< Klaanon < Characters

Klaanon/Characters/Members Three

This section deals with members of Bio-Clan beginning with K to P.

Toa Kapura

Kapura is a Toa of fire and blacksmith by profession. He is a quiet and peculiar warrior with a shade of a conspiracy theorist.


Keetongu or Tongu is one of the last Saffron Giants, a cycloptic Rahi race driven to the brink of extinction by the Visorak. He is the main engineer and commander of Bio-Clan's steampunk Fleet. Tongu is a jolly good strange gorilla person with a deep love for Humppa music, but mess with his machines and you'll get a face full of fist. Giant gorilla fist.

Toa Kepe

Kepe is a Toa of Ice hailing from Artakha, but was separated after numerous adventures and wind up as a member and technical support for Bio-Clan.


"Killjoy" is a dodgy character with an equally dodgy backstory. Originally built as a Vahki prototype meant to invoke the image of a Toa, but due to a Toa stone lodged inside him grew into a self-aware and partially organic creature, until many unfortunate incidents left him as a bitter and vengeful cybernetic [1] soldier and one of the most important members of Bio-Clan.

Toa Kupe

A chief surgeon, doctor and healer of the Bio-Clan medical department, Kupe is a stoic Toa of fire who puts his patients to the very top of his priority list.

  • Combat Medic
  • The Medic
  • The Stoic: Whether we're dealing with demonic parasite jaybirds or a Nazorak bombing raid, Kupe keeps his head cool and hand steady.

Toa Kyber

Toa of Sound, armed with an axe that also doubles as an electric guitar. Yes.

Makuta Nui

A scientifically talented but possibly insane Makuta who helped Abzumo in the creation of the Nazorak. Though seemingfully mainly a comical character, it is hinted that he is driven by his resentment of his responsibility for the Nazorak, as well as his hatred of Abzumo.

Matoro TBS

A Toa of Ice and probably the most traditional hero in Bio-Clan, along with Sugan. He also has a harpoon

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