B Gata H Kei
When I get into high school... I hope I can get 100 fuck buddies!
Meet Yamada (no first name available), a self-described B-cupped slut. [1] She's entering her first year of high school, and decides on a goal for herself: to have 100 casual sex partners. How she's actually going to do that is a mystery. On her first day, she runs into Takashi Kosuda, an average student in her class. She decides to chase after him and make him her first target. Both Kosuda and Yamada are virgins, so begins an awkward storm of romantic hijinks.
Along the way, Yamada and her friends are assisted by their erogami (sex gods), manifestations of their sexual desires and perverse consciences that also serve as narrator, being the only ones allowed to talk to the viewer. It's worth noting that all the erogami depicted resemble their associated characters - with some odd additions (for example, Yamada's has a white mustache, wears a pink kimono and carries a wooden staff. Mayu's resembles a chibi Magical Girl version of her, etc.)
Based on the Yonkoma manga by Yoko Sanri, B Gata H Kei recieved an anime adaptation in the spring of 2010 by Hal Film Maker. FUNimation has licensed the anime under the name B Gata H Kei: Yamada's First Time.
Needs Wiki Magic Love
- Abhorrent Admirer: Misato is this towards Keiichi.
- Absurdly Long Limousine: Kyouka Kanejou's.
- Accidental Pervert: Kosuda on a few occasions, though the difference is that Yamada wants it.
- A-Cup Angst: Yamada. She's a B cup, so she isn't actually flat, but when her rival and her best friend are both stacked, it hits her pretty hard. (She mostly gets over it once she hears that big breasts tend to not be as sensitive as smaller ones)
Yamada: What do you want, F-shita? *looks at Miharu's rack*
Miharu: *grabs Yamada's chin* My name's Takeshita. Look at my face.
- All Women Are Lustful: Even Mayu has her own erogami (thoroughly nice, of course).
- Alliterative Name: Mayu Miyano, Kazuki Kosuda, Mami Misato, Kyouka Kanejou, and Keiichi Kanejou.
- Art Shift: The picture at the beginning of every chapter is noticeably higher quality than the rest.
- Battle Aura: Displayed quite prominently by both Kyouka and Yamada when the former decided to attempt to seduce Kosuda.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Yamada and Kosuda after the first starts having genuine feelings for the latter.
- Beta Couple: Takeshita and her boyfriend.
- Betty and Veronica: Mayu and Yamada, respectively.
- Big Breasts, Big Deal-- Takeshita is type 3. Mayu is type 1.
- Big Fancy House: Kyouka's place looks more like a Disney Princess castle than any sort of house.
- Biker Babe: Kazuki
- Bishie Sparkle: Kyouka's sparkles are perpetual.
- It Runs in The Family: in fact, her brother takes it to near-lethal levels.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Kyouka
- Bland-Name Product: Kosuda's camera is branded "Nihon". Yamada drinks "Coco Cola". The "WcDonald's" logo shows up.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Yamada says something hideously perverted, Takeshita smacks the bejeezus out of her for it.
- And to a lesser extent: Misato and Katase.
- Bokukko: Kazuki, Kosuda's older sister.
- Buxom Is Better: Miharu and Mayu, to Yamada.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall - In episode 8, three of the supporting characters have the following discussion during a field trip:
Character 1: Man, I love field trips!
Character 2: People naturally talk more
Character 3: And we get more parts in the script!
- The dub adds in a few more.
Takeshita: Hey! Leave me out of your voice overs!
- And when Yamada is hiking through the woods:
Yamada: Huh? FOREST PORN! =D The pages are too wet from all the rain to turn.
Eros Diety: That-a-girl, blame the rain. Make it easier for the kids at home.
- Brick Joke: The entire second half of episode 5.
- Brother-Sister Incest: Kyouka is admittedly in love with her brother, wants him to take her virginity, and even has a Stalker Shrine devoted to him. He's oblivious.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Kosuda worries that he won't be able to make his confession of love for Yamada during their school trip to Kyoto. Yamada's frustrated Freak-Out moment when he finally does work up the nerve doesn't help.
