Samurai Sentai Shinkenger/Characters
The Samurai Sentai authorized by the Providence has one of the most enticing casts in recent memory; complex and deep characters prevail on both sides, and even seemingly one note characters and the Monster of the Week can surprise you.
Given the above, of course there's spoilers in the folders below-- some of them quite vital and occasionally unmarked. Seriously. Don't read on if you're not a Spoiler Hound!
Note: Due to the themes of this Sentai, we're going against wiki convention and listing Family Names first for characters. Actor names, when first used, will be done the usual way (the first time, at least) for easy wiki wording, should the need arise.. If that annoys you, we can stand under this fountain's stream for a bit... TOOOOOOOOOONOOOOOOOOOO!
Note the second: This is a character rich series, as noted. However, please remember to keep examples brief on this page. Also note that some plot spoilers probably better fit the main page. If the trope is an EVENT linked trope, put it there or on one of our Crowning Moment Pages. Each Main Character has at least one Crowning Moment of Awesome, for example-- put those on the Shinkenger CMoA page.
Note the third: Do NOT move tropes under the Recurring Super Sentai tropes section of the main page here. Feel free to COPY them to a relevant character, but keep the Recurring Super Sentai tropes section intact for easy comparison purposes.
The Shiba Clan
The Shinkengers

Takeru Shiba | Actor: Tori Matsuzaka
"Shinken Red. Shiba Takeru."
"For once, I am impressed!"
The 18th and current head of the Shiba clan. Looks stern, but actually pretty nice; he'll try to hide it though. Takeru initially went against Jii's urging and tried to fight the Gedoushu alone, mainly because he knows the toll facing them would take on his retainer's life. Once the first Ayakashi of this invasion appeared, however, he was forced to give in.
Takeru grew up being groomed as Shiba Clan's Lord. He faces most things in life, from fighting to training to winning a card game with his vassals, with the gravity and dignity of a samurai lord.
It is later revealed that Takeru's father actually served the head of the Shiba Clan and that Takeru's position is that of a kagemusha as the true heir, Shiba Kaoru, had not even been born yet and was not of age to take the position of lord.
Tropes associated with Takeru
- Badass
- Berserk Button: While this goes for ALL the Samurai, Takeru has a special hurt coming for you if you harm one of his vassals. And do not question his commitment to the Shiba Clan's task. [1]
- Bishonen: His actor, Matsuzaka Touri, already fits the mold pretty damn well. Add Takeru's Tsundere traits and even the guys are squeeing.
- Body Double
- Brainwashed and Crazy: In the Goseiger vs. Shinkenger movie.
- Catch Phrase: He started the two Catch Phrases which the others picked up pretty quickly.
- Determinator: A textbook example in bold, inflated letters.
- Elemental Powers: Takeru is the only Shinkenger to have used more then one element.
- Playing with Fire: His primary element.
- Shock and Awe: The Lightning Disk in his arsenal can execute lightning attacks. He uses it only a couple of times early in the series.
- Face Doodling: Chiaki's #1 prized victim.
- Fan Nickname: "ShinkenZengar". That should tell you a lot about Takeru
- "Neko Tono" [2]
- Finishing Move: Shin Kaen no Mai [3]
- Freaky Friday Flip: The basis for his recurring embarrassment with ink cat whiskers. He'll probably never live it down...
- Hannibal Lecture: Every second time they meet, Juzo is pulling this on Takeru. Juzo often calls Takeru's qualities as a warrior into question, making this also a case of pushing a Berserk Button to goad Takeru into fighting him.
- The Hero
- Heroic BSOD: Goes through them quite a bit throughout the series.
- I Work Alone: This is how he started out, but he gradually softens up over the course. In his defense, though, he was a lot better than the rest back then, having prior experience.
- He's also got a decent reason for this attitude, too - he doesn't want anyone to give their life for a lie.
- Image Song: Matsuzaka is the only member of the cast not to sing one. Instead, we get Young Fresh singing about Takeru with clips of dialogue sampled in. The song is aptly called "Shinken Red, Ippitsu Sōjō!".
- Instant Expert: Averted HARD. Takeru's been training, arguably since he can remember, to fight Gedoushu.
