Still Waters Series/Characters/Still Waters 3
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Unlike the previous stories, this one includes a whole new class.
The New Class 2-A
Student 1 Aisaka Sayo
Sayo is still a ghost, still attending class in the same room she always has. Attached herself to Sakai Reiko after Kazumi left Mahora some time ago, but now that Kazumi is back, she often brings the two of them together, against their will. Rumor has it, though, that she's quite a bit more than she seems at first glance.
- Badass Adorable: She pretty much one shotted an Eldritch Abomination that only ghosts could see in her character story.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Judging from her character story, she's every ghost's worst nightmare.
- The Heart: She plays this role in the group that forms when she drags her two best friends, Kazumi and Sakai Reiko (who constantly clash) together.
Student 2 Yamamoto Kimi
A young orphan girl from Kyoto, she never knew her father and her mother died at a young age, leaving her a small apartment and a set of high quality swords.
- Brown Eyes: Very dark, bordering on black.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Hime Cut: Usually pulled back into a ponytail.
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
Student 3 Abe Aiko
Another student from Kyoto, she is the youngest member of a very important family.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Hazel Eyes
- Ojou: She is the future head of the Abe Clan
- Onmyodo: What she's been trained in.
- Paper Talisman: this is one of the many, many things she was trained in using as a child.
Student 4 Kobayashi Ayumi
Pretty, popular, and with a good sense of style in addition to the fact that she started her own band, Ayumi seems to have all the makings of a class favorite. But with her actions towards other students such as Caro Shaw, it seems she's hiding something ugly. What's going on, here?
- A-Cup Angst: Not as flat as that, but she's extremely jealous of Kara's...bigness.
- Berserk Button: Suggesting that someone else is more attractive or better at something than she is is probably a bad idea. Also, she doesn't like when people go against her plans or ideas.
- Break the Cutie: She suffered this in early childhood following the death of her father
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Evil Matriarch: Suffers from having one of these.
- Fan Girl: She loves Misa's band, and especially Misa herself. When Misa fails to contact her after her band wins Fan Favorite during the first day of the festival, she starts to become very unstable.
- Fiery Redhead
- The Friend Nobody Likes: Ayumi definitely fulfills this role in her band; the fact that she sometimes mellows out and actually treats the others like people for fairly long periods of time helps them deal with it. The fact that she's also a bundle of issues makes the effects even worse.
- Green-Eyed Monster
- Hair Decorations: Judging by the sketch the author uploaded on his Deviantart account, Ayumi is rather fond of hair clips.
- Icy Blue Eyes: Normally she hides how sharp her gaze is by surrounding herself with people and changing her target before anyone can look long enough to realize anything's wrong.
- Redheaded Bully: Especially toward her classmate Caro Shaw.
- The Tease
Student 5 Rosemary Dean
The first of several transfer students, Rosemary Dean is from New England in the US.
Student 6 Watanabe Miyako
The singer for Ayumi's band, this normally shy and awkward girl is showing signs of being more than she seems.
- Green Eyes
- The Heart: She would play this role in Ayumi's band, but Ayumi's personality and personal problems steamroll right over her.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: As revealed in her character story. While she couldn't be called "stupid" in the main story, she doesn't come across as particularly intelligent, either. Her character story reveals that she's hiding her intelligence as a way of keeping others from bothering her, asking for help or in Ayumi's case asking for her to do their homework. Brilliant but Lazy?
- Shy Blue-Haired Girl: Her hair color isn't brought up often, but it is mentioned that she's terrified of going up on stage and singing in front of other people, even though she's participated in one band tournament already.
Student 7 Mako Sylvester
The second transfer student, Mako Sylvester is a half-blood whose parents live in the midwest of the US. But why is she in Mahora rather than a place near her home?
- Blessed with Suck: Touch based psychic powers are cool, right? Well...not when you have no control over them and you read all emotions, thoughts, and other things every time you touch someone or in some cases something.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Gentle Giant: The third tallest girl in the class, most of the others think she's very intimidating; she is one of the kindest, most polite people around.
- Halfbreed: She's half Japanese, half American.
- Huge Schoolgirl: She's 5'9", awkward, and shy.
- Purple Eyes: Actually a very odd shade of blue that most people see as purple.
- The Quiet One: She's very quiet around anyone she doesn't fully trust, and she only trusts a rare few.
Student 8 Suzuki Keiko
The typical quiet smart girl, Keiko aces tests and can typically answer any question the teachers may ask. But...just how smart is she?
- Brainy Brunette: She is the most intelligent student in the class, possibly in her whole grade.
- Brown Eyes: Dark brown
- Intelligence Equals Isolation: She has a pretty severe problem connecting with people because of this.
Student 9 Hayashi Fujiko
Obsessed with heroes due to the Rider shows her father showed her all through her childhood, she lives her life the best she can, while helping those who need it.
- Brown Eyes: Light brown
- Bully Hunter: She tries to be one, but even though she's trained in Judo, is one of the better members of the Judo Club, and is certainly capable of giving just about anyone a good fight, she's not quite at a level to regularly defeat the sort of bully commonly found in Mahora.
Student 10 Karakuri Chachamaru
Chachamaru has matured as time goes on, and now, in a new body more realistic than ever, she has once again joined Negi's class alongside Eva and her sister Rally.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: She continues to refuse Hakase's offers of adding "the naughty bits", much to Hakase's annoyance.
- Beware the Nice Ones: As should be obvious by this point.
Student 11 Sophie Rivers
The third transfer student, this time from somewhere in Europe, Sophie Rivers is a beautiful, standoffish girl with no sense of her appearance. She seems to be hiding some big secret.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Eyes of Gold: More like orange.
- Fortune Teller: Word of God says she knows many methods of fortune telling, but her strengths lie elsewhere.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: She has a scar across her cheek she received from a branch while running through the woods outside Mahora to escape a Vulture.
