Star Wars: Legacy
Star Wars: Legacy is an American comic book series set in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. The series, published by Dark Horse Comics, is written by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema, and illustrated by Duursema and others, with inks by Dan Parsons and color by Brad Anderson. Issue #0, which cost 25 cents and introduced the setting and major characters, was released on 7 June 2006. Despite being Dark Horse's second best-selling title (after the Buffy comics) the series was canceled for unknown and inexplicable reasons in early 2010. The final issue, Star Wars Legacy 50: Extremes, Part 3, was released July 28, 2010. Thankfully, a new miniseries, Star Wars: Legacy-War, was released in December to conclude the series.
Star Wars: Legacy is set 133 years after Return of the Jedi. The comics feature Cade Skywalker, a descendant of Luke Skywalker, who was trained as a Jedi but has abandoned the order. He apprenticed himself to the pirate Rav and lives among bounty hunters, smugglers and pirates. Cade has also dropped his last name. The series begins with an attack on the Jedi Temple and the overthrow of the Galactic Empire by a newly created Sith order.
Not to be confused with Legacy of the Force.
Now with a character sheet which, seriously, Needs Wiki Magic Love
- Action Girl: Several- Marasiah Fel, Deliah Blue, Morrigan Corde as an Action Mom, and any female Sith are Dark Action Girls.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Despite having all kinds of problems. Cade Skywalker has scored with three very attractive women during the series, most of the other major female cast being related to him.
- Which could arguably mean that his sex appeal is In the Blood, judging by Luke before he married Mara, and Ben in Invincible.
- Or a subtle deconstruction of the trilogies, as Luke and Leia originally appear a couple, and Anakin and Amidala are, despite the male half of both parings being incredibly whiny and immature.
- Which could arguably mean that his sex appeal is In the Blood, judging by Luke before he married Mara, and Ben in Invincible.
- Anti-Hero: Cade, so very much.
- Anti-Villain: Some Imperials who serve the Sith-ruled Empire are actually honorable, if misguided, individuals.
- Artifact of Doom: The Muur Talisman.
- Ascended Extra: Remember A'Sharad Hett, that Tusken Jedi who was a supporting character for 2-3 issues from the Republic series? Turns out he's the Big Bad Dark Lord of the entire series.
- Ascended Meme: Jedi Master K'Kruhk and his Freakin' Sweet Hat make several appearances in the Legacy comic. In Issues #45 and #46, Roan Fel and the Imperial Knights also wear Freakin' Sweet Hats.
- Author Appeal: Subverted, of all things. Delilah Blue comes from a polyamorous culture but she is very quick to be jealous when Cade gets attention from other women.
- Even when he gets in a Mate or Die with Darth Talon.
- She's ok with Cade hanging with his ex-girlfriend however.
- Not exactly okay." She just thinks his ex-girlfriend makes him happier.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Roan Fel Roan kills a Sith Lord by himself with HIS BARE HANDS (and a hidden blaster) in a duel that's typically solved only by Force powers and a lightsaber.
- Also, Roan Fel's gloves are made of cortosis, a metal that shorts out lightsabers.
- Back from the Dead: Darth Krayt
- Badass Longcoat: Cade's trademark trenchcoat, of course.
- Badass Normal: Anson 'Noob' Trask joins Han Solo as one of the only 'Muggles' in Star Wars to kill Sith Lords or Dark Jedi.
- And, er... that mook who killed Ulic Qel-Droma.
- Ulic was powerless at the time, so that didn't really count.
- And, er... that mook who killed Ulic Qel-Droma.
- Band of Brothers: Rogue Squadron, also Skull Squadron and Joker Squad.
- Batman Gambit Hogrum Chalk getting Roan Fel to use Omega Red on the Sith. He knew that Fel would use it. He also knew that Fel would get killed off because he crossed a line. He wanted Fel killed off because he was getting too old, too controversial and had too many enemies. He knew Marasiah would be a much better ruler overall than her father at the end of the war.
- Becoming the Mask: Morrigan Corde took on the Nyna Calixte identity for decades until Grand Moff Veed "kills" her.
- Being Tortured Makes You Evil: Krayt turned to the Dark Side after being captured and horribly tortured by a Yuuzhan Vong scout ship, whereupon he had his vision of the One Sith. Justified in that he'd been running dangerously close to the edge for decades already; this just knocked him off.
- Big Bad: Darth Krayt.
- Played with. Cade Skywalker and company (with a little help from Darth Wyyrlok) kill him, making it appear Wyyrlok will take the role, but Krayt comes back in a big way in the end.
