SCP Foundation/Characters
The Foundation itself
General Tropes
Jobs and groups within the Foundation
These are the groups in the foundation. Tropes in this section apply to every member of the group or the group as a whole. Those in here not organized in the Foundation Security Clearance Levels page had their category guessed at.
Site Staff
D-Class Personnel
Last batch of D-Class? Not a single one died, all got to go free at the end of the month. I was there, too. Watched'em scamper back into the wilderness myself. Like a bunch of adorable, homicidal kittens.—Dr LosER, D-Class Orientation
Class D personnel are expendable personnel used to handle extremely hazardous anomalies and are not allowed to come into contact with Class A or Class B personnel. Class D personnel are typically drawn worldwide from the ranks of prison inmates convicted of violent crimes, especially those on death row. In times of duress, Protocol 12 may be enacted, which allows recruitment from other sources — such as political prisoners, refugee populations, and other civilian sources — that can be transferred into Foundation custody under plausibly deniable circumstances. Class D personnel are to be given regular mandatory psychiatric evaluations and are to be administered an amnestic of at least Class B strength or terminated at the end of the month at the discretion of on-site security or medical staff. In the event of a catastrophic site event, Class D personnel are to be terminated immediately except as deemed necessary by on-site security personnel.
- You Are Number Six: D-Class are assigned numbers and are called those numbers.
Containment Specialist
Containment specialists have two main roles at Foundation facilities. Firstly, containment teams are called upon to respond to confirmed cases of anomalous activity to secure and establish initial containment over anomalous objects, entities, or phenomena and transport them to the nearest Foundation containment site.
In addition, Foundation containment engineers and technicians are called upon to devise, refine, and maintain containment units and schemes for objects, entities, and phenomena in Foundation facilities.
See, you might hear essentially everyone else bitching about how hard and risky their job is, but it's a matter of fact that the researchers aren't any better off. Intel just watches stuff from afar, if an MTF sees something they don't like, they get to 'retreat', but we, not only have nowhere to go if shit hits the fan, we have to take whatever they bring in, and prod it until we find out what exactly does it do, and how to prevent it from doing that without control. So, listen carefully.—Dr. Eisenberg, Lab Induction
Researchers are the scientific branch of the Foundation, drawn from the ranks of the smartest and best-trained research scientists from around the world. With specialists in every field imaginable, from chemistry and botany to more esoteric or specialized fields such as theoretical physics and xenobiology, the goal of the Foundation's research projects is to gain a better understanding of unexplained anomalies and how they operate.
Security Officer
On-site security officers — often referred to simply as guards — at Foundation facilities are tasked with maintaining physical and information security for Foundation projects, operations, and personnel. Primarily drawn and recruited from military, law enforcement, and correctional facility personnel, security officers are trained in the use of all types of weapons as well as a variety of contingency plans covering both containment breach incidents as well as hostile action. These personnel are also responsible for information security, such as making sure that sensitive documents are not misplaced and that a facility's computer systems are safe from outside intrusion. They are also often the first line of defense against hostile outside forces for Foundation facilities.
Medical Doctors
Now I know you're probably wondering what I'm getting at, but I can't tell you. If I told you, in some cases, you'd risk exposure right there.— Doctor Christopher Zartion , Medical Seminar
The Foundation deals with all sorts of things that defy scientific explanation. It is the duty of the medical doctors to not only save as many people as they can by treating them, but also by making and keeping records of their patients to aid in preventing and curing repeat occurrences. Sometimes they are required to violate the Hippocratic oath for the greater good.
Tactical Response Officer
Response teams — or tactical teams — are highly trained and heavily armed combat teams tasked with escorting containment teams when dangerous anomalous entities or hostile Groups of Interest are involved and defending Foundation facilities against hostile action. Response teams are effectively military units stationed at major Foundation facilities that are ready to deploy at a moment's notice.
Field Personnel
Field Agent
Field agents are the eyes and ears of the Foundation, personnel trained to look for and investigate signs of anomalous activity, often undercover with local or regional law enforcement or embedded in local services such as emergency medical services and regulatory organizations. As undercover units, field agents are typically not equipped to deal with confirmed cases of anomalous activity; once such an incident has been confirmed and isolated, field agents will typically call for assistance from the nearest field containment team with the means to safely secure and contain such anomalies.