- He finally spits it out in Episode 9: in front of the whole class, during a popularity contest. Yamada is not amused.
- Really, if either of the two could actually talk to each other, this would be a quirky one-shot hentai rather than a hilarious ecchi.
- The Casanova: Keiichi
- Censor Box: Scenes in the televised version of the series often have the naughty bits blocked from the viewers by various things, sometimes held by the erogami themselves, in Yamada's case. Usually, the blocking item is a picture or sign with the Demon Brand logo that's seen throughout the series. Subverted in episode 11, Kosuda's "naughty bit" is blocked from the viewers by Kosuda's erogami itself, making it BLATANTLY obvious what's being hidden, as well as giving new meaning to the phrase "little man". As if that wasn't subversion enough, in Episode 12 Kosuda's erogami is even shown waking up during a cosplay session, making things even MORE obvious (as if they weren't already)
- The censors are still there in the Funimation release, suggesting that they probably never intended to show anything from the start. However, Yamada's naked body is fully uncensored in episode 12.
- Chaste Teens: Strongly averted. Besides Yamada's quest for sex, Miharu has actually lost her virginity. Also subverted in that those who have lost it can be just as nice and decent as their chaste counterparts.
- Miharu is more decent than Yamada in many, many ways.
- Character Development: Once Yamada and Kosuda finally goes all the way in manga, Yamada downplays her idea of having sex as much and with as many guys as possible; her first time hurt, which she expected but when felt the real deal, Yamada was surprised, and the second time wasn't much better.
- Cherubic Choir: The title dropping choir, whenever something happens between Yamada and Kosuda.
- Christmas Cake: Class 2-2's 25-year-old homeroom/PE teacher, and the 27-year-old housekeeping teacher.
- Class Trip: Episode eight.
- Color Failure
- Cool Big Sis: Kazuki
- Crash Into Hello
- Dark Horse Victory: Almost. Kyouka proves to be sizeable competition to Yamada in the school idol contest, with Yamada winning by a slim margin.
- Played straight in episode 7, where Kyouka effortlessly wins against Yamada in a 50m freestyle swimming race. Yamada is frustrated because she's widely known as the fastest swimmer of her class.
- Averted again in Episode 9, during the athletic competition (though we don't actually SEE the loss, one of the supporting characters talks to Kyouka about it). If anything, this gets Kyouka even angrier at Yamada over it.
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Yamada frequently in the manga, and occasionally Kosuda, too: a Running Gag has the fourth panel featuring both retreating to this. Kosuda mentions (to himself) he's "used" Mayu for this on occasion, as well.
- Downplayed in the anime, though not completely excised as seen in the nopan episode when Takeshita catches Yamada in the act during class and nearly has a heart attack.
- Or so she thought. Yamada just really needed to go to the bathroom and was trying to hold it in.
- Downplayed in the anime, though not completely excised as seen in the nopan episode when Takeshita catches Yamada in the act during class and nearly has a heart attack.
- Daydream Surprise: A nested version. Yamada and Miharu engage in some Skinship Grope action... in the minds of the boys. Who then proceed to compare wang sizes... which is also an Imagine Spot, both by Yamada.
- Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: Yamada has a habit of loudly replying to her own inner Imagine Spots, sometimes even with a Big No.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Seriously. Watch the OP and try to count the number of times suggestive imagery is used.
- A professional camera's lens extending is used as a euphemism for Kosuda getting a boner.
- Venus flytraps are shown at some point. Well... "Venus Flytrapping" is a Japanese idiom for seduction. So now you know.
- Kosuda's camera envy with Keiichi in the sports festival episode. It's the 69th annual sports festival.
- Keeping along with the 69, the second half of the 3rd episode. The folk dance after the cultural festival. Kosuda arrives late and wants to dance with Yamada, but she's disgruntled for him not being the first to ask her, so she tells him harshly to get in line. Guess how many people are in the queue? Yep, 69.
