Puella Magi Kazumi Magica/Characters
Magical Girls
The main character. An amnesiac girl who can't remember anything about her life before, including her wish. She is a member of the Pleiades Saints. Actually the thirteenth clone of deceased magical girl Michiru Kazusa, stuffed with witch meat.
- All Your Powers Combined: Because the Saints are pouring their power to her clone to revive her, she can use their power to an extend from its residue such as Umika's barrier and Kaoru's Instant Armor.
- Amnesiac Hero: Subverted; being a clone, she actually might not have any memories at all. Umika is making them for her.
- Artificial Human
- Bad Powers, Good People: Her magic is apparently based on destruction.
- Makes sense cause she is made out of witch parts
- Bare Your Midriff: In her Magical Girl costume.
- Break the Cutie: As the series progresses.
- Berserk Button: Don't touch Kazumi's bells.
- Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: Kazumi is Beauty.
- Body Horror: All the failed clones have some kind of it on their person. Kazumi herself turns similar to them after being exposed to the Evil Nut.
- Cloning Blues: She's a clone of Michiru Kazusa
- Creepy Cool Crosses: Kazumi's weapon is shaped like a cross.
- Cute Little Fangs: They tend to show up during her more angsty moments.
- Cute Witch: Kazumi's magical girl outfit makes her look like one. Ironic, considering the monsters she fights are called witches and the fact that she's basically a witch stuffed in a human body.
- Expressive Hair: Kazumi's Idiot Hair changes in response to Witches. The non-standard witches, apparently. It also responds to emotions, like making a heart at the end of chapter 3.
- Expy: Chapter 10 shows that in the past, Kazumi was a heroic magical girl, and saved the Pleiades Saints from a witch's kiss before they became magical girls. When she loses her memories, Kazumi is Locked Out of the Loop because her friends are trying to protect her from the truth of the magical girl system. She has died before, as well, and her friends are attempting to save her from that fate by reviving her over and over again. Basically, she's Madoka.
- Feminine Women Can Cook
- Forgot the Call: Kazumi wasn't aware she was a magical girl until she transformed. Possibly subverted; there was nothing to forget.
- Girl in a Box: In the first chapter.
- Healing Factor: By transmuting herself with her dead clones, she can regenerates her severed arm and leg. Satomi calls it 'eating'.
- The Heart
- Humanoid Abomination: She's a cloned human body stuffed with witch meat.
- Idiot Hair: Kazumi has one that, according to her, can detect witches! But it fails to detect typical anime-style witches.
- Important Haircut: Kazumi's long, flowing hair gets quite a trim from her friends in the second chapter. She decides it fits with the 'new Kazumi'.
- It turns out though that it's not much different from Michiru's hairstyle.
- Kawaiiko: Kazumi dresses like an elementary student, and acts quite young and innocent.
- Locked Out of the Loop: The rest of the Pleiades were hiding from Kazumi the origins of witches, but she discovers the truth in chapter 5.
- And then we find she's still Locked Out of the Loop when the Pleiades attack a magical girl and sever her connection to her Soul Gem. She discovers that truth in chapters 8 and 9. Then there's her true origins...
- Loss of Identity: To the point where she even refers to herself as a "new" Kazumi. Because she is.
- Magical Incantation: "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo," though this was only in the scanlation. The original phrase was "Chichinpurin," another food pun.
- Meaningful Name: Kazumi can be read as "thirteen". In Chapter 13 we find she's the thirteenth Kazumi clone.
- Mercy Killing: Performs the final blow on Yuuri's witch form. Interestingly, she also did it to share that burden with her friends.
- Mini-Dress of Power
- Morality Pet: For the Pleiades...sort of.
- Naked First Impression: How Souichirou (and the reader, for that matter) is introduced to Kazumi.
- No Name Given: Until Chapter 13 which reveals that...she technically never had one.
- Won't Work On Me: It's vaguely implied that Kazumi's powers let her accomplish this. Consider how she reverses her pseudo-witch transformation in Chapter 6, and unfreezes herself in Chapter 8.
- Parental Abandonment: Justified, she's a clone.
- Rapunzel Hair: Before her Important Haircut.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Though the "new" Kazumi isn't sinister.
- Reality Warper: It seems that Kazumi's bell can change reality; in the first chapter, the bomb that was supposedly a real bomb turned into a harmless toy after Kazumi wishes it.