Mobile Task Force Operative
Mobile Task Forces are specialist units comprised of veteran field personnel drawn from all over the Foundation. These task forces are mobilized to deal with threats of a specific nature and can include anything from field researchers specializing in a particular type of anomaly to heavily armed combat units tasked to secure certain types of hostile anomalous entity. See the Task Forces document for more detailed information.
Site Director
Site directors for major Foundation facilities are the highest-ranking personnel at that location and are responsible for the continued, safe operation of the site and all of its contained anomalies and projects. All major departmental directors report directly to the Site Director, who in turn reports to the O5 Council.
The O5 Council
The O5 Council refers to the committee consisting of the highest-ranking directors of the Foundation. With complete access to all information regarding anomalies in containment, the O5 Council oversees all Foundation operations worldwide and directs its long-term strategic plans. Due to the sensitivity of their positions, O5 Council members must not come into direct contact with any anomalous object, entity, or phenomenon. Furthermore, the identities of all O5 Council members is classified; all council members are referred to only by their numeric designation (O5-1 through O5-13).
The Ethics Committee
We make an effort to sustain the impression that we're useless, because we are the secret power within the SCP Foundation.—Voct, Ethics Committee Orientation
The Ethics Committee is considered, by most Personnel to either not exist or to have virtually no power. This is how the ethics committee likes it. The Foundation protects the world from SCPs. The Ethics Committee protects the world from The Foundation, and they take their job very seriously.
Specific Foundation personnel
Dr. Clef, SCP number pending
- Asexuality: To a downright supernatural degree. He's immune to the effects of SCPs that affect sexual desire. Also, normal women tend to find him repulsive or unnerving, at an almost instinctual level.
- Humorously, after D-Class personnel tried to use the Gay Bomb on him, he compares himself to The Sisters of The Shawshank Redemption, and will pull it on anyone else who tries to repeat the stunt.
- Dr. Clef is immune to seduction because his crotch is a hand, and that hand holds a gun.
- There appears to be a single exception to his asexuality, however. This would be Lilith, who was feisty enough back in the day to get him interested.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He did not take well to Dr. W's experimenting on human children. With SCP-682.
- Reality Warper Killer, Hunter of His Own Kind
- Man of Wealth and Taste: Once used to describe himself.
- Multiple Choice Past
- Won't Work On Me: he's resistant to Reality Warpers.
- Perverse Sexual Lust: In Incident 239-B, he claims to have had a crush on Maleficent, although this may not be true, as he's implied numerous times he's not to be trusted.
- Phrase Catcher: "Genre-savvy and enigmatic".
- Satan: Maybe. Or not... probably.
- They Killed Kenny - during the April contest.
- The Unpronounceable: He claims his name is the sound of an A-minor chord played on a ukulele.
Dr. Gears
- Bald of Evil / Bald of Awesome
- The Comically Serious
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: between his persona and the real person.
- Pet the Dog: Seems somewhat kindly towards 239.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: With Crow; Kain being red and Cog being blue.
- Ridiculously-Human Robots, maybe.
- The Spock
Dr. Kondraki
- Badass Bookworm
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Known to pull pranks causing death or serious injury to others on a whim, shoot at people for no apparent reason, and otherwise engage in violence when bored. Also drove one of his assistants to a psychotic break.
- Indy Ploy: Absolute. Freaking. MASTER.
- Karma Houdini: Of a sort. He was cleared of all responsibility after he broke Dr. Clef's neck.
- Must Have Caffeine
- Perma-Stubble
- Pet the Dog: His efforts to save 239 from the frantically homicidal Clef.
- Villainous Breakdown: A truly epic one in "The King Is Dead".
- What Measure Is a Non-Cute?: The reason he wants SCP-239 to be spared.
- At least, that was what Dr. Clef thought his motives were. It turns out that Kondraki's original motive was actually just stopping Clef from causing more chaos for the foundation. At most, Kondraki was psychically manipulated by 239 without realizing it, as he discusses in an after-action interview log with an overseer.
Dr. Rights
- Anything That Moves
- Genki Girl
- Hot Mom: Both the character and her real-life counterpart recently gave birth, so yeah.
- Mood Swinger
- Supreme Chef
- Team Mom
- Tsundere
Dr. Bright
- Body Surf: With SCP-963, an amulet that replaces the mind of the wearer with Dr. Bright's.