- Yamada rolled up in a blanket with a round, red face. Think about it.
- Dojikko: Mayu, and she's somewhat Genre Savvy about how it's a weakness.
- Double Standard Rape (Female on Male): At least in one of Yamada's many imagine spots, in which Yamada can be seen holding Kosuda down and removing his shirt, while sporting a quite respectable "rape-face".
Kosuda: "Yamada, I..."
Yamada: "Don't be such a baby!"
- Dropped A Bridget On Her: Inverted, since Mayu's "prince" turned out to be Kazuki.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Kyouka appears on the cover of Kosuda's magazine in the first episode, before being introduced in the third.
- Ecchi: Very, very ecchi.
- Even Evil Has Standards: As manipulative and self-centered as Yamada can be, she has an agonizing time formulating her reply to Kosuda's confession: Telling him no would mean giving up all her chances to use him as her stepping stone in the quest for a hundred sex friends. But telling him yes (as Takeshita advises her to after getting tired of her agonizations) is out of the question, since it would be a lie. And Yamada wouldn't deceive anyone on something as important as that to get into their pants! Of course, as Takeshita has already realized, it 'wouldn't' be a lie, but Yamada is too oblivious to realize that. In the end, she goes for the Tsundere type response: "I don't hate you!"
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: The title image of chapter 102 features Yamada riding a raptor. Why? Why not?
- Even the Girls Want Her: Everybody is after Kyouka Kanejou when she appears in scene
- Expressive Hair: Just the middle bit of Yamada's cowlick flicks up when she gets interested.
- Eyes Always Shut: Little Kosuda
- Failure Is the Only Option Thanks to Moment Killers, Kosuda gets a sprained ankle before he can actually do the deed with Yamada. As of the end of the 1st season, they STILL haven't done it.
- Fan Service: A myriad of Fan Service tropes are deliberately invoked by Yamada to catch Kosuda's eye. For the series itself, it may be easier to list which of these tropes are not used at one point or another.
- False Start: Happens to Kosuda when he attempts to confess to Yamada after she gets off a train. Just as he's about to spit it out, the train doors close around his neck before he's whisked away.
- Festival Episode: Also episode two.
- Fille Fatale: Chika.
- Florence Nightingale Effect: Yamada attempts this on Kosuda, while he's in the hospital. And then his actual nurse flirts with him.
- Foreign Sounding Gibberish: This is what happened in English class, and with all the students at Keiichi's school.
Kyouka Kanejou: Blah blah blah blah blah...
- Friends with Benefits: Yamada at one point considers her relationship with Kosuda to be ultimately this.
- Gag Sub: CoalGuys' Fan Sub version approaches this, due to its sheer saturation with profanity ("Fuckity fuck fuck fuck"), slang ("Our class is pretty baller"), and random references to things such as Cristina Aguilera, Craigslist, the Taliban, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Star Fox. It's not inherently inaccurate though, and opinions are sharply divided as to whether these liberties ruin the show or make it funnier.
- Gender Flip: Just another story about a sexually frustrated teenager looking for lots and lots of sex and failing comically. Except that this time, the protagonist is a girl.
- Oddly enough, the male-equivalent version of this story is quite rare in the realm of anime, outside of Hentai anyway.
- Generic Cuteness: Averted, characters who are supposed to look plain are indeed drawn somehow plain.
- Genki Girl: Yamada, Misato
- Genre Savvy: Yamada makes remarks during a Imagine Spot in episode 5 about how the show so far had been a "B-type generic love comedy".
- Ghost in the Machine: The various erogami. Yamada's is one the audience sees the most, but over time we eventually see many others:
- Kosuda's wears a bathrobe and tends to be lazy, often giving lackluster advice.
- Miyano's looks like a fairy, and gives very innocent advice ("If you kiss the cookies before he eats them, it'll be like an indirect kiss!")
- Uniquely, Takeshita has two:
- One is dressed as a businesswoman and takes relationships very seriously, giving the sort of advice that Takeshita gives to Yamada.
