
"This comic started as an attempt to make pornography. It degenerated into sex comedy pretty much immediately. Even so, there are some things depicted that are best kept away from children and work. Please click on the button below to certify you're over 18. Of course, if you are under 18, you can't legally certify anything. So if you're a minor, please get a parent to click the button which says you aren't. Thank you. (Taking moral advice from cartoon characters is probably a bad idea.)"—opening disclaimer
Oglaf is a very well-drawn and often seriously NSFW webcomic by Trudy Cooper and Doug Bayne. Most of the episodes (called "stories") are single non-sequential pages, though some stretch out longer; the very first one was eight pages long. The comic started out as a gag-a-week work, but slowly started including longer Story Arcs, most of the time focusing on Ivan and his never-ending torment at the hands of Mistress and Sandoval, the Ambassador of Xoan. These arcs appear to be (very) slowly coming together into a single overarching plot.
(Just a note: Click "Next page" to see the next page of a story. "Next story" to see the next story. "Epilogue" to see epilogues. The last page of each story (and epilogue) has a small diagonal cutout at the bottom right-hand corner.)
Most strips are very, very NSFW. So many that the strips that are work-safe are the ones slapped with a warning label. However, the comic also features many gags that are quite innocuous or just "immature". The comic features creative character design, excellent artwork, inventive jokes (SFW or otherwise), and is definitely worth a look if you are over 18 and nowhere near your workplace.
Recurring characters include (but aren't limited to):
- Mistress: A cruel dictator, usually busy either ruling her nation or finding new ways to torture her slaves. When she's not doing either, she torments Ivan for giggles.
- Ivan: Mistress' sorcery apprentice and the ostensible protagonist. Not allowed to have sex (or even wank) under castle regulations. To make sure he doesn't get distracted from that rule, Mistress cursed him with walking, talking semen. As of 5/22/11, in a magical sleep.
- Cumsprite: The walking, talking semen. Its job is to run to Mistress and tattle whenever released. Notably, a Cumsprite is conjured from his semen whenever he ejaculates, whether by masturbation or not.
- Sandoval: The Ambassador of Xoan. Staying with Mistress as a political guest, he sexually harasses Ivan whenever he's bored. He also seems to be sexually attracted to food, especially desserts.
- Greir: A female adventurer. The comic's resident Deadpan Snarker.
- Oglaf: A farm boy. The Chosen One, although chosen for what, we're not sure.
- Ponce de Leon & assistant: Two adventurers in search of the Fountain of Youth. They haven't been seen since the Fountain of Girl incident.
- The Snow Queen: The personification of Winter. Satisfying her is necessary for Winter to end and for Spring to start. Greir gladly takes up the challenge.
- Kronar, Son of Man: A Barbarian with serious honor.
- Vanka: Female thief. Exceptionally clever and light-fingered. One half of a Battle Couple with a male thief.
- Navaan: Female vampire. Captures Ivan in Vanorva with the intent to kill him, but soon finds him useful for...other things. Is now a "doctor".
- The Dwarves: Three little men with bad teeth, limited fukken vocabularies, and lunatic enthusiasm for creating bizarre and fukken awesome magical items.
Because the site has a SFW "Do you really want to see this content?" page, this page will have indirect links to NSFW content. (So much of it's NSFW that, in accordance with the site's preferred style of warning, we'll warn for the pages that are actually worksafe.)
- Absolute Cleavage:
- Mistress' robes.
- Vanka likewise. As seen in several strips, it's mainly for ease of access.
- Action Girl:
- Action Survivor: Ivan, out of necessity...until he's put in the magical coma.
- Aesop Amnesia: Despite being told to do things piece by piece, the Sword Master's apprentice doesn't learn his lesson even after winning a fight with it. SLAP!
- A Fete Worse Than Death: Hosted by the Fun Cult, not a Town with a Dark Secret.
- All That Glitters: "Don't you see? The princess was you all along!" Subverted, he gets to marry the prince.
- All Women Are Lustful: It's that kind of world.
- A Love to Dismember: Salome is still at it apparently.
- She did that once! It was years ago!
