Mega Man ZX/Characters
This page deals with the characters from the Mega Man ZX series.
Vent & Aile
The main protagonists of ZX. Ten years ago, their mother was killed in a Maverick attack. Working for Giro Express, they are asked by the Guardians to transport the Biometal Model X, setting the events of the first game into motion. They return in ZX Advent and work with Grey and Ashe to put an end to Model W once and for all.
- Action Girl: Aile, of course.
- Arm Cannon: As Mega Man Model X.
- Badass Adorable: Both characters in ZX, although Vent grows out of it by ZXA.
- Badass Long Hair/Rapunzel Hair: As Mega Man Model ZX, both get it, although the hair is artificial. Their real hair becomes this in ZX Advent. Especially Vent.
- Bag of Spilling: In the interim between ZX and Advent, Models H, F, L and P stolen from their lab and again land in the hands of the bad guys.
- Big Brother Mentor/Cool Big Sis: To a degree, they act like this towards Grey and Ashe.
- Big Damn Heroes: Mimicking Giro's below, he/she uses the exact same move against the spider boss in the Quarry mission.
- Bishonen: Vent in the second game.
- Boobs of Steel: From the first game to Advent, Aile didn't just grow vertically.
- Butt Monkey: Vent, though this is more to the fandom than in-story. One official art depicts him doing cleaning for Ashe's room, with his face seemingly unsatisfied.
- Cool Bike: That lasts for all of one cutscene. There are traces of biker badassery in a promo trailer though.
- Cross-Dressing Voices: In ZX, Sanae Kobayashi voices both Vent and Aile.
- Defeat Means Friendship: How the Bash Brothers of Grey/Aile and Ashe/Vent comes to pass in ZX Advent.
- Dug Too Deep: Their stage in ZXA.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: In ZXA, Vent grows his hair out to the point that he's now an Expy of Giro while Aile has a waist-length ponytail.
- Expies: Of the original Mega Man himself.
- In Advent, the older Vent and Aile resemble Evoluder Guy and Mikoto.
- Many fans have noted that the younger Vent reminds them of Trigger.
- Fighting Your Friend: Serpent, you bastard.
- Fingerless Gloves
- The Gunslinger: Aile is usually portrayed in the artwork wielding the gun form of her weapon.
- Half-Identical Twins: Either this or Distaff Counterpart/Spear Counterparts.
- Hartman Hips: Aile, especially in the cutscenes.
- Hero Antagonist: In the second game. After Grey/Ashe fight them, they stop being antagonistic.
- Heroic BSOD: Vent and Aile suffer this twice: the first time is when they arrive at the Area H theme park, where they lacked responses to their support group as well as snapping as to where the Biometal is before explaining why they were acting strangely (the fair was the place that the mavericks attacked and resulted in their becoming orphans); the second is when they learn from Serpent that their hatred of Serpent resulted in Model W reawakening, allowing Serpent to be absorbed into Model W. They get better both times, though.
- And one more for Aile: Before Serpent dies, he tells Aile that "the blood of the creator of Model W flows through her veins". She's shocked and then she questions her own destiny. Giro then gives her a pep talk.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Prairie for the first time, and the 6 Biometals for the second time.
- Heroic Bystander: Combined with discovering Model X and taking a level in badass at the beginning of ZX in order to save Prairie and the The Guardians from Giga Aspis. Vent himself comments that if he just stood by and watched, he'd end up regretting it later down the road.
- Hot-Blooded: Vent in ZX. He mellows out considerably in ZXA, but shows a few traces of his previous hot-headed nature.
- It's Personal: They lost their mother to a Maverick raid on Area H ten years ago, and the lack of intervention on Slither Inc's part gave them a reason to hate the company. The truth behind it gives them a reason to search for Model W... and that's to destroy it.
- It Was a Gift: They call Model Z a "Memento MacGuffin," in honor of Giro.
- Kenji Nojima: Vent's seiyuu in ZXA. Doubles as the voice of Buckfire.
- Little Miss Badass: Aile in ZX.
- One Steve Limit: Don't confuse Aile with the character of the same name from Mega Man X Command Mission.
- Parental Abandonment: Both of their parents were killed by Mavericks.
- Previous Player Character Cameo: In ZX Advent.
- Reflective Eyes: After their transformation in ZXA, Grey (for Aile) or Ashe (for Vent) is shown in their eyes.
- Sanae Kobayashi: The voice of both Vent and Aile in ZX, as well as Aile in the sequel.
- Sempai-Kohai: Vent uses "Senpai" to address Giro.
- Shoryuken: An additional saber technique for Vent in ZXA. He can also fire a large Sword Beam when he does so.
- Short Hair with Tail: Aile in Advent.
- Shut UP, Hannibal:
Serpent: "If you're so confident in yourself, then let's see which of us is destined to rule the world!"
Aile/Vent: "I don't care about ruling the world! If you're the Mega Man destined to rule the world, then I'm the Mega Man that's destined to save it!"
- Sword and Gun/The Musketeer: As Mega Man Model ZX, their weapon is a Laser Blade that can transform into a chargeable Buster.
- Sword Plant: An additional saber technique for Aile in ZXA, which also send out 2 rocks to the left and right.
- Theme Twin Naming: Their names are French for "wind" and "wing."
- They're All Grown Up!: Face it; post-time skip Vent and Aile have definitely come a long way from ZX. Vent is now a long-haired Bishonen, while Aile is more Bishoujo than the usual standard.
- For the curious, compare their image above and this.
- She's Got Legs: Aile in ZXA. Though as with her Boobs of Steel, Aile wasn't exactly lacking in ZX, either.
- Tomboy: Aile in the first game. In the second, she matures out.
- Transformation Sequence: Each get one in each game. In ZXA, Aile's is a good thirty seconds longer and involves a crapload of posing. Magical Girl Shout-Out, Fan Service, or both? You make the call.