- The other one, however, is a complete maneater.
- Kyouka's is a stereotypical European noblewoman, complete with fan and Pimped-Out Dress.
- Akai-sensei's is a high school girl, reason being that she never got a chance to mature since Akai was always busy with work.
- Kazuki's has longer hair, wears a Chinese shirt, and is very popular with other female erogami.
- Katase's is a lonely, mature, incredibly beautiful woman.
- Chika's eromagi is identical to her in every way.
- Girl Next Door: Mayu.
- Girls with Moustaches: Yamada's erogami has a white moustache (and a pink kimono).
- Giving Up the Ghost: Kosuda's soul is gently hanging out of his mouth as he reflects upon how he ended up seeing Yamada underneath her skirt when she wasn't wearing any panties earlier that day.
- The Glomp: Not even industrial equipment is going to pry Misato away from Keiichi, much to his disquiet.
- Good Angel, Bad Angel: Yamada's and Kosuda's (both distinct from their erogami) appear.
- Gratuitous English: In the manga, odd translations of the title often appear on shirts. "B Type H System"?
- Groin Attack: Poor, poor Kosuda.
- Harem Seeker: Yamada.
- Harsh Word Impact
- Henohenomoheji: Yamada pictures Kosuda with this face after their brief first meeting. She's honestly not far off. Kanejou's Imagine Spot also features one when she's pondering over who Yamada's supposed boyfriend might be.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Other than the very obvious Yukari Tamura, Yui Horie and Mamiko Noto, we have Kana Hanazawa as Mayu who sounds identical to Zange/Hakua Suzushiro. Also, Yuu Kobayashi playing a perverted Ojou.
- It's perhaps worth mentioning that Yukari Tamura is best known as Nanoha from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. Hearing Nanoha proudly exclaim 'I will have 100 fuck-buddies!' will really mess with your head. (Ditto if you know her as Misha or Rika.) See Strongly Worded Letter below.
- Less so if you imagine it to be the adult Nanoha from StrikerS. Still way off given Nanoha's personality, but not nearly as creepy.
- It's perhaps worth mentioning that Yukari Tamura is best known as Nanoha from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. Hearing Nanoha proudly exclaim 'I will have 100 fuck-buddies!' will really mess with your head. (Ditto if you know her as Misha or Rika.) See Strongly Worded Letter below.
- Horrible Judge of Character - Mayu thinks that Yamada couldn't be sweeter and that Kanejo is very nice, which is completely inaccurate.
- Idiot Hair - Yamada: also Expressive Hair and Something Else Also Rises.
- I Have This Friend - Yamada uses this to get advice from Chika, who sees through it right away.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy - Mayu, in episode 5
- Image Song - An album has been released, containing individual songs for Yamada, Miharu, Kyouka, Mayu, Kazuki, as well as group songs for Takashi and the guys, as well as a group song for Yamada, Kyouka, and Mayu.
- Imagine Spot: There are boatloads of these in every episode, since Yamada's imagination has a tendency to run away with itself.
- By the 8th episode, we have Imagine Spots Within Imagine Spots
- Imagine Spotting: Takeshita is prety good at this.
- In response to the example listed directly above:
You are such a perv! Seriously, this entire bathhouse fantasy has been ALL YOU!
- Informed Attractiveness: Yamada is treated as far and above every other girl in the school in terms of attractiveness, but most of the main female characters are pretty much just as attractive. Lampshaded when Yamada enters the school beauty contest.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Kazuki, mostly within her own house, but has the typical lack of shame associated with the type.
- It's All About Me: Kyouka's mansion is decorated with numerous portraits of herself. The eyes of which are all functioning video cameras.
- Also, Yamada when it comes to how much her selfishness can hurt the people around her.
- Jerkass: Yamada.
- Lack of Empathy: Yamada.
- Lethal Chef: Yamada cannot cook. When Kazuki gave her Valentine's chocolate to some fish, the fish had a violent reaction.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Yamada, though she has traits of the Covert Pervert too, jumping to sexual conclusions with everything.