- Her magic is strong enough that she can turn a witch into a twisted witch/magical girl hybrid.
- In Chapter 8 Jubey claims her magic is "breaking religious law"/"sacrilege" but then apparently corrects himself and says it's "destruction" - both are Alternate Character Readings of the same word in Japanese. It's implied that the former is more accurate.
- Sigil Spam: See that symbol on her earring bells? It's also the shape of her Idiot Hair and the top of her witch's hat in magical girl form. And it appears twice on her Soul Gem.
- Sinister Scythe: in chapter 14.
- Skewed Priorities: Kazumi has been kidnapped, is recently amnesiac, and is sitting in the kitchen of a man who plans to blow up a mall. What does she focus on? Food.
- Tomato in the Mirror
- Tragic Keepsake: Kazumi takes Yuuri/Airi's spoon after her witch form is defeated.
- Her earring-bells turn out to be one. For her orginal.
- Vapor Wear: Apparently. If the cover of the first tankobon is to be believed, Kazumi wears nothing beneath that magical girl outfit. That opens the question of how can she wear panties when not wearing her skirt, though. Perhaps they remain in place until the outfit is formed?
- Chapter 8 gives us a minor Panty Shot, so who knows.
- Chapter 2 gives us a post-Transformation Sequence Panty Shot after she briefly forgets to conjure a skirt.
- You Are Number 13.
Umika Misaki
One of Kazumi's friends and a member of the Pleiades Saints. Her wish was to meet an editor who would recognize her writing talent.
- Barrier Warrior: Creates forcefields.
- Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: Umika is Brains.
- Blade on a Stick: Her book can become a staff with a diamond-shaped blade on each end.
- Blue Eyes
- Cool Big Sis: To Kazumi. It's the other way around before her amnesia, as Kazumi was very comforting and encouraging to Umika about her plagiarized novel problem.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Exposition Beam
- Fake Memories: Can alter the memories of others.
- Feminine Women Can Cook
- Great Big Book of Everything: Umika's weapon is a book that tells her about the enemies they fight.
- Meganekko: In Magical Girl form.
- Mini-Dress of Power
- Most Writers Are Writers: Umika is a novelist.
- Muggle Best Friend: Averted.
- Plagiarism in Fiction: Her first novel was stolen by her editor and released under a different author. Her editor then had the gall to actually ask Umika for more writing.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Possibly with Kaoru. In chapter 1 they leave a note for Kazumi saying they're out dating...and they don't seem to be with any boys in the coffee shop. There are a few Les Yay moments between them in Chapter 3.
- Taking the Bullet: The first time she was trapped in a witch's barrier, she shielded Kaoru from a familiar with her own body.
- Those Two Girls: With Kaoru, but subverted.
- Tragic Keepsake: In backstory. During her attempted Psychic-Assisted Suicide, she is shown holding her plagiarized manuscript.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Kaoru Maki
One of Kazumi's friends, and a member of the Pleiades Saints. Her wish was to have a healthy body in order to play soccer. This is a lie. Chapter 12 reveals it was actually to help people who were hurt in a match where she lost the use of her legs.
- Badass Normal: Mind you, at that time, Kaoru was crippled and had to walk with crutches. Even before her contract, she was the only one who can fend off the familiars without Kazumi's muskets back-up before her injured leg started to give in.
- Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: Kaoru is Brawn.
- Cool Big Sis: To Kazumi. At the end of Ch.15 when the Pleiades decide to kill Kazumi and reclone her, Kaoru is the only one to have reservations against it.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Game-Breaking Injury: In her backstory. The person who injured her was bullied and nearly killed herself because of it.
- Eyes of Gold
- Instant Armor: In Chapter 9 she covers her arms in a metallic substance that lets her block a giant pair of scissors.
- It's All My Fault: Kaoru goes over the Despair Event Horizon in her backstory when she finds that the person who injured her tried to kill herself.
- Kick Chick
- Muggle Best Friend: Averted.
- No Name Given: Her last name isn't revealed until Chapter 7.
- She's Got Legs
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Possibly with Umika. In Chapter 1 they leave a note for Kazumi saying they're out dating...and they don't seem to be with any boys in the coffee shop. There are a few Les Yay moments between them in Chapter 3.
- Those Two Girls: With Umika, but subverted.
Saki Asami
A member of the Pleiades Saints. Her wish was for her dead sister's flower to bloom forever. She seems to have teleportation magic.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Satomi does this to her in chapter 13.
