This page is for the four administrators and leaders of the Clan.
Toa Tawa
Tawa, a Toa of Lightning is the de facto leader and founder of Bio-Clan. Sharing a past with the Makuta of Metru Nui and having seen enough evidence of the evils of the world, she founded a organisation which pledged to provide protection and help for anyone who needs it.
- Action Girl
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Not only the number one in command in Bio-Clan, but also single-handedly apprehended a Toa of Shadow and finished off a Feterra with minimal effort.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Badass Bookworm
- Chess Motif: Referred to as "the White Queen" by Avde.
- Code Name: Occasionally "The Boss".
- A Mother To Her Men
- Heroic BSOD: A brief one triggered by the parasite.
- Lady of War
- Lawful Good: One of the purer examples, but ultimately chooses good over law.
- The McCoy
- Ship Tease: Tawa's and Guardian's interaction are that of an old married couple. Needless to say, the forumgoers got quite excited over this.
- Shock and Awe
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: She dreams of a society where all races of the Matoran Universe can live in peace.
Visokki is one of her kind, a telepathic and highly intelligent Visorak. She is Tawa's oldest friend and the secondary leader of Bio-Clan. Her past and how she came to be is a mystery, but she has a strange sense of justice.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Through her telepathy she can understand and sympathise with even the vilest of individuals, but God help you if you really tick her off.
- Ceiling Cling: Comes with being a Visorak.
- The Empath
- Intellectual Animal
- Neutral Good
- Number Two: To Tawa.
- Mission Control: Occasionally with the help of her telepathy.
- Mind Rape: Perfectly capable of inflicting this.
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much: Much unlike the feral and beastly Visorak race, Visokki is one of the most peaceful characters.
- Put on a Bus: Been in one since her disappearance. A subversion since through her telepathy she's still a powerful presence in-story.
- The Spock: To both Killjoy's McCoy and Suga's Kirk AND Tawa's McCoy and Guardian's Kirk.
- Talking Animal: A subversion: It's not speech.
- Telepathy: Because of her spidery mouth, this is basically her only means of communication. Arguably the most powerful telepath in the story.
- Undying Loyalty: Again to Tawa, but heavily questioned after he disappeared with Avde.
Guardian is a Skakdi and a veteran of the Zakazian Civil War - from the losing side. After having lost his clan and one of his eyes to a group of warlord Nektann's bounty hunters, he joined the Dark Hunters to gain help in hunting down the bounty hunters. After finishing off his rampage of revenge, he left the Hunters, only to have to find protection from them in a newly formed Bio-Clan.
- Bar Brawl: When Zakaz boozers fill up his fellow Makuta Nui's cheating in a card game.
- Chaotic Good
- Colonel Badass
- Combat Pragmatist: Bringing a gun to a fist fight should tell something.
- Dead Little Sister: Not literally, but his brother in arms, Roqce, plays this role in his backstory.
- Deadpan Snarker: Oh ho ho, yes. Half the time this seems to be his default mode of communication.
Guardian:"You should consider a career as a Naming Day clown. Much more fitting."
- Eyepatch of Power: He can fire plasma from his prosthetic telescope-eye.
- The Gunslinger: Type D, the Quick Draw.
- Handicapped Badass: Lost an eye in the Civil War.
- Hollywood Atheist: The Zakazian Civil War washed him clean of any beliefs.
- I Call It "Vera": Played rather straight: His Watchman Rifle is named after Roqce, his comrade in arms.
- The Kirk
- Knight in Sour Armor: His experience during the war has certainly tainted his world view, but don't expect that to taint his sense of justice.
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much: Unlike the usual stereotype of the Skakdi, Guardian has a sense of justice and is bound by morals.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Once managed to sneak out of the Clan with the brilliant disguise of USTRAUG, THE UNIMPORTANT.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Inflicted this on the Skakdi mercenaries who killed his clan.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran
- Ship Tease: See Tawa's entry.
Ämkoo is a former member of a group of Toa Knights who followed a samurai-like code and offered their protection to many islands. After killing a powerful unnamed Makuta, he absorbed its essence, gaining its powers - but also the broken and insane remains of the Makuta's mind. This made Ämkoo neither Toa or a Makuta, but something potentially more powerful. After Ämkoo's fellow Toa were either killed off in combat or took their own life for their honor, the Toa knight found new meaning to his life in the protection of Bio-Clan.
- Anti-Hero: Type II or III.
- Animal Motifs: Birds.
- Authority in Name Only: Despite his title, he doesn't seem to care about his duties in the least.
- Badass: Oh yes.
- Big Damn Heroes: His first appearance is him big damn heroing the crap out of First Lieutenant 955 before the roach can kill Snowie & Kepe.
- Chess Motif: He's the white bishop.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Enemy Within: The broken remains of the Makuta he killed waiting inside him.
- Good Is Not Nice
- Named Weapon: His sword, Aeon. Later uses his former master's sword Genesis.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: The Nazorak call him the Sword Demon. That should tell you something about him.
- Handicapped Badass: Lost his sword arm in his first fight against the Marionette.
- Ronin: According to Word of God, he is supposed to invoke this image.
- Training from Hell: His unbelievable fighting skill is suddenly way more believable when you consider what Turaga Bakmei put him through.