< Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2/WMG

Important note: It has been confirmed that these games are sequels. All guesses pertaining to the first games should be placed here.

If the story begins after the events of Black and White and your character has defeated N and Ghetsis, you'll fight the Seven Sages instead of the eight Gym Leaders.

If the games are a direct sequel with the same player character (not just Hilbert and Hilda, but the same Hilbert/Hilda who went through the events of Black/White), it'd be rather tedious for both the character and the player in real life to have to fight all 8 Gym Leaders again. Instead, the main bosses will be the Seven Sages, while the Gym Leaders will be optional bosses after clearing the main storyline.

  • Just about jossed; we have gym leaders revealed now, but it IS confirmed to take place after B&W. Two years, in fact.

At least one of the Sages will have done a Heel Face Turn.

And they may appear as Gym Leaders/a Gym Leader(or even Elite 4), as suggested above. My guess is that Rood will be the one to have a Heel Face Turn, given after-game he tells the protagonist that he wants to see N confront Ghetsis. My guess is that Rood will be a Fire type user, as his name translates to red. To add to this, he may use a Flareon as his main Pokemon.

Hilbert and Hilda will still be the protagonists, but the story will take place after the events of Black and White.

The protagonist that you don't choose will have gone through the events of Black and White (defeating Ghetsis, capturing Reshiram in Black 2 or Zekrom in White 2, etc.) and will be fightable as a True Final Boss with their dragon similar to Red in Gold and Silver.

  • Jossed, the protagonists are all new.
    • It is confirmed, however, that Black 2 and White 2 will take place after Black/White 1; two years after.

If the version mascots are actually the same color as the box art as well as different forms of Kyurem, then that means that...

  • A: Catching Kyurem in the Giant Chasm isn't canon
  • and B: Something must have happened to N after Black and White. But what?

The reason why Kyurem is the main Pokemon is because Team Plasma managed to get both legendary dragons.

It just so happens that Ghetsis is even more Dangerously Genre Savvy, so he ordered Team Plasma to get both of the dragons. Ghetsis has the dragon you expect to get in the Black and White games(Reshiram/Zekrom), in case N fails/so he doesn't have to rely on just Hydreigon to get rid of him. Instead of getting an orb, you need to search for an object to summon Kyurem, who'll be able to counter N's Pokemon.

  • Except aren't these games sequels?
    • Are they? The games are actually called Version 2, which implies that it is just Black and White, but enhanced in some way.
      • Except all of the main series games have Version as part of the title, it's just that no one really ever uses them. It's more likely that these are sequels.
    • Confirmed by CoroCoro to be sequels.
      • Not really. All they've actually said is that it's a "whole new adventure", which... well, Platinum was also sold as a "whole new adventure" when it was first announced. Basically, it means nothing until we get some more info. Even if these two games are more than just the usual third version divided into two, and even if they really are a "whole new adventure" and not just being sold as one, we've gotten nothing to tell us that these are even going to be sequels and not something else entirely (whatever that might be).
      • No, it was confirmed. “You thought it was just a different colour? This time it is ’2′, an utterly different story full of impact and new features are waiting for you!” That's what the announce says.
      • I do not see the word "sequel" in there anywhere. And again, Platinum had a similar announcement. Until we get some actual information on the games besides two sentences of hype, we know nothing.
    • And finally confirmed to take place 2 years after the events of BW, with two entirely new main characters, new gym leaders, and a new villianous team.

Hoenn will be involved

(not op) Some have pointed out the red and blue marks in the logo appear to be a ruby and sapphire...

  • It's possible, but it could be unrelated - bear in mind that Reshiram and Zekrom both have similarly shaped tails which at times glow/burn red and blue respectively. Also, the red one is more orangeish as opposed to being rubyish.
  • People see what they want to see... the logo is simply frozen, to represent Kyurem. Blue ice for Black 2, reddish ice for White 2, in order to evoke the typing and color scheme of Zekrom and Reshiram (and Kyurem's new forms).

Hilda/Hildbert or N will be the protagonist

  • It's a direct sequel so giving us new protagonist would piss off a lot of fans/undermine all the work and effort Hilda/Hilbert went through in the first two games. Best to just keep it as either of them or use N with either Anthea or Concordia being female player characters since they probably left to go after him.
    • Nothing about these games are confirmed. Don't jump to conclusions quite yet.
    • Jossed. There are whole new protagonists.

Keldeo, Meloetta, and Genesect will get new and improved events in Black 2 and White 2.

Black 2 and White 2 will be released in June, while Keldeo's movie will come in July... The release dates have been timed just right so all of the unreleased Mythical Pokemon will be distributed after the new games come out. This is the reason their events in the original Black and White are somewhat lackluster; they're essentially "consolation events" for whoever hasn't gotten the new games or trades K/M/G over to the original pair.

  • Confirmed, at least for Keldeo

The new region is a New Jersey equivlent.


  • Part of Unova is already New Jersey based.
  • Not a new region, however new content (e.g. gyms) is likely in Jersey considering the fact that practically everything East of the East River or North of Westchester is covered in a glacier.

Ghetsis takes over Unova.

Ghetsis manages to find and kidnap/knock out N, then puts his hands on N's dragon (Zekrom in Black, Reshiram in White), and somehow fuses it with Kyurem, successfully corrupting the pokemon since Kyurem is arguably evil. Then he uses its power to wreak havoc over the whole region of Unova, which either freezes over (thanks to Kyurem's power) or just turns into some kind of wasteland, mirroring the climate-changing attempts of Gen 3 Team Magma/Aqua and thus taking whole control. The player will have to rescue N and save the whole region with his help, teaming with the remaining legendary. They will fight Ghetsis once again, and capture the fused Kyurem, probably leading to another transformation. Either Kyurem reverts to its original form or the remaining legendary fuses with it, bringing back to life the original dragon of the myths.

Kyurem's two new forms are the original Zekrom and Reshiram

When the original dragon split into two B-Kyurem and W-Kyurem were born but were called Zekrom and Reshiram by the humans(maybe the brothers) who witnessed it. As they continued to fight they kept receiving more and more damage until what was left of each dragon became the black and white stones with the icy and grey bits that were broken off fusing together and falling back to the earth.

The truth recreated W-Kyurem but it lacked something, while ideals created B-Kyurem though it also lacked something, thus when the twin dragons were reborn from the stones they were more complete because the trainer summoning them had much stronger belief it what they represent and since the icy grey bits represented a void they were drawn to each other after being casted off during the original fight. The real reason for the giant chasm was the result of the remains trying to fix itself by making up for what it lack just as it impacted where the chasm is now(though this is more of side guess)

The reason Kyurem regains these forms is because whoever is using it has a stronger belief in truth or ideals. On the note there may be the original dragon only brought back when someone has all three of the tao trio in their party.

Ghetsis will fuse Kyurem with N's dragon, with YOUR help.

After Ghetsis is defeated, you'll run into the Shadow Triad on the Marvellous Bridge, just like last time. But instead of giving you the Sinnoh dragons' orbs, they'll hand over some mysterious McGuffin (possibly related to the Light and Dark Stones) while vaguely implying that it would be best if it were kept out of Ghetsis' hands. And who better to protect the McGuffin than you yourself, since you're the great hero of Unova who bonded with one of the Tao dragons and saved civilization as we know it? (Gameplay-wise, it'll go into your Key Items pocket to prevent you from just giving it to a Pokemon and sticking it in the PC or something).

Later, there will be some big disturbance at the Giant Chasm. Being the dutiful Pokemon protagonist that you are, you go investigate. Surprise! N and his dragon will also be there, trying to help the local Pokemon in distress. But before you get a chance to catch up, guess who appears and starts ranting about how the two of you ruined his plans, but now he'll finally have his revenge?

Ghetsis then reveals that when Reshiram and Zekrom split off from each other long ago, Kyurem was left behind as a frozen husk. But under the right circumstances, it could be made whole once again. All it would take is for Kyurem and one of the Tao dragons to be together in the presence of a certain item. And of course, you were thoughtful enough to bring that very item along with you. Ghetsis draws Kyurem to him and the McGuffin activates, pulling Kyurem and N's dragon to it and merging them into one entity. (Why didn't Ghetsis just hold onto the McGuffin himself? He was on the run and needed to make sure it wouldn't be lost if he ever got caught. And this way, not only does N lose his beloved Pokemon partner, but you'll also both be haunted by the fact that you, the first human N could ever begin to open up to, had a hand in it. And why doesn't the McGuffin affect your dragon if you have it in your party at the time? It was safe in its Pokeball, while N's was out in the open.)