- I Work Alone: She actively distances herself from those around her for reasons of her own; she is also firmly convinced the rest of her class is really, really weird.
- The Quiet One: She almost never speaks or draws attention to herself in class.
- Unkempt Beauty: Word of God says she is very attractive, but is so convinced from her visions she'll never marry that the idea someone might be attracted to her doesn't even cross her mind anymore.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: She is scared of vultures, mostly because of the way she sees them in visions and the way they often come straight to her.
Student 12 Takahashi Shizuko
Tall, quiet, beautiful, and elegant, her head is also constantly in the clouds.
- Big Breasts, Big Deal: Type 3.
- Brilliant but Lazy: While not the most intelligent girl in the class (Suzuki Keiko takes that title), she does well on tests without any real effort while spending most of her time looking out the window.
- Statuesque Stunner
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Tallest girl in the class, check. Long dark hair, check. Distant, check. Beautiful, check.
- Younger Than They Look: She looks like she's in her late teens; she's actually one of the youngest students in the class.
Student 13 Ono Ran
Perhaps the spookiest student in the class, she is well known for scary-accurate fortunetelling. appears there's something else going on here. How does she know so much?
- Blessed with Suck: Mind control? In her case it also amounts to mind-overwriting if she isn't careful, and it's an effect that's always "on". She has to keep it under constant rein at all times.
- Creepy Child
- Dark and Troubled Past: Perhaps the worst off of the bunch.
- Dark Is Not Evil: She's a pretty dark, creepy character with unknown motivations, but she's not evil.
- Emotionless Girl
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Fortune Teller: Scary accurate.
- Green Eyes: Eerie pale green.
- Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl: Word of God says her character design was done with this image in mind, minus the 'ghost' part.
Student 14 Yoshida Ume
Just a regular middle school girl. On the surface, anyway.
- Beware the Nice Ones: As hinted at in the short character story based around a day of her life, she's got a temper.
- Death Glare: She stares down a group of yakuza with one, described as the "gaze of a thousand disapproving mothers".
- Feminine Women Can Cook
- Japanese Delinquents: Her mother was an infamous leader of an all girl biker gang while her father was just a higher up in another one. It shows in her personality when she's not concentrating on being a normal girl.
- The Nondescript: The Writer jokingly refers to her as "Yoshida Ume (Who?)"
Student 15 Possum Cade
Yet another transfer student, she's a friendly, likable person, and even managed to draw the most unfriendly student in the class, Urashima Taro, out of her shell. But what drove her to Mahora in the first place?
- Beware the Nice Ones: She is one of the friendliest people around, but that won't stop her from bashing you upside the head with a 2 x 4, as seen in the Book 1 side story How Taro Met Possum.
- Eyes of Gold: They're what got her the nickname of "Whiskey".
- In-Series Nickname: Max called her "Whiskey" because of her eye color, and it stuck.
- Tragic Monster: It looks like, in recent chapters, she's heading this way, with plenty of Resist the Beast and Horror Hunger. Time will tell if she's successful or can probably guess the odds.
- Supernaturally Delicious and Nutritious: Both she and her older sister Lucy seem to have extremely delicious blood, as far as vampires are concerned. Jonus Hart, one of the Great Vampire Lords, even gets drunk on it, and worries about his self control should he meet her again.
Student 16 Kara Stride
Another transfer student from the US, this beautiful girl is the bassist for Ayumi's band, and seems to have a few secrets of her own.
- Big Breasts, Big Deal: Type 5. She had an...unusual childhood.
- Even the Girls Want Her: As seen several times throughout the story.
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Midnight Blue Eyes
- Ms. Fanservice
- Oblivious to Love: She seems to be completely oblivious to the fact that boys might be attracted to her, and instead often assumes they're making fun of her.
- Younger Than They Look: At first glance, she looks like she's in her early 20s; she's currently 14.
Student 17 Endo Haru
An active, athletic sort of girl, Endo Haru would prefer to ride around on her bike rather than hang out or gossip with the others.
- Cursed with Awesome: Shapeshifting into a giant wolf-like creature, potential youkai powers...actually sounds pretty useful. She considers it a curse, however. She and Keiko all but say the trope name while discussing her powers early in Book 2.
- Enemy Within
- Half-Human Hybrid: Half human, one quarter each Wolf Youkai and Fox Youkai
- Hazel Eyes: Symbolizing her dual nature.
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Shapeshifting: She hates this ability.
- Super-Powered Evil Side
Student 18 Mochizuki Kagami
Pretty, popular, and fairly friendly, Kagami is a pleasant girl to be around...until you do something to annoy her. But...hmm. This name seems familiar...
- Big Breasts, Big Deal: Type 3 with occasional rare forays into Type 4.
- Black Magician Girl
- Braids of Action: At first it's just a ponytail, but after the first night of being Magical Girl Kagamin, she starts wearing her hair in a long braid with a ribbon.
- Cosplay Otaku Girl: Word of God again. Her "Magical Girl Kagamin" costume is basically cosplay, and she made it herself.
- Fiery Redhead
- Glass Cannon: She has a powerful attack, but no defense.
- Green Eyed Red Head
- Jumped At the Call: Upon locating her hero Misa, she jumped at the chance to start learning magic.
- Magical Girl Warrior: She was obsessed with Magical Girl anime and always wanted to be one when she grew up. Thanks to events in Still Waters 2, she ended up in Mahora and got her wish.
- Magic Staff: Eva buys her one during the girls' training. Everyone else gets a wand.
- Ojou: She is The next in line after her brother to become head of a certain Yakuza group.
- Shout-Out: Kagami's whole Magical Girl Kagamin Secret Identity is meant as a shoutout to Nanoha, down to the style of her magic; her name and some elements of her personality are adapted from Kagami of Lucky Star.
- Wave Motion Gun: Twilight Breaker, the idea of which she stole from Nanoha.
