Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS/Characters
For the Characters pages for the other seasons of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, see the main Characters page for this series.
The Forwards
Subaru Nakajima
Voiced by: Chiwa Saitou
A junior mage training under Nanoha. It's a dream come true for her, since she's a Nanoha Fan Girl. She has a big sister named Ginga Nakajima. She actually has two Devices -- a pair of armored roller-blades called Mach Caliber, and one gauntlet from a Armed Device pair owned by her dead mother, called Revolver Knuckle. Her fangirling gets in the way sometimes, and she often names her attacks after Nanoha's, although they look more like some attacks executed by GaoGaiGar. Later on, she is revealed to be a cyborg.
Subaru is usually partnered with the gunner Teana Lanster, who is her close friend and, again, possibly more than that.
By StrikerS Sound Stage X, she has distinguished herself as a member of the TSAB's Disaster Relief branch, having earned the nickname of "The Silver Ace". The job has had some traumatic moments, such as having a man she was trying to rescue commit suicide in front of her. In spite of this, Subaru has retained her cheerful personality. Over the course of this Story Arc, she meets a new friend in the Mysterious Waif Ixpellia.
In Force, she joins the unit being assembled in response to the Eclipse. She has known Touma for some time and sees him as like a younger brother, hoping to make him part of her family after he leaves the facility that is taking care of him and completes one last trip to put his past behind him. She's troubled by the revelation that he's the suspect the TSAB is looking for, and resolves to confirm things herself.
Tropes related to Subaru:
- Action Girl: Early on in the first episode, Subaru crashes through a concrete wall to get the drop on one of the testing robots. The series never looked back.
- Ancestral Weapon: Revolver Knuckle, formerly owned by her mother.
- Barehanded Blade Block: In Force chapter 9, her new support AEC equipment, the Sword Breaker, proves its effectiveness when Subaru manages to block Veyron of Huckebein's attack by catching the blade of his divider with her left hand, the blade even cracks under the pressure.
- Berserker Tears: Episode 17. See Unstoppable Rage.
- Big Damn Heroes: Pulls one of these on Force chapter 14 by breaking Tohma's Divider Blade with her Sword Breaker, effectively saving a disarmed Nanoha from a lethal attack.
- Big Eater: Belkan-style melee-oriented mages tend to use a lot of energy.
- Broken Pedestal: Subverted. Subaru was not happy when Nanoha "befriended" Teana, but once Nanoha had a chance to explain her reasons she regained any respect she might have lost.
- Cute Bruiser
- Cyborg
- Does Not Know Her Own Strength in the beginning... with hilarious results in the first days of her initial training in the ground forces covered in the StrikerS manga.
Teana: You're going to have to push hard! Put more power into it...
- Dual-Wielding: Wields both Revolver Knuckles in the last episode of StrikerS, but in the fourth Sound Stage, admits that neither she nor Ginga are strong enough to do this like their mother could.
- Eyes of Gold: When she activates her Combat Cyborg form.
- Fan Girl: In the StrikerS manga, it is mentioned that she keeps a magazine clipping of Nanoha on her wherever she goes.
- First-Name Basis: Tends to prefer going by this, and when Teana first called her Subaru, immediately responded by calling her "Tea".
- Friend to All Children: Good at giving presentations on rescue crew work to students, and enjoys spending time with Vivio.
- Full-Contact Magic: Subaru punches things as a method of delivering large, destructive blasts of magic.
- Full Potential Upgrade: Shari upgrades Subaru's Intelligent Device to be able to handle the increased speed and power after Subaru embraced her inherent cyborg fighting techniques.
- Genki Girl
- Hot-Blooded: Everyone calls their attacks from time to time. She does it bigger, longer, and louder.
- Even Heroes Have Heroes: She decided to become a mage specifically because she wanted to be like Nanoha. Being able to train under her idol is a dream come true.
- Large Ham: Whenever she shouts "DIVINE BUSTER!!!"
- Lightning Bruiser
- Mega Manning: Unsurprisingly given her high opinion of Nanoha, Subaru does add a few Nanoha-esque touches to her fighting style. Most notably, her modified version of Nanoha's Divine Buster.
- Military Brat: Her father and older sister are in the Bureau, and her mother was killed in the line of duty. She encounters some suspicion that she’s taking advantage of connections, but Teana realizes that she wouldn’t be starting off training for the Ground Forces if she were.
- A Minor Kidroduction
- My Greatest Failure: Was once involved in fighting a fire at some point between StrikerS and Force, and despite her efforts, there were many deaths. She then resolved to become as strong as possible so she could save everyone she could.
- Necktie Leash: A rare female victim during her days at the academy (when she wore a necktie with her uniform) when Teana reminds her that it’s her fault they’re seen as the “airheaded pair” because of a few clumsy mistakes Subaru made early on.
- No One Could Survive That: Practically uttered by the lead Mariage in Sound Stage X after using her tank destroying Arm Cannon on Subaru. Naturally, she was wrong.
- Opt Out: Averted. Her father visits her in the hospital in StrikerS Sound Stage 3 and recommends that she do so now that Ginga has been captured, but she insists on finishing what she's started and saving Ginga. He respects her decision, seeing that her resolve is sincere.
- Not Quite Flight: Wing Road enables her to create paths in midair.
- Plucky Girl: Her determination falters a bit now and then, but she always bounces back even stronger than before.
- Power Fist: Revolver Knuckle.
- Power Gives You Wings: Gear Excellion, which gives her a blue version of Nanoha's Accel Fin and increases her speed and jumping ability.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: An inverted example of this with Teana. Subaru has a blue color scheme, but displays most of the classic Red Oni traits.
- Rollerblade Good: Mach Caliber.
- Robotic Reveal: By losing a good chunk of her arm.
- Shout-Out: Lots of them to GaoGaiGar. Hence her Fan Nickname, "GaoGaiGar-tan".
- Her looks, character arc, and Les Yay owe at least a little to Noriko Takaya
- Shy Blue-Haired Girl: Thought of as this by other people and is timid sometimes, but can be pushy when she wants to be.
- Skinship Grope: Squeezes Teana's breasts to try to wake her up in StrikerS.
- Shorttank
- Super Prototype: Subverted, her Vibration Shatter just happens to be very effective against the Cyborgs.
- Although Quattro notes that it would probably be fairly damaging against ordinary humans as well.
- Super Not-Drowning Skills: She's a very capable swimmer. In particular, she is capable of spending up to an hour underwater without an air tank.
- From StrikerS sound stage 4: "I can swim up to 20 kilometres continuously, and I can dive without an air tank for up to an hour easily."
- Super Soldier: Like all the combat cyborgs.
- Sweet Tooth: Ice cream? "Suki suki daisukiiii!"
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Her and Teana.
- Took a Level in Badass: All the Forwards do, but Subaru arguably goes the farthest, starting out as a girl who’s too timid to fight and eventually becoming a highly skilled mage.