- It's Not You, It's My Enemies: Non-romantic example here: The reason Takeru had been refusing to call for his vassals, or deal with any other person for that matter, is more because as the lord of Shiba clan, he will clash with Gedoushu again and again, and there will be victims sooner or later even if he doesn't want it; despite what his initial demeanor will have you believe.
- That and he does not believe a shadow warrior deserves a lord's respect.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Takeru seemed as the former, but turned out to be the latter... before turning into a Tsundere from friendship.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore".
- Lampshade Hanging: Because he borders on The Comically Serious and is reasonably Genre Savvy, Takeru often ends up making sure those bulbs aren't bare; mainly when he's introduced with an overly long presentation spee-
Takeru: Too long.
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: The first one to don the Super and Hyper Shinkenger attires and the Mogyu Bazooka. He also gets to control the Ushi Origami by himself.
- Master Swordsman: His swordsmanship is very impressive compare to any character. There's a reason Juzo is obsessed in beating him
- Meaningful Name: "Shi"/"Will(power)", and "Take" related to variations of "Strength" and "Hero", describing his Determinator Hero status.
- Parental Abandonment: Takeru witnessed his father die during the Dokoku's Raid on the Shiba Clan manor.
- Serious Business: From fighting hellspawns to confronting bad cooking or playing cards, Takeru seems to face all challenges thrown his way in the same demeanor. When his Determinator side emerges, this can make him a bad opponent to be fighting. When his tsuntsun side emerges, this can make the man nigh unbearable to deal with Mr. Serious.
- Signature Move:
- Shinkenmaru: Kaen no Mai [4]
- Rekka Daizantou: Hyakka Ryōran [5]
- The Stoic: Outdone by none, save Kaoru, who's even higher on the scale. One small smile on his lips speaks volumes.
- Not So Stoic: Also a prominent part of his nature, as seen slowly emerging throught the series.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Gedou Shinken Red in the Goseiger vs. Shinkenger movie.
- Took a Level in Badass: Quite a pants-wetter as a child, according to Jii. Now? Well, just take a look at the above examples.
- True Companions: Despite being unwilling to summon his vassals initially, he grew to like and warmed up to them, little by little. Well past the halfway point of the series, he's really fond of them, and won't tolerate any harm done to them, a feeling which the others also return. Which is why he says that he's got nothing left when he's taken away from his friends after The Reveal.
- Tsundere: Instances vary from subtle to straight, often pairing with Heroic BSOD for added "fun".
- Weapon of Choice
- BFS: Rekka Daizantou [6]
- BFG: Rekka Daizantou's Ozutsu Mode, and the Mogyu Bazooka.
- Dual-Wielding: Takeru has proven to be quite capable with it, be it sword-sword or sword-gun.
- Taken to the extreme in the final episode, where he uses Tanba's personal mojikara disc to dual-wield the Rekka Daizantou!
- Whip Sword: Kyoryumaru, the first Shinken Red's sword and an Origami in itself.
- Why Does It Have To Be That Haunted House
- The Wise Prince/The White Prince-- Stoic/tsuntsun modes have this split.
- Worthy Opponent: Seen by Juzo as the biggest one ever.
- You Killed My Father: His father died in a Gedoushu raid on the mansion.
Ryunosuke Ikenami | Actor: Hiroki Aiba

"Similarly, Blue. Ikenami Ryunosuke."
A kabuki actor prior to being called to become Takeru's vassal. Very, VERY dramatic, partially thanks to his environment and upbringing. The Yes-Man to Takeru, and often played for comedy, despite being the second-in-command.
Ryunosuke was considered The Scrappy by many early in the show's run, but that call was premature. Perhaps due to being the product of both samurai and kabuki training, under that hammy exterior is one of the most devoted and competent members of the team.
Tropes associated with Ryunosuke
- The Archer: Water Arrow
- Berserk Button: Having grown up in a traditional upbringing and a Kabuki business, he has strong attachments to both his parents. As such, calling him "Faza-kon"[7] or "Maza-kon"[8] is one of the worst insults he could ever hear.
- The Big Guy
- Bishonen: Aiba's Bishonen qualities are played into Ryunosuke's look.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Tsukkomi to Genta's Boke.
- Butt Monkey: Less frequent after his Crowning Moment of Awesome in Act 7, but still an aspect.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: consider that despite his Large Ham tendencies, he is still very good at what he does, not just Shinkenger-wise but on the kabuki stage as well.