- Younger Than They Look: Word of God says she looks like she's in her late teens; she's currently 14.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Her Magical Girl Kagamin costume features this, as well as a skirt, a tight black midriff baring shirt, a long dark blue coat, and not quite Thigh-High Boots.
Student 19 Inoue Ai
Quiet, inconspicuous, and all around innoffensive, her classmates know little about Inoue Ai, and she likes it that way.
Student 20 Miyoshi Youko
Tall, beautiful, and with striking long silver hair, Youko is quite mysterious; what is her connection to Kyoto, and the Shinmeiryu?
- Big Breasts, Big Deal: Type 4.
- Cute Monster Girl: Of the Silver Fox Youkai variety.
- Eyes Always Shut: She only opens them wide when she's serious, only then revealing how pretty they are.
- Kitsune
- Little Bit Beastly: When not hiding it.
- Luminescent Blush: She does this in Chapter 18, after trying and failing to seduce Negi through Shapeshifting into several different women and finding out he's got much more integrity and self control than she had given him credit for.
- Midnight Blue Eyes
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Really three hundred and something years old.
- Shapeshifting: This is one of her skills, though she doesn't seem particularly good at it.
- Shapeshifting Seducer: In Chapter 18. She tries this on Negi before class one day when she gets bored, first as Asuna wearing nothing much, then Konoka in a Naked Apron, then Setsuna with Wing Bra, and finally, when none of those work, she transforms into Tsuruko wearing a dominatrix outfit.
- Statuesque Stunner: Without a doubt.
- Trickster
- Silver Haired Pretty Girl: She has long silver hair, often pulled back with a purple scrunchie.
Student 21 Caro Shaw
Cute and shy, Caro Shaw isn't out to hurt anyone. But she seems to be hiding something.
- Cute Bruiser
- Cute Monster Girl: Hinted to be of the same sort as Zazie, though the truth isn't known yet.
Student 22 Sasaki Rina
Pretty, friendly, and energetic, Rina is a social butterfly, just like her big sister Makie.
- Brown Eyes
- The Ditz
- Genki Girl: Except when she's angsting.
- The Ingenue
- Rose-Haired Girl
Student 23 Sato Gin
Sharp and sarcastic, she isn't doing herself any favors if she wants to make friends.
- Green Eyes: Bright green
- Green Lantern Ring: Her power seems to work like this.
- Huge Schoolgirl
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Student 24 Nakamura Sachiko
The quiet, serious class rep of Negi's new class, Nakamura Sachiko isn't someone you want to mess with.
- Beware the Quiet Ones: As shown again and again, and learned most recently by Ayumi in chapter 1 of Book 2.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Her combat ability is the result of years of intense training.
- Compelling Voice: Early on during the Kyoto Arc in Book 1, classmate Miyoshi Youko claims she has a "Commanding Voice", and signs of it are seen several times.
- Confusion Fu: Her fighting style is extremely difficult to predict.
- Curb Stomp Battle: As displayed wonderfully in Kyoto, in chapter 12 of Book 1.
- Dance Battler: Uses a modified form of Capoeira.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: She spins often when fighting.
- Fan Service: Her fighting style is almost entirely composed of spinning, handstands, and kicks, and since she's often wearing her school uniform with its pleated skirt...
- Finishing Move: A windpipe-crushing kick to the throat, as seen in the Kyoto arc. It's mentioned in her character story that one-shot-kill type attacks make up a large portion of the moves she was trained in.
- Fragile Speedster: She is extremely fast, but a single good hit will take her down with ease.
- Green Eyed Red Head: Her hair is very much dark, more like black with a red tinge to it.
- Green Eyes: Dark green
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Word of God says she struggles with suppressing this, though she is getting better about it.
- Hyper Awareness: She showed a somewhat mild version of this on the first day of the festival, when she was visiting the site of the the next day's tournament to check out the tournament grounds and other fighters. She is good enough at it to be able to work out how to defeat any person there except for one: Ku Fei. Whether her body is in good enough condition to keep up is another matter, however.
- I Just Want to Be Special: She has a bad case of this as a result of the others undergoing training in Eva's resort developing amazing magical powers and whatnot while she...doesn't. She keeps it hidden from others, though.
- Kick Chick: Her fighting consists almost entirely of kicks.
- You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry: She is not the sort of person you want to see angry.
Student 25 Mori Kumiko
Quiet and studious, Kumiko seems wholly focused on her studies. But it seems she's holding something back...
- Covert Pervert: Judging by her "H" score on Kamo's 'Negi Love' chart.
- I Work Alone: She prefers to do things by herself, even though her growing association with Sasaki Rina and Inoue Ai threatens to override it more and more often.
Student 26 Evangeline A.K. Mc Dowell
After being freed from her curse, she set off around the world, seeing what she could see. However, with the quick onset of boredom in spite of her new sense of freedom, the news that Negi was coming back to Mahora after a year in Tibet drew her back.
Student 27 Kondo Kai
The drummer for Ayumi's band, Kai is quick, intelligent, and has a great sense of style. She is also strong as a full grown man and ten times as tough. What is she hiding?
- Cute Monster Girl: Of the "Oni" variety.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Green Eyes: They are just colored contacts; her actual eye color is pinkish red.
- Heroic Albino: As revealed in her character story.
- Nice Hat: She almost always wears a beret, except in school.
- Odango Hair: Uses it to hide her oni horns.
- She's Got Legs: Her long legs are mentioned a few times.
Student 28 Urashima Taro
A girl with a boy's name, It's obvious Taro isn't normal. And with her reputation among the criminal element on the streets of Mahora, her skills as a fighter are legendary, rapidly approaching the old stories about Ku Fei.
- Berserk Button: The fact that she has a boy's name.
- Big Breasts, Big Deal: Type 1; she's embarrassed by them and doesn't know what to do about it, hence the Sarashi.
- Brown Eyes
- Bully Hunter: Even though almost everyone else starts out scared of her because of her unsociable personality and her reputation as a fighter, she hates bullies enjoys beating them up.
