< Mothy



The Master of the Hellish Yard is Good

In Judgment of Corruption, the Master of the Hellish Yard appears to be a reasonable judge, akin more to Anubis than Satan. She only damns him when disgusted by his absolute greed.

In Capriccio Farce, she agrees with the plot to damn all of humanity. Perhaps she crossed the Despair Event Horizon, and developed the belief that Humans Are the Real Monsters?

  • This troper personally thinks she's a bit Obliviously Evil. She seems likely to be the type who means well but lets her temper get the better of her.

A few ideas for the endgame

The plan of the Vessels involves manipulating the unborn Master of the Heavenly Yard, Allen, whose memories will be lost over time. In Judgment of Corruption, the Master of the Hellish Yard appeared to be the one calling the shots on who goes to Heaven or Hell. She sent Gallerian to Hell because he was corrupt, implying that she sends people to Hell based on their morality, and she can't do it For the Evulz. Since Allen's "mother", the Clockwork Doll, is something of a Big Bad, she will eventually give birth to him but cast doubt on the goodness of humanity, only exposing him to situations where humanity is evil. As such, when he inherits the title of Master of the Heavenly Yard, he will have doubt in humanity's ability to go to Heaven. The Sins will then go on a little massacre, leaving destruction in their wake, and Allen's unwillingness to open the gates to Heaven will cause everyone to go to Hell instead.

It all goes awry when the Waitress sees Allen for the first time, and her feelings as Riliane will resurface. In an epic call back to and reversal of Servant of Evil, as Allen is kneeling before the Master of the Hellish Yard and making a pledge to seal Heaven forever, the Waitress attacks the Master, breaking her mask. This earns her the Master's wrath, and she is brutally killed. This restores Allen's memories and snaps out of his misguided belief in humanity; he flies into an Unstoppable Rage, makes a Heel Face Turn, and, with the help of the Gardener, engages in an epic Final Battle with the Master and the remaining Vessels.

The Master of the Heavenly Yard, not the Master of the Hellish Yard, is the Sin Vessel of Wrath.

What? It would make an interesting turn of events.

Red Shoe Parade chronicles the tale of four revolutionaries of Lucifenia.

The group was made of two Lucifenians, an Elphegorian, and a distant descendant of Elluka. Their "divine justice" was to supposedly overthrow Rillianne, the Daughter of Evil. The "thieves" that they raped, pillaged and burned were supposedly the "one percenters" of Lucifenia, those few who somehow profited from Rillianne's tyranny. But their motives became hollow, and eventually they were just killing innocents who looked at them funny, making them no better, if not worse, than Rillianne. They were arrested and executed because, hey, even Rillianne has standards.

mothy is the Spear Counterpart to CLAMP.

CLAMP writes dark stories with confusing, connecting plotlines and strange, dark themes; so does mothy. mothy's works are stereotypically masculine (violence, sex, hot girls, etc.) and CLAMP's works are stereotypically feminine (romantic, happy/bittersweet endings, hot guys, etc.), both have some sort of fetish for homoeroticism, both like to thoroughly mess with their fandom's collective minds...it makes sense when you think about it. This also makes Michaela and Clarith the distaff counterparts to Yukito and Touya.

Rillianne and Allen are two Dovahkiin.

It's been said that the dov are proud and ambitious creatures, right? Makes sense that a Dovahkiin, who inherits a similar type of ambition, would be a benefactor for the deadly sin of Pride. When Allen was executed, Rillianne unwittingly absorbed his soul,[1] which is why Allen appeared to Clarith when she was about to kill Rillianne.

Allen will not have the chance to become the Master of the Heavenly Yard.

Considering that there's already a Master of the Hellish Yard, it's very unlikely that no counterpart exists. Sooner or later, the real God will find out the Clockwork Doll's plan, and won't be very happy about it. S/he'll eventually sabotage the plan, and either finally set Allen free or destroy him along with the Clockwork Doll.

  • To tie together mothy and The Elder Scrolls a bit more: Allen might not become the Master, but he will become its avatar, much like Martin Septim became Akatosh's avatar at the end of Oblivion.
  1. since Dovahkiin can absorb dragon souls, they should be able to absorb the souls of other Dovahkiin
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