Ghetsis moves in to capture Kyurem, but N, instead of slipping into a Heroic BSOD as expected, calls on the local Pokemon to help him stop his father. While they're thus preoccupied, N shouts for you to save not just his own dragon, but Kyurem as well, from being doomed to an unhappy life as a pawn in Ghetsis' evil plan.

Naturally, the story has a happy ending; either you capture Kyurem, and since you cannot capture another Trainer's Pokemon, N's dragon will be separated from it along with the McGuffin, or you defeat Kyurem before it's too late, and it no longer has the energy to maintain the fusion. In either case, N's dragon will be freed and Ghetsis will be stopped. Upon closer inspection of the McGuffin, you'll see that it now contains an imprint of N's dragon's aura. The altered McGuffin will then be a regular, equippable item, allowing you to bestow Kyurem with its alternate forme whenever you like without having to sacrifice N's dragon.

You'll fight the shadow triad

Exactly What It Says on the Tin

Unova's ancient enemy has had his revenge

High above in the hall of Judgment, mighty king Kyurem, rained down pain and destruction on the people below for fun. Kyurem dared not move on the lower Pokemon's territory while the Musketeer trio kept watch but because People and Pokemon did not associate with one another at this time, people were fair game. Living miserably people lashed out at one another in an attempt to grab some illusion of control and power. Occasionally their fights got out of hand and the Musketeers would step in, but they never bothered to strike at the root of the problem. There was a Pokemon who did care though, as a rash hero attempting to assault the hall of origin learned first hand.

The hero befriended another dragon who dwelt above and together they toppled King Kyurem, sending his prone form crashing down to the land below. With their oppressor gone, the people were united under their hero and he founded the Unova region. Lost to history, Kyurem awoke in the depths of a giant chasm. The spread of people had sent the Musketeers hiding and though less severe, continued conflict between people had split the hero's dragon into two dormant halves. Kyurem was technically free to reign again but was too weak to return to his throne, he could barely make it out of the chasm. So he decided to live there for awhile, setting out every night to feast on whatever he could catch to regain strength.

Once again, conflict awoke the halves of the hero's dragon just when Kyurem had recovered enough to cross the Unova region and he set out after them. One was defeated and flew to a faraway land but one staid behind and Kyurem defeated him. He's not quite the same but the king is back to full strength, he used the remains of his defeated foe to get there. Now he plans to destroy the region his foe created. Unova is as much for Pokemon as it is for people though and there are still three Pokemon who can take down Kyurem and cut out the dragon pieces he has assimilated...

  • This means that Kyurem's cover forms will be Unusable Enemy Equipment with illegally strong attacks and three types at once instead of the usual maximum of two. After defeating Kyurem, players will probably get to unlock its much more reasonable, dual typed, "original true form" that will be able to learn Freeze Shock in Black 2 and Ice Burn in White 2.
    • Well, I don't know about illegal attacks and typing, but the respective forms DO in fact learn Freeze Shock and Ice Burn.

They look unsettingly similar. Perhaps cousins or younger siblings?

Hilbert and Hilda will have been eliminated by Ghetsis off-screen as of B/W 2.

C'mon. You KNOW Game Freak hates us and won't even give them a cameo.

The founding dragon has been infected.

A long time ago the founding dragon came to Unova's aid defeated Kyurem, who was devouring everything in sight because of its insatiable hunger. It thought it was for good but years later, one of them catches word that it is still alive and eating people around Lacunosa town. Seeing its old foe is still moving around and causing trouble, the dragon goes into a rage and decides that not only will it make sure to finish off Kyurem for good, it will do so in the most karmic way it can think of and it eats Kyurem, every last bone and scale. But Kyurem's soul remains and it is still hungry, so it possesses the nearest living vessel it sees so that it can continue to eat. This is the founding dragon, and the possession corrupts its body, warps its mind and sends it on an rampage not unlike the one it stopped long ago.

Black 2 and White 2 will use Lock-on Technology

You connect them to there predecessor to expand the game or play them alone

  • Impossible, due to the way DS game cards work.
    • Action Replay made it work

Reason For No Pokemon In Unova

Pokemon from past regions escaped from the transfer system and are all over Unova now. Hey, summon referred to it in the original Black and White.

  • What does this WMG even mean?
    • Let me try to explain this as best as I understand. The reason that there are Pokemon from previous generations from the start is since they escaped from the PC system, which Team Plasma hijacked in Black and White.

N Will Meet His Real Family

Any guesses as to who it is?

  • I actually had this in mind: maybe a sibling (older or younger doesn't matter, but I'm leaning towards older) would travel to Unova, after having traveled throughout all of the other regions just find N (with his team members all from the different regions). If it was me doing the writing, then maybe the two wouldn't meet or realize that they're related but all the implications would be there. (Bonus points if the sibling's team makes hints towards a remake for Ruby and Sapphire.)

N will be the main character

It takes place in the region N left to after Black and White as he journeys through the region he starts hearing about people convincing others to release their pokemon but when they try to do the same to him he fights them off with his dragon(Reshiram in Black 2, Zekrom in White 2) He learns about the rise of the new Team Plasma and how they plan to take the dragon from the other hero. He returns to Unova pulling of a Big Damn Heroes moment on either Hilbert or Hilda(changing depending on the version) and after defeating Neo-Plasma he journeys through Unova doing things right. As a bonus if this turns out correct, overworld sprite pokemon will have human language speech boxes.

  • Who'll be the starters then? Will he only have Reshiram or Zekrom, reduced to level 5 somehow?
    • Maybee he has it at level 50 but ends up loosing it somehow or it get's reduced in level's, or perhaps you get to keep it and it's levels while the genral level of the pokemon and trainers are much higher than normal.
  • Seemingly Jossed, partly due to the reveal of new characters (Supporting Protagoni?), and partly due to the Dragon that gets fused with Kyurem being the same as N's, implying just about anything...

N will solve his puzzle cube

It has been mentioned on the concept sheet for thie puzzle cube that it has a keyhole in its middle. The player will recieve the key in the course of the story and N manages to solve the puzzle, perhaps offscreen. Then, the two items are combined and awake a Pokémon, possibly the "original" dragon or Black/White Kyurem.

Extremely unlikely but Mewtwo (or maybe Arceus) will turn out to be the Tao Trio's master.

Rule of Cool, people. Since it seems (so far) that Kyurem doesn't have any sort of "leader" relationship over Reshiram and Zekrom, they might pull a reverse Lugia/Regigigas and make an older Pokémon the master of the new trio. In Mewtwo's case, he's been shown (albeit very little) to be a "rival" of sorts to Kyurem in the TCG, so maybe they could make up some backstory about the recently created Mewtwo discovering the ancient Pokémon Kyurem and deciding to reunite the Tao Trio to master its power. In Arceus' case, it's already the master of two trios (the lake and creation trios), so why not a third? It could be revealed as the being that gave birth to the original dragon (that split into Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem) or something.

The Tao Trio and the Weather Trio are connected

  • This base theory seems to have Support, given practically everything East of the East River or North of Westchester is covered in a glacier.

Expanding on the above statement, Rayquaza is the original dragon that Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem split from

Not much evidence, but this could be a possibility if the two trios are indeed connected. Consider how Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem all have weather-changing properties, and how Rayquaza can learn most of the moves that all three dragons can learn and more. This is highly unlikely unless they decide to retcon RSE and HGSS to make any encounters with Rayquaza there non-canon.

  • Unlikely, but not for ret con reasons. They could easily just say he cast off the other three elements but continues to fly around in the sky. Unlikely because there isn't too much evidence that there was any third part left over when the original dragon split. We know Kyurem is related to the others, being Wuji, but Wuji isn't exactly part of the Yin Yang symbol, we really don't know what that relation is yet.
  • Given the new data above, it's more likely that Kyurem is an equal counterpart to Groundon and Kyogre and the other dragons were split from Kyurem as was previously thought.

The Sinnoh Dragon Trio will be involved.

In Black/White, after defeating N and Ghetsis, the Shadow Triad gives the player character the Adamant/Lustrous/Griseous Orbs on Ghetsis' orders, and it is suggested that this could be another part of Ghetsis' plan (Is he testing you? Or using you?). Perhaps B 2 W 2 will elaborate on this, and will reveal what Ghetsis intended to accomplish by giving the Orbs to Hilbert/Hilda.