- Curb Stomp Battle: The majority of challengers meet this fate. Of the rare few who don't most of them are capable of doing this to Taro.
- Healing Factor: A legacy of her Urashima bloodline.
- Hot-Blooded: Not as extreme as many of the examples on that page, but she is quite hot blooded when out on her own.
- Informed Loner: At first her only friend was Possum, but now that she is commonly seen going around with the class rep, Rally, and Kagami, the other students are finally loosening up around her to the extent that someone who didn't know the character would never have known she was a loner in the first place.
- Ki Attacks
- Little Miss Badass: She routinely goes out at night with a baseball bat in order to lure out criminals. Has been known to beat up grown men who are known for being great fighters. Some time ago, she beat up a 100+ strong biker gang called the Saitama Devils. All of them.
- Made of Iron
- One Girl Army: In the view of the local thugs, delinquents, and gang members around Mahora.
- Orphan's Plot Trinket: She carries a medallion that belonged to her mother; it has a turtle on the front.
- Red Baron: They call her...the Street Sweeper. Not nearly as badass, but considering that this is the same place that came up with the name "Death Glasses Takahata"...
- The Rival: She sees herself and Sachiko as rivals; Sachiko's the first person her age who's beaten her in a fight.
- Samus Is a Girl: Her intro goes on for quite a while before it's revealed she's a girl, though the joke falls flat if the reader isn't aware that Taro is pretty much exclusively a boy's name.
- Sarashi: She wears one to flatten/support her rather ample chest; Word of God says she's a little embarrassed about it.
Student 29 Rally Wheeler
Cute, shy, and more than a little dense, she is nevertheless devoted to her older sister Chachamaru. And cats. She really loves cats.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy
- Berserk Button: Hurt Chachamaru, and you're going to pay, as the robot F7D found out in the short story A Robot's Life
- Beware the Nice Ones: You don't want to mess with a girl who carries around more military firepower than some small countries have in their entire arsenals, even if she is one of the nicest people around.
- Cute Monster Girl: Of the Robot variety.
- Innocent Blue Eyes
- Moe
- Robot Girl
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Younger Than They Look: Being a robot, she's actually 6 at the time of Still Waters 3 Book 1 even though she looks like the age the rest of the class is supposed to be.
The Old Class
Akashi Yuuna
The same crazy Yuuna, only older and a world traveler, just recently returned to Japan.
- Badass Boast: She is prone to these.
- Cool Big Sis
- Cowboy: Yuuna's pactio(s) give her this look.
- Eccentric Mentor: While she's not quite old enough, the way she behaves when training her first pupil, Possum Cade, certainly makes her look like this.
Asakura Kazumi
Having found someone to help train her beyond what Negi could manage, she now has a whole arsenal of ghost and magic circle related skills.
Ayase Yue
Always intelligent, she still holds strong feelings for Negi. But, after a disturbing incident on the dig site in Tibet...
- Adventurer Archaeologist: She spent some time as one in Tibet along with Negi and Nodoka in the year before Book 1.
- Beware the Quiet Ones: Word of God says she's one of the most skilled mages in Japan by this point.
- Heroic BSOD: She suffered one in an accident at the dig site in Tibet when she was temporarily buried alive. It took Chisame promising to let her enter Hodge's Bar that finally got her to come back to Mahora.
Hakase Satomi
All around genius and well respected expert on math and robotics, Hakase has made quite a name for herself in the world of science. However, she has chosen to remain in Mahora, and is busily preparing for what the summer of 2009 may bring.
- Mad Scientist
- Motherly Scientist: With all her creations.
Hasegawa Chisame
Vastly changed and yet physically identical to the girl she used to be, she seems to be up to her ears in something dark.
- The Chessmaster: She is obviously positioning various characters for something, but just what that is is still unknown at this point.
- Portal Door: She can open doors to Hodge's Bar at will.
- Story-Breaker Power: She definitely possesses this. Word of God says there's a very good reason she's holding back on it, though.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: With the events at the end of the Misora arc in Book 1, she's headed toward this if not there already.
Izumi Ako
The bassist of Misa's band Dekopin Rocket, she has grown into a quiet beauty.
- Actual Pacifist: Ako has repeatedly refused any combat-related training, no matter how often Madoka offers it. Madoka's afraid it's going to end up being a case of Suicidal Pacifism in the end.
Kagurazaka Asuna
After graduation, she went to Kyoto with Konoka and Setsuna to continue her training with those more experienced in the facets of combat she is interested in. Now she's back, and guess who has extra space for her to live in?
- Cool Sword: She carries a black katana in which an evil spirit is sealed, which she received in Still Waters 1.
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Master Swordsman: She's become this after her time in Kyoto with the Shinmeiryu
- Ms. Fanservice: Often seen in nothing but a towel, accidentally exposing her underwear, or otherwise accidentally trying to drive Negi crazy.
- Red Baron: Upon returning to Mahora and encountering the Delinquents, she quickly gained the title "Red Head Whirlwind".
Kakizaki Misa
Eva's favorite pupil and guitarist/singer of Dekopin Rocket, Misa hasn't been idle for the past six years.
- Accidental Kiss: How she got her pactio with Eva.
- Black Magician Girl
- Hot Witch: Her pactio with Eva ends up giving her this look, with the addition of Cute Little Vampire Fangs.
- Ms. Fanservice: From wearing revealing costumes to being ambiguous with Madoka, Misa provides quite a bit of fanservice.
- The Tease
Kasuga Misora
Called away to Rome after graduation and then sent on to the magic world, she has had much responsibility thrust upon her in the past few years, and now it appears she is mired in prophecy as well.
- Church Militant: She jumps on vampires' faces in the name of the Church.
- Goomba Stomp: This is one of her favorite methods of attack; she is casually mentioned having performed this on an enemy who never knew what hit him by jumping over a building to get at him.
- She's Got Legs: It's mentioned several times by other characters that she's got great legs.