- Insufferable Genius: Really insufferable, to the point where even he has a bright outlook towards killing copies of himself.
- Maniac Monkeys
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: If his 978 photo is any indicator.
Prof. Crow
- Animorphism
- Mad Scientist: Which caused the aforementioned Animorphism.
- Powered Armor
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: With Gears; Kain being red and Cog being blue.
Dr. Snorlison
- Badass Mustache
- Reassigned to Antarctica: The North Pole, but close enough.
- Sufficiently Analyzed Magic: It's his job at the Foundation.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
Fat Ghost
Dr. Glass
- Dogged Nice Guy / Stalker with a Crush - Requiring Agent Diogenes to do psychological evaluations once a week instead of the normal once a month, so he can muster the courage and try to ask her/him out.
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness
- The McCoy
- Only Sane Man: Oh, yeah.
Dr. Iceberg
- An Ice Person: Source of his current codename.
- The Dragon - to Gears.
- Kavorka Man
- Modern Major-General: He's assigned to paperwork despite having contained several SCPs and being an explosives expert. Granted, he's good at paperwork too...
- Status Quo Is God: Word of God is that he's never gonna get the promotion he wants.
- Stuff Blowing Up
Agent Strelkinov
- Badass Boast: Captain Dmitri Arkadeyevich Strelnikov, Twice Winner of Order of Suvorov for Exceptional Leadership Under Fire and Selfless Heroism and Bravery, One Who Has Saved Many Children From Burning Buildings.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Break.
- Berserk Button: CHECHENS.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Gratuitous English: Speaks much like Team Fortress 2's Heavy.
- Husky Russkie
- Shout-Out: To the Soviet anti-guerrilla specialist in Red Dawn.
- It's Personal: Almost everything he's written so far has to do with the IRG, which he defected from.
Agent Yoric
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Consummate Liar: He managed to obtain a position as a fairly high-ranking Foundation researcher by, basically, asking.
- The Dragon: To Dr. Bright.
- Hypocritical Humor
- Lovable Coward
- The Mole
- Refuge in Audacity
Secretary Break
- Girl with Psycho Weapon
- Liz Lemon Job
- Mean Character, Nice Actor
- Tsundere: In-character. God help you if you call the actual person this.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- East Indies: His home.
- Five-Finger Discount / Big Eater
Dr. "Photosynthetic"
- Green Thumb
- Not Good with People
- Curious as a Monkey: "Unless you want to have her literally poking your Safe-class item, or sniffing at a Euclid, exercise caution."
Dr. Sorts
- Brown Note: His specialty.
- It's Personal: He really, really doesn't like artists, having seen the trade from inside.
- Mad Artist: His other, frequently coinciding specialty.
Dr. Mann
- Devil in Plain Sight: The only one to notice that Hatbot is this.
- Hotblooded Sideburns
- Batman Gambit: Has plans to eliminate each of the O5s, in case. In at least one continuity, he uses them.
Dr. "Doc" Burns
- Badass Normal: Was recruited when he beat [REDACTED] senseless with a surgical tray for stealing his lunch.
- Combat Medic
- Improvised Weapon User
Dr. Trebuchet
- The Insomniac: Has built up a tolerance for pharmaceutical sleep aids that probably qualifies as the worst Charles Atlas Superpower ever.
- Knight in Sour Armor
- The Napoleon: The Foundation's work is very Serious Business to her.
- The Silent Bob
- Spoonerisms
- Workaholic
- Retcon: Was originally an Undead Child, but had to be changed to something more normal as a condition for her writer becoming staff.
Dr. Gnosis
- Badass Spaniard
- The Dragon: to Kondraki.
Agent Diogenes
Dr. Gerald
- Amusing Injuries
- Doom Magnet
- Drives Like Crazy
- Epic Fail: Everything he does is bound to fail spectacularly, to the point that his driving skills are considered an SCP. A joke SCP, but still.
- Made of Iron: The only explanation as to why he isn't dead yet.
Agent MacLean
- Defector From Decadence: Inverted, as he left the Foundation because he no longer believed that they were doing the right thing.
- Trigger Happy: Has a "tendency to shoot to kill when startled".
Agent Enma Ai
- Hidden in Plain Sight: Her main ability, honed to the point that she often gets locked inside rooms because no one saw her there.