- Twincest: Vent/Aile is quite a popular pairing in the fandom. Assuming they're actually related, of course.
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Subverted with Vent. It's not in his principles to fight with Ashe, but due to the unfortunate misunderstanding, he has to if he wants to get to Model W.
- You Killed My/Our Parents: Purprill the Mandroid was responsible for their parents' deaths, according to Vent's story. Aile's story makes no mention, but if they are Half-Identical Twins, then it would apply to her as well.
- You Shall Not Pass: Pulls this on the enemy Mega Men at the end of ZXA. Subverted when it's instead Model Z who tells Vent/Aile to go on and help Grey/Ashe.
Vent and Aile's boss, he runs a self-titled carrier service that will deliver "anything, anywhere." Unassuming at a first glance, there is much more to him than meets the eye. Despite his uncanny resemblance to Zero, the two characters are not one and the same.
- Badass Long Hair: His hair is just as long as Zero's, obviously.
- Becoming the Mask: A heroic variant. While it's stated in Aile's story that the Guardians's first commander was the one who requested Giro to look after the survivors of the Maverick incident (i.e. Vent and Aile), he comes to genuinely care for them, prompting his Heroic Sacrifice.
- Big Brother Mentor and Parental Substitute
- Big Damn Heroes: Pulls this on the second boss of the game by leaping in from offscreen with a charged saber.
- Bishonen: Go ahead, look at him.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Thanks to Serpent and Model W.
- Cool Bike
- Cool Shades: As Mega Man Model Z.
- Expy: The Obi-Wan, Rapunzel Hair, Mind Controlled to fight Vent/Aile, and a Sacrificial Lamb/Player Punch? Yeah, he definitely isn't like Zero, no siree...
- They also share the same seiyuu, Yuto Kazama.
- Prairie subtly lampshades this in ZX in Aile's campaign.
- Also, just as Vent and Aile are expies of the original Mega Man, Giro has a bit of Proto Man in him.
- Fingerless Gloves
- Hair of Gold
- Helmets Are Hardly Heroic: Unlike the other Mega Men, his Megamerged form doesn't have a helmet. Perhaps that's a nod to Zero's broken helmet in the Ragnarok ruins?
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Take Up My Sword: First with his relinquishing of Model Z, and a second time at the end of the game, where he gives gives Vent/Aile the mission to "guide this country to peace."
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: When Serpent mind-controlled him to attack Vent/Aile, he/she tries to bring back his mind in the boss fight. It is a success... but then he dies after that (because of Serpent).
- Laser Blade: As Mega Man Model Z, of course.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: When Brainwashed and Crazy (thanks to Model W), his eyes Glowing Eyes of Doom red.
- Retired Badass: He's a former member of the Guardians, according to Aile's storyline.
- Sacrificial Lamb
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: He does become a Cyber Elf, though.
- Talking to Himself: Yuuto Kazama voices both Giro and Model Z in ZX. Funnily enough, they're respectively the Expy and Legacy Character of Zero.
- Theme Naming: His name is French for "weather vane," fitting in with Vent and Aile.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Coffee, apparently.
The male lead in ZX Advent. A youth who wakes up in an abandoned and mysterious laboratory with no memory of his past, Grey's quest to find out who he really is inevitably shoehorns him into "The Game of Destiny" and results in a very unexpected revelation.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Model A seems to be suffering from Laser-Guided Amnesia at first, but by the time they reach Ouroboros, Master Albert says that Model A should have remembered everything by that point, namely the fact that Model A was created by Master Albert and that Grey is his backup body.
- Charged Attack
- Cloning Blues: He finds out that he's Master Albert's defective backup body.
- Color Character: His name is also reflected in his hair color.
- Cross-Dressing Voices
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Expy: Laharl?
- Fingerless Gloves
- Goggles Do Nothing: The big cables on his back were supposedly used for transmitting power and/or brainwashing, but after he's released from the capsule, they're pretty much useless (aside from looking cool).
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a small scar running down the left side of face.
- Guns Akimbo: As Mega Man Model A, especially in his Giga Crush ability.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Surprisingly enough, he has the same English voice actor as X in Mega Man X7, Peter von Gomm. By proxy, this also makes him Frank West in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars.
- Hiromi Hirata
- Image Song: A vocal version of his first stage theme ("Destiny") appears on ZX Gigamix, titled "Believe in Myself."
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Because he's technically "born" at the intro stage (and possibly because Pandora's going to kill him), he hasn't learned politeness yet, and thus, he talks rude to people, as The Sage Trinity and later Aile noted. However, he's ready to help everybody in need, because he's inspired by the Hunters who found him and brought him to the Hunters' camp. See also "The Messiah" below.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Due to the fact that he literally has nothing to remember. According to Master Albert's plans, Model A was supposed to fill-in Grey on the details should anything have happened to Albert.
- Mega Manning: Taken to the next level via the copying A-Trans powers of Model A.
- The Messiah
Grey: "I shouldn't need a reason to save lives!"
- People Jars: He was inside one, before accidentally released in the cutscene.
- Perpetual Frowner: He never smiles throughout the game, but he finally smiles in the ending.
- Phlebotinum Rebel: He is a textbook Case C; if Mick and Robin weren't snooping around the labs, the Big Bad would still have his backup body. Pandora only added fuel to the flames of rebellion.
- Post Dramatic Stress Disorder: After he defeats Albert, he faints due to fatigues. Aile rushes over to save him, but not before Model Z demerges from Aile's body to hold the Enemy Mega Men in place.
- Protagonist Without a Past: In a literal sense, since he was released from a capsule in the intro stage.
- Pursued Protagonist: Mimicking Zero in the first Zero game, he was sealed in an abandoned lab before being pursued by the Resistance (Zero)/the Hunters (Grey), and then they also grab a gun from a dead body.