Konoe Konoka
Took up the sword after an incident in which she was all but powerless to help her Secchan. Skilled and dangerous to those who threaten her friends, she is still one of the kindest souls around.
- Berserk Button: Don't mess with Setsuna.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Cool Sword: She carries an ancient katana once wielded by a princess who had it created in order to save her lover's life. Word of God says it's got a mind of its own and chose Konoka to wield it.
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Master Swordsman: Word of God says she's isn't carrying that sword for nothing.
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Cemented with the "Scallion incident", which Asuna and Kazumi will absolutely refuse to talk about, and the mere mention of which will turn Setsuna into a pale, babbling, horrified lump. Konoka will smile quizzically and cock her head to the side when asked about it.
Ku Fei
Spent time first in China and then traveling the world with Mana after graduation. No one but Mana knows what she's been up to for the past two years or how she got so strong, and Mana isn't telling anyone.
Kugimiya Madoka
Guitarist/Drummer and unofficial bodyguard of the other members of Dekopin Rocket, Madoka's power has grown tremendously from the time she first discovered it in Still Waters 1.
- Battle Aura: It's shimmery and blue.
- Blood Knight: She's been steadily moving toward this ever since her first taste of battle in Still Waters 1; with her fight with Lucy in the Intruder arc in Still Waters 3 Book 1, this trope is set permanently in place.
- Fiction 500: Her family is revealed to "own Toyota", as Misa puts it, in Chapter 5 of Still Waters 3 Book 1.
- You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry: As she showed very well in chapter 18 and 19 of Still Waters 1.
Miyazaki Nodoka
Quiet, intelligent, and devoted to Negi and her friends, she is one of the main pillars of the group, and is present at all planning sessions. She is worried about Yue after the incident in Tibet, however...
- Adventurer Archaeologist: She spent some time as one in Tibet along with Negi and Yue in the year before Still Waters 3 Book 1.
- Beware the Quiet Ones: She may be nice and polite, but she isn't one of the closest companions of the son of the Thousand Master for nothing.
Murakami Natsumi
Hired as a manager for Ayaka's newly purchased restaurant, Natsumi has come a long way from the awkward, mousy girl she was back in 2003. But with everyone's return and the sudden reappearance of Kotarou after two years, she's found herself yet again at a loss.
- Beware the Nice Ones: As Sir Alexander Stratos learned in the story The Queen Of Light.
- Invisibility Cloak: An actual ragged cloak, the result of her pactio with Negi in this alternate timeline. She hates that it makes her invisible. Word of God says he had chosen this artifact for her almost a year before Akamatsu revealed her artifact in the manga.
- White Magic: As seen in Still Waters 2
- Whip It Good: The result of her second pactio, with Kotarou: dual whips. Naturally, the rest of the old class responded to this in the expected manner.
Naba Chizuru
Joined up with the local magic association and has been doing missions for them since before she graduated high school. As cheerful and enigmatic as ever, she now works the counter at Eva's favorite magic supply shop when not off on a mission.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Halfbreed: as revealed in The Queen of Light, Chizuru is only half Japanese.
- Lady of Black Magic
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: She was trained from early childhood by a vicious woman who practiced outlawed black magic and performed all sorts of bizarre experiments; she's not like everyone else.
Nagase Kaede
Returned home after graduation to complete her ninja training, and took the Narutaki twins with her. Now that the time has come to rejoin the group, she is only too happy to return.
- Cool Big Sis: Especially to the Narutaki twins.
- Ninja
Narutaki Fumika
She passed her final ninja exam some time ago ahead of her (slightly) older sister Fuuka, allowing her to take on missions.
- Ninja
- She's All Grown Up: She finally hit puberty. Now attractive in a lean and athletic sort of way, she has come a long way from her old "Kindergartener" look.
Narutaki Fuuka
Recently passed her final ninja exam, allowing her to accompany Kaede and her sister Fumika upon their return to Mahora.
- Ninja
- She's All Grown Up: Like her sister, she finally hit puberty. Now attractive in a lean and athletic sort of way, she has come a long way from her old "Kindergartener" look.
Okochi Akira
Akira's training has continued under the tutelage of Max, and the two along with Jennifer have grown closer than ever, so close, in fact, that the trio shares an apartment in the city.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Cool Sword: She has a special Jian that Max gave her in Still Waters 1.
- Elemental Eye Colors: Her eyes became blue to match her water magic at some point during the climax of Still Waters 1.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Akira has a pretty bad case of this whenever another woman talks to Max; she's even a little jealous of Jennifer.
- Making a Splash: Her elemental magic type.
Sakurazaki Setsuna
- Berserk Button: Don't mess with Konoka.
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Master Swordsman: Even more than before.
Saotome Haruna
Rapidly becoming a successful mangaka, she has a lot on her plate; never so much, however, that she can't help her friends.
Sasaki Makie
Recently returned to Mahora after a failed arranged engagement that never progressed to marriage, she has come back to clear her head and maybe make a new start.
- Arranged Marriage: Narrowly avoided a very bad one.
- Badass Teacher: Looks like she's slowly heading this way, especially with the way she reacted upon hearing her ex-fiance was harassing her students.
- The Tease: Will do this once in a while.
Shiina Sakurako
Drummer/Guitarist and laziest member of Dekopin Rocket. She loves pranks and lazing around, but is she as dense as she seems...?
- The Tease
- White Magic: As seen in Still Waters 2. It appears to be some sort of purification magic.
Tatsumiya Mana
Ever mysterious, she has accompanied Ku Fei on her travels since just after their high school graduation, and has only just returned to Mahora alongside her.
Yotsuba Satsuki
Like most of the others, she hasn't wasted any time after graduation. Now the owner of a chain of restaurants and worth indecent amounts of money, she makes her base of operations in Mahora.
Yukihiro Ayaka
The daughter of a very rich family, she had a falling out with her mother after her father unexpectedly died several years ago. Now out in the world on her own, she is showing no signs of slowing down.