  • ...Or what he did with Lucas/Dawn.
  • Maybe Ghetsis managed to steal the Dragon Trio from Lucas/Dawn, but was unable to access the Pokeballs/get the Dragon Trio under control(deities tend to reward people who save the world and not people who abuse their children for power.) The orbs needed to be handed to "heros" as part of a Xanatos Gambit so that Ghetsis can finally control them, or more than that.

Black Kyurem/White Kyurem are artificially-enhanced versions of Kyurem intended to emulate Reshiram/Zekrom.

We know that Team Plasma CAN augment Pokémon from Genesect. With both dragons denied them, even outright enemies of Team Plasma now (since Ghetsis kinda blew the thing with N) they'll capture Kyurem, the original dragon's broken husk, and use tissue samples taken in secret from N's dragon to convert it into a rough approximation of Zekrom or Reshiram.

This game will take place several years in the future

The characters have aged, the BW protagonist is an adult, things have changed, etc.

  • Confirmed, it takes place two years after the originals.

Concordia and Anthea will play a role in the plot

Either that or they'll be given back stories.

We will learn how long after Platinum BW took place

We know HGSS and Platinum take place roughly 3 years after FRLG and Emerald but the fifth gen is ambiguous so far.

There's a split timeline and this game will either reference it or be about it

Someone graphed it out already. In Opelucid City a character mentioned alternate dimension - referring to White if you're playing Black or Black if you're playing White. While it could be breaking the fourth wall, maybe it's not.. I'm betting this is a Chekhov's Gun which either won't be looked into until another generation, if at all.

We will get to fight the Seven Sages.

And their Pokemon shall be based off the colors they are named by.

  • Zinzolin means purple, so he could use the Liepard, Gothita and Meinshao lines
  • Gorm means bule, so he could use the Roggenrola, Ducklett and Woobat lines
  • Bromius means brown, so he could use the Vullaby, Sandile and Stunfisk lines
  • Giallo means yellow, so he could use the Joltik, Scraggy and Sewaddle lines
  • Ryoku means green, so he could use the Solosis, Golett and Maractus lines
  • Rood means red, so he could use the Heatmor, Venipede and Darumaka lines

You'll get to pick a partner for your journey, not too unlike the missions in Pokemon Ranger.

After giving your name and gender and picking your starter, you'll be able to choose between Bianca, Cheren...and N. You'll travel Unova with them and get to have "conversations" like you did in DPPt with the Stat Trainers. Pretty much all battles will be double. How this affects team-building has yet to be seen, but most likely their team will complement your own (if you have a Glass Cannon or Fragile Speedster, they'll pick a Stone Wall or Mighty Glacier to cover your weaknesses and vice versa).

You'll go to Hoenn after the main game

This may be a bit far-fetched, but the colors of the boxes (along with the popular hope of fans of a remake of the Gen 3 titles) certainly could mean more than for Zekrom/Reshiram. Game Freak may pull a "Gold and Silver" with this by allowing us to go back to a previous region post-game. This can also explain the lack of many endgame options in the original Black and White, along with the spiked levels of trainer's pokemon.

Expanding on the above WMG, You'll get to go to all four of the previous regions after the main game

(This is a long one, so bear with me)

Once you beat the main game, the red boat in Castelia City (the one in the port closest to the city entrance) will become available for travel to the other regions. At first, you'll only be able to travel to Sinnoh, but the other regions will become available as you beat each region's Pokemon League (8 Gyms plus Elite 4), the specifics and changes of each are explained below.

  • Sinnoh League:
    • Canalave City; Leader Saturn (He takes over because Byron retired between the events of Platinum and Black/White. His Gym will be unavailable when you first arrive)
      • The rest of the gyms are unchanged until...
    • Sunnyshore City; Leader Barry (he became Leader after Volkner joined the Elite Four)
    • Then there's the Elite Four:
      • Aaron and Lucian are in the same rank as before (1 and 4), and Flint is in Bertha's rank (2). The new 3rd member? None other than Volkner.
      • Cynthia is no longer Champion (we'll find out why later). The new Champion is...Lucas! (Like Cynthia, Lucas doesn't stick to a particular type)
  • Hoenn League:
    • New Mauvile City; Leader May (Like Byron and Bertha, Wattson retired between the events of Emerald and Black/White)
      • The rest of the gym leaders are the same from Emerald.
    • The Hoenn Elite Four has two changes:
      • Drake has stepped down as the fourth member. His replacement? Wally. (As a nod to Pokémon-X, Wally will use green pokemon. Mostly Grass-types, with his Gardevoir thrown in for comic-accuracy)
      • Wallace is no longer Champion. The new Champion is...Brendan! (Another multitype user)
  • Johto League:

Like the Kanto League in (Heart)Gold/(Soul)Silver/Crystal, you do not go through the League in the original order. Instead, you start in Olivine City, and work backwards till you get the badges from Olivine City, Cianwood City, Ecruteak City, Goldenrod City, Azalea Town, and Violet City. Only then will you gain access to...

    • Mahogany Town; Leader Kris (Bryce stepped down)
    • Clair is still Blackthorn City's Leader, but has matured greatly since her debut games.
    • The Elite Four is the exact same lineup from (Heart)Gold/(Soul)Silver/Crystal, except, of course, for the Champion.
      • Lance is no longer the Champion. The new Champion is...Ethan! (Multitype, but as a nod to The Legend of Thunder, he will use Typhlosion)
  • Kanto League:
    • You take on the Kanto League in the exact same order from the second generation.
      • Before facing you at his Gym, Lt. Surge will greet you when you get off the boat (and at other places in the Kanto region), and this will be his Leitmotif, as a nod to the fan theory that Surge is Guile.
      • Seafoam Island; Leader Lyra (guess who retired?)
      • Viridian City; Leader Silver (Blue didnt retire, but instead gave Silver control of the Gym at his request. Gotta keep it in the family, after all).
    • Once you beat the 8 Kanto Gyms, you dont go directly to Mt. Silver. Instead, you get access to...
  • The Sevii Islands:

This is where all the retired League members (Excluding Blue and the former Champions) now reside, with a few extra characters.

    • At One Island, Blaine battles you on Mt. Ember.
    • At Two Island, Wattson is waiting to battle you, with Professor Rowan[1] also taking up a house there.
    • At Three Island, Agatha and Bertha await, and you face them in a Double Battle.
    • At Four Island, Loreli and Bryce await, and you face them in a Double Battle.
    • At Five Island (Specifically at the Memorial Pillar), you run into Byron, but instead of fighting him there, he asks you to battle him at his house on Iron Island (back in the Sinnoh region)
    • At Six Island, Lance is waiting for you on Outcast Island, while Drake is waiting at Ruin Valley.
    • At Seven Island, none other than Professor freakin Oak challenges you to a battle[2].
    • Once you complete the Sevii Island Challenge, you gain access to...
  • Mt. Silver:
    • Mt. Silver now houses the strongest Trainers in the entire world: The Ultimate 4.
      • The first member of the Ultimate 4 you face is the former Sinnoh Champion, Cynthia. She uses the same team she had from the Undella Town villa.
      • The second member of the Ultimate 4 you face is the (most recent) former Hoenn Champion, Wallace. He uses a slightly stronger (higher lvl) version of his team from Emerald.
      • The third member of the Ultimate 4 you face is the other former Hoenn Champion, Steven. He uses a slightly stronger (higher lvl) version of his team from Emerald.
      • The final member of the Ultimate 4 you face is the original Rival and former Kanto Champion, Blue. His team is similar to his Viridian leader team, but with Gen IV and V pokemon sprinkled in (Machamp and Pidgeot are replaced by Conkeldurr and Mandibuzz, for example).
      • When you beat the Ultimate 4, you get access to the summit of Mt. Silver, where you face the grandaddy of 'em all: Pokemon Master Red (a red Palette Swap of the Gen V Veteran sprite). Red's team will feature lvl 100 pokemon, and will have all of Ash's starters that evolved completely in the anime (Charizard, Sceptile, and Torterra), as well as a Female Unfezant (like Ash's from Best Wishes), a Seismitoad (All the Johto Starters are being used, and Ash already has a Palpitoad in the anime, so it's not too much of a stretch of the imagination) and, of course, Pikachu. (Similar to how Red in (Heart)Gold/(Soul)Silver had Ash's Orange Island team.)
        • Of course, the girls could easily be the new champions and the boys could take roles as Gym Leaders or whatnot.
    • Sadly Jossed, but confirmed at the same time. Confirmed in that you will get to fight the previous members of the League, but Jossed in that you dont leave Unova.
      • Sadly, indeed. This troper, User:Alex Sora 89, humbly bows down in front of such a magnificently awesome theory, but, alas, regardless of the sheer impossibility of all five regions in the same game due to technical restrictions (maybe in a 3DS game card keeping the DS graphics, but sure as heck not in a DS card), having all five regions would mean players could get to catch a lot more Pokémon in the first place; that would, sadly, not only kill the purpose behind an expanded Unova Pokédex, but also that of Ruby and Sapphire remakes as well, and given Nintendo wants to make as much money as possible from the whole "One Game for the Price of Two" shtick, well, let's just say that such generosity isn't to be expected by what, in the end, is a business company after all.
      • Well, they could still keep the whole "One Game for the Price of Two" shtick by dividing the 'mons you can catch in each region. For example, you could only catch pokemon from Diamond, Sapphire, (Soul)Silver, and Blue/LeafGreen in Black 2, and you could only catch pokemon from Pearl, Ruby, (Heart)Gold, and (Fire)Red in White 2.