- Unstoppable Rage: Episode 17. She goes completely insane after witnessing her sister Ginga bloodied and being stuffed into a box. The result: "Gin-nee o...KAESE!"
- World of Cardboard Speech: Episode 23.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Teana Lanster
Voiced by: Mai Nakahara
A gunner mage. Her older brother was disgraced in a past mission; Teana's goal in becoming a mage was to prove that her family's strength is not to be underestimated. However, the fact that she has less innate magical ability than the other juniors causes her to push herself very hard. She attempts to put herself through Training from Hell, but she overworks herself and nearly causes a friendly-fire incident. She subsequently takes a more sensible approach to training, and becomes relatively Weak but Skilled. Her Intelligent Device is Cross Mirage.
She is usually partnered with Subaru, and cares for her quite a bit, though she won't admit it.
By the time of StrikerS Sound Stage X she's already a respectable Enforcer of the TSAB and is the one in charge of the case in this arc. She finds a very competent temporary aide in Runessa, but despite her wish for the two of them to be partners, they understandably went their separate ways at the end since Runessa turned out to be the Big Bad. In Force, she investigates the Eclipse incidents with Fate and Shario, and also knows Touma.
Tropes associated with Teana:
- Awesomeness By Analysis: In the final battle of StrikerS, she wins a three-on-one battle by being able to predict how her enemies would attack.
- Beam Spam: Crossfire.
- Beat Them At Their Own Game: Teana is likely Nanoha's best student in long-range combat, which she proves by beating her in a mock battle in ViVid with her own Starlight Breaker--a nice comeback for that one head-cooling Crossfire.
- Biker Babe: Both in StrikerS and in Force, her preferred mode of transportation is her trusty sports bike.
- Blue Eyes
- Cross-Popping Veins: When Subaru annoys her.
- Doppelganger Spin: One of Teana's talents, and repeatedly used to great tactical effect.
- Dual-Wielding: Cross Mirage's Dagger Mode. According to the manga, she is perfectly ambidextrous which is why she prefers a weapon in each hand.
- Dungeon Bypass: Teana uses a variant of this in Sound Stage X to open an escape route for Subaru, with the help of Starlight Breaker.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: After StrikerS, she loses her Girlish Pigtails and starts wearing her hair loose. This is presumably indicative of her outgrowing the recklessness that she exhibited during StrikerS.
- Fiery Redhead
- Firing One-Handed: The artwork for Sound Stage X shows her wielding Cross Mirage's Blazer Mode one-handed.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Grappling Hook Pistol: A secondary function of Cross Mirage.
- Guns Akimbo: Cross Mirage's default form is a pair of pistols.
- The Gunslinger
- Hand Cannon: Cross Mirage's Blazer Mode.
- Hard Work Hardly Works: She trains to the point of exhaustion yet her magical abilities are inferior compared to her partner and the other forwards which causes her to have confidence issues, leading to her attacking Nanoha for real during a mock battle. She then learns of how Nanoha became who she is and the dangers of treading the same path, something that she doesn't want her students to do.
- How Do I Shot Web?: According to the third Sound Stage, Cross Mirage, after having its final limiter removed, gets a new long-range mode, but she decides it would take too long to learn how to use it before the final showdown with Scaglietti’s forces.
- I Just Want to Be Special: Teana wants to be an ace like Nanoha. That's not where her talent lies, though.
- Laser Blade: Cross Mirage's Dagger Mode.
- Master of Illusion: Uses invisibility and projected decoys to get the drop on her enemies.
- My Greatest Failure: It is implied that she has taken Runessa turning out to be The Mole quite hard.
- Parental Abandonment: Her parents died in an accident, and she was raised by her older brother until he died, too.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: An inverted example of this with Subaru. Teana has a red color scheme, but displays most of the classic Blue Oni traits, especially once once she mellows out.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Tiana or Teana? Lanstar or Lanster? Teana is the actual car name, abbreviated into Tia.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: from the StrikerS manga. "I don't know anything about your knuckle..."; in the middle of the night, she opened the drawer and cleaned it.
- The Smart Girl: She serves as the tactician of the Forwards.
- Training from Hell: Subverted -- she realizes that the best way to get stronger is not by overworking herself, but by using what she has most effectively.
- Tsundere: Mainly towards Subaru, who often gets on her nerves but whom she holds in high regard. She notes that she has thanked Erio and Caro for becoming friends with her, but if she did so with Subaru, she would wonder if something is wrong and see it as uncharacteristic of her.
- Wave Motion Gun: Her version of the Starlight Breaker, which she uses in Sound Stage X. She also uses it in Vi Vid against Nanoha's Starlight Breaker. During a training fight.
- Weak but Skilled: Her inherent magical abilities are quite mundane compared to the other three Forwards, but by normal standards she is still quite a powerful mage. She also captures the biggest amount of Numbers.
- Young Gun: She is rather reckless when she is first introduced. Thanks to Nanoha's training, she grows out of it.
- Zettai Ryouiki: So Grade S!
Caro ru Lushe
Voiced by: Mikako Takahashi
The youngest of the Forwards. She is a dragon summoner who was banished from her tribe because of how powerful her summons are. Even the TSAB refused her until Fate took her in. She is assigned to Fate's Lightning Squad, usually serving as the team's full back or summoning her Dragons using her device Kerykeion. She has two dragons: Friedrich - the one she usually summons - and Voltaire, who is only summoned rarely.
She is partnered with Erio Mondial, and seems to have a crush on him.
Tropes associated with Caro:
- Bathtub Bonding: She actively sought to do this with Erio in an onsen in one of the Sound Stages, and even suggested that they bathe together again, much to his flustered embarrassment.
- The Beast Master: Has two dragons; Fried obeys her commands, but Voltaire is harder to control, and rather than thinking of herself as Voltaire's mistress, Caro describes herself as like a priestess who asks for his power.
- Dragon Rider
- Expy: Of Kusuha Mizuha.
- Friend to All Living Things: Her job both before and after Section Six is in environmental protection. In the StrikerS manga her ability to connect with wild animals is noted as a great asset in that field.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Somewhat sensitive about being fairly short compared to Erio. This only gets more noticeable with time as Erio grows like a weed, while Caro remains almost the same height.
- Let's Get Dangerous: Until episode 17 Caro seems to be a pure support character. But then she summons Voltaire, who proceeds to go Godzilla on the attackers who had been wasting Section Six's defenses.
- Power Gives You Wings
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Spell My Name with an "S": Poor Caro Ru Lushe has tons of different spellings for her name.
- Summon Magic: Her other specialty. She can summon her dragons, but can also summon people to her location, as seen when she retrieved an immobilized Einhart in the mock battle in Vi Vid.
- Unstoppable Rage: In episode 17 when Erio is badly injured and she sees their new home is being torn to pieces. She doesn't appreciate this.