- Armed Legs: Part of her pactio, taking the form of a pair of boots.
- Power Fist: Part of her pactio, taking the form of a pair of gauntlets.
Zazie Rainyday
Strange as ever, Zazie never left Mahora, instead preferring to stay in Mahora and wait for the time Negi calls upon her for help.
Other Students
Liliana Rosario
First seen in the short story The Ace of Spades, Liliana was involved in several events that firmly linked her to Negi's group.
- Knife Nut: her weapon of choice, she wears looped belts holding small throwing knives under her skirt and up her sleeves, and most likely has several bigger knives hidden about her person. She's a veteran fighter with a lot of experience by the time Still Waters 3 rolls around, and won't trust herself to a single knife.
Maple Birdsong
A mysterious American girl easily recognizable by her haggard appearance and general sense of danger when she's holding a gardening tool. She fled to Mahora with her catatonic sister in tow several years ago; Negi's group helped her make a place of her own. But what caused her to flee her home in the first place, and why?
- Chainsaw Good: Her favorite tool with which to dispense justice.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Girl with Psycho Weapon: She prefers a chainsaw, but has a distinct fondness for (and skill with) all sorts of gardening implements.
- Loners Are Freaks: She suffers from others perceiving her in this way.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Her hair has grown too long and she keeps swiping it out of her face, but it always falls back to cover one eye.
- Promotion to Parent: Over her sister Trinity, who is unresponsive and requires someone to take care of her all the time.
Trinity Birdsong
Maple's catatonic sister, she doesn't speak, rarely moves, and can often be seen gazing off into the far distance, eyes unfocused; but this is not her natural state.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Mind Rape: Word of God says this is what happened to her.
An orphaned Brazilian girl with horrible scarring across her neck, leaving her unable to speak. A high school student, she spends most of her free time in the library. First seen in the short story The Ace of Spades.
- Badass Bookworm: as proven during the defense of Mahora in Book 1.
- Beware the Quiet Ones: Again, as proven during the defense of Mahora in the "Intruder" arc in Book 1.
- Girl with Psycho Weapon: Ever wonder why she always wears that poncho? Chances are it's got something to do with hiding the two machetes strapped to her back.
- Machete Mayhem: Her weapon of choice.
- The Speechless: She was rendered mute by a severe injury to her throat.
Sakai Reiko
A sarcastic and irritating high school girl who works as Mahora's best-known exorcist. Born with a weak body, she can get away with a lot more than most other people, and is fully capable of taking advantage of the fact. First seen in the short story The Ace of Spades.
- Disabled Snarker: Though not quite disabled, her body is very weak. She knows the effect this knowledge has on others, and gleefully acts like a jerk whenever she feels like pushing someone.
- I See Dead People
- Magnetic Medium
- Wooden Katanas Are Even Better: She carries one around in a sword case, and judging from Chapter 6 of Still Waters 3 Book 1, she knows how to use it.
Teachers and Staff
Negi Springfield
- Adventurer Archaeologist: He spent some time as one off-screen in Tibet in the year he took off from teaching at Mahora with Nodoka and Yue.
- Badass Teacher
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Big Brother Instinct: While he's officially sixteen by the start of Still Waters 3, thanks to time spent in Eva's resort he's far closer to nineteen, and his protective instincts toward anyone put in his care are legendary.
- Papa Wolf: He is this toward any of his students, even those from his first class who have graduated high school and are older than him.
Max Linell
- Badass Teacher
- Big Brother Instinct: It may not be clear at first glance, but he is incredibly protective of the students.
- Combat Pragmatist
- Covered with Scars
- Face of a Thug
- Fireballs: One of his magic related skills.
- Flaming Sword: He can create a sword out of fire magic as seen in Still Waters 1; this is one of his lesser-used skills simply because of the rarity of situations in which it has a viable use.
- Gray Eyes
- Magnetic Girlfriend: With Akira attaching herself to him and Jennifer, he's much more palatable to other female characters; by the time Still Waters 3 rolls around, he's had a handful of pactios, after all.
- Memetic Badass: In-universe. He is unquestionably badass, but his size, his looks, and the stories about what he's done since arriving in Mahora six years ago have raised his reputation as a badass to a ridiculous extent.
- Papa Wolf: He is this toward his students, but he will back off and let Negi take care of it out of respect if he knows Negi's nearby.
- Playing with Fire: His Elemental ability.
- Rogue Agent: This is his official status with the American Division, due to his actions during Still Waters 1.
- Stern Teacher: A single glare will scare most students into obedience, but he doesn't punish those who don't deserve it.
- The Stoic: He has changed into this during the time between Still Waters 2 and Still Waters 3.
- Wooden Katanas Are Even Better: When on the job, he carries "The Symbol of P.E. Teacher Authority" a.k.a. a large, heavy, wood sword. It's mostly just a prop to go along with his Stern Teacher reputation, but he lets Makie carry it from time to time, thereby transferring some of his fearsome reputation to her.
Margaret Gunther
- Almighty Janitor: She has shades of this.
Minamoto Shizuna
- Sexy Secretary: She plays this role when acting as Konoemon's secretary.
- Stern Teacher: She is seen this way, though she isn't really a teacher.
Takahata Takamichi
Konoe Konoemon
- Amusing Injuries: He receives them pretty much any time he appears in the story.
Mahora Characters
- Familiar
- Panty Thief: He's still up to his own tricks, and Aiko has photographic evidence.
Inugami Kotarou
After disappearing two years ago without saying goodbye to Natsumi or anyone else, he has now returned, looking older than he should and with his own secrets to hide.
Kagami's Playdoh Cat
Kakizaki Hatsune
Misa's big sister, she visited Mahora during the festival to track down her little sister and find out the truth about this 'Madoka' person... She first appears in Chapter 6 of Still Waters 3 Book 2.