- Shout-Out: Both her agent name and her appearance come from the main character from Hell Girl.
- The Stoic
Mister Flames
- Badass Beard: The picture says it all, really.
- Lethal Chef: Has a tendency to inflict Fire-Breathing Diner on victims.
- Ha Ha Ha No: This.
- Nice Character, Mean Actor: The opposite of Gears. Got himself banned for making inflammatory comments and requested all his work (most notably Wanderlust stories, the Black Queen and SCP-808) be taken down. It was.
Agent Lombardi
- Sergeant Rock
- No OSHA Compliance: Subverted. "Who here is willin' to die rather than give up on the mission? One, two, three, four… Okay, you five fail. Counter to what some dingbats will tell you, the latter is actually the preferred option."
- After Action Report
- More Dakka: "...that's when you pull out your gun and you shoot the fucker. If that don't work, you shoot it again, because ninety-nine times outta a hundred, shootin' will work if you do enough of it."
SCP Classification
Now, if you're in direct contact with a Keter class object you're likely fucked, and well, pure Euclids you'll meet only during initial containment, and there's little advice I can give you for that. What I'll speak about are the "Safe's". The bureaucratic cunt who thought up that name probably never seen one.—Dr. Eisenberg, Lab Induction
Before we go over individual SCPs we are going to go over the classification of SCPs. Don't put individual SCPs here, that goes in the next section. For now we are sticking with tropes embodied by classes of SCPs
Do not fuck about with a safe SCP, and mainly, do not let your guard down. The most dangerous times when researching an object isn't the first time you're around it, it's the umpteenth time you've been asked to collect a bunch of data, think you know exactly what it can do, and get careless. Might seem odd now, but you will begin thinking like that, no matter how weird or dangerous the item you work with is. It's human nature, something about psychological baselines but I'm a metallurgist, not a shrink. I guess it's so since in most of the world, if something does A for five hundred times, it won't do B for the five hundredth one time.—Dr. Eisenberg, Lab Induction
"Safe" SCPs are SCPs that (are believed to be) easy to contain and understood to some extent. That does not mean they are harmless, although some of them are. "Safe" SCPs have been known to throw curve balls, sometime resulting in re-classification.
Tropes embodied by "Safe" SCPs:
Tropes embodied by "Euclid" SCPs:
Tropes embodied by "Keter" SCPs:
The SCP no longer exists as an SCP for reasons other than -EX. This classification indicates the SCP no longer exhibits anomalous properties, possibly from its destruction. Tropes embodied by "Neutralized" SCPs:
The existence of Thaumiel class SCPs, and even existence of the class itself, is a highly guarded secret of the Foundation kept from even from all but a handful of Foundation personnel. Tropes embodied by "Thaumiel" SCPs:
In number Classification
In both cases these are put after the SCP's number designation instead in its object class.
In science things often defy scientific explanation prior to there discovery. This is the case of -EX SCPs. They are no longer SCPs simply because a scientific understanding behind their formally 'anomalous' properties has been established. Typically these SCPs are leaked to the public for general use by mankind. Tropes embodied by "-EX" SCPs:
-J stands for "Joke". Unsurprisingly a requirement for a -J is that it is funny (although just because it is funny doesn't mean it has to be a -J). Some people say the SCP Foundation franchise has "no canon", as you can write content that contradicts existing content (well there is some content you should respect). Even so -J SCPs are even less canon, you should probably pretend they don't exist when writing a serious article. Tropes embodied by "Joke" SCPs:
SCPs usually by number and series
If you want you can treat an object's classification as a Trope.
Plenty of SCPs are embodiments of tropes:
Series I (1-999)
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: You can see, you can take notes on it, you take pictures of it. But you can't remember it. Within minutes you forget anything you learned about it, regardless of how you learned it, unless that information is about what SCP-055 is not.
- Evil Brit
- Starfish Alien / Our Monsters Are Weird / Eldritch Abomination (maybe)
- Stealth Pun: It's a heart of darkness.
- Word Salad
SCP-076-2 AKA Able
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: "SCP-076-2 has however, shown that it has great knowledge of human anatomy (although in a highly violent context), military tactics of open warfare, metallurgy, and, strangely enough, the care of livestock."
- Ax Crazy: If Able is bored (which is often), he'll entertain himself by going on homicidal rampages.
