Tsukuyomi Moon Phase
Kouhei Morioka, Black Sheep of a family of powerful psychics and spiritualists, has less spiritual energy than the average Muggle. In his job as photographer for an occult magazine he encounters Hazuki, a young girl trapped in a castle by a magical barrier (Kouhei is so lacking in spiritual energy that the barrier didn't notice him). After he promises to help her out of her confinement, she insists on giving him a "kiss," then bites him on the neck.
Now, usually in this story when a vampire bites a human, the victim loses all free will and becomes the vampire's slave. This doesn't happen with Kouhei (spiritually retarded, remember?). This doesn't keep Hazuki from acting like it did and throwing a temper tantrum when he doesn't humor her.
Anyway, Kouhei smashes the crystal making the barrier, gets Hazuki out, and she spends the rest of the series living with Kouhei and his grandfather in the grandfather's shop, and fighting off attempts to bring her back to her prison by other vampires.
- Accidental Kiss - Episode 21
- Adorable Abomination - Hazuki when in Luna form.
- Animal-Eared Headband - Hazuki and sometimes other characters.
- Anti-Magic - Kouhei, who can't cast magic but is also impervious to it.
- Black Blood - Red blood is okay for vampire bites, but blood from very serious wounds (like, say, a hole dug in someone's chest) is black.
- Badass Abnormal - Count Kinkel, Kouhei.
- Badass Normal - Kouhei's grandfather is this.
- He does have the same spiritual powers as a lot of humans in the cast do, to be fair...
- Bland-Name Product - lots of it, often containing cat-related puns (Nyapporo beer, Nyankus convenience store). Notable others include Kouhei's Ninolta camera, and Hazuki flying Riftnanza Airlines.
- Episode 20 ends on a picture with Hazuki holding a camera. Of course it's a "Neko".
- Bottle Fairy - As it turns out, Hiromi.
- Bratty Half-Pint: Hazuki, least at the start of the series. She cools down later as she get to know Kouhei.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall - Closer to "shattering". The end of Episode 25.
- Catgirl - Parodied
- Cultural Translation - The English dub replaced the closing trailers' horrid Japanese riddles with horrid English riddles. Apparently there's a law of Conservation of Corny involved in the translation process.
- Cute Little Fangs - Hazuki; also Hikaru from time to time.
- Cute Monster Girl - Hazuki, Artemis.
- Dojikko - Kaoru. Her gigantic glasses don't do much good, it seems.
- Drop the Washtub - Done liberally throughout the whole series. Various characters will get bonked on the head numerous times by one whenever they do something remotely stupid. It's all for the Rule of Funny, and at one point one character actually realizes exactly what he's saying, and catches the tub.
- Taken absolutely Up to Eleven when the entire HOUSE of the cast gets bonked by a giant washtup.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita - Hazuki
- Enemy Within: Luna, Hazuki's "true" form.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Hazuki is a vampire princess and later there's Artemis, Hazuki's half-sister.
- False Camera Effects - Strange things happen all the time, but one of the best examples has nothing to do with the camera itself. Instead it happens when a microphone hangs in the view as if the audio assistant had a weak arm and no one noticed during editing. Also a spotlight is standing around for no reason at all.
- Faux Paw: Hazuki does this especially in the opener.
- Fight Unscene - Several of the fights in the anime, rather annoyingly, cut away from the action to show a piece of landscape or architecture while you can hear the fight going on. A lot of this issue was fixed for the DVD release, leading to some confusion between groups of fans who have only seen one version.
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampires - Hazuki [kinda], Elfriede
- Genius Loci - Vigo, the butler who serves Hazuki in Schwartz Quelle castle, also apparently IS the castle.
- Go Mad from the Revelation - Kouhei experiences this temporarily after his powers let him see Hazuki's true form).
- Heel Face Turn - Elfriede, Artei
- Hermetic Magic
- Hime Cut - Hazuki and Heidi.
- I Hate You, Vampire Dad - Read the Complete Monster comment above.
- Inverse Law of Utility and Lethality
- Kick the Dog - Pretty much everything Count Kinkel does.
- Kiss of the Vampire
- Magical Girlfriend, doubly subverted
- Mega Manning - Vampires each have a unique ability that other vampires can borrow with a sip of blood, or steal permanently with a fatal drain. Hazuki's copyable ability is not dying when exposed to sunlight, hence her importance in the eyes of other vampires.
- Meganekko - Elfriede and Kaoru.
- Meido - Hiromi, when captured and put under mind control, is dressed in a maid costume for no particular reason.
- Miko - twins Hikaru and Kaoru. Hazuki gets a turn as one too.
- Moon Rabbit - The opening makes a bit more sense if you know about the Rabbit on the Moon and its mortar.
- Name's the Same: I can think of another pair of wealthy twins named Hikaru and Kaoru.
- Nobody Poops - "This cat has no rectum!"
- Not Herself
- Our Vampires Are Different
- OVA: Up and Down, In the Sun, Floating Away...What Is It?
- Punk in the Trunk One way Hazuki avoids sunlight while traveling
- Religion Is Magic
- Rose-Haired Girl - Artemis, but she's actually a loner, subverting the Genki Girl type that would be usual for a Rose-Haired Girl.
- Scary Shiny Glasses - Most frequently Elfriede, but Seiji and even cute little loli Miko Kaoru flash them on occasion. Also notably, Seiji has one short scene where only one of his lenses is shiny and it's not played for sinisterness.
- Something Completely Different - The last episode takes place in the middle of the ocean for no good reason. One of the characters is driven insane by how little sense this makes.
- Super-Powered Evil Side - Mistress Luna, for Hazuki
- Surprisingly Good
EnglishFrench! - the ending theme- Not so suprising considering Dimitri from Paris is a music producer/DJ named Dimitri whom hails from Paris.
- Surreal Theme Tune - Well, it's Studio Shaft after all.
- The Thing That Goes Doink - at the Kyoto shrine where Hikaru and Kaoru and their big wealthy family live.
- Took a Level in Badass (Kouhei, from chapter 20 and onwards, suddenly becomes a powerful mage after submitting himself to months of Training from Hell.
- Tsundere - Hazuki is a classic Type A towards Kouhei.
- Weirdness Censor: Episode 26 exaggerates this beyond measure. To explain, the house the cast lives in is floating in the middle of the ocean, and about from Seiji absolutely no one finds this particularly strange. They even laugh at him for trying to convince them that this situation is bad.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Heidi fighting a CROW.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes? - in episode 18:
Hazuki: "Blob monsters?! Why did it have to be blob monsters? I hate blob monsters!
- Widget Series: Studio Shaft were the ones that did the anime. The opening alone is pretty much a head scratcher.
- Zettai Ryouiki - Elfriede. Combined with Opera Gloves for maximum Squee.