- Catch Phrase: TONOOOOO!
- Also, variations on "Do not X our lord that way!"
- Chewing the Scenery: "Tonooooooo!"
- Crossdresser: Since Kabuki theater demands the actors to indiscriminately play both genders, he's the go to guy when it comes up; he thinks his skill in this needs work.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Butt Monkey. Large Ham. Narm machine. Master fencer and archer. Second in command of a team of demon-slaying Samurai.
- Disproportionate Penance: If he realizes he made a big mistake to his friends, he won't be satisfied with just an accepted apology; he'll demand physical punishment to be administered to him. And he tends to go way over the top whenever his lord is involved. He does mellow out on this over the series though... a bit.
- Dogged Nice Guy: More so early on. Character Development hit shortly after Ryuunosuke got his ship sank by Mako. While he still has moments, they don't get in the way of his calling.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady
- Fan Nickname: "Marijuana Man": for people who don't initially recognize the Kanji for water and confuse his visor for that of a cannabis leaf.
- "Aibaranger", due to the popularity of his actor, Aiba Hiroki.
- Finishing Move: Shin Suiryu no Mai [9]
- Hero Secret Service: Ryu-san is arguably one of the two most likely to instantly risk their lives for Takeru. In fact, concern about his Tono's well-being can distract Shinken Blue in battle.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Hiroki Aiba was Shusuke Fuji in the Prince of Tennis musicals and The Movie.
- Image Song: "Aonami Yonaoshi" [10]
- Japanese Pronouns: "Watashi".
- Jumped At the Call: Did he ever. While he's later shown to have some hesitations[11], he's been a committed Samurai from Act 1.
- The Lancer: Ryunosuke is Takeru's second in command. [12]
- Large Ham: Of course. He's a kabuki, and all.
- Making a Splash
- Meaningful Name: Ryunosuke: "Ike"/"Pond" and "Nami"/"Wave" represents his element. "Ryuu"/"Mannerism" refers to his well-mannered stature, and a homophone for "Dragon", his Origami.
- Nakama: Ryunosuke seems to be trying to actively build the Samurai-tachi into one from day one. As is often the case with Ryu-san, half his attempts are annoying as hell.
- Ocular Gushers: If this were an anime, Ryunosuke's teary moments would definitely end in these. Aiba deserves full credit here for invoking this sans anime cues.
- Omnidisciplinary Scientist: he's not only trained in both kabuki AND samurai skills as well as basic Mojikara usage, but goes so far as to develop the TenkuuShinkenOh combination, complete with the kanji needed to activate it.
- Signature Move:
- The Starscream: Played for Laughs in the V-Cinema special. Ryuunosuke's illusion involves him being the leader of the Shinkenger, making Takeru bow to him. Others called him out for it in the real world, but of course Ryuu-san denied and pointed out his Heroic Sacrifice in the Sci-Fi illusion.
- Occasionally played for laughs, but as often for drama - Ryu-san takes his duty to his lord very seriously
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Chiaki and Genta. Mostly because of the vast contrast in personalities.
- Yes-Man: Unquestioningly loyal to his Lord. This leads to a Heroic BSOD after The Reveal when he feels his loyalties clashing.
Mako Shiraishi | Actress: Rin Takanashi

"Similarly, Pink. Shiraishi Mako."
"Being our Lord doesn't necessarily mean you have to be perfect, you know?"
Originally a kindergarten teacher. Mature, levelheaded and reliable. Always count on her to comfort whoever's feeling down.
Mako was at first abandoned by her parents and was left to be raised by her grandmother. Her samurai training robbed her of any chance of a childhood like a normal girl; this shows big time in her protectiveness of children. She dreams of being a housewife, but is really horrid at cooking.
Tropes associated with Mako
- Berserk Button: Hurt her Nakama, hurt children... and Nee-san's got your Tranquil Fury right here.
- Her cooking can count, if only as a subversion. It's a sensitive spot for Mako, so the boys do their best to NOT insult her cooking right in front of her face. However, Mako never flipped off about it and instead just admits she still has a long way to go when she found out the boys were badmouthing her cooking.
- Blow You Away
- Cool Big Sis: One of the most levelheaded and calm characters of the team.
- Cooldown Hug: To anyone in need.