- The Captain: Saki seems to be this for the Pleiades, effectively taking the leader role. Her magical girl costume even looks like a military uniform.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Appears as a silhouette in Chapter 1.
- Childhood Marriage Promise: In backstory, with a girl named Miyuki. But we later find Miyuki was her sister.
- Cool Big Sis: Acts like this to the Pleiades, Kazumi especially.
- Dead Little Sister / Survivor Guilt: In her backstory. Saki and her sister Miyuki were in a horrible car accident. Miyuki died, driving Saki over the Despair Event Horizon.
- Expy: Of Mami. Both lost loved ones in a car crash they were in, but survived themselves. Both are big sister archetypes that try to lead the younger magical girls. Both wear nice hats in magical girl form.
- Good Looking Private: Though she's not actually a member of the military, her magical girl costume looks like this.
- Hidden Depths: Despite being a no-nonsense commander, she carries books in her backpack with titles such as "My First Love Was The Milky Way" and "Lemon Kiss Memories".
- Les Yay: Had an extremely close relationship with Miyuki, her sister and is in love with Kazumi.
- Incest Subtext: She was very close to her sister. And she later says Mirai is like her sister.
- Meganekko
- Monocle: Her glasses become one in her magical girl outfit.
- Rapunzel Hair: Grows it in chapter 13 as a side effect of using one of her powers.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Sort of. In her backstory, she was very close to another girl named Miyuki. But we later find that other girl was her sister. Yeah.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: But she also sometimes has a rather violent temper when provoked.
- Teleporters and Transporters: In Chapter 13. It also makes her hair grow long.
- Tragic Keepsake: In backstory. During her attempted Psychic-Assisted Suicide she is holding Miyuki's lily of the valley plant.
- Whip It Good: Her weapon is a riding crop that shoots lightning.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Mirai Wakaba
A member of the Pleiades Saints. Her wish was to have a big museum to hold all her teddy bears.
- BFS: Her wand turns into a giant sword that can cut a witch in half.
- Bare Your Midriff: In her Magical Girl costume.
- Berserk Button: Don't ever harm Saki.
- Blood Is the New Black: She's covered in a witch's blood and acts normally after killing the witch who hurt Saki until forced out of it.
- Bokukko
- Chekhov's Gunman: Likely the silhouette with the witch's hat in Chapter 1 - see Nice Hat below.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Cute Little Fangs: Show up when she loses it over Saki's wound.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Saki gets a tiny cut on her cheek while saving Mirai. Mirai responds by cutting the witch who hurt Saki in half.
- Everything's Worse with Bears: One of her attacks is to summon an army of small, cute-looking teddy bears.
- Killer Rabbit: They bite a witch's skin off with their teeth.
- Fusion Dance / Make My Monster Grow: She can also make them fuse into a giant bear.
- Exact Eavesdropping: Listening to Satomi and Kazumi's heart-to-heart before Satomi attacks Kazumi with the clones.
- Expy: Of Homura. They had the same two-tailed hairstyle and glasses in their backstories, and both were bullied by classmates. She also shares a similar backstory with Kirika. Both were girls ostracized by their class and without any friends who lied to themselves that they weren't lonely before making contracts, and are somewhat Yandere for another girl they are friends with. They also both use bladed weapons (claws and a sword, respectively).
- Friendless Background / Loners Are Freaks: In backstory, she was basically ostracized by her entire class.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Does this a lot. Usually with Megaton Punch.
- Girls Love Stuffed Animals: Has a teddy bear museum, and carries around one after using an army of them to attack a witch.
- Later we find that she had an entire room full of teddy-bears.
- Girlish Pigtails: In her backstory.
- Hair Decorations: In her magical girl form.
- Heart Symbol / Sigil Spam: Hearts are featured heavily as accents on her costume, weapon, bear summons and on her school uniform. Possibly Foreshadowing her Yandere streak.
- I Just Want to Have Friends: In backstory.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Arrogant, and quite willing to hit Kazumi on the head when she's blaming herself, but it's clear she does it because she cares. Maybe too much.
- Little Miss Badass / Badass Adorable: Her weapon is a heart shaped wand. Her magic lets her summon cutesy teddy-bears that can fuse into a giant bear by hugging each other. Do not underestimate any of them.
- Nerd Glasses: In backstory.