Erio Mondial
Voiced by: Marina Inoue
The only boy to be actually active in Season 3. Erio is revealed to be a product of "Project F", like Fate. For that reason, Fate adopts him so that he won't suffer the way she did as a child. He is a close range combatant and uses the lance-like device Strada.
He is close with his partner, Caro ru Lushe, and seems to have a crush on her.
Tropes associated with Erio:
- Adorably Precocious Child: In StrikerS.
- Badass Longcoat
- Bishonen: In Vi Vid. Even more pronounced in Force.
- Big Eater
- Blade on a Stick: Strada is a spear.
- Defusing the Tykebomb: The manga shows how they found him in the lab as a very young child. He was driven mad at being "nothing" and attacking everyone. Fate was able to calm him down.
- Dragon Rider: Later in the series, he rides on Fried's back and by the end, he can ride Fried himself. He's even referred to as such unlike Caro.
- Expy: Of Brooklyn "Bullet" Luckfeld.
- Gratuitous German: His device Strada.
- Fragile Speedster: He learned from Fate, and while he has a good selection of attacks, he isn't as physically strong as Subaru.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: In StrikerS, Caro was complaining about Erio "stealing her height", cut to Vi Vid and Caro barely comes up to his shoulders, cut to two years later in Force and Caro only comes up to his chest.
- Informed Ability: He's the first to reach B-Rank, being there at the start of the series (unlike Caro, who starts at C+, and Subaru and Teana, who reach it some time between Episode 2 and 3), and is described as a natural talent, but has fewer impressive moments than his fellow forwards.
- Not Quite Flight: Can propel himself through the air with Strada's rocket boosters.
- One Head Taller: This phrase is used to describe his height in comparison to Caro’s in the Movie Sound Stage. He keeps getting taller after that.
- Redheaded Hero
- Replacement Goldfish: Like Fate, he was cloned to serve as a replacement for a child who had died.
- Thanks for the Mammary: Erio & Cario's first meeting. Merely awkward for a bit, possibly because they're both ten.
- The One Guy: Not counting Zafira, who's not human and inexplicably remains only in his wolf form for all of Season 3. In Sound Stage M3, he notes that some people envy him for being this, but that it's often difficult for him as seen in one episode where he impatiently waits for the female Forwards to get out of the shower. Further highlighted in chapter 11 of Vi Vid, where everyone else is having some fun in the onsen, Erio simply contents himself with helping Lutecia's mom prepare dinner as he's not a peeking pervert.
Vivio Takamachi
Voiced by: Kaori Mizuhashi
Note: This section is for tropes introduced before Vi Vid. For the rest, see Vivio's entry in the ViVid character sheet.
A Mystical Waif originally found by the Forwards crawling out of the sewers while chained to a case containing a Relic. She wakes up looking for her mama and, before long, comes to identify Nanoha and Fate as her mother figures. However, she is later gets kidnapped by Jail and his Numbers and it is revealed that Vivio was actually the clone of the Sankt Kaiser, the saint king (actually queen) of Ancient Belka. In the final battle of StrikerS, she is forced by Quattro to fight Nanoha against her will. Eventually, mother and daughter are reunited after Nanoha unleashes her most comprehensive befriending to date. Thereafter, Nanoha formally adopts Vivio.
By StrikerS Sound Stage X, she is a librarian of the Infinity Library, and is being taught magic by Yuuno. In spite of their involvement with her kidnapping, she has become great friends with Lutecia and the reformed Numbers. At the end of the Sound Stage, she makes friends with Ixpellia, a ruler from Ancient Belka.
Vivio is the main character of the ViVid manga.
Tropes associated with Vivio (pre-Vi Vid):
- Clone Crystal Dragon Jesus
- Cloning Blues
- Damsel in Distress: Not her fault -- she was only six at the time.
- Expy: Her status and role in the plot of StrikerS is very similar to Irui Ganeden in Alpha 2.
- Fashionable Asymmetry: In addition to her Mismatched Eyes, she is also copying her mother's hairstyle while in Adult Mode, with a single sideways pigtail.
- God-Emperor: As the Sankt Kaiser of Belka, she is this by right if not in point of fact.
- Happily Adopted: By Fate and Nanoha, which have to be the coolest adoptive parents around.
- Has Two Mommies: Fate and Nanoha. According to one short side story she gives Nanoha presents on mother's day and Fate - on father's day, which she calls "second mother's day".
- Improbable Age: A librarian in the Infinity Library in third grade. Lampshaded by Otto as being improbable in-universe.
- Mismatched Eyes: Right eye green, left eye red - the traditional "boat lights".
- Mystical Waif
- Only One Name: Until she is adopted by Nanoha. She then takes on her family name in Japanese order, unlike most other Mid-Childian names, which are in Western order.
- Painful Transformation: In StrikerS, her forced transformation into Sankt Kaiser form is extremely painful.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Though not by her own will.
- Picky Eater: Dislikes green peppers at first, but gets over it by the time Riot Force 6 disbands.
- Plot-Relevant Age-Up: For the final battle.
- They Call Me Mister Tibbs: Initially insisted on not being called "your majesty", but eventually comes to accept people like Otto and Deed, and later, Chantez doing it with her.
Lutecia Alpine
Voiced by: Natsuko Kuwatani
A summoner with the ability to summon insects. She helps Scaglietti in order to find Relic XI, which she needs to awaken her mother from her coma. After the battle, she lives on an isolated world with her mother.
Tropes associated with Lutecia:
- Badass Adorable
- Badass Bookworm: Enjoys reading and knows Ancient Belkan.
- Caught the Heart on His Sleeve: The non-romantic wariant. Lutecia persuades Zest to take Agito along this way, believing that they're Not So Different.
- Dark Magical Girl
- Defeat Means Friendship: Becomes friends with Erio and Caro after losing to them.
- Emotionless Girl: In StrikerS.
- Even Bad Girls Love Their Mamas: Bringing her frozen mother back is her primary motivation.
- Evil Counterpart / Shadow Archetype: For Caro. Setting aside the Magical Girl vs Dark Magical Girl relationship, Lutecia and Caro were both separated from their families by circumstances beyond their control and both are gifted with tremendous magical abilities. The difference between them is that Caro was adopted into a loving family, while Lutecia was not so lucky.
- Genki Girl: In Vi Vid, she makes up for her previous emotional suppression. In spades.
- Heel Face Turn
- Identical Stranger: Looks enough like Vice's little sister (whom he accidentally shot in the eye) that she is able to get close enough to severely wound him when he experiences a flashback.
- Knight of Cerebus: She was actually quite ruthless while emotionally supressed, and her presence made the Hotel Augusta battle significantly more difficult than the train mission.
- Luxury Prison Suite: Ends up living in a nice house on a pleasant-looking planet with her revived mother. The only restriction seems to be that she can't leave the planet until her sentence is served. In Vi Vid they even let her take part in the Inter-Dimensional Tournament, presumably with her limiters on.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: The TSAB estimated her threat level to be equivalent to a S-ranked mage.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Her eyes are dull red to start with, but they become blood-red when Quattro uses a Villain Override on her.