- Alt Text: Please note that each strip has not only an ALT text but also a TITLE text, both different. Which one you see when mousing over it is dependent on your browser -- Google Chrome, for example, shows the Alt. Text. Only for the first few comics (which possibly didn't have Alt. Text) does the Title Text show up.
- A Man Is Not a Virgin: Averted with Ivan, if only because the in-universe definition of 'virgin' is fairly strict. To the residents of Vanorva, who are all virgins, he's "the slut" and consequently the hero of some hilariously improbable fanfiction.
- Amazon Brigade: The Mistress' castle is entirely staffed by female guards in revealing outfits.
- Amazing Technicolour Population: The Land of Indulgence has one.
- Anthropomorphic Personification: Of winter, obviously, but also of many more abstract concepts. Most of which involve having sex with them.
- Anything That Moves: And quite a few things that don't.
- Art Evolution: Compare the character art in one of the earliest strips to one much later. Notice the difference in both outlining and shading, as well as character proportions.
- Asexuality: The very-alien 'doctors', though it doesn't stop them using some very invasive treatments.
- On the other hand, they consider sexual inexperience to be a life-threatening medical condition (and maybe have a point). Blue And Orange Sexuality, perhaps?
- Ass Shove: With a fire wand, no less.
- Attractiveness Isolation: , courtesy of the wishing doll.
- Badass Boast: Vanka makes two (both about sex, and one with the accomplishment to match) in this one.
- Bald Women: The succubi. Also Horny Devils.
- The Baroness: The Mistress is definitely a Sexpot, but depending on who you are (i.e. a very straight guy), her intentions might be nasty, placing her under the Rosa Klebb variety.
- Battle Trophy: Craft Berserker gives advice (SFW)
- Bed Trick: Planned here, but then rejected in favor of more practical alternative. Also attempted here but there is a change in plans ].
- The Berserker: Suffers cruel discrimination here.
- Best Her to Bed Her: Red Sonja goes too far here (SFW except Red Sonja)
- Beware the Silly Ones: Just when you begin to think Mistress rules through nothing more than sexual deviance, odd devices, and a lot of willing retainers, this happens..
- Biggus Dickus: Subverted here. The fair maiden in question seems relieved rather than disappointed.
- Bishonen:
- The Xoan Ambassador.
- As the comic progresses, Ivan the Apprentice starts moving from the goofy category to the very pretty category.
- BFS: Possibly the only literal example (medium-safe).
- Black Comedy Rape: Female on male rape used to strip warriors of their Virgin Power .
- The Blank: The most beautiful fairy of all.
- Blessed with Suck: Oglaf, the chosen one, has the power to.... ejaculate in the form of words. Too bad he can't read.
- Blinding Bangs: The goat-herder girl and Ivan's temporary replacement.
- Bodyguard Babes: The Mistress's soldiers.
- Books That Bite: The Book of Love. At least, it tries to eat parts of Ivan...
- Brick Joke:
- The wizard that transformed here reappears in this more recent comic.
- When Ivan refuses to go for the offered antidote and instead threatens to tell everyone that Sandoval poisoned him in "Premature Requiem", Sandoval sees this as romantic and offers him a locket as evidence instead. In "Infffirmary", we see two other patients showing similar symptoms to Ivan's, clutching lockets. Busy night, ambassador?
- Ivan's tattletale jizz turned into one on at least two occasions.
- On a third occasion, Navaan is disappointed when someone else's fails to do so.
- Bungling Inventor: The dwarves.
- But You Screw One Goat!: "Husbandry"
- Characterization Marches On: Greir's thing now appears to be that she hates fun, and doesn't seem to understand the concept. But in her earlier appearances, particularly "Meltwater," she clearly had at least some idea what it was.
- Crazy Awesome: The dwarves.
- Butt Monkey: Ivan.
- Call Back: The portrait being painted here later shows up in the room of tributes here, flying skulls, severed cocks and all.
- Can't Have Sex Ever: Ivan isn't even allowed to masturbate, lest he gets in trouble. He did find a way around it, though.
- Captain Ahab Syndrome: Parodied here (SFW). Also, lesbian pirate captain
- Cat Fight: When Vanka meets Greir. Humorously, they both agree to skip the boring part at the beginning and go straight to the sex.