- Misato seems to be following Yamada's footsteps. I mean, she's the only other with the guts to ask about sexual encounters... in public.
- Love Makes You Crazy: Played for laughs with pretty much everyone.
- Meaningful Echo: Episode 9, after Miharu shocks Yamada with the idea that she really is in love with Kosuda, the exact same scene that played at the opening in Yamada's room plays again.
- Immediately lampshaded by Yamada's Ero-gami.
- Measuring Day: Shows up in the first episode.
- Moment Killer: In almost every episode. Three times in Episode 12 alone.
- Mood Dissonance - Episode 8, which ends with Kosuda's confession apparently having been rejected by Yamada. Cue the sprightly ED, with Yamada still pursuing Kosuda. Ouch!
- Meganekko: Mayu. She's Blind Without'Em.
- Nice Guy: Kosuda, the poor, poor boy.
- Noblewoman's Laugh: Unusually, the protagonist herself. Kanejou is probably a parody of the trope. Can come off as an Evil Laugh, though, which fits the scheming it often accompanies.
- No Name Given: Yamada. No first name given yet.
- No Sense of Direction: Miyano. Taken to extreme levels in episode 11, when she accidentally wanders into Kanejou's super-guarded "brother room".
- The Nondescript: Kosuda. Yamada saw his face only as Henohenomoheji before she finally remembered him. His appearance is basically unchanged since he was young.
- Older Than They Look: Mami Misato, one of the background students in Yamada's class, looks a few years younger than the rest.
- Ojou: Kyouka, complete with Noblewoman's Laugh.
- One of the Boys: Apparently Kazuki. She was Mayu's "prince" when she was younger.
- Onee-Sama: Yamada jokes about having to call Takeshita this after a near-kiss between them.
- "On the Next...": In a rare example of non-erogami fourth wall breaking, Yamada pulls out a large wooden sign for her impending loss of virginity. Which is not going to happen any time soon.
- Paper Fan of Doom: The homeroom teacher threatens the girls with this when they don't go to sleep during the class trip.
- Patient Childhood Love Interest: Mayu.
- Panty Shot: Provided several times throughout the series by Yamada, including a chalkboard-drawn version seen about 35 seconds into the opening of each episode.
- Pet the Dog: Yamada accidently does this with Mayu when her true aim was to Kick the Dog.
- Pool Episode: Episode two. The first half of episode seven as well.
- Portmanteau Couple Name: Invoked by Miss Aika when she volunteers Kosuda and Yamada, or as she calls them: Kosada, to plan out the activities for the school's Field Day.
- Princess Curls: Kyouka.
- Quest for Sex: And Yamada's not going to be nice about it, oh no...
- Really Gets Around: played with. Yamada wants to be this but her inability to send clear signals and her extreme insecurity with all aspects of love prevent her from getting laid.
- Chika seems to be this. It is extremely heavily implied (especially in the manga) that she has sex with those boys that give her gifts, and there are quite a lot of them.
- In episode 12 of the anime (and in the manga sequence that scene is based on), she explicitly states to not know anything about sex, so...
- Chika seems to be this. It is extremely heavily implied (especially in the manga) that she has sex with those boys that give her gifts, and there are quite a lot of them.
- Relationship Voice Actor: Yui Horie and Yukari Tamura are back together.
- Atsushi Abe and Mamiko Noto were Touma Kamijou and Aisa Himegami. Here, they're Takashi Kosuda and Kazuki Kosuda who are little brother and older sister.
- Rich Bitch: Kanejou
- Scenery Censor: Occurs when Kanejou attempts to spy on Yamada and Kosuda after Yamada unzipped his pants in Kanejou's room. Kosuda's " erogami" was blocked from view by a well-placed bit of bed railing.
- School Festival: With Yamada's class doing a Haunted House.
- Sexy Santa Dress: Yamada briefly poses in one in episode 4.
- Shipper on Deck: Takeshita believes that Mayu is a much better match for Kosuda than Yamada is.