- Power Limiter: As part of her sentence, gets reduced to D rank.
- Stripperific: The new barrier jacket she wears for the Inter-Middle Tournament in Vi Vid. It opens above her belly button and has nothing covering her nether region, so her panties are on full display all the time Strike Witches style.
- Summon Magic: She summons insects, from swarms of small flyers to one the size of a building. Her summon spells can also be used for teleportation.
- Villain Override: Quattro is able to force her to fight when Erio and Caro start trying to convince her to let them help her. It takes them a LOT to snap the kid out.
- You Gotta Have Lavender Hair
Sword Spirit of Blazing Flame
A fire elemental Unison Device who works with Lutecia's group. She was found by them in a research facility, that they raided and taken in by Lutecia's request. She typically serves as Zest's unison and later, Signum's. She becomes part of the Yagami family after the events of StrikerS.
Tropes associated with Agito:
- Cute Little Fangs
- Fiery Redhead: Literally, since her powers are fire-based.
- Fusion Dance: With Zest and later Signum. Unsurprisingly, she's much more compatible with the latter.
- Genki Girl: As of Sound Stage X, her personality is... much more upbeat than in the StrikerS anime.
- Good Costume Switch: In Vi Vid and Force, she wears a one-piece Barrier Jacket that bears some resemblance to Signum's, in contrast to her fairly skimpy StrikerS outfit.
- Kinky Cuffs: Works well when put in the same room as her new, dominant master, Signum.
- My Master, Right or Wrong: She's only truly loyal to Zest and Lutecia, not Scaglietti. That just happens to put her against Section Six. Switches sides before the end of the final battle when Zest asks Signum to take care of her.
- No Name Given: At least until Lutecia gives her one. It only takes 37 attempts to get one that Agito agreed with.
- Playing with Fire
- The Rival: Initially hated Rein for having a Lord while she did not, but after joining the Yagami family, this becomes a sort of friendly sibling rivalry.
- Tsundere: Typically somewhat irritable toward the Numbers, but more affectionate toward Lutecia and Zest. Shows a dere side towards Signum in Force, when complimented on the quality of her work.
Zest Grangaitz
"What about the justice of ours that we spoke of. Where is it now?"
A knight who was formerly part of the TSAB. He and his team were killed, while investigating the Combat Cyborg project. It later turns out they were set up to test the first batch of Combat Cyborgs and higher level Gadgets. The Zest in StrikerS is a clone of the original, created by Scaglietti. He wishes to find out why he and his subordinates were betrayed.
Tropes associated with Zest:
- Badass Longcoat
- Blade on a Stick: His weapon of choice.
- Cloning Blues: He essentially sees himself as having died and being alive for a short time before he dies again.
- Expy: Zengar Zanvolt, the Sword that Smites Evil.
- Failure Knight: Protects Lutecia partly because her comatose mother, Megane, was once one of his subordinates.
- Living on Borrowed Time
- Incurable Cough of Death: Complete with Blood From the Mouth. This is due to being an imperfect artificial mage. He asks Signum to give him "an honourable death" in battle before he succumbs.
- Lightning Bruiser: Definitely qualifies seeing as he can keep up with Signum (a bonafide Lightning Bruiser herself) with little effort.
- Resurrection Sickness
- Sempai-Kohai: Signum suggests that she could be considered his kohai, since he once worked in the same branch.
- Suicide By TSAB Agent: After he has confronted his former ally and completed the only goal he has in his second life, Zest says he has one more thing to do and attacks Signum. He bequeths Agito to her with his dying breath, and is happy to have received an honorable death.
- Wrecked Weapon: In their final confrontation, Signum slices his Device in half.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Due tells him this after killing Regius. He then subverts the trope by killing her in a short and offscreen "battle".
Jail Scaglietti
Voiced by: Ken Narita
Having obtained the fruit called knowledge, a burning ambition was ignited in his heart. And so, he sneered at the world and experimented with it.—Cinque, StrikerS Sound Stage X Disc 2 Track 07, "Solitary Thoughts"
The Big Bad of the third season. A Mad Scientist with a passion for biological manipulation and the lost, forbidden magics and technology of Ancient Belka and Al Hazred, he's also an Artificial Human created by the TSAB Council under the project "Unlimited Desire", which moulded that passion into him. While an interdimensional-criminal for his science-related crimes, he is secretly under the TSAB's funding and employ in their hopes of acquiring Lost Logia level weapons. He plans and eventually launches a surprise, wide-scale terrorist attack on the Time-Space Administration Bureau, succeeds in destroying several key installments such as the Ground Forces HQ, and almost succeeds in taking down the entire TSAB itself if it wasn't for the efforts of Riot Force Six.
While a Mad Scientist to the core, he has a soft spot for his twelve Numbers, whom he regards as his masterpieces and treats with kindness and care. While several of the Numbers has since joined the Time-Space Administration Bureau, he has no feelings of ill will towards them for their decision and they still consider him as their kind and passionately-driven genius of a father.
A very dangerous individual, he is currently incarcerated in the maximum security orbital prison of uninhabited world No. 9, Gryuen. In short, Jail is in... jail.
Tropes associated with Jail:
- A Father To His Cyborgs: A thoroughly evil man he might be, but he really does care for the Numbers and considers them his children, an affection they reciprocate. At least, this is the image he projects. Towards the end of StrikerS he seems to conveniently forget he'll lose three of them if Quattro successfully self-destructs the base he's in.
- Artificial Human
- Big Bad: For season three.
- Cloning Gambit: In the creepiest way imaginable.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Took quite a few precautions to make sure his evil plan would not be easily foiled.
- Expy: Bears a number of similarities to Ingram Prisken, down to betraying his masters and creating an Opposite Gender Clone of himself.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: His only redeeming quality is that he views the rest of the Numbers as his children, and he genuinely cares for them. Even the redeemed ones.
- Evil Laugh
- Eyes of Gold
- For the Evulz / For Science!: Researches the forbidden sciences and plays with life for the sake of it. Hard to blame him though, the TSAB Council made him that way.
- Gone Horribly Right: Turns out he was created by the heads of the TSAB so they could have their own mad scientist. Unfortunately, they did a little too good of a job on that "mad" part.
- Hannibal Lecture: Jail delivers one of these to Fate during their final showdown. Erio and Caro help her overcome it.
- Knight of Cerebus: It's all fun training and blowing Gadgets up before he show up.
- Large Ham: Tends to speak dramatically all the time.
- Mad Scientist: It pretty much defines him. Because he was made that way.
- Meaningful Name / Vehicular Theme Naming: Scaglietti was a coachbuilder for Ferrari with a namesake car... just like Fate Testarossa and Erio Mondial, products of Project F.