- Big Brother Mentor: Wolf Sazen
- Black and Grey Morality: The protagonists are byronic, the Jedi are at their worst, and the Empire is pretty grey, but none of them really equal the Sith.
- Blood Knight: Darth Nihl, Darth Stryfe, Darth Maleval, Darth Rauder.
- Bounty Hunter: Azlyn Rae. Cade Skywalker and crew.
- The Captain: Gar Stazi is technically an Admiral but has all of these qualities.
- Card-Carrying Villain: The One Sith are all fanatics who claim to be working for Order in the galaxy but occasionally act like total psychopaths for no reason except to inspire fear. One example is Darth Maleval trying to force a man to kill his own brother in an extreme test of loyalty.
- Justified because of the way Sith powers work- they literally draw their strength (or at least believe they do, which amounts to the same thing where the Force is concerned) from being jerkasses of galactic proportions. And then there's the fact that no one ever got saner from using the dark side their whole life,either.
- And that's just one Sith, the other Sith are a lot "nicer" just insanely loyal to the cause, a lot of them even think what Krayt did to the Mon Calamari is stupid and pointless
- Casanova Wannabe: Morlish Veed not only becomes lovers with another Moff's ex-wife but attempts to seduce his mistress' agent. Unaware they're the same person.
- The Chosen One: Nicely subverted. Everyone feels Cade Skywalker is when the entire point of his story arc seems to be to show how manifestly untrue this is. As does Cade himself, whenever pestered about the matter.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Astraal Vao and to a lesser extent Rav.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: The Sith are almost all tattooed red like Darth Maul.
- This is subverted twice in the series, when people use this to pass themselves off as Sith to the Sith themselves. One of them's not even Force sensitive.
- Also, Galactic Alliance ships have green lasers and Imperial ships have red lasers. The GA Remnant apparently even has the resources to replace the lasers on Imperious with the appropriate color after stealing her.
- actually if I remember correctly the color of the lasers in the star wars universe is determined by which gas is used in the weapons and the gas has to be replaced oftain.
- The Consigliere: Darth Wyyrlok to Darth Krayt until he becomes The Starscream. Nyna Calixte to Morlish Veed until he finds out she's The Mole. Hogrum Chalk to Emperor Fel also, another example of The Mole
- Cool Old Guy: "Bantha" Rawk a.k.a. Nat Skywalker
- It is too bad he had to die in a Heroic Sacrifice.
- Crapsack World: The Empire once again rules the galaxy but instead of two Sith, there is THOUSANDS of them.
- They justify this by saying they are all One Sith.
- Cross Through: Legacy is the final part of Star Wars: Vector.
- Crystal Dragon Jesus - The Imperial Missionaries, at least before Darth Wrrylock decided to remake it into a Religion of Evil to spread Sith teachings.
- Dark Action Girl: Darth Talon. Darth Maladi is one too, but only when she has to- by inclination, she's more of a Mad Scientist. Darth Rauder
- Dark Lord: Darth Krayt even has the armor.
- Dead Little Sister: Hogrum Chalk has one with Elliah Fel. It may be part of the reason or reasons he betrayed Roan Fel.
- Deal with the Devil: Roan Fel has Darth Maladi create the bio-weapon Omega Red (which is like Alpha Red, only much worse)so he can use this on Coruscant. In return, he has to promise her the head of Cade Skywalker. It comes back to bite him. Fel decides to use it on Coruscant regardless of collateral damage, and Antares Draco has to kill him to prevent that from happening.
- Death by Origin Story: Kol Skywalker is introduced specifically to die at the hands of the Sith and ruin Cade's life.
- Deconstruction: Good Imperials, a jerkass Skywalker who refuses to be the hero or the villain, and The Jedi are arguably better off without him.
- Better yet, despite Star Wars having always been about "Light side vs Dark side", Legacy has MANY shades of Grey.
- Reconstruction: By the end, Legacy pretty much reconstructs Star Wars after decades of Deconstruction. Cade Skywalker rejects the Dark Side and becomes a better man, Krayt is overthrown and meets an ignominious end, and the Alliance, made up of genuine believers in the restoration of democratic government, score a magnificent final victory.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Darth Krayt, upon finding that the Mon Calamari shipyards have lost 1/3rd of their operating capacity he orders the entire Mon Calamari race to be put into work camps until they're dead. He also orders the immediate execution of 1/10th of the race.
- Divided We Fall: In the backstory, the Galactic Alliance was made of this trope - worlds were breaking away to be neutral during the war, because of disagreements over the failure of the Ossus Project.