- Designated Girl Fight: Tends to get matched in fights against Usukawa Dayuu. And after witnessing Dayu's past in her dream, she seems to be drawn to her in a fight; possibly due to part-sympathy.
- Finishing Move: Shin Tenku no Mai [15]
- Friend to All Children: And anyone who's in need of a Cooldown Hug.
- The Heart
- Hey, It's That Guy!: You may recognize Rin Takanashi from the 2007 film adaptation of the Japanese novel Goth as one of the lead characters, Yoru Morino.
- Image Song: "Nadeshiko Shinken, Hanafubuki" [16]
- She sings it in the V-Cinema special during her dream sequence of becoming an Idol Singer.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Atashi".
- Lethal Chef: We can't stress this enough: DON'T! Touch. Mako's cooking... if you value your life.
- Meaningful Name: "Shiro"/"White", the clouds in the sky, "Ishi", homophone for "Will", and "Ko"/"Child". Roughly translates as "Sincere child"; either herself or the nature of pure and innocent children she takes care of.
- Name's the Same: Apparently she's stuck with the role of ShinkenPink because the only other Shiraishi descendant is busy co-hosting Lucky Channel.
- Her family name also belonged to the first Battle Cossack. Thank God she didn't die.
- Even better, an actual Shiraishi Mako was a member of Onyanko Club (which may sound familiar to viewers of Kamen Rider Kiva)
- Kobayashi's next series for Toei after Shinkenger was Kamen Rider OOO, which features a main character called Shiraishi Chiyoko ... any relation?
- Oh Crap: When you see her holding an apron, run like the wind and don't look back.
- Onee-Sama
- Paper Fan of Doom: Heaven Fan
- Parental Abandonment: She was raised by her grandmother, who wanted to train her as the next ShinkenPink, forcing her father to leave her behind and take care of her crippled mother instead. They got a tearful reunion in Act 34.
- Ship Tease: At first with Ryuunosuke, but she personally sent torpedoes to sink it, showing her Sugar and Ice qualities. Towards the end of the series she was getting closer to Takeru, but then she got (comical) Ship Tease with Chiaki and Kotoha in Shinkenger Returns.
- Signature Move:
- The Stoic: Not quite Takeru level, but she's usually calm enough.
- Not So Stoic: But when you throw in her parents to the picture.
- Sugar and Ice Girl: She's essentially the team's psychologist.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Team Mom
- Yamato Nadeshiko: She'd like to be one. But with cooking skills like that...
Chiaki Tani | Actor: Shogo Suzuki

"Similarly, Green. Tani Chiaki."
The rebel to Takeru. Lax, and not a very good fighter to start, but a quick thinker who relies on unorthodox methods.
His growth over the series made early calls marking him The Lancer to be retracted. Chiaki, interestingly, seems to be the one to anchor the others to the 'reality' of being samurai in the modern age, often striving to get the others to relax or see things from another perspective. His fighting style and tactical approach starts and remains unorthodox-- and proves an asset.
Tropes associated with Chiaki
- Batman Gambit: As The Smart Guy of the team, these are Chiaki's most Badass moments.
- Berserk Button: Chiaki has been shown to be VERY protective of Kotoha, despite her being aknowledged as a better Samurai than him. He's the first to go charging blindly after the Ayakashi that swollowed Kotoha's soul in Act 20. He later pulls one of his most clever mojikara uses to get Nee-san and his father out of a hostage situation. Go after the Wood Samurai's loved ones, get pwned.
- Blade on a Stick: Wood Spear
- Character Development: To be fair, everyone got it, but remember the guy who refused to lower his head or even follow orders from a designated lord? Well, guess who's the first one to happily lower his head when said lord is re-instated almost at the end of the series. It can't get any more blatant than that, can it?
- Face Doodling: If he's annoyed, or just for fun. Takeru is his prized doodle victim.
- Finishing Move: Shin Kogarashi no Mai [19]
- Genre Savvy
- Green Thumb
- Image Song: "Shinken Days, Never give up, Dōchū'" [20].
- Instant Expert: Averted; he didn't take his training seriously, and was the weakest member in the beginning. In fact, the fact that Chiaki's training wasn't as intense actually justifies Conservation of Ninjitsu, and allows us the fun of seeing him level up.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore".