- Parental Incest: An unusual example, though still thoroughly creepy. His escape route in the event of things going horribly wrong involved impregnating the Numbers Cyborgs, some of whom were made using his own genetic material and all of whom he had raised as his own daughters, with rapidly-growing clones carrying copies of his mind. Yuck.
- Pet the Dog: In Sound Stage X, he gives the TSAB information about Ixpellia. In exchange, he asks for wine to carry out a Libation for the Dead, to pay his respects to the dead Number Due.
- Psychotic Smirk: Pretty much his default expression. He's even doing it in mid-air, destination stone wall, at the end.
- Turned Against Their Masters: See Gone Horribly Right.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
The Numbers
He collected all kinds of knowledge, from the legacy of Ancient Belka to the magic and technology of every time and place, and demonstrated their immense power by creating life. And the 12 daughters who served as his greatest masterpieces were born and started a revolution.—Cinque, StrikerS Sound Stage X Disc 2 Track 07, "Solitary Thoughts"
These twelve Combat Cyborgs created by Jail Scaglietti serve as the Quirky Miniboss Squad. They are unique in that they do not use any of the conventional types of magic or devices at all, instead relying on their Inherent Skills and specialised equipment, which are completely unaffected by anti-magic fields.
Tropes common to the Numbers:
- All There in the Manual: Most of their character development in StrikerS was relegated to supplementary manga and audio dramas. As a result, watching the anime in isolation can be quite confusing and makes them seem rather shallow.
- Amazon Brigade
- Anti-Villain: Due and Quattro aside, they're not outright malicious. Uno is debatable, but she's calm and polite at the very least.
- Artificial Human
- Cyborg
- Heel Face Turn: After the final battle of StrikerS, Cinque, Nove, Dieci and Wendi are adopted by the Nakajima family, and Sein, Otto and Deed join the Saint Church.
- Latex Space Suit: Except for Uno.
- Numerical Theme Naming / You Are Number Six: Each one has a number, and a name derived from the Italian word for that number.
- Only One Name: Despite this, Cinque, Nove, Dieci and Wendi are all adopted by the Nakajimas, and take on "Nakajima" as their family name
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- Super Soldier
- Tyke Bomb: Somewhat unusual in that the doctor did treat them as a family, rather than minions, for the most part.
The only number not to wear the standard blue bodysuit, Uno is the first of the numbers, and an Opposite Gender Clone of her creator. Her powers largely relate to the discreet gathering of information. Also does the Doctor's hair. Appears to be a little suspicious of Quattro, for good reason.
Tropes associated with Uno:
- Affably Evil: She's quite polite to Zest and Lutecia, and even shows concern about them in the field, but has no visible qualms about inserting the relic into Vivio.
- Eyes of Gold
- Opposite Gender Clone: Of Jail.
- Technopath: Her Inherent Skill "Flawless Secretary" enables her to hack into any computer network with her mind.
- The Cracker: Her IS allows her to tap into any computer network.
- Mission Control
- Undying Loyalty: To Jail.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
A shapeshifter assassin with artificial claws. Especially ruthless. Regarded as a role model by Quattro. Killed by Zest after killing Regius.
Tropes associated with Due:
- Big Damn Villains: Killing the High Council and Regius goes a long way towards making sure the Bureau doesn't repeat their mistakes.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Curb Stomp Battle: Seemingly killed very quickly off-screen by Zest.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Finger-Lickin' Evil
- For the Evulz
- Humanshifting: Due can shapeshift thanks to her Inherent Skill "Liar's Mask", but she can only assume humanoid form.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: It's hard to see her killing the TSAB High Council as a bad thing, given they were the ones who created Jail in the first place, creating the season's conflict.
- Master of Disguise
- Moral Myopia: If Quattro is to be believed, she cares for her sisters, and hoped to meet the younger ones after completing her mission, but has no problem with killing anyone else.
- The Mole: Infiltrates the TSAB before the story begins, which is why you don't see her until the final episodes. The younger cyborgs have never met her.
- Wolverine Claws: Her weapon of choice are metal claws. Great for backstabbing.
The combat leader of the numbers. She can fly by means of three pairs of ethereal wings. She is a match for Fate in speed, but, as it turns out, not much else. She can use her wings as weapons in melee but lacks the attack power and distance attacks of the original model.
Tropes associated with Tre:
- Aloof Big Sister: Tends to chastize her younger sisters for their failures, but it's suggested in her Sound Stage X character profile that she also worries about the ones who are free. She also seems to consider Fate as part of her family, despite their... conflicting relationship.
- Boobs of Steel: She's the most endowed of the Numbers, and also one of the most dangerous in a straight-up fight.
- The Dragon: One of the stronger Numbers, and Fate is forced to deal with her before she can capture Scaglietti.
- Eyes of Gold
- Flight: One of the few Numbers capable of independent flight.
- Fragile Speedster: Though not nearly as much as Fate or Erio.
- Male Gaze: We see her backside before we see her face.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Power Gives You Wings: Ride Impulse causes small purple wings to form on her wrists and ankles.
- Super Strength: Her added muscular power is ranked as "S+".
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: She hits the majority of the common attributes with her aloof demeanor, attractive looks, and impressive height (second-tallest character in the series, behind the towering Zest). The only thing that doesn't fit the trope is her short hair.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Voiced by: Chiwa Saitou
"A weak life that can't do anything is no different from an insect's. No matter how many you kill, more will just keep being born. Playing with them and abusing them, throwing them in a cage and watching them suffer... It's so much fun!"
Illusionist and electronic warfare expert. Her cutesy appearance and personality belies the truly nasty piece of work underneath.
Tropes associated with Quattro:
- Bullying a Dragon: Yeah, it's definitely a good idea to push Nanoha's Mama Bear instincts to the extreme. It's not like she can blast you into oblivion for it...
- The Chessmaster: Smug Snake status aside, Quattro's not a novice at chess-playing. And people are her preferred pawns.
- Dragon Their Feet: Justified. Direct combat isn't her thing, so she was in charge of operating the Cradle and was hiding away in the most inaccessible part of the ship.
- Dragon Ascendant: She was Jail's backup plan in the event he got caught and all his other cyborgs were defeated. Like all of them she carried his clone in her womb, and could/would have used it to create a mini-him had Nanoha not been around.
- Establishing Character Moment: Her first appearance consisted of her disguising a fleet of gadget drones from Riot Force 6's sensors, and her first spoken words could basically be translated to "dance puppets, dance!":
"These lies and illusions are going to make you dance for me."
- Evil Costume Switch / Evil Is Sexy: The change is of Aizen-like proportions.
- Eyes of Gold
- Fan Girl: Of Due, the other contender for "most sadistic among the Numbers."
- Faux Affably Evil: She's totally cute and lovable... when other characters are watching her.
- Flight: Quattro, like Tre and Sette, is able to fly without wings.
- For Science!: Her stated motivation, though equally importantly...
