< Neverwinter Nights

Neverwinter Nights/Characters

The cast of the original Neverwinter Nights campaign along with Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark. Characters who appear in more than one campaign will be noted appropriately. (Still a work-in-progress.)

Neverwinter Nights companions


Voiced by: Cam Clarke

A fellow student at the Neverwinter Academy. His brother dies in the attack, and you can allow him to accompany you. He's mostly there to teach the player about companions, since the entire Prelude is a tutorial and all.

Tomi Undergallows

A halfling rogue. He returns in Hordes of the Underdark as a possible companion, but only in Chapter 1.

Linu La'neral

An elf cleric of Sehanine Moonbow. She returns in Hordes of the Underdark as a possible companion, but only in Chapter 1.

Daelan Red Tiger

Voiced by: Steve Blum

A half-orc barbarian who hails from the Uthgardt tribes. He's quite well-spoken for a half-orc, likely thanks to being brought up by people who can speak in complete sentences. He returns in Hordes of the Underdark as a possible companion, but only in Chapter 1.


A dwarf monk of the Long Death. He returns in Chapter 3 of Hordes of the Underdark, where he's planning to try take over Cania now that Mephistopheles isn't around. Regardless of your choices, you have to fight and kill him.


Voiced by: Grey DeLisle

A human bard. She returns in Hordes of the Underdark as a possible companion, but only in Chapter 1.

Boddyknock Glinkle

A gnome sorcerer.

Neverwinter Nights NPCs

Aribeth de Tylmarande

Voiced by: Wendee Lee

An elf (or half-elf; it's not very clear) paladin of Tyr, and one of the more prominent characters in the original campaign. Later becomes a blackguard serving Morag, though it's possible to redeem her.

She returns in Chapter 3 of Hordes of the Underdark, and it's possible to get her to join your party as either a paladin or a blackguard. She has unique dialogue for each of her possible classes/alignments, too.

Fenthick Moss

An elven priest who is Aribeth's lover and Desther's friend.

Desther Indelayne

A Helmite priest in Neverwinter, who does not think highly of anyone except his Helmites dealing with the problem.


Morag's prophet and the leader of her followers.


A lizardwoman who is trying to stop Morag, and so helps the heroes.


Shadows of Undrentide companions

Xanos Messarnos

A half-orc barbarian/sorcerer.

Dorna Trapspringer

A dwarven cleric/rogue.

Deekin Scalesinger

A kobold Bard. He can join your party in the Intermission and Chapter 2. He returns as a companion in Hordes of the Underdark, where he can multiclass as a Red Dragon Disciple, and is the only companion who can accompany you through the whole campaign.

"If priests raise dead, then why anybody die?"
"If dragons not fly, then why they gots wings?"


Shadows of Undrentide NPCs

Drogan Droganson

Mischa Waymeet

A paladin apprentice in Drogan's school.





Hordes of the Underdark companions


A drow assassin/wizard. She can join your party in Chapters 2 and 3, and is a romance option for male characters.

Valen Shadowbreath

Voiced by: Frederick Zbryski

A tiefling weapon master. He can join your party in Chapters 2 and 3, and is a romance option for female characters.

"How are we going to get across this river of lava? Somehow I don't think swimming is the answer."


The spirit of an ancient and powerful mage, he was a former adventurer into the Underdark that got killed and sealed into a sword. The player has the option to free him from his new undead owner, and he provides a fairly potent weapon, as well as lots of helpful and not-so-helpful commentary on your adventure.

  • Aborted Arc: At one point you can ask if there's a way to free him, and he mentions that since his original body is probably long gone, you could find a soulless body for him, or something like a golem or similar construct. You can animate such a golem as a henchman in Chapter 2, but there's no way to transfer Enserric's spirit to it. The developers had the idea to make this possible, but they had it too late in development to implement it in the game.
  • Calling Your Attacks: He'll do so for you, adjusting his lines appropriately for different enemies and commenting on their "taste". Apparently he likes the taste of elves, undead not so much.
  • Cool Sword
  • Deadpan Snarker: Oh dear god, you have no idea. "You want advice? Here's some advice - don't ask a sword for advice."
  • Empathic Weapon
  • Life Drain: After Chapter I you can open a dialogue option that ends with him being able to temporarily drain part of your spirit to empower the blade, allowing you to take temporary Constitution penalties to increase the enchantments on it.
  • Morph Weapon: His default form is a Longsword, but if you don't like that he can change into a Dagger, Greatsword or Shortsword.
  • Snarky Non-Human Sidekick
  • Talking Weapon
  • Urban Legend of Zelda: Many on potential ways to free his spirit, most involving the Golems in Chapter II.
  • Wild Mass Guessing: In-universe. Enserric wonders, due to the fact he's fading and can't remember a lot about his life, if he's really Enserric, or if his companions revived his human body and the Enserric in the sword is a shade of the real Enserric who continued on with his life unaware of what became of the sword and vice-versa.

Hordes of the Underdark NPCs

The Valsharess

A high-ranked Drow sorceress, she's making a play to take over the Underdark and more since she found a way to bind an Archdevil to her control.

The Reaper

A mysterious cloaked entity that oversees a pocket universe, he teleports the player there in Hordes of the Underdark whenever they near death and revives them. Actually a forced servant to Mephistopheles, who controls him via his True Name.

  • Black Cloak
  • True Neutral: It's implied he doesn't like being bound to Mephistopheles, but it isn't clear if his issue is with being bound to serve him or with what he's being forced to do because of it. Once the player learns the Reaper's True Name he grants them passage out of Cania with the same indifference.


A devil roped into serving the Valsharess and is a source of power and knowledge for her. Actually one of the Archdukes of Hell and ruler of the Eighth Circle, he tricks the Valsharess into believing the player will destroy her, then uses his control over the Reaper and connection to the player to release himself from his servitude to be free to take over the world and become the most powerful Archdevil alive.

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