- Caught with Your Pants Down: Not that Sticklebark actually wears pants.
- Cerebus Syndrome: Oglaf has always had re-occurring characters and some gags built on top of previous ones, but as time has gone by the strips involving Ivan in particular have shifted into gradually longer multi-week arcs, which put him in ever more dire situations. Often still funny, but also part of longer and more serious stories.
- Chain Letter: The spirit is being a jerk again. (SFW)
- The Chosen One: Oglaf, the shepherd boy. Pity he can't read.
- Christmas Episode: Saturnalia, actually.
- Cliff Hanger: Rapunzel (resolved in the next week's episode).
- Closet Key: What Greir of the Meltwater arc has become for the Snow Queen evidently.
- Cloudcuckoolander:
- Many characters in the comic suffer from minor cases of crazy (with poor Ivan as the Only Sane Man).
- The Xoan ambassador seems to be a very definite case.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Fucking fuckers. (safe aside from the bombs)
- The Comically Serious: Greir. She has a story arc (beginning here) where she tries to overcome her inadequate grasp of the concept of "fun."
- Comic Sutra: The list of "the slut's" grotesque and amazing talents includes "combat ejaculation," "self-saucing," and "flang."
- Continuity Nod:
- In "Infffirmary", you can see two men with masks and lockets.
- Ever since this strip, Kronar has been depicted with no fingers on one hand.
- Cool and Unusual Punishment:
- Inflicted by Mistress on her underlings for various infractions.
Punitive pearl necklace. Tits out, Captain."
- Just before Kronar throws his infant "son" to the wolves, he makes her wear the "Bow of Shame." The bow survives. The wolves don't.
- Cow Tools: Mistress's torture device.
- Crapsack World: Sexy, but crapsack.
- Crazy Prepared:
- This guy (not porn).
- Vanka, who even booby-traps her own vagina.
- Crying Wolf: The wolf got him (not porn). This is also the current page image. Also that guy.
- Cute Little Fangs: Navaan. Her friends also have them, though "cute" may be stretching it a bit when paired with Slasher Smiles...
- The Cutie: The Snow Queen. Especially here (warning: page is SFW)
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Ivan the Apprentice, constantly, even though for the longest time he was forbidden even this. He managed to find a way to beat the system though. Oglaf may be the only thing that's not American Pie that managed to turn it into an important recurring plot point.
- Deadpan Snarker:
- Sandoval's valet/assistant in "Lament."
- Greir does this quite a bit.
- Deconstructive Parody:
- Of Crying Wolf, as seen on the trope page. (Warning: Not porn)
- Of the Androcles' Lion (specifically, the Kindly Hunter variation), here. (Also not porn)
- Depraved Homosexual: Ambassador Sandoval of Xoan, so very much.
- Distracted by the Sexy:
- Does Not Understand Sarcasm: This shapeshifter, although, from what we've seen, it's likely it's not just him.
- Dope Slap: The Sword Master. "He's also a bit of a slapmaster" (Sex is mentioned but not seen)
- Double Standard Rape (Female on Male): Well, most of the characters seem to think so. Of course, most of the characters are horrible people by any standards.
- Dream Within a Dream: Ladder
- Dungeon Bypass: Nobody expects the labyrinth's guardian to escape. (safe for work)
- Ear Worm: In-universe example: Lute (warning: safe for work).
- Eldritch Abomination:
- Emotion Eater: It feeds on your fear (SFW)
- Enfant Terrible: That is one badass baby (SFW).
- Establishing an Unreachable Baseline: Transcendent sex vs meat sex.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The Mistress is known only by her title. Ivan is generally referred to as "apprentice," and Sandoval is usually just called "the Xoan Ambassador".
- Everything Is Trying to Kill You: "This just proves me right!"
- Everything's Worse with Bears: Here, here and here (the first two are SFW).
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Subverted like crazy.
- Well, it would be, but... (Warning: SFW).
- Being an actual princess is bullshit...
- Unless you're male, then it's wonderful.
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: The joke here (Safe for work.).
- Exact Words: Here.
- Extreme Omni Goat: Oh dear. (Perverted but safe)
- Extreme Omnisexual:
- Eye Beams: The falcon (warning: almost safe for work).