- Quest for Identity: He goes to the Legion HQ specifically to find out who he really is, but Thomas said that all the information pertaining to Grey was missing. Eventually, he knows that he's Albert's backup body. See also "Tomato in the Mirror" below.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: After he's released from the capsule in the intro cutscene, it's shown that he has these, but they quickly turn into Green Eyes. Possibly has something to do with his incomplete brainwashing process.
- Roboteching: His Homing Shot ability involves him targeting up to 8 enemies and then firing homing energy shots, one for each targeted enemy.
- Screw Destiny: This is his eventual response to his Cloning Blues...
- Smart Bomb: The Giga Crush ability.
- Tomato in the Mirror: Subverted. After searching so long for who he originally was, Grey (simply put) does not give a damn about his true identity.
- The Unfavourite: More or less. His "dad" is indifferent to him and unlike his "siblings," Grey had no real use in the Game of Destiny. He was just "Plan B."
- Unwitting Pawn: Prometheus and Pandora used him so they can meet face-to-face with Albert and exact their revenge. Pandora even said "thank you" to him before Prometheus kills Albert. And then they try to kill Grey.
- Walking the Earth: At the end of the game (before The Reveal), he decides on doing this, continuing on his quest to find out more about himself.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- White Sheep: Due to the interruption of his brainwashing process.
- You Are Number Six: Has the code number of DAN-003 (Dr. Albert Number 003). He's the third of Albert's creations, behind his "siblings," Prometheus and Pandora. This only gets revealed in the Drama Tracks, though.
The female lead of ZX Advent. A Hunter in search of loot and fortune (or as she calls it, "booty"). Her ambush on the Raider's air fleet had her biting off a lot more than she ever hoped to chew—namely "The Game of Destiny" as well as Master Albert's fabrications and relation to her.
- Action Girl
- Ami Koshimizu: Given that she has the voice of Kallen, her status as an Action Girl makes perfect sense.
- Badass Abnormal: From the get-go, she's an Action Girl who willingly jumps off of an airship into the middle of an armada, destroys a giant Mechaniloid with a mere buster gun, and never loses face, even when confronted by Prometheus. And she's an augmented human just like anybody else... Before she received the Model A.
- Badass Long Hair/Rapunzel Hair
- Chain Lightning: Her Homing Shots ability (minus the lightning elemental part), which involves her targeting up to 8 enemies and then firing a lightning-like beam to the nearest targeted enemy which will jump to another targets, one-by-one.
- Dark and Troubled Past: She's the Sole Survivor of her Doomed Hometown due to a Maverick attack. The Hunters guild then found her and took her under their wing.
- Double Entendre: The infamous "Booty" line.
- Fingerless Gloves
- Genki Girl: In contrast to Grey.
- Guns Akimbo: Same as Grey.
- Hartman Hips: Like Aile, it's more pronounced in cut-scenes.
- I Just Want to Be Special: She just wants people and history to remember the name Ashe and become a famous Hunter, as well as writing her own story about her adventures.
- Image Song: A vocal version of her first stage theme ("Through the Lightning") appears on ZX Gigamix, titled "Be One."
- Little Miss Badass: She's 15.
- Mega Manning: Same as Grey.
- The Messiah: Same as Grey.
- Pants-Free: No, really. Her "trousers" is actually a part of her skintight black suit (as most humans use). Compare her picture above with this ZXA Tunes Mousepad image.
- Post Dramatic Stress Disorder: Same as Grey above.
- Quest for Identity: The people, and even herself, doesn't know who she really is. Her adventure later reveals her identity: the great-granddaughter of Albert.
- Reflecting Laser: Her charged shot.
- Smart Bomb: Same as Grey.
- This Is My Story: She says this twice, once after defeating Albert "You're no Mega Man king... You're no god... You were gonna destroy the world... You were gonna end the story... You're not the one to make that decision! This is my life, my story!" And when saying goodbye to Vent at the end "We can meet anytime... Because this is our story!"
- Tomboy: Moreso than Aile.
- Tomboyish Ponytail
- Unwitting Pawn: Same as Grey.
- Walking the Earth: Just like Grey, she decides to travel the earth in search of more adventure (and booty).
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: With some sky blue hues in there, but you should get the point. In fact, it's very similar to that of Albert's, possibly serving as a very, very early visual cue. Well, for his decoy body, at least...
The Guardians
A paramilitary defense organization created by the people of the frontier regions. Their vow is to defend Innerpeace areas and discover the cause of Maverick outbreaks.
- Bridge Bunnies: There's 3 of them.
- Cool Airship: Guardian Base, which doubles as HQ.
- All Your Base Are Belong to Us: At the halfway point of ZX, Guardian Base is invaded by Mavericks led by Prometheus.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Flueve, more or less. He's Cerveau's Expy, right down to the Brainy Specs with Opaque Lenses and his role as the keeper of Data Disks.
- Epileptic Trees: Much like the Prairie = Alouette theory, there are many who believe that Fleuve is an considerably older Perroquiet from Zero. All of this factors into the belief that The Guardians were formed from The Resistance seen in Zero 4.
- Put on a Bus/What Happened to the Mouse?: Despite their aid to Vent and Aile in the first game as well as the implications that Vent/Aile became full-time members after ZX, no one from the group, not even Prairie, makes a reappearance in ZX Advent.
- Redshirt Army
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Almost an outright Expy of La Résistance of Mega Man Zero.
- Theme Naming: The Bridge Bunnies are named after flowers; fitting with the name Prairie meaning "meadow." Most of the Red Shirts (and other members) are named after fishes; fitting with the name Fleuve meaning "river." All with French names.
The current leader of The Guardians who took command after the original leader went missing during an investigation of an Outlands area. She hires Giro Express to transport the Biometals Model X and Model Z, and helps Vent/Aile on their mission to combat Slither Inc. and the Maverick attacks. Due to her appearance, memorabilia, and remarks made during the story (such as her being present when Ragnarok broke apart in the atmosphere), Prairie is heavily implied to be Alouette, Ciel's Kid Sidekick from Mega Man Zero.