- Dogged Nice Guy: Azlyn Rae's relationship with Ganner Krieg. Krieg, unfortunately, is utterly ignored for Cade right up until Rae becomes a Vader-esque cyborg monstrosity due to Cade's unwillingness to honor her wish to let her die.
- The Dragon: Darth Nihl, Darth Talon, and Darth Stryfe all fulfill this function for Darth Krayt. Interesting, a rare non-evil example is Antares Draco for Roan Fel.
- While Nihl, Talon, and Stryfe fill the "enforcer" role of The Dragon, Wyyrlok is a better fit for the "most powerful and loyal servant" part until a little incident on Had Abaddon... in which Wyyrlok pulls a The Starscream
- Lord Nihl shortly became Wyyrlok's Dragon. He ended up as Krayt's co-Dragon with Darth Talon.
- Dragon Ascendant : When Krayt is defeated and near death, his loyal dragon, Darth Wyyrlok, finishes him and sought take up his role.
- After Darth Krayt's final death at the end of the series, Darth Nihl becomes the new leader of the now forced-into-hiding One Sith.
- Drunk on the Dark Side: Darth Krayt during the Massacre of the Mon Calamari Council.
- During the War: The Sith-Imperial War is what started this entire thing. We only see it in flashbacks.
- Enemy Civil War: Cade hopes that the Sith will fall into this after Krayt dies. Subverted in that they don't- not only are these Sith at least somewhat loyal to each other, Wyyrlok keeps the secret of Krayt's death from getting out (his habit of routinely going into stasis to prolong his life helps).
- Maybe not so subverted, but just delayed: While Darth Maladi takes some moves to possibly support Nihl against Wyyrlok, the true reckoning comes when Krayt himself returns. Even then, the two leaders, Krayt and Wyyrlok, soon face each other face to face with winner take all rather than tearing the Sith apart in a long struggle.
- Enemy Mine: Cade and his half-sister Gunner team up very grudgingly against a gang of Black Sun assassins in the Tattooine arc.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Marasiah Fel.
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Jerkass Neutral: The Sith have a spectacularly poor track record when it comes to tempting Cade, not because he has no vices (boy does he ever have those), but because he has no real interest in power, which is completely alien to the Sith mindset.
- Cade's complete disinterest in the usual Jedi versus Sith nonsense is best exemplified during this exchange, where a Force-user finally take the logical third route when confronted with this situation:
Darth Krayt: "Now Skywalker, strike your father's killer down! Give into your anger and feel the power of the Dark Side!"
- Cade knocks him out, stops fighting.*
Cade: "No."
Krayt: "Why?!?"
Cade: "Because YOU want me to!!"
- Evil Chancellor: Darth Wyyrlok, Nyna Calixte.
- Evil Old Folks: Darth Krayt.
- Evil Sorcerer: All Sith qualify to a degree, but Darth Wyyrlok in particular is very much into the more esoteric powers of The Dark Side.
- Executive Meddling: Many believe this is the reason for the abrupt and surprising cancellation of the series. For what it's worth, Dark Horse editor Randy Stradley did not want to end it, and the authors themselves were taken by total surprise and told to wrap up the numerous plot threads by issue #50.
- Expy: Darth Azard is an unusual case of being an Expy of a character in the same series. He seems to be remake of the one-shot villain Darth Maleval who died after one issue.
- Fate Worse Than Death: Azlyn Rae becomes another Darth Vader.
- Well, not exactly. She doesn't turn evil, but she does wind up trapped in what is pretty much a female version of Darth Vader's armor, and can only feel pain.
- Plus she's later given a new, not-so-Vader-like armor which even leaves her head uncovered, so it's mostly a subversion.
- Darth Havok threatens Princess Sia with this.
- Well, not exactly. She doesn't turn evil, but she does wind up trapped in what is pretty much a female version of Darth Vader's armor, and can only feel pain.
- Final Solution: The Genocide on Dac is the Star Wars equivalent of this. It's even called the "Final Protocol."
- Five-Bad Band: The initial group of "main" Sith fit rather well into this categorization, though things get shaken up a bit later on.
- Big Bad: Darth Krayt
- The Dragon: Darth Wyyrlok
- Evil Genius: Darth Maladi
- The Brute: Darth Nihl, Darth Stryfe
- Dark Chick: Darth Talon
- New Five-Bad Band:
- Big Bad: Darth Wyyrlok
- The Dragon: Darth Nihl possibly The Starscream
- Evil Genius: Vul Isen
- The Brute: Darth Stryfe
- Dark Chick: Saarai, Wyyrlok's daughter
- Sixth Ranger Traitor: Darth Maladi and Darth Talon once Krayt pulled an Unexplained Recovery
- And the new new Five-Bad Band:
- Big Bad: Darth Krayt
- The Dragon: Darth Nihl
- Evil Genius: Darth Havok
- The Brute: Darth Stryfe
- Dark Chick: Darth Talon
- And don't believe for a second that Darth Krayt's final death put a stop to the Sith! Here's the newest Five-Bad Band at the end of things:
- Big Bad: Darth Nihl
- The Dragon: Darth Havok
- Evil Genius: Darth Maladi
- The Brute: They don't have one just yet
- Dark Chick: Darth Talon, or possibly Saarai
- Foe Yay: Darth Talon and Cade have this. And how! they even sleep together at one point.