- Eyepatch of Power: Vanka's scarf.
- Eyes Always Shut: Mistress, but not always.
- Failsafe Failure: Here we go again.
- "Falling in Love" Montage: Anyone under the influence of the "Potion of Girlfriend" has one of these with a fetching redhead named Felicia.
- A Fate Worse Than Death: Mistress is fond of coming up with these - at least when her laser-falcon doesn't ruin them.
- Faux Yay: Mistress' guard corps. Not that it seems to make a difference...
- Fisher King: The Snow Queen, as satisfying her seems to bring about the start of spring.
- Flock of Wolves: Shapeshifters assassinate the king... who had been replaced by a shapeshifter of the same race, that one guy believes he knew.
- Fountain of Youth: Played with in the strips dedicated to Ponce de Leon's search for said fountain with his dowdy assistant.
- There might also be a Fountain of Doubt (SFW), though they're not sure.
- They eventually do find a magical fountain, only to realize too late it's actually the Fountain of Girl (mild nudity). Well, at least they were young that way too...
- Then there's the Fountain Of Death... er, I mean, Fountain Of Water So Delicious, Even Dead People Want It (also safe).
- Gag Boobs: Played straight mostly, but strangely not with Fetish Fuel Station Attendant Mistress.
- Gag Penis: Most men are very well-endowed. One of the titles even describes the comic as "lovingly rendered pictures of cocks".
- Gender Bender: Cornwalling and also Fountain of Girl.
- Genius Ditz: Navaan. She is perceptive enough to notice things such as disguised statues and is even able to understand specifically how to deal with a severed immortal's head without lungs despite believing that the function of a doctor is to "solve mysteries." First link is SFW.
- Genius Loci: Parodied. What's a region need to do to get recognized in this town?
- Genre Savvy: Monks from Lapis Lazuli weren't at first, then they got better at this.
- Get Out!: The potion seller. SFW.
- Gladiator Games: Played with.
- God Guise: The malevolent god worshipped by the fools' cult is an inversion; a real god disguised as a fake god according to one of its followers. It looks like a bunch of people in a lousy costume when it's actually a very real and very dangerous deity. An immortal warrior found this out the hard way and lost her sword and everything below her neck for her troubles.
- God Is Evil: The cult of Sithrak (SFW) Actually, he's merely moody. ...but never mind that. , (also SFW, though the follow-up isn't)
- Groin Attack: The Giant Cockbats, though not in the traditional fashion.
- He-Man Woman Hater:
- He makes really good armor, though.
- Kronar and all of his fellows.
- Help! Help! I'm Trapped in an X Factory!: Some dude's muse has been pretty abusive
- Homosexual Reproduction: Kronar's bloodline has been free from woman's taint for a hundred generations, with shades of Mister Seahorse, as well.
- Horny Devils: Mistress's pair of captive succubi. It's not (yet) known what they would do if she ever unchained them. One of Ivan's duties is to oil their naked bodies twice a day.
- Humanoid Abomination: For a given value of humanoid. Complete with tentacles.
- I Am Not Shazam: Ivan the Apprentice is the main character, and his name is not Oglaf. Oglaf was a two-shot character that hasn't been featured in years, but the comic was already named after him so there's nothing we can do.
- An Ice Person: The Snow Queen. Though she really is very nice.
- Idiot Ball: here (SFW)
- Incompatible Orientation:
- The Ambassador has made several advances towards the Apprentice, who definitely prefers women. This seems not to bother the Ambassador at all.
- The bounty huntress Greir seems to be ladies-only, but has been hit on at least twice by men (one a shapeshifter who quickly and awkwardly attempts to rectify the situation).
- The Informant: Ivan's curse is that his semen comes to life and runs to tell the Mistress what he's been doing.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Here you are. Bonus humor if you know what a sheela na gig is.
- The Immodest Orgasm: Taken to its logical extreme and further here.
- Impossible Thief: Vanka here.
- It Amused Me: The philosophy behind most of Mistress's actions.
- It's All My Fault: The Lizard of Guilt, amusingly enough.
- It Was with You All Along: "Don't you see? The princess was you all along!"
- I Was Quite a Looker: Subverted in this strip (mild nudity).