- Berserk Button: Presumably, exposure to a picture of the symbol on SCP-073's forehead. (SCP-073 is Cain.)
- Beyond the Impossible: Able was once tasked (though as a separate incident/story, its canonical status is iffy) with trying to kill 682 listed above. They tore each other to ribbons but neither quite get the job done, took a break, went back into it, and fought so hard that they caused a [DATA EXPUNGED] event, implied to have been a hole they broke in the universe. Which means that one or the other's powers went off the scale, or that they're both such insane Human/Eldritch abominations that their co-presence messed up the laws of physics.
- Blood Knight
- Blue and Orange Morality: This is the result of the psychological testing done on him.
- Cain and Abel: He's the Abel. Notably, 6,000 years of undeath has reversed his role; he's now more of a Cain than Cain himself (who is also an SCP; see below).
- Canon Sue: Invoked. Able is explicitly the most sue-ish you can go, and you are not allowed to add an SCP more sue-ish than him. It's called the "Able line".
- Hyperspace Arsenal
- Implacable Man: It takes a lot to even stagger Able, let alone incapacitate him.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Retcon: The main 076 article was rewritten to remove the Mobile Task Force Omega-7 stuff, and make Able less "lolawesome". He's less of a Wolverine expy now and more of a humanoid bundle of murder. He is also now completely hostile towards the Foundation; no longer is he working for any side.
- The Mobile Task Force Omega-7 stuff was later worked back in with key changes. The "official SCP-076 file" makes it VERY clear that he's Chaotic Neutral at best, while the records of his time in Mobile Task Force Omega-7 state that the instant Able got bored again, he reverted back to slaughtering SCP personnel.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Proper spelling, as listed on the main article and by Word of God, is Able. Too many people misspell it using the Biblical spelling, though.
- Worthy Opponent: SCP-076-2 lamented the loss of an SCP agent who was able to match him in combat. Partly because said agent killed as collateral damage in an airstrike (to stop another SCP) instead of in combat (as 076-2 thought a Worthy Opponent deserved) and partly because fighting the Foundation was really boring without said agent there to make it challenging.
- Deconstruction / Fridge Brilliance: Able has no interests beyond killing people, is perpetually bored, can summon weapons out of an apparently unlimited space and respawns upon death. He is a videogame player character.
SCP-085 ("Cassy")
- Art Initiates Life: Her origin.
- The Cutie: Admit it. You want to give her a hug.
- Medium Awareness
- Pet the Dog: The Foundation's treatment of her is better than most other sentient SCP's, even when they're also harmless.
SCP-106 ("The Old Man")
- Body Horror: It resembles a rotting, diseased corpse of an old man. Plus it makes its victims look like this.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: What it does to its victims when it drags them into its pocket dimension.
- Evil Old Folks: Looks like one any way.
- Humanoid Abomination
- Plaguemaster/Walking Wasteland: Anything it ouches corrodes away, it can even pass through walls.
- Pocket Dimension: Has one of its own.
- Slasher Smile
- Weakened by the Light: It cowers away into its pocket dimension when it is subject to very bright flash.
- Why Did It Have To Be Bizarrchitecture: It becomes confused when subject to complex/"random" structures.
SCP-173 ("The Sculpture - The Original")
- For the Evulz: It's apparently just playing a game when it kills people for blinking.
- Humanoid Abomination: for a given definition of "humanoid"...
- Living Statue
- Offscreen Teleportation/Light Flicker Teleportation: Similar to that of the Weeping Angels. Also, a mixture of human blood and feces inexplicably appears in any room it's stored in. Needless to say, D-class personnel are used to clean it up.
SCP-187 ("Double vision")
- Mad Oracle: the Foundation has to keep her from destroying her eyes.
- Cult: The Children of the Scarlet King are referred to as a cult.
- Fetus Terrible: The [DATA EXPUNGED] she carries.
- Noodle Incident: What IS she carrying? What do they do to her?
- "Further recruitment of Class D Personnel is to take place among convicted sex offenders only, to minimize possibility of a second botched 110." Read this. A better (and more horrifying) question is: what don't they do to her?
- The writer apparently once claimed it wasn't the obvious. Allegedly, it's something worse.
- "Further recruitment of Class D Personnel is to take place among convicted sex offenders only, to minimize possibility of a second botched 110." Read this. A better (and more horrifying) question is: what don't they do to her?