- Badass Longcoat: As a part of her being a Future Badass, as shown below.
- Cool Big Sis: She acts this way towards Vent/Aile.
- Expy: Arguably, of Ciel.
- Future Badass: If she is indeed Alouette (and frankly, who are we kidding?), she must have taken at least a few levels in badassery, going from Ciel's Tagalong Kid to The Captain of The Guardians.
- Girls Love Stuffed Animals: She has many on her room. In particular, she's always seen with the one in the image above, practically being her Iconic Item. Notice anything familiar with that toy?
- Hair of Gold
- Loving a Shadow: Hinted to have fallen in love with Giro because he reminded her of someone she knew in the past.
- Older Than They Look: Is revealed to be over 100 in Vent's scenario in the first game.
- On top of that, Prometheus (again, in Vent's story) points out that Prairie is not of this time.
- Precious Photo: Several in her room, of Ciel, Zero, the Resistance and her younger self.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Ryo Hirohashi
- She's All Grown Up: Not to the extent of Vent and Aile, but Prairie is all but outright stated to be Alouette from Mega Man Zero.
- Maybe her end result isn't quite as... grown as Aile's, but assuming she was Alouette, she did some damned impressive growing since the last series.
- Voice with an Internet Connection: She usually guides Vent/Aile through the stages via audio communications.
Master Mikhail
The third member of the Sage Trinity. Seems to be the most venerable and down-to-earth member of the trio, given his shock and horror that Master Thomas plans to continue with Albert's work.
- Badass Mustache: Have you seen that thing?!
- Cool Helmet
- Cool Old Guy: Wisecracks and jokes quite a bit with the heroes, and is the most Down to Earth out of the Sage Trinity.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: In Japanese, he's voiced by Chō aka Yuichi Nagashima, which makes him Jaken. In English, he's voiced by Walter Roberts... the same voice as Sigma in Mega Man X7. Jeez, talk about role reversal.
- Japanese Pronouns: He uses kisama to address Thomas when the latter revealed his plans in the secret ending.
- Ornamental Weapon: He's depicted carrying a small sword/knife that apparently doubles as his cane, but never uses it.
Master Thomas
The leader of the Sage Trinity. He and Mikhail provide assistance to Grey and Ashe in their journey to defeat the defector known as Master Albert. In The Reveal, it's shown that he disagreed with the method of Albert's work, but agreed with the desired outcome: to remake the world.
- Badass Beard
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- The Comically Serious: Oh so much.
- Dark-Skinned Redhead
- Evil Redhead: As of The Reveal, but he could also be a Well-Intentioned Redhead.
- Evilutionary Biologist: Possibly.
- Gambit Roulette: Apparently knowing of Albert's plans, he devised one of his own to counter Albert. And it worked.
- Grumpy Old Man
- Hidekatsu Shibata
- Large and In Charge: The tallest and most imposing of the three.
- Ornamental Weapon: He always holds a red sword, but he never use it.
- Shout-Out: Probably unintentional, but said sword is red and square-shaped.
- Treacherous Quest-Giver: While he gives many quests throughout the game, this trope really comes to play near the end of the game; he orders the Hunters to take down Albert so he can replace him.
Prometheus & Pandora
An enigmatic duo working for Serpent. While it appears that they're helping him revive Model W, they're really "the voices of Model W," aiming to expedite the "destiny of destruction." Despite being bested by Vent/Aile in ZX, they return in the sequel. Here, it's revealed that they are a pair of sibling Reploids created by Master Albert to serve as scouts for "The Game of Destiny." They were infused with a portion of Model W's power, keeping them permanently Megamerged. Additionally, Master Albert imposed a limit on the amount of time they could live in order to keep them under control, requiring them to keep going back for maintenance in order to stay alive. Loathing the man, the pair finally enacted their revenge on Albert and plan to destroy everything... only to learn that the Albert they killed was a dummy. Becoming his Unwitting Pawns, their pent-up, centuries-long feelings of hate and rage served to fuel Model W's resurrection. They were last seen at Albert's mercy in an exploding underwater base located underneath a volcano. Their deaths have yet to be confirmed.
- All There in the Manual: The ZX Gigamix album shows them without their armor on.
- Aloof Older Siblings: They only care about themselves and each other, and have nothing but disdain for their "younger brother," Grey. And there's, you know, trying to kill him.
- Attack Drone: Pandora has 2 drones attached to her hair that can be used to fire off elemental attacks.
- Ax Crazy: Prometheus.
- Badass: Prometheus.
- Badass Adorable: Pandora, although her "adorable" overshadows the "badass," especially in comparison to Prometheus.
- Blood Knight: Prometheus is quite nihilistic, enjoying nothing more than mindless violence and a good fight. However, this may have been Deconstructed Trope after your fight with them in ZX Advent; he hints that his having to do senseless fighting was one of the reasons as to why he and Pandora wanted to betray and kill Albert in the first place.
- Co-Dragons: For both Albert and (for a short time) Serpent.
- Dragons With An Agenda: They play this role to Serpent, explaining why they leave him to his own purposes towards the end of ZX.
- The Corrupter: According to others, Slither Inc. began to change the moment Prometheus and Pandora came onto the scene.
- Daisuke Kishio: Prometheus.
- Dark Magical Girl: Pandora.
- Emotionless Girl: Pandora. She's the exact opposite of her sibling, but no less dangerous or malicious.
- Evil Duo: They're a villainous Brother-Sister Team.
- Evil Laugh: Prometheus gets an epic one in the Japanese version.
- Expy: Pandora is possibly a subtle one to Shion Sonozaki. Both wear their hair in a similar fashion, have the same shade of green, prefer white and blue (the hue is different) and both are driven to madness as the result of a rather nasty past.
- Fire, Ice, Lightning: They cover all three.
- Grim Reaper: Prometheus.