- Jerkass Genie: He'll grant any wish, but will punish you if you don't make the one he wants you to make.
- Just Like Robin Hood: Parodied here. He steals from the rich, all right, and he kinda gives it to the poor, but his methods of distribution are a bit unorthodox.
- Just-So Story: This wide-eyed youth seems fond of telling them. Referenced by both the comic title, "Just So," and the Title Text which gives his name as Rudyard.
- Lawful Stupid: Ulric the Just.
- Little Miss Badass: Kronar's "son".
- Logic Bomb: A simple one, but then the dwarves aren't the most sophisticated creatures around.
- Love Letter Lunacy: The Apprentice here started receiving odd love letters from anonymous sources, who in some cases weren't even sure of his gender. The notes quickly got rather more ridiculous.
- Love Potion:
- The Love At First Sight variety at its most literal. (Pretty much SFW.)
- There is also the "Potion of Girlfriend" which is also a Lotus Eater Machine.
- Love Triangle: The balcony scene starts as type 5, but this being Oglaf, it turns into 10 and then 7 in the epilogue.
- Manipulative Bastard: Vanka, sometimes to impossible degrees.
- Manly Gay: Kronar.
- Manly Tears: Kronar, after seeing his "son" tear apart the wolves in the pit she was thrown into.
- Mars Needs Women: Subverted, here. They appear to not know what a human woman really is.(Male nudity, probably not safe for work).
- Matriarchy: Of the Sexy variety.
- Medieval Morons: The more you see it. and especially the tribute Mistress receives...
- Memetic Sex God : The protagonist of this strip becomes one In-Universe, thanks to a magic amulet.
- Mind Control: Probably more examples in the archives, but in Frog 2, a woman is "cursed to be a slut" by a witch. A very forward thinking witch, it seems -- when the traditional kiss-to-cure trick is tried by a local maiden, it turns out its a case of Viral Transformation, too.
- Mister Seahorse: In an all-male world, this would be the case.
- Morality Pet: Subverted by the lizard of guilt.
- Morton's Fork: The Ambassador tricks the Apprentice into eating a poisoned cake then offers him to suck the antidote off his penis. Turns out the antidote was poison too. Refusing doesn't save the Apprentice any suffering in the end.
- Mrs. Robinson: See here.
- My Eyes Are Up Here: Parodied in "Snakeskin".
- Nature Abhors a Virgin: Not explicit, but in this world virginity seems to be both rare and something you're better off without.
- Never Live It Down: In-universe for Salome and the decapitated head. She is distinctly unhappy about this.
- Nipple-and-Dimed: Mistress's skimpy costumes usually cover at least two important areas... though sometimes they don't even manage that.
- Non-Mammal Mammaries: "Heh. Snake tits."
- Not My Fault: Thank you, Dark Marauder!
- NSFW: More often than not. Comics that actually are work-safe are the ones with labels.
- Only the Chosen May Wield: Parodied in Noblesse Oblige.
- Orifice Evacuation: Ivan's semen turns into a Cumsprite whenever he ejaculates. After being so cursed, he manages to get fellatio. The predictable happens, but the woman declares it to be adorable. Then averted: He comes within seconds of being able to talk himself into getting a second round of anal, although it's not the cumsprite that breaks the deal.
- Orifice Invasion: The alien doctors' cleansssing polyp. (It only goes in the mouth, but it's clearly still unpleasant).
- Our Dwarves Are All the Same: Averted; Oglaf's dwarves are more like gnomes.
- Our Elves Are Better: Not all of them are good archers. (SFW)
- Out, Damned Spot!
- Out with a Bang: One of the more unusual plays on this you're likely to find - Ivan's spooges end their "lives" by splashing on (so far) a woman's face or breasts.
- Perky Goth: Sort of.
- Perp Sweating: With a sunbeam. Of course, when the "perp" has dire reason to avoid sunlight, this is more threatening than usual (SFW.)
- Perverse Sexual Lust: He's using that potion wrong. Only references anything NSFW.
- Pettanko: Mistress. Grier is rather modestly endowed as well. Subverted, as neither of them consider this an embarrassment or a handicap.
- Playing Cyrano: With a twist in Balcony.
