
This brainchild of a Finnish Bionicle forum originated as a text based role playing game, but quickly cascaded into a massive multi-author fanfiction epic with a complex plot, an enormous cast of characters and a tight update schedule. The story is unfortunately only currently available in Finnish. It can be read on the Finnish Bionicle forum Bio-Klaani.

Klaanon tells the story of an organization called Bio-Clan, a group of war refugees, retired adventurers and all sorts of outcasts. Led by Toa Tawa, the members of Bio-Clan seek to live in peace, but their island is attacked by the evil Alliance. Once so beautiful forests are turning into battle zone, as the Alliance, a coalition of united enemies of Bio-Clan start conquering the island. But the plot thickens as mysterious Avde enters the playing field, and the chase for the fragments of an ancient artifact and a powerful weapon called Nimda begins.

Tropes used in Klaanon include:
  • Affably Evil: ZMA may be vile and despicable, but unmannered he certainly isn't.
    • Also Avde, of course. He is manipulative and devilish, but hasn't spoken a single lie, probably.
  • Affectionate Parody: The story never gives up an opportunity to poke fun of some of the more weirder aspects of Bionicle, although sometimes occational Take Thats are thrown around.
  • Ancient Tomb: Many of Nimda shards have been hidden into ancient tombs.
  • Another Man's Terror: Happened on Temple of Delta with Puppets.
  • Alien Blood: Even it's created from Lego story ment for kids, it's extremely bloody.
  • Apocalyptic Log: "Diary" of Tarip the Rusteye in Temple of Delta.
  • Arc Number: The repeating appearances of 6 were initially parodic in nature, as every group in the Bionicle universe seems to automatically have six members. However, recent events considered there might be something more sinister behind this.
  • Arc Words: "The mind is the most powerful weapon."
  • Artificial Limbs: They're everywhere. Everywhere!
  • Author Avatar: Given how it is a text-RPG originally, it's kind of inevitable to have these. However, most of the self-inserts seem to be limited to the creator's username and a few similiar characteristics.
  • Badass: Comes in all flavours thanks to the massive cast of characters.
  • Battle in the Rain: Happened in Xia.
  • The Blank: The Marionette has no face. Neither do Makuta Abzumo's engineers.
  • Bond One-Liner: More than we can count.
    • "Time to seal the grave, iron bastard."
    • Lampshaded with Guardian, who couldn't come up with one.
    • Done again with Matoro and Suga, who mock each other's one-liners.
  • Beneath the Earth: The Workshop
  • Big Damn Heroes
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Ath-Koro, anyone? "NIMDA! NIMDA!"
  • Breather Episode: While most of the characters are fighting dark forces Snowie and Kepe walk around the island of Bio-Clan and gather information from the island's past.
  • The Chessmaster: There are some examples on both sides.
  • Chess Motif: In the game Avde and Zorak are playing, it would appear that white represents Bio-Clan and black the Alliance. Some characters have specific confirmed roles.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: Makuta Abzumo enjoys this way too much. Most notably with Gekko.
    • Also, what appeared to be scientific research by ZMA on Makuta Nui turns swiftly into this.
  • Combat Medic: Kupe, a Toa-warrior who is also a surgeon. Ang magic healer.
  • Cool Boat: SS Ironwing, the flagship of the Nazorak Empire is a floating fortress
  • Cool Plane: Bio-Clan's very own Fleet consists of steampunk planes and zeppelins armed with machineguns.
  • Cool Old Guy: So much that almost every Turaga in the story is one. Turaga Niddi and Turaga Bakmei are very straight examples, and The Oracle is by description quite old for a Matoran, but still an effective warrior monk.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Goddamn everyone. You'd be hard-pressed to find even one character that doesn't have an outlandish quirk.
  • Darker and Edgier: Bionicle had the restriction of being a children's series. Klaanon doesn't. The violence is much more brutal, the universe is portrayed in darker, more realistic ways and veterans of the Zakazian Civil War can be seen drinking to their misery. Luckily the story doesn't go all the way into grimdark and still manages to retain a sense of humor and lightheartedness.
  • Dark Is Evil: Both played straight and completely subverted. There are evil and completely despicable characters with Shadow as their element, but Makuta Nui is right in the dark and one of the heroes.
  • Deconstruction: This to Bionicle itself. When it's not a Reconstruction or an Affectionate Parody.
    • Specific examples; The story examines how Skakdis' genetic alterations to bloodthirsty warriors and centuries spanning conflict would do to it's society, the after effects of Toa-Dark Hunter war, how something as evil and eldritch as the Makuta would effect on people and why Zyglaks' hate Matorans (and pretty much everyone else) as much as they do. All of this tend to paint Skakdis and Zyglaks a more sympathetic light, in contrast to how the canon potrays them as Exclusively Evil.