- For the Evulz: She seems to love being nasty to others just for the hell of it.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul
- Four Is Death: Of all the cyborgs, she is the most sadistic and dismissive of human life.
- Hate Sink: Her repulsive Smug Snake Bitch in Sheep's Clothing demeanor, as well as her gleeful cruelty, really makes her one of the most hated characters in the Nanoha franchise. Which makes her eventual fate at the hands of Nanoha all the more satisfying.
- Kawaiiko: The personality she puts on in front of the other Numbers to disguise her real self.
- Girlish Pigtails: Like the glasses, she gets rid of them before the final confrontation.
- Purely Aesthetic Glasses
- I Shall Taunt You: Delivers a rather impressive one that hits all of Vita's Berserk Buttons during the Numbers' first battle with Riot Force 6.
- Kick the Dog: See You Have Outlived Your Usefulness. And there's what she did to poor Vivio and Lutecia.
- Lack of Empathy
- Manipulative Bitch
- Master of Illusion: Or at least, that's what she thinks she is.
- Meganekko: Subverted big time. She doesn't even need them, and promptly ditches them after all the other Numbers have been defeated.
- Oh Crap: Her reaction when she realizes that Nanoha is about to shoot her down.
- Sibling Seniority Squabble: Doesn’t seem to accept that Cinque is older than her, and calls her "Cinque-chan" rather than "Cinque-neesama."
- Smug Snake: Her real personality.
- The Strategist: Is this for the Numbers in the field. During her debut battle alone she orchestrated a surprise attack by fleet of gadget drones, rescued a captured Lutecia and Agito, and would have killed Shamal and Vice had Nanoha and Fate not shown up at the last second. Oh, and she worked in a well-aimed taunt at Vita while doing the latter two simultaneously.
- Technopath: Her IS works by manipulating electrons; she uses this to do quite a few impressive hacking feats.
- Troll: She told Otto to keep her gender a secret just to screw with the other Numbers.
- Villain Override: Does this to poor Lutecia when it looks like Caro and Erio are about to convince her to pull a Heel Face Turn.
- Villainous Breakdown: See Oh Crap above.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: After Scaglietti and the Numbers inside the hideout are defeated, she activates the self-destruct mechanism, noting that the defeated Numbers are "losers". Weakly justified, in that she was trying to blow up Fate with them... except Fate wasn't even a direct threat to her at the point.
Voiced by: Marina Inoue
In spite of her number, Cinque is actually slightly older than Quattro, having been activated first despite being completed second. One of the more combat-capable Numbers and the one responsible for killing Zest eight years before StrikerS, in a battle which cost her an eye. Cinque is calm, soft-spoken, and rather protective of her younger sisters. Her Inherent Skill, Rumble Detonator, allows her to make metal objects explode, as well as being able to materialise throwing knives. In Vi Vid, she seems the most pro-active of the former Numbers in law enforcement, and has a thing for oversized jackets.
Tropes associated with Cinque:
- The Atoner: Despite not expecting to ever be completely free in her lifetime, wants to do what she can to atone for her crimes.
- Badass Longcoat: It's actually an analog of the barrier jackets with an anti-magic field build in. In Force, she wears a white overcoat over her Bureau uniform.
- Big Sister Instinct
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Expy: May be one Gambit of X-Men. Both can make items they hold explode when they hit the target and both wear trench coats.
- Establishing Character Moment: Her first scene in the StrikerS anime shows her destroying the Ground Forces' HQ's shield generators, and doing an Unflinching Walk Out of the Inferno.
- Eyepatch of Power: Wears it over the eye she lost to Zest, but wears it less often in Vi Vid and her brief appearances in Force flashbacks.
- Keigo
- Knife Nut: Explosive throwing knives, at that.
- Little Miss Badass
- Older Than They Look: Older than most of the Numbers, and is officially noted as being Teana's age despite looking like a small child.
- Stuff Blowing Up: Rumble Detonator. She can activate it via finger snap.
- Sweet Tooth: Tells Genya in StrikerS Sound Stage X that she "loves sweets".
- Token Mini-Moe: Despite being one of the oldest of the Numbers.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- You Shall Not Pass: Villainous example in episode 17, where she holds the line to allow the other Numbers to escape with Ginga.
Voiced by: Kaori Mizuhashi
Able to swim through solid matter, and make any person or object she holds do the same. In spite of her goofy personality, she is one of the more effective of the Numbers, especially when they need rescuing.
Tropes associated with Sein:
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: The most quirky of the Numbers, with only Wendy coming close. Unlike her, she's one of the first to be called when backup is needed.
- Combat Commentator: In the mock battle in Vi Vid, along with Megane Alpine.
- Covert Pervert: Well, covert before Vi Vid chapter 11, anyway. Since then, she's acquired something of a reputation in the fandom.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Custom Uniform: Wears a short-sleeved nun habit.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Joins the Saint Church after getting her butt kicked by Schach.
- Intangible Woman
- Mutant: The third Sound Stage of StrikerS revealed that, unlike her sisters' Inherent Skills, her Deep Diver came from a mutation she had while being born. This is one of the reasons why she's quite prized by the Doctor since her getting such a rare ability was a very pleasant surprise.
- My Friends and Zoidberg: In one of the Sound Stages, while in lock-up, Nove does this to Sein when addressing the Numbers who want to reform, seeing her jumping in as being merely going along with the others.
- Nun-Too-Holy: Even after she becomes a nun, she’s not above groping several members of the cast. Vivio notes that she’s mischievious at times, but is a kind Sister.
- Nuns Are Funny: Considerably more laid-back than Deed or Schach.
- Perky Female Minion: The most cheerful of the Numbers, alongside Wendi.
- Power Perversion Potential: Puts her Deep Diver to use in groping the bathers in chapter 11 of Vi Vid.
- Skinship Grope: Does this to Teana, Corona and Rio in chapter 11 of Vi Vid.
- Super Senses: StrikerS Sound Stage X mentions that she has much better eyesight than an ordinary human.
- Supreme Chef: According to Lutecia
- Warrior Monk: In training.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Voiced by: Natsuko Kuwatani
One of the last Numbers to be activated, Sette is also the most robotic and subservient of the twelve, and is the only one of the younger sisters not to undergo a Heel Face Turn, although it is suggested that she, unlike Tre, Uno and Quattro, is undergoing a rehabiliation program in prison. Capable of flight, she complements Tre's melee abilities with her strong distance attack.
Tropes associated with Sette:
- Curtains Match the Window
- Emotionless Girl: The result of Quattro's efforts to "remove excess elements" of her personality before her activation.
- Flight: Like Tre and Quattro, Sette can also fly.
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: Her IS, Slaughter Arms.
- Satellite Character: Almost never interacts with anyone other than Tre.
- Training from Hell: She was put through a rigorous training program by Tre and as a result of this, has a deep respect for her.
- Younger Than They Look: The youngest Number, Sette is in fact barely past her first birthday when she appears. She is also one of three Numbers who appear to be adult women.