- Sealed Evil In An SCP
- The End of the World as We Know It: Assumed to be what will happen if SCP-231-7 isn't regularly [DATA EXPUNGED].
- You Do NOT Want to Know: Inducted amnesia has become mandatory for personnel who have to handle the duties associated with her, because the suicide rate was disproportionately high.
- Easter Egg: A hidden line at the end of the O5 report suggests a different reason 231 has not been cured yet.
- He Who Fights Monsters: It basically suggests this of the Foundation.
SCP-239 ("Sigurrós")
- God: One of many theories.
- Little Miss Almighty: Deconstructed.
- The End of the World as We Know It: Narrowly averted in Incident 239-B, which convinced the Foundation that she needed to be kept in a coma to avoid activating her powers. That isn't going too well, either...
- The Omnipotent
- Establishing an Unreachable Baseline: Someone killed himself/herself after acquiring "the perfect drink" From 294.
SCP-387 ("Living Lego")
SCP-582 ("Bundle")
- Brown Note: Of a sort.
- The Slender Man Mythos: Is strongly implied to be Slender Man.
SCP-662 ("Mr. Deeds")
- A Wizard Did It: Not even Deeds himself is quite sure how he's able to do what he does. Thinking about it too much seems to distress him.
- Battle Butler: Well, Deeds is a butler... and you can send him to kill people.
- Death Is a Slap on The Wrist: Whenever Deeds is killed, no matter how severe his injuries, he comes right back once his corpse is out of sight and the bell is rung.
- Genie in a Bottle: Deeds, with the bell serving as his bottle.
- Offscreen Teleportation: He needs to be unobserved to bring back items, and knows if he is being observed. If there are cameras, they simply malfunction for a minute or two, with Deeds not knowing or caring how he got the item.
SCP-682 ("Hard-to-Destroy Reptile")
- Absolute Xenophobe: toward nearly all Earth life.
- Adaptive Ability: Fortunately, the adaptations wear off eventually and it can always be at least incapacitated by heavy physical damage.
- Berserk Button: Earth life, with rare exceptions.
- Call a Smeerp a Rabbit: It only looks like a reptile.
- Eldritch Abomination: When brought in to terminate 682, SCP-343, who is thought to be God, refuses and remarks "He's not one of mine. Deal with him yourself." Hoo boy.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: SCP-682 really is a Hard-To-Destroy-Reptile. Although the picture used in the article is of "The Moscow Monster", which was really just the corpse of a beluga whale.
- Everything Alive Through Alien Eyes: One possible explanation for why it always tries to kill everything except SCP-053. It's not evil, it's just that everything alive in our world except SCP-053 is so horribly, gut-wrenchingly disgusting and wrong that SCP-682 can't help reacting by trying to make us all stop existing ASAP. It also didn't try to kill Dr. Clef for some reason. It just stared at him. It's anyone's guess what this means.
- Extreme Omnivore: It gains energy from anything it ingests, even the acid used to contain it.
- Flowery Insults / Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: It calls SCP-999 a "feculent little snot wad" and invites it to "[DATA EXPUNGED] and die", and generally gets pretty vicious verbally if it's restrained physically.
- Godzilla Threshold: "Special Containment Procedures: SCP-682 must be destroyed as soon as possible."
- Good Thing You Can Heal: Actually, no, it really isn't in this case.
- Half The Lizard He Used To Be: They cut him in half with a high-powered laser. Each half grew back into a full-size 682. Thankfully, once 682-B was incapacitated and 682-A was cornered, 682-A ate 682-B in an attempt to invoke Heal Thyself.
- Infernal Retaliation: The Foundation once attempted to launch SCP-682 into the sun with a very large cannon. It came back ON FIRE. Of course, this was only mentioned in the joke SCP entry for said very large cannon, so it is not canon by virtue of the 1543-j not existing within SCP canon (nebulous and ill-defined as it is). Just cannon. It also had wings that launched razors-sharp feathers.
- Inversion: SCP-1364: 682 is an unidentifiable "reptile" that adapts to survive and hates everything while 1364 is an anteater that, despite being harmed by bright lights, still wants a hug.
- Nigh Invulnerable: This is its main trait. This and...
- Won't Work On Me: Even to the most consistently fatal SCPs. Not to mention...