- For the Evulz: Darth Krayt's actions against Mon Calamari are viewed as excessive even by some other Sith, and then Wyyrlok completely tops them.
- Somewhat ironically, Krayt warns Maladi against falling into this after she masterminded a failed assassination attempt on Roan Fel. Apparently he failed to take his own advice...
- Vul Isen is the embodiement of this trope
- Four-Star Badass: Admiral Stazi, General Jaeger
- Fridge Brilliance: Darth Krayt's rationale for destroying the Mon Calamari. It makes no sense given they suffered more losses than anyone that day, yet reflects that Darth Krayt is becoming more extreme as he becomes more desperate.
- Lampshaded by the reactions of the other Sith. Can it really be called Fridge Brilliance if it's more or less spelled out in the source?
- Fridge Logic: Cade Skywalker attempts to get the Sith off his back by trying to kill their emperor.
- He was hoping they'd be too busy infighting to care, too bad they don't call them the One Sith for nothing.
- Gambit Pileup: Everyone has a plan for the Sith's new Star Destroyer prototype, but nobody's on the same page for it. This leads to a suicide, an exile, a genocide, and one of the three factions twice nearly losing its key member.
- Genre Savvy: Cade Skywalker points out that every time the Jedi help people, the galaxy just abandons them when they are needed in return.
- He also demonstrates this trope when he rejects Darth Krayt's typical offer of power - not taking the Dark Side temptation simply because "you want me to." At last, a Jedi who's realized that if any Big Bad wants anything of them down, you turn them down solely because they want you to do it, their intentions are always bad.
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: Darth Krayt's Sith Troopers are an entire army of them, suddenly appearing and being hypercompetent, and yet are easily disposed of at the end of the series.
- Good Is Not Nice: While Cade certainly isn't good, Gar Stazi and Roan Fel both are willing to break a few eggs to make an omelet.
- There is a critical difference between Gar Stazi and Roan Fel. Gar Stazi acts mean at times because he is trying to save the Galactic Alliance, as well as try to help as many people outside the group as he can. Roan Fel acts mean at times because he is trying to save his portion of the Empire, and he is also a Knight Templar combined with an It's All About Me attitude. Gar Stazi not only survives the war, but he becomes a member of the Galactic Federation Triumvirate. Roan Fel crosses the Moral Event Horizon and gets killed off.
- Grand Finale: The six-issue miniseries Legacy: War.
- Where Anyone Can Die. Darth Wyyrlok, Sgt. Harkas, Moff Geist, presumably Anson Trask, Darth Rauder, Master T'ra Saa, Nat Skywalker, Andurgo, Sigel Dare, Morlish Veed, Darth Stryfe, Wolf Sazen, and in the final issue even Roan Fel and Krayt!
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Andurgo, a Dug Rogue Squadron pilot.
- Heel Realization: Cade Skywalker finally begins to reconsider his actions when Luke Skywalker's ghost tells him that he is already nearly a Sith, and shows a vision of him, dressed in full Sith regalia, standing over the corpses of all his friends.
- Strengthened by the fact that Cade had MANY chances to turn back fully into the light up until his encounter with Luke's ghost on Tatooine. Realistically takes a lot to get through to a hardened Force-using death stick junkie.
- Heel Face Turn: A large portion of the Galactic Empire is now joining the ranks of the good guys.
- Would you believe the Hutts get this treatment?
- Heroic Neutral: Cade just wants to be left alone. Though the Sith have a good reason for bothering him.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Kol Skywalker in the first issue
- Jaius Yorub pulls one to save Admiral Stazi AND cripple the Mon Calamari Shipyards.
- "Bantha" Rawk a.k.a. Nat Skywalker and T'ra Saa during the Fall of the Hidden Temple.
- Heroic Sociopath: Cade sometimes verges on this. Verges on both parts.
- Hot Shounen Mom: Cade Skyalker seems to have one of these In Morrigan Corde/Nyna Calixte.
