6 great generals
  • Defeat Means Friendship: "Friendship" is perhaps too strong a word.....
  • Determinator
  • Driven to Suicide: She attempts to take her own life for failing to defeat the Liberation Army, before agreeing to join them.
  • Hot Chick with a Sword
  • Lady of War: She is a very graceful Action Girl.
  • Magical Girl Warrior: Her other speciality.
  • Revenge: Wanted to avenge Teo's death at the hero's hands.
  • Sour Supporter: She agrees to join the Liberation Army so she can see the hero die in combat.
  • Wicked Stepmother: To the hero: she and Teo were lovers before the war and she is extremely hostile toward the hero for killing him. She eventually forgives him, however, upon realizing how futile her efforts for revenge are and noticing how much Tir has grown to resemble Teo




  • And Your Reward Is Clothes: The random pots of paint discovered throughout the world map are all required for him to complete his mural.
  • Hostage Situation: He was abducted by Milich Oppenheimer to draw his portraits for him.
  • Magnum Opus: He serves as the Liberation Army's artist and paints a mural of the main characters.





  • Loveable Rogue
  • Miscarriage of Justice: He was wrongfully blamed for stealing tax funds from the town of Rockland and strung up in the townsquare.
  • Parental Substitute: To Sydonia, who he took in after he ran away from the circus.
  • Rescue Arc: Early on, the hero must rescue him and Sydonia from Rockland's military commander Grady.






  • Fetch Quest: He endlessly seeks the "Nameless Urn" and will only join the Liberation Army if you bring him the artefact.
  • Grail in the Garbage: The Urn in question is often found out in the wilderness after it's dropped by random monsters.
  • High-Class Glass: Wears a monocle for appraising treasures.
  • The Professor: When it comes to treasures.







Joshua Levenheit



  • Music and Sound Effects: Her speciality: she can change the menu sound effect options once recruited.
  • Nice Hat: In the shape of a music note.
  • Quizzical Tilt: She looks pretty bemused in her profile art and head shot.
  • Shrinking Violet


  • Hermit Guru: He grew tired of the world and its wars and settled in a hard to reach hermitage beyond the Dunan Rapids.
  • Hostage Situation: He was abducted by Milich and taken away to Soniere Prison.
  • Insufferable Genius: He's very crotchety, especially when first ecountered.
  • Magic Antidote: Liukan creates a medicine that renders the Milich's killer roses' pollen attack useless.
  • The Professor: He is the most skilled doctor in Toran.
  • Squishy Wizard: He has very low physical stats.










  • Ambiguous Gender: He looks very feminine.
  • Music and Sound Effects: His speciality: he plays the various tunes used throughout the game upon request.
  • Nice Hat: Tall, conical and similar to a night-cap.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: It's unclear, but he appears to be imprisioned at Scarleticia (in a similar manner to Ivanov) purely to play music for Milich; however, he appears to care for him very much and be perfectly happy.
  • Undying Loyalty: To his master Milich.
  • Wandering Minstrel: His look.








  • Cheshire Cat Grin
  • Christmas Elves: His look: complete with red and green colour scheme and giant peter pan collar.
  • Clock Punk: He creates and builds clockwork guards to protect Lepant's mansion, as well as a giant wheel of fortune room.
  • Clockwork Creature: His creations.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Created many robot guards to protect Lepant's house. He also created Gadget, a barrel-shaped robot that travels with Meg in Suikoden II.
  • Nephewism: His Niece, Meg, seems far more interested in spending time with him, rather than her own parents.
  • Trickster Archetype: He bears the Trick Rune.
  • Trickster Mentor: To Meg.






  • Big Brother Mentor: He strives to be as good a fighter as his older brother, fellow Kobold Kuromimi.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Along with all the other Kobolds (except Kuromimi) after Kwanda Rosman used his Black Rune to control the them. He was saved by the hero and his team.
  • Funny Animal
  • Our Monsters Are Different: He's a Kobold, but Suikoden Kobolds are more like cute dogs than the more usual lizardine versions.
  • Petting Zoo People













  • Apron Matron: She's very protective of the hero and his friends, risking her life to hide them in her Gregminster inn when the Imperials are searching for them.
  • Honorary Uncle: She's a close family friend of the McDohl's.
  • Supreme Chef: She's well known for her great cooking and Lester is desperate to match her skill at making delicious stew.
  • Team Mom: To pretty much the whole Liberation Army.
  • Trauma Inn: Her speciality: she opens an inn at the hero's HQ.