- Shout-Out: The Mariasama ga Miteru parody in episode 6.
- "The White Death" Simo Häyhä can briefly be seen standing behind classmate Kobayashi firing a shot from his signature rifle as she approaches a wealthy guest at Kanejou's christmas party.
- "Kobayshi's taken the lead!" "Is that the White Death at her back?"
- Why 100 fuck buddies? It's a reference to the childrens' song "Ichinensei ni nattara" where the first line is "When I become a first grader, I wonder if I can make a hundred friends?".
- When discussing the possibility of Mayu being Kosuda's girlfriend in episode 2, Yamada rhetorically asks if she should call Golgo to have him murdered.
- "The White Death" Simo Häyhä can briefly be seen standing behind classmate Kobayashi firing a shot from his signature rifle as she approaches a wealthy guest at Kanejou's christmas party.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Both leading families. Yamada is impulsive while her little sister Chika is more thoughtful. For the Kosuda family, Takashi is shy, while Kazuki is very outgoing.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Yamada is clearly not going to meet her goal.
- Sound Effect Bleep: The word "condoms" is always replaced with a bird chirp.
- As of Episode 9, the word "virgin" gets this treatment too.
- Stalking Is Love: Yamada, though it's not until Kazuki calls her out on it that she realizes what she's been doing.
- Stat-O-Vision: Yamada evaluating love hotels in episode 4.
- Misato also believes that she has this ability, but it doesn't work.
- Status Quo Is God: By the end of the anime, the only thing changed is part of the relationship between Yamada and Kosuda. Kosuda's finally gotten the clue about what Yamada wants, and Yamada has admitted to herself (but not to Kosuda) what her feelings are becoming. Lampshaded by the titles of the three sub-episodes of Episode 12, with a teaser for a second season.
- Strongly Worded Letter: Real Life example: The production company staff on the show, have apparently recieved numerous threatening letters, requesting a change in the show's content and presentation. From whom? Yukari Tamura fanboys.
- Ted Baxter: Yamada constantly expounds about her sexual knowledge and her eventual plans to have 100 sex friends, but in reality she has zero experience and often panics when she's faced with an actual romantic situation.
- Their First Time: And since there is a lot of planning, the results are obvious.
- Theme Tune Cameo: Yamada plays part of the OP on the recorder in episode 7, and sings the title-dropping bumper theme in 6.
- In episode 12, the same theme tune can be heard playing in the TV, and Kosuda sings the bumper version while he's in the bath.
- They Do: Yamada and Kosuda in the final Volumes of the manga, although not as many times a open pervert girl like Yamada would likely do, in fact she starts to think sex is serious business.
- Those Two Girls: Mami Misato and Aoi Katase
- Title Drop: A Cherubic Choir singing the title happens every time Yamada actually admits to her relationship with Kosuda, in any way. There are also several episodes where she says the phrase. It even appears on shirts (see Gratuitous English).
- Tsundere: Yamada can be considered a Type B [2] because of how she always wants to be with Kosuda, but when he finally talks to her she acts very tsun.
- Twelve-Episode Anime: Lampshaded in the preview for the last episode by Yamada:
Kosuda, it's been a year and nine months since we first met, but it feels like it's only been three months.
- Two Shorts: The first half of each timeslot has its own episode title, and the second half has a different episode title.
- Umbrella of Togetherness: Deliberately invoked by Yamada (ie. she steals Kosuda's own umbrella).
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Mayu to Kosuda, to the point that even Yamada, her rival, pities her.
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: Yamada can be often so cruel and self-centered that she's the perfect example of this trope were it not for her occasional bouts of endearing innocence.
- Vapor Wear: Yamada spends the entire second half of episode 5 not wearing panties. On a windy day.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Yamada and Takeshita. Judging by how they support each other's love lives, they're best friends. Cue mutual snarking.
- X Meets Y: American Pie meets Herman's Head.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Mayu.
- Kanejou pretends to be one.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Yamada can be seen sporting it while wearing her cheerleader outfit in the series opening.