Klaanon/Characters/Members Four
This section deals with members of Bio-Clan beginning with Q to V.
Santor... Or rather, SUPER Toa SANTOR is the Toa of Iron who will never give up the chance of announce his name and action, preferably WITH EMPHASIS.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Large Ham: What did you expect from a guy calling himself SUPER Toa SANTOR?
- Mighty Glacier: One of the larger and stroger members around.
- Worf Effect: ... Still got knocked out by a Feterra.
Snowman is a very peculiar member of the Clan. He resembles an actual snowman, also a Toa at the same time. Nobody knows what he is or where he even came from, to the point where it seems even he himself has no idea. Though due to his soft and peaceful personality, nobody seems to mind(mostly).
- Adorkable
- The Chick
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Snowman may not even be his real name, but he and everyone still calls him that.
- Nice Guy: Very quick to make friends and a team player. He is probably the most passive and harmless character in the story.
- Non-Action Guy
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Kepe, though half the time the relationship seem a little... close.
- Super-Hero Origin: Parodied. He claims to be originally an ordinary snowman given the powers of a Toa stone. Needless to say, not many people buy it.
- The Pollyanna
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Akin to Clayface, his body is made out of snow(or atleast it looks like snow) and can thus change his shape at anytime.
A Toa who has almost completely lost his elemental powers. Despite that, he still keeps his duty as a Toa and serves as one of the important figures in Bio-Clan. He also happens to be the only one who Killjoy can befriend along with Visokki.
- Badass Normal: Completely relies on his swordfighting and combat skills.
- Blue Oni Red Oni: Blue to Killjoy's red.
- Ideal Hero
- The Kirk: To Killjoy's McCoy and Visokki's Spock.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: Despite his knightly image, he has never truly recovered from Toa-Dark Hunter War, which leads to...
- Stepford Smiler
Toa Squadron Angoranger
Angoranger are quite possibly the most quirkiest members in Bio-Clan (and that is saying alot). While on paper they seem to be an ordinary Toa team composed of six warriors, led by Toa Takama but commanded by Same. What makes them special however, is their tendency to wear garish full body suits, announce their presence in the most unsubtle ways possible and make various poses while doing so. Also, something explodes behind them. A lot.
- Affectionate Parody: Of Super Sentai, or Sentai in general.
- Asskicking Pose: Their very purpose.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Pohak.
- Cool Old Guy: Kowambra.
- Cowardly Lion: Lehatu.
- Da Chief: Moderator Same serves as one, often begrudgingly so.
- Finishing Move: STORM BOMB.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Toa Takama / Red Toa
- The Lancer: Toa Bokrujuh / Pink Toa, also double as The Smart Guy of the group.
- The Smart Guy: Kowambra / Blue Toa, also double as The Mentor occasionally.
- The Big Guy: Pohak / Yellow Toa
- The Chick: Lehatu / Green Toa
- The Gunslinger: Kowambra Type A, thanks to his Kanohi.
- Hot-Blooded: Takama is a Toa of fire, and lives up to that name quite well.
- Idiot Hero: Takama isn't exactly the sharpest heroes around.
- In the Name of the Moon: All five together, Toa Squadron ANGORANGER
- Knife Nut: Bokrujuh's weapon of choise will always be a supply of throwing knives.
- Neat Freak: Pohak.
- Neutral Good: Borders on Chaotic Good half the time, though.
- Older Sidekick: Kowambra is the oldest member in the team.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Lehatu with Pohak.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Pohak slightly thinks too highly of himself, but he is quickly called out on it.
- Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: Bokrujuh's name will never be lived down, much to her dismay.
- The Smurfette Principle: With Bokrujuh
- Super Sentai Stance
- Tsundere: Type A with Bokrujuh, particularly when Takama's antics are involved.