- Poisoned Chalice Switcheroo: The Xoan Ambassador tries to pull a poison penis switcheroo on Ivan.
- Porn with Plot: Word of God is that the comic started out as an attempt to make pornography, until it "degenerated into sex comedy pretty much immediately."
- In-Universe here: (amusingly, the images are SFW).
- Power Perversion Potential: Invincible Shield Maiden. Though she doesn't seem too happy with it.
- Progressively Prettier: Ivan evolved from being a goofy looking comical character in the beginning to a genuinely hot pretty boy with ever-so curly hair. Though how much of this is Progressively Prettier and how much is simply Art Evolution is unclear.
- Protagonist Title Fallacy: Oglaf is simply one of many recurring side characters. If there's a protagonist, it's Ivan.
- Put on a Bus: Ivan. He's in a magical sleep.
- The Quisling: Some are trying too hard (SFW)
- Rated "M" for Manly: VICTORY AT SEA!
- Also, "feral chic".
- Rapunzel Hair: 'Mistress'
- Rebellious Princess Incognito: "Princess activities suck!"
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Vanka and Greir, respectively.
- Rule of Funny: Although most episodes are NSFW, the gratuitous nudity and sex plays second fiddle to this.
- Scheherazade Gambit: Deconstructed here (SFW). (Apparently if you leave the Sultan in suspense, he might do the same to you.)
- Schmuck Bait: Subverted in Blue Door (mild swearing) and in Book of Love. Played straight and lampshaded in Glove. It should be noted that the schmuck in all three examples is the same guy, although he only falls for it the third time. And even then, he was pretty sure it was a trap from the start.
- Screw Destiny: Apparently, you can't fight destiny... unless it's your destiny to fight destiny. When you try to fight fighting destiny by not fighting destiny... you get a knife in the throat from a pissed-off seer.
- Serial Escalation: In-Universe in this comic, two warriors in a bar make BadassBoasts on how they will defeat a monster while handicapping themselves, each one more outrageous than the last. It gets to the point that the monster arrives to terrorize the bar and finds everyone inside dead from cutting themselves and everyone there apart to fulfill their bravado.
- Shaggy Dog Story: Several, particularly the whole arc that starts with "Shaft" and seems to end in "Wake" on the words "stupid f'ing town". Justice/Atonement is another example.
- Shapeshifter Baggage: Examined in "Weeping Woods".
- Shapeshifting: They aren't too well versed in human behaviour, unfortunately.
- Shapeshifting Seducer
- A hilariously unsuccessful attempt.
- Likewise, a forest nymph seems particularly inclined toward seducing and assuming the shape of wayward princes.
- Another shapeshifter happens to be succesful -- despite his Brutal Honesty problem.
- Shout-Out: The Skull Drinking Cup from World of Warcraft with "So thirsty..." in its description is a reference to Oglaf's Skulls strip.
- Single Tear: A guard, enduring Vanka and another woman in a cell crudely mocking him.
"This is an enormous slur on my professional conduct."
- Sir Swearsalot: All of the fukken dwarves have fukken limited vocabularies.
- Situational Sexuality: Most of Mistress' all-female guard corps are not lesbians, but it doesn't seem to bother them.
- Snake People: Here.
- Snake Talk: The inhuman staff of the infirmary at the Mistress' castle speak like this.
- Stealth Hi Bye: Vanka escapes from her cell after flirting with the guard outside her door. She stole the keys from him in a similarly sneaky manner.
- Story Arc: Even though this is a gag-a-week webcomic with vague storylines, we now have several arcs, sometimes broken up by other gag strips.
- Stranger in a Familiar Land: Averted here. Apparently turnips are just that awesome.
- Stripperiffic: The Mistress and her servants.
- Stylistic Suck: Saturnalia.
- Taken for Granite:
- Tall Poppy Syndrome: Making a cult out of agoraphobia (SFW)
- Tar and Feathers: "Prince Rodgar"
- Technical Virgin: An entire city of them!
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: If a man in Kronar's tribe gives birth to a daughter, they affix the "bow of shame" to its head and leave it to the wolves.
- Testosterone Poisoning: Kronar and his fellow warriors are very masculine, so... they reproduce by themselves, shun women and are gay.