- Nuke'Em: One of the proposed ways to end it, was by using a 60 MT thermonuclear bomb. Ultimately decided against.
Researcher: Yes, it's a goddamn nuke, but if 682 survives and adapts we'd be boned beyond belief.
- Omnicidal Maniac: SCP-682 doesn't want to set the world on fire, but just wants to destroy every living thing in it except for SCP-053, which is close enough.
- Dr. Clef also doesn't seem to trigger its murder-death-kill reflex, whatever that means...
- Pet the Dog: SCP-053 is possibly the only living thing that 682 didn't immediately try to kill - in fact, 053 played with it. Did we mention that this is the opposite of what usually happens, given that 053's main power seems to be to make people inexplicably and violently hate her after some time?
- Went into Papa Wolf and Even Evil Has Loved Ones territory when 682 attacked the personnel sent to retrieve 053, presumably believing they'd harm 053.
- That or it was just doing whatever it usually does, mauling anything in sight.
- 053's other power is that anyone or anything that causes her harm dies. It's possible that 682 could sense this power and was merely adapting as it always does.
- Went into Papa Wolf and Even Evil Has Loved Ones territory when 682 attacked the personnel sent to retrieve 053, presumably believing they'd harm 053.
- Running Gag: Not a gag, per se, but any time a particularly destructive or mind-altering SCP is contained, they expose it to SCP-682 to see if 682 is destroyed by it. This Very Wiki has an entire "Attempts To Kill SCP-682" section on the SCP's Crowning Moment of Funny sub-page.
- Unstoppable Rage: It's not as popular as its other traits, but SCP-682 has episodes that are hard to describe as anything else, where it seems to lose control and become even more aggressive and even harder to incapacitate than usual. The abovementioned incident with the personnel trying to remove SCP-053 is a good example.
- Why Did It Have To Be SCP-173?: Perhaps the only thing that SCP-682 is completely terrified of.
SCP-811 ("Aé")
- Beauty to Beast
- Bizarre Alien Biology: She has an incomplete digestive tract, absorbs nutrients through her skin, and has liquid rot for blood.
- Bloody Murder
- Eloquent in My Native Tongue: Doesn't have a "native tongue", per se, but it's apparent that she has complex thoughts and is frustrated by her inability to express them well.
- Poisonous Person
- Vomit Indiscretion Shot
- Was Once a Woman: An interview reveals that she used to be human, but was experimented on by an unknown person/organisation, turning her into her current form.
- Black Box
- Clock Punk
- Combinatorial Explosion
- Fusion Dance: Generally from two items on the Fine setting
- Turned Up to Eleven: The end result of the Very Fine setting
- Serial Escalation: Fine outputs put back in on Very Fine
- For the Lulz: One theory to its purpose
- Insufferable Genius: Its "personality", if it even has one, seems to resemble this
- Smart People Play Chess
Professor "Q": Yes, I've been playing chess with 914. …Yes, I'm aware it's supposed to be non-sentient, but that hardly explains why it's winning.
- Troll: Definitely shows more than a few shades of this. Apparently one of those shades is pink.
I hate [EXPLETIVES REDACTED] pink! -Dr. Hale
- Literal Genie: At times.
- Ax Crazy
- Berserk Button: Being called a kitsune. "Personnel asking what the difference is are to be reminded of the difference between a Cherokee Indian and a New Delhi Indian". Furries also seem to really piss her off.
- The Fair Folk: This is technically what a kumiho is, but her sheer malevolence makes the Court Unseelie look perfectly benign by comparison, and that's saying a LOT.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- I'm a Humanitarian
- Kitsune: NOT NOT NOT NOT.
- Humanoid Abomination: When she's taking a human form.
- Shape Shifter
- The Trickster: in-between eating humans, she loves to play sick tricks on them, seemingly purely For the Evulz. She tricks a mother into eating her own child. Also, when a team of agents arrives to apprehend her, she mentally dominates them and feeds them meat with rice... only the meat turns out to be rotting human flesh, and the rice is live maggots.
- The Vamp: She seemingly exploited this to bite off an agent's genitals, before showing it to him and proceeding to tear out his liver.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: can pretend to be one in order to increase her mental hold over her victims.
SCP-959 ("The Bogeyman")
SCP-966 ("Sleep Killer")
- Invisible Monsters: Can only be seen through infrared filters.
