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Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Characters/The Vongola Family

Vongola Bosses

Vongola Primo (Giotto)

The first Boss and founder of the Vongola family, Giotto was a benevolent man who accepted people of all kinds regardless of their background. Despite his youth, he turned the Vongola into a major power, before retiring and moving to Japan. Giotto is shown to have possessed the Dying Will flame, and special gloves like Tsuna's. He and Tsuna are identical.

Vongola Secondo (Ricardo)

Second head of the Vongola. Unlike Giotto, he was very violent and ruled through fear. First holder of the Flame of Wrath, which Xanxus also possesses. He and Xanxus look remarkably alike.

  • Bad Boss: He's revealed (from what little we know of him) to be almost identical to Xanxus in personality - which can only mean one thing: he's one hell of a Bad Boss.
    • According to the Ninth, the Vongola started getting more and more violent following his take-over and have been going downhill ever since. He's basically responsible for the Family's fall from grace.
  • Energy Ball
  • Tall, Dark and Handsome
Vongola Terzo

Third head of the Vongola. Wielded a dagger.

Vongola Quarto

Fourth head of the Vongola. He apparently dreamed of being a chef, but was made Boss instead.

Vongola Quinto

Fifth head of the Vongola. Used a katar.

Vongola Sesto (Simora)

Sixth head of the Vongola.

Vongola Settimo (Fabio)

Seventh head of the Vongola and father of Daniela. Created the Dying Will Gun (also used by Xanxus) because he had a weak flame.

Vongola Ottavo (Daniela)

The only female Vongola leader to date. Wielded a crossbow. Timoteo's mother.

Vongola Nono (Timoteo)

The current Boss, and adoptive father of Xanxus. When Xanxus tries to stage a coup, he freezes him and chooses Tsuna as his successor. Xanxus later kidnapped him and sealed him inside Gola Moska, almost leading to his death at Tsuna's hands. He survived however.

Vongola Decimo (Tsunayoshi)

Vongola Primo's Guardians

The original members of the first Vongola Family, formed as a vigilante group that existed to protect people. The Guardians were from diverse backgrounds as Vongola Primo took in anyone he liked such a royal, clergy and a part of a rival family.

All guardians provides example for these tropes:

    • Big Damn Heroes: All but Spade for Cozart Shimon and his family, as shown in a flashback.
    • Bishonen: And HOW!
    • Generation Xerox: The Tenth Generation Family greatly resemble the First Generation Vongola Family in appearance and personality--even to the point of using the same weapons! Some are more apparent than others.
      • Alaude is basically a European Hibari, adding to the list in Hibari look alikes with Fon.
      • Lampo looks a lot more like Future Lambo in the anime. Interesting that he resembles the adult Lambo appearance-wise but is more like kid Lambo in maturity.
      • Daemon Spade has more in common with Mukuro than Chrome, adding more evidence to the speculation of who the real Tenth Generation Mist Guardian is.
      • Partially subverted with Knuckle as his first appearance resembled more like Yamamoto than Ryohei. Apparently, putting a Pointless Band-Aid (in the anime and some manga appearances) solves this.
    • Hair Colors: Aside from D. Spade, it seems the main way to make these Guardians stand out from the current Generation is giving them completely different hair colors. Some even correspond to the types of flames they have.

The Vongola's first Storm Guardian. Primo's childhood friend and eventual right-hand man in the first ever Vongola family. Initially uses a gun as a weapon but wields a bow and arrow when carrying Vongola duties.

Asari Ugetsu

The Vongola's first Rain Guardian. A Japanese musician who sold his instruments for swords without hesitation when the Vongola was in danger. Calm and speaks in a very formal tone.


The Vongola's first Thunder Guardian. A spoiled coward hailing from a royal family, Primo would force him into battle.


The Vongola's first Cloud Guardian. An aloof person who is head of a secret agency in an unknown country. Has a tendency to distance himself from the family but does show benevolence and compassion at times.

In the manga, it's been revealed that he was Primo's strongest Guardian and was the first CEDEF external advisor.


The Vongola's first Sun Guardian. A champion boxer who accidentally killed an opponent in the ring, leading him to become a priest to atone for his actions, never taking boxing again. That is, until the Vongola family was in danger, giving himself three minutes to temporarily re-use his boxing skills.

Daemon Spade

The Vongola's first Mist Guardian. Daemon Spade is a fickle illusionist who would become a traitor to the First Generation Vongola.

Mysteriously appears again in the manga, under the guise of Shimon Family's Katou Julie, using Chrome as a hostage to get to Mukuro.