- Jariah Syn gets to score with Cade's mother, Morrigan Corde/Nyna Calixte. Hoo boy.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Nyna Calixte is much smarter than her boyfriend and puppet, Morlish Veed. Wyyrlok is also one for Krayt- Krayt provides the vision and the charisma, but it is Wyyrlok's calm, careful planning that keeps the Sith Empire afloat.
- Both fall apart when Veed takes on the position of Regent Emperor from Darth Wyyrlok out of greed and stops listening to Calixte as much, and Wyyrlok becomes boss himself and ends up more extreme than Krayt.
- If You Kill Me You Will Be Just Like The Sith: Moff Calixte uses this successfully on Roan Fel.
- Which is rather amusing, because if any non-Sith character justifiably deserves a blade to the gut, it's her.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Cade Skywalker's refrain. Nat Skywalker actually succeeds in doing this and largely just blasts Cade for claiming he wants to be normal but using his Force powers whenever he feels like it.
- Informed Ability: Morlish Veed is a military genius. We never get to see this.
- The impression this troper got from the comic was that "Veed's" military genius is actually more along the lines of * Calixte's* genius. Veed himself is probably not even aware of the extent to which she's using him.
- Agreed. Given how tight a leash Calixte tries to keep on him, and how Veed's promotions come over other people whose expertise we do see, this is probably the intent. Calixte even tells Veed to his face that if he ends up on the throne, she'll be running things from behind the scene, and he doesn't seem to grasp that he'd be a puppet.
- The impression this troper got from the comic was that "Veed's" military genius is actually more along the lines of * Calixte's* genius. Veed himself is probably not even aware of the extent to which she's using him.
- It Got Worse: 130 years after Return of the Jedi and all the hard-won accomplishments Luke, Leia, Han, Lando, the droids and all the other heroes of that era have come to nothing, as the galaxy is qualitatively just where it was at the beginning of A New Hope.
- Then again if it wasn't for Luke, Leia, Han and the rest, the entire galaxy would be Darth Sidious' playground of evil.
- Karma Houdini: By the end of Legacy-War, Darth Nihl, Darth Talon, Darth Havoc, Darth Maladi, many other Sith, and Hogrum Chalk.
- Kick the Dog: Darth Krayt seems to be a Designated Antagonist with his mainly menacing only Cade Skywalker and Imperials. Then he orders the wholesale genocide of all Mon Calamari.
- Cade also has a number of these, most notably turning captive Jedi Hosk Trey'lis over to the Sith, in addition to generally acts of jerkiness.
- Not to mention talking Blue into scamming the Imperial Misson aka the group that turned Jabba's palace into a homeless shelter
- To be fair, she felt super terrible about it the entire time.
- Not to mention talking Blue into scamming the Imperial Misson aka the group that turned Jabba's palace into a homeless shelter
- Cade also has a number of these, most notably turning captive Jedi Hosk Trey'lis over to the Sith, in addition to generally acts of jerkiness.
- Knight Templar: Roan Fel will do some pretty questionable deeds to get his throne back from the Dark Lords of the Sith.
- Toned down by a scene in the current Monster arc where Badass Grandpa of the Imperial Knights, Treis Sinde, has a refreshing chat about the importance of keeping to the Light after Emperor Fel suggested acquiring the dark Muur Talisman to use as a weapon.
- Played straight in the final issue, in which he plans to unleash Maladi's toxin on Coruscant. Unbeknowst to him, Sith are immune to it by design. Luckily, Antares stops his Master by killing him.
- Admiral Edouard Fenel, who serves the rightful Emperor, but is not above commiting war crimes against the disloyal officers of Krayt's Empire.
- Toned down by a scene in the current Monster arc where Badass Grandpa of the Imperial Knights, Treis Sinde, has a refreshing chat about the importance of keeping to the Light after Emperor Fel suggested acquiring the dark Muur Talisman to use as a weapon.
- Large Ham: Darth Krayt announcing on interstellar television that he's going to exterminate an entire race after working them to death.
- And then cut down their Senator on the stage floor with the camera droids looking on. His subordinates slaughtered the rest of the room's members of the targeted race.
- Legacy Character: The "Darth Wyyrlok" name has been employed by three generations of the same Chagrian family line. The original Darth Wyyrlok, his daughter, and his grandson (the current Darth Wyyrlok). The latter's daughter, Saarai, is meant to be the fourth Wyyrlok.
- Long Lost Sibling: Cade Skywalker and Gunn Yage.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Nyna Calixte is the mother of both Cade Skywalker and Gunn Yage. Cade doesn't know the former
- Mad Scientist: Darth Maladi is a Sith Alchemist, which is basically Mad Scientist + Evil Sorcerer + Torture Technician. Her laboratory is a scary, scary place.