- Nice Hat: A small panel in Chapter 12 inexplicably shows her wearing a witch's hat. Since it was part of a flashback, it's possible this was her original magical girl outfit.
- Number of the Beast: Probably doesn't mean anything, but in Chapter 12 we find she was carrying a teddy-bear with 666 on it.
- Mini-Dress of Power
- Out of Focus: After her initial appearance, she gets less panel time compared to the other magical girls. Averted in a big way in Chapter 9.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Room Full of Crazy: That room full of teddy-bears in her backstory is a tiny bit disturbing.
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Security Blanket: In backstory, her teddy-bears were the only "friends" she had.
- Taking the Bullet: The first time she was trapped in a witch's barrier, she shielded Saki from a familiar with her own body.
- Yandere/ViolentlyProtectiveGirlfriend: For Saki, apparently.
Satomi Usagi
A member of the Pleaides Saints. Her wish was to speak to animals. She seems to also have some sort of mind control abilities.
- And Then Satomi Was A Witch: As of chapter 15.
- Animal-Eared Headband: Satomi has cat ears on her magical girl costume.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Oh dear...
- Blood Is the New Black: At the end of chapter 14.
- Catgirl: In her magical girl outfit.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Cute and Psycho
- Cute Little Fangs
- Demonic Possession / Mind Manipulation: "Fantasma Bisbiglio", though she doesn't actually enter the victim's body, and the victim can still resist
- Dominatrix: In Omake, the visual representation of her mind manipulation over Saki is that she has Saki literally on leash and whip.
- Heroic BSOD: Freaks out after Nico turns into a witch and dies. Apparently gets better when another Nico shows up.
- Freak-Out: It's implied that the reason she's trying to kill Kazumi is because she just snapped.
- It's All My Fault: In backstory, she blames herself for the death of her childhood pet cat.
- Impossibly Low Neckline: In her magical girl outfit.
- Meaningful Name: Usagi means rabbit. Fitting, since Satomi wants to be a vet.
- It's probably also a Shout-Out to another Usagi.
- Also, her witch form has a smaller form resembling a rabbit that is revealed after the cage-like outer layer of the witch was broken.
- Simple Staff: With a cat head tip. You know that the thing isn't just for looking cute when you notice the cat head turns demonic when its mouth opens long before Satomi's sudden Freak-Out.
- Slasher Smile: End of Chapter 12.
- Speaks Fluent Animal: She wished to talk to animals, to help her become a veterinarian.
- Tragic Keepsake: In backstory. During her attempted Psychic-Assisted Suicide she is holding her dead cat's collar.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Her justification for killing Kazumi; she's just a clone, and could turn back into a witch.
Nico Kanna
A member of the Pleiades Saints. Her wish involved "regeneration." This allows her to use magic that resembles Fullmetal Alchemist-style alchemy.
- And Then Nico Was A Witch: Turns out to just be her "spare".
- Blood From the Mouth: After being horribly wounded in Chapter 7.
- But Not Too Foreign: Apparently spent her childhood in California.
- Cloning Gambit: After her witch form is killed in chapter 9, another Nico appears, in perfect health, and destroys what's left of the first Nico's body. Jubey refers to the first Nico as her "spare".
- Chekhov's Gunman: Appears as a silhouette in Chapter 1.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Doppelganger Attack: Can create clones of herself from objects. They're still made from those objects, as she's just transmuting them into another form.
- Expendable Clone: They can be killed without Nico batting an eye.
- They can turn into witches without Nico batting an eye.
- Expendable Clone: They can be killed without Nico batting an eye.
- Doesn't Like Guns: Averted. She'll use firearms if she has to, but she doesn't particularly like it.
- Hair Decorations
- Expy: Her Puella Magi form resembles Shinobu.
- Eyes of Gold / Blue Eyes: Managed to change color within pages, so this is probably a case of Artistic License.
- Then again, there were two Nicos in that Chapter...
- Finger Gun: Literally can turn her fingers into bullets and fire them.
- Good Thing You Can Heal: Her wish was for "regeneration". This is presumably why she can regrow her fingers after firing them like bullets.
- Goggles Do Nothing: In her magical girl form.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Hidden Eyes: She has them when speaking to Kazumi about the latter's past in chapter 7.
- I Just Shot Marvin in the Face: As a young child, Nico was playing with her neighbors using an actual loaded gun. It fired.
- Macross Missile Massacre
- The Smart Girl
- Spell My Name with an "S": Or in this case, a k; her name can be written as Niko.
