Legend of the Blue Wolves

Summary (from Anime News Network): In 2199 A.D. overpopulation has forced the human kind to adapt in other planets. For almost 100 years the human race has thrived and lived happily in their new home. However everything ended the day humans took over Pluto; to the humans unfortunately fate a new race was discovered known as the apocalypse, a creature that uses the human brain as its source of knowledge and energy for their own mechanical bodies. Now the humans must fight in order to survive. As a last resort the humans send off trained soldiers in order to reestablish Pluto and get rid of this new threat to mankind.
At the base, lieutenant Jonathan Tyberius and Leonard Schteinberg fall in love after many tragic events, however the two new lovers were forced to go on their own separate ways because of the dreadful war?
Warning: Contains explicit sex scenes, rape, castration, uncensored genitals...
Still, much Better Than It Sounds.
- Bara
- Big Brother Complex: Leonard. See Freudian Excuse and Intimate Psychotherapy.
- Bury Your Gays: Poor Leonard. By Jonathan's hand, no less.
- Depraved Homosexual: Captain Continental. And his subordinates.
- Downer Ending: As punishment for his attack on Captain Continental, Leonard is shipped out to the front lines after one night of passion with Jonathan. When Jonathan next sees him, he's become a monster, and Jonathan is forced to kill him.
- Freudian Excuse: Leonard's Big Brother Complex is a product of him losing his little brother (who conveniently resembled Jonathan) when he was younger.
- Gonk: See above. Or rather...don't...
- Good People Have Good Sex (Leonard and Jonathan)
- Groin Attack: Leonard castrates Jonathan's rapist
- Intimate Psychotherapy: Tender comfort-sex for Jonathan after he is raped, and it helps Leonard get over his "I couldn't save my little brother" angst owing to Jonathan's convenient resemblance. Surprisingly, it's not as forced as other examples...
- Lecherous Licking: Captain Continental licks Jonathan's face shortly before raping him.
- Names to Know in Anime: Takehito Koyasu as Jonathan, Toshiyuki Morikawa as Leonard. Such things shouldn't be surprising: not only Koyasu is EVERYWHERE, but male seiyuu don't have much problem playing BL or hentai roles to further their careers. A job is a job, you would say.
- Non-Indicative Name: The story has nothing to do with legends, or blue wolves.
- Perverted Drooling: While Captain Continental was preparing to rape Jonathan, he appears to just wipe drool off of his face.
- Porn with Plot: There's quite a bit of detail in the character interaction. Arguably it's more of a gay romance anime than true porn since it's probably hard to enjoy the 'good' sex scenes right after seeing Continental get castrated.
- Rape as Drama: Once. But it's implied that the Continental has committed more rapes in the past...
- Rape Is Love: Averted.
- Seme: Leonard. Although much less rapey than the type usually is.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Jonathan.
- Uke: Jonathan, though more willful and oustpoken than the standard. And not really a Keet, either.
- What Could Have Been: There were supposed to be 3 sequels to this OVA, but the company went bankrupt, so this is all we get.