- Kid Appeal Character
- Meaningful Name: "Tani"/"Valley", where trees grow; "Chi"/"Thousand", the abundance of trees and leaves; and "Aki"/"Dawn, Awaken", reminding of his late-bloomer trait. Also, his Kanji can be read "Ki".
- Mecha Expansion Pack: Kabuto Origami grants ShikenOh multiple long-range beam capabilities.
- Nakama: Despite being the one who protested the most about his lifelong mission, he's also the first to refuse to follow Kaoru as her retainer. If not for Takeru's personal request, he most likely would have walked off for good like Genta.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: His color is the opposite to the leader's on the color wheel, and was the least formally trained.
- The Rival: He considers Takeru as the person he'll surpass someday.
- Ship Tease: Has lots of "moments" alone with Kotoha, who's another "junior" of the team like himself.
- Signature Move:
- The Smart Guy: One of two. He may not seem like it initially, but his quick thinking and unorthodox methods definitely make him qualify.
- Sour Supporter: Initially. It's why many consider Chiaki as The Lancer early on.
- Took a Level in Badass: Chiaki takes several over the course of the series, as he neglected much of his training before he was summoned.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: He initially didn't get along well with Ryunosuke, due to his attitude about his mission. As the series progressed, he still fight with Ryunosuke, but not as much, and Act 37 shows that when not quarreling, they're downright complimentary in thought and deed.
- Zorro Mark: His default finisher with the ShinkenMaru[23] involves carving his "wood" kanji on screen.
Kotoha Hanaori | Actress: Suzuka Morita

"Similarly, Yellow. Hanaori Kotoha."
The Chick-Cute Bruiser dual pack; a shy, quiet and a bit clutzy country girl. Her loyalty to Takeru rivals Ryunosuke's.
Originally, Kotoha's older sister was supposed to take the place of Shinken Yellow, but because was she often very ill, Kotoha became Shinken Yellow in her stead. Unlike the others initially, she had no regret in becoming Takeru's vassal and willingly volunteered to serve him battle despite his initially cold personality.
Tropes associated with Kotoha
- The Chick
- Cute Bruiser
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Dojikko: Especially prevalent near the earlier part of the series.
- Finishing Move: Shin Tsuchikemuri no Mai [24]
- Fuuma Shuriken: Land Slicer
- Image Song: "Hannari, Metcha Bushidō Girl" [25]
- Kansai Dialect
- Keigo
- Japanese Pronouns: "Uchi".
- Meaningful Name Kotoha: "Hana"/"Flower" for her gentle and innocent nature. Combine with "Ori"/"To weave" and "Kotoha", possibly relating to "Kotoba"/"Words", and the result is a poetic meaning of "words beautiful as flowers weaved together", a nod to her softspoken nature.[26]
- Nice Girl: She is very kindhearted and respects everyone
- The Pollyanna
- Replacement Goldfish: She always felt like she had to live up to her sister since she's taking her place as Shinken Yellow.
- Ship Tease: Originally thought to be with Chiaki, however, there is strong evidence of her with Takeru as well.
- Shrinking Violet
- Signature Move:
- Spin Attack: Her "Sarumawashi"[29] and it's Super Mode variant.
- Zettai Ryouiki: She does this with short pants instead of skirts.

Genta Umemori | Actor: Keisuke Sohma
"Similarly, Gold. Umemori Genta."
"Yosh! Now for the Victory Ipponjime!"
Genta was a suspicious sushi seller who suddenly arrived in town. But when the Shinkengers were pinned down by the Ayakashi of the week, he revealed himself as Shinken Gold, and much to the vassals' surprise, Takeru's childhood friend.
Personality-wise, Genta is hyperactive and childish for his age, but like Ryunosuke, his capabilities are, albeit not intentionally, hidden beneath this behaviour.
Tropes associated with Genta
- Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: His business attire and Ranger form all revolve around Sushi. Justified in that Genta created most of his own arsenal by himself.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Boke to Ryuunosuke's Tsukkomi.
- Character Tic: He tends to roll up his sleeves when he gets serious.
- Chef of Iron
- Chewing the Scenery
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Going quite far on both sides.
- Deus Exit Machina: Despite being powerful, Genta would often be absent from battles (presumably running his sushi stand) or sent off on a separate mission while the others went to do something else.
- Gadgeteer Genius: He built his own Origami.
- Hey, You: He's the only one who dares call his Lord "Take-chan".