We wont be able to go to past regions but you can still get the experience

Unova is based off New York, and New York has places like Little Ittaly and China Town. After you compleat the Main Game you'll gain access to places like Jotoh Town, Little Sinno, Hoenn Island and New Kanto. There you'll be able to chalenge Gym leader equivalents or the real deal if visiting and even face their respective leagues.

  • Partially confirmed-you will be able to fight the real deal.
    • Regardless of the confirmed Continuity Cavalcade, this idea would be much easier - scratch that, it's actually possible - to implement than the "five-regions-in-one-game" theory above, in both the "people" aspect (confirmed) and the "regions as towns" aspect.

The antagonist will be

The Master. After crashing the TARDIS on this fascinating planet he/she learn that he plans to enslave the entire Pokémon world and all its inhabitants by using the power of Kyuurem. And it is up to the protagonist, aka the Doctor, to stop him. The only way to do that is to beat him in a battle which means that you'll have to beat the Gym Leaders and Elite Four (who are unaware of his plans) because he happens to be the current league champion. He/She will not have an assistant because the Pokémon he/she amasses over the course of the game will be the assistants.

  • What? This is Wild Mass Guessing after all.

Hiougi City is the Unova equivalent of NYC's Chinatown

Admittedly, I'm basing this on the design for the new protagonists and their rival. They appear to have more Asian features than Hilbert and Hilda, especially the Rival's face and the girl's hair.

Cipher has been involved the entire time.

Think about it.

Ghetsis' Hydreigon has perfect I Vs and E Vs.

Want to know something interesting? Shadow pokemon often have perfect or near perfect IVs and EVs. (These are lost when they are purified and then re-generated randomly.) The worst part?

It wouldn't be hard nor out of character for Ghetsis to turn his Hydreigon into a shadow pokemon.

And considering that Cipher is located in Orre, which is the equivalent of Arizona, they would only be a few hours away. Cipher would certainly be interested in all of those "liberated" pokemon, after all.

And Ghetsis only cares about power, and lacks compassion, so he'd totally be on board with this.

And they could have potentially been seeing each other for ages. Think about the implications of that.

  • Going back to a previous WMG, the chief accomplices of the aforementioned have names referring to colors. Specifically, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Purple, and Brown. The same colors as Cipher's Goldfish Poop Gang. Said cohorts[3] are The Hexagon Brothers!

There still won't be a Dark-type gym leader.

It's practically a running gag in the games. Kind of like Flareon's lack of any good moves.

  • I see you preempted my suggestion that the new Poison Gym Leader might by lying about her type. She wears purple and blue, and purple and black are themed throughout her stage area, and her Guitar. Yeah, Purple is identified with Poison as well as Ghost, but, even going back to the SNES era, Purple Is the New Black. And as for how we can have a Dark Gym where an Elite member is Dark, all we have to do is go back to Johto...
    • She was shown to own a Koffing in the anime. So... Poison, still no Dark.

Kyurem was caught by Hilda/Hilbert, but escaped.

Kyurem does have evidence in-game that it is a very aggressive pokémon, with legends saying that it eats both humans and other pokémon. So it probably didn't take being captured by some teenager and being forced into battle very well. What do you think a giant dragon is going to do when it's first sent out into battle? It would also explain why there's so many glaciers, Kyurem is taking revenge on humanity and intends to cause another ice age for it to happen.

  • Who says the capture attempt had to be successful? If Kyurem is as ferocious as you claim, wouldn't he just resist capture from everything outside of a Master Ball (which would already have been used on Hilly's Dragon at the end of the last game) and just do the deed there? Nice Job Breaking It, Hero, Legendaries are not supposed to be pets. Also would explain how the hero's Dragon is Lost Forever because the hero didn't bring it here (and retained some measure of wisdom...)
    As for how the other Dragon got merged, N, as The Atoner, and mourning for the loss of his redeemer, would not want to take revenge on Kyurem but rather help it. That may have worked in the past, and would have worked in the Anime, but it won't work this time and N's Dragon gets absorbed. Whether N dies or is able to escape can be left in the air.

We will find out what's up with the Abysmal Ruins


  • Pokelantis?

There will be an Ice-type Elite 4 member/Champion.

Hey, Johto had different members, so who knows. Maybe Brycen would've become an Elite 4 member/Champion in order to deal with the ice age caused by Kyurem.

There will 8 new gyms, and you'll face the original Unova gyms in the post-game.

They did it in Johto.

  • Semi-Jossed. There are new leaders, but some of the old gyms, like the Nacrene City's, are coming back.

reasons for why Unova got frozen, and what could happen.

When you go to the cave Kyurem is in, it was able to basically flash freeze the whole darn field, trees included, into a big winter wonderland. The town nearby said it was trapped there, I think.

What if the events of team plasma somehow made it able to escape? Due to it escaping, It froze half of Unova in revenge. The game basically starts with you beginning your journey, while this disaster is happening. Some of the towns have relocated underground, and the desert resort has become a last resort for living. One of the main plots could be N's return, in order to calm Kyurem down, while team plasma tries to control it and freeze all of unova.

  • There is also one other thing as well. Depending on the version, the past hero from B/W gets wiped out due to the disaster, and loses his pokemon. Kyurem takes their Tao dragon, and becomes stronger, which is what leads to N trying to return. A focus could be N being played as a villian, while he isn't.
    • As for the crackpot theory, Unova got frozen for Being rude on Neopets.

Team Rocket is the new Villainous Team

I was watching the new trailer, and, at 1:26, there are people in black uniforms, who look alot like Team Rocket, so, it's just what I figured.

  • Maybe the Cerulean guy changed his mind about changing his mind? This troper thinks the villainous team is either a new Team Plasma (led by Akuroma!) or Team Rocket.
  • Somewhat fitting, considering that Team Rocket will be playing an important part in the anime.
  • Well Giovanni IS showing up, so there could be something to this.
    • Sadly, it seems likely that this has been Jossed. According to the animated trailer, the new guys have the Team Plasma crest stitched on the breast of their uniforms. Seems they've gone underground.

Akuroma is the scientist who created Genosect

  • Come on. Doesn't he look like the kind of guy who'd revive an ancient fossilized superpredator and amp it up with cybernetics and a Wave Motion Gun?
    • Actually, Genesect was created by a team of Team Plasma researchers, who aborted the project because N forbade it. There was a single researcher who didn't want to eschew the research and completed Genesect by himself, and you can battle him by bringing Genesect to P2 Laboratory in Black/White. So... probably not.
      • He could still be connected. Maybe Akurmoa worked with the scientist?

The suggested movie/Mecha Tyranitar will be this gen's equivelant of Pokemon contests.

Giving the tradition, the next main game would be the Ruby/Sapphire remakes. Perhaps the movie theatre could serve as a version of the contests? Instead of said contests, you could compete to make an in-universe movie demo with your Pokemon. It would be a rather unique minigame...

  • And it's way better than that crappy Musical no one liked.

Something really bad is going to happen during the course of the game.