- Half-Identical Twins
- Hey, It's That Voice!: In English, Pandora is voiced by Rumiko Varnes, who previously voiced Alia in Mega Man X7.
- An Ice Person: Pandora.
- Large Ham: The English release of Advent has Prometheus hamming it up before and after the player's battle with him and his sister. And even more in the Japanese version.
- Magic Wand/Simple Staff: Pandora.
- Mysterious Waif: Pandora. A notable evil example.
- People Jars: Each have one in the Mysterious Lab stage. It's used for daily maintenance, seeing as their days are numbered.
- Playing with Fire: Prometheus, natch.
- Flaming Skulls: One of his attacks in the first game summons four of these to the corner of the stages, and each of them will fire small fireballs at you. It's hard to dodge, but you can destroy the skulls, reducing the difficulty.
- Power Floats: Pandora is almost always seen floating. Prometheus only floats when he uses area attacks.
- Prehensile Hair: Prometheus. Yes, that's his hair he's using to attack you.
- Psycho for Hire: Prometheus.
- Psycho Prototypes: To Grey, although he was intended to become just like them.
- Recurring Bosses
- Dual Boss: In the first game, they just alternate their attacks. They get Combination Attacks by Advent.
- Rapunzel Hair: If the brief shot of them before being permanently bound to fragments of Model W is anything to go by. After the merger, Prometheus always has it, and uses it to kill you.
- Red Baron: "The Reaper" or "Death" for Prometheus. Suffice to say, he lives up to that nickname.
- Pandora gets the moniker of "The Witch." Her moments are fewer than those of her bro, but Pandora is just as much of a threat as Prometheus is.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Ohhhhhh yes.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni
- Scythe And Sorcerer
- Shapeshifter Mode Lock: They're permanently bound to Model W.
- Shizuka Ito: Pandora.
- Shock and Awe: Pandora.
- Sibling Yin-Yang
- Sinister Scythe: Prometheus.
- The Starscream: They fully intended to destroy Albert when the time came. And they did... just not the one they expected.
- The Dog Bites Back: Their motivations for wanting to destroy Albert were closer to this, as they had been abused and underwent constant suffering.
- Suicide by Cop/I Cannot Self-Terminate: Prometheus and Pandora's choice of words before fighting Gray/Ashe strongly implies that they want them to kill them in battle.
- Theme Naming: Named after two of Saturn's moons, as well as two mythological Greek deities; Prometheus (the god who introduced man to fire) and Pandora (who opened up the quintessential Sealed Evil in a Can, allowing all of the repressed, negative emotions to plague mankind).
- Woman in White: Pandora. Well, white armor anyway.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Prometheus and Pandora, despite appearances, were strongly implied to have hated the fact that they had to work with Albert for his Game of Destiny and cause the pointless deaths. As a matter of fact, Prometheus' final words before he and Pandora's negative emotions are absorbed into Model W, was a huge rant about how pointless Albert's goal was, and that he might as well destroy the whole world thanks to the pain of what he and his sister had to endure.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Prometheus has blue, Pandora has green.
- Your Days Are Numbered
The head of Slither Inc. in the first game. Was corrupted by Model W at some point before and sought to fully awaken its power. To do so, he sacrifies Cyber Elves filled with the power of fear, which he creates by killing humanoids through what seems like random Maverick raids. He succeeds in reviving Model W, but the resurrection is short-lived. As Serpent dies, he declares all of humanity to be Mavericks for stopping progress.
- Aile, "He" Is Your Ancestor: Tells Aile that "the blood of the creator of Model W" runs through her veins. Come ZXA, we find out that it's Master Albert.
- Well, kind of. Although Aile did indeed carry Master Albert's blood, it's not because they were actually related as it was because Master Albert donated some of his blood to Maverick survivors as part of his plan (except for Ashe, as she is the legitimate descendant of Albert himself).
- Animal Motifs: May be averted, despite having an animal name.
- Badass Longcoat
- Big Bad: Of ZX.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Evil Redhead
- Evilutionary Biologist: Albeit not to the scale of Albert.
- Final Boss Preview: He's first seen mind-controlling the injured Giro, and then he introduced himself after he strikes Giro down again (after you fight Giro as the boss).
- Freudian Excuse: It is heavily implied in Aile's story as well as Aeolus' cipher in ZXA that the main reason why he ended up being affected by Model W is because of the fact that he was a Maverick raid survivor, and had Albert's blood in it, and that he was namely afraid of his past.
- It Is Pronounced "Tro-PAY": According to the Japanese spelling, he goes by the French pronunciation, "Sair-pahn."
- Kiyoyuki Yanada
- Large and In Charge
- Laughing Mad: His reaction as Model W's core is enveloping him into its system.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Power Echoes: His One-Winged Angel.
- Social Darwinist: He even pulls out the iconic misunderstood "Survival of the fittest" line.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He states that he wishes to evolve the world rather than destroy it. In addition, he tells Vent that he wishes to remove pain and suffering from the world. His methods for doing so? Model W.
- Start of Darkness: Was a member of the Guardians... and then he encountered Model W, causing him to wipe out his entire group (minus the leader).
- Villain with Good Publicity: Is seen as a hero by the townspeople for having his security forces keep Mavericks at bay. It's revealed that he staged the Maverick uprisings himself in order to assemble a large enough number of people that he could then forcibly turn into Cyber Elves and feed to Model W, thus awakening it.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Yup.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: A large part of his character was from being an implied orphan from a Maverick attack, and it is strongly implied (although he denies it) that he suffered from intense fear from that past, evidentially leading to his insanity. In addition, in the Japanese version, when denying Vent's retorts to Serpent, Serpent sounded a bit melancholy.
- You Killed My Father: Not directly, but it is implied that Serpent arranged for Vent and Aile's parents to be killed.