- Iaijutsu Practitioner
- Image Song: "Gold Ninjō, Ipponjime" [30]
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore".
- Large Ham: Rivals Ryunosuke.
- Light'Em Up
- Man Child, bordering on Bunny Ears Lawyer territory.
- Meaningful Name "Ume" could be a verbal variation of "Umai"/"Delicious" here. Add it to "Mori"/"Helping" and it makes sense: "Delicious Serving", a direct reference to his foodstall business.
- Reverse Grip: He holds the Sakanamaru and its scabbard backwards. His backhanded Iai style itself is lampshaded as unusual.
- Self-Proclaimed Knight
- Serious Business: When you realize that under the Chef of Iron with little social grace and Large Ham tendencies Genta treats almost everything with the same weight that Takeru does, you realize the two childhood friends have almost as much in common as they do in opposition.
- Signature Move: Hyakumai Oroshi [31]
- Sixth Ranger
- The Nicknamer: Calls Takeru "Take-chan", and even has nicknames for his Origami: Ika-chan for the Ika Origami, and Ebizo for the Ebi Origami.
- The Smart Guy: One of two. In his case, his ability to manipulate Mojikara and create new mecha.
- So Okay It's Average: In-Universe. Despite being a Sushi-themed Ranger, the sushi he makes is often labeled as such.
- Spam Attack: His "Oroshi" slash-storms.
Kaoru Shiba | Actor: Runa Natsui

"Shinken Red. Shiba Kaoru."
"I will succeed! That's why I'm here, Father!"
The true 18th head of the Shiba Clan who was hidden away and taken care of by one of her father's personal retainers in order to keep her and the Shiba Clan sealing character, the power to seal away Dokoku, safe from the Gedoushu. In her stead, Takeru took her place as lord as she trained and mastered the sealing character. Toward the end of the series, she returned to take her place as lord, but her vassals, who were more attached to Takeru, had a hard time following her.
Kaoru initially appears stoic, serious, and focused on her duty to defeat the Gedoushu, much like Takeru in the early parts of the series, making her difficult to approach, especially when she's with her stubborn retainer, Tanba. However, like Takeru, she turns out to be much nicer than she appears.
Tropes associated with Kaoru
- Cute Bruiser
- Distaff Counterpart: To Takeru.
- Eleventh-Hour Ranger: Though she actually replaces Takeru as leader. Once Takeru is made the official lord, she no longer goes into battle.
- Hot Mom:On the technicality that she adopted Takeru as her son. Note that Takeru is older than her.
- Instant Expert: Like the others, averted. The whole point of her being hidden was so she could master the sealing character.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Watashi".
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: As the other Shinken Red and the true lord, this is a given.
- The Ojou: Everyone addresses her as "Hime-sama"[32]. Tanba, her personal retainer, treats as such and tries to get everyone else to treat her the same way. She, on the other hand, is not especially fond of being treated this way.
- Parental Abandonment: Her father died sealing away Dokoku before she was born. Her mother was apparently pregnant with her around the time of the raid, but outside of that, nothing is mentioned about her still being alive.
- Passing the Torch: She steps down as lord and makes Takeru her successor. In order for this to legally work, however, she adopts him despite being younger than him.
- Quickly-Demoted Woman
- Playing with Fire: Because she's direct successor to the Shiba Clan, her fire Mojikara is generally stronger than Takeru's.
- Running Gag: Anytime Tanba, her retainer, annoys her or starts making Jerkass comments towards her vassals or her Body Double, she hits him with a Paper Fan of Doom.
- Small Girl, Big Gun
- The Stoic: Moreso than Takeru.
- Not So Stoic: Witness her telling off Tanba in the last act for his priorities being out of order.
- Sugar and Ice Girl
- Weapon of Choice: Her arsenal is the same as Takeru's, though she never shown using the Kyoryu Origami.
- You Killed My Father: Her father died in the Gedoushu raid before she was born. Her motivation for mastering the sealing character appears to stem from this.

Hikoma Kusakabe, a.k.a: Jii | Actor: Goro Ibuki
"Well done, my Lord!"
The Shiba household's retainer. Everyone calls him "Jii". Beside helping make sure the Shiba's traditional style Japanese mansion runs smoothly, he trains the Samurai in use of their mojikara and often oversees sword training and the like. He can be very nice and respectable, despite his strictness. Just don't go against him...