- The Ace: She has a habit of rapidly outpacing those around her; students, teachers, college professors, she surpasses them all in a relatively short time with little trouble.
- Aloof Big Brother: She behaves in this manner most of the time, mostly to hide her Big Brother Instinct.
- Big Brother Bully: Misa certainly sees her this way.
- Big Brother Instinct: She has a heavy case of this, and though she does her best to hide it it starts to show through at the end of chapter 6 of Still Waters 3 book 2.
Lucy Cade
New student Possum Cade's big sister, she has recently come to Mahora to be with her little sister.
- Supernaturally Delicious and Nutritious: Both she and her younger sister seem to have especially delicious blood, as far as vampires are concerned.
Often seen in Eva's cabin, she seems to enjoy hanging around with Kamo.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: She IS one.
Jennifer Minindry
- Combat Pragmatist: As she showed quite well in Still Waters 2.
- Living Emotional Crutch: Word of God says she was this for Max for a long, long time.
- Older Than They Look: She appears quite young, and has been occasionally mistaken for a teenager, even though she's Max's age.
- Rogue Agent: This is her official status with the American Division, since she came to Japan after Max and decided to stay.
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: Virtually every time she is mentioned, it is revealed that she has been fired from her previous job.
- Dead Little Sister: Max's old childhood friend/girlfriend, she died when Guy screwed up with his elemental magic and she got caught in the crossfire.
Konoe Eishun
Aoyama Tsuruko
Aoyama Motoko
Takino Moe
Takeda Daisuke
Great Vampire Lords
The Great Vampire Lords are a group of powerful vampires set up ages ago by their leader, Zeph Castor, for reasons unknown. Their numbers tend to range all over the low to mid 20s, but the highest number they have had thus far is twenty five.
General Traits
- Ambiguously Evil: Individually, they have any number of motives for what they do, and thus far they've only come into conflict through stupid mistakes or as collateral damage.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: Word of God says this is mostly the case here.
- Stronger with Age: As a vampire ages, it gets stronger through practice and experience.
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: This appears to be a big part of their interactions with each other.
Number 1 Lord Zeph Castor
Leader of the Great Vampire Lords
- The Masquerade: He would prefer for the vampires to maintain this while pulling the strings of various governments behind the scenes.
- Vampire Monarch: He's the leader of a group of some of the most powerful vampires still in existence.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Revealed in the Book 1 Epilogue.
Number 2 Chaser Felix
Killed by Misora in chapter 32b of Still Waters 3 Book 1
- Fully-Embraced Fiend: He loves being a vampire, and all that comes with it.
- Taken for Granite: The first part of his favorite combat method.
- Literally Shattered Lives: The second part of his favorite combat method.
Number 3 Jonus Hart
- I Have Many Names: The Betrayer, Kingsbane, The Ripper...
- Mass Hypnosis: This is how he gained control of such a large group in the "Intruder" arc of Book 1.
- Mind Control: One of his many skills.
- The Minion Master: Summoned dozens of shadow creatures in the "Intruder" arc of Book 1.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: It is implied that this is what happened to him after the "Intruder" arc in Book 1.
- Starter Villain: Drunk and overpowered on the blood of not just one but two Supernaturally Delicious and Nutritious girls, he's got enough power and experience to give an unprepared Negi a challenge.
Number 5 Sir Alexander Stratos
Made an appearance in the short story The Queen of Light.
- Manipulative Bastard
- The Starscream: A highly competent version. He has his own ideas on how vampires should interact with the world, and it runs counter to Zeph's plans.
Number 6 Arturia Sader
- Undying Loyalty: To the cause of giving vampires a place in the world via peaceful interaction.
Number 11 Caster Reed
Number 16 Dexter Marlowe
Number 19 Judas Grimm
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- The Starscream: A very competent one. Like Alexander, he has his own ideas on how vampires should behave.
Number 23 Karina Dyne
Number 24 Beatrice Honeydew
- Black Magician Girl
- Skilled but Naive: She is said to hold a huge amount of power, even among vampires, but she's still just a baby by vampire terms.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: In a vampire sort of way.
Number 25 Everitt Crowley
- Dirty Old Man: Emphasis on "old". His favorite pastime is looking at stone-age pornography.
Youkai in general
- Little Bit Beastly: All youkai, in their normal forms, fit this. Some have the ability to hide their ears and tail, however.
Gold Fox Tribe
O Masashi
A promising member of the Gold Fox tribe, he is aiming to become the next king of the youkai.
- Blond Guys Are Evil: No so much "evil" as "huge jerks".
- Smug Snake
Nevon Bayle
A young member of the Gold Fox tribe.
Red Fox Tribe
Rex Crimson
A member of the Red Fox tribe, he is well known as a powerful fighter. Currently working for Masashi as a bodyguard, and took part in the tournament at the Mahora festival.
Black Fox Tribe
Morrison Blight
Older brother to Onyx, he is a perpetual wanderer and occasional mercenary or hired thug. A member of the Black Fox tribe.
Onyx Blight
Younger brother to Morrison, he has followed his brother's example and become a wanderer. A member of the Black Fox tribe.
Cat Tribe
Yagi Kichirou
A member of the vast, unimportant Cat tribe, and Ryoko's older brother.
Yagi Ryoko
A member of the vast, unimportant Cat tribe, and Kichirou's younger sister.
- Catgirl
- Cute Monster Girl: Of the Cat Youkai variety.
A young female elf who proved to be of great importance in the Misora arc of Book 1.
Demon Queen Kelory Omeris
The young demon who, five years ago, seized power from the previous Demon King.
- Cute Monster Girl: Of the Demon variety.
Kelory's Unnamed Advisor
The mysterious hooded man who accompanies Kelory as her advisor.
- In the Hood: He is never seen without his hooded robe.
Lucian Ramenthy
Kelory's primary opponent, he wants the title of Demon King for himself.
