Material Days
Material Days (Also being posted in the AnimeSuki Forum's Nanoha FanFiction Discussion, though you will need to dig) is a Lyrical Nanoha fanfic by Nanya and Epsilon Zeta (aka Yasanagi on AnimeSuki).
Taking place six months prior to Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha Force, when an excavation team uncovers lost scriptures from the Book of the Silver Cross, Yuuno gets called away from his civilian life to lend his expertise to the case, but things get really weird really fast when he finds the excavation site blown to smithereens and the Huckebein fighting... the Materials? Yeah baby, it's everyone's favorite Evil Twins from TheBattleOfAces, and things are about to get very very interesting for our dear Ferret Boy...
- Actor Allusion: Material-L sings the B Gata H Kei tune when Material-S appears after her first Intimate Healing session.
- Later on, Material-L is explaining to Sette that she sees Nana Mizuki as someone who could influence their universe for the worse, especially with her multiple guises as, in her own words, a vampire with duo personalities, a Magical Girl with a Super Silhouette form or an Elf Princess armed with a weapon that can act as a gun, sword AND a guitar!
- The casual wear for Material-S is based off Ranpha's cheongsam from Galaxy Angel while Material-D's casual wear is copied from the first appearance of Aizawa Sakuya in Hayate the Combat Butler. The latter is a bit of an interesting case since Sakuya's overall character appearance is very similar to Yami's with the hair and eye colours and the hairstyle.
- A discussion on Trash Talk between Signum & Vita has the former insulting the latter using this example: "I will write something insulting on that billboard you call a chest."
- Ascended Extra: And the Fandom Rejoiced, if a bit.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Rai starts to introduce herself to Megane and Lutecia and ends up feeling the latter's hair and commenting on how smooth it is.
- Author Filibuster: Rai occasionally goes on Fourth Wall-breaking rants about things the authors hate about the series. Whether this is amusing or just immature and annoying is up to the reader.
- Author Tract: The authors can not shut up about how much they hate Nanoha's yuri fanbase, whether they're using Rai as a Fourth Wall-breaking mouthpiece to deliver an Author Filibuster or using Touma's Harem Hero status to Troll Vivio/Einheart shippers or any number of other things.
- Awesomeness By Analysis: Material-D has shades of this. By modifying one of her spells and observing the effect when it hit Arnage, she was able to reasonably estimate her enemy's rate of Regeneration and Magic Neutralization. Of course this goes out the window when Arnage Reacts.
- BFS: Blasting Zone.
- Berserk Button: Material-D does not like getting mistaken for Hayate.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Material-S. She's the sanest of all Materials, but...
- Bilingual Bonus/Gratuitous German: Sometimes, especially with Yami / Material-D's case since she uses the Belkan Magic System.
- Gratuitous Italian: Courtesy of the Azure Grimoire, Sette's new book.
- Brick Joke: Rai asks Garyuu to "show me your moves". Later, when Garyuu is about to attack Seikou, she interrupts and tells him that he was supposed to show HER his moves, not Seikou/Material-S
- Call Back: In Dieci's words: '"Nanoha-san blew me up when I was a bad guy. Now I'm not a bad guy and evil Nanoha-san is going to blow me up." Tears started to flow down her face. "I don't wanna explode in pink again!"'
- Chekhov's Gunman: After the first fight, the Huckebein have disappeared for the moment. They're back. Actually, different ones. It might now be Isis.
- Chick Magnet: Yuuno and Touma...unintentionally.
- Clueless Chick Magnet: Touma seems like he's one since he doesn't appear to be bothered by it.
- Cure Your Lesbians: If you had a potential as a Lesbian, meeting Touma would ruin it. No Exceptions!!
- So Einhart, confused about your Reincarnation Romance with Vivio? No matter because Stupid, Sexy Touma Strikes again! [dead link]
- Do Not Call Me Paul/They Call Me Mister Tibbs: Material-D would rather be called "Your Majesty" rather than Yami or Material-D.
- Deadpan Snarker: Anyone who hangs out with Material-L long enough is guaranteed to have this role thrust upon them at some point. Vulnificus and Yuuno have had their moments. And now it's Sette's turn.