Master Albert
The Big Bad of ZX Advent. Starts off as one of the good guys, but his intentions become clear awful quick. He lives up to his namesake, and goes on to try to reset the world, with himself at the reign.
- Actually a Doombot: Prometheus kills Albert when he and Pandora shows up in Albert's underwater base. Then after they fought Grey/Ashe, their emotions are suddenly sucked into the Model Ws in the background. Turns out, the Albert that Prometheus killed was a decoy.
- Affably Evil: Moreso "affable" before The Reveal. Always evil.
- All According to Plan: After he has the negative emotion of Prometheus and Pandora sucked into the Model Ws in the background, awakening them and forming the Ouroboros, he says:
Just as I planned!
- All Your Powers Combined: As Mega Man Model W (fittingly referred to as the "Ultimate Mega Man"), he uses Model A's Homing Shots, Model ZX's Charge Saber, Model H's Plasma Cyclone, Model F's Ground Breaker, Model L's Freezing Dragon, Model P's Cross Star, and Chronoforce's Time Bomb (although it's used only to counteract and nullify the player's own Time Bomb).[1]
- Badass Bookworm: Whereas Thomas and Mikhail are depicted as carrying a sword and a knife, Albert is usually seen holding a book.
- Big Bad: For ZX Advent.
- Bishonen Line: Goes from a three-headed mechanical dragon, to the vastly-powerful, nigh-angelic Mega Man Model W.
- Cool Chair: Before the fight against him, he is seen sitting on one, before it transforms into the aforementioned three-headed dragon.
- Crosshair Aware: He has an attack in which he sends out a crosshair which tries to follow the player and shoots at certain intervals.
- Discontinuity Nod/Continuity Snarl: His origin story for Model A ("A" as in "Albert," not "Axl"), as well as whether or not Master Albert is controlling Model W or vice versa. These plot points (especially the former) have been eating at fans to this very day, leading to a Biblical flood of Epileptic Trees. For example, the fact that Albert clearly says "Axl Bullets" while firing his Homing Shots does not help.
- Evil Counterpart/Mirror Boss: Could be considered one to Grey/Ashe, seeing as his abilities with Model W (see "All Your Powers Combined" above) are identical to that of Model A's, but stronger and more versatile. Justified in that Model A was created to mimic the power of Model W as a backup plan in case Albert was somehow incapacitated.
- Evilutionary Biologist
Albert: "I wanted to know be the ultimate... To be at evolution's extreme... as one of the Sage Trinity, but of above all, as a scientist. At evolution's extreme, there is emptiness and misery."
- Expy: Officially of Dr. Albert Wily, although most of his personality and goals are more similar to that of Albert Wesker.
- Eyes Always Shut: Until The Reveal, where it's revealed that his eyes are Red Eyes, Take Warning with black sclera.
- Face Heel Turn
- The Faceless: As Mega Man Model W. All that you can see are his Glowing Eyes of Doom (well, at least until right near his death).
- Final Boss: In ZX Advent.
- Gambit Roulette: An epic one (of the Ancient Conspiracy variety) spanning centuries. He's just that good, even though it didn't quite come to fruition.
- Genocide Backfire: Subverted: Albert deliberately arranged the Maverick Raids to spare a few people so that he'd then donate his genes to them and thus have them participate in the Game of Destiny.
- A God Am I
Albert: "I don't think I'm a god. I AM A GOD!"
- Hey, It's That Voice!: It must be a Mega Man X7 Reunion Show. Albert is voiced by Jack Merluzzi, the voice of Zero in that game. Additionally, he was Badass McNinja Raven in Tekken 5.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Whether it is by Grey or Ashe's hands, Albert is defeated by his own "backup plans" and Model A.
- Idiot Hair: He sports one. His true form has a larger one.
- Japanese Pronouns: Uses watashi to address himself.
- Large Ham: Damn straight.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Uses several Model W fragments to deflect Grey/Ashe's attacks during The Reveal. As Mega Man Model W, he is surrounded by several Model W-esque bits that must be destroyed before you can damage him. Said bits also double as his method of attack, including forming a BFS.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: An interesting variation on this trope: Most of the Mega Men that are encountered, including the protagonists in the previous game, were able to Megamerge not only because they survived Maverick Raids, but because Albert altered their DNA with his genetic code which allowed them to Megamerge. However, Ashe was the only one whose DNA can be traced to Albert that wasn't due to genetic tampering, meaning her familial relationship to Albert was legitimate. Played completely straight with Grey, however.
- Mad Scientist: Shades of it.
- The Man Behind the Man: It's implied that Albert (via Prometheus & Pandora and Model W) was manipulating Serpent.
- Unwitting Pawn: It's also implied in Ashe's story that Albert maybe manipulated by Model W, his "creation," no less.
- My A-Trans Is Better Than Yours: Possess the "real A-Trans" (Shin Trans-On in the Japanese version), allowing Albert to be able to change himself into the forms of those whose souls and negative emotions were absorbed by Model W. In addition, he does not even need to transform to utilize said powers (see "All Your Powers Combined" above). As Albert explains himself, Model A's A-Trans is a pale imitation.
- Name's the Same: Shares his first name with another Capcom Mad Scientist Magnificent Bastard who plans to use Ouroboros to reset the world and take his place as a god. Maybe Model W stands for Model Wesker?
- Ouroboros: His grand plan to unite all of the Model W fragments creates this.
- Offing the Offspring/You Killed My Father: Fully intended to do so with Grey [his robotic creation] and/or Ashe [his legitimate descendant]. On the topic of Ashe, it's also heavily implied that he was the one who arranged for Ashe's parents, who likewise are most likely Albert's descendants as well, to be killed in a Maverick Raid.
- People Jars: His original body (DAN-000) has one.
- Pet the Dog: An extremely, extremely small one when he expresses sympathy and regret over having to do in Ashe.
- Power Floats: In the cutscene of the reveal about him being the villain, he floats away using Model W. Later in Ouroboros, he slowly floats up as he transforms and the artificial sky breaks around him.
