< Skins


Generation One

  • The glue factory scene in the Russia episode.

Translator: First, we break legs...

  • In Chris' S2 episode, he is asked by his career guidance counseller to avoid swear words.

Chris: So I told him he was a pitty boss and a pastard, and he could pucking shove his pucked polo up his packside! Stupid prick!
Josie: I think one slipped through there Chris...
Chris: Stupid punt...

Generation Two

  • James Fitch's glorious announcement of what is inside Emily's secret box.

"FANNIES! It's full of fannies!"

  • Let's also not forget James' total awesomeness during Katie and Emily's S3 episode when he walks in on Katie changing.

"Whoa, you're naked, BITCH!"

  • James again:

"Mrs Mc Pherson says as long as swearing's used in context, it's fucking A."

  • Effy's father to her mother:

"Don't you DARE use cunt and Oxfam in the same sentence!"

  • Cook and JJ try to crash a party:

Cook: Did we invite Freddie?
JJ: No
Cook: And why didn't we invite him?
JJ: Because he's a fun sponge?
Cook: You got it

Generation Three

  • After Franky asks Mini and co to just start something or fuck off, because she's had enough shit already:

Grace: Ooh, like, before Bristol or before? 'Cause I had a dream last night that I was like a slave, and I was working on a plantation-
Mini and Liv: Shut up, Grace.

  • The series 5 finale:

Nick: Leave me to the bears!
Alo: We're in Somerset!
Nick: To the squirrels, then!

    • The whole scene where Mini is looking for Franky, Liv and Matty.

Mini: Hi! Have you by any chance seen, erm, two girls and a boy?
Old man: Bugger off!
Mini: Er, rudeness!

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