- Battle Butler: Sort of. He's old, but at least capable of giving a beatdown if needed.
- Badass Biker: He has a bike, but rarely uses it. Probably because it looks odd with his attire.
- Badass Grandpa: He. Kicks. Ass. Just watch Act 38 and the finale.
- Everyone Calls Him Jii
- Large Ham: By virtue of being played by a Jidai Geki veteran, but not as dramatic or often as Ryunosuke or Genta; he's the mildest of the three Hams in the series, in fact.
- Meaningful Name: Jii's name is simple; a different reading of the Kanji "Samurai". It also puns lightly on one of the least formal ways to address an elder, often translated as "grandfather". What's more, "Jii" is also a very common name in Japanese media - perhaps almost a nominal stereotype - to address well-aged butlers. All three surprisingly fits him perfectly.
- Name's the Same: For all we know, he could he be related to the man who walks the path of Heaven (Tendou's real family name was Kusakabe, while his current name comes from his grandmother adopting him).
- Parental Abandonment: not his own fault though. His work with the Shiba household leaves him just one day a year to visit his wife's grave and his daughter and her family, which he's had to give a miss several times.
- Stern Teacher
- Team Dad
The Kuroko
The Shiba household's servant crew, dressed as traditional Japanese stage hands-- and they expect to be as ignored. Besides helping Jii maintain the Shiba's ancestral home, they serve as heralds for the Shinkengers, carrying the elaborate curtains and war drums that often accompany the Samurai's entrance. They can even provide distraction and minor battle support, but mostly clear civilians from an area so the Samurai-tachi can focus on the battle at hand.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Don't be fooled by the archaic attires; they're incredibly adept at their tasks, be it at the mansion or the battlefield.
- Red Shirt: Averted.
- The Voiceless: They communicate with 100% body language. There's one exception in the whole series... and it's important later.
DaiGoyo | Voice actor: Koichi Tochika
"Move it, move it, move it!!" [33]
A lantern brought to life through Genta's Mojikara. Acts as the Team Pet and can grow to Mecha scale, goyo de!
- Hey, It's That Voice!: It's Neji!
- Light'Em Up: Well he is an offshoot of Genta, whose element is light. Can be so bright hidden secrets are revealed and enemies can be blinded.
- Meaningful Name/ Punny Name: Being fashioned on an Edo police officer, DaiGoyo's name and Verbal Tic have an interesting reference built in: Go-yo was what Edo period lawmen would say to clear the way when they were on official buisness. At night, they would carry latterns with the phrase on them in kanji. Appropriate, yes?
- Secret Keeper: Sort of. During the events of both Shinkenger team-up movies, he was the only character to witness an upcoming new Sentai team when they fought against Gedoushu members who attempted to do some sinister plan while the Shinkengers and the other team were busy fighting the big bad of the movie. After the brief fight, the team would notice DaiGoyo and ask him not to tell the other teams about themselves.
- Well, actually, just the Gokaigers asked him not to reveal themselves. But its implied that DaiGoyo did not tell his team about the Goseigers during Shinkenger vs. Go-onger, aisde from the non-canon Highlights Volume.
- Team Pet
- Verbal Tic: Goyo de!
- Weapon of Choice
- Improbable Weapon User: Himself
- Macross Missile Massacre: His finisher.
Chimatsuri Dokoku | Voice actor: Rintaro Nishi
The Big Bad Boss. Lives on a Ghost Ship in the Sanzu river. Very irritable, and spends much of his time doing nothing but drinking sake.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Bad Boss
- BFS: Shoryu Bakuzanto
- Big Bad
- Devour the Dragon: Kills Dayu and absorbs her, allowing him to resist the seal against him. Though Dayu allowed him to do so, and he was visibly upset when she died.
- Drowning My Rage
- Hair-Trigger Temper: He makes Maku seem slightly paler in comparison.
- Orcus on His Throne: Out of the whole series, there are only 3 Acts where he does something other than chugging down sake. The reason being he dries up much faster than any other Gedoushuu.
Usukawa Dayu | Voice actress (just actress in flashbacks): Romi Park
The only regular female Gedoushuu. Can be seen playing a Shamisen Of Murder. Can be considered a Dark Chick.