  • Cluster F-Bomb: She looks like a gentle girl, but she speaks brashly, which often surprises people who do not know her.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: "Fetch me some soap"???
  • Fetch Quest: She tells the hero she's out of soap, so recruiting her demands a (fairly lengthy) Chain of Deals with the denizens of Kirov to obtain some.
  • It Was with You All Along: It turns out she had some soap all along... grr!
  • Meido: She works at the Kirov inn doing laundry and cleaning.
  • More Than Meets the Eye: She looks harmless, however....
  • Ninja Maid: She's skilled in combat and uses throwing knives.



  • Beware the Silly Ones: Although he doesn't betray the party, in the epilogue, Krin successfully steals the treasures of Gregminster palace and runs away.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: In the loosest sense: he's press-ganged into joining the hero after his scheme is uncovered (see below).
  • Evil Plan: After cajoling the hero into stealing the sword Kirinji from Lepant, under the pretense that it will help to gain an audience with him, he tries to dose them all with Robber's Tea and steal the sword himself.
  • Giggling Villain: Punctuates most of his speech with "hee hee!".
  • Gonk: One of the game's few intentionally ugly characters.
  • Smug Snake
  • Villain Ball: His attempt to steel Kirinji and drug the heros backfires (as the heroes had fallen for it once before and knew what he was doing when he mentioned tea), and Krin is forced to drink his own drugged tea.


  • Cheshire Cat Grin
  • Dangerous Inn: He runs a half-way house on Mt Tigerwolf. He offers guests drugged Robber's Tea which puts them to sleep so he can rob them.
  • Hand Rubbing
  • Heel Face Turn: He apologetically joins the hero after Kessler stops him in his tracks when he spots Odessa amongst the drugged travellers.
  • The Oldest Tricks in The Book
  • Slipping a Mickey: His method of robbery.

Ronnie Bell


  • Black Sheep: Although he was raised in the Warrior's Village, he hates fighting and in that sense he is stubborn.
  • Bow Ties Are Cool
  • Meaningful Name
  • Nice Hat: He wears a top-hat.
  • Prophetic Names: He was named Window and his job is changing the window settings......
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: Although he is not a bad guy.
  • Video Game Interface Elements: His speciality: he can change the color (and design) of the in-game menu windows.


  • Flower Motifs: He is highly skilled in growing flowers, and wishes to fill the world with more flowers.
  • Green Thumb: Whereas Blackman's speciality is vegetable crops, Zen's speciality is the aesthetics of floral gardening.
  • In Harmony with Nature
  • Meaningful Name: His name implies enlightenment and inner peace.


  • Eyes Always Shut
  • Furo Scene: His speciality: he has a passion for making baths, and once recruited, he builds a large onsen at castle HQ where party characters can be seen enjoying a nice soak. The onsen also serves as an area to display any antique treasures discovered.
    • Bathtub Bonding: Certain combinations of characters and antiques placed within the baths will activate a variety of mini scenes.
  • Hachimaki
  • Nice Guy: He's very jolly and friendly.
  • Shounen Hair



  • The Archer: Fights with a bow.
  • Artefact of Doom: He is the original bearer of the Soul Eater.
  • Heroic Spirit: In defiance and to protect his friend, Ted commands the Soul Eater to take his own soul and it is believed that he ended his life at that moment.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal
  • It Sucks to Be the Chosen One
  • The Lancer: He is the hero's best friend.
  • Last of His Kind: Ted was born in the Village of the Hidden Rune and was the sole survivor of an attack on the village by Windy, Neclord and Yuber.
  • Made a Slave: His fate is sealed, and Windy uses her Conquerer Rune, the rune of control, to force him to appear before the hero and ask for the Soul Eater back.
  • Nice Guy
  • Pursued Protagonist: Windy has been chasing him for hundreds of years to regain the Soul Eater.
    • Plot Coupon: He is wounded by Windy, but has a brief opportunity to pass the Soul Eater to the Hero, before he is hauled away.
    • The Reveal: She gets her opportunity when he is forced to use his power to blast the Queen Ant to save his friends.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Due to the power of the Soul Eater.