The Kyurem forms are the cover legendary's for the games of the same name (Black Kyurem for Black 2 and White Kyurem for White 2), unlike Black and White which had the opposite colored ones as the mascot (Zekrom for White and Reshiram for Black). Half the region freezing over is just the warning sign for the fact that cosmic balance has been disturbed.

The games will bear strong resemblance to Generation II, and will have two Regions

Black and White were designed to strongly mirror Generation I in many, many ways. With Black 2 and White 2, some inspiration will come from Generation II. The primary effect will be that the games will have a second region. It is likely that this region will be a region that has been seen before. The most likely are Hoenn, the Sevii Islands, or Orre. Each of the three likely options have reasons justifying them.

  • Hoenn is likely because it is the one region from the main series that cannot be accessed in a game made for the DS. Furthermore, the new forms of the Legendary Genies, who are weather based, suggest a weather-related relevance to the games, as does the fact that half of Unova is iced over. Finally, as each game is "remade" two generations later, Ruby and Sapphire should be expected to effectively be remade... except that they can't be, as Black and White take place at least 10 years after Ruby and Sapphire. To accomodate this, there will be a plotline in Hoenn relating to Teams Magma and Aqua.
  • The Sevii Islands are likely because of their relative isolation from other parts of the Japan-based regions, the fact that Brock and Giovanni appear in Unova suggests a connection to Kanto, and the potential to explore more Islands in the vicinity. This is the least likely of the three, however.
  • Orre is likely because it shares the same greater region with Unova (being based on an American location), because after 10 years Orre is likely to be thriving with pokemon, and because there is a clear connection between Ghetsis/Plasma and Greevil/Cypher.

Team Plasma has been split in two.

We've seen two factions of them; the old grunts, one of the sages, and Anthea and Concordia, vs New grunts in soldier-like uniforms who have the Shadow Triad on their side.

Group #1 is the original now reformed to be a legit organization dedicated to N's ideals and Pokemon rights. Group #2 is a new faction probably under the direct control of Ghetsis(Seeing as the Shadow Triad were loyal to him and him alone). They may or may not have cut the bullshit about trying to liberate Pokemon, and are basically Team Rocket's spiritual successors

  • I really like this idea. It seems to fit with the theme of the Black and White games.

Akuroma is running one of the two factions, Ghetsis the other.

One official trailer video shows Akuroma in a room with a Team Plasma symbol on the floor. Plus his name isn't a tree, but means "colorless". Since all the other professors have been named after trees...he's obviously not a good guy. So if he's running one of the factions and Ghetsis the other, likely Ghetsis is running the original faction and Akuroma the breakoff. The reasoning is a line in the anime style trailer.

"Team Plasma once said 'We realize the potential of Pokemon and it is best to free them from humans.' I, however, disagree with them."

Thus Akuroma can't be running the original base faction. Since we know Ghetsis is back and a lot of the Team Plasma members aren't that bright, he's probably the one running the original faction (the "knights") and Akuroma is running the new faction (the "ninjas").

Black 2/White 2 will end up just being Part II of a Three-Part story

So the main story of Black 2/White 2 will end with even more Sequel Hooks than Black/White did . . . and setting up for Black 3/White 3 (or, alternately, Black 3D/White 3D). . .

  • This idea had been swimming around in my head for a while, and while I think it's a good idea, it seems like most other fans might start to get weary of the "Pokemon Black and White Saga" by then; instead desiring RS remakes or Gen 6 games.
    • OP here. While I do agree that some fans may get weary of a "Black and White Saga," I think Game Freak and Nintendo would do it anyway, if for no other reason but the Franchise Branding aspect it would give them. And it gives a way to transition Pokemon over to the 3DS in a directly marketable way in preparation for Gen 6, and if they finally do remake R/S/E. Game Freak seems to really be on this "shake up the franchise" thing this Gen, and doing a full Black and White Trilogy is a easy - and marketable - way of doing that IMO.
      • First Responder here, I'm really liking this idea now; Anyway, Black 3D/White 3D could be the perfect opportunity to showcase the Original Dragon, thereby making it a sort of "progression" leading up to completion. In BW, Reshiram/Zekrom are completely separated; in B 2 W 2, one of them reunites with Kyurem and becomes 2/3 completed; and in Black/White 3D, they could finally combine with the last member of the trio and become one again. Plus, it could a perfect opportunity for Genesect to get some screentime, since B 2 W 2 seems to be all about Keldeo and Meloetta. As far as the structure of the releases go, it might be possible that after B 2 W 2 Game Freak would temporarily turn their attention to RS remakes to wrap up Gen 5 before moving on to BW 3 D, which would be considered the start of Gen 6 (and would allow for the introduction of new Pokemon such as the Original Dragon should it not be another Kyurem forme). However, should this prove to be the case, then I'm at loss as to what Gen 6's third game would be. Perhaps it would give rise to another change in formula; that being the start of a new story mid-Gen as a single game? It could still use Gen 6 Pokemon introduced in BW 3 D, but it would take place in a new region.
        • OP again. I think Gen 6 incorporating any story elements from Gen 5 will all depend on if the new region for Gen 6 is anywhere close to Unova, or part of Unova. And I tend to think - outside of general Unova Pokemon appearing in the new region - all story elements related to Gen 5 will mostly stay in Gen 5. So if there is a Black 3D/White 3D I think it will for sure be part of Gen 5, and Gen 6 will be a totally new thing. That said, another alternative is - Pokemon Grey. Instead of doing Black 3D/White 3D, Pokemon Grey could be the final game of the "trilogy." Meaning instead of being just a Director's Cut of Black/White/Black 2/White 2 (because let's face it, if they did a standard Updated Rerelease they couldn't do it of just Part 1 - .i.e. Black/White - now that we're getting a Part 2), Pokemon Grey alone could be the "Part 3" of the story. Either way, I don't think we're getting a standard "third game" this Gen (meaning if they do Black 3D/White 3D I don't think they'll be a Pokemon Grey . . . unless Game Freak are ready to make one game that contains the entire three-part story) . . . but whatever the third game is will be the game that closes out the Black/White story/saga.
      • Alternatively, they could have both their RSE remake and their BW 3 as one game... by setting BW 3 in Hoenn as a sequel to both BW 2 and RSE, with a new story set in Hoenn that shows the effects of both Black/White and Black 2/White 2 on other parts of the world, or perhaps Team Plasma spreading to Hoenn (and possibly splitting off into revivals of Team Aqua and Team Magma) as well as what's happened to Hoenn in the years following RSE. Considering how long Black and White take place after RSE (At least 8, most likely 11, years later), plus the two year timeskip between B/W and B2/W2, it would make more sense than a straight-up remake.

If the game has a Battle Frontier, it will be on an in-game equivalent of Staten Island.

It's the only borough that hasn't been used yet, and there's a real-life park of significant size there: the somewhat unfortunately-named Freshkills Park. Take the Grand Unova there and it'll fit in nicely.

  • Alternatively it'll be Coney Island.

Kyurem's different form changes its Dragon type to the secondary typing of the "color dragon."

If you chose Black, it becomes an Ice/Electric. If you choose White, it becomes an Ice/Fire.

  • Wouldn't the typings need to be balanced a bit better? Ice/Electric is much better defensively than Ice/Fire.
    • They'll probably be Ice/Dragon, but will probably have an ability that gives them pseudo-STAB on Fire/Electric attacks.
    • Alternatively, the stats change depending on the form. White Kyurem could have a boosted defense.
  • Jossed. Kyurem's forms keep its Ice/Dragon typing.

Kyurem's ability also changes when it colorize

To pressure to Turboblaze for White kyurem or Terravolt for Black kyurem. It gets to learn fusion flare and bolt respectively, too.

  • Or, as a tie in to the above WMG that W-Kyurem and B-Kyurem were the orginal forms of Reshiram and Zekrom, the two colored versions of Kyurem have unique abilities that give them the properties of Fire/Electric types respectively. Thus, technically making the first triple-typed Pokemon.

Kyurem was originally a 3-head dragon

That splits into Black Kyurem, the 'Neutral' kyurem and White Kyurem, where the 'neutral' kyurem is the one we have in the original Black and White versions.

There will also be a fusion of Reshiram and Zekrom

Possibly even a Gray version, and even a Gray 2.