- Dark Chick
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Romi Paku.
- Instrument of Murder: Her Shamisen.
- The Smurfette Principle
- Was Once Human
- Yandere
Hone no Shitari | Voice actor: Cho
"I wish to keep on living, even if I have to surrender half of my remaining lifespan for that!"
Mad Scientist and The Strategist. Looks suspisciously like Cthulhu. Rarely leaves the ship, and instead constantly makes plans to increase Sanzu River's water.
Thought to have died during the Shinkenger finale. However, he survives the Rokumon Junk's sinking and reappears in Goseiger vs. Shinkenger, where he assists Buredoran of the Chimatsuri. But after learning of Buredoran's true intensions, Shitari escapes and forms an army of black versions of the Nanashi and Nosakamata to regain the Sanzu River's water. Unfortunately, before he could put his plan into action, he is stopped by the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, who quickly destroy his army and then him after assuming the forms of the previous five Red Rangers.
- Cthulhumanoid
- Combat Tentacles
- Evil Genius
- Evil Wizard
- Old Retainer: Implied to be this to Dokoku.
- The Strategist
- Undying Loyalty: To Dokoku
Fuwa Juzo | Actor: Mitsuru Karahashi
"All I want is to fight... until even my marrow turns into dust."
An enigmatic Gedoushu swordsman whom the others consider a "stray". Loves fighting, and has a one-sided rivalry towards Takeru.
- Black Eyes of Evil/Red Eyes, Take Warning/Mismatched Eyes: Seen in only two acts, but yes, all three at once.
- Blood Knight
- The Brute: He doesn't take much attention in strategies or such, all he cares about is slicing people up.
- Master Swordsman: He was the leader of a samurai clan after all... Even Takeru has difficulty in beating him.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Willingly to save Takeru knowing what awaits him should Dokoku find out just so that he and Takeru can have a Duel to the Death.
- The Rival
- Was Once Human: And still retains his human form.
Sujigarano Akumaro | Voice actor: Ryo Horikawa
An unusually polite Enigmatic Minion who surfaces after Dokoku's power boost; an expert schemer with a perpetual grin. Eventually turns Starscream after Dokoku's Phlebotinum Breakdown.
- The Dragon: Akumaro commands a whole slew of personal Ayakashi and gets away with screwing Doukokuu once. That speaks a lot about his power.
- Evil Sorcerer: He's good at what can be considered a Gedoushu Onmyodo.
- Hell on Earth: Around his debut point, he mentions that he wishes to create it. Turns out that he means it literally when he reveals his plan to reverse Hell and Earth, even betraying his fellow Gedoushu to make it happen.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Ryo "Vegeta" Horikawa.
- Noblewoman's Laugh: Hoh hoh hoh...
- Omnicidal Maniac
- ↑ however, see 'Hannibal Lecture, below
- ↑ Lord Kitty
- ↑ True Firey Dance
- ↑ Firey Dance
- ↑ Many Fires Profusion
- ↑ Blazing Great Slicing Sword
- ↑ "Father complex"
- ↑ "Mother complex"
- ↑ True Current's Dance
- ↑ Blue Wave World Reformation
- ↑ Act 35.
- ↑ When the other four stand alone sans Takeru, note they're always "Ryu-tachi" - "Ryu's group". Contrast his personality with Takeru, The Hero, and you'll see why the early call on this role, Chiaki, is a little off. Yes, this time The Lancer is a hammy and hyperactive Yes-Man. And it works.
- ↑ Current's Dance
- ↑ Clear and Serene
- ↑ True Heavenly Dance
- ↑ Carnation Shinken, Falling Cherry Blossom
- ↑ Heavenly Dance
- ↑ Whole Sky Impact
- ↑ True Winter Wind's Dance
- ↑ On the Journey
- ↑ Winter Wind's Dance
- ↑ Large Treed Late Bloomer
- ↑ Kogarashi no Mai
- ↑ True Dust Cloud's Dance
- ↑ Elegance, The Extreme Girl
- ↑ Or it could be overanalysis.
- ↑ Dust Cloud's Dance
- ↑ All Out Earth Power
- ↑ Monkey Spin
- ↑ Gold Hospitality, Ipponjime
- ↑ Hundred Fillets
- ↑ Princess
- ↑ "Goyo de, goyo de, goyo de!!"