  • Demonic Possession: Snowie and the creepy parasite.
  • Disc One Final Boss: First Lieutenant 955.
  • Doesn't Like Guns: Considering the high level of technology, this seems to be the only reason why so many of the characters fight with swords and spears instead of firearms.
  • Eldritch Abomination: The writers love this. Avde's true form is very much portrayed as one. The Makuta are this under all of their charming chessmaster facade, and there's even a rare heroic example in the form of Makuta Nui.
    • And to drive this really, really home, some of the Zyglak worship Rhak'elakk, which is basically a tentacled Elder God with a single truth-seeing eye.
  • Every Scar Has a Story: Or more like every prostethic bodypart has a story.
  • Evilly Affable: Makuta Abzumo may be the biggest monster in-story, but he also gets some of the best lines.
  • Fate Worse Than Death: The Puppets.
  • Five-Man Band: There are multiple examples, but the most obvious one would be the gang returning from the frozen island and Ath-Koro.
  • Flash Back
  • The Ghost: Avde's mysterious employer hasn't been seen yet. Or he has, but we just failed to notice him.
  • Glory Days: Matoro and Umbra seem to miss their advenurous pasts.
  • Guarding the Portal: The Workshop is not only a storage, but also a mysterious dimension under the Bio-Clan fortress.
  • Guilty Pleasures:
    • Ämkoo, the mysterious and super powerful shadowy katana warrior is a coffee addict.
    • Manu, the insane demi-god and brilliant scientist sure enjoys his cup of tea and some nice organ music.
  • Hallucinations: Kredipselleeni, maaaan.
  • Healing Factor: Matoro has a healing stone in his armor
  • I Call It Vera: Old Turaga Niddi has a shotgun with nickname. It's Verak.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: The Christmas episode was a cascade of these.
  • Kick the Dog:
    • First Lieutenant 955 did kill an island folks whose only action in the story wast to host a karaoke contest. He also nearly killed Snowie and Kepe, pretty much the only good guys who don't fight.
    • Makuta Abzumo: Goddamn everyone.
  • La Résistance: The Zyglak's might count as this for the Bio-Clan. They are the comrades in arms being all guerilla and stuff. It's their island also.
  • Lava Pit: The temple of Epsilon, one of the fragments of Nimda, was filled with lava.
  • Leave No Witnesses: First Lieutenant 955 had been ordered to kill everyone in Ath-Koro.
  • Lighter and Softer: Where it counts. It's very, very rare when something can be both this and Darker and Edgier. Some of Klaanon's trademark goofy humor and silliness like riding a biomechanical tapir into battle could never have made it into the main Bionicle storyline.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: For they are numerous. Big time.
  • Mexican Standoff: When a bunch of Bio-Clan members are taken to the Nazorak's flagship SS Ironwing, everybody starts pointing guns at everybody.
  • Name's the Same: No, Matoro and Kapura in this story have nothing to do with the ones in the canon. And neither does Keetongu or Guardian.
  • Neck Snap: Moderator Same does this to a pilot of a crashlanded Nazorak bomber.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Ämkoo and Snowie only found a fragment of Nimda so that The Marionette could steal it.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • Snowie's flashbacks with torture and Guardian, argument and Domek, and evil Skakdi and a cigar do leave some questions to be answered.
    • Turaga Niddi is a living and breathing Noodle Incident.
  • Obviously Evil: The Nazorak Empire. Fascist roaches are not the good guys.
  • Opening Narration
  • Playing with Syringes: The Nazoraks are trying to create a better version of themself.
  • Putting on the Reich: The Nazorak Empire is humanoid cockroaches following Nazi creed. Let's put that on the table right now.
  • The Reveal: What is Nimda, after all? Answer: A Kanohi mask.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Tawa's pet Ussal Crab, Nöpö, is possibly the most innocent little thing imaginable.
  • Sky Pirate: Ghekula and Taku.
  • Superpower Lottery: Toa Kapura's mask is an unstable activator of basically random elemental powers.
  • Talking in Your Dreams: Avde has a habit of getting into other people's heads, mostly during dreams. Sometimes, it's just literal head-getting.
  • Teasing Creator: Holding back vital information about the Feterra from the reader when some of the main characters already know it is going into straight-up trolling levels.
  • Temple of Doom: The temple of at least two fragments of Nimda have been totally unpleasant to visit.
  • Training the Peaceful Villagers: Bladis is trying to make an army out of ordinary Bio-Clan members.
  • Trash the Set: The attack of the Feterras, the nightly bombing raid.
  • War Is Hell
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: A very central theme.
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.