Pokemon exlusive to Black2 and White2 include:


  • Throh
  • Gothita evo line
  • Tornadus
  • The Elekid line


  • Sawk
  • Solosis evo line
  • Thunderus
  • The Magby line


  • Vullaby and Rufflet evo line
    • or maybe switch from the originals

We will be able to face all three of the 1st Gym Triplets

But instead of six pokemon they will only use their signature ones giving the player some trouble with a strategy.

  • So, it would be a Triple Battle in White 2 and a Rotation Battle in Black 2?

The Unova starters are unobtainable, and Black 2 and White 2 will each have a different set of starters from past gens.

For example, Black 2 could have Treecko, Charmander and Piplup while White 2 could have Bulbasaur, Torchic and Totodile.

  • Jossed. The starters are still Snivy, Tepig and Oshawott.

We will face both Drayden and Iris at the 8th gym

Exactly What It Says on the Tin

We will face neither Drayden and Iris at the 8th gym

Take a Third Option we will have two completely new gym leaders a young man in White2 and an older woman in Black2.

The bag of spilling should this be a direct sequel.

Remember one of the Plasma members in N's Castle, who mentions that they hacked the PC storage and would release every single Pokémon stored? Yeah...they do it to you, forcing you to start over with a starter.

  • What about the party you have at the time the release was done?
  • Jossed. B&W2 will use new Protagonists, just like XD did.
  • Alternate guess, Kyurem ate the last game's protagonist and their legendary dragon.
  • Alternate alternate guess, Amanita's PC has been locked from the public by Team Plasma, and you have to catch new Pokémon using one of the other storage systems (Bill's, Lanette's or Bebe's).

A legendary Pokemon will be found in Challenger's Cave

Either a new one or one of the three unreleased ones.

  • Or an old one (like the bird trio in Platinum). Mewtwo seems like a good guess, considering its recent marketing push and the fact that it got a signature move this gen without being obtainable normally (yet). In this case, since the Birds in Platinum got the legendary theme as BGM, Mewtwo would probably use a legendary battle theme as well (either Kyurem's old theme from Black 1 and White 1, which would be a bit of a Shout-Out to Mewtwo and Kyurem's "rivalry" in the TCG, or the standard legendary theme).
    • Or maybe he'll get the Kanto legendary theme.
      • Which doesn't exist. (It's the same as the regular wild battle theme, sped up slightly in FRLG; this is probably why Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres used the Sinnoh legendary theme.)
      • By this logic, when the Legendary Beasts show up in Fire Red and Leaf Green, they should have had their battle music...
        • There's a more likely reason why the Beasts didn't use their battle theme from Crystal
    • If it is an old one, it will probably still be in a section where new ultra rares (or event ultra rares like Zorua and Phione) can be caught.
    • Mewtwo should have a remix of it's theme from Pokemon Stadium. And if they decide to introduce a trio, let it be the beasts.
  • Alternately, if the Dragon Orbs are part of the plot, we might get Dialga in Black 2 and Palkia in White 2. Trading both over to the same game lets you go to the Distortion World and capture Giratina. Cynthia will probably have some connection to the event as part of an expanded role. Since they have well-established battle themes already, they'll just use remixes of those.
  • If it is a new one, Genesect could appear.
  • Keldeo is a strong candidate, since Virizion and Terrakion were found in places that were blocked off (by humans) until Cobalion was caught. Since Challenger's Cave was blocked off until the post-game, it's a similarity worth considering. It's also got a lot of water in it, compared to Terrakion in a mountain (rock/fighting type) and Virizion in a forest (grass/fighting type) which would make sense since Keldeo is a water/fighting type.

This game will have two different play slots

Because, why not? This theory is farfetch'd, but the guess is that Black 2 and White 2 will have two "play" slots in each game, Black 2/Remake of Sapphire, White 2/Remake of Ruby. You'll be able to start off with either one of the games you choose first, to play either the Hoenn remake or the Black/White Sequel. Junichi Masuda did say he wanted to do something special with Hoenn.

  • Much more likely is that we'll be able to go to Hoenn after the main games (or even during, for some plot related reason) like we did in the gen II games, but there is that "something special" thing you mentioned, making it unlikely he'll have it EXACTLY the same..
    • What's with all the Hoenn theories going around? That would have been advertised already.

We will get a whole new set of pokemon

Gold and Silver where originally called Pokemon 2 and they introduced a whole new set of pokemon designed at the same time as the gen 1 mons

  • Jedi Truth time: They are new.... to Unova. The new additions to the Dex are from previous generations.
    • And even then, most of them were catchable in B/W postgame.

Regardless of the WMG above this game will try to invoke a gen 2 feel

Gold and Silver where originally called Pokemon 2

There wont be a legendary pokemon in Challengers Cave

But when you bring a specific legendary (possibly event version) into it it will unlock the relevant legendaries

  • Regigigas- It happened in gen 4
  • Landorus- If the right side of Unova is completely revamped

The upper right part of Unova will be completely revamped

With stuff added

  • Confirmed, but in this case not a good thing. The entire northern and eastern sections of Unova have turned into a glacier that stops at Oplecuid City. Probably Kyurem's fault.
    • But who knows what's beneath the ice once it's gone. It's probably what the main storyline is about, defeating Kyurem and taking the ice away.
      • The ice is just there to cover up what's actually there.
      • Nope, it's really there according to the animated trailer.

When you trade Kyurem between Black 2 and White 2...

Just like Deoxys in the Gen III games, White Kyurem will change to Black Kyurem when traded to Black 2 and vice versa when traded to White 2.

List of possible legendaries you could get via event items.

  • Mew. It could be like the Zoroark event. In order to get it, you need three event-exclusive versions of the original starter Pokemon(and like Zoroark, they could be shiny). Show these to Miyomoto(the in-game one, of course), and he will give you a special "finder" which will allow you to find Mew hiding in one of the trucks at Castelia City.

If Genesect can be fought, its battle theme will be Ghetsis' battle theme

  • Would be a nice nod to how everyone thought it was Genesect's battle theme.

The starters won't be Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott

  • My guess is they will either be a different set of Unova Pokemon or Pokemon from past regions, or three new Pokemon entirely.
    • Or mix and match starters, like you can choose between Snivy, Tododile and Charmander
      • Jossed by Pokemon Smash's gameplay footage. The Unova starters are the same.

There will be a handful of new pokemon

Mainly to connect some older pokemon with their gen 5 counterparts

  • This is a Black 2 and White 2 WMG page, not a Gen VI WMG page.

Regis will be catchable in wild

I mean... Why not? In Gen IV they were the only non-Event Pokémon unavailable without either Pal Park or events , you either had to get event Regigigas or import them from Hoenn-based games.

  • Wouldn't it make more sense to save them for the Hoenn remakes?

Alternatively, the Lake Trio will be obtainable.

If Dialga and Palkia are part of the plot, it wouldn't be surprising that the lake trio will appear to deal with it. They tried to play the Big Damn Heroes against the last guy who tried to toy with the Creation Trio. Wouldn't be surprised if they do this when Ghetsis tries to toy with the Creation Orbs(which, given the possible Sequel Hook in the last after-game, he probably will).

You will be capable of obtaining Dream World abilities without the Nintendo USB connection.

Probably from Akuroma. To keep the "hidden" aura, it'll be a mini-challenge to obtain this.

A Drifblim that has its hidden Flare Boost ability and knows Explosion will appear on Thursdays in Mistralton City.

Oh yes, I went there. Anyone who figures out this reference gets a cookie. EDIT: And guess who's just been seen in the CoroCoro scans? Drifblim. My WMG is now one step closer to happening. Oh the humanity!

  • The Hindenburg? That would be pretty funny in a really dark way.
    • One free cookie for you, good sir. Have you figured out the deeper meaning behind this concept?

In the post-game, you'll be able to capture Mewtwo.

It would be pretty neat. Plus, it could showcase the Psytrike move.

The new Player Characters will both be able to swim without the aid of Pokemon

Heard this WMG from another site, but it makes total sense. Look close enough at their designs, and you'll see that they're really wearing wet suits under their clothes. They're already dressed as beach goers in the first place with the visors, but I foresee new artwork of them in just their wet suits showing them in or underwater.

There will be a new character that gets the other dragon

Exactly What It Says on the Tin

  • Sub-guess: depending on version, it'll be either Cheren or Bianca.
    • Sub-sub-guess: Changing important plot details based on version won't happen. It will either be one or the other.
      • The WMG explicitely states 'a new character will get the other dragon'. Though Cheren would represent Reshiram while Bianca would respresent Zekrom. Ie. Cheren has to find out a good reason to be Champion and be honest about it while Bianca is the more idealistic about it cause she just wants to journey with her pokemon.