Leknaat the Seer

  • Aerith and Bob: She and her sister have entirely disparate names despite being sisters: Leknaat and Windy......
  • Amulet of Concentrated Awesome: She is the keeper of the Gate Rune, a True Rune that has the power to open portals to other worlds and dimensions. It was split in two following an attack on her village of the Gate Rune Clan by Harmonia. She kept the back half, her sister Windy kept the front half.
  • Back from the Dead: If all 108 Stars of Destiny are recruited, she resurrects Gremio.
  • Blind Seer: Her role is to provide astrological projections.
  • Cain and Abel: Her power-hungry sister Windy is desperate to reunite the 2 halfs of the rune, something Leknaat will not allow to happen. This has turned the sisters into mortal enemies.
  • Cool Teacher: To her young apprentice Luc.
  • Eyes Always Shut
  • Hermit Guru: She lives in splendid isolation on the Magician's Isle, away from the prying eyes of her sister.
  • Inexplicably Identical Individuals: Like Jeane and Viki, she is a constant presence is the Suikoden world and turns up in every single game.
  • Rapunzel Hair: The locks of her hair are long enough to fall halfway down her torso, while the back extends all the way to the floor.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: The power of the Gate Rune has granted her unnatural long-life.
  • Spirit Advisor: In each game, she'll appear at key moments in the protagonist's journey to offer insight about the Rune they've been chosen to bear and how it will shape their destiny.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
  • The Watcher: She acts as an inspirational guide to all the heroes.
  • Woman in White: As her appearance and mannerism suggests, she's a walking enigma. Little is known about her - from her true age, to the extent of her abilities - despite her prominence throughout the series.


  • Amulet of Concentrated Awesome: She is the keeper of the Gate Rune, a True Rune that has the power to open portals to other worlds and dimensions. It was split in two following an attack on her village of the Gate Rune Clan by Harmonia. She kept the front half, her sister Leknaat kept the back half.
  • Better to Die Than Be Killed: She and the Emperor dramatically leap from the palace battlements when they are finally defeated, though it isn't her choice to do so.
  • Big Bad: Of Suikoden I.
  • Cain and Abel: She is desperate to reunite the 2 halfs of the rune, something Leknaat will not allow to happen. This has turned the clan sisters into mortal enemies.
  • Determinator: She is relentless is her pursuit of the Hero to recover the Soul Eater.
  • God Save Us From the Queen
  • Hot Witch: Of the Evil Is Sexy variety.
  • Manipulative Bitch: She used her magic to charm the Emperor and keep him compliant (or so she thought: at the end of the game, he reveals his Sovereign True Rune acts as an anti-magic barrier, and he does genuinely loves her.
  • Rapunzel Hair: Has long blonde hair.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Due to the Gate rune's power.
  • The Unfought: Despite her being the Big Bad, you never directly battle her.
  • Up to Eleven: Her ability to wield multiple True Runes. This ability increased her already considerable magical powers and is unique to her.
  • Vain Sorceress: She is the Court Magician for Emperor Barbarossa.
  • You Remind Me of X: She resembles Emperor Barbarossa's late wife Claudia.

Emperor Barbarossa Rugner

  • Anti-Magic: His Sovereign Rune acts as a barrier to all forms of magic deployed against him, including Windy's charm spells.
  • Anti-Villain: He's actually a pretty decent guy, even letting Futch leave his gardens without a fight, and he basically comes across as a guy who let everything in his life go to pot because he couldn't handle the death of his wife.
  • Badass
  • Badass Cape
  • Badass Mustache
  • Better to Die Than Be Killed: He and Windy dramatically leap from the palace battlements when they are finally defeated.
  • The Emperor: Ironically, he winds up both literally and figuratively The Dragon for Windy.
  • Love Makes You Crazy: Subverted, in that he knew what he was doing, but still played straight in that he failed logic and pissed off his own people anyway.
  • One-Winged Angel: For the final showdown, he transforms himself into the gigantic Golden Hydra, the Sovereign Rune incarnate.
  • Redemption Equals Death
  • What Does He See In Her: He reveals to Windy that she has no control over his feelings: he genuinely loves her despite the terrible things she has done.
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