< Skins


Skins introduces a new cast of characters every two seasons. The US cast section could use some work.

First Generation

The Kids

Anthony "Tony" Stonem

Played by: Nicholas Hoult

Michelle Richardson

Played by: April Pearson

Sidney "Sid" Jenkins

Played by: Mike Bailey

Tony: It's embarrassing.
Sid: It's common and quite normal for someone of sixteen--
Tony: --No. It's embarrassing, Sid.
Sid: ...Shit.

Cassandra "Cassie" Ainsworth

Played by: Hannah Murray

Chris Miles

Played by: Joe Dempsie

Jalander "Jal" Fazer

Played by: Larissa Wilson

Maxxie Oliver

Played by: Mitch Hewer

Anwar Kharral

Played by: Dev Patel

Elizabeth "Effy" Stonem

Played by: Kaya Scodelario

Sketch (Lucy)

Played by: Aimee-Ffion Edwards


Anthea Stonem

Played by: Morwenna Banks

Jim Stonem

Played by: Harry Enfield

Anna Richardson

Played by: Arabella Weir


Played by: Sia Berkeley

Mark Jenkins

Played by: Peter Capaldi

Elizabeth Jenkins

Played by: Josie Lawrence

Marcus and Margeritte Ainsworth

Played by: Neil Morrissey and Naomi Allisstone

Graham Miles

  • Dramatic Irony: Graham's decision to not invite Chris's friends to his funeral, because they were the ones who "screwed him up". The audience, however, knows the opposite is true: his friends were the ones who cared about and looked after Chris after his parents both abandoned him. If not for his friends, he probably would have died a lot sooner.
  • I Have No Son: Not quite, but he doesn't acknowledge Chris as his son, going to the extreme of only having baby pictures of Peter. That is, until Chris dies.
  • Parental Abandonment

Chris's mother

Peter Miles

Ronnie Fazer

Played by: Mark Monero

Jal's Mother

Played by Josette Simon

Ace and Lyton Fazer

Played by Troy Glasgow and Adrian Fergus Fuller

Istiak Kharral

Played by Inder Manocha

Bibi Kharral

Played by Nina Wadia

Uncle Muneer

Played by Nish Nathwani

Walter Oliver

Played by: Bill Bailey

Jackie Oliver

Supporting Cast

Posh Kenneth

Played by: Daniel Kaluuya

  • Jive Turkey: The joke being that his posh accent means he doesn't sound nearly as "ghetto" as he would like to.
  • Token Minority Couple: His moment with Jal in the Series 1 finale.
  • You Look Familiar: Daniel Kaluuya turned up playing a DJ in a Series 3 episode.

Abigail Stock

Played by: Georgina Moffet

Josh Stock

Played by: Ben Lloyd-Hughes

Pandora Moon

Played by: Lisa Backwell


Played by: Siwan Morris


Played by: Giles Thomas

"Oggie oggie oggie!"


Played by: Josie Long

Madison "Mad" Twatter

Played by: Stephen Walters

Alan the Taxi Driver

Played by: Alan George

Second Generation

The Kids

Elizabeth "Effy" Stonem

Played by: Kaya Scodelario

  • Beneath the Mask: It finally comes off in Series 4, but we get some peeks even before that - for example, with her "Unseen Skins" in Series 1, and with her speech to Katie in Pandora's Series 3 episode.
  • Blue Eyes: Like her brother, the second type.
  • Broken Bird: Gave off this impression from her earliest appearances, until Sanity Slippage ensued.
  • Fallen Princess
  • Fille Fatale: All three of the Musketeers fall for her.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: With Pandora.
  • Ice Queen
  • Love Makes You Crazy: Effy can't seem to handle being in a relationship with someone she genuinely loves which is why she loses it when she and Freddie get together in Series 4.
  • The Ophelia
  • Room Full of Crazy: In Freddie's Series 4 episode, Effy makes one in her mum's bedroom.
  • Sanity Slippage: In Series 4.
  • Stepford Smiler: Types A and C. Effy's complete personality shifts with each season turned out to just be different masks. Invoked by Anthea in Series 3, who says to JJ that nothing terrifies Effy more than "showing her cards".
  • Unkempt Beauty