- Also, Vul Isen, who puts Maladi to shame in the mad department, though not so much the science department.
- And the Sith-aligned Yuuzhan Vong Shaper Xenoc Quad
- Mauve Shirt: Stormtrooper NCOs Sergeant Harkas and Coporal Trask show up a few times after their first appearance in a stormie-centric issue.
- Meaningful Name: Darth Krayt is roughly the equivalent of "Darth Dragon" and is turning into a creature very much like it, in addition to being the dominant predator on his home planet of Tatooine, and Darth Wyyrlok is an eldritch wizard.
- Darth Maladi spreads disease and maladies, Darth Talon strikes swiftly, Darth Kruhl is a brutal assassin.
- Roan Fel, the morally ambiguous leader of the Empire; Deliah Blue, who has blue hair and blue lips
- Missing Mom: No one ever talks about Empress Elliah Fel, the wife of Emperor Roan and the mother of Princess Sia. Nyna Calixte/Morrigan Corde could qualify as this too, as she abandoned Cade and had almost nothing to do with Gunn.
- The final issue reveals that Darth Havok murdered her. Antares calls him out on it and Havok states that it was "regrettable, but necessary."
- Ms. Fanservice: Deliah Blue and Darth Talon, both source of Fetish Fuel
- Morality Kitchen Sink: You've got the One Sith, the Jedi, the Fel Imperials, the Alliance Remnant, the Crew of the Mynok...
- Mouth of Sauron: One of the roles of the line of Darth Wyyrloks is to serve as the "Voice" for Darth Krayt whenever he goes into stasis.
- My Empire Right or Wrong: Several Imperial officers of Krayt's Empire, who are actually honorable men. They serve the throne, regardless of who is sitting upon it. Examples of this are Captain Vaclen Tor, Admiral Peto Kelsan, and Chief Mechanic Bor Alsek.
- A Nazi by Any Other Name: If you thought the Galactic Empire was the Star Wars equivalent of Nazi Germany, wait till you see what the One Sith did.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Cade Skywalker destroys the life of his girlfriend, gets a Jedi Master killed, and generally wrecks everything he touches.
- Also creates an even more dangerous Big Bad in Darth Wyyrlok by giving said Darth a chance to finish off his master, the current Big Bad - only because his master Darth Krayt had been stabbed, fried with lightning and thrown off a cliff in Cade Skywalker's trap.
- The Galactic Alliance (or what's left of it) gets one after stealing a Sith Super Prototype Star Destroyer, turns out the Empire already set it to blow up making it look like a malfunction thus preventing any blame on the Mon Calamari
- Though the Alliance managed to disarm said explosives after putting a team on the ship BEFORE attacking the planet that went after the explosives beforehand.
- Not Me This Time: A variation pertaining to an entire race: Before the events of the series took place, the Galactic Republic became angered when the Yuuzhan Vong's terraforming project resulted in various bone-like deformities occuring on the wildlife and on the people, thinking they deliberately botched the terraforming (it doesn't help that they were still sore with the Yuuzhan Vong from their atrocities during the Yuuzhan Vong war). However, they insisted that they didn't intentionally botch the project, and they are just as shocked at what happened, with only the Jedi believing them. It was the One Sith who sabotaged the Yuuzahn Vong terraforming project.
- Older Than They Look: Both Darth Krayt and Celeste Morne. Specially Celeste Morne, who is Really Seven Hundred Years Old (actually thousands years old)
- Omnicidal Maniac: basically, Krayt's new plan for the Galaxy is to become this so the Galaxy will undergo what he did: the pain of death and the rapture of rebirth.
- The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: Subverted, in that the Moff Council is neither Omniscient nor Vague and actually has no real power anymore and mostly just gets together in order to b*tch about the galaxy's present situation.
- Which makes them the Not-So-Omniscient Council of Bickering.
- The Political Officer: The Sith Lords fill a similar role in the Imperial Military, ensuring that Admirals and Generals do not defect and follow the will of Darth Krayt.
- Complete with an "oops, sorry sir" style fragging of Darth Maleval when he acts a little overzealous.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: Hondo Karr, bordering on Warrior Poet
- Pet the Dog: Cade's Mercy Killing of Celeste; one of the very few times he's not a dick.
- Phlegmings: Quite common with the Sith. Protagonist Cade will get this too at the times he's leaning more towards the dark.
- The Power of Love: helps Cade heal Blue from a Vong biot implanted on her by Darth Maladi without falling into the Dark Side. Later, the Power of Love helps him heal his mother after he forgives her.
