Here in My Arms
Sometimes, what people don't realize is that by trying to defy Fate they are actually falling into its plan. And Fate was not yet done with Tsukune Aono.—Closing Sentence of Chapter 1
Here in My Arms, which can be read here, is a Rosario + Vampire fanfiction story by Plantinumsabr. One faithful day, Tsukune finally takes the plunge and admits his feelings to Moka (both of them). However, Inner Moka turns him down on the account of their different races (he's human, she's vampire), or at least can never be her equal. Tsukune feels alone and rejected, Moka is ashamed of herself, and the other girls are alternating between pity and rage over what has happened. Days later, Tsukune makes a 'do or die' ultimatum, as its the only way he can make himself Moka's equal; become a Vampire.
The result was unlike anyone had expected, as he gained the unique powers of a Blood Sage; the ability to use the powers of Ayashi through the blood they drink. Tsukune spends the next few days trying to adapt to this change and Moka gives him a chance for reciprocate his feelings; to beat her in battle.
The story is well received of being one of the best Rosario + Vampire stories out there, as many reviewers agree the buildup, character interpretation, and genre elements are strong and amazing. The most noteworthy feat of this is the colorful and emotional romance segments.
See Rosario + Vampire for tropes surrounding the original story, anime, and manga.
- All Your Powers Combined: The main kick of being a Chi no Kenja / Blood Sage.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: Doubling as a Tear Jerker. When both Inner and Outer Moka turns down Tsukune's confession, saying that he will never be their equal.
- And I Must Scream
- Badass Boast: "You Bitch!" "I'm going to redefine what you think of pain!"- Alexander Valentine
- Too bad, it didn't get him that far though.
- Berserk Button: Just because Tsukune is now a vampire doesn't mean you shouldn't mess with his Nakama. It means you're going to PERSONALLY deal with him.
- Big Bad: Shaping up to be Shuzen
- Boring Invincible Hero: HEAVILY averted.
- Break the Badass: After delivering a Curb Stomp Battle and a intense Mind Rape to the Valentine brothers, Tsukune breaks down crying, angry at the fact that they have mocked the pain that he and his True Companions have suffered throughout the years. Also doubles as a Tear Jerker.
- Break the Cutie: Moka breaks down into tears after discovering Tsukune became a vampire and that she turned down his Love Confession for nothing.
- Brought Down to Badass: After Tsukune recieves his rosary.
- Subverted as he can still use his powers, albeit not all of them.
- Enemy Mine: Tsukune and his True Companions have an uneasy truce with the Valentines.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He's not really evil, but Vincent Valentine really loves his wife.
- Familiar: Rei
- Flaming Sword: Cerberus
- Good People Have Good Sex
- Heroic BSOD: Tsukune suffers this twice. The first one was when he was rejected by Moka, and the second one has a slight mix of Berserker Tears and Unstoppable Rage, after he learned that Moka and Kokoa are being pulled out from the academy by their father and realizing that he has no money whatsoever to support his new 'family'.
- Hotter and Sexier
- If It's You It's Okay: Mizore states that her love for Kurumu and the other girls' in the group is more this than Bi the Way
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Rei, she doesn't really care what other people think of her.
- Love Redeems
- Luminescent Blush: Rei gets one after realizing that she's getting aroused at the thought of Tsukune becoming a 'suitable partner'. She denies it, leading her to somewhat of a Tsundere status.
- Kiss of the Vampire
- Mind Rape: What Tsukune does to the Valentine brothers.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Tsukune's reaction when he almost sucked Mizore's blood dry.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Tsukune recieves one from one of the vampire brothers in their first fight.
- Oh Crap: Inner Moka's reaction during their battle when Tsukune decides to not hold back anymore.
- Older Than They Look: Isabella 'Ivy' Valentine
- Actually she's Really Seven Hundred Years Old.
- Power of Love
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: Tsukune gives an awesome one when he was about to get dangerous with the vampire brothers.
- " Now, let me show you why the level one boss never shows up in level two…". Certified CMOA.
- Reality Ensues: Even though he's a very powerful vampire now, Tsukune eventually realizes that you can't live a good life without having any money.
- The Cameo: Vincent Valentine, Isabella "Ivy" Valentine and Evangeline Athanasia Katherine Valentine née McDowell
- The Generic Guy: How Tsukune sees himself, and how the opening chapter thoroughly describes of him. Until he Took a Level in Badass, that is.
- Power Echoes: Inner Moka, as well as Vampire!Tsukune
- Tempting Fate
- Tenchi Solution: And how! This story falls closer to elements of Polyamory than most.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Tsukune, while unsealed.
- Would Hit a Girl: Alexander Valentine