< Mothy



Because of the Loads and Loads of Characters nature of the chronicle, this sheet is for the specific tropes of the character as a way to make everything easier to understand. The character is written by name first, then the Vocaloid that plays as them.

The Seven Deadly Sins Characters

The Sin of Lust

Duke Sateriajis Venomania (Gakupo)

The patron sinner of the sin of Lust. He's a duke from Asmodean that is well known as a young noble with a horrible face before he makes a contract to the demon of Lust so he could have an irrestible charisma to women and abducts women from Asmodean and its neighboring countries to be a part of his harem. His Sin Vessel is the Venom Sword, a sword that was said to be made from a flower.

Gumina Glassred (Gumi)

The childhood-friend-turned bully of Venomania, she is his main target affection and the reason why he makes the Deal with the Devil. Her appearance becomes Guumilia's when she chooses to be a human.

Lukana Octo (Luka Megurine)

A 20 year old tailor and a victim of Venomania, becomes infamous because her body becomes a vessel of Elluka's Body Surf

Mikulia Greonio (Miku Hatsune)

An 18 year old peasant and a victim of Venomania. Has a A Day in the Limelight song, Flower of the Plateau, which shows that she might be Not So Different from her kidnapper.

The Sin of Gluttony

Banica Conchita (Meiko)

A laidback warlord of Belzenia that has a very... strange taste for her food. At first only ate the most delicious and exquisite food before her taste devolved into cannibalism. Her Sin Vessel is her glass, tainted red by her favorite wine that people have often mistaken for real blood.

At the table with an array of food that would sicken a normal person/Sits a lone woman eating it with a smile...

The Servants (Rin and Len Kagamine)

A pair of twin servants that is so twisted that they serve Conchita's bizzare appetite with delight.

The Sin of Pride

See the Story of Evil

The Sin of Sloth

Margarita Blankenheim (Miku Hatsune)

A woman from Toragay, Elphegort, and is the person who commits the deadly Sin of Sloth. She's a daughter of a doctor who married to a childhood friend that turns out to be a Gold Digger, is unhappy to in such condition, and tries to escape by sending everyone in the town (and after there's no one left, herself) to a dream world by poisoning them. Her Sin Vessel is a clockwork doll that her friend made long time ago and was given to her as a gift.

Marquis Caspar Blankenheim (Kaito)

Margarita Blankenheim's husband, who only married her for her money and frequently cheats on her. He is the first victim of her poison.

The Sin of Envy

Kayo Sudou (Luka Megurine)

Famous and talented tailor of Enbizaka, she laments over her lover that rarely comes home and meeting many other woman before it was revealed that the man is not even know her. It's unclear whether she does the sin or not because Elluka steals her body when the sin occurs. Her Sin Vessel is her tailoring scissors, dipped in a spring when she cleans it from blood.

The Sin of Greed

Gallerian Marlon (Kaito)

Also known as "That lonely man"; a young judge who lost his wife and daughter in accident, and found the daughter replacement in a clockwork doll. Striving to collect the Sins so he could create the "Utopia" for him and his daughter, he deliberately commits the sin of Greed by accepting bribes and struggling over the other Sin Vessels with many oppositions. His Sin Vessel is the silver spoon that had been passed down in his family for generations.

The Daughter / Clockwork Doll (Miku Hatsune)

The Awakened Sin Vessel of Sloth, and the first of the Sin Vessel to be awaken. She's a replacement of Gallerian's dead daughter, given to him by Elluka as a reason for him to collect the sins.

How can the lifeless me understand? How can the heartless me understand?

The Vessels of the Sins

Gear (KAITO)

The awakened Vessel of Greed. He was the second guardian of Gallerian's Clocktower but gave up his heart and power to save the Clockwork Doll from dying.

Master of the Graveyard (MEIKO)

The awakened Vessel of Gluttony. She guards the graveyard around Gallerian's Theater, killing and devouring anyone who dares to enter.

Servants (Rin and Len Kagamine)

The Master of the Graveyard's...well, servants. They are fanatically loyal to her and like her were reborn from the Glass of Conchita.

Waiter (Rin Kagamine)

The awakened Vessel of Pride/Vanity. She is the theater's waiter, but doesn't like that job and wants a new one.

Irregular (Len Kagamine)

A mysterious boy who dwells within the Clockwork Doll's womb. He is also Allen Avadonia from the Story of Evil. He is also the Master of the Heavenly Yard

Gammon Octo/Cursed Gardener (Gakupo)

An ancestor of Duke Venomania. He has a curse on his body due to his bloodline, and as such sought to undo it with the Venom Sword. He is captured and almost executed by the Clockwork Doll, but the Waiter saves him and makes him work for her as a gardener. He is now the Venom Sword's replacement.