- Slasher Smile: She has some really creepy expressions when she interacts with her "spare".
- Stepford Smiler: When she smiles, anyway.
- The Stoic: Almost always has the same expression. Even when an arrow is shot right through her arm.
- The Un-Reveal: Sixteen chapters in and we still don't know exactly what Nico's wish was.
- Tragic Keepsake: Weird example. She keeps a copy of the news article about her childhood accident on her PDA.
- Wham! Line: At the end of Chapter 17, she says something to the effect of "I can't allow you humans to kill Kazumi."
- Who Wears Short Shorts?
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Seems to be a platinum blonde variation.
"Yuuri"/Airi Anri
A mysterious magical girl who has a grudge against the Pleiades for the death of the real Yuuri. Her wish was to become the real Yuuri.
- And Then "Yuuri" Was A Witch: The witch-maker becomes a witch.
- Absolute Cleavage / Sideboob: In her magical girl costume.
- Ax Crazy: Enough to pretend she's someone else!
- Bare Your Midriff
- Big Bad: For the first five chapters, at least. Six if you count her witch form.
- Big No: In backstory, when she learns the real Yuuri had become a witch.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Came Back Wrong: In Chapter 6, Kazumi attempts to reverse Yuuri's transformation into a witch. It doesn't work out well...
- Chekhov's Gunman: Airi's true appearance is first seen in a single panel flashback in Chapter 4, before her impersonation of Yuuri was revealed.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Cute Witch: Her magical girl costume. However, she's clearly an antagonist. It's also obvious Foreshadowing.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Dead Person Impersonation
- Detached Sleeves
- Dying as Yourself: More or less.
- Hair Decorations
- Evil Laugh
- Expy / Evil Counterpart: Arguably to Homura. Formerly Ill Girl: Check. Motivated by friend's death: Check. Has dramatic changes in personality and appearance: Check. Uses guns: Check.
- Eyes of Gold
- Face Framed in Shadow: In her first appearances. We see her face in Chapter 3.
- Giant Waist Ribbon
- Girlish Pigtails
- Go Mad from the Revelation: She just snaps when she learned that her friend became a witch and was subsequently killed.
- The Gunslinger: Uses pistols as her weapons. And like Mami, she can create several of them at once and have them all fire.
- But unlike Mami, who has flintlocks, all her guns are modern handguns and SMGs, which mean she means business.
- Idiot Hair: As Airi.
- I Just Want to Be You: Airi wished to become Yuuri, though her motivation was a bit different than what is normal for the trope.
- Ill Girl: In backstory.
- Killed Off for Real
- Knight of Cerebus: Takes this role in Chapter 4.
- Les Yay: With the real Yuuri. To put it in perspective: Airi became a witch because she was consumed with getting revenge for Yuuri's death. Her witch form is a giant heart.
- The Man Behind the Monsters: Created the pseudo-witches that appeared in the first two chapters. But it's unclear if she created the Evil Nuts, as they don't vanish when she dies.
- Master of Disguise: Fully impersonates Satomi in Chapter 3. This power is probably derived from her wish, which was to become the real Yuuri.
- Memento MacGuffin / Tragic Keepsake: The easy-to-miss spoon hanging around Yuuri's neck. It was given to her by the real Yuuri as a good luck charm. Airi then gave it back to Yuuri, and it's left behind when her witch form is destroyed. Airi then reclaims the spoon and wears it when she becomes Yuuri.
- Mini-Dress of Power
- Mysterious Watcher: In the first two chapters.
- No Name Given: Until Chapter 4. But then in Chapter 5 we find it's not her real name.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Against the Pleiades for killing her friend, the real Yuuri. Of course, Yuuri had become a witch...
- Starfish Language / Wingdinglish: After she Comes Back Wrong she begins speaking in runes.
- Summon Magic: Summons a bull.
- Unwitting Pawn: To Kyubey.
- Vapor Wear: Apparently doesn't wear any underwear beneath her magical girl costume.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: As Airi.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: After making a wish to become her dead friend, she's seen laughing maniacally and drinking a witch's blood.
- Zettai Ryouiki / Too Many Belts: Her grade A, striped stockings are held up by belts, of all things.
Yuuri Asuka
The real Yuuri. Her wish was to cure Airi's life-threatening illness.