Pandora "Panda" Moon

Played by: Lisa Backwell

Thomas Tomone

Played by: Merveille Lukeba

Jonah "JJ" Jeremiah Jones

Played by: Ollie Barbieri

  • Absent-Minded Professor: Cook even calls him a "nutty professor".
  • Adorkable: His interest in magic tricks and model planes, his trivia skills, and the repeated Star Trek references in his Series 4 episode.
  • Alliteration
  • Asperger's Syndrome: Provides the page quote, even. He also stands out as one of the few portrayals in the media that is both realistic and sympathetic.
  • Beware the Nice Ones
  • Bow Ties Are Cool
  • Butt Monkey: In-universe, at least.
  • Demoted to Extra: Essentially what happens after his Series 4 episode.
  • Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: Has a lot of these moments, from telling Effy that Cook was sleeping with someone else to outing Emily to her sister.
  • Freudian Trio: Usually the Ego, occasionally the Super-ego.
  • Good with Numbers
  • Incompatible Orientation: He and Emily have sex despite the fact that Emily is gay. He actually thought the two of them getting together was possible when Emily chose him as her Love Ball date - but that was only because of Emily's mother and sister's homophobia, and once Naomi showed up Emily happily went with her.
  • A Man Is Not a Virgin: Subverted until the end of his Series 3 episode. Played with in Series 4 when Thomas points out that a pity-screw from a lesbian doesn't really mean much, and he needs to find a girl who is genuinely interested to have sex with him.
  • Motor Mouth: When he gets "locked-on".
  • Odd Friendship: With Emily and with Thomas. His friendship with Thomas in particular came out of nowhere.
  • Serenade Your Lover: What he does to get Lara back after she dumps him because he beat up her baby daddy, with his adorable rendition of "True" by Spandau Ballet.
  • TV Genius: Subverted - he has all the traits to fit the trope, but he's never made out to be any smarter than anyone else (except in terms of remembering lots of random facts). His social isolation is his defining factor. He does however excel in mathematics, as he clearly states in his form introduction.

James Cook

Played by: Jack O'Connell

Frederick "Freddie" Mclair

Played by: Luke Pasqualino

  • Big Brother Instinct: He's not a fan of Karen's decision to exploit their mother's memory to help her win Search for a Sexxbomb, but he cheers for her at her final performance, comforts her when she loses and when Cook laughs about how he and JJ voted against her for stealing their shed, Freddie nearly punches his lights out.
  • Freudian Trio: Usually the Super-ego (lampshaded by Cook when he calls him a "fun-sponge"), occasionally the Ego.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: With Cook.
  • Killed Off for Real
  • Missing Mom: Well, dead mom.
  • Mr. Fanservice: The show likes to remind us of Freddie's nice chest.
  • Shirtless Scene: Seems to enjoy leaving his shirt at home even in the non-sex scenes.
  • The Stoner
  • The Unfavourite: Karen comprehensively dumps on him - with their father's support and praise, most notably when Freddie loses his beloved shed.

Katherine "Katie" Fitch

Played by: Megan Prescott

  • Alpha Bitch: At least, she aspires to be one. Particularly in Series 3.
  • Broke Episode: Her Series 4 episode.
  • Different As Night and Day
  • Everybody Smokes: Averted, notably she's the only teenage character to outright state that they don't smoke Though she finally caves in her Series 4 episode.
  • Foil: The show sets her up as Effy's foil, though they're eventually revealed to be Not So Different. She is more the foil to her sister. Having a twin that is, personality-wise, one's total opposite means those differing factors are highlighted.
  • It's a Costume Party, I Swear: The maid of honor at the wedding Katie and her mom are planning pulls a version of this on Katie: she switches the theme, doesn't tell Katie, and doesn't make her a corresponding costume.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Particularly during her and Emily's Series 3 episode.
  • No Periods, Period: Katie is diagnosed with premature menopause in her Series 4 episode.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red oni to Emily's blue oni, especially in Series 3. Less so in Series 4, not because Katie stops being fierce, but because Emily stops being a shy doormat.
  • Romantic False Lead: To both Freddie and Thomas.
  • Tsundere
  • Twincest: The writers basically went to town with Katie/Emily subtext in their Series 3 episode.