MA the Lonely Magi (Luka Megurine)

The replacement for the Vessel of Envy. She is actually Elluka Clockworker in disguise.

Master of the Hellish Yard (GUMI)

A dark and mysterious figure who guards the Hellish Yard and acts as a judge of the dead. Her role is currently unknown but MA thinks that she may be the awakened Vessel of Wrath.

The Story of Evil Characters

The Sin of Pride

Rillianne Lucifen D'Autriche (Rin Kagamine)

The queen of the country of Lucifenia and the person who commits the sin of Pride/Vanity. She causes many bad things in her tyrannical rule, including imposing heavy taxes, ordering the execution of her captain of the guards after he smuggled food out of the country to help poor farmers during a famine, and executed the genocide of the people of Elphegort after getting jealous of one of the girls there. She ends up having to repent after her brother takes the guillotine for her. Her Sin Vessels are the Four Mirrors of Lucifenia, the mirrors that Abyss I.R. under Prim Marlon's order put for the Lucifen twins to find and made the got chased by the Demon of Gluttony.

Allen Avadonia/Alexiel Lucifen D'Autriche (Len Kagamine)

Rillianne's servant and twin brother, though she has long forgotten the latter. He is the most loyal of all of Rillianne's servants, to the point that he even disguises himself as her and lets himself be beheaded at the rebellion in her place. He also represents Pride/Vanity, but his Pride is its good connotations and his Sin Vessel is the same as his sister's.

Kyle Marlon (Kaito)

The king of Marlon and the only son of the Marlon royal family. He's Riliane's fiance but has no love for her, and instead falls in love with a peasant girl. His refusal to marry Riliane is the thing that pushes the Green Hunting to occur. After the massacre, he helps the people of Lucifen to overthrow their tyrannical princess.

  • The Call Knows Where You Live: He doesn't want to be a king, and rather spend his time painting. But his mother presses him, makes critics boycotts his works, and burns all of his paintings except for his portrait of Ney when she was a child so he will never forget the face of his "missing" sister after all these years. CURSE YOU PRIM MARLON!
  • Expository Hairstyle Change / Good Hair, Evil Hair: When he tainted by the Sin of Pride so Prim could keep him in a leash, his hair becomes slicked-back. After the control's gone, his hairstyle turns back to its slightly messy do.
  • Genre Blindness: Sure, Kyle. Tell the Lucifenian people that their kingdom is better in your care when your mother has more authority than you.
  • Identical Grandson
  • King Incognito: He disguises himself when leading the revolution, using his penname (which is coincidentally the same as his ancestor who killed Venomania) and wearing a mask so no one knows that he has something to do with the revolution.
  • Love At First Sight: Like Allen, to Micheala. But unlike him, Kyle's affection for her is because the Sin of Lust from the Venom Sword clouds his mind
  • Massive-Numbered Siblings: He has thirteen sisters. At that time, female is very influential in the Marlon kingdom, so having that much sisters making him slightly shy.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: When he realizes that everything he does are nothing but his mother's plot to be the sole ruler.
  • Puppet King / Unwitting Pawn: He might be the king, but everything concerning the kingdom is his mother's decision. When he goes to do something on his own (the Lucifenia Revolution), he unwittingly furthers his mother's plan to rule over the countries. He's not happy when realizes it.
  • Storming the Castle: Twice, once to Riliane's castle and once to the Hedgehog Clocktower to see just how far his mother has fallen.
  • Thicker Than Water: He declares war on Riliane because Michaela was seemingly murdered in Riliane's order, but he just wants to confirm and question Prim's tyrannical rule with no other further action after calling her a demon. He also refuses to strike down Ney, even though she had killed their mother and almost kill him. This guy really needs to get his priority straight...

Michaela (Miku Hatsune)

A peasant girl from Elphegort. She's actually an Eldoh Forest spirit who witnessed the Original Sin occur, and is fascinated by humanity. Gained her body by copying the woman she had watched over and becomes human herself, her death (and everything surrounding it) pushes the Lucifenia Revolution to happen.

Germaine Avadonia (Meiko)

Adoptive sister of Allen and adoptive daughter of Leonhart, she leads the revolution of Lucifenia mainly because Riliane makes Allen kills their father. After revolution, she flees to Belzenia and becomes a soldier like her ancestor.