- And Then Yuuri Was A Witch
- Chekhov's Gunman: Interesting example. She was first seen in a single panel flashback in Chapter 4 along with Airi in her true appearance. Airi's impersonation of Yuuri hadn't been revealed yet, so the reader was meant to think that only Airi was the Checkov's Gunman.
- Combat Medic
- Combat Stilettos
- Detached Sleeves
- Dressed to Heal: Her magical girl costume is very nurse-like.
- Hair Decorations
- Expy: Has a number of similarities to Sayaka.
- Eyes of Gold
- Feminine Women Can Cook: She participates in a cooking contest and makes the finals.
- Giant Waist Ribbon
- Girlish Pigtails
- Hair of Gold
- Healing Hands: This gets her in trouble.
- Improbable Weapon User: A giant hypodermic needle. With multiple needles.
- Les Yay: With Airi. There are clear parallels between Yuuri's wish for Airi and Sayaka's wish for Kyousuke.
- Magic Feather: Airi believed that the spoon Yuuri gave her cured her illness, and gives it back to Yuuri in the hope that it will help her.
- Memento MacGuffin: The spoon she gives to Airi. Airi gives it back to her and her witch form drops it when it's destroyed. Also doubles as a Magic Feather, as Airi believed it cured her illness.
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Doubly so. First she becomes a witch because she used too much of her magic healing people. Second is her wish, which was to cure her friend Airi's illness. When Yuuri becomes a witch, Airi goes on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against the magical girls that destroyed Yuuri's witch form, culminating in Airi becoming a witch herself.
- Nonuniform Uniform: She wears those striped stockings even while wearing her school uniform.
- Pimped-Out Dress: Her magical girl costume has a long, frilly skirt with bows.
- Posthumous Character
- Rapunzel Hair
Sumire Akane
A magical girl that was attacked by the Pleiades Saints.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Blade on a Stick
- Hair Decorations
- Human Popsicle
- Gory Discretion Shot
- Victim of the Week
Ayase Souju/Luca Souju
A wandering magical girl that collects Soul Gems. She is actually two souls that share the same body; each with their own Soul Gem and magical girl outfit.
- An Ice Person: Luca
- Blue Eyes
- Collector of the Strange: She collects Soul Gems...
- The Collector: ...and the Pleiades are next on her list.
- Detached Sleeves: In magical girl form. Both of them.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Hair Decorations
- Expy: Ayase has a physical resemblance to Kyoko, as well as a similar introduction.
- Human Popsicle
- Incest Subtext: Assuming they're actually siblings.
- Meaningful Name: Souju means twin trees.
- Mysterious Watcher: Beginning of Chapter 7.
- Noblewoman's Laugh: They do this pose a lot.
- Pimped-Out Dress: Both Ayase and Luca in magical girl form.
- Playing with Fire: Ayase
- Rapunzel Hair
- Say It with Hearts: Ayase
- Sibling Yin-Yang: We don't know if they're actually siblings, but it fits.
- Sharing a Body
- Spell My Name with an "S": Luca can be written as Ruka.
- Strange Girl: Ayase
- Two Siblings in One: By virtue of two soul gems. Again, we're not sure if they're really siblings.
- Yin-Yang Bomb: Or in this case, "Fire Ice Bomb". And there is an actual explosion.
- Your Soul Is Mine: Apparently they need to collect Soul Gems to co-exist in the same body.
Mami Tomoe
Helped out Kazusa Michiru when a witch attacked her on the day of her Grandmother's death. Her appearance in the series also reinforces the connection between Kazumi Magica with Madoka Magica.
- Arc Welder
- Calling Your Attacks: Tiro Finale!
- The Cameo
Michiru Kazusa
The original Kazumi. Her wish was to spend one last day with her grandmother. She was the one who brought the Pleiades Saints together. She turned into a witch and was killed. The Pleiades Saints have been cloning her using witch meat.
- And Then Kazumi Was A Witch
- Big Damn Hero: For the Pleiades when she first meets them. She rescues them from jumping off a bridge and falling to their deaths while under the affects of a witch's kiss.
- Cloning Blues: After her death.
- Creepy Cool Crosses:Has the same weapon as Kazumi.
- Dead Little Sister: Or grandmother in this case - she learned her cooking skills and received her original earring bells from her.
- Despair Event Horizon: Passed it when she found out that magical girls turned into witches, and became consumed with guilt over dooming her friends to that fate by talking them into contracting.
