< Mega Man ZX

Mega Man ZX/YMMV

  • Cargo Ship/Trademark Favorite Food: Judging from some fanarts (compiled for [dead link] your [dead link] convenience), some fans like the "Giro X Coffee" pairing. (Mostly stemmed from this image.)
  • Complete Monster: Model W. Don't forget what--or rather who--it used to be.
  • Crazy Awesome: Prometheus.
    • Fans also see Vulturon as this. A headbanging robotic vulture skeleton who uses a guitar for a weapon. Not crazy enough? He can use said guitar to reanimated discarded metal, thereby creating zombie robots. And he does use that guitar for performances... usually to aforementioned zombie robots. His quirky rocker personality helps a lot.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
    • Much like Charlie, Giro has amassed a sizable fanbase despite being dead.
    • The Fandom has gradually taken quite the liking to Prometheus and Pandora. And if anything, when they were discovered to be Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds and then subsequently owned by Albert (in the span of five minutes or so, no less), their popularity among the fandom hit critical mass. That was Albert's Moral Event Horizon.* Fridge Brilliance/Fridge Horror: Why does the Pseudoroids have extra eyes? Likely a property of Model W, and considering it is very much a Eldritch Abomination thematically, and that Humans and Reploids are and consider each other the same now the logical conclusion on exactly how this would be seen as by the people inside the setting, Add in the dialogs the Pseudoroids have and you realize that at least some (like Purprill) of them were around at least in some form before gaining the power of whatever model they are infused with, not to mention their absolute devotion and belief to Model W you realize that they are basically mutilated cultists.
  • Fridge Brilliance: The tagline from this Japanese promotional trailer ("When fate must be stood up to... people shall Rock On") really explains the Screw Destiny theme of the series, and the Biometal's power to shape the Biomatch's destiny, as elaborated by Ciel.
  • Game Breaker: Model ZX's rolling slash, which can pass the Mercy Invincibility and deal continuous damage as Vent/Aile's still spinning. And after that, you can still follow up with your standard triple slash.
    • Model P's kunai spam is murder against enemies without Mercy Invincibility. Wipes out pretty much everything in seconds.
    • Model HX's tornado attack, which can hit multiple times and also can pass Mercy Invincibility if the tornado hits the weak point. Try to do it with a fire boss: Superior element + Multi-hitting + Attacking the weak point = Overkill.
      • The downside, though, is that you'll get Lv 1 Victory, so you'd better do that in the boss rush. Unfortunately, it was later nerfed ZXA, the attack instead generating 2 tornadoes that fly forward and hit once.
    • Chronoforce's Time Bomb. Its only downside is that it uses much weapon energy.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
  • Just Here for Godzilla: Arguably, but a good portion of ZX fans are Just Here For Biometals. More specifically, "Just Here For Playing As The Favorite Characters Who Come Back As Pieces Of Metal That You Can Use To Change Into Said Favorite Characters." [2] As a result, many fanarts for this series are about "Hey look! This is Model (insert your favorite character here)!" And the favorite character in question could be any character from the series (be it a major character or just a random boss)[3], a character outside the series[4], or even an original character.[5].
    • Not to mention the Double Megamerge system, which lets you transform with two Biometals. As a result, many fans used it to mix their 2 favorite models into one character.[6]
  • Love to Hate: Prometheus and Pandora.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Master Albert, all the way. As well as Master Thomas, it seems.
    • The latter set up a Gambit Roulette of his own to combat Albert and killed off his former ally by making it into a mission for the heroes. As much magnificence as Albert whipped out, Thomas may have actually outdone him.
  • Moe: How a good portion of the fanbase sees Pandora especially when she and Prometheus are revealed as characters who need a really, really big hug.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Many fans hate Serpent because he killed Giro.
    • What the player finds out during endgame is even worse. People are kidnapped by Slither Inc. during the uprisings and held captive. Serpent then preys on their fears to involuntarily transform them into Cyber Elves, which are then absorbed by Model W.
  • Narm Charm: Activating a Biometal in the Japanese version prompts a cry from "R.O.C.K. On!" from your character. Woolsey'd to "Megamerge" in English.