- Deus Sex Machina or Intimate Healing: Applies in an interesting way. Close proximity to a power source is all they needed, but linker core synchronization yields better results, and then there's crazy theories about creation of new life or something like that...
- Deconstruction: with Yami and Rai, in Yami's case, it's a Love Spell. In Rai's case, outright Rape, not that Yuuno would protest too much after that.
- Reconstruction: With Seikou it's quite intimate. Really. Congratulations, Yuuno.
- Dude He's Like In A Coma: After Material-D whacks Yuuno out cold... Material-S kisses him twice.
- Dull Surprise:
Material S: Yuuno-san... You're hugging me too hard... And you're squeezing my butt.
Considering the tone she was using, she could have been talking about the weather.
- Evil Weapon: The Materials' Devices have minds of their own and at times are not fully in alignment with their mistresses.
- Face Palm: Done by Veyron after calling Rai "Levi the Slasher", due to thinking that her stupidity will be infectious.
- Flaw Exploitation: Megane sets up a trap for Material-L by using her beloved chicken as bait.
- Freud Was Right: Nasuvians Mana Replenishment Methods, full stop. Obviously on purpose.
- Fun with Acronyms: Yuuno's shuttle is called the Berlakian Universal Shuttle.
- Hannibal Lecture: Combined with What the Hell, Hero? when Seikou asks Erio how he would have liked to have his friends taken from him like he tried to do with Yuuno.
- Hentai: NSFW version. You have been warned. [dead link]
- Hot Springs Episode: Mentioned by name.
- On a planet called Tenrei.
- Locked Out of the Loop: Yuuno is quite unaware that the Materials have declared war on the Bureau and that the Bureau is gearing up to fight them.
- Marshmallow Hell: Done to Touma by Subaru and Dieci. Mentioned by name.
- Morality Chain / Morality Pet: Yuuno is this to the Materials.
- Mythology Gag: Material-S's Linker Core manifests as a foxgirl called Kuon.
- Rai is asked if she wanted to be called "Levi the Slasher" which references the official names for the Materials that many applied Fanon Discontinuity to.
- Chrono's Obviously Evil accusation from Rai references the original Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Pilot Story.
- Doubles as Foreshadowing, Touma sneezed when Isis talking about "More people show up with weirdo girlfriends and people chasing after them".
- Never Live It Down: Nanoha's (ab)use of Starlight Breaker has this in-universe.
- Noblewoman's Laugh: Material-D and she's teaching Lutecia how to do it properly.
- No Name Given: The Huckebein who appeared at the start were not explicitly named. They're Curren and Karen.
- Not So Stoic: Seikou at times.
- Obviously Evil: Parodied; Material-L thinks Chrono is this. "I KNEW you were evil! Evil spikes, black clothes and now having people to enforce your will!"
- OC Stand-In: Materials, about how depth the original version are varies from people to people, but this is the whole premise.
- Flanderization: The Materials, as per above. Also Your Mileage May Vary, but Rule of Funny definitely applies.
- Open Mouth, Insert Foot; Erio, why did you call Seikou nothing but a clone of Nanoha?
- Paper Fan of Doom: Material-D knocks Yuuno out with one when he's trying to shield his ship from the Huckebein. Nice going, Yami.
- Punctuated Pounding: Done by Yami to Yuuno with a Paper Fan of Doom.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Material-L.
- Rant-Inducing Slight: Yuuno, when he snaps once.
- Ready for Lovemaking: While not in the pose, Seikou tells Yuuno that if he wants to do that with her, he should see her later.
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Under Yuuno's influence, the Materials were starting to reform, but the TSAB's insistence on seeing and treating them as the enemy is creating the very opponent it is afraid of.
- Senseless Sacrifice: Reinforce Eins's, since the Materials were made from remnants of the corrupted Defence Programme that got away.
- Shout-Out:
- "Now is fighty time, fighty time! Blood, blood... BLOOD!"
- "I spin me right round, right round!
- "... we shall reap the sins of your world and cleanse it in the fires of destruction."