The Shadow Triad shall be revealed to be Cilan, Cress, and Chili.

No Gen 5 WMG page is complete without this theory being mentioned at least once.

  • Absolutely!
    • Pokémon Special has them using masks with the same shading as the elemental monkeys, as well as the masks bottom outline matching the same monkey and them using the same typing as the Striaton trio.
      • Watch it turn out to be a Red Herring or that they're trying to frame the Striaton trio.
  • If their not then they'll use pokemon of the remaining three types. If they are then we'll have three new gym leaders.
  • And now we know Striaton City has been frozen over, and the trio seems to have been replaced as gym leaders by Shizui or Homika. Things have been set up just right so if they were revealed to be the Shadow Triad, no complications would arise in the post-game with stuff such as gym leader rematches...
    • Specifically, Shizui replaces Corn (Cress) with the Water-Type. Replacements for his brothers have not yet been divulged.
    • Cheren has also been revealed to be taking their place as the first gym leader.
  • The trailer may have stomped this theory but it's still partially in the air until the release of the game
    • The Triad as they appear in that trailer don't have designs that match up with their sprites from BW, however.

Alternatively, the Shadow Triad will be revealed to be O, P, and Q.

As an extension to the "A through M" theory. To clarify, O will be a new character, not the guy from the anime.

  • Ore[n](Steel Type), Pestilan(t)(Poison Type), and Q(got nothing but rock type)
    • Quart[z]?
    • Since they're ninjas, their main Pokemon will be the fastest of the type(excluding legendaries). Meaning Ore would have a Lucario/Metagross/Klinklang, Pestilant would have a Crobat/Scolipede(the former may or may not be part of the new dex) and Quratz would have an Aerodactyl(probably not going to be included)/Archeops
  • Or it'll be that the Shadow Triad are both O/P/Q and the Stration Trio! They use those types in their ninja identity, aka "their true selves."

Bianca will be the champion

Well.. Many people wanted that in the original and it'd show how much she's progressed.

  • Certainly seems likely... One can acheive much in two years...
  • Given her characterization and how she had an Overprotective Dad, combined with what happened to Unova, could lead to either Harsher in Hindsight or Unfortunate Implications. EDIT (from same poster): Unless it was the direct result of someone else's actions...
    • Jossed. She's Professor Juniper's assistant, who hands out the starters.

Alternatively, Cheren will be the champion.

As an extension to his Character Development.

We'll get a Previous Player Character Cameo

If it's a new protagonist expect the canon Pokémon Black and White protagonist, if you're still playing as the Tou. character's then expect a protagonist from a previous game all grown up (maybe the Pokémon Platinum protagonist considering Cynthia mentioned them in the previous title?}

  • Blue will appear, and his theme will have a purpose. Red and/or Leaf may also appear with him as a Double/Triple/Rotation Battle option.

You will get to fight Dawn/Lucas from the previous generation.

It would be pretty cool, and it could be related to Ghetsis having the Orbs: he stole them, and Dawn/Lucas wants them back! The battle could go in one of two ways:

  • Much like how Red's team was based off Ash during the Orange Islands, Dawn/Lucas' team could be based on the Pokemon Ash caught. This would include the three starters, Gliscor, Staraptor and Garchomp
  • If possible, you can transfer data so that Dawn/Lucas' team is the same as yours. Except more balanced, of course.

Cynthia and Red will be available for a Double Battle

What's better/worse than fighting one of the few Bonus Boss trainers the series has had? Fighting both at the same time!

If there's a new player then they'll have a sibling or a father

Exactly What It Says on the Tin.

The player characters will be the same.

If you choose to play as Hilbert, then Hilda will appear as the hero who befriended Reshiram/Zekrom and defeated N some time prior to the new games' events. And vice-versa. That would explain why the opposite gender character was Schroedingers Player Character in Black and White, breaking the tradition set up back in Ruby and Sapphire: they couldn't play an important role yet, they will be the hero of the sequel.

  • The not chosen does show up in the battle subway with a versatile team. Their Pokemon could have been stolen by Team Plasma or eaten by Kyurem, traumatizing them into forgetting the basics and forcing them to start over. They could be brought into Juniper's and coached by the last game's hero at first but later need to save them from vengeful plasmas or Kyurem. The old rivals would be helpful while the new rival would be a delinquent who tried to take advantage of the subway kid in their weakened state or one of the plasma members responsible for their grief, returning to the well for "another drink".
    • Your choice of starter will decide, not chosen's, Cheren's, Bianca's and your rival's, with not chosen's type matching yours and the rest falling into place. The rival will come after you while Kyurem or the rest of plasma is distracting not chosen, trying to steal the starters not chosen was offering you and you have to use your choice to fight them off.
    • Jossed. There are scans of completely new protagonist.

Kris is going to appear as an NPC

She hasn't appeared since Crystal, so it will be nice to see her again in the later generations.

  • Pretty sure she was retconned into Lyra with the release of HGSS. However, a cameo from Lyra wouldn't be all that bad...
    • Though, several people consider Lyra and Kris completely different.
      • They are different characters playing the same role if chosen as the player character.

The new researcher will turn out to be a villain.

Come on, just look at him. He screams villain. And with all the "Pokémon isn't about strength" we've been getting for years, it's at least strange to have a researcher who focuses his research solely on that.

  • Well "Akuroma" seems to be a blend of words that mean "evil", "demon", "devil", etc. Considering Ghetsis also had a Meaningful Name referencing the term "The Devil in the music"...
  • Also achroma(tic) as in colorless.
    • Nice connection. Seems like valid reasoning. O.o
  • His hair color sans the blue seems to be quite close to that of Ghetsis too. And weird appendage(s) sticking from the hair as well. Most likely coincidence, but who knows.
    • Yeah. Entirely Coincidence.
    • Thank God I'm not alone.
    • Confirmed. Colress is the new boss of Team Plasma in place of N. Working under Ghetsis, of course.

Hilbert/Hilda will the a Bonus Boss/True Final Boss, like Red.

Who you fight will be the opposite gender yours. Alternatively, you could somehow sync your Black/White cartridge in order to import that protagonist's name and gender. They will also use the opposite dragon, since they caught it in Black and White.

  • How about you fight Hilda in White 2 and Hilbert in Black 2?
  • Why not let us choose the previous protagonist's gender, perhaps through an in-game quiz that asks us the gender of the hero?
    • Also, you'll be able to synch the six Pokemon in your Black/White Cartridge's active party to BW 2. Imagine having a fight against six level 100s.
  • How about this: the trainer you fight is your opposite gender. Their Pokemon include:
    • Serperior. Why that starter? Because Snivy is the most popular!
    • Simipour, referencing the fact you likely got one of the elemental monkeys to fight the Stration Trio
    • Zen Mode Darmanitan.
    • Ok, it's probably unlikely, put Zekrom/Reshiram(depends on which version)
    • Golurk, furthering its connection with Zekrom/Reshiram
  • I doubt Darmanitan-Z will be on that team, considering it's post-game, and too easy for the player to abuse.
  • Why not Unfezant and Seismitoad as an anime tie-in?

Hilbert/Hilda will appear as an NPC several times to help the player

Since they are probably be the champion by now, they will probably aid you several times, just like Cynthia did in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.

Akuroma made Kyurem-B/Kyurem-W, Genesect, or maybe both.

This is expanding on the higher up WMG that he's a villain. In one of the CoroCoro screenshots, he's talking about an item which activates a Pokemon he created. Given that he researches Pokemon strength and his outfit has all of the Plasma logo's colors, it's not too hard to figure out the obvious suspects. If he is responsible for the Kyurem forms, then that would explain why they look so... unnatural.

  • He might also be responsible for the Kami trio's form changes as well.

N will appear, and he Took a Level in Badass as well as in Character Development.

In the last two years, he has gradually become less naive and more sociable, due to traveling the world and meeting new people. He still loves Pokemon, but is more accepting towards people. When he found out someone took his legendary dragon, he went on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge in order to find it, since he personally knows how powerful it is and how someone can use it for evil purposes. Bonus points if he's toting a Menger Gun.

  • Confirm so much that he's appearing. He may have taken a level, but we can't tell yet.