- Humanoid Abomination: They don't seem to possess human-level intelligence, though.
- Wolverine Claws
Series II (1000-1999)
SCP-1000 ("Bigfoot")
- Ancient Conspiracy: "You think Bigfoot is funny because we want you to think Bigfoot is funny." - Director Jones
- Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti
- Blatant Lies: The description available to Level 2 personnel portrays them as dumb apes that happen to have a "pseudo-disease" that kills humans (and related apes) who see them, in order to justify their Keter classification. Only Level 3 and higher are allowed to know of their true nature.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: "Then their civilization fell. And we did it. By 'we' I don't mean the Foundation. By 'we', I mean humanity."
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: "We left no traces. Not even our own memory. We turned one of the yetis' weapons on ourselves, wiped out any knowledge of SCP-1000 and the greatest civilization the planet had ever seen."
- Not So Different: They were the former dominant species of Earth, treating humans like we treat apes today. Moreover, SCP-2932 reveals that they had their own equivalent to the Foundation and also overthrew the dominant species that ruled the Earth before them.
SCP-1000 are just like us. That's what makes them so dangerous. We wiped them from history and memory. We dissolved their civilization and we slaughtered most of their species. Just ask yourselves: If they got the chance, what more would they do to us?
SCP-1867 ("Lord Blackwood")
- Gentleman Adventurer
- Intellectual Animal: Possibly. Sort of. Physically, Lord Blackwood appears to be a perfectly ordinary sea slug. He seems oblivious to this fact.
- The Munchausen
Series III (2000-2999)
- Reset Button: It isn't perfect though. For example mankind is mostly wiped out, and this is used to restore it, their will be proportionally more people with genetic defects than before the restoration. And even those types of problems aside it isn't something you just push and everything is instantly is restored to the status quo.
-EX SCPs (excluding joke (-EX)s
Joke SCPs (including joke (-EX)s
Groups of Interest
The Chaos Insurgency
- Banana Republic/Ruritania: They've apparently created many.
- Hufflepuff House: Not that many contributors seem to care about using them.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Nebulous Evil Organization
The Church of the Broken God
- Clock Punk: Almost everything involved in their cult is clockpunk.
- Machine Worship
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Pieces of God
Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution
- It's Personal: Bijhan, as mentioned above.
- Qurac: Everywhere they inhabit.
- Ripped from the Headlines
The Global Occult Coalition
- The Rival
- Stupid Jetpack Hitler: A few, although they are by no means a Nazi organization.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
The Serpent's Hand
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Satan Is Good: About a third of their belief system, the rest being Norse Mythology and something that vaguely resembles Wicca.
- SCP Wrongs Group
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: In the exact opposite way as the GOC.
Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd.
- Auction of Evil: They run these regularly.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: The other organizations might've made up their ominous names, but the name of this group would imply that they actually have a partner named Dark, of all things.
- Smoky Gentlemen's Club
The Unusual Incidents Unit (FBI)
- The Ditz: The entire organization.
- Shout-Out: "Disparagingly referred to as X-Files" by the rest of the FBI.
- Inspector Lestrade
The Factory
- Hufflepuff House: In a "mysterious" way, not a "who cares?" way like the Insurgency.
- Mad Artist
- Those Two Bad Guys: Employed some to distribute SCP-195.
Dr. Wondertainment
Alexylva University
- Academy of Evil: And of strange artifacts, apparently.
- ALL UPPERCASE LETTERS: Just like ancient Rome, that universe apparently has no lowercase letters.
- Alternate History: It exists in a world where the Roman Empire has endured to the present day.
- For Want of a Nail: SCP-961 implies that the only reason our world hasn't ended up the same way as theirs is because of a mysterious... someone influencing historical events.
Are We Cool Yet?
- Attention Whore: of a sort. Their "installations" are placed for maximum exposure. "Exposure" in this context is synonymous with "casualties."
- Dada: if AWCY? has any consistent philosophy, Dadaism is it.
- Mad Artist
- Terrorists Without a Cause: Depending on whether or not the reader considers "art" a cause.
- True Art Is Incomprehensible: In-universe.
Individuals of interest
- Creepy Child: Considering what his toys and other possessions are like, he is likely to be this.
- The Ghost
- Mysterious Watcher
- Enigmatic Minion / Mysterious Protector: Alternates between the two.
- Nice Hat: A fedora.