- And during the battle with his Model W form, the only way to have Albert touch the ground is to forcibly introduce him to it.
- Power Gives You Wings: As Mega Man Model W.
- President Evil
- Rapunzel Hair: In his true body, given that he's now only the size of Grey/Ashe, but retains his hair's length.
- Shielded Core Boss: As Model W. He has a forcefield which you need to destroy by damaging it enough, then only can you do damage to him. He does regenerate the forcefield after a short time, so give it all you've got once the forcefield is down.
- Social Darwinist: Not to the extent of Serpent, but it's definitely there. Either that, or he's comtemplating on whether or not he'll be a Nietzsche Wannabe.
- Teleport Spam
- Treacherous Advisor
- Villain with Good Publicity: Unlike Serpent, however, he himself reveals his plans even before the halfway point of the story, making the "good publicity" part null.
- Wave Motion Gun: As Mega Man Model W, he can fire two of these from the background to the left and right of the boss stage, and will slowly converge to the middle.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: His pre-final battle speech implies that the reason he decided to use Model W was because he wanted to stop people from fighting amongst themselves.
- With My Hands Tied: His real body appears to be in a restraining jacket. It doesn't stop him from duping Prometheus and Pandora though. He finally breaks out of it when he Megamerges.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Blue hair by default. When in his second, original body (DAN-000), it's freaking magenta.
- Yoshito Yasuhara
Enemy Mega Men
A group of mysterious youths who play "The Game of Destiny" to determine who will be the king of their world. They are the new holders of Models H, F, L, and P, which were stolen from Vent and Aile prior to ZX Advent. Each Mega Man has their own reason for indulging in Master Albert's fanatical game. They are:
- Aeolus, Model H's Biomatch and the stereotypically Smug Snake and beautiful Social Darwinist. His plan for society, should he win, logically follows this ideology (specifically, he wants to "eliminate the fools out of this world").
- Siarnaq, Model P's Biomatch and a stoic to the point of speaking in command prompts due to his past. His motivation is unknown.
- Atlas, Model F's Biomatch and a fight-loving tough broad orphan from a war-torn nation. Influenced by her past, her view on the world is that the strong will survive and the weak shall perish, and thus, if she wins, she plans to use her influence to speed up human evolution by starting a perpetual war.
- Thetis, Model L's Biomatch and an otherwise cheerful lad whose plan for society would involve the genocide necessary to satisfy his rabid environmentalism.
- Affably Evil: Thetis. He's a genuine Nice Guy, and the only one of the quartet who is actually Friendly Enemy towards Grey/Ashe. If it wasn't for the extremes he went to accomplish his admirable goals, he'd probably be a straight-up hero.
- Airplane Arms: Siarnaq's running and dashing animation, unlike the other Mega Men (who ironically uses Ninja Run instead). Being Limp and Livid has something to do with this.
- Awesome Yet Practical: The revolving shuriken trick for Model P's Cross Star, as seen on the main ZX page.
- Ax Crazy: Siarnaq has shades of this, mostly due to his bout of Laughing Mad as seen below.
- The Beautiful Elite: Aeolus has shades of this, coupled with his Social Darwinistic tendencies.
- Bizarre and Improbable Ballistics: Atlas can alter her projectile trajectories with her Buster Edit ability. The trajectory can be seen and predicted with red squares that appear on the screen.
- Blade on a Stick: Thetis' weapon.
- Blood Knight: Considering that her goal is to force evolution on mankind by starting a perpetual war, Atlas falls into this trope. No wonder she's paired up with Model F.
- Blow You Away: Aeolus.
- Boobs of Steel: Atlas' bust is noticeably bigger than the other females, and she's physically the strongest of the Mega Men.
- Capital City: Siarnaq's stage.
- Career Killers: According to his data disk, Siarnaq was an assassin at some point in the past.
- Ceiling Cling: Siarnaq is able to do this and Platform Cling.
- Dark Action Girl: Atlas.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Atlas is an orphan due to the constant wars that plagued her homeland. As for Siarnaq, see "Left for Dead" below.
- Doppelganger Spin: Siarnaq.
- Dual-Wielding: Aeolus, with Laser Blades, mimicking Harpuia.
- Enemy Mine: There Can Be Only One! The four aren't friends, and would probably try to betray the others in their quest to become the Mega Man King. They appear to pull this again with Master Thomas. Could result in an Enemy Civil War.
- Expy: The entire group is this to X's Four Guardians. Explains why they're the Biomatches for each Guardian's Legacy Character.
- Aeolus takes it one step futher, compare this picture of him [dead link] to this picture of Raika from Mega Man Battle Network.
- The Faceless: Siarnaq while Megamerged. All that you see of him behind that faceguard and helmet are two Glowing Eyes of Doom Red Eyes, Take Warning.
- Fiery Redhead: Atlas. Both figuratively and literally (well, mostly).
- Fingerless Gloves: All of them.
- Five-Bad Band: With Master Albert as the Big Bad and Prometheus and Pandora as Co-Dragons respectively:
- Evil Genius: Aeolus.
- The Brute: Atlas.
- Dark Chick: Thetis.
- Sixth Ranger: Siarnaq.
- Flechette Storm: Siarnaq; not as the boss, but as the copied A-Trans form. One press of the attack button throws four kunai knives; Button Mashing it results in... You get the idea.
- Fuuma Shuriken: Siarnaq's Charge Attack in Grey's storyline.
- Gender Blender Name: It doesn't matter what you say, Mega Man ZX, Thetis is still a girl's name, and Atlas is still a guy's name.
- Granola Guy: Thetis.
- Ground Pound: Atlas; in Grey's storyline, it results in a stream of fire, while in Ashe's storyline, it results in a fire bomb that acts as a mine.