Children of Gilgamesh
An ancient cult based around the idea that, since Gilgamesh ruled, and therefore owned, the world, it is only right for his 'children' to own it as well. The show up in Book 2.
The Council
Beccan Bloodleaf
Edie Blythe
Braden Xyrely
The newest member of the council, he joined at the same time as Adept Cort, below.
High Priests
The Warden, Ari Sigurd
The Daugther
Mid Level Members
Sent to Mahora as part of the team to retrieve The Daughter.
Sent to Mahora as part of the team to retrieve The Daughter. An old friend of Braden Xyrely, they joined at the same time.
Low Level Members
Sent to Mahora as part of the team to retrieve the Daughter, he unexpectedly befriended her instead.
Misora's Group in Book 1
Ava Grace
An attractive, innocent-seeming woman picked up along the way during Misora's travels, she is capable of great violence.
- Berserk Button: You know that big, tough looking guy she travels with? Yeah...just stay away from him. God help you if you actually manage to hurt him.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She's one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet, but she's often used her magic to rip people apart.
- Making a Splash: Her magic is all water based, mostly used to attack.
A mysterious young man with some dark secrets. Assigned to Misora by agents of the Church in Mundus Magicus, he is competent at almost everything.
- Blood Magic: A secret of his family.
- Bloody Murder: via creating a sword out of his own blood.
- Combat Pragmatist
- Sociopathic Hero
A huge man of tremendous strength, he is not the sort of guy to take lightly.
- Beware the Quiet Ones
- The Big Guy: Easily the physically strongest of the group, he once beat an Oni, a race well known in-universe for their toughness, to death in a pit fight.
- Dishing Out Dirt: He is the Elemental King of Earth (the element, not the planet).
Sarah Mc Dougal
A lively young woman who was accidentally separated from her archaeologist father, she bumped into Misora a fairly short time ago. From Love Hina.
- Battle Aura: Kagetaro describes it as making her look like she's in the middle of a "pink fireball".
- Cute Bruiser
A mysterious woman who is much older than she looks. What is her connection to the demons...?
- The Hunter: She was created to hunt demons.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: To a wall. By a Demon. With her own sword.
- Lady of War: Though Misora and Sarah love trying to shake her composure.
Sir Robert The Dragonslayer
A famous hero who is past his prime, he wishes to atone for his sins.
- The Atoner: He is on a quest to find the legendary King of Dragons and apologize for decades of dragon slaying. He doesn't expect to survive the meeting.
- Badass Boast: he delivers one to Rhett during their fight in chapter 32a.
- Badass Grandpa
- HAD to Be Sharp: He was hunting dragons all his life, after all.
- This Is Something He's Got to Do Himself: This is what he tells Sarah when she suggests they run away and get their friends to help when Rhett challenges him to a duel between Master Swordsmen.
- The Hunter: He has hunted dragons most of his life due to the death of his young wife.
- Let's Get Dangerous: Indicated in his fight against Rhett in Misora's arc in Book 1 by the phrase "Don't you think it's time for the counterattack?" He then proceeds to wipe the floor with Rhett.
- The Magnificent: He killed so many dragons, everyone started calling him The Dragonslayer.
- Master Swordsman
- Old Master: As Rhett found out the hard way; he was the only member of Misora's group not to receive serious wounds.
- Papa Wolf: It's heavily implied he would be this for Sarah's sake.
Fate's Group in Book 1
- Dragon with an Agenda: Becomes apparent after Book 1 and his interaction with Chisame at the end of Misora's arc. Exactly why he is even following Ocali is unknown at the moment.
- Villain Forgot to Level Grind: As seen at the beginning of the Misora arc when Chisame dropped a mountain on him, and again at the end when Misora's group wiped the floor with his group, coming out of it almost without a scratch, again thanks to Chisame's intervention.
Foloren Doubt
A demon and longtime friend of Fate.
- I Lied: His response when Scarlet acuses him of lying? "Demon."
A mysterious shadow mage; what is he hiding?
- Casting a Shadow: His magic is shadow based.
- Cool Mask: He wears one at all times, though apparently it is for protection rather than just to look cool. When it was cracked in combat, the sunlight shining through the cracks burned his skin.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Despite being a member of a group including murderers, evil vampires, and demons, he's not evil.
Raddyn Sayard
Somewhat psychotic, he's a mercenary for hire in it for the violence. He works for Tregani Mullin.
- Knife Nut
- Psycho for Hire
- Slasher Smile: He can pull this off perfectly.
Rhett Reaker
A natural swordsman, he was often called a genius growing up. Currently works as a mercenary for Tregani Mullin.
- Master Swordsman: He is really, really good.
- Nothing Personal: This is his way of rationalizing what amounts to murder.
- Punch Clock Villain: The way he treats Sarah and Sir Robert before their fight indicates that he is just doing his job, rather than being purposely evil.
- Worthy Opponent: He appears to be this for Sir Robert until he lets slip several things he's done in the past.
Tregani Mullin
One of the very few that can keep the dangerously violent Raddyn under control, he is a mercenary who has worked with Fate before.
- Magic Knight: He is highly skilled with both physical combat and magic use, though Word of God says he prefers a straight up sword duel to anything else.
Magic World Characters
Ocali Kaunt
The mysterious man giving Fate his orders, little is known about him beyond his appearance, his strange ability to manipulate everyone around him, and the fact that Fate finds him strangely unsettling to be around. A highly powerful member of the Megalomesembrian Senate.
- Corrupt Politician: And a very intelligent one as well; his corruption is all but untraceable.
- Hidden Agenda Villain
Saro Pendragon
Another mysterious man, all that is known of him is that he is the one who gave Scarlet her body.
Elemental Queen of Earth
She appeared to Ruden at the end of the Misora arc, where it is revealed she's stayed around him all his life.
- Bi the Way: She seems to be awfully appreciative of Ava's appearance.
- Invisible to Normals
- The Ladette
Hodge's Bar
The mysterious people who are always present in Hodge's bar.