The new additions to the Pokedex came from Orre.

It's a region that had Trainers carrying Pokemon from earlier Generations. Perhaps their feral offspring finally made the long transcontinetal journey.

  • Considering Unova and Orre are both based off the United States, this may be possible. Note that Eevee (considered by the fandom to be Orre's unofficial starter) is apparently catchable.

Akuroma will be a parody, critique, or deconstruction of Serious Business Pokemon meta-gamers

It's stated that Akuroma is researching Pokemon strength specifically, which is something of interest to most competitive Pokemon players. I wouldn't be surprised if, when you face him, Akuroma wielded exclusively OU Tier Pokemon with perfect IV's and Min-Maxed EV's.

  • The second part is busted, the trailer shoes him with a Magneton, which is really only useful in VERY specific builds. He could evolve it and screw any steel type you use over with HP fire.
    • Not necessarily. Both Magneton and Magnezone are completely viable. Magneton still has it's higher speed, and on top of that, the Eviolite item to boost its defenses.

The Poison type Gym Leader will be named Alice in the English localization

Come on, she plays the guitar, she uses the POISON type, that kind of reference would be too good to pass up.

Cheren will be the new Champion

Makes sense. It's been two years, no reason why he wouldn't be able to become strong enough to beat Alder in that time.

  • Assuming the player character didn't beat Alder first, as the B/W rematch Elite Four may or may not be canon to B2/W2. Then again, Cheren has the type advantage over the PC's starter.
  • Semi-Jossed. Cheren has taken over for Leonora as the Gym Leader of Nacrene City, but there's no saying that maybe he beat Alder but decided to be a Leader instead.

Bianca will be a gym leader

  • Jossed, she's Prof. Juniper's assistant.

Volkner will show up.

He was mentioned by Shauntal in BW and she seemed quite impressed by his battle abilities. It's never specified under which circumstances did they battle, maybe he challenged the Unova League? Maybe he'll show up in BW 2, as an Elite trainer or Champion even?

  • ...Wow, you're good. Confirmed, Volkner has shown up as part of the World Tournament.

N will be the True Final Boss

It'd make sense for Game Freak to save N for the very end of the game. The player character from the last game being the True Final Boss has already been done, and N was arguably the most important character in the last game. He'll probably also have taken a level in badass over the years.

All the same-gendered protagonists of the previous games will return as part of an underground Pokemon championship for people who have advanced beyond the Elite Four.

They will all have Pokemon at levels no less than 80, and going all the way up to 100. If you choose the male protagonist, you'll fight Red, Ethan, Brendan, Lucas, and Hilbert. If you choose the female protagonist, you'll fight with Leaf, Lyra, May, Dawn, and Hilda. You'll fight them in reverse order, going back to the gen 1 protagonist. Red/Leaf will have a full team of level 100s.

  • The problem is, Red is the canon protagonist of his games no matter who you pick in C/HG/SS.
  • This theory would also mean GF is screwing over canon. Canon protagonists do exist.

You'll play as Hilbert/Hilda...

But only in the beginning. You'll choose to play as either Hilbert or Hilda and then play as them for a little while, until Kyurem comes in and freezes you. Then you'll get to play as the new protagonist. Kinda like Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, except it's a surprise that you'll play as the previous protagonist. Part of the story will involve defrosting them (along with some other major characters) so that they'll help you.

Bianca stole Cheren's glasses for some reason.

  • Maybe they're going out and Cheren gave her those as a present? He's probably wearing contacts, now that I think about it.

Cheren will be That One Boss.

He's the normal-type gym leader, it's almost a given.

  • Except according to the CoroCoro scans, he's the first Leader. I don't think Nintendo is THAT sadistic.
    • Yes, but Whitney was the third Gym Leader for the Johto League, and she was considered That One Boss thanks to Miltank. Who's to say Nintendo wouldn't pull that as the first leader, thus giving you less time to level-grind?
  • I doubt it, considering his only known Pokémon so far is a Patrat...

The past Champions and Gym Leader's sprites won't be anything new

Because Game Freak/Nintendo will get lazy.

You aren't actually facing off against any of the past Champions and Gym Leaders.

Instead, you're actually facing off against holographic simulations of them. The AI is programmed to behave like them.

Possible Bonus Bosses (and Previous Player Character Cameos) for the upcoming Continuity Cavalcade

If the returning Pokémon in the new regional Pokédex are any indication, chances are something similar will happen for the human cast as well. Just like Cheren, rival character in Pokémon Black and White, has become a Gym Leader in the sequel as a parallel to Blue between Pokémon Red and Blue and Pokémon Gold and Silver.

The "female" player character will be a crossdressing boy...at least for the Japanese

Quoting directly from Trap-Heaven's "Trapdex":

" Nintendo mistyped the gender of this player character on the official homepage for Black & White 2. They gave the reading (furigana) for the female protagonist as OTOKO-NO-KO (instead of ONNA-NO-KO). So she is officially (by mistake) a cross dressing boy! Hentai trap fan artists rejoice!"

If it wasn't an error, this "female" player character will be the first trap to appear in the games...at least in Japan, since America wouldn't allow that.

  • I'd rather her be Transsexualism..
  • ....There are some things that shouldn't be in a Pokemon game, let's just leave it at that.
  • They've already had a transsexual character in an adaptation, and they've gotten away with more, so..

Elesa is a natural raven

She dyed her hair blonde but decided to go back to natural.

  • Or she's naturally blond but decided to die her hair black, and then completely for these games.

Homika is a dude in drag

Gamefreak said it wanted to shake things up.

The (partial?) reason for Bianca's clumsiness in previous games was that she had vision problems

It makes sense.

Chili will have his own Fire type Gym

This is assuming he isn't part of the Shadow Triad. In one of the episodes of the anime he states that he wants to get stronger because he loses to so many trainers so he's considering branching off from the Striaton Gym and starting his own. The episode aired in Japan months ago but this kind of foreshadowing is not unheard of from the anime: There is also a kid named Luke who was introduced early on and is really into making movies. In retrospect it was a big hint we would get Pokewood.

The new protagonists are clones of the old ones

The names Black2 and White2 made me think of Mewtwo and Ambertwo. Plus, they look similar enough that some people thought they were Hilbert and Hilda in new clothes. As for why anyone would clone them? To steal their legendary dragon. And how? Well, Pokemon might be able to use some kind of time or growth-related attack to age them up to adolescence in less than ten years, and perhaps there's some kind of psychic Pokemon that can implant memories or knowledge in their mind.

Akuroma will be part of Ghetsis's Five-Bad Band.

Assuming there would be enough members, that is. Either way, Akuroma could be The Starscream (his quote in the animated promo states that he disagrees with Team Plasma's beliefs, yet he was seen in a Team Plasma base of some sort), as well as The Evil Genius, because he's an Obviously Evil researcher.

Alternatively, Akuroma will be a standalone villain, OR he will oppose both the protagonist and Ghetsis.

He did say he disagreed with Team Plasma's beliefs, after all. One could see him as The Chessmaster, he looks like the sort of villain to manipulate things behind the scenes. He could very well go up against Ghetsis, with Evil Versus Evil and the protagonist is caught in the middle trying to stop them both.

The new Team Plasma, or Neo Team Plasma, could have been influenced by Akuroma.

Perhaps Akuroma noticed the fall of Team Plasma after the first games, confronted Ghetsis and helped him gather up a new Team Plasma, one that follows Ghetsis and HIS ideals. Akuroma's quote in the video could have been referring to the old Team Plasma.

Akuroma will, at some point, say the phrase...

"Complete... global... SATURATION..."

Akuroma will be subject to Draco in Leather Pants.

Because Wynaut.

Wes or Michael will appear as a Bonus Boss depending on which version you play.

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I feel that Colosseum/XD should be represented more often.

Wes will appear as an opponent in Black 2's World Tournament mode while Michael will appear in White 2.

The special trailer is a "testing ground" to gauge audience reaction, similar to the April Fool's Day revival of Toonami.

Because fans have been clamoring for a Periphery Demographic-friendly anime based more closely on the games for years, The Pokemon Company decided to release exactly that, albeit as a 7-minute trailer. Based on audience reaction, they may expand the project.

  1. Dawn replaced him as the Sinnoh region's professor
  2. Leaf (yes, Leaf) replaced him as the Kanto region's professor
  3. That is, Six of the Seven Sages
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