Emily Fitch

Played by: Kathryn Prescott

Naomi Campbell

Played by: Lily Loveless

  • All Take and No Give: Arguably Naomi's fling with Sophia. At least from Sophia's point of view.
  • Armored Closet Gay: At first.
  • Disappeared Dad
  • First Kiss: That middle school kiss with Emily. (All the boys she'd dated before then were too cowardly to go for it. And she didn't fancy any of them anyway.).
  • Gayngst
  • Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: In Series 3. Naomi is very quick to remind Emily how very straight she is between lip-locking sessions.
  • Informed Ability: Naomi is supposedly very political and hates injustice, but apart from her character video diary, unsuccessful run for student president, and her poster of Nelson Mandela on her bedroom wall, this is never really shown.
    • The run for president was unsuccessful precisely because she hates injustice (she refused to let Harriet and Doug get away with trying to rig the election in her favor).
      • Also, it's lampshaded earlier in the episode when she points out that Emily shouldn't know that about her, having said all of about three sentences to her, none of them political.
  • Love At First Sight: "I think I was twelve."
  • Messy Hair: Becomes her default hairstyle during Series 4.
  • Odd Friendship: With Cook, by Series 4. Let's not forget she got him in trouble in the generation opener when he tried to show her his dick tattoos.
    • And oddly enough, Effy as well, though the moments are fleeting. Evidenced in JJ's Series 3 episode, when they discuss Naomi's sexuality and Effy's love for Freddie, and Effy's Series 4 episode, when Naomi goes to visit Effy in the psychiatric hospital following her suicide attempt to discuss Naomi's failing relationship with Emily.
  • Schoolgirl Lesbians
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Emily.
  • Stepford Snarker: "I learned how to become a sarcastic bitch just to make it feel normal."
  • Tsundere: See above.
  • Your Cheating Heart: Naomi cheats on Emily in Series 4 with Sophia, a storyline that was possibly hinted at with the song "It's My Own Cheating Heart That Makes Me Cry" that plays at the end of 309.


Anthea Stonem

Played by: Morwenna Banks

Jim Stonem

Played by: Harry Enfield

  • Put on a Bus: Partway through Series 3 (when he finds out about Anthea's cheating).

Angela Moon

Played by: Sally Phillips

  • Adults Are Useless: Is easily dispatched by the MDMA brownies and Pandora's friends are able to have the party they wanted.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parent: Played with. Angela is one, but Pandora doesn't see her this way - and is more worried about how her hard-partying friends are going to embarrass her in front of her mom.
  • Hidden Depths: Her sex tape with the cranky neighbor that Effy and Cook find when they fall into the house next door.
  • My Beloved Smother: Angela doesn't want Pandora anywhere near boys. Oddly enough, Panda doesn't see her this way, even though she breaks all her rules.
  • Only Sane Parent: Arguably. With the exception of her ideas about boyfriends, her rules for Pandora are actually pretty reasonable.
  • Unsuspectingly Soused: After Katie puts MDMA in the brownies when Angela's back is turned.

Aunt Elizabeth

Played by: Maureen Lipman

  • Unsuspectingly Soused: Doesn't realize tea plants are marijuana (or maybe she does, given the way she's happily smoking them at the end...)

Celia Jones

Played by: Juliet Cowan

Edward Jones

Played by: Douglas Hodge

Ruth Cook

Played by: Tanya Franks

James Cook, Sr

Played by: Matt King

Leo Mclair

Played by: Simon Day

Karen Mclair

Played by: Klariza Clayton

Jenna Fitch

Played by: Ronnie Ancona

Rob Fitch

Played by: John Bishop

  • Bumbling Dad
  • Overprotective Dad: "If they're not still virgins tomorrow, I'll hunt you down like dogs."
  • Stepford Smiler: Series 4. Manages to seem optimistic about how his fitness machine will "take off" even as he's hiding foreclosure notices from his wife and kids.
  • Your Cheating Heart: Cheated on Jenna once with her sister; he explains it to Emily to help her deal with Naomi's cheating.