- "For Real Soviet Damage, Yuuno-kun!"
- Mana replenishment methods invented by the Nasuvians.
- "Please teach me, Yuuno-sensei!"
- "Proceed heading 1138."
- "Does it involve growing a white moustache, sprouting rainbow-coloured butterfly wings behind you and short circuiting all the prison's equipment, including the six satellites which are generating the barrier?"
- "No matter how many times I ask Vulnificus to enter IDDQD or Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start…"
- "Engage Nightingale[1] System. Authorization Code: Epyon OZ-13."
- "Um, thank Gundam? No, that's Setsuna's thing…"
- "After all, snipers are strongly dedicated to professional standards which state that they should be polite, efficient and always have a plan to kill anyone they meet.”
- "I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the boogeyman that causes kids to keep wetting their beds until they are twenty four and a half years old! I am Material-L! But you can call me Rai-chan!"
- “If you’re not Squall, then what are you? Maybe… you’re a lion?”
- "Wiggle your big toe."
- “Hey, c’mon, c’mon! Show me your moves! Rider Chop and Rider Kick! Ah, those are probably top tier special moves with crazy invincibility frames and stuff!”
- Yami wants Erio to kneel.
- "It’s like taking on Sagat and just before you win, someone slides a quarter in and hits the start button.”
- “Blue hedgehog lose all rings pouting stance!”
- “Roadrunner gets caught in coyote’s wily trap!”
- Slouch of Villainy: Material-D's sitting manner.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Uses "Touma".
- Spy Speak: By Agent Skyhawk. It pisses Verossa off.
- Stay Frosty
- Take That: Some played for Rule of Funny, coming from Material-L's mouth. Basically, if there's something the authors don't like about the series, she'll be the one to say something about it.
Rai: "There is only one truth. This universe here, our universe… it all came from one man. Masaki Tsuzuki. AND IT BLOWS!"
Rai: "I can just hear it… the voices of the Fan Dumb's complaining! Too much fanservice… and no plot. Just like ViVid…"
Later, in chapter 15
Rai: "God doesn't exist in this universe, Yuu-nii. There's only Masaki Tsuzuki… but you shouldn't pray to him because he's a big dick who pretty much ruined the universe already. Although if anything, you can also blame the Lesbian Legion of NanoFate for-"
- Material-S fragging the Seekers of Absolute Truth, who believe "That two women, who raise a child together are obviously a family and in love with each other."
- Reverend Maru Kovanich and Bishop Patrick Haru. Don't these names sound familiar?
- Veyron calling Rai "Levi the Slasher".
- Material-S fragging the Seekers of Absolute Truth, who believe "That two women, who raise a child together are obviously a family and in love with each other."
- Tempting Fate: Chrono's 'At least there isn't someone who looks and sounds like Nanoha with them'. Some time later, Material-S shows up.
- One engineer states that "a private call to the Admiral could end up getting transferred to the bridge. Worst case scenario, some media station on Mid-Childa or a public domain television like in a mall". Guess what.
- Trademark Favorite Food: For Material-L, it's chicken.
- Unwanted Harem: Materials to Yuuno.
- Themed Harem: Well, Harem of Mass Destruction.
- And Harem of Yanderes... of Doom.
- Parodied in the case of Touma. The attention he gets from the Nakajimas REALLY hinders Einhart's efforts to get closer. And then Vivio joins the fray (unintentionally, which freaks Einhart out even further).
- Themed Harem: Well, Harem of Mass Destruction.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Yuuno had a nightmare of Nanoha doing such moves to him.
- Writer on Board: See Take That, Author Tract, Author Filibuster... hell, just look around a bit.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Shi Nye, the Claudia's comms officer.
- Yuri Fan: See Take That
- Yandere: Applies to each of the Materials to various degrees:
- Seikou is a subtle example although she leans more towards Kuudere.
- Yami already got pegged as a Tsundere earlier in the story. Sanity is a bit questionable at times.
- Rai combines this with being Cloudcuckoolander and Cute and Psycho.
- ↑ In the Char's Counterattack novel, Char's MS was the Nightingale.