  • Nostalgia Level: Part of Area D in the first ZX looks EXACTLY like the opening stage from the first Mega Man X, along with minibosses which cause the floor to collapse after being destroyed.
  • Player Punch:
    • Not only does Albert kill off the then-Woobiefied Prometheus and Pandora, but he steals their DNA with his A-Trans, meaning you can't mimic their forms. The bastard!
    • Long before that, Giro is established as a nice, protective guy, before Serpent killed him off.
  • That One Boss: Flammole if you're going for a level 4 victory. Why? His weakpoints are his arms. His arms make up the majority of his sprite. We're talking like 75% of it.
    • Fistleo if you want a Level 4 victory. His weak point is his freaking head. A majority of your attacks will hit his head and he has some hard-to-dodge attacks. Bonus pain if you're playing at Hard difficult.
      • Fistleo is pathetically easy compared to Flammole because, amusingly enough, Model HX's triple combo doesn't hit his head if you use it whith your back facing him, and in Overdrive the triple combo hits For Massive Damage.
      • Seen here. You may want to have clean pants standing by.
  • That One Level: Area K. Oh god, the lavas... And see That One Sidequest below.
    • The Ouroboros stage. There are blocks that can be destroyed and then regenerating. If you're standing on the block's space when it fully regenerates, you die. There's also spiked regenerating blocks and Bottomless Pits right under them. Oh, and this part (Ouroboros-3) is right after the Boss Rush and right before the Final Boss room. Have fun.
  • That One Sidequest: The Area K subtank. The fact that you can't get it on Hard mode counts as mercy.
  • Tier-Induced Scrappy: Rospark form, of the low tier variety, since it moves very, very slow and its only useful gimmick is climbing ropes.
  • Too Cool to Live: Another point for Giro on the list of Zero Expyness. Unlike Zero, however, he doesn't get better (although he does become a Cyber Elf).
  • Unfortunate Implications:
    • Deerburn was changed to Buckfire in the American release of Advent, complete with stereotypical "red man" voice.
    • According to the manual, Rospark is gay due to faulty circuitry. Keep in mind that not too long ago, homosexuality was academically considered a mental illness.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Struck everyone who was paying attention to Advent previews with respect to Atlas and Tethys (see Tomboyish Name for one of the reasons). The first images of the enemy Mega Men showed them in armored form, so fans had no clue that Atlas was a "she" and Thetis was a "he." It did not help that their Japanese names (Atlas remained unchanged, while Thetis was Tethys) were that of a Titan and Titaness, respectively. Likewise, their Biometals were a man and a woman. Thankfully, this was rectified by gameplay videos and subsequent artwork, but the Fan Nicknames of "Reverse Trap" and "Trap" would stick.
  • What an Idiot!: The respective protagonist literally calls the Enemy Mega Men out for their simple-minded persistence in continuing the Game of Destiny, even with Master Albert's defeat looming over the horizon.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Prometheus and Pandora.Their childhood was, to say the least, horrible [7] and they want revenge for their suffering. They don't quite suceed (with Albert being a Magnificent Bastard and all), and end up as Albert's Unwitting Pawns. Even Grey and Ashe feel pity for them, and would have tried to save them if they had the chance.
  • Woolseyism: "Live Metal" to "Biometal"; "Falseroid" to "Pseudoroid"; the aforementioned Fun Acronyms and Charming Narm; "Girouette" gains the nickname "Giro"; "Helios" to the much-more-sensible-for-an-air-elemental "Aeolus"; "Serpent Company" to "Slither Inc."; a few boss names as well (although one simply goes from "Condorrock the Vulturoid" to "Vulturon the Condoroid"...).
  1. Keep in mind that ZXA precedes RE5 by a margin of about 2 years.
  2. (it makes sense, actually, especially for Model OX, which is based on Omega from Zero series.)
  3. these are just a few examples
  4. these are just a few examples
  5. these are [dead link] just a few examples
  6. These are [dead link] just a few examples.
  7. They had to suffer through centuries of anguish from Master Albert, including being forcibly megamerged with Model W, and are also strongly implied to only be having other Mega Men participate in the Game of Destiny and likewise resulting in several casualties in the hundreds of thousands range, only because Albert literally forced them to due to a small lifespan
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