  • Affably Evil: To Mukuro, in chapter 329. "Would you like a cup of tea?"
  • All Your Powers Combined: On top of being a top notch Master of Illusion, Spade can control all of the Earth Flames and as of Chapter 338, possesses black versions of the Vongola Gears.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: Though he wasn't always. Evil, that is.
  • Ax Crazy: Implied, always in chapter 329. He orders Enma to "take Sawada's skull and crush it like glass", and then he laughs maniacally...
  • Badass Longcoat: A central piece of his new outift in the Inheritance Ceremony Arc.
  • Big Bad: Of the Inheritance Ceremony Arc.
  • Bodyguard Betrayal: Known as a backstabber to Primo. He's somehow back in the manga under the Shimon Family to betray Vongola again.
  • Body Horror: Seems to be happening to his body. With two large eyes on his legs and a large mouth on his side which he speaks out of.
  • Blue Eyes: Either type II (icy) or III (degenerate)..or maybe both.
  • The Chessmaster: Unfortunately, he lost against Mukuro. oh, wait, he did that ON PURPOSE, so that he could steal Mukuro's body, thus becoming more powerful than almost every character in the series.
    • Oh, and did I mentioned that the elimination of almost every family close to Vongola, the massacre of 12 CEDEF members and the death of Enma's family, resulting in the Shimon Family relation with Vongola being totally cut off, was all his doing?
  • Death Dealer: Uses playing cards when invoking various illusions.
  • Defector From Decadence: Daemon was a young aristocrat who was disgusted by the vices of his family.
  • Dissonant Serenity
  • Evil Laugh: "Nufufufufu.."
  • Foe Yay: Spade is very touchy-feely when it comes to Chrome.
    • And lets not even touch all the implications of his desire to posses Mukuro's body...
  • Freudian Excuse: Because the Vongola weakened their military forces, his lover was killed in the crossfire. This made Spade spend the next centuries trying to strengthen the Vongola to avoid this tragedy again.
  • Good-Looking Privates: He actually isn't part of the military in any way, but his outfit in the anime is very similar to a French military uniform. His more modern looking outift in the Inheritance Ceremony Arc, as well, looks suspiciously militar-like, due to the colour of the coat and those badge-looking decorations it has.
    • The outfit he has while in Mukuro's body is a dead ringer for this trope too.
    • His first and third outfits, along his lenses, are possibly justified by the fact he was an aristocrat- he was simply dressing in a way that was appropriate for the historical period and the social class he lived in.
  • Grand Theft Me: In the manga, he uses Julie as a vessel. He then plans to use Chrome as a means to take over Mukuro's body.
    • It worked.
    • in chapter 344, he himself admits that since his death he's been jumping from one body to another in order to spy the Vongola.
  • High-Class Glass: His Devil Lens seems to be designed after this.
    • Sort of justified, since he was an aristocrat.
  • Hypnotic Eyes / Evil Eye: Complete with a spade symbol on his right eye.
  • I Have You Now, My Pretty: All of his interactions with Chrome as Julie, from the kidnapping onwards, scream this trope.
  • Impossibly Cool Clothes: His new outft as of chapter 319, which includes black boots decorated by Too Many Belts and spades, fingerless gloves, an highly decorated belt, and a classical Badass Longcoat (with a hood added).
  • Keigo: Although, like in Mukuro's case, slightly less polite due to his use of kimi and occasionally omae.
  • Kick the Dog: When he's not acting like a flirtatious Lolicon around her, Daemon's rather sadistic towards Chrome.
  • Love Makes You Evil: Apparently Spade's whole decent into madness started due to the love of his life dying as a result of Primo's pacifism.
  • The Man Behind the Man: He's the one whose been pulling the strings throughout the entire Inheritance Ceremony Arc.
  • Manipulative Bastard: The man is somehow WORSE than Mukuro.
  • Master of Illusion: From being able to fool Arcobaleno, dispelling other illusions to cursing someone by looking through his lens- this guy is scary.
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Daemon Spade, was it?
  • One-Winged Angel: All signs point to Spade having one given that once he managed to steal Mukuro's body there's a tendency for him to suddenly gain eyes in random places as well as mouths as seen here.
  • Out-Gambitted: Primo somehow got wind of Spade's plot to kill Cozart, sent the rest of his Guardians to save him, and apparently succeeded. Spade was completely unaware of this until the memory of it was revealed when Kaoru forfeited.[1] Needless to say he wasn't happy...
  • Rapunzel Hair: Seriously. In Mukuro's body, he's got hair long enough to rival Squalo's. Becomes Prehensile Hair when he decides to choke Tsuna after he blasts him with a huge fireball made from all the flame he had left. Poor, poor Tsuna...
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Spade is somehow still "alive" despite having lived TEN generations ago. Being able to possess people probably has something to do with it.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Yes Spade, going crazy and manipulating/murdering countless people is exactly what your dead lover would have wanted you to do.
  • Sinister Scythe:With a Blade on a Stick on the other end for good measure.
  • Stalker with a Crush: At the beginning of the arc as Julie, he stalks Chrome, sometimes giving her more decent food and other items. Later, he kidnaps her, and tells Tsuna and co. that she's "in his bed.".
  • Slasher Smile:At the end of chapter 335, coupled with a terrifying Nightmare Face.
  • Visionary Villain: Daemon plans to make the perfect Vongola family, by any means necessary.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: With a slight variation of the pineapple hairstyle. A lighter shade of blue/teal in the manga while in the calendar's manga-based art it's purple.

Not actually one of Vongola Primo's Guardians, Elena was the daughter of a Duke and the lover of Daemon Spade. She was instrumental in the creation of the Vongola Family.

Vongola Nono's Guardians

Badass-looking group of attractive old (and young) men who serves as Timoteo's guardians. When they appeared half of the fandom rejoiced because finally they have a set of adult bishounen to ogle. The rest were not very excited because their appearance creates another plot hole. (see below)

All guardians provides example for these tropes:

    • Adults Are Useless: Where are they when Xanxus kidnapped Nono and almost killed him? Despite their badass appearance, none of them can do anything when Shimon family attacked. And all of them are clueless about the history of Vongola.
    • Unfortunate Names: All Nono's guardians are named after cakes or related words.

The members:

  • Coyote Nougat
  • Schnitten Brabanters
  • Brow Nie Jr
  • Visconti
  • Ganauche III
  • Bouche Croquant
  1. Keep in mind that means several centuries of assuming he'd won.
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