- Power Trio: The Crew of the Mynock
- Cade Skywalker
- Deliah Blue
- Jariah Syn
- Rasputinian Death: Darth Krayt is fried by Force lightning, impaled on a lightsaber, tossed off a cliff, and finally fried by Force lightning again.
- And he still doesn't die!
- Finally seems to be destroyed at the series end when Cade stabs him then FLIES HIS BODY INTO THE SUN.
- And he still doesn't die!
- Reassigned to Antarctica: Moff Nieve Gromia was reassigned to the Tatooine after a corruption scandal on Coruscant.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Roan Fel, leader of the Fel Empire and Gar Stazi, leader of the Galactic Alliance Remnant.
- Rebel Leader: Gar Stazi
- Redemption Equals Death: Celeste Morne finds peace in the Force before being executed by Cade. Note that unlike his many other dubious actions, this is NOT a moral event horizon moment for Cade. Celeste unambiguously wants it, and there is no alternative way to prevent an ancient sith spirit from taking over her body.
- Cade's also not a dick about it. He says "I know" rather gently, instead of in his snarky jokey way; might have been one of the most compassionate things he's ever done.
- Red Shirt: Particularly in the One Sith:
- Darth Maleval
- Darth Kruhl
- Darth Reave
- Darth Yuln
- Darth Brokar
- Religion of Evil: As mentioned elsewhere, the Sith are a bit better at teamwork now, but they're still one of the quintessential examples of this trope.
- The Remnant: The Galactic Alliance Remnant is a good version and slowly gaining ground again. Though forced to make morally ambiguous decisions for tactical reasons, they still embody the The Revolution Will Not Be Vilified trope.
- The Sith in the end.
- The Reveal: Darth Krayt is Jedi Master A'Sharad Hett, a supporting character in the Clone Wars-era Expanded Universe and a friend of Anakin, Obi-Wan and other famous Jedi.
- Saintly Church: The Imperial Mission, pretty much the only group left that actually wants to (and does) help people because its the right thing to do.
- Not for much longer, if Wryylok has his way, it will soon be a Religion of Evil and Path of Inspiration
- Screw Destiny: Cade may as well be the embodiment of this trope, and he tries really hard to keep it that way, too.
- Secret Identity: Nyna Calixte is Morrigan Cade in one of the Woah moments of the series.
- Also, Darth Krayt is A'sharad Hett, the Tusken Jedi from earlier comic series.
- Sequel Hook: The One Sith are beaten and scattered at the end of the series, but far from destroyed. Numerous high ranking named Sith survive and plan to wage a shadow war on the Triumvirate, in an eerily similar callback to Darth Bane's Rule of Two Order.
- Shout-Out: Plenty, but a notable example is the rich and varied vocabulary of alien profanity peppering the dialogue of Cade and his foul-mouthed associates, which draws from sources including Battlestar Galactica, Farscape, and The Pirates of Dark Water.
- A possible shoutout to Terminator 2 occurs in volume Nine: Monster with Calixte's "I need your hat, your cloak, and your beast" line
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Cade Skywalker basically gets his one Crowning Moment of Awesome when he says that he finds all of Darth Krayt's nerfshavit to be....well nerfshavit. Darth Wyyrlok also does this to an ancient Sith Lord.
- This troper would argue that Cade gets one more CMOA, by doing pretty much the exact same thing to the spirit of the ancient Sith Karness Muur before shattering his talisman.
- The resurrected Darth Krayt gives this to Wyyrlok, then kills him.
- This troper would argue that Cade gets one more CMOA, by doing pretty much the exact same thing to the spirit of the ancient Sith Karness Muur before shattering his talisman.
- Smug Snake: Morlish Veed thinks he's a villainous mastermind. Unfortunately, he's pretty much clueless about everything.
- Stripperiffic: Darth Talon's costume is basically a leather bikini and opera gloves. Granted, not wearing much is apparently required when you're a female Twi'lek, though.
- pretty much every female chracter in the comic wears a stripperiffic outfit at some point... for... no real reason, actually.
- Morrigan Corde's outfit is like that for very good reason, as revealed when she meets Calixte's ex-husband, who comes on to her without recognizing his own wife. The less people look at the face, the better.
- Except Darth Maladi, whose original costume was redesigned because it looked too stripperiffic.
- pretty much every female chracter in the comic wears a stripperiffic outfit at some point... for... no real reason, actually.
- The Good, the Bad, and The Evil: now in Star Wars. The Empire is split into Darth Krayt's empire (the evil) and Roan Fel's empire (dictatorial but not really evil).