- Threat Backfire
- Title Drop: In Suddenly, Oglaf, where we learn that the full title is (possibly) The Magical Adventures of Oglaf the Shepherd Boy.
- Tongue on the Flagpole: Boudoir of the Snow Queen.
- Too Dumb to Live: Apparently, the guy that slew the minotaur had some... odd ideas about how the ball of yarn would help him escape the labyrinth.
- Too Kinky to Torture: Ivan -- at least, Navaan seems to think so. You have to wonder how her other victims reacted to the threat of sexual intercourse with a hot woman...
- Considering that the entire city is populated with virgins who are terrified at even the possibility that someone sexually promiscuous might be running about, Navaan probably expected such threats to elicit a somewhat more fearful reaction.
- Totem Pole Trench: Or rather armor.
- Tricking the Shapeshifter: Whoops. (safe for work)
- Turn Undead: Not the kind you were thinking.
- Twincest: The first sign that the "Felicia" hallucination is beginning to break down is when Ivan sees that his hot wife has given birth to two fully-grown twins who are making out with each other.
- Unlimited Wardrobe: Mistress, best shown here.
- Unlucky Everydude: Ivan the Apprentice. So very unlucky.
- Unsound Effect: The Sword Master's Dope Slap is appropriately sound effected with SLAP!
- Unusual Euphemism: The Immaculate City's inhabitants have curious notions of what sexual terms exist, and what the real ones actually mean.
- Upper Class Twit: The Ambassador seems to have a case of this.
- Viewers Are Geniuses: What do you mean you don't get the joke in Salome? How did you not know that the biblical Salome's dance convinced Herod to behead John the Baptist, and that in Oscar Wilde's adaptation of the story she kisses his decapitated head?
- Not to mention Scherazade's occasional appearance.
- And of course there's the 'Golden Hind' Bordello .
- Virgin Sacrifice: Navaan has been sending virgins "out" of Vanorva to be eaten by her fellow vampires. It's not clear whether the victims have to be virgins or if virgins are just the easiest prey.
- Virgin Power:
- Apparently needed to see the Golden Spires of Vanorva. Blow jobs apparently do not count.
- Also a Brick Joke from earlier in the arc.
- The religious order in "Lapis Lazuli." When Vanka comes to plunder their idol, she's clever enough to deflower her attackers before making off with her prize.
- A cobbler claims this. Leading to an interesting take on Shoot the Builder.
- Visual Pun/Multiple Reference Pun: Sandoval's funeral outfit includes a bundle of sticks on his head; i.e. a faggot. Sandoval is gay. It's also mourning wood.
- Weaksauce Weakness: In this and next two comics. The monks learn their lesson, though.
- We Need a Distraction: Fortunately, a rodeo-bull in a giant penis suit escaping its pen should do nicely.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Most of the dwarves' inventions, like here for example.
- Whip It Good: The last panel of this strip implies that Mistress is about to put this to good use on Ivan.
- Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him?: Averted hilariously and spectacularly on two occasions:
- She's about to torture a man in a way so horrible once you understand that it's a good thing when her pet falcon incinerates him with its laser eyes. Although this prompts her to sell the bird.
- The second time Mistress deliberately invokes it.
- Winter Royal Lady: The Snow Queen. Quite literally.
- Yaoi Fangirl:
- The paladin from this strip.
- Mistress here as well.
- Scheherazade in Arabian Nights too.
- Trudy Cooper herself it seems.
- Does she count as a Yuri Fan as well? Or maybe she's just an overall Sexy fan.
- Yaoi Guys:
- Kronar and his mate.
- The two guys from Balcony (who might bear some resemblance to Miguel and Tulio if you squint a bit).
- This "Princess" and "her" prince.
- The guys from 2 Arabian Nights.
- The gladiators apparently take requests.
- You Can't Fight Fate: Or can you? (Work-safe)
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- You Shall Not Pass: Inverted in this strip (safe).
- Zettai Ryouiki: Shows up here and there, but Greir's default outfit features Grade A.
- ↑ Here, he turns into a golden shower to seduce Danae, but then decides he's more attracted to the water in a bucket she's washing herself with.