- Hand Cannons Akimbo: Atlas, via her Knuckle Busters Sodom and Gomorrah.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: In Japanese, Thetis is voiced by Hisayoshi Suganuma, which makes him Wonderweiss Margera. Siarnaq is Wataru Hatano, which means that he's also Harvar D. Éclair, Ayase Yuto, and Rufus. In English, Aeolus (Eric Kelso) is... Paul Phoenix?!
- High Altitude Battle: Aeolus's stage, a forest lifted up because of gravitational anomaly.
- Hitomi Nabatame: Atlas.
- An Ice Person: Thetis.
- Idiot Hair: Thetis.
- I Need You Stronger: When Grey/Ashe meets Aeolus and Siarnaq in the Tower Of Verdure, Aeolus tells him/her to hone their skills before they can effectively fight, and then he and Siarnaq teleports out. It later bites him in the ass, resulting in "This Cannot Be!" below.
- Just a Kid: How Atlas views Thetis. Thetis doesn't exactly take well to this and points out that she isn't that much older than him.
- The Ladette: Atlas.
- Laughing Mad: Siarnaq. And how! It's dialed back into a Evil Laugh in English.
- Left for Dead: Siarnaq was backstabbed by his pals and left to rot. It's the reason behind his extreme stoicism, lack of trust, and dislike of all relationships in general.
- Limp and Livid: Siarnaq as Mega Man Model P.
- Megaton Punch/Punched Across the Room: Atlas has an appopriately-named "Megaton Crush," the half-Charged Attack of her Hand Cannon which can send enemies flying forward, possibly hitting another enemy on the way for an extra killcount, hence the name Knuckle Busters.
- Ninja: Siarnaq.
- Not Themselves: It's implied that the Biometals stolen from Vent and Aile have somehow been bent to the will of their Biomatches. Given that all four Biometals are inexplicably The Voiceless in ZX Advent, it's truly unknown at this point. Additionally, this is taken to a literal degree, as the Megamerges look different from their ZX versions (especially in the case of Siarnaq and Model P), most likely due to the absence of Model X. Gameplay-wise, they function the same, with the moveset of each Biometal usually split between Grey and Ashe.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Aeolus.
- Playing with Fire: Atlas.
- Power Gives You Wings: Aeolus, technically, since he acquires Model H.
- Pride: Aeolus, and how.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- Redemption Demotion: Expect Grey and Ashe's A-Trans versions of these four to be much less impressive than the real deal.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Every single one of them. It makes their Team Shot with Master Thomas look all the more sinister.
- Reverse Shrapnel: Siarnaq's Charge Attack in Ashe's storyline.
- Scarf of Asskicking: Siarnaq.
- Shifting Sand Land: Atlas' stage, with additional crude oil mine and Raiders' crashed airship.
- Shock and Awe: Again, Aeolus.
- Smug Snake: Aeolus, all the way.
- Social Darwinist: Aeolus and Atlas, albeit in different ways.
- The Stoic: Aeolus and Siarnaq. The latter is notable in that he's refined it into Robo Speak.
- Not So Stoic: Siarnaq. See "Laughing Mad" above.
- Sword Beam: Aeolus fires them in a style like Harpuia, but he (fortunately) cannot spam them.
- Talking to Himself: In English, Siarnaq is voiced by Jamie West, who also voices Model Z.
- Teleport Spam: Siarnaq.
- Theme Naming: Like Prometheus and Pandora, Aeolus (Helios), Atlas, Thetis (Tethys), and Siarnaq were all supposed to be named after Saturnian moons.[2] Additionally, Aeolus, Helios, Atlas, Thetis, and Tethys are figures from Greek mythology (a majority of them being Titans) whose powers and backstories correlate to the Elemental Powers of the quartet. In this regard, Siarnaq is the odd man out; his only mythological counterpart is a mythical Inuit mermaid patron of seals.
- This Cannot Be!: The insufferably arrogant Aeolus cannot believe that he was bested by an inferior Mega Man like Grey or Ashe.
- Tomboyish Name: Atlas. Inverted with Thetis.
- Underwater Boss Battle: Thetis, of course.
- Villains Forgot To Level Grind: Presumably. They certainly didn't expect Grey/Ashe (relative newcomers to The Game of Destiny) to become more adept at using Model A in such a short time to say the very least.
- At least they were Genre Savvy enough to gang up on Grey/Ashe in the last level right before the Final Boss. Unfortunately, that's when Aile/Vent shows up to hold them off.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Thetis and Atlas, especially Thetis. Atlas, as said above, wants humanity to become stronger, while Thetis wants to protect his beloved ocean from the progress of man. However, Atlas believes that humans can only evolve via suffering, and the ocean's safeguarding is Serious Business to Thetis. Given that they're using Model W to accomplish said goals, their once-noble goals are taken to extremes.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Aeolus, although his hair does have a noticeable green tint.
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: It is strongly implied that the four Mega Men's survival had to do with their having the Reploid Immortality data in the Extra Hard Stinger.
- You Don't Look Like You: In an odd way: Their Megamerged forms, being from a single model (instead of a merge with X from the first game), doesn't match the forms of the Guardians themselves, except for Atlas'[3] (although the same can be said for Girouette's form of Model Z). Some have theorized that it's because of the darker nature of the Enemy Mega Men's personalities, while some others theorized that the design evolved from their clothes.[4]
- You Fool!: Aeolus is quite fond of this phrase.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Thetis with blue hair, Aeolus with bright green, and Siarnaq with dark purple.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Thetis, a rare male example. Grade A/B.
- ↑ His "Bits" even glow with the appropriate colour for each borrowed attack.
- ↑ Helios is occasionally referred to as Hyperion, one of Saturn's many moons.
- ↑ Like Fefnir's, her horns protrude from the front side of her helmet, while Model FX's come from the back side
- ↑ For example, Siarnaq's scarf evolves into Model P's faceguard while Thetis' Idiot Hair evolves into Model L's single water-thruster, unlike Model LX's "twintails"