- Feminine Women Can Cook
- Expy: Resembles Clow Reed. They both wished for their loved ones to open their eyes one more time.
- The Gunslinger: Although she fights with a cross, it's shown that she had a spell that pulls guns out of her hat which she uses to equip the future Pleiades Saints. She likely knows this spell because the first magical girl she met was Mami Tomoe.
- In-Series Nickname: Kazumi, of course. Taken from her name in Japanese name order: Kazusa Michiru
- Parental Abandonment / Conveniently an Orphan: Before she became a magical girl she lived alone with her grandmother when she wasn't studying abroad. Later her grandmother died.
- Posthumous Character
- Sink or Swim Mentor: Surprisingly, to the rest of the Saints. She might be saved them from jumping to their death, but she deliberately let them fend off the familiars by themselves when they still ordinary humans to test their desire of staying alive a moment after their attempted suicide.
- Tragic Keepsake: Her original set of earring bells came from her deceased grandmother. She actually lost them, but received another pair from Saki.
- What the Hell, Hero?: When she first met the girls who would become the Pleiades Saints, she initially doesn't rescue them from the witch's familiars. When they call her on this she asks them why they don't want to be eaten when they were previously trying to commit suicide, showing that they don't really want to die.
The "fairy" that contracted with Kazumi and the Pleiades Saints.
- Embarrassing Nickname: Satomi calls him "Bey-chan", and Nico calls him, "Beyyan." He doesn't like it.
- Expressive Hair / Expressive Ears: It's...not quite clear what they are, but in Chapter 8 he uses one of them to make a thinking pose, complete with thumb and forefinger cupped under his chin.
- The Fair Folk: Described as a fairy (yousei).
- Development Gag: An early series proposal for the anime referred to the contract making creature as a fairy.
- Fake Memories / Heel Face Brainwashing: The reason he doesn't act like Kyubey. Maybe - he's seen interacting with Kyubey, so he may be more loyal to the Incubators than he seems.
- Mythology Gag: His appearance may or may not be a subtle reference to the Epileptic Trees about the black cat in the anime's OP.
- Mysterious Watcher: At the end of Chapter 3.
- Numerical Theme Naming: In Japanese, "ju" is the number ten. "kyu" (as in "Kyubey") is the number nine.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Slasher Smile: At the beginning of Chapter 4.
- And another in Chapter 9.
- Everywhere in Chapter 10.
- Sleep Cute: With Toto in Chapter 4.
- Weasel Mascot: With the power to purify The Corruption from Soul Gems. The anime characters got a raw deal here.
- Arc Welder: His presence connects Kazumi Magica to Madoka Magica.
- Chekhov's Gunman: That wasn't a cameo...
- Face Framed in Shadow: Throughout Chapter 5, he only appears as a shadow or within shadows.
- Foreshadowing & Fridge Horror: "Do you think that things will go well this time, Pleiades?" Kyuubey knew about Kazumi being a clone
- Hijacked by Ganon
- The Man Behind the Man: Besides his rigged Magical Girl system, he's also responsible for "Yuuri"/Airi's Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
- Manipulative Bastard: He simply tells Airi the truth about what happened to Yuuri. Her desire for revenge does the rest.
- Mysterious Watcher: Several times. He calmly watches as Kazumi fights with her clones and gets stabbed without moving a muscle.
Souichirou Tachibana
The man who released Kazumi from her suitcase after she became amnesiac, and a talented chef.
- Disproportionate Retribution: When he lost his shop in a bad business deal, he decides to blow up a mall.
- The One Guy: Literally the only man or boy that has any role in the series.
- Put on a Bus / What Happened to the Mouse?: He abruptly disappears after the incident at the mall, when the scene cuts to Kazumi walking off with Umika and Kaoru.
- The Cameo: He appears in a flashback in Chapter 5.
- The Bus Came Back: We see him again for real in Chapter 6, and again in chapter 16.
Misako Ishijima
A policewoman who set Tachibana up to take the fall for a bombing while under the control of an Evil Nut. She became a police officer in order to investigate magical girls after her school friend, a magical girl herself, disappeared.
- One-Winged Angel: While possessed by an Evil Nut, she turns into a giant preying mantis.
- Put on a Bus / What Happened to the Mouse?: She vanishes after being defeated by Kazumi, with no word as to what happened to her.
- The Bus Came Back: She makes a major return in chapter 16, apparently without any memories of what happened to her at the Misaki house.