Voiced by: Shizuka Ito
Otto is a boyish Number whose looser bodysuit, masculine name and mode of speech tend to cause confusion about her gender. Her Ray Storm ability makes her a powerful distance combatant, but she lacks defensive abilities. She and Deed are considered to be "twins". They and Sette were the last of the Numbers to be activated.
Tropes associated with Otto:
- Beam Spam: Her IS, Ray Storm shoots devastating energy rays.
- Bifauxnen: Even some of Otto's sisters were unsure of Otto's gender, because Quattro told her and Deed to keep it a secret. In the manga it's also mentioned that Deed has been instructed to help Otto bathe, separately from all the others. It doesn't take too much imagination to figure out what Quattro's trying to do here.
- Bokukko
- Crossdresser: In Vi Vid, she's seen wearing a male butler uniform as part of her job for the Saint Church.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Easily defeats Shamal and Zafira with Deed's help during the attack on Riot Force 6's headquarters. In the final battle, Shamal and Zafira take her by surprise, and capture her before she has a chance to attack them.
- Emotionless Girl: Opens up a little by Vi Vid, though.
- Tomboyish Name: Justified due to the Numbers' names being based on Italian numbers.
Voiced by: Chiwa Saitou
Angry and aggressive, Nove has magic rocket-powered rollerblades with counter-rotating rings and a magic Power Fist like Subaru. Following her Heel Face Turn, in Vi Vid she has taken an active interest in martial arts, and acts as Vivio's Strike Arts instructor. She can also now transform between her civilian and combat form, like the regular magical girls with a device called Jet Edge.
Tropes associated with Nove:
- Alliterative Name: For extra alliterativey fun, both her designation and personal name. Number Nine, Nove Nakajima.
- Anger Born of Worry: Gets angry with Subaru for making her worry during the climax of Sound Stage X.
- Arm Cannon: Mounted.
- Cain and Abel: The Cain to Subaru
- Defeat Means Friendship: Becomes fairly close to Teana after losing to her, noting that it's thanks to her that she's on the path to redemption.
- Evil Counterpart: To Subaru -- the two have very similar equipment and abilities. It doesn't help that Subaru and Nove are genetically sisters, by virtue of being based on Quint's DNA.
Dieci: When Nove is in her pushy mode, you can really tell she's Subaru's sister.
- Eyes of Gold
- Fiery Redhead
- Moral Myopia: Gets angry when Subaru injures Cinque and swears vengeance on her, but conveniently forgets that Cinque had helped severely wound and abduct Ginga, causing Subaru to enter her Unstoppable Rage.
- Perpetual Frowner: Of the angry type, though she mellows out a bit between StrikerS and Vi Vid.
- Power Fist
- Purely Aesthetic Glasses: Apparently wears them in Vi Vid, and they look surprisingly good on her.
- Rollerblade Good: With leg gauntlets similar to Revolver Knuckle.
- Sibling Seniority Squabble: Finds it hard to accept that she's Subaru's younger sister.
- Tsundere: Despite often being irritable, she often shows a softer side toward those she cares about, like Cinque and Vivio. Subaru even points out that she's irritable around her, but nicer around her father and the rest of the people at the correctional facility.
- Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Averted with Ingvalt, though she was in her teenage form at the time.
- Xanatos Gambit: Planted a tracker on Ingvalt, during their fight, so they could catch her later if she lost.
One of the more morally conflicted of the Numbers, for which she is mocked behind her back by Quattro. Dieci basically lost the Superpower Lottery and is stuck with carrying [1] around. Nice girl, though.
Tropes associated with Dieci:
- The Atoner: Has a longer sentence (15 years) than any of the other reformed numbers besides Cinque, but still resolves to atone for what she has done.
- Cold Sniper: Subverted -- in spite of her apparently cold demeanor, she turns out to be quite conflicted about Jail's actions.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Towards the end of StrikerS, Nanoha knocks out Dieci with a single Excellion Buster after she activates the first level of the Blaster system.
Dieci: Is she really human?
- Curtains Match the Window
- Pet the Dog: Her doubts about using Vivio to power the Cradle serve to humanize her, in sharp contrast to her sadistic older sister Quattro.
- Rapunzel Hair: Her ponytail reaches to her knees.
- The Quiet One
- Small Girl, Big Gun: Her cannon is easily bigger than her.
- Super Senses: Her eyesight is extremely keen, befitting her combat role.
- Supreme Chef: One of the better cooks among the Nakajima sisters.
- Token Good Teammate: The only one who questions the morality of Scaglietti's plan prior to her Heel Face Turn.
Voiced by: Marina Inoue
A cheerful girl with a somewhat silly hairstyle, Wendi carries around a surfboard that serves as a gun, a shield, or a hoverboard. A versatile Number who is unfortunately not especially good in any one role. She and Sein are considered the most "human" and carefree of the Numbers, sometimes to the irritation of the others.
Tropes associated with Wendi:
- Adult Child: Even at around 18 in Vi Vid, throws a fit when she’s unable to go on the trip.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Defeat Means Friendship: Becomes fairly close to Teana after losing to her, noting that it's thanks to her that she's on the path to redemption
- Fiery Redhead
- Genki Girl
- Perky Female Minion: Cheerful, with a dash of psychosis -- during StrikerS she is always eager to get into battle. After her Heel Face Turn, she seems to be channelling this into an enthusiasm for martial arts.
- Skinship Grope: Does this to Deed in the manga.
- Sky Surfing: Can ride on her weapon like a surfboard.
- Small Girl, Big Gun: A given when you're using a surfboard as a gun.
- Stuff Blowing Up: She can use a technique similar to Cinque's to make metal explosive and detonate it by snapping her fingers.
Voiced by: Shizuka Ito
Otto's "twin". A dual-wielding close combat specialist who is extremely polite to most people. Joins the Belkan Saint Church after her Heel Face Turn.
Tropes associated with Deed:
- Beware the Nice Ones: Among the nicest and most polite of the Numbers, but don't let her catch you holding a sparring match with Vivio without her supervision.
- Covert Pervert: Apparently knows shibari ties.
- Dual-Wielding
- Emotionless Girl: Opens up a little by Vi Vid, though.
- Laser Blades: Her IS, Twin Blades.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Warrior Monk: In training.
Other TSAB staff and Belkan Saint Church
Ginga Nakajima
Subaru's beautiful, level-headed older sister, and later, also the older sister of Cinque, Nove, Wendi, and Dieci. She serves in Battalion 108 under her father, and is an investigator. Like Subaru, she has two Devices - a pair of rollerblades named Blitz Caliber, and the left gauntlet of their mother's Revolver Knuckle.
Tropes associated with Ginga:
- Action Girl
- Ancestral Weapon: Revolver Knuckle.
- Big Eater
Subaru: (In reference to the giant pile of empty lunchboxes behind Ginga) You don't seem to be eating much today, Gin-nee.