James Fitch

Played by: Redd Smith

Gina Campbell

Played by: Olivia Colman

  • Hands-Off Parenting: Also could be lumped in with Missing Mom. Gina apparently left Naomi on her own for a year to do... well, something (she'd stated that she wanted to "fuck on every beach in India" before she ended up pregnant; that's the most likely explanation). Strange because for the most part of Series 3, she was a good parent.
  • New Age Retro Hippie

Supporting Cast

Johnny White

Played by: Mackenzie Crook

  • Expy: Plenty of people saw his character as a clone of Mad Twatter.

Lara Lloyd

Played by: Georgia Henshaw

Sophia Moore

Played by: Amberley Gridley

Matt Moore

Played by: Richard Southgate

Dr. John Foster

Played by: Hugo Speer


Played by: Ben Evans

Andrea Babajide

Played by: Adelayo Adedayo

  • Betty and Veronica: The show plays with this trope. The pressure Thomas is feeling from his parents and church to "stick with his culture" makes him see Andrea as the Betty to Pandora's Veronica (yes, we are talking about Panda here). By the end of the episode he realizes it's more reversed.
  • Preacher's Kid: Mostly Type 1, though her dalliance with Thomas could slide her toward Type 3.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: While she's not entirely without musical talents, she does have an inflated sense of her abilities, as her speech about Lady Gaga, Beyonce, etc indicates.

Kieran Macfoeinaiugh

Played by: Ardal O'Hanlon

Kieran: Would you believe it only cost me £2.50? And three tokens from the top of Weetabix packets.
Naomi: Yeah, I really would believe that.

Harriet Lawes

Played by: Victoria Wicks

David Blood

Played by: Chris Addison

  • Sadist Teacher: Seems to take pleasure in expelling people.
  • Tyrant Takes the Helm: Sweeps in at the beginning of Series 4 with plans to improve the school - mostly by expelling anyone who steps a toe out of line.

T. Love

Played by: Will Young

Third Generation

The Kids

Francesca "Franky" Fitzgerald

Played by: Dakota Blue Richards

Aloysius "Alo" Creevey

Played by: Will Merrick

Richard "Rich" Hardbeck

Played by: Alexander Arnold

Mini McGuinness

Played by: Freya Mavor

Olivia "Liv" Malone

Played by: Laya Lewis

Grace Violet Blood

Played by: Jessica Sula

Nicholas "Nick" Levan

Played by: Sean Teale

Nick: "Isn’t this wicked. The Bloods and Cripples together at last. You get me?"
Grace: "What’s he talking about?"
Rich: "Nick’s suggesting that were a bunch of cripples and that he and Mini, are similar to a black violent LA street gang... obviously."

Matthew "Matty" Levan

Played by: Sebastian De Souza

Alex Henley

Played by: Sam Jackson


Geoff Cumber and Jeff Woodburn

Played by: John Sessions and Gareth Farr

Kevin Hardbeck

Played by: Daniel Ryan

Shelley McGuinness

Played by: Clare Grogan

Maude Malone

Bella Malone

Leon Levan

Played by Dorian Lough

Catherine Creevey

Played by Ingrid Lacey

David Blood

Played by: Chris Addison


Played by: Alastair Mackenzie


Played By: Justin Edwards

  • Paternal Substitute: Eric is probably a better father figure to Mini than her biological one, especially since he tracks down a heavily-pregnant Mini before she runs away with Franky.
  • You're Not My Father: Mini's initial attitude towards him.

U.S. Cast

The Kids

Tony Schneider

Played by: James Newman
British Counterpart: Tony Stonem

Michelle Reinhart

Played by: Rachel Thevenard
British Counterpart: Michelle Richardson

Stanley Lucerne

Played by: Daniel Flaherty
British Counterpart: Sid Jenkins

Chris Collins

Played by: Jesse Carere
British Counterpart: Chris Miles

Cadie Campbell

Played by: Britne Oldford
British Counterpart: Cassie Ainsworth

Tea Marvelli

Played by: Sofia Black D'elia
British Counterpart: Maxxie Oliver

Daisy Valero

Played by: Camille Crescencia-Mills
British Counterpart: Jal Fazer

Abbud Siddiky

Played by: Ron Mustafaa
British Counterpart: Anwar Kharral

Eura Schneider

Played by: Eleanor Zichy
British Counterpart: Effy Stonem


Michelle's Mom

Nana Marvelli

Supporting Cast


Mad Mao Le Dong



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