- The Spymaster: Moff Nyna Calixte
- The Starscream: Morlish Veed is plotting to take over the Empire. It seems to be obvious to everyone that he is, yet he still has his job. Also, Darth Wyyrlok turns out to be one, but only to further his master's plans.. Also Darth Nihl might have his own agenda, specially after being warned by Maladi that Wyyrlok might get rid of the two for not having been born Sith
- During the late stages of the Second Imperial Civil War Hogrum Chalk becomes this to Emperor Fel, apparently goading him into falling to the dark side so the Imperial Knights will be forced to kill him.
- Take a Third Option: Common like you wouldn't believe.
- Took a Level in Badass: The resurrected and rejuvenated Darth Krayt.
- Trojan Prisoner: Cade Skywalker in the Sith Temple.
- Ganner Kreig and Shado Vao to aid Antares Draco's infiltration of the Korriban Sith Temple
- Uh-Oh Eyes: As is typical with other Star Wars works, characters will exhibit Eyes of Gold whenever they channel The Dark Side. Notably, this happens to Celeste Morne's eyes, combined with Black Eyes of Evil, perhaps as an indication of Muur's influence on her during her battle with Darth Krayt. Cade's eyes turn red when he uses his healing power for too long.
- Undying Loyalty
- Unexplained Recovery: Darth Krayt, with a little taste of My Death Is Just the Beginning
- Vague Age: It's difficult to say whether Morrigan Corde is too old or too young for their age.
- Considering that she's a master of disguise, any attempt to judge her age simply by looking at her is rather pointless. She probably looks exactly the age she wants to in either identity.
- The Virus: The Rakghoul plague is used effectively in this series.
- You Killed My Father: Cade Skywalker has this with Darth Nihl. Jariah Syn has this with Rasi Tuum. It's subverted with Rasi Tuum revealing, to no one's surprise, that Jariah Syn's father probably deserved to die.
- Possibly partially subverted with Nihl as well, in that, although he tries to make it sound impressive, the honest truth is that Nihl just happened to be the Sith who managed to get in the killing blow as Kohl Skywalker slew a dozen other sith.
- Nihl did not even strike a blow, for that matter - just a final blast of lightning. However, he led the attack, so the credit is all his. I'd say Cade's beef is legitimate.
- Possibly partially subverted with Nihl as well, in that, although he tries to make it sound impressive, the honest truth is that Nihl just happened to be the Sith who managed to get in the killing blow as Kohl Skywalker slew a dozen other sith.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: The Sith are overall a lot nicer now, loyalty to one another and put behind there old habits which proves to be a bit hard to break.
- Roan Fel in the final issue.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Hondo Karr, Rav, Moffs Konrad Rus and Fehlauur. The most infamous example is Astraal Vao.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Averted and deconstructed. The Galactic Alliance's key protagonists are almost entirely aliens, and they're generally also the most compassionate and thoughtful characters in the series, far more so than Designated Hero Cade.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Anj Dahl walks the line into such territory at times.
- Wild Card: Calixte/Corde has helped and hindered just about every major faction in the series at one point or another. Her long-term goals remain a mystery.
- Try Hogrum Chalk. He seems to work for Roan Fel, but he actually passes on secrets to Morlish Veed. He crafts the armour worn by the Imperial Knights. He revealed to Veed that Calixte works for Roan Fel. He constructed armour for Azlyn Rae that did not even need a helmet. He manipulated Roan Fel into having Omega Red made to be used to kill the Sith - and this eventually resulted in Roan Fel's death. He delivered the eulogy at Roan Fel's funeral. He announced the formation of a Galactic Federation Triumvirate, led by Gar Stazi, Jedi Master K'Kruhk, and Empress Marasiah. He is close to his niece, Marasiah Fel. Why? Because she reminds him very much of his Dead Little Sister, Elliah Fel. No one even knows that he betrayed Roan Fel, and his motivations for betraying Roan Fel have not been explained.
- Word of God: Legacy creators John Ostrander and Jan Duursema frequently communicate with the fans.
- You Have Failed Me...: Averted a number of times with the Sith, as shocking as this seems.
- Darth Talon spared after her failure in the Broken arc (methinks Krayt would never throw away something that hot); Darth Maladi after Roan Fel's decoy plor is discovered in Broken; Darth Nihl after Cade's escape from the Sith Temple (although he gets a demotion and a Mutant arm instead of his normal one that was severed).
- You Keep Using That Word: The Triumvirate seems a touch large for its name. While it presumably refers to its three factions (Jedi, Alliance, and Imperial), the name itself implies only three leaders at a table that has many more.
- You Shall Not Pass: Kol Skywalker does this.