  • Big Damn Hero: In Handbeat Clocktower, she gets between Kyle and possessed Ney.
  • Happily Adopted
  • La RĂ©sistance
  • Lady in Red: It's in her Red Baron.
  • The Ladette: The only one who can stand the Blood Grave other than her father and an accomplished knight on her own.
  • You Killed My Father: Her main reason for starting the revolution is because Leonhart was killed for secretly smuggling food to Lucifenia people. When she realizes that the princess she captured was Allen, she pleads him to run, but he pulls this as a reason for her to not forgive him.

Clarith (Haku Yowane)

The only white haired Elphegortian, and often bullied because of that. She's a lonely peasant girl that is a bystander of the Green Hunting and the Lucifenia Revolution. One of those whose bloodline got tainted by the "Venomania Incident".

Yukina Freesis (Yuki Kaai)

Eldest daughter of Keel Freesis, a nine (and later fourteen) year old girl who goes around the continent and chronicling the real Story of Evil

Prim Marlon (Prima)

The queen dowager of Marlon and mother of Kyle Marlon and Ney Futapie. The entire Story of Evil was manipulated by her so she could become the sole ruler of the continent. She's quite knowledgable about the Seven Deadly Sins.

Ney Futapie / Marlon (Neru Akita)

The thirteenth princess of Marlon kingdom, even though she's working as one of Lucifenia Castle maid and adopted by Miriam Futapie. A capable assassin, and the one who spread chaos from inside the Lucifenia hierarchy. All for her beloved mother.

Chartette Langley (Teto Kasane)

Germaine's best friend and a former maid of Riliane's. She was actually a spy working for the rebellion. She's very strong.

Lilianne Mouchet (Lily)

Former commander of the bastion army of the Lucifenian Retasan territory. She doesn't like being called Lilianne because it sounds like "Riliane".

Gast Venom (Gakupo)

A Mercenary also known as the "Demon of Asmodean". He is a mighty free companion and leads a mercenary force named "Asmodean Company". Riliane hired him as a bodyguard. He considers himself to be as evil as the princess and her servant. He is killed by Germaine in the rebellion.


One of Riliane's most trusted ministers.

Leonheart Avadonia (LEON)

The captain of the royal guard and one of the "Three Heroes" of Lucifenia. He was killed by Allen (his adoptive son) after smuggling food out of Lucifenia to help the poor.

Mariam Futapie (Miriam)

The "Head of Lady's Maids" of Lucifenia. She is good at cloak-and-dagger activity and also one of the "Three Heroes" (along with Leonheart and Elluka). Ney Futapie is her adopted daughter who kills her during the rebellion.

Keel Freesis (Kiyoteru Hiyama)

A wealthy merchant who lives in Elphegort and controls its trading guild. He is an immigrant from the Marlon Kingdom and a friend of Kyle Marlon. Elluka entrusts him with the Venom Sword.

Queen Anne (Sweet Anne)

The former queen of Lucifenia before she died of the "Gula Disease".

King Arth I (Big Al)

The former king of Lucifenia before he died of the "Gula Disease".

Other Characters in the Evillious Chronicles

Eve Moonlit (Miku Hatsune)

From whom the Sins first appeared. A woman who lived in the Eldoh Forest with her husband, one day found a pair of red fruit in the wood. Being chased by a bear for taking something that wasn't hers and killing said bear in a panicked frenzy highlights her role as the Original Sin.

Hansel and Gretel (Rin and Len Kagamine)

A pair of twins that Eve stole from their mother. When their adopted parents' guilt reaches its apex and they were left to die in the forest, they survive by cheering themselves up with the story of Hansel and Gretel. Deluded by madness, they reenact the story by killing the "Witch" and her "henchman", releasing the Sins to the world when Eve was killed.

Elluka Clockworker (Luka Megurine)

The protagonist (or closest thing to one) of the Chronicles. She's a crafty, immortal, Genre Savvy sorceress capable of powerful magic. She is granted the task of retrieving the Seven Deadly Sins by the Tree of Eldoh, though she only does so to stave off boredom. She gains the Sin Vessels through manipulations and operates under various assumed names (her favorite being MA the Lonely Magi). She had a fierce rivalry with her sister-in-law which resulted in the destruction of her country.

Gumilia (GUMI)

Elluka's apprentice and another tree spirit, having chosen a body that resembles Gumina Glassred's. She acts as Elluka's partner and follows her at all times. If The Last Revolver is canon, she is now dead.

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