- Boobs of Steel: Notably better endowed than Subaru and proceeds to kick her younger sister's butt in one of the training episodes. Fortunately, Subaru later manages to "befriend" the brainwashed Ginga through a combination of determination and Evil Is Dumb.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: After being beaten to almost death and kidnapped by the Numbers, she is brainwashed by Scaglietti and forced to fight against Subaru.
- Cool Big Sis
- Cyborg: Like her sister.
- Face Heel Turn: Due to brainwashing.
- First-Name Basis: Proposes this for Runessa, whom she's met relatively recently, as a way of making it clear whether Rune's referring to her, her sister or her father.
- Full-Contact Magic
- Neck Lift: Does this to Subaru during their battle. Subaru managed to escape and do an attempted counter, which earned her a one-handed slam into the ground.
- Power Fist: Revolver Knuckle.
- Redemption Promotion: The other way around - brainwashed Ginga was unable to use any of her learned magical abilities. She could only use her Inherent Skills.
- Rollerblade Good
- Sixth Ranger: While working with Fate on the Jail Scaglietti case, she takes part in combat training with RF6, and takes part in one of their missions.
- This Is a Drill: One of Ginga's attacks, which has been given the rather apt Fan Nickname "Ginga Drill Breaker".
- You Are Number Six: While brainwashed, she wears a bodysuit like those worn by the Numbers, bearing the numerals "XIII". Additionally, Jail refers to her and Subaru as "type-0 prototypes", and some of the imprisoned numbers call her "Thirteen" in English.
- You Gotta Have Indigo Hair
Genya Nakajima
Subaru and Ginga's father, a Major and leader of the 108th Battalion, where Hayate served at some point between the airport fire and the present.
- Men Don't Cry: Averted in a flashback image of his wife's funeral.
- Mentor: To Hayate, who continues treating him like a superior officer despite having outranked him.
- Non-Action Guy: The only male in the Nakajima family prior to Touma, and the only one without any form of magical power.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
Regius Gaiz
A high-ranking general in the Bureau’s Ground Forces and old friend of Zest. He opposes the creation of Mobile Division 6, and tries to get it shut down. It’s revealed that he was one of Scaglietti’s primary contacts in the Bureau.
Tropes associated with Regius:
- Beard of Evil
- Being Evil Sucks: Realizes this when he finds out that Zest is looking for him.
- Fat Bastard
- For Great Justice: His original motivation. He told Zest that because he has no magical power, he will strive to gain authority in order to help protect justice, but ultimately lost sight of that goal along the way.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Due runs him through with her claws while disguised as a Bureau officer.
- Interservice Rivalry: Tries to get Section 6 shut down and believes that the Navy keeps getting all the good mages.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: His desire to defend Midchilda from terrorist attacks drove him to support Jail's research in the hope of increasing the power of the Ground Forces. Needless to say, this was a bad idea.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Killed by Due during the final battle.
Auris Gaiz
Regius' assistant and daughter, pictured with him. Loyal to Regius and holds just as much contempt on Section 6 as he does.
Tropes associated with Auris
- My Commanding Officer Right or Wrong: She sometimes questions Regius' decisions, particularly building the Einherjar and his absolutist stance on criminals, but stands by him and tells Hayate that she's in no position to question his contributions to the Bureau.
Shario Finieno
Voiced by: Shizuka Ito
One of Fate's aides.
Tropes associated with Shario:
- Bridge Bunnies
- Meganekko
- Shipper on Deck: When the forwards get a day off, she tries to set up Erio and Caro on a date.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Is her nickname Shari, Shirley or Sally? Her name is sometimes also spelled Celio Fenino.
Vice Granscenic
Voiced by: Yuuichi Nakamura
A marksman and helicopter pilot for Riot Force 6.
Tropes associated with Vice:
- Friendly Sniper: Cheerful, personable, laid-back, and can snipe the head of a running target from a moving helicopter even though there's an ally obscuring his line of sight.
- I Can Still Fight: Goes out to fight in the final battle despite having been unconscious for a week.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: Is able to hit Deed inside a building from a distance where neither she nor Teana can see him.
- My Greatest Failure: As a result of a missed shot on his part, his little sister was blinded in one eye, resulting in a Heroic BSOD and a severe reluctance to ever snipe again afterwards. Both of them get better in time for the final battle.
- Sempai-Kohai: Teana and Alto refer to him as their sempai in StrikerS Sound Stage X.
- Weak but Skilled: He has even less magical power than Teana, but is a formidable marksman nevertheless.
Carim Gracia
Voiced by: Nao Takamori
The leader of the Belkan Saint Church. She is a close friend of Hayate, whom she views as a younger sister. During StrikerS, Carim is one of Riot Force 6's sponsors, along with Chrono and Lindy.
Tropes associated with Carim:
- Cassandra Truth: Regius Gaiz continually ignores the Church's warnings about Jail's attack on the Ground Forces HQ.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: In contrast with Regius Gaiz.
- Vagueness Is Coming: Her ability, Prophetinschriften, was clearly made with this trope in mind. It allows her to see the future... in the form of ancient Belkan poems. Needless to say, the poems are extremely difficult to translate and interpret accurately.
Schach Nouera
Carim's personal assistant and a nun in the Saint Church. She is also friends and sparring partners with Signum.
Tropes associated with Schach:
- Battle Butler: Dedicated to protecting Carim and Verossa.
- Blow You Away
- Church Militant
- Dual-Wielding: Her device, Windenschaft, is pair of tonfas.
- Expy: A redheaded militant with good connections with Signum. Fights with tonfas and can control winds. Sounds like we've got ourselves a counterpart of Axel Almer, to go with the Lamia counterpart.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: Despite being AAA-ranked and as good with a sword as Signum is, describes herself as weak.
- Stern Teacher: To Verossa, and later to Sein.
- Teleporters and Transporters: Skilled with movement magic and able to teleport through walls.
- You Gotta Have Magenta Hair
- Zettai Ryouiki
Verossa Acous
Voiced by: Daisuke Ono
An inspector for the TSAB. He was adopted into Carim's family in his childhood, and is also good friends with Chrono and Hayate. He has the rare Belkan skill known as Infinite Hunt, which summons magical dogs that can be used for reconnaissance and combat.
Tropes associated with Verossa:
- Badass in a Nice Suit: He is always seen wearing a suit.
- Brilliant but Lazy: Often skips or is late for work, but is an excellent investigator.
- Hell Hound: His special ability, Infinite Hunt, allows him to summon whole packs of ghostly green dogs.
- Internal Affairs: Inspectors like him are assigned to each branch, independent unit, and administrated world to conduct investigations into potential abuse of power by Bureau officials. Verossa in particular is assigned to Riot Force 6, which is staffed with a lot of ex-criminals.
- Mind Probe: Used on Uno